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Recent Notices from Tipperary County Council

Commencement Notices are only available for paid plan subscribers.

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PERMISSION Jan 31 TIPPERARY BOHERNAGORE WEST , CLOGHEEN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling house, domestic garage, effluent treatment system and percolation area, entrance and all other associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 31 TIPPERARY 12 BENGURRAH SQUARE , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY demolition of existing single storey rear extension and construction of a two storey rear extension and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 30 TIPPERARY BARTOOSE HOUSE BARTOOSE , EMLY , CO. TIPPERARY the as-built two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling house together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 TIPPERARY KNOCKANGLASS , BALLYMACKEY , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY. the construction of a dwelling house, septic tank and percolation area, upgrade of existing agricultural entrance, garage and all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 30 TIPPERARY TINAHALLA , CARRICK ON SUIR , CO. TIPPERARY the existing building as constructed. PLANNING PERMISSION for the construction of a manure pit, soiled water tank and a new splayed entrance from the public road and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 TIPPERARY ABBEYVILLE , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY the deconstruction of an existing rear domestic extension to the existing dwelling and the construction of a replacement extension; (2) the amendments to the existing window and external door openings and also to provide new window openings and all associated site development works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Jan 30 TIPPERARY BIRDHILL , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a new dwelling, wastewater treatment system, entrance & all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 TIPPERARY PALLAS MORE CARRIGATOHER , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a single-storey detached dwelling house, detached garage, wastewater treatment system, realignment of existing access laneway, site entrance, repositioning agricultural access gate and all ancillary site works thereto . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 TIPPERARY COOLEEN , BIRDHILL , CO TIPPERARY a new single storey house complete with a domesitc garage, effluent treatment system and a new site entrance . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 TIPPERARY OLDCOURT , TERRYGLASS NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of 3no. part two-storey detached dwelling houses on the footprint of former hostel building (now demolished), connection to existing wastewater treatment system, access roadway, site entrances and all ancillary site works within the curtilage of a recorded monument TN-006-025 . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 TIPPERARY FUSSOUGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a residential development consisting of five two-storey detached dwellings plus one single storey detached dwelling, each dwelling to be served by individual waste water treatment systems, a new site entrance plus all associated site services, site enclosures and site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY KNOCKNACONNERY , GREENHILL VILLAGE , CARRICK-ON-SUIR CO. TIPPERARY alterations to previously permitted development 22469 for 11 no. two storey dwelling units to include; raising of roof ridge line and pitch of roof in all units, new attic bedroom on third storey with new rooflights in 10 no. units, alterations to internal layouts to include home office and reconfig. More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY LEVEL CROSSING 22 HAYWOOD ROAD , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY demolishing the existing dwelling house and associated outbuildings, removal of rubble and site clearance . More...
RETENTION Jan 29 TIPPERARY KILLEEN , BORRISOKANE , CO TIPPERARY existing domestic shed and planning permission for a new wastewater treatment system including percolation area . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY BANNIXTOWN , CLONEEN , FETHARD the construction of a (i) slatted shed with loose area, (ii) walled manure area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY KILTINAN , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY the installation of a new wastewater treatment system and sand polishing filter and all site works associated with the development . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY MONROE , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY to construct a single-storey extension to the rear of dwelling, make modifications to the existing dwelling and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Jan 29 TIPPERARY SHESHERAGHMORE , BORRISOKANE , CO. TIPPERARY the advertising sign to the side of the road . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY GIANTSGRAVE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a single-storey domestic garage to the rear of the property and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Jan 29 TIPPERARY BALLYANNY UPPER , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY as constructed domestic garage . More...
RETENTION Jan 29 TIPPERARY BALLINAHALLA , CLOGHEEN , CO. TIPPERARY (i) the demolition of derelict detached storage building and (ii) its replacement with a detached portal frame steel structure - to the rear of the dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY BURGESS WEST , BALLYLOOBY CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY the erection of a single story dwelling, with driveway using existing road entrance, new septic tank and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY KNOCKANGLASS , COALBROOK , THURLES the construction of a first floor extension to side and dormer extension and rooflights to rear, to raise the existing chimney by 600mm and for internal alterations to existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY FLANAGANS BAR , BALLINA QUAY BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY to erect a marquee for seasonal use (May to September) and all associated site works within the grounds of Flanagans Bar (A Protected Structure) . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY BARNAHOWN , ARAGLEN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a single storey dwelling, garage, septic tank with percolation area, entrance and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY CAHERHOEREIGH , CARRIG , BIRR a proposesd two-storey dwelling, domestic outbuilding, a proposed septic tank and percolation area, all associated siteworks, including a proposed site entrance . More...
RETENTION Jan 29 TIPPERARY APARTMENT 383940 LOWERGATE , MAIN ST. , CASHEL CO. TIPPERARY change of use of ground level commercial units to 3 apartments, including alterations to external elevations and all necessary services . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 TIPPERARY LISSENHALL , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a new single storey dwelling house, domestic garage, entrance, waste water treatment and disposal system and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 TIPPERARY KNOCKEEVAN , CLERIHAN , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY the erection of a dwelling house, double entrance, driveways, blocking up existing entrance, treatment system and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 TIPPERARY TULLAHEDY , NENAGH , CO TIPPERARY for the erection of a 24m lattice telecommunications support structure on a 1.2 metre high raised foundation (providing an overall height of 25.2 metres) together with associated antennas and dishes and to remove the existing 15 metre lattice telecommunications structure. The proposed development is. More...
RETENTION Jan 28 TIPPERARY THE OLD BARRACKS , BIRDHILL , CO. TIPPERARY a garden seating area and all ancillary site works. The works are in the curtilage of a protected structure (Ref. no. TRPS 711) . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 TIPPERARY MCDONALD'S , BY PASS COIS CARRIG , PARKMORE ROSCREA the installation of 2 no. electric vehicle (EV) chargers and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 TIPPERARY 5 BOHERNANAVE , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY renovations and an extension to the rear of house with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 TIPPERARY KNOCKANNAVEIGH , NEW INN , CASHEL COUNTY TIPPERARY 1) a 2 storey extension to the rear of existing 2 storey house, 2) additional floor area to existing front porch and refurbishment of existing dwelling house including revised fenestration, 3) demolition of existing flat roof rear kitchen extension and existing separate garage structure, 4) propose. More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 TIPPERARY CURRALEIGH EAST , BALLYPOREEN CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY agricultural building consisting of a roofed dungstead along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 TIPPERARY TOOR , BALLYPATRICK , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY (i) the alterations to an existing dwelling; (ii) construction of a single storey extension to the side (East) elevation of an existing dwelling and two storey extension to the rear (North) elevation; new wastewater treatment system and all associated site boundary and site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 TIPPERARY TERRYGLASS , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a metal wire mesh fencing and ball stop netting to perimeter of astro-turf playing pitch, a metal wire mesh access gate and all ancillary site works thereto . More...
RETENTION Jan 28 TIPPERARY BALLYCRINE , ROSCREA , CO. TIPPERARY 2 storage sheds with one used as dog kennel to rear of dwelling and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 28 TIPPERARY LEIGH , TWO MILE BORRIS , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY a) 2 no advertising signage on entrance walls; b) an extension to existing workshop with elevational alterations; c) a single storey ancillary kitchen showroom/office structure; d) the change of use from agricultural shed to light industrial/manufacturing premises with all associated siteworks . More...
RETENTION Jan 28 TIPPERARY KILLADANGAN BRIDGE , KILLADANGAN BALLYCOMMON , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY 1. extension and modifications to existing dwelling which include a granny flat, 2. garage, storage shed and glass house onsite, and PERMISSION to install a new window to front of abovementioned granny flat . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 TIPPERARY BARNANE , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY installation of sewage treatment and Tertiary Treatment system as well as the restoration of existing dwelling . More...
RETENTION Jan 28 TIPPERARY TULLAMOYLAN DOLLA , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY as constructed domestic garage and home office and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 28 TIPPERARY DRISHOGE , NEW CHAPEL , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY (i) the position of existing entrance; (ii) existing garage which is used for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the associated existing dwelling; (iii) existing bay window to the existing dwelling and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 TIPPERARY KILITINAN , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY the installation of a new wastewater treatment system and sand polishing filter and all site works associated with the development . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 TIPPERARY MAHERS FOODSTORE , KILSHEELAN , CO. TIPPERARY the change of use from post office unit to off licence and associated works within the curtilage of a protected structure . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 TIPPERARY FANTANE NORTH , BORRISOLEIGH , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY single storey granny flat to side of existing house to include kitchen /dining area, bathroom and bedroom . More...
RETENTION Jan 27 TIPPERARY GRALLAGH , BALLINURE , THURLES the fences erected at the property . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 TIPPERARY RATHANNY , TIPPERARY TOWN , CO TIPPERARY an extension to dwellinghouse, demolition of existing derelict outbuildings, new wastewater treatment system, and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 TIPPERARY KNOCKROE , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY extension To existing house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 TIPPERARY ARDMAYLE EAST , BOHERLAHAN , CASHEL (1) the provision of an off-licence facility in the existing shop and goods store; (2) the provision of a car wash facility and the erection of an associated canopy. Retention permission for an existing shed which shall be used in connection with the proposed car wash facility and including all asso. More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 TIPPERARY 9 O'HICKEY PLACE , CARRICKBEG CARRICK ON SUIR , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of existing rear kitchen, bathroom and existing garden store and the construction of a new extension to the rear, alterations and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 TIPPERARY KNOCKANACREE TOWNLAND , CLOUGHJORDAN , CO. TIPPERARY to construct new dwelling, attached carport/store, septic tank and percolation area, vehicular entrance and all associated site work . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 TIPPERARY CASTLETOWN , PORTROE NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY new dwelling house, access driveway, wastewater treatment system and associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jan 26 TIPPERARY MOANMORE , EMLY , CO. TIPPERARY change house design granted under previous planning application reference number 2460863 . More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 TIPPERARY TINVOHER , LOUGHMORE , TEMPLEMORE CO. TIPPERARY new extension to side of dwelling along with new tertiary treatment system and infiltration/treatment area and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 24 TIPPERARY NEWHILL , TWO MILE BORRIS , CO. TIPPERARY the as-built height of dwelling together with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 24 TIPPERARY CARRIGEEN BUSINESS PARK , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY (a) existing storage containers, water tanks and lean-to structures, (b) PERMISSION to construct an extension to the existing unit and (c) PERMISSION for increasing the site area, relocating the entrance, construction of new underground services and new site layout and parking arrangements, includi. More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 TIPPERARY ABBEY MACHINERY KNOCKEEVAN , BALLYCLERAHAN , CO. TIPPERARY the installation of a 18m monopole type telecommunications support structure, carrying antenna and dishes enclosed within a 2.4 metre high palisade fenced compound together with associated ground equipment cabinets and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 24 TIPPERARY SALLYPARK , LATTERAGH , NENAGH the existing agricultural livestock shed and farm access road, and permission to extend existing shed including underground slatted storage tanks and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 TIPPERARY CAPPAMURRAGH , DUNDRUM , CO. TIPPERARY an extension to the rear and a new porch to the front of our existing cottage to include all associated ancillary work . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Jan 23 TIPPERARY LANDSDOWN , PORTROE , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY E45X462 to renovate existing dilapidated house including: reroofing, alterations, energy efficiency, rear extension, improvements to existing road entrance, decommissioning and replacement of existing wastewater treatment system together with all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 TIPPERARY BALLINAMORE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the filling of the remainder of the former quarry and reinstate the ground to new levels including all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 TIPPERARY CARRIGEEN BUSINESS PARK , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY (a) RETENTION of the existing storage containers, water tanks & lean-to structures, (b) permission to construct an extension to the existing unit and (c) permission for increasing the site area, relocating the entrance, construction of new underground services and new site layout and parking arrange. More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 TIPPERARY CAHIR BUSINESS PARK CAHIRABBEY LOWER , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY 1 no. single storey light industrial building incorporating 4 no. units and 1 no. warehouse building, car parking, storm water attenuation and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Jan 23 TIPPERARY 57 IRISHTOWN , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the change of use of the existing garage to playschool, including associated elevational changes and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 23 TIPPERARY KILKEARY , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the existing domestic garage together with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 23 TIPPERARY 5 TEMPLETUOHY , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY rear extension to house and for existing garden shed to the rear of site . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 TIPPERARY YOUGHAL NEWTOWN , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a vehicular entrance, dwelling house, domestic garage, proprietary wastewater treatment system with polishing filter together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 TIPPERARY MOANMORE , EMLY , CO. TIPPERARY the change of house design granted under previous planning application reference number 2460863 . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 TIPPERARY CLONASPOE , KNOCKAVILLA , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a single storey dwelling, entrance, effluent treatment system together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 TIPPERARY GLENVIEW CLONBEALY , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY a new dwelling to replace an existing dwelling to accommodate ancillary family accommodation, modifications to an existing domestic shed and modifications to the existing site entrance and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 TIPPERARY DRUMLUMMIN , CLOGHEEN , CO. TIPPERARY (i) cubicle shed with underground slurry tanks and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Jan 23 TIPPERARY LISSENHALL , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a detached house, detached domestic garage, waste water treatment system and all ancillary site works thereto . More...
RETENTION Jan 23 TIPPERARY CLOGHAREADY , EMLY , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a front porch and rear extension to existing dwelling house and PERMISSION to install a replacement septic tank together with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 23 TIPPERARY DOOREE COMMONS MILESTONE , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a detached timber structure for use as a home office to the rear of existing dwelling house, together with a detached timber shed, a septic tank with percolation area and a new entrance. Planning Permission is also sought to upgrade the existing waste water treatment percolation area together with a. More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 TIPPERARY ARCHERSTOWN & TOWNAGHA , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY 1) to demolish a part of an existing single storey dwelling house, 2) to build an extension to the side of the remaining dwelling with part in single storey and part in two storey construction, 3) to build a single storey porch at the rear of the existing dwelling and 4) to carry out all associated . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 TIPPERARY FALLEEN , BALLYMACKEY , NENAGH CO TIPPERARY the demolition of an existing derelict dwelling, the erection of a dwelling, entrance and wastewater treatment system including associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 TIPPERARY CASTLEKEALE , ARDFINNAN , CO TIPPERARY a) change the building type and b) alterations to windows and doors granted under previously permitted planning application, reference no. 2360692 . More...
RETENTION Jan 22 TIPPERARY NEW ORMOND PARK , TYONE , NENAGH CO TIPPERARY 1. Change of use of portion of existing storage shed to club gym; 2. External signage to side of gym & storage shed; 3. 2 no additional floodlights servicing 4G pitch to rear and Planning Permission to extend above mentioned storage shed and club gym to include additional dressing rooms, referee . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 TIPPERARY AVONDALE , MYLERSTOWN , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY the alteration and extension of existing single storey domestic house, to include internal alterations, external elevational alterations, extension to rear and front of existing property, provision of a new garage, demolition of existing sheds, and all associated drainage, ground works, landscaping . More...
RETENTION Jan 22 TIPPERARY SYNONE , BOHERLAHAN , CASHEL a) changes to the exterior of the house, b) domestic sheds, c) the entrance and boundary treatments and d) the location of the septic tank and percolation . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 TIPPERARY BALLYOUGHTER , RATHCABBIN , ROSCREA CO. TIPPERARY (1) the construction of a new farm building to accommodate a new milking parlour, dairy, livestock handling facilities, livestock collection area with an underground slatted soiled water storage tank, livestock housing with cubicles and two underground slatted slurry storage tanks, calving pens with. More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 TIPPERARY CLOONANAGH , SILVERMINES , NENAGH the construction of a playground and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Jan 22 TIPPERARY 6 SAINT MICHAEL STREET , TIPPERARY TOWN , CO. TIPPERARY development that consists of works, that may or may not require planning permission, to a house listed in the Record of Protected Structures of the Tipperary Town & Environs Development Plan 2013 . More...
RETENTION Jan 22 TIPPERARY WINDY RIDGE , GORTLASSOBRIAN , BALLINA CO. TIPPERARY existing detached bungalow, detached garage and bored well as constructed and ancillary site works (previously approved planning reference no's PLC/4053 and PLC/14237 and PERMISSION for new entrance and driveway . More...
RETENTION Jan 22 TIPPERARY PART OF 8 AND 9 AND ALL OF 10 TO 13 PARNELL STREET , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY 1) revisions to the internal layout of the public house at the dining area, associated kitchen facilities and toilet facilities, 2) shopfront design on the Parnell Street facade fronting the dining area of the public house, 3) revised layout of the 1st floor residential unit over the public house in. More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 TIPPERARY POULACULLEARE , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling house, garage, wastewater treatment system & entrance with access off existing private laneway along with all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 22 TIPPERARY UNIT 1 RIVERSTOWN INDUSTRIAL PARK , OLD BIRR ROAD , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY as-constructed single storey extension to the rear of Friary Ironworks . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 TIPPERARY KNIGH HOUSE , KNIGH , PUCKANE NENAGH the demolition of redundant farm buildings and the construction of a dividing wall and a general purpose store building for use ancillary to the dwelling, including all associated works. The proposed development is adjacent to the recorded protected structure TRPS 225 - Knigh House . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 TIPPERARY GARRAUN , BALLINAHINCH , CO. TIPPERARY the change of dwelling extension design from that granted in planning file 23-60478 with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 TIPPERARY LANDS ADJACENT TO BLOOMFIELD HOUSE , FOXHALL , NEWPORT CO.TIPPERARY the relocation of existing vehicular entrance, new 2 storey 4 bedroom detached dwelling house, car port, waste water treatment system, soil polishing filter and associated site works including renovation of walled garden previously part of Bloomfield House which is a protected structure . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 TIPPERARY MARDYKE , KILLENAULE , CO. TIPPERARY a change of the house type from that granted under planning permission reference number 21/790 & all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 TIPPERARY BOULADUFF , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a) proposed part two storey/part single storey dwelling; b) proposed single storey garage ancillary to proposed dwelling; c) proposed new treatment system and percolation area; d) proposed new entrance accessing onto public road, including adjustment to adjacent existing agricultural access; e) all . More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 TIPPERARY 10 ARD LUA , BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey extension to the rear of the property . More...
RETENTION Jan 21 TIPPERARY MERTONHALL , BORRISOKANE , CO TIPPERARY (1) as constructed, changes to the new storey and a half extension to the rear of our existing dwelling house including changes to the new single storey link joining the new extension to the existing dwelling house. The extension was granted under planning reference number 2260507. The changes consi. More...
RETENTION Jan 21 TIPPERARY ARDANE , BANSHA , CO. TIPPERARY as constructed dormer dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 21 TIPPERARY RATHKEA , TIPPERARY , CO. TIPPERARY demolition of 2 sheds and haybarn, permission to retain partially completed extension, permission for retention of raising walls of dwelling and construction of new roof and windows to roof and gable ends of dwelling and associated site works. Permission to extend and renovate existing dwelling, per. More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 TIPPERARY YOUGHALARRA NATIONAL SCHOOL , NEWTOWN , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY 1) increasing the car park area; 2) removal of an existing prefab, oil tank, cabin and shed; 3) construction of a new ball court; 4) resurfacing of the existing tarmac; 5) construction of a new drainage layout . More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 TIPPERARY SAN ROESTA COLEVILLE ROAD , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of an existing two storey dwelling house and single storey garage and the construction of a new two storey replacement dwelling house & detached single storey garage ancillary to the main dwelling, installation of a wastewater treatment system & associated percolation area, the realig. More...
RETENTION Jan 21 TIPPERARY NEWTOWN , HOLYCROSS , CO. TIPPERARY the as-constructed front boundary wall & gates . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Jan 21 TIPPERARY CASTLEWAY , DUBLIN ROAD , NENAGH the construction of 16 semi-detached, three-bedroom, 2-storey houses and 8 three-bedroom, two-storey terraced houses, 8 two-bedroom apartments over four storeys, new entrance gates and access road to existing holiday homes and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 21 TIPPERARY UNIT NO 1 BALLYWILLIAM CARRIGTOHER , NENAGH , CO TIPPERARY current use for assembly and display of outdoor garden buildings and furniture from the use as a commercial car sales and showroom (granted under application number 18/600692). Retention is also sought for 14 No car parking spaces, demountable tents for the storage of goods in connection with the . More...
RETENTION Jan 21 TIPPERARY ARDANE , BANSHA , CO. TIPPERARY constructed dormer dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 TIPPERARY POLLANORMAN , DOLLA NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the erection of an extension to the training hall currently under construction (approved under planning ref 22/136) and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 TIPPERARY BARNANE , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY installation of sewage treatment and tertiary treatment system as well as the restoration of existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 TIPPERARY BROWNSTOWN , LOUGHMORE , TEMPLEMORE CO. TIPPERARY an extension to the rear of the existing house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 TIPPERARY GLEBE LANE , KENYON STREET NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of the existing warehouse and the construction of 10 no. apartments (5 no. 2-Bed units and 5 no. 1-Bed units) in a four-storey block with balconies, bin storage, bike storage and all associated site development works on the site of the existing warehouse . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS , CULLENAGH , BALLINA CO. TIPPERARY construction of 3 no. 2 storey detached dwellings and all necessary ancillary site development works, including entrances and connections to public water main and sewers . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY NO 1 CROKE STREET , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY change of use of ground floor retail premises to residential to incorporate the existing first floor & second floor residential with minor internal changes to a single dwelling unit for Student Accommodation with all associated siteworks and elevational changes to the shop front . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY CAHIR BUSINESS PARK CAHIRABBEY LOWER , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY 1 no. single storey light industrial building incorporating 5 no. units, car parking, storm water attenuation, together with industrial estate access road and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY KILCONNELL STUD KILCONNELL , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY change of use of 9no. stables into dog boarding kennels and proposed external dog play areas and for Retention of the existing agricultural sheds and feed silo including all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY THE OLD SCHOOLHOUSE , SOPWELL CLOUGHJORDAN , COUNTY TIPPERARY the refurbishment and alteration to the Old Schoolhouse into a single family, two bedroom home including the demolition of a modern poorly built single storey rear extension, repair and renewal of slate roof and existing barge boards and rainwater goods, the glazed enclosure of the existing open por. More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY DEW VALLEY FOODS , HOLYCROSS ROAD THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a 10-year permission for the development which will consist of the phased extension of the existing food manufacturing facility comprising: 1) construction of an 11,267 m\u00B2 extension to the existing food manufacturing facility, including: (a) cold storage areas; (b) two-storey office space, toi. More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY SKEHEENRANKY , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY (i) the demolition of an existing dwelling, (ii) the construction of a new replacement dwelling, (iii) the construction of a home office/shed, (iv) the construction of a waste water treatment system as well as (v) RETENTION planning permission for new entrance structure and all associated site devel. More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY ARDMAYLE , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY the renovation & extension of the existing dwelling house, installation of an effluent treatment system and an entrance together with all associated site works. The development is within the curtilage of a protected structure . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY BALLYGRAIGUE , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a new two storey dwelling with a single storey living area to the south, single storey garage and associated carport, opening of a new vehicular entrance to the site, new wastewater treatment system and polishing filter, new private water well together with all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Jan 20 TIPPERARY CASTLEWALLER , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY extensions to the rear of house . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY BALLYPATRICK , BOULADUFF , THURLES two storey dwelling, garage, driveway, entrance and septic tank . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY BALLYNACOURTY , AHERLOW , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of an entrance, dwelling house, stables, waste water treatment system and percolation area and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY KILLAGHY STREET , MULLINAHONE , CO. TIPPERARY 1. Material change of use from original barracks with residential element to : a) a cosmetic manufacturing facility and b) an associated retail shop, caf\u00E9 with an external dining terrace & offices. 2. The erection of a new single story manufacturing facility in the rear yard. 3. The renovati. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 TIPPERARY LISFUNSHION TD. , BALLYPOREEN , CO. TIPPERARY the conversion of a derelict storey and a half farmhouse to 2 no. storey and a half cottages for long term letting, raising the eaves and ridge by 1150mm, installation of 6 no. roof lights, alterations to elevations and installation of a new effluent treatment system and tertiary filter. The above w. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 TIPPERARY NO 1-3 EMMETT STREET , THURLESTOWNPARK , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY for change of use of existing shops and store at No\u2019s 1-3 Emmett Street, Thurles, to 3 No. Student apartments units with shared laundry room and Store with bin stores, connection to public services, permission for alterations to the existing buildings and all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 TIPPERARY KILLORAN , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a state-of-the-art healthcare waste treatment and recycling facility and a waste transfer station. The development will include the construction of 3 no. buildings; Building 1 (total gross floor area of circa (ca.) 2,242m2 and ca. 9m tall), Building 2 (total gross floor area of ca. 229m2 and ca. 6m . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 TIPPERARY MILL ROAD , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a new treatment system and percolation area, alterations to existing site access and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 TIPPERARY THE COTTAGE , BALLYMUREEN , LITTLETON THURLES (1) demolition of extension to rear of existing cottage, (2) construction of new single storey extension to the front and rear of the existing cottage, (3) renovation and alterations to existing cottage, (4) demolition of all existing sheds and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 16 TIPPERARY BALLYCREHANE , LISVARRINANE , CO. TIPPERARY the dwelling on site and PLANNING PERMISSION FOR (1) the demolition of the existing derelict dwelling; (2) the extension and alterations to the existing dwelling; (3) a new waste water treatment system; (4) solar panels to the new extension; (5) and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 TIPPERARY THOMASTOWN NORTH , GOLDEN , CO. TIPPERARY extension and renovation of existing dwelling, demolition of rear porch, installation of waste water treatment system and percolation area and de-commission of existing septic tank, to demolish two sheds and remove concrete slab on site and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 TIPPERARY PLOTS NO. 21-29 38 41-63 LIMETREE GROVE , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY the amendments to previously approved application ref. no. 201201 & An Bord Pleanala ref. no. 310861-21 for revised plans, elevations to 33 no. approved houses, to include 12 no. 5-bed three storey houses, 11 no. 4-bed two storey houses, 10 no. 3-bed two storey houses with amended associated plots a. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 TIPPERARY SUNVILLE HOUSE , ARDGEEHA LOWER , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY. construction of two new dwelling houses, renovation works to the existing house, an extension to the existing house, demolition of specific existing structures as per application drawings, alterations to the existing entrance and provision of new entrances, all associated site works and ancillary fa. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 TIPPERARY BORRISLAND NORTH MAIN ST , BORRISOLEIGH , THURLES CO TIPPERARY the change of use of existing post office area to residential living area into part of existing domestic house . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 TIPPERARY MOUNTAIN VIEW , BANSHA ROAD , TIPPERARY TOWN change of use of existing detached domestic garage to residential use, works to include reconstruction and extension to above described building . More...
RETENTION Jan 16 TIPPERARY GAILE , THURLES , CO TIPPERARY a single storey extension onto existing domestic garage and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 TIPPERARY BALLYCARN , CURREENEY , KILCOMMON CO. TIPPERARY a new extension to the rear of existing dwelling with some minor alterations to the existing dwelling, a new entrance onto the existing lane with a new secondary treatment system and a new soil polishing filter, also to demolish an existing shed and to demolish existing dilapidated shed with new dri. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 TIPPERARY KILLAUN , DROMINEER , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY (1) the demolition of an existing pre-fabricated structure to the front of the existing dwelling; (2) the construction of new extension to the side of the existing dwelling; (3) the alterations to the front elevation. RETENTION PERMISSION for an extension to the rear of the existing dwelling and all. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 TIPPERARY BOSCABELL GARRANMORE NEWARK , FUSSOUGH AND DUALLY , COUNTY TIPPERARY a 10 year planning permission for development consisting of the construction of a solar PV development on a c129 ha site consisting of: - The erection of solar panels on ground-mounted galvanised steel frames, string inverters attached to selected ground-mounted galvanised steel frames, 16 no. trans. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 TIPPERARY FENNOR HOUSE FENNOR , URLINGFORD , THURLES the development of a cattle house incorporating slatted tank with slats laid on . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 TIPPERARY CRUTTA NORTH , GRANGE CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY fill the depression in the ground and reinstate ground to new levels including temporary access and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 TIPPERARY CLOGHLEIGH , GOLDEN , CASHEL CO. TIPPERARY the erection and operation of an asphalt plant (stack height 30 metres), together with an ancillary office unit (133.6 sqm GIA), a weighbridge, hardstanding, the erection of associated aggregate storage bays, and all associated site development works. A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in r. More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 TIPPERARY ROSSESTOWN , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a) construction of a new single-storey detached dwelling; b) new detached garage; c) new site entrance; d) new connections to utilities; e) new waste-water treatment system and percolation area; f) all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 TIPPERARY CAMUS , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY revisions to PA 2260404, the revisions include permission to demolish existing dwelling & outhouse along with permission to construct a replacement dwelling house together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 TIPPERARY ST PATRICK'S ROAD , SILVERSPRINGS , CLONMEL part demolition, alteration and extension of the existing single storey house, to change it from a single storey house to 2 no. houses, each with upper storey accommodation partly within the roof space and having shared access through the existing gateway . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 TIPPERARY CARROW BALLYCOMMON , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY 1) the demolition of the existing 2 no. domestic sheds; 2) the renovation and extension to existing dwelling house; 3) the installation of a new septic tank and percolation area; 4) the construction of a new domestic garage; 5) and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 15 TIPPERARY CORBALLY , CLONOULTY , THURLES (1) the material widening and works to provide wing walls and gate to a pre-existing entrance onto the R661; (2) the construction of stables (223m2), an exercise sand arena (1160m2), horse walker (114m2), muck heap with underground run-off tank, access farm roadways and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 TIPPERARY ROSDERRA FARMS , BARNLOUGH BANSHA , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a new Pig Fattening Shed including effluent tank and all associated ancillary works. The facility has an existing IPPC Licence under Reg no P0489-01 . More...
RETENTION Jan 15 TIPPERARY LISKEVEEN ROAD LITTLETON , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY the change of use to the residential garage/shed for use as a \u2018specialist needs/care accommodation'; the extension to the garage/shed and alterations to the elevations; the change of roof from flat roof type to pitched roof and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 TIPPERARY 9 GORTLANDROE , ST. CONLANS ROAD , NENAGH CO TIPPERARY the relocation of the vehicular entrance to the public road together with ancillary site works, which includes new screen walls . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 TIPPERARY OLDCOURT , TERRYGLASS , NENAGH the construction of a detached dwelling house at the existing gated entrance, connection to public foul water sewer, and all ancillary site works within the curtilage of a recorded monument TN-006-025 . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 TIPPERARY BALLYLYNCH INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , BALLYLYNCH CARRICK-ON-SUIR , CO. TIPPERARY a Kitchen Manufacturing Facility and 6 No. Light Industrial Units and all associated site works (including car-parking, connections to existing services, Landscaping and Fencing) at Ballylynch Industrial Estate, Ballylynch, Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary. The proposed development will be constructed. More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 TIPPERARY KILBURRY WEST , CLONEEN , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY two storey dwelling, domestic garage, packaged waste water treatment system and soil polishing filter, domestic well and new entrance . More...
RETENTION Jan 14 TIPPERARY NORTHFIELDS , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY change of house type from that permitted under file P3792 and retention of garage, side extension, rear extension and attic conversion . More...
RETENTION Jan 14 TIPPERARY KILLEEN , BORRISOKANE , CO. TIPPERARY existing domestic shed and PERMISSION for a new wastewater treatment system including percolation area . More...
RETENTION Jan 14 TIPPERARY ABBEY FARM , INISHLOUNAGHT , CLONMEL the use of existing building for tyre sales and all associated signage and ancillary site development works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Jan 14 TIPPERARY CAHERNAHALLA , CAPPAWHITE , CO. TIPPERARY construction of a new dwelling house, entrance, driveway, installation of a waste water treatment system with percolation area and all ancillary site work (Outline Permission ref: 23/41) . More...
RETENTION Jan 14 TIPPERARY BALLINTAGGART , CO. TIPPERARY , R95 F3A2 a) a one and a half storey detached dwelling and single storey extension; b) 4 no. detached storage sheds; c) 1 no. detached lighting structure. Planning PERMISSION for the de-commissioning of existing foul septic tank and percolation area and installation of a new effluent treatment system/polishin. More...
RETENTION Jan 14 TIPPERARY BOHERCROWE , TIPPERARY , CO. TIPPERARY extensions (both residential & domestic storage) constructed to dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 TIPPERARY GARRYKENNEDY , PORTROE , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY the extension and conversion of existing stables to a two bedroom short term holiday rental house, including constructing a waste water treatment system, percolation area and all other ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 TIPPERARY SPITALFIELD , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a garage to the rear of the existing house . More...
RETENTION Jan 14 TIPPERARY LAGHILE , TOOMEVARA , CO. TIPPERARY the part conversion of existing agricultural building to wine/ cider processing area, storage area, 3 number poly tunnels and full planning permission for proposed washroom area extension to existing agricultural building and ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 13 TIPPERARY KILLINANE , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY as built two storey extension to side of dwelling and as built single storey entrance porch at the front of dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 TIPPERARY GLENBANE , CULLEN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling house, waste water treatment system and percolation area, entrance and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 TIPPERARY PALLAS WEST , TOOMEVARA , CO. TIPPERARY construction of a slatted cattle house with underground slurry storage, ancillary concrete years and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 TIPPERARY KILLOUGH QUARRY , GAILE TOWNLAND , HOLYCROSS CO. TIPPERARY 1. An overall planning application site area of c. 6.3 hectares consisting of a proposed bio-renewables production facility, buffer screening, ancillary facilities and site access via the existing permitted quarry entrance. 2. The proposed bio-renewables production facility (incorporating anaerobic . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 TIPPERARY MAGHERAREAGH , BOULADUFF THURLES , THURLES a) the proposed part single storey/part 1.5 storey dwelling; b) the proposed single storey garage ancillary to proposed dwelling; c) the proposed new treatment system and percolation area; d) the proposed new entrance from lane accessing onto public road; and e) all associated site works and ancilla. More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 TIPPERARY PALLASHILL , UPPERCHURCH , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY a new dwelling house, domestic garage and effluent treatment tank and percolation system with entrance and all associated and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 TIPPERARY BALLYVIRANE , BANSHA , CO. TIPPERARY a) refurbish existing derelict dwelling, b) construct an extension to front of existing dwelling, c) install a new effluent treatment system, d) upgrade existing site entrance and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 13 TIPPERARY BALLINGARRY UPPER , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a storage shed and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 TIPPERARY TOWNFIELDS , CLOUGHJORDAN , CO. TIPPERARY a) completion of partially constructed dwelling including conversion of the attic space to living accommodation, b) construction of detached domestic garage, c) installation of septic tank and percolation area and all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 13 TIPPERARY BOHERCROWE , TIPPERARY , CO TIPPERARY a) an extension to the house b) an internal road and c) associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 11 TIPPERARY MONEYNABOOLA , GLEN OF AHERLOW , TIPPERARY the following: a) Conversion of an outbuilidng to use as a residence short term holiday let and to undertaking of alterations and extensions to this outbuilding. b) Retain a mobile home on the same land to use while works are being carried out on the outbuilding and use for holiday let after. c) P. More...
RETENTION Jan 10 TIPPERARY RATHCLARISH , CARRICK ON SUIR , CO. TIPPERARY the existing static mobile home and PERMISSION for the installation of a new domestic wastewater treatment system and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 TIPPERARY AYLE , OOLA , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of an entrance, dwelling house, domestic garage, proprietary wastewater treatment system with polishing filter, together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 TIPPERARY CLUAIN ÁRD , 3 MELVIEW PRIOR PARK , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY demolition of single-storey structure to the rear and demolition of chimney, alterations to existing elevations, external works and all necessary site services and site development works, including works to front and side boundary walls and gates . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 TIPPERARY KNOCKANRAWLEY , TIPPERARY TOWN , CO. TIPPERARY a two storey club house building and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 TIPPERARY UNIT 7 NENAGH RETAIL PARK , STEREAME , LIMERICK ROAD NENAGH change of use to ground floor retail unit (Unit 7) from the permitted convenience retail foodstore (authorised under planning reference no. 18/600784) to provide for; (i) bulky good retail warehouse use with ancillary comparison sales space, dispensary and consult room; (ii) modifications to the ele. More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 TIPPERARY THE ORMONDE CENTRE , GLADSTONE STREET , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY a) the sub-division of ground floor from adjoining retail unit in The Marystone Centre; b) the amalgamation of existing ground floor retail units and part of central Mall, to create a single retail unit; c) the alterations to rear elevation (West) to Mary Street car park; d) the signage to front el. More...
RETENTION Jan 10 TIPPERARY ASHLEY PARK HOUSE , TOWNLAND OF ASHLEYPARK ARDCRONEY , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY licensed events/functions/weddings facilities with overnight/short term letting guest accommodation and staff accommodation (totalling 3,231.7 sq m gross floor space), retention permission for associated services and site development works (incl. existing wastewater treatment arrangements), permissi. More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 TIPPERARY ST CONLONS ROAD , NENAGH , CO TIPPERARY the demolition of an existing single storey derelict dwellinghouse and the construction of 12 No 2 bedroom apartments in 3 separate Blocks. Block No 1 shall consist of 4 No 2 bedroom apartments in a two-storey block with car-parking, connection to services, bin storage and ancillary site works acce. More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 TIPPERARY LYREFUNE , BALLYPOREEN , CO. TIPPERARY (a) demolition of previous extension to western side of dwelling, along with 2 no annexes to the rear, (b) renovate existing dwelling, along with elevational changes, (c) construct a single storey porch to front and a storey and a half extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, (d) construct a . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 TIPPERARY THE BOATHOUSE , MARINE VILLAGE , BALLINA the demolition of the existing storage building & for the construction of two storey dwelling house incorporating boathouse storage, ancillary car port structure, landscaping, planting & siteworks including inlet, boardwalks & private moorings, connection to existing foul sewer infrastructure and al. More...
RETENTION Jan 09 TIPPERARY CATHEDRAL STREET , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY internal works carried out to ground floor of former public house. The works to be retained include alterations made to the internal ground floor layout, removal of internal partitions and stairs, external alterations along with associated works. The building is a Recorded Protected Structure in the. More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 TIPPERARY GORTEENNAMONA , DUNDRUM , CO. TIPPERARY the change of house design from the dormer type dwelling granted planning ref: 2360028, to a bungalow . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 TIPPERARY CLUAIN ÁRD , 3 MELVIEW PRIOR PARK , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of single-storey structure to the rear and demolition of chimney, alterations to existing elevations, external works and all necessary site services and site development works, including works to front and side boundary walls and gates . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 TIPPERARY GURTEEN , RATHCABBIN , ROSCREA CO. TIPPERARY. a dwelling house & domestic garage with treatment system and raised bed percolation area, to include connection to the existing water mains services on site and new site entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 TIPPERARY THE ORMONDE CENTRE , GLADSTONE STREET , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY a) Sub-division of Ground Floor from adjoining Retail Unit in The Marystone Centre. b) Amalgamation of existing Ground Floor Retail Units and part of central Mall, to create a single Retail Unit. c) Alterations to rear elevation (West) to Mary Street Car Park. d) Signage to front elevation (East) o. More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 TIPPERARY BORRISLAND NORTH , MAIN STREET , BORRISOLEIGH change of use of existing post office area to residential living area into part of existing domestic house . More...
RETENTION Jan 09 TIPPERARY LISSADOBER , CARRICK ON SUIR , CO. TIPPERARY the as built extension to the side of the existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 TIPPERARY DUALLA ROAD , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a new grass hurling pitch complete with 2 no. new ball stop nets and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 TIPPERARY REDDANSWALK , GREENANE , TIPPERARY the construction of an extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling, construction of an extension to the rear of the existing detached garage for the purposes of converting it into a self-contained granny flat, construction of a single storey link between the existing dwelling and garage,. More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 TIPPERARY NO. 47 & NO. 48 (REAR OF) , MAIN STREET , TIPPERARY TOWN CO. TIPPERARY (a) a change of use of existing disused commercial use building, No. 47 Main Street, to 2 No. 'own door' apartment dwelling units, including all necessary internal and external building modifications, (b) a change of use from existing ancillary accommodation to the rear of No. 48 Main Street to 1 No. More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Jan 09 TIPPERARY BALLYPATRICK , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of the existing single storey extension to the rear of their property and to construct a two storey extension to the rear of their property in lieu. Permission is also sought for the replacement of the existing septic tank to a wastewater treatment system with polishing filter, all w. More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 TIPPERARY CASTLETOWN , PORTROE NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a storage shed with hobby space along with all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 TIPPERARY FORTFIELD LODGE SHANGARRY , BALLINGARRY , THURLES proposed extension and renovations to existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 TIPPERARY GURTEEN , RATHCABBIN , ROSCREA CO. TIPPERARY. construction of a dwelling house & domestic garage with treatment system and raised bed percolation area, to include connection to the existing water mains services on site and new site entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 TIPPERARY CHAMBERLAINSTOWN , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a 2 storey dwelling house, separate garage, roadside entrance, driveway, site specific wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 TIPPERARY 111 ARD NA GREINE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a new 3.0 m wide entrance to front of dwelling house, complete with new pillars, dished footpath and new hard paved area in existing front garden to facilitate off street parking . More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 TIPPERARY GARRYKENNEDY , PORTROE , CO. TIPPERARY construction of (i) 4 no. detached houses in a cluster of 2 no. x single story dwellings , 2 no. part 2 story/ part dormer dwellings, (ii) 4 no. individual garage outbuildings, (iii) 4 no. individual treatment plants with percolation areas, (iv) new site entrance and access roadway and all associat. More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 TIPPERARY KILLOUGH , HOLYCROSS , THURLES CO TIPPERARY single storey house, domestic garage, septic tank percolation area and entrance . More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 TIPPERARY MULLINAHONE , THURLES , CO TIPPERARY milking facility building with underground slatted tanks and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 08 TIPPERARY 14 GLENVIEW CLOSE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the side extension to the dwelling house including all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 TIPPERARY FANTANE NORTH , BORRISOLEIGH , THURLES the change of use of the existing Preschool/School Age Childcare facility to provide a full day care facility to also include a baby room, a toddler room and associated sleep rooms, proprietary treatment plant and raised bed percolation area. RETENTION PERMISSION is also required for the existing pr. More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 TIPPERARY ARCHERSTOWN , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a) the construction of a new dwelling house and access road; b) the use of an existing entrance; c) the construction of a secondary treatment system and soil polishing filter with all associated siteworks. This proposed development is within the curtilage of a protected structure ref no: TRPS482 . More...
RETENTION Jan 07 TIPPERARY 43 ST. NICHOLAS PARK , CARRICK AN SUIR , CO. TIPPERARY a) the 2-storey extension to the rear, b) the change to the rear boundary, c) alterations to the front porch, d) the as constructed shed to rear of property . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 TIPPERARY SITE LOCATED AT JUNCTION OF LOURDES ROAD AND CHURCH STREET , ROSCREA , CO. TIPPERARY amendments to previous approved Planning Permission Ref. 22578, for (1) Demolition of (1a) Roscrea Motor Works (incorporating Milan Motors), Church Street, Roscrea, Co Tipperary, E53 CH02 including all below ground fuel tanks and forecourt fuel pumps (1b) 2 storey semi-detached unoccupied residentia. More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 TIPPERARY STONEPARK , BALLINDERRY , NENAGH 1) the construction of two detached self-catering accommodation units; 2) change of use of existing utility block into a reception building; 3) the construction of 6no. fully serviced sites for static caravan holiday homes and 10no. sites for touring pitches; 4) the construction of new detached uti. More...
RETENTION Jan 07 TIPPERARY BALLYNILARD , TIPPERARY , CO. TIPPERARY (1) previous change of use of part of an existing dwelling to use as general offices, (2) PERMISSION for a change of use of the remaining dwelling part of the existing dwelling to use as general offices and staff facilities and (3) PERMISSION to extend this existing building to provide additional of. More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 TIPPERARY KILRUANE & GRAIGUE , BEECHWOOD , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a livestock underpass and effluent holding tank and all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 TIPPERARY CLONAMICKLON , GORTNAHOE , THURLES the construction of a two storey dwelling, domestic garage, septic tank and percolation area, site entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 06 TIPPERARY LANDS AT OXPARK , CLOUGHJORDAN , CO. TIPPERARY a detached part single storey, part two-storey dwelling (240sqm), new on-site domestic waste water treatment system and percolation area, soakaway, new gated vehicular entrance accessed from the existing vehicular accessway connected to the R491, hard and soft landscaping and all associated site wor. More...
PERMISSION Jan 06 TIPPERARY ROSSESTOWN , THURLES , CO TIPPERARY the construction of a 4 bedroom bungalow, new entrance, garage, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 TIPPERARY LISBONEY BUSINESS PARK , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of 5 detached commercial buildings as follows: 1 no. aircraft engine maintenance building with associated office space, 1 no. aircraft engine storage facility with associated office space, 3 no. detached warehouse buildings, detached ESB substation, detached security hut, associated. More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 TIPPERARY TOWNLANDS OF KILLOUGH , CLOHOGE AND GRAIGUE , CO. TIPPERARY a 10-year permission for the development of a solar farm on a site of 222.23 hectares consisting of the following: 745,168 sq. metres of solar photovoltaic panels on ground mounted steel frames; 23 no. inverter/transformer stations; underground power and communication cables and ducts; boundary secu. More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 TIPPERARY GLENBEHA , ROSCREA , CO. TIPPERARY the following works to existing dwelling house:- 1) Rear Extension; 2) Side Extension; 3) Demolish the existing front porch and construct an extension to the front of the dwelling house; 4) Alterations to existing dwelling house; 5) All associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 TIPPERARY BARNANE , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY installation of sewage treatment and tertiary treatment system as well as the restoration of existing dwelling . More...
RETENTION Jan 03 TIPPERARY 8 MELROSE , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the extension to the front & side of an existing dwelling & all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 TIPPERARY 2 KICKHAM ST PARKING PARKING LOT , KICKHAM ST THURLES TOWNPARKS , THURLES a 21 metre high telecommunications monopole with antennas, dishes and associated equipment, including an equipment cabinet at ground level all enclosed by security fencing . More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 TIPPERARY FORMER LISHEEN MINE SITE , KILLORAN MOYNE , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY construction of an anaerobic digestion plant comprising: 4 no. primary digester tanks (each measuring c. 7.6 m in height); 3 no. secondary digester tanks (each measuring c. 14.5 m in height); 4 no. feed hoppers; 4 no. technical rooms (ranging in size from c. 35 sq m to c. 95 sq m GFA); 2 no. biogas . More...
PERMISSION Jan 02 TIPPERARY ARDSALLAGH HOUSE , ARDSALLAGH ESTATE , FETHARD CO. TIPPERARY (a) demolition of mid 20th century 2-storey extension on north facade & single storey extensions on west facade of the two-storey with attic over basement dwelling (main house), conservatory ruins on south facade and courtyard outbuildings. (b) construction of a new single storey extension & glass l. More...
RETENTION Jan 02 TIPPERARY GRANGE ROAD , BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY the as built single storey rear extension to the existing dwelling and for the changes to the as built first floor rear extensions to the existing dwelling - Planning Ref 11510274. Planning permission for the construction of a 2-storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, to include a car. More...
RETENTION Jan 02 TIPPERARY CLOGHABREEDY , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY the extended elements to my existing dwelling and all other unauthorised ancillary site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 02 TIPPERARY LAKELANDS CULLENAGH , BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY 2 no. semi-detached dwellings, a 2-bedroom and a 3-bedroom over two storey, together with hard and soft landscaping including driveways and boundary fencing and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 02 TIPPERARY BALLYHUSTY , TIPPERARY , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a replacement dwelling, waste water treatment system and percolation area; permission to de-commission existing septic tank; permission to convert existing dwelling to domestic garage; permission to demolish building containing shed, garage and stables; permission to demolish bui. More...
RETENTION Jan 02 TIPPERARY 37 THE CLOSE , DRUMIN VILLAGE , NENAGH CO TIPPERARY 1. structure consisting of work from home, appointment only hair studio and domestic storage shed; 2. covered open space all to the rear of the property; 3. roof lights into second floor bedroom along with all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 02 TIPPERARY RAHYVIRA , DONOHILL , CO. TIPPERARY (i) a garden machinery store, (ii) and an internal solid-fuel/domestic store, with external, covered solid-fuel storage porch, (iii) with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 02 TIPPERARY RATHCLOUGH NORTH , DUALLA , CASHEL 1) the domestic storage sheds, 2) an internal garden wall and including all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 02 TIPPERARY RATHANNY , GOLF LINKS ROAD , TIPPERARY CO. TIPPERARY a new wastewater treatment system and percolation area and Retention planning permission for changes to the rear elevation of the house, domestic sheds, internal road layout and boundary treatments . More...
PERMISSION Dec 30 TIPPERARY GORTNACLEHA , CAPPAROE , NENAGH the construction of an entrance, dwelling house, garage, domestic waste water treatment system with polishing filter together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 TIPPERARY CAHERCLOGH , LISRONAGH , CLONMEL 2 no. poultry houses, services rooms, feed bins, wash collection tank, roof mounted solar panels, access roadway, wastewater treatment system, percolation area and associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 TIPPERARY SOPWELL , CLOGHJORDAN , CO TIPPERARY renovation and extension to existing dwelling and new domestic garage and permission to retain first floor extension to rear of dwelling and velux windows to front . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 TIPPERARY DROMINAGH , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a four-year temporary permission for the continued operation of a meteorological mast, which was twice previously granted temporary permission under Reg. Ref. 17600650 and Ref. 201410. The mast consists of a lattice tower standing approximately 10m high and mounted on a pre-cast triangular block mea. More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 TIPPERARY CAPPAGH , CAPPAWHITE , CO. TIPPERARY a) the extension of an existing changing rooms, b) refurbishing all weather multi-purpose area and upgrade lighting, c) development of a new storage and equipment stores, d) development of a new overflow carparking, maintenance shed and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 TIPPERARY SRAHAVARRELLA , CLONOULTY CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY a). replace existing front porch, b). demolish existing bay window to front elevation of existing house, c). replace windows to south west elevation of house with doors, d). upgrade and relocate existing treatment system with secondary packaged treatment unit and polishing filter and all associate. More...
RETENTION Dec 23 TIPPERARY BALLYLUSKEY , ARDCRONEY , NENAGH an agricultural structure containing milking parlour/dairy/service rooms with ancillary installations including external milk silo, meal silo, rainwater harvesting and water storage tanks. The construction of associated collecting and handling yards with a soil water collection tank and all associat. More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 TIPPERARY ROOSCA , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY (1) an extension to the side of dwelling house with minor alterations to existing elevations, (2) an extension to garage, (3) a new vehicular entrance and access drive and to reduce the existing vehicular entrance to form a pedestrian entrance with all other with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 TIPPERARY NEWTOWN UPPER , FAUGHEEN , CARRICK-ON-SUIR alterations to existing outbuilding to form granny flat with interconnecting door to main house, rear single storey extension to replace existing sunroom, alterations to entrance porch, replacement of non-original windows and renovation of original sliding sash windows, internal alterations at firs. More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 TIPPERARY SUNVILLE HOUSE , ARDGEEHA LOWER , CLONMEL \u2022 Construction of two new dwelling houses, \u2022 Renovation works to the existing house, \u2022 An extension to the existing house, \u2022 All associated site works. This includes the demolition of existing structures where required and the provision of ancillary facilities as necessary . More...
PERMISSION Dec 22 TIPPERARY FRIAR STREET , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY the change of use of existing ground floor unit from retail/shop to class 2(c) offices with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 22 TIPPERARY GORTARUSH UPPER , DUNDRUM , CO. TIPPERARY change of house style to that granted planning permission under planning reference 2360476, with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 TIPPERARY GORTSHANE , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY slatted loose shed with underground effluent tank and Permission to construct slatted loose shed with underground effluent tank, roofed manure stead area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY CLUAIN ÁRD , 3 MELVIEW PRIOR PARK , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY demolition of single-storey structure to the rear and demolition of chimney, alterations to existing elevations, external works and all necessary site services and site development works, including works to front and side boundary walls and gates . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 TIPPERARY AM PM STORE , GREENSIDE SOUTH , CARRICK ON SUIR CO TIPPERARY 1. to retain indefinitely (a) the refrigeration unit as is now mounted at a lower level on the external face of the North-Western gable wall of the existing two floored AM-PM retail store building, (b) the roof structure as is already built on site to the two floored building, and 2. PERMISSION fo. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY GAILE , THURLES , CO TIPPERARY (i) milking parlour incorporating dairy, plant, storage, external milk tank, meal bin, rain water storage tank, holding yard with crush/ drafting yard, underground effluent tank with flow channel and (ii) manure area with wall and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY PORTLAND , LORRHA , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY a walled silage pit, silage apron, ancillary concrete yard and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY JOHN STREET , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling house which is a protected structure (Protected Structure Ref: 102, NIAH: 22105063) including demolition of existing adjoining outbuilding, upgrading and refurbishment of existing separate outbuilding, internal remodelling at ground floor level,. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY BALLYNERA , DROMBANE , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY 1. the extension to existing clubhouse, 2. the spectator viewing stand, 3. the extension to existing ball wall and all weather playing pitch including lighting and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 TIPPERARY RORAN TERRYGLASS , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY 1. As-built bungalow dwelling house which differs from previously approved (planning ref. 03510096); 2. As-built detached garage/store; 3. As-built storage shed, and all ancillary site works thereto . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY GARRANMORE , NEWTOWN , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY the extension of existing dormer bungalow to provide a sunroom on the west side, a utility, garage and enclosed swimming pool to the rear of the house, and an office, enlarged landing area and hot-press at 1st floor level; the erection of ground mounted solar panels area of approx. 35m2 towards the. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY LYREFUNE , BALLYPOREEN CAHIR , COUNTY TIPPERARY 1) New upgraded Wastewater Treatment system, 2) Raised bed Percolation Area, 3) Decommissioning and removal of existing septic tank, and 4) All associated site development works . . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 TIPPERARY GORTSHANE MIDDLE , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY a change of site boundary and relocation of a polishing filter from that granted in planning file 02-510388 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY LOUGHANE LOWER , TEMPLEDERRY , NENAGH CO TIPPERARY two storey dormer style house treatment tank percolation area and entrance . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 TIPPERARY 51 THE SQUARE DRUMMIN VILLAGE , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the structure consisting of domestic storage shed & hobby space . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY CURRAGHMORE , BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling house, garage, wastewater treatment system & entrance along with all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY THE ORMONDE CENTRE , GLADSTONE STREET , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY. a) Sub-division of Ground Floor from adjoining Retail Unit in The Marystone Centre. b) Amalgamation of existing Ground Floor Retail Units and part of central Mall, to create a single Retail Unit. c) Alterations to rear elevation (West) to Mary Street Car Park. d) Signage to front elevation (East). More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY BETWEEN THE EXISTING CAHIR SUBSTATION IN THE TOWNLAND OF BALLYHENEBERY CO. TIPPERARY , AND KNOCKRAHA SUBSTATION IN THE TOWNLAND BALLYNANELAGH CO. CORK , (FULL TOWNLAND LIST PROVIDED IN PECR) refurbishment works to 24.3 km of overhead line, 9 no. steel towers and 121 no. wooden polesets within County Tipperary. These lie between the existing Cahir Substation in the townland of Ballyhenebery, and the border with County Cork in the townland of Coolapreavan, crossing the County Tipperary to. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY MAIN STREET / TOWNPARKS , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY a) dismantling and removal of existing \u2018Shortt\u2019s\u2019 three-level shop, residence and out-offices and adjoining three-level residence, out-offices and walls (formally known as \u2018Prout\u2019s\u2019), removal of boundary wall to laneway, b) formation of an opening in the Town Park wall. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY DOUGHILL , CLOGHEEN , CAHIR CO. TIPPERARY (i) slatted underground tank and (ii) calf shed and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY LAND AT SLIEVENAMON ROAD AND THURLES RELIEF ROAD , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY the development of a single storey drive-thru restaurant including the ancillary sale of hot food for consumption off the premises with an associated corral area, elevational signage, modifications to existing vehicular access off the Thurles Relief Road, car parking including accessible parking spa. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 TIPPERARY GOATENBRIDGE , ARDFINNAN CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY to construct 14no. semi-detached, two-storey dwelling houses comprising 10no. three bedroom and 4no. two bedroom, including the removal of the rising walls for 5 dwellings which had commenced on foot of planning file 05/623, including all associated site development works and underground services . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 TIPPERARY GREENRATH , TIPPERARY , CO. TIPPERARY the existing dwelling house, domestic storage shed, site entrance and roadside boundary wall and the location of existing septic tank and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY F.H.I.S.T. HOUSE , MORTON STREET , CLONMEL the demolition and removing the remains of the existing building and to alter and extend the existing sheltered housing building at F.H.I.S.T. House Morton Street Clonmel, including associated external works. The new building/extension will accommodate 6 no additional sheltered dwelling units, which. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY PRIORY DEMESNE , TEMPLEMORE , CO TIPPERARY the construction of a proposed two-storey dwelling, domestic outbuilding, a proposed wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated siteworks, including a proposed site entrance . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY MAINSTOWN , CARRICK ON SUIR , CO. TIPPERARY the proposed detached garage/household store, steel tech building and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY NEWTOWN , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY carrying out alterations to site entrance to the property including boundary set back to improve sight lines . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY MAINSTOWN , CARRICK ON SUIR , CO. TIPPERARY the proposed stable/barn food store, steel tech building to use for shelter and house for rescued donkeys, upgrade of existing entrance access road, underground effluent tank and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 TIPPERARY GORTARUSH LOWER , DUNDRUM , CO. TIPPERARY the extension as erected, to retain the two sheds and the glass house as erected and to apply for Permission for an extension to the roadside of the existing dwelling, to replace the existing septic tank with a new wastewater treatment tank and percolation system and to include all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY BALLYNERA , DROMBANE THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY 1. Extension to existing clubhouse 2. Spectator viewing stand 3. Extension to existing ball wall and all weather playing pitch including lighting and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY FAWNLOUGH , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a vehicular entrance, dwelling house, domestic garage, septic tank and percolation area together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY SHESHERAGHMORE , LORRHA , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY (1) the construction of a new farm building for the housing of livestock including a slatted area over an underground slurry storage tank, for agricultural use, and completed with associated siteworks, and (2) permission to construct a new extension to an existing farm building for straw and general. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY BARRETTSGRANGE , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a single-storey dwelling with associated effluent treatment plant and percolation area, and all associated site development works, including alterations to existing site entrance and associated roadside boundary setback . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY GARRANMORE , NEWTOWN , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY extension of existing dormer bungalow to provide a sunroom on the west side, a utility , garage and enclosed swimming pool the rear of the house, and an office, enlarged landing area and hot-press at 1st floor level and the erection of ground mounted solar panels area of approx. 35m2 towards the r. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY 14 THE BEECHES , SHANNON VIEW , BALLINA CO. TIPPERARY the construction of an extension to the dwelling, and alterations to the dwelling, and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY LAGANORE , WATERFORD ROAD , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY 1) to demolish existing canopy; 2) remove existing fuel dispensing pumps; 3) install unmanned overground fuel dispensing unit; 4) remove existing interceptor and fit new 10,000 litre full retention interceptor with high level alarm; and 5) all other associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY KERRY STREET , FETHARD , CO.TIPPERARY the demolition of an existing kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and roof located at the rear of dwelling and the construction of a two-story extension to rear of existing dwelling consisting of a kitchen/living room, 3 bedrooms & bathroom, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY ARDSALLAGH HOUSE , ARDSALLAGH ESTATE , FETHARD CO. TIPPERARY (a) demolition of mid-20th century 2-storey extension on north facade & single storey extensions on west facade of the two-storey with attic over basement dwelling (main house), conservatory ruins on south facade and courtyard outbuildings (b) construction of a new single storey extension & glass li. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY GLENCONNOR ROAD GARRYSHANE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY construction of a new car park and associated site works in the vicinity of Damien House and St Paul\u2019s Ward . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY CROKE STREET , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY (1) a two storey apartment building fronting onto Croke Street, comprising of 1 number one-bed apartment at ground floor level and 1 number one-bed apartment at first floor level and (2) a two storey apartment building located to the rear of the site, with access from Croke Street, comprising of 3 n. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY BALLYERK , TWO MILE BORRIS , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey dwelling, entrance, effluent treatment system together with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 TIPPERARY CLONGANHUE , CAPPAWHITE , TIPPERARY TOWN first floor extension (13.7sqm) to the rear, refurbishment of the existing ground floor extension (13.3sqm), and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY LANDS AT OXPARK , CLOUGHJORDAN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a detached part single storey, part two-storey dwelling (240sqm), new on-site domestic waste water treatment system and percolation area (to current EPA standards informed by accompanying Environmental Impact Assessment Report), soakaway, new gated vehicular entrance accessed fro. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY CBS HIGH SCHOOL , KICKHAM STREET , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY (a) a new two storey extension to the east of the existing school buildings and (b) a single storey extension to the north of existing SNU building. The two storey extension consists of a new corridor link to the existing original school building (NIAH ref no: 22113014) and includes 8 no. specialist. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY NO. 1 OLD WATERFORD ROAD , CARRICKBEG , CARRICK-ON-SUIR CO. TIPPERARY 1) construction of new side and rear extension including renovation of existing house, 2) completion of all associated site works and 3) RETENTION PERMISSION for replacement of boundary walls . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 TIPPERARY 15 CONNOLLY PARK , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY a two storey, 3-bedroom end of terrace house. Works completed include foundations, external walls and the roof. Planning permission is being sought for the completion of a two storey, 3-bedroom end of terrace house to include windows, all internal works, vehicular access and site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY RATHRONAN , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling house, separate domestic garage, septic tank with percolation area, block up and relocate the existing entrance on site to create a new recessed entrance, plus all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY GARRAUN , BALLINURE , CO. TIPPERARY installation of a septic tank, percolation area together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY SKEHEENARANKY , BURNCOURT , CO. TIPPERARY altering and amending the following items granted under planning reference number 21710, to amend house type and location of treatment system, complete with all associated site works to serve proposed new two storey dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 TIPPERARY KILBRICKANE , LOUGHMORE THURLES , CO TIPPERARY an extension to rear of existing house to include increased kitchen living area, new septic tank and percolation area along with revised site boundaries . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 TIPPERARY FAWNLOUGH BALLYGRAIGUE ROAD , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY design changes to existing planning permission ref:2360853 for a) alterations to existing single storey detached dwelling, b) new 1.5 storey/single storey extensions to side South & rear West elevation of existing dwelling, c) replacement of existing septic tank and percolation area with new septic . More...
RETENTION Dec 18 TIPPERARY CHURCH STREET , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY the change of use from domestic use to office space and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 TIPPERARY BRITTAS ROAD , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of 60 no. residential dwelling units comprising of 5 no. house-type G (4 bed 7person two-storey semi-detached house), 11no. house-type H (3 bed 5person two-storey semi-detached house), 16 no. house-type K (3 bed 5 person two-storey semi-detached house), 12 no. house-type N (2 bed 4 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 TIPPERARY CARROWKEALE , NEWPORT , CO TIPPERARY demolishing an existing cottage and out building and construct a replacement two storey dwelling, together with a replacement out-building (incorporating a store and laundry room), new entrances, sewage treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 TIPPERARY MAYLADSTOWN , BALLYNEILL , CARRICK ON SUIR the relocation of the entrance previously granted under planning reference 2463 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 TIPPERARY THE EAGLES , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY for construction of two rear single storey extensions of a living area and a gym, alterations to existing dwelling, demolition of existing garage and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 TIPPERARY PAIRC NA HEALAÍ CARRICK SWANS GAA GROUNDS , BALLYRICHARD RD. BALLYRICHARD , CARRICK ON SUIR the construction of a 260 spectator viewing stand and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 TIPPERARY MAIN STREET , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY change of use of existing ground floor retail unit- change from retail shop to residential use to incorporate new living room, bedroom and shower room . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 TIPPERARY BALLINGARRANE BUSINESS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS , BALLINGARRANE , CLONMEL advanced building solution consisting of office and light industrial/production spaces. Permission is also sought for vehicular/pedestrian entrance, signage, car parking, cycle shelters, landscaping, underground water storage tank, independent ESB substation & switch room building, central utility b. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 TIPPERARY MAHERS FOOD STORE , KILSHEELAN , CO. TIPPERARY a change of use from a post office unit to an off-licence and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 TIPPERARY GRAIGUE , CLOGHEEN , CO. TIPPERARY a dwelling house, domestic garage, effluent treatment system and percolation area, entrance and all other associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 18 TIPPERARY PARNELL STREET , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY an extension as built at the rear of the public house containing escape routes and storage space and PERMISSION to carry out upgrade works on the roof and exterior walls of this extension so as to tie in with the remainder of the building at No. 4 Parnell Street, Thurles, also PERMISSION for change . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 TIPPERARY FINNAHY , UPPERCHURCH , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY a single storey house, domestic garage, septic tank, percolation area and entrance . More...
RETENTION Dec 18 TIPPERARY TULLAHEADY , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY partially complete underground store and for planning permission to complete the construction of same together with all associated works within the existing commercial premises . More...
RETENTION Dec 18 TIPPERARY WOODINSTOWN , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY (1) a mobile home (presently cladded in timber as to appear as a log cabin), (2) two outbuildings and the use of same as a domestic storage, (3) a septic tank and percolation area, entrance & driveway plus all associated site works. PLANNING PERMISSION for a new external cladding with plaster finish. More...
RETENTION Dec 18 TIPPERARY ROAN , UPPERCHURCH , CO. TIPPERARY a shipping container/domestic store and PERMISSION for single storey extensions to the sides and rear of existing storey and a half dwelling house, new treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 17 TIPPERARY BALLYDUFF , RATHCABBIN , CO. TIPPERARY a front entrance porch, revised roof and elevations from previously granted planning ref: 21708 and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 TIPPERARY KILMASTULLA , BIRDHILL NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a vehicular entrance, single storey dwelling house, domestic wastewater treatment system with polishing filter, together with all associated site works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Dec 17 TIPPERARY GIANTSGRAVE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey garage ancillary to the main dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 TIPPERARY NO 16 ARD MHUIRE , THURLES , CO TIPPERARY a single and two storey extension to the side and rear of existing dwelling with all associsated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 17 TIPPERARY 14A & 15A MCDONAGH STREET , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey extension to the rear of each existing house together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 TIPPERARY OAKHAMPTON , NEWPORT , CO TIPPERARY a new two storey house, complete with a domestic garage and an effluent treatment system, application includes a Natura Impact Statement . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 TIPPERARY DONASKEAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of (i) a cubicle shed with underground slurry tank and loose area, (ii) walled silage pits, (iii) a roofed overground slurry tower and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 17 TIPPERARY NEWCHAPEL , CLERIHAN , CLONMEL a) the location of the dwelling house and detached garage as constructed on site instead of the location granted under P3/7369, b) the vehicular stone entrance and road side stone boundary wall, c) the chimney to the rear of the kitchen, d) the enclosing open porch with Upvc to form enclosed entran. More...
RETENTION Dec 16 TIPPERARY 2 GLENCRUE , PORTROE , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY the extensions to dwelling house and storage sheds to rear . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 TIPPERARY KILLEENS , BALLYNONTY , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY a single storey 3 bedroomed house, splayed and recessed entranceway, secondary treatment system with soil polishing filter and all associated site works on and under land . More...
RETENTION Dec 16 TIPPERARY ARDMAYLE EAST , BOHERLAHAN , CASHEL CO TIPPERARY completion of 5 no single storey dwellings which have been constructed to roof level, connections to existing services, site entrances and all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 TIPPERARY KILLANIGAN , CASTLEINEY , TEMPLEMORE a) the alterations to previously approved planning application register reference number 24/57; the alterations relate to the change of the previously approved design for the extension and alterations to the existing dwelling; b) all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 TIPPERARY GRANIERA , MILESTONE CROSS , UPPERCHURCH CO. TIPPERARY to extend and renovate existing house and shed, upgrade wastewater treatment system and entrance along with all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 TIPPERARY 22 PRIOR PARK GREEN , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY a part two-storey part single-storey extension and granny flat to the side and rear of our dwelling, make minor modifications to the existing dwelling and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Dec 16 TIPPERARY LOUGHTALLY , MARLFIELD , CO. TIPPERARY the demolished agricultural shed and the as constructed agricultural building, concrete yards and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 TIPPERARY SHANBALLYNAHAGHY , ROSCREA , CO. TIPPERARY conversion of an existing outhouse to a habitable dwelling with new extension to the rear of the building, new septic tank and percolation area, new entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 TIPPERARY NOAN HOUSE , NOAN BALLINURE , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY change of use and alterations of former coach house, which is in the curtilage of Noan House, a protected structure (TRPS1062). Works will include the following: (i) change of use, alteration of existing coach house into 2 no. 2-storey apartment dwelling units intended for short term let. (ii) const. More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 TIPPERARY MORTLESTOWN , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling, entrance, waste water treatment system and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 TIPPERARY KILLINAN , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a new single storey extension to the existing dwelling; associated alterations to existing dwelling external elevations to accommodate proposed new extension & internal layout; new wastewater treatment system and percolation area. Retention planning permission is also sought for the partial attic co. More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 TIPPERARY NO. 63 ARD NA GREINE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of the existing attached garage and the construction of a single storey extension to the side/back of existing dwelling house all with associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 16 TIPPERARY 67 MAIN STREET , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY to retain indefinitely the as constructed single-storey extension to the existing coach house at the rear of our property and permission for change of use of coach house for residential use to accommodate 2 no. one-bed apartments, make modifications to said building and all associated site developme. More...
PERMISSION Dec 15 TIPPERARY LACKENAVEA (EGREMONT) , BIRDHILL , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey dwelling house, garage, waste water treatment system, entrance and all other ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 14 TIPPERARY KILCORAN , BALLYLOOBY , CO. TIPPERARY a two-storey dwelling, domestic garage, effluent treatment tank and percolation system, entrance and all associated ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 14 TIPPERARY MOUNT TABOR , THE KILN , CASHEL CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of an extension to facilitate the construction of a flat roof bedroom extension for the purpose of operating a bed and breakfast, to include all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 TIPPERARY RETAIL UNIT 1 BRADLEY'S ROW , RAILWAY ROAD BRADLEY'S ROW , TEMPLEMORE CO. TIPPERARY the change of use of ground floor Retail Unit 1 from commercial to residential use and all associated site development works to complete the development. The residential until will comprise of a two-bedroom apartment . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Dec 13 TIPPERARY CLONGOWER , THURLES , CO TIPPERARY 4 no sites for 4 single storey houses, 4 domestic garages, 4 number treatment tanks percolation areas and entrances . More...
RETENTION Dec 13 TIPPERARY RATHBEG , GORTNAHOE , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY indefinitely retain an existing commercial garage for the repair of motor vehicles including all associated site works and Planning permission for external roadside signage . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 TIPPERARY MSD IRELAND (BALLYDINE) , BALLYDINE , KILSHEELAN CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY an extension to the existing factory 03 production building at the site at Ballydine, Kilsheelan, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. The development will consist of: (i) a new 4 level extension to the southern elevation of the existing factory 03 building to provide a gross floor area of approximately 2,967 sq. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 TIPPERARY BEEVERSTOWN , MULLINAHONE THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY 1. the construction of a detached two storey dwelling and a single storey domestic garage. 2. To form a new connection into the wastewater sewer and rainwater storm sewer and also, the Irish Water network /public water main. 3. The construction of a multi-purpose play area with synthetic surface . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 TIPPERARY 39 ST. MOLLERANS , CARRICKBEG CARRICK ON SUIR , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of an existing single storey rear extension and for construction of a two storey rear extension to two storey terraced dwelling along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 TIPPERARY AMBER SERVICE STATION , LAGANORE WATERFORD ROAD , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY new development as described below: 1) to demolish existing canopy; 2) remove existing fuel dispensing pumps; 3) install unmanned overground fuel dispensing unit; 4) remove existing interceptor and fit new 10,000 litre full retention interceptor with high level alarm; and 5) all other associated sit. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 TIPPERARY WATER TREATMENT WORKS NEWROSS , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY ground and roof mounted photovoltaic solar panels with a maximum actual square metreage of 175 m2 distributed over a grass area and a flat rooftop at Water Treatment Works, Newross, Newport, Co. Tipperary, V94 E268. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 TIPPERARY 17 RIVER OAKS , RIVERSTOWN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling and all associated internal modifications and site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 TIPPERARY CLONEEN , ROSCREA , CO. TIPPERARY a 2 storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling to comprise kitchen/dining, living room, boot room, utility, wet room, 3 no. bedrooms one with en-suite and dress area, bathroom - connected to existing dwelling at ground and first floor; new waste water unit; re-rendering of existing house . More...
RETENTION Dec 13 TIPPERARY GARRANLEA , NEW INN CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY the extension and alterations as built - retention is sought for the following items: (1) increased size of extension presently under construction and built larger than previously approved under ref 2260279; (2) larger kitchen and utility area; (3) rear extension to bedroom 2; (4) window in utility;. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY CORRABELLA , NEWCASTLE , CLONMEL the construction of a part single-storey part one and a half-storey extension to the rear and sides of the dwelling, garage, make modifications to the existing dwelling, upgrade effluent treatment system, modify existing vehicular entrance and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY LONGFIELD , ARDGEEHA CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the removal of existing portacabin and construction of a single storey building comprising offices, training room and sensory room including all associated development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY DUBLIN ROAD , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition and removal of the existing free standing two-storey building including all associated site works and reinstatement on the property . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY THE EXISTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT , BULFIN ROAD , NENAGH IN THE TOWNLAND OF NENAGH NORTH Please refer to public notices for full description. Development description is summarised here due to size: Upgrade of the existing Nenagh Wastewater Treatment Plant from its current design Population Equivalent (PE) of 12,000 to a PE plant of 22,000. The wastwater will be treated and discharged. More...
RETENTION Dec 12 TIPPERARY MANNA SOUTH , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY the houses nos. 4, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 as constructed and Permission for the completion of houses nos. 4, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 and associated site development works. This development was permitted under permission no. 14600136 which will expire on the 20/01/2025. By the date of expiry of existing p. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY RACECOURSE CROSS , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY amendments to granted planning application ref: 22678 - reduce the red boundary line area, relocate the single storey dwelling, domestic garage, effluent treatment tank and percolation system, relocate site entrance and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY BALLYLAFFIN , ARDFINNAN , CO. TIPPERARY the erection of a dwelling house, entrance, driveway, treatment system, private well and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY DRUMMINCROAHY , ANNACARTY , CO. TIPPERARY to carry out renovations to existing cottage which include raising the roof height, fitting of dormer type windows and repositioning of front porch and all associated ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Dec 12 TIPPERARY CATHEDRAL STREET , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY internal works carried out to ground floor of former public house. The works to be retained include alterations made to the internal ground floor layout, removal of internal partitions and stairs along with associated works. The building is a Recorded Protected Structure in the Thurles & Environs De. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY KILLEEN BALLINACLOUGH , TEMPLEDERRY , CO. TIPPERARY the change of house type under previously permitted governing permission reference number 2460364 together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY ANNER CASTLE , BALLINAMORE CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the removal of the existing timber staircase in the North Tower and the construction of a new hardwood octagonal staircase serving both the first floor and a new upper level (previously granted under planning reference no. 2361015). All with the associated site development works. A protected structu. More...
RETENTION Dec 12 TIPPERARY ARDMAYLE EAST , BOHERLAHAN , CASHEL retention and completion of 5 no single storey dwellings which have been constructed to roof level, connections to existing services, site entrances and all associated siteworks . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY CARRIGATOGHER (ABBOTT) , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling, storage shed, waste water system and entrance . More...
RETENTION Dec 12 TIPPERARY KICKHAM STREET , MULLINAHONE , CO TIPPERARY works carried out to dwelling to include extension to front wall and the raising of roof height to include new window opening to gable & Full Planning permission for new connection to public water mains & public sewer and all other associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY GORTMORE , CAHIR ROAD , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY construction of new single storey extension to rear of dwelling, new entrance porch to front of dwelling, external insulation and roof coverings, new replacement waste-water treatment system and percolation area and all necessary site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY BOHERBAUN CAPPAROE , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY two-storey pitched roof extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, including three dormer windows at attic level. The attic level will contain three new bedrooms (two en-suite). The ground floor will feature a new kitchen, utility room, pantry, and sitting room. A single-storey pitched roof ext. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY BALLYBOE , BALLYPATRICK , CO.TIPPERARY the construction of a new dormer dwelling and to renovate and make minor alterations to the the existing derelict dwelling, which will be integrated into the new dwelling; installation of a new domestic wastewater treatment system and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY CURRAGHARNEEN , DOLLA , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY completion of partially constructed property, install waster water treatment system, garage, entrance, driveway and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY BANK OF IRELAND , 21 PARNELL STREET , CO. TIPPERARY (a) A new external ATM and illuminated surround panel, (b) Removal of 1 no. existing hardwood door to be replaced with new ATM and solid timber panelled door to match existing., (c) Part removal of existing timber window and extension of window opening to internal ground level. Install new solid tim. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY COOLORAN , BALLYCURKEEN BALLYNEALE , CARRICK ON SUIR CO. TIPPERARY demolition and replacement of existing single storey house with new single storey dwelling, proposed garage structure, new treatment system and percolation area and all necessary associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 TIPPERARY KILCAROON , BALLYPOREEN , CO. TIPPERARY (1) the construction of storage shed to replace existing storage shed and all associated site works; (2) the demolition of two storage sheds . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY MODESHIL , MULLINAHONE , CO TIPPERARY a 2 storey dwelling, garage, entrance, wastewater treatment system, borehole, soakpits and all other associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY BRITTAS , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY the continued use of an existing temporary 80m high lattice type meteorological mast and associated instruments in the townland of Brittas, near Thurles Co. Tipperary. The structure is fixed to ground mounted anchors by guy wires and includes instruments to measure local meteorological conditions. T. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY PORTROE ROAD , BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY change use of premises from existing office use to residential use . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY LISSAVA , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY a single-storey garage to the rear of existing dwelling including all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY MOANVERRIN , DRANGAN , CO TIPPERARY a) changes to the front, side and rear elevations on our house and retention planning permission for b) a domestic shed, c) the location of the effluent treatment system and percolation area and d) boundary locations . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY RATCLOGHEEN , GOLDEN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a domestic extension to the existing dwelling house and including all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Dec 11 TIPPERARY MOUNTJUDKIN , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY the existing dwelling house and to retain the detached domestic storage shed and including all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY ASHBURY , ROSCREA , CO TIPPERARY upgrading of septic tank, facilitating the removal of the existing Septic Tank, replaced with 3.3 Cubic meter capacity Waste Water Treatment Unit with Pump to 45 SQM area. Soil Polishing Filter, as a replacement to the existing Septic Tank and to include all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY BALLINREE , BOHERLAHAN , CASHEL 1. the construction of a septic tank and percolation area, 2. to uncover and reinstate driveway leading to dwelling house, 3. consequential amendments to window openings to the rear of the dwelling house resulting from the proposed refurbishment works and for Retention Permission for 4. an existing . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY RODEEN UPPER , BORRISOKANE , CO TIPPERARY construction of new garage to the rear of the existing house and to include all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY 4 COIS FALLA , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY retention indefinitely the as constructed single-storey extension to the rear of dwelling and permission to construct a single-storey extension to the side of dwelling, make minor alterations to the existing dwelling and all associated site development works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY CARRIGATOGHER ABBOTT , NENAGH , CO TIPPERARY construct a dwelling, storage shed, waste water system and entrance . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY NEWTOWNANNER KILLALOAN LOWER , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY 1) the demolition and removal of two derelict properties, the old B&B building, Site A and neighbouring bungalow Site B, 2) Site A = the levelling/grading of the land to create a green field with specimen tree planting and incorporating flood and storm water detention scheme, the creation of a new . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY 47 CANON HAYES PARK , TIPPERARY TOWN , CO TIPPERARY change of use of existing garage into a bedroom and ensuite with minor changes to front elevation of the existing dwelling and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY BALLYVONEEN , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey dwelling, entrance, effluent treatment system together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY KILLANIGAN , CASTLEINEY , TEMPLEMORE the following works: a) Alterations to previously approved planning application register reference number 24/57; the alterations relate to the change of the previously approved design for the extension and alterations to the existing dwelling. B) All associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 11 TIPPERARY AN DROICHEAD , MARLFIELD , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY a) the changes to the elevations of the house, b) an increase in the floor area of the house, c) the location of the wastewater treatment system, d) the entrance as constructed, and e) the landscaping treatments and site layout as constructed . More...
RETENTION Dec 11 TIPPERARY KILVEMNON , MULLINAHONE , CO.TIPPERARY the indefinite retention of a single storey extension to the side of the dwelling; indefinite retention of 3 detached sheds, each housing: 1) a playroom, 2) a home office and 3) a garage all located at the rear of the dwelling. Full Planning Permission to remove an existing kitchen extension and rep. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY MAYLADSTOWN , BALLYNEILL , CARRICK ON SUIR for the relocation of the vehicular entrance instead of the vehicular entrance location granted planning permission under Ref No 2463 to build a Dormer Type Bungalow residence, Vehicular Entrance, Secondary Treatment System and Polishing Filter and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY MANOUR , KILROSS , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a calf house extension with effluent tank and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 TIPPERARY NENAGH GENERAL HOSPITAL , TYONE ROAD , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY a new energy centre building, generator and fuel storage compounds to the existing services. Works to include the following; (a) the demolition of the existing diesel storage tank and associated concrete bund, removal of existing electrical generator, and associated fencing to the generator compound. More...
RETENTION Dec 11 TIPPERARY THE ABBEY SCHOOL , STATION ROAD , TIPPERARY CO. TIPPERARY a detached storage shed; the blockwork wall and gate within the grounds of the school and Planning Permission for change of use of the above noted shed to use as a school gym and all associated site and ancillary works. All within the curtilage of a protected structure (RPS ref. 101) . More...
RETENTION Dec 10 TIPPERARY CLEAKILE , BOULADUFF , THURLES a single storey sunroom to the rear of the dwelling, conversion of a former garage to an existing hall, utility room and breakfast room. Retention permission for an existing single storey toolshed and single storey garden shed to the rear of the property . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY BENEDINE , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a dwelling house, garage, wastewater treatment system entrance along with all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY SAINT MARY'S CHURCH , TOWNSPARKS , CAHIR to create a burial ground and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 10 TIPPERARY KILLEEN , RATHCABBIN , ROSCREA CO. TIPPERARY the existing developed first floor habitable area of dwelling, existing location of the entrance, septic tank and percolation area as constructed under planning grant PLC/19522 and all associated siteworks, as constructed and PERMISSION to construct extensions to the existing dwelling, construct a c. More...
RETENTION Dec 10 TIPPERARY BALLYGORTEEN , ROSCREA , CO. TIPPERARY the extension to existing dwelling and for retention for gym, games room and storage shed to rear of property and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY LEIGH , TWO MILE BORRIS , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY a new two storey dwelling, garage house with garage, shared entrance, septic tank and percolation area with all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY LAFFINA LANE , CLONOULTY , CASHEL construction of a single storey dwelling house, domestic garage, connection to mains water supply, wastewater treatment system & polishing filter, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY CLASHGANNY WEST , NEWCASTLE , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY (i) the separation of the commercial unit from the existing dwelling as granted under Planning Reference Number 06/729, (ii) a new waste water treatment system to serve the existing commercial unit only, leaving the existing treatment system as granted under Planning Reference Number 06/729 to serve. More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY BALLINASTICK , COALBROOK , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY change the treatment system from that permitted under planning file 211195 to an alternative treatment system which is a septic tank and percolation area . More...
RETENTION Dec 10 TIPPERARY 1 BOTHAR MHUIRE , CLOUGHJORDAN , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey garage (50sqm) and the widening of the vehicular entrance to the house . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY CLOONYHEA , DRANGAN , MULLINAHONE the development of silage base with aprons and channels. Permission retention for a calf house and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY CLONEYGOWNY PORTROE , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the extension to ground and first floor of existing dwelling, alterations to existing elevations and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY KILLORAN , TEMPLETUOHY THURLES , CO TIPPERARY extensions & alterations to existing farmhouse, relevant demolition works to structures attached to house to facilitate the extension and renovation of the house, permission for new septic tank & percolation area, a new vehicular entrance and to include all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY ROCKWELL COLLEGE , ROCKWELL NEWINN , CASHEL CO. TIPPERARY a proposed prefabricated biomass boiler room and ancillary wood chip silo, and all ancillary site works, which are located within the curtilage of a protected structure . More...
RETENTION Dec 10 TIPPERARY NO 3 LISHEEN TERRACE , MITCHEL STREET , THURLES the following: a) as constructed extension to rear of existing house; b) domestic store shed to the rear and boundary wall to site with all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY LA PORT ROUGE BALLINTOHER ROAD , BENEDIN NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the side and rear extension to dwelling, alterations to elevations on existing dwelling and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY KNOCKMAROE , MILESTONE , THURLES to relocate entrance, renovate existing dwelling, construction of a new single storey extension, new septic tank, percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY COOLE LODGE COOLE , PORTROE NENAGH , CO TIPPERARY design alterations to existing planning ref: 21/94, the proposed alterations are confined to the existing dwelling and will consist of design changes to the proposed extension which reduce the scale of the proposed changes to the dwelling and all ancillary works - A NIS is submitted with the appli. More...
RETENTION Dec 10 TIPPERARY BALLINGARRY UPPER , BALLINGARRY , CO. TIPPERARY the renovation works to the existing dwelling, the retention of the as-constructed extension and the retention of the changes to the front elevation of the property & all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY BEHAGHGLASS CLONAKENNY , ROSCREA , CO TIPPERARY single storey rear extension to existing school building to provide accessible WC/shower/changing room, 2 no. staff toilets and alterations to existing rear elevation and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 TIPPERARY DEERPARK , LATTIN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of (i) a slatted loose shed with underground slurry tank; (ii) a loose shed and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 TIPPERARY COOLORAN , BALLYPATRICK , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY the construction of new single storey dwelling, proposed waste-water treatment system and percolation area, external garage, new site entrance including gate and piers and modifications to hedgerow and All necessary associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 TIPPERARY COOLE , KNOCKLOFTY CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY a dwelling house, garage, entrance, driveway, treatment system and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 TIPPERARY DRUMINDA & KILMORE , CAPPAWHITE , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a new dwelling to replace an existing sub-standard dwelling, change of use of the existing substandard dwelling to out-house, improvements to existing site entrance, new wastewater treatment unit & polishing filter and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 TIPPERARY BALLYTARSNA , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a cattle underpass, slatted effluent tank and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 TIPPERARY NENAGH RETAIL PARK (ALSO REFERRED TO AS SPRINGFORT RETAIL PARK) , STEREAME LIMERICK ROAD , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY \u2022 provision of a drive-thru lane for the Costa Coffee unit, including a service hatch on the south-eastern side of the unit, a height restrictor / entrance barrier on the access lane, 3.5m wide drive-thru lane and associated hard and soft landscaping, \u2022 the proposed development includes m. More...
RETENTION Dec 09 TIPPERARY CARRIGMORE , CLOGHEEN , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey extension to the side of existing 2 storey house and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 09 TIPPERARY LOUGHKEEN , CARRIG , BIRR a. additions and alterations to existing dwelling house b. domestic polydome tunnel c. domestic glasshouse and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 TIPPERARY DERRAVOHER , BALLYLOOBY , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling house, entrance, effluent treatment system together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 08 TIPPERARY CLASHDRUMSMITH , EMLY , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey extension to the north east of the existing dwelling house, comprising of an existing stone out-building (60 sq. meters) and 40 sq meters of new construction with a link hallway, a sunroom, a store, w.c , small kitchenette and bedroom all at ground floor level and connection to the e. More...
RETENTION Dec 07 TIPPERARY CLOVERHILL HOUSE , DERRYMORE , ROSCREA CO. TIPPERARY conversion of outhouse to domestic use, retention of extension to rear of dwelling and PERMISSION to upgrade existing septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 07 TIPPERARY NO. 10 IKERRIN COURT , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY an extension to the side of dwelling with minor elevation changes to the existing dwelling with all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Dec 07 TIPPERARY TANNERSRATH , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a (i) calf shed, (ii) slatted tank, (iii) manure slab with wall and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 07 TIPPERARY COOLAHOLLOGA TD. , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of existing fire damaged dormer dwelling previously granted under planning ref. no PLC/14205 and for the construction of a replacement single storey dwelling in lieu of same and upgrade of existing septic tank and installation of percolation area to same including all ancillary site w. More...
PERMISSION Dec 07 TIPPERARY TYONE , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a front porch to existing house and demolition of an existing shed and Retention Planning Permission for shed to rear of property along with all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 07 TIPPERARY KERRY STREET , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY demolition to rear of dwelling, construction of a two-storey extension to rear of existing dwelling, consisting of a kitchen / living room, 3 bedrooms & bathroom and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 07 TIPPERARY GORTGLASSABRIEN , BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling house, garage, entrance, driveway, installation of a septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 07 TIPPERARY LACKENAVEA (EGREMONT) , BIRDHILL , CO. TIPPERARY to construct a dwelling house, garage, waste water treatment system, entrance and all other ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Dec 06 TIPPERARY MCDONALD'S NENAGH RETAIL PARK , STEREAME NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY modifications to the previously permitted elevations including changes to the new drive-thru bays, menu signs, and ordering station, new signage to all elevations, additional plant at roof level, new corral including chiller and freezer and a 10ft. container with associated internal building access . More...
RETENTION Dec 06 TIPPERARY CORVILLE NATIONAL SCHOOL , SCART , ROSCREA CO. TIPPERARY a single storey building consisting of three classrooms, office's, lobby, toilets, circulation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 TIPPERARY GLENGAL , BALLINGARRY , THURLES two storey dwelling, domestic garage, new entrance, packaged wastewater treatment system and raised bed percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 TIPPERARY MONEARMORE , CULLEN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling house, garage, site entrance, connection to public services and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 TIPPERARY GAILE , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a) proposed new wastewater treatment system, percolation area and all associated site works. Retention planning permission is also being sought for the following works: b) retention of the existing extensions to the rear and sides of the existing dwelling; c) retention of the existing domestic gara. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 TIPPERARY CURRAHEEN , HORSE AND JOCKEY , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY 1. construction of single storey dwelling (with part dormer accommodation) and single storey domestic garage, 2. new vehicular entrance and front boundary and 3. septic tank and percolation area . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 TIPPERARY GLENREAGH MOR , HOLYCROSS , CO. TIPPERARY (1) the demolition of the existing shed and (2) the construction of 2 new sheds with underground slatted tank and feeding passage and all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 TIPPERARY CLONEEN , ROSCREA , CO TIPPERARY the erection of a 2 storey four bedroom house adjacent to the existing 2 storey house, a new wastewater unit and associated works, alterations to entrance to achieve sight lines, minor alterations to the existing house and ancillary related works . More...
RETENTION Dec 06 TIPPERARY KNOCKINURE BORRISOLEIGH , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY (1) the revised entrance location; (2) the revised site boundaries; (3) the conversion of the garage to living accommodation; (4) the first floor window to the rear elevation; (5) 2 No storage containers and (6) all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 06 TIPPERARY GRANGE ROAD , BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY (1) as built single storey rear extension to the existing dwelling, (2) permission for retention to changes to the as built first floor rear extensions to the existing dwelling \u2013 planning reference 11510274, (3) planning permission for the construction of a 2-storey extension to the side of th. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 TIPPERARY KNOCKAHUNNA , NORWOOD , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY. for the erection of a 24m lattice telecommunications support structure on a 1.2 metre high raised foundation (providing an overall height of 25.2 metres) together with associated antennas and dishes and to remove the existing 15 metre lattice telecommunications structure with antennas (providing an . More...
RETENTION Dec 06 TIPPERARY 9 JOHN STREET , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY Main House: two new single-storey extensions to the rear of existing terraced house, for new living room in area of removed two-storey return and replacement of existing boiler/ toilet, with new utility and toilet structure. New (reopened original) first floor window to the rear south-west elevation. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 TIPPERARY TECHNOPATH LIFE SCIENCES PARK , FORT HENRY , BALLINA CO. TIPPERARY decommissioning the existing wastewater treatment system and constructing a new wastewater treatment system with overground tankage up to 6.5m high with ancillary civil works such as drainage, roads, fencing and landscaping at existing facility. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared in . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 TIPPERARY CAHERELLY CLOSE , MAIN STREET , BALLINA the construction of a private dwelling house, entrance from Washerwomen\u2019s Lane, connection to the public services and ancillary site development works, which includes the demolition of a ruined shed . More...
RETENTION Dec 06 TIPPERARY CARRIGMORE , CLOGHEEN , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey extension to the side of existing two storey house and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 TIPPERARY KYLEBALLYGALVAN , THE COMMONS , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY a single storey dwelling house, septic tank and percolation area, private bored well, new entrance and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 06 TIPPERARY FINNOE ROAD , BORRISOKANE CO. TIPPERARY , (TLD: SHESHERAGHMORE) the storage sheds to rear of property . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY KILKEARY , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a domestic garage together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY BALLINA HEALTH CENTRE , O'BRIEN'S LANE , BALLINA CO. TIPPERARY the internal reconfiguration of the existing health centre building, the construction of an extension to the health centre consisting of a temporary modular building to accommodate 3 clinics, the construction of new external ramps and steps, the widening of the existing entrance, the provision of ca. More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY ROOSCA (HICKEY) , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY dwelling, garage, effluent treatment system, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY WALSH PARK , RATHCABBIN , CO. TIPPERARY take down remaining portion of existing stone wall and reconstruct wall and original entrance pier (which has collapsed) in new position, for the purpose of recreating original entrance appearance, extending the width of the entrance and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY ARD GAOITHE BUSINESS PARK , LAWLESSTOWN , CLONMEL the construction of a wholesale warehouse including all associated site development works such as yards, carparking areas, fencing, lighting, drainage and access from the existing Ard Gaoithe Business Park road . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY BLACKCASTLE , TWO MILE BORRIS , THURLES the alterations to the house including removal of existing single story section to the side, alterations to front elevation & constructing new 2 story extension to the side & rear of the house with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY CAHERBAUN , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY a livestock cubicle shed with underground slatted concrete tank, feeding passage and all associated works and demolition of an existing open slurry tank . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY TOOR , NENAGH ROAD , THURLES the change of design of dressing room building from that previously granted under planning permission number 22/197, and all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY 48 O’CONNELL STREET , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the redevelopment of existing 4-storey derelict building comprising of retail unit at ground floor and 3-storey living accommodation over, to renovate / refurbish same providing 2 no. independent living units at upper floors over ground floor retail unit, alterations to ground floor retail unit and . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY RAPLA SOUTH , KILRUANE , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY dwelling house, garage, wastewater treatment system & entrance along with all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY KNOCKCURRAGHBOLA COMMONS , UPPERCHURCH , CO. TIPPERARY the amendments to Upperchurch Windfarm Electrical Substation authorised under An Bord Plean\u00E1la Ref. No. Pl.22.243040 and PA92.310171. The amendments consist of a) increase in size of the substation compound yard; b) change to the layout of electrical equipment in the substation compound yard; c. More...
RETENTION Dec 05 TIPPERARY CLOONANAGH , SILVERMINES , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY detached domestic garage, storage shed to the rear of the site and revised site entrance position together with associated site works and PERMISSION to replace an existing gable window with a patio door and insert an additional roof window to the rear of the existing dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 TIPPERARY CLASHGANNY NEWCASTLE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY to demolish the existing cottage, modify the existing entrance, construct new driveway, dwelling house, garage, treatment system and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Dec 05 TIPPERARY POULACAPPLE NATIONAL SCHOOL , VIA CALLAN , CO. KILKENNY 2no. prefabricated buildings, following the recent completion of the school extension project. The larger one shall be for an Afterschool Club and the smaller one shall be for a Sensory Room for pupils with ASD . More...
RETENTION Dec 05 TIPPERARY BALLYGEMMANE , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY the as-built changes to dwelling house previously granted planning permission (reference no. PLC/8809) including retention of existing sheds . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 TIPPERARY 50A QUEEN STREET , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY changes to previously approved Planning Permission (Ref. no. PA 29/03) comprising of the omission of two designated car-parking spaces for existing office . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 TIPPERARY CLONGANHUE , CAPPAWHITE , CO. TIPPERARY proposed construction of an extension, consisting of bedroom to the west gable of existing dwelling and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 04 TIPPERARY BORRIS , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY (1) the sun room built to the side of the existing dwelling house; (2) the extension built to the existing shed; (3) the lawnmower shed built at the side boundary wall and (4) all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 04 TIPPERARY LACKAMORE , PORTROE , CO. TIPPERARY the re-construction of a single storey cottage for short term holiday rental accommodation and Planning Permission for a new waste water treatment plant, ancillary site works and upgrade works to entrance . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 TIPPERARY BALLYCAPPLE , CLOUGHJORDAN , CO. TIPPERARY demolition of sheds and side porch to property, renovate and extend existing house and relocate and upgrade existing entrance . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 TIPPERARY CASHEL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY construction of an infill extension to existing plant storage units together with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 04 TIPPERARY BALLYCAHANE , BALLINAHINCH , BIRDHILL a mobile home and septic tank for the duration of the construction works, a 1.80m high timber panel wall inside the front boundary hedge, a concrete block/timber wall side boundary, a recessed site entrance, a hardcore parking area, a timber domestic shed and a dog kennel and PERMISSION to construct. More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 TIPPERARY BORRISNAFARNEY , MONEYGALL , CO. TIPPERARY a new dwelling extension, renovation of the existing dwelling, new septic tank, percolation area, entrance & all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 TIPPERARY CASTLETOWN MOYNE , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a) extension of the existing limestone quarry and for continued use of the site entrance, access laneway, lagoons, plant and machinery and ancillary works. The extension area will be 0.869ha in lands directly north of the existing quarry, and b) secondary treatment system and a soil polishing filte. More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 TIPPERARY 18 DOMINIC ST. , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY construction of a single-storey extension to the rear and side of dwelling, make minor modifications to the existing dwelling and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 TIPPERARY THE LODGE ANNE STREET AND O'NEILL STREET , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY demolition of a two-storey modern rear bathroom annexe, boiler house, kitchen chimney, single storey link corridor and toilet; erection of new two-storey over basement extension to the South elevation (33.5m2 approx); internal alterations to walls at basement, ground and first floors including formi. More...
RETENTION Dec 04 TIPPERARY BALLYVIRANE , BANSHA , CO. TIPPERARY (1) the demolition of existing dwelling house and part construction of replacement dwelling house in revised location, (2) part construction of extensions to sides of dwelling house and (3) changes to existing rear ground floor extension to that granted under planning ref: 16601017. Planning permis. More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 TIPPERARY 2 OAKWOOD , BALLINGARRY , CO. TIPPERARY the erection of a domestic storage shed with solar panels on the roof and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 TIPPERARY NENAGH NORTH NENAGH SOUTH AND TYONE , ABBEYCOURT HOTEL DUBLIN ROAD , NENAGH (1) ground mounted solar PV panels with new fence enclosure and access gates; (2) a container battery storage installation with 6 electric vehicle charge points, and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 TIPPERARY GARRYKENNEDY , PORTROE , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY new carpark area with entrance onto Ardarra Estate and permission for 6m high lighting standards with led lighting, footpath from the carpark to connect to Portroe GAA Club house grounds, connections to existing public services with all associated sitework and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 TIPPERARY MOANMORE , EMLY , CO. TIPPERARY to extend and renovate existing dwelling, permission to construct domestic garage and permission to demolish existing domestic garage and shed on site, permission to replace existing vehicular entrance with new vehicular entrance, permission to de-commission existing septic tank and permission to in. More...
RETENTION Dec 03 TIPPERARY BROOK LODGE , BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY an extension to rear of dwelling, the conversion of the garage and basement to living area and the construction of a storage shed to rear of dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 TIPPERARY CROKE STREET , THURLES , TIPPERARY a two storey apartment building comprising of 4 number one-bed apartments at ground floor and 2 number one bed apartments at first floor level including all ancillary associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 TIPPERARY 1-2 NELSON STREET & REAR OF CENTRAL HOUSE 20 PARNELL STREET , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY a) the partial demolition of existing building at No. 1 Nelson Street; Demolition of existing four-storey building at No. 2 Nelson Street and demolition of two single-storey sheds and bin store to the east of site, b) the construction of new four-storey building with a commercial unit on ground floo. More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 TIPPERARY NO 5 LIBERTY SQUARE , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY change of use from retail use to community facility and training associated with Moorehaven Centre and permission for signage with all associated siteworks and ancillary work to ground and first floor . More...
RETENTION Dec 03 TIPPERARY CARRIGMORE , CLOGHEEN , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey extension to the side of existing 2 storey house and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 03 TIPPERARY 15 CLUAIN CREGG , CARRICK-ON-SUIR , COUNTY TIPPERARY to retain Indefinitely extension to house and all associated works . More...
RETENTION Dec 03 TIPPERARY 12 CARRIGEEN COTTAGES , CARRIGEEN , CAHIR 1. A Single storey bedroom and bathroom extension to the east side of existing house 2. Revised fenestration to the front of the previously granted Porch and Living room extension Planning Ref: P37544 and 3. All associated site works to facilitate the above developments . More...
RETENTION Dec 03 TIPPERARY ARDMAYLE WEST , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY retention and alteration of extension as constructed to dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 TIPPERARY NENAGH RETAIL PARK (ALSO REFERRED TO AS SPRINGFORT RETAIL PARK) , STEREAME LIMERICK ROAD , NENAGH \u2022 Provision of a drive-thru lane for the permitted and constructed Costa Coffee caf\u00E9/restaurant unit with associated modifications to the elevations, layout arrangement and increase in floor area; \u2022 Modifications to the existing car park arrangement and pedestrian pathways, as permitt. More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 TIPPERARY CASTLEHIGGINS , FETHARD , CO TIPPERARY (i) Stable building with effluent tank to replace existing stable building (ii) Access roadway and all associated site works. Demolition of stable building also required . More...
RETENTION Dec 03 TIPPERARY DAVIS ROAD , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the change of use from Light Industrial to Retail and retention of the existing signage at the premises . More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 TIPPERARY PRIORY DEMESNE , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY bungalow dwelling house, domestic garage, entrance, waste water treatment and disposal system and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 02 TIPPERARY 8A POWERSTOWN ROAD , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the conversion of garage into assisted living accommodation and permission to extend same including all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 TIPPERARY BARAHOWN TD , ARAGLIN , CO. TIPPERARY to demolish existing single storey and two storey farmhouse and permission to construct replacement dwelling in association with previously granted planning ref 23/108 and permission to increase heights of eaves and ridge associated with same . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 TIPPERARY BARNA , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a new dwelling, garage, wastewater treatment system, polishing filter, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 TIPPERARY GLENGOOLE SOUTH , NEW BIRMINGHAM , THURLES CO TIPPERARY (i) Slatted shed with underground slurry tank (ii) Crush yard and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 TIPPERARY DERRYLEIGH , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY (a) five bay slatted shed measuring 386m2, (b) external dungstead/waste feed storage, (c) external cattle crush, (d) meal silo, (e) private access roadway and (f) all associated site services and works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 TIPPERARY NO.69 MAIN ST , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY change of use of building from former bank premises to caf\u00E9 / retail use to the front ground floor of the building, and to guesthouse use to the rear ground floor and all upper levels; elevational changes, new terrace to front elevation, landscaping, carparking and a new pedestrian entrance to . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 TIPPERARY TULLOW , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY to erect a dwelling house , garage, entrance, driveway , connect to public services and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 TIPPERARY SHOWER , NEWPORT , CO TIPPERARY a new two storey house complete with a domestic garage, effluent treatment system and a new site entrance . More...
PERMISSION Nov 30 TIPPERARY SHALLEE UPPER & LOWER , CAPPAROE NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY an entrance, dwelling house, garage, domestic wastewater treatment system with polishing filter together with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 29 TIPPERARY GARRANLEA , NEW INN , CASHEL CO. TIPPERARY the following items: (1) increased size of extension presently under construction and built larger than previously approved under ref 2260279; (2) larger kitchen and utility area; (3) rear extension to bedroom 2; (4) window in utility relocated to front elevation; (5) new corner window in bedroom 1. More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 TIPPERARY CASTLETOWN GLEBE , CASTLETOWN , PORTROE NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY 1. ) existing main house (371 sq.m) reconfiguration of rooms on all three levels including moving kitchen to entrance level, new bathrooms on basement and entrance levels, existing 1990's extension to have a new window, new rooflight and enlarged gable window with new access to a new terrace (10 sq.. More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 TIPPERARY KILCOMMON NATIONAL SCHOOL , KILCOMMON , THURLES CO. TIPPERARY (1) the change of use to part of the existing school building for Creche use (incorporating uses for pre-school, toddlers, infants, sleep area & afterschool), (2) the construction of a prefab cabin for staff use/office use with all associated siteworks . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Nov 28 TIPPERARY BACHELORS HILL , BALLYCAHILL , THURLES the following: 1. Construction of a detached two storey dwelling and a detached single storey domestic garage 2. Installation of a wastewater treatment system and a percolation area, to appropriate standards 3. Construction of a combined site entrance consisting of walls, piers, entrance gates and h. More...
RETENTION Nov 28 TIPPERARY CARRIGMORE , CLOGHEEN , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey extension to the side of existing 2 storey house, and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 TIPPERARY ANNER CASTLE , BALLINAMORE , CLONMEL the removal of the existing timber staircase in the north tower and the construction of a new hardwood octagonal staircase serving both the first floor and a new upper level (previously granted under Planning Reference No 2361015). All with the associated site development works. It is a protected . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 TIPPERARY BIRDHILL , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of detached single storey dwelling, detached domestic garage, onsite wastewater treatment system, connection to necessary services together with all associated site and incidental works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 TIPPERARY KILRUSH & KILLAHARA , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY an eco glamping site which shall consist of 3no. eco lodge cabins, 1no. eco spa lodge cabin containing 2 separate living accommodations, outdoor sheltered communal area, entrance, car parking area, new effluent treatment system together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 TIPPERARY COOSANE , BIRDHILL , CO. TIPPERARY (1) the conversion of the existing farm building to a two bedroom short term holiday rental cottage which will include extending the width and raising the height of the building; (2) the demolition of a shed to the rear of the proposed building and constructing a waste water treatment system, percol. More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 TIPPERARY COOREVIN , BORRISOKANE , NENAGH the construction of a new dwelling and domestic garage, install a new treatment system with percolation area, new site entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 TIPPERARY CLOONCLEIGH , TWO-MILE-BORRIS , THURLES the following works: a) proposed new extensions to the existing dwelling; b) associated alterations to existing dwelling external elevations to accommodate proposed new extension & internal layout; c) proposed new wastewater treatment system & percolation area to replace existing septic tank; d) alt. More...
RETENTION Nov 27 TIPPERARY SARSFIELD STREET , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a block wall to the north of existing open yard to subdivide the yard from existing properties & provision of a pedestrian door way to the rear yard of property numbers 26A, 27C, 28, 29A & 33 Sarsfield Street; Retain the clearing of overgrown vegetation from existing large open y. More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 TIPPERARY AMBLESIDE , CLONGOWER , CO. TIPPERARY a rear extension to existing dwelling, internal alterations along with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 27 TIPPERARY MOANVERRIN , DRANGAN , TIPPERARY a) a house and Planning Permission for b) an effluent treatment system and a soil polishing filter and c) changes to the exterior of the house, d) site entrance and e) boundary treatments . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 TIPPERARY KILCARROON , CLOGHEEN , CO. TIPPERARY a dwelling, garage, effluent treatment system, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 TIPPERARY CLASHDRUMSMITH , EMLY , CO TIPPERARY a single storey extension to the north east of the existing dwelling house, comprising of an existing stone cut building (60 sq. meters) and 40 sq meters of new construction with a link hallway, a sunroom, a store, w.c , small kitchenette and bedroom all at ground floor level, the removal of the exi. More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 TIPPERARY BARRACK STREET , BANSHA , CO. TIPPERARY a). alter existing derelict dwelling by reversing historical works combining two previous dwellings into one dwelling and to again create two individual residential units, b). construct extensions to rear of proposed dwellings and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 TIPPERARY BALLYPOREEN , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling, garage, entrance, septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 TIPPERARY ROXBOROUGH , KNOCKLOFTY , CLONMEL the upgrade of the existing septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 TIPPERARY R691 AND L2107 IN THE TOWNLANDS OF , HARLEYPARK BALLINGARRY UPPER AND GORTNASMUTTAUN , COUNTY TIPPERARY. temporary road widening works and construction of temporary sections of stoned roads and all ancillary development on the R691 and L-2107-2 at bends and junctions to enable the delivery of turbine components to consist of: \u2022 Construction of a temporary section of stoned road located adjacent to. More...
RETENTION Nov 25 TIPPERARY CASTLELOUGH/CASTLETOWN , PORTROE , NENAGH domestic garage with loft and domestic store as constructed . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 TIPPERARY BALLYNAKILL , ROSCREA , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a new extension to the side of the existing dwelling and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 22 TIPPERARY BALLAGHBOY , BALLINGARRY , CO. TIPPERARY a) the rebuilding of habitable dwelling with elevational changes, (b) the construction of a further single storey extension to aforementioned dwelling. Permission for decommissioning of exiting septic tank, installation of new treatment tank and percolation area, upgrading of vehicular entrance and . More...
RETENTION Nov 22 TIPPERARY CAMUS , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY 1) double garage, 2) ancillary mechanical pits and all associated site works and 3) PERMISSION to construct attic storage area . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 TIPPERARY ROSSOULTY , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a bungalow dwelling, effluent treatment system together with site access & all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 TIPPERARY BARRACK LANE , CARRICK-ON-SUIR , CO. TIPPERARY E32 RX73 (a) Demolition of existing building, construction of a new two-storey building to accommodate 8 no. self-contained apartments, and connection to public services, (b) Alterations to provision of external works including car and bicycle parking, refuse storage area, hard and soft landscaping and publi. More...
RETENTION Nov 22 TIPPERARY 5 GLENVIEW SQUARE , TIPPERARY TOWN , CO. TIPPERARY a) an extension to the rear of the house (a protected structure), and b) domestic sheds . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Nov 22 TIPPERARY CROSSANAGH , TERRYGLASS , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY a dwelling, vehicular entrance, connection to existing services together with all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Nov 22 TIPPERARY BALLYCORRIGAN , BALLINA , CO TIPPERARY stable building and associated site works and PERMISSION for construction of an access lane and new entrance onto a private lane and associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 TIPPERARY GARRYCLOHER , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY (i) the reactivation of former residential use; (ii) the alterations to an existing derelict dwelling; (iii) the construction of a single storey extension to the rear (south) elevation of an existing derelict dwelling; (iv) the conversion of an existing outhouse to the west side of an existing derel. More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 TIPPERARY BUTLERSTOWN , BALLYNEALE , CARRICK-ON-SUIR proposed single storey dwelling, packaged waste water treatment system and raised bed soil polishing filter, new entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 TIPPERARY BONAGORTBAUN , CLONAKENNY , ROSCREA to construct a new house, entrance, domestic garage and waste water treatment system with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 TIPPERARY BIRDHILL , TIPPERARY , CO. TIPPERARY the erection of a 24m lattice telecommunications support structure on a 1.2 metre high raised foundation (providing an overall height of 25.2 metres) together with associated antennas and dishes and to remove the existing 15 metre lattice telecommunications structure. The proposed development is all. More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 TIPPERARY TWO MILE BORRIS , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY relocation of effluent treatment system and percolation area to that granted under PA21868 together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 TIPPERARY GREEN STREET , ROSCREA , CO. TIPPERARY 1) the renovation of an existing derelict houses, 2) the upgrade of an existing site entrance, 3) the connection to existing services and all associated site works (the proposed works are within the curtilage of a protected structure RC002) . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 TIPPERARY GRAIGUE LOWER , KILLENAULE , CO. TIPPERARY to build single storey dwelling house, septic tank and percolation area, site entrance and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 TIPPERARY COONEEN , PORTROE , CO TIPPERARY single storey dwelling, treatment plant, entrance and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 TIPPERARY ROSEMOUNT FARM ROAD , BARNORA CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of 24 No. 2 Bed semi-detached bungalows designed for the elderly. The proposed development will also include new internal roadways and footpaths, proposed new pedestrian and new vehicular access from the existing Rosemount Farm Road to the south of the site, new boundary treatments. More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 TIPPERARY HILLS LOT , ROSGREEN , CASHEL packaged wastewater treatment system and soil polishing filter . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 TIPPERARY KNOCKNAMOHERAGH , NEWPORT , CO TIPPERARY the demolition of an existing house and outbuildings and the construction of new single storey house on the same site, including a domestic garage, effluent treatment system and an improved site entrance . More...
RETENTION Nov 20 TIPPERARY ST FLANNANS STREET , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY development consisting of alterations to existing surgery building, 2 x stand alone prefabricated file storage buildings, 1 x stand alone prefabricated bin storage building and 1x stand alone prefabricated office building and all ancillary works. Permission for development consists of 2 x stand alo. More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 TIPPERARY GARRAUNBEG , KILLOSCULLY , NEWPORT an extension to farmyard consisting of a cattle shed with an underground slurry storage tank . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 TIPPERARY CASTLEKEALE , ARDFINNAN , CO TIPPERARY a) change the buidling type and b) alterations to windows and doors granted under previously permitted planning application, reference number 2360692 . More...
RETENTION Nov 20 TIPPERARY LISSATUNNY , NENAGH , CO TIPPERARY a). Extension to existing dwelling b). conversion of part of outbuildings to residential use c). Septic tank and percolation area along with all associated ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 19 TIPPERARY SYNONE , BOHERLAHAN , CASHEL. CO. TIPPERARY a) changes to the exterior of the house, b) domestic sheds, c) the entrance and boundary treatments and d) the location of the septic tank and percolation . More...
RETENTION Nov 19 TIPPERARY 7 PARK VIEW EAST , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY 1) a two story extension to the rear of existing dwelling house; 2) a domestic storage sheds to the rear of the dwelling house; 3) all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 TIPPERARY GORTNAVARNOGUE , NEWPORT , TIPPERARY the construction of a detached dormer dwelling, detached domestic garage, onsite wastewater treatment system, entrance from existing dwelling access, connection to necessary services together with all associated site and incidental works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 TIPPERARY THOMAS MACDONAGH MEMORIAL GARDEN , TOWNFIELDS , CLOUGHJORDAN the construction of playground, fencing & associated works . More...
RETENTION Nov 19 TIPPERARY CASTLEQUARTER , TOOMEVARA NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a) existing single storey extension (to side Southwest elevation) as constructed. b) Planning Permission for alterations to existing single storey detached dwelling, including removal of existing rear extension. c) New single storey extensions to Northwest/Northeast/Southeast Elevations of exis. More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 TIPPERARY BALLYNAHINCH , GOLDEN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of (i) a commercial storage shed (ii) a commercial storage yard and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 18 TIPPERARY SHANACLOON CLONAKENNY , ROSCREA , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a detached shed and an extension to an existing outbuilding together with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY MOANVURRIN , DRANGAN , THURLES the construction of a new 3-span A-roofed straw barn and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY CLASHALAHER RATHMACARTHY WEST BALLYDOYLE AND ROSEGREEN , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY the erection of lighting on existing gallop incorporating lights mounted on poles along the side of the gallop, together with all associated site development works including installation of service ducting and a generator, on lands in the townslands of . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY REAROE , CLOGHEEN , CO. TIPPERARY to construct sheep grid with access gate on local road and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY LOUGHLOHER , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY Dwelling, Garage, Effluent Treatment System, Entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY LISHEENANOUL , ARDFINNAN , CLONMEL to revise house plans and elevations from that as previously granted planning permission under planning reference 21/1605 including any associated changes to the site layout and any associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY FLEMINGSTOWN , CLOGHEEN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a sheep grid with access gate on local road and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 18 TIPPERARY PLUNKETT STREET TULLAHEADY , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the following:- 1) Revised boundary types and location; 2) Extension to carpark area; 3) All associated site works and permission for temporary change of use of existing car parking area to storage area for empty skips . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY OLDGRANGE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the alterations to site boundaries from those permitted under planning reference number 15/600912 . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY BALLYMACKANE , CASHEL , CO TIPPERARY slatted shed with underground slurry tank and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY BORRIS , TWO MILE BORRIS , THURLES a dwelling house, garage, entrance, effluent treatment system together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY ROSE COTTAGE , TULLAMAINE FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dormer extension to the dwelling, including all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY PARKSTOWN , HORSE AND JOCKEY , THURLES the construction of a two storey side and rear extension, alterations to existing cottage elevations, garage, waste water treatment system, alterations to site boundaries and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY BALLYMACEGAN , LORRAH , NENAGH single storey domestic dwelling, C/W 6PE P.I.A approved wastewater treatment system to EN 12566-3, entrance driveway and partial hedges removal C/W entrance piers/wall, and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 TIPPERARY DONOHILL VILLAGE , GARRYSHANE DONOHILL , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of existing substandard dwelling house; construction of 3 dwelling houses with associated entrances & car parking; connection to mains services, together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 17 TIPPERARY POLLANORMAN , DOLLA NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY an extension to the training hall currently under construction (approved under planning ref 22/136) and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 TIPPERARY OLDCOURT , TERRYGLASS NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of 3no. part two-storey detached dwelling houses on the footprint of former hostel building (now demolished), connection to existing wastewater treatment system, access roadway, site entrances and all ancillary site works within the curtilage of a recorded monument TN-006-025 . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 TIPPERARY GLEBE LANE , KENYON STREET NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of the existing warehouse and the construction of 10 no. apartments (5 no. 2-Bed units and 5 no. 1-Bed units) in a four-storey block with balconies, bin storage, bike storage and all associated site development works on the site of the existing warehouse . More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 TIPPERARY RYNINCH UPPER , BALLINA , BALLINA modifications to entrance & driveway granted permission under PL ref 20450 & 21291 along with all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 14 TIPPERARY WINDY RIDGE , GORTLASSABRIEN , BALLINA existing detached bungalow, detached garage and bored well as constructed & ancillary site works (previously approved planning permission reference no. 's Plc/4053 and Plc 14237. Planning permission for new entrance and driveway . More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 TIPPERARY DROMINAGH LODGE , BALLINDERRY NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY works to the Protected Structure, Drominagh Lodge, which consists of the removal of a modern 2-storey annex, modern lean-to conservatory and modern porch and the construction of a new flat roof conservatory, installation of new traditional window assemblies in existing openings, repair works to the . More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 TIPPERARY GAMBONSFIELD , KILSHEELAN , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY an extension to Gambonsfield Graveyard . More...
RETENTION Nov 14 TIPPERARY NENAGH GENERAL HOSPITAL , TYONE ROAD NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a . Development of a single storey extension, to the front (west) of the existing hospital, accommodating 6 no. ophthalmology clinic rooms, 4 no. ophthalmology treatment rooms and associated support accommodation, b. a new main entrance lobby, to the front (west) of the existing hospital, c. a new c. More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 TIPPERARY THE GATE LODGE RIVERGLEBE HOUSE , COOLKEREEN TOOMEVARA , CO. TIPPERARY extension of the existing gate lodge for residential use and all associated ancillary development works (Protected Structure) . More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 TIPPERARY GORTNAHOO , , CO. TIPPERARY (a) a new entrance; (b) alterations to the existing nine dwellings and estate infrastructure that were commenced under the previously approved planning references 011016, 05996; (c) the construction of 22 two storey semi-detached dwellings, 20 two storey semi-detached storey and a half type dwelling. More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 TIPPERARY DUALLA , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a residential development consisting of five two-storey detached dwellings and one single storey detached dwelling, new site entrance plus all associated site enclosures and site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 TIPPERARY 20 MARINE VILLAGE , BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY to extend and renovate existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 TIPPERARY CROSSANAGH TERRYGLASS , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dormer style detached dwelling house, detached domestic garage, connection to public foul water sewer, site entrance and all ancillary site works thereto . More...
RETENTION Nov 13 TIPPERARY THOMASTOWN DEMESNE SOUTH , GOLDEN , CO TIPPERARY an existing in -line stable shed and Planning Permission for a livestock shed with underground slatted concrete tank, feeding passage, concrete apron and livestock shed over existing uncovered cubicle area and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 TIPPERARY BOYLE SPORTS (FORMERLY CAREWS PUBLIC HOUSE) , 44 MAIN STREET AND GAS HOUSE LANE , TIPPERARY TOWN CO. TIPPERARY (a) a change of use of the existing adjoining vacant ground floor commercial unit to betting shop in order to extend the existing betting shop including material alterations and refurbishment; (b) the demolition of the existing single storey rear lean-to-structure; (c) the construction of a new resi. More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 TIPPERARY NO. 5 MURGASTY COTTAGES , MURGASTY ROAD , TIPPERARY TOWN the erection of a two storey rear extension, front porch and the addition of 3 no. Velux roof windows to the front roof . More...
RETENTION Nov 12 TIPPERARY NO.12 , TOWNSPARK , CAHIR single storey extension to rear, infill extension to front of property, alterations to elevations; reconstruction of driveway and entrance; new garage structure, new site fencing and all necessary services and siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 TIPPERARY ST. PATRICK’S COLLEGE , CATHEDRAL STREET , THURLES a new floodlighting to the training pitch (the works are in the curtilage of a Protected Structure) . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 TIPPERARY SHANNON SAILING MARINA , DROMINEER NENAGH , COUNTY TIPPERARY a) the provision of additional berthing facilities for 10 boats in the outer basin and associated works, b) the removal of existing earthen berm and widening of the marina outer basin on its western side, c) a new gabion retaining wall c. 10.5m long, composed of steam washed selected stone, to south. More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 TIPPERARY BALLYLOUGHNANE , RIVERSTOWN , CO. TIPPERARY 3 no. 2 bed single storey dwellings and all associated site works all incorporated into existing housing development. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 TIPPERARY FORT HENRY BUSINESS PARK , BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey extension to the northern end of the Production/Administration Building, new single storey link corridor between Production/Administration Building and Warehouse, new single storey extension accessed from new link corridor, relocation of containerised refrigeration unit from the nor. More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 TIPPERARY KILLUSTY SOUTH , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY construction of a double pen sheep house with external farmyard manure storage facilities . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 TIPPERARY AVONDALE , MYLERSTOWN , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY alteration and extension of existing single storey domestic house, to include internal alterations, external elevational alterations, extension to rear and front of existing property and all associated drainage, ground works, landscaping and associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 TIPPERARY GORT AN ÓIR & THE BACK GREEN , FETHARD , CO. TIPPERARY a) Construction of 7 no. single storey terraced houses in two blocks, comprising of 3no. 1 bed units and 4no. 2 bed units to accommodate Belmont Park Housing Association CLG service users and carers. b) Site development works including new vehicular and pedestrian access from The Back Green, pedest. More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 TIPPERARY NO. 2 WOODVILLE CRESCENT , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of an extension to the side of the existing dwelling house and RETENTION PERMISSION for the existing domestic storage shed including all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 TIPPERARY SPRINGFIELD , CLERIHAN , CLONMEL a single storey detached building for use as a home office, home gym, BBQ/dining area and sauna to the rear of the existing house with associated site works and ancillary use of the home . More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 TIPPERARY VARIOUS TOWNLANDS - COOLANSHINNAGH ARDRAGH GORTFREE BOLAKEALE , COOLANSHINNAGH ARDRAGH GORTFREE BOLAKEALE , CO TIPPERARY. proposed amendments to the previously consented grid connection granted under pl. ref. 21/1620 to comprise of: a) increase in number of joint bays along the extent of the grid connection from a total of 35 to 45 joint bays, b) grid connection to be operated at 38kV but installed to a 110kV undergrou. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 TIPPERARY COOLNASHINNAGH , BALLINGARRY THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a) an increase to the footprint of the substation compound of 381.6m2, b) an increase to the footprint of the substation building of 51.5m2, c) amendments to the layout of the offices and welfare facilities within the substation building, d) addition of 2 no. containers sized 6m by 2.43m by 2.59m in. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 TIPPERARY 10 ARD LUA , BALLINA , CO TIPPERARY a single storey extension to the rear of the property . More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 TIPPERARY CARRICK STREET , MULLINAHONE , CO. TIPPERARY the change of use from stables to two no. dwelling houses: 1 no. two storey dwelling house consisting of ground floor open plan kitchen/dining/sitting room area, entrance hall with w/c and first floor two-bedroom en-suite; and a 1 no. single storey dwelling house consisting of entrance hall, study, . More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 TIPPERARY THE OLD SCHOOLHOUSE , SOPWELL CLOUGHJORDAN , COUNTY TIPPERARY the refurbishment and alteration to the Old Schoolhouse into a single family, two bedroom home including the demolition of a modern poorly built single storey rear extension, repair and renewal of slate roof and existing barge boards and rainwater goods, the glazed enclosure of the existing open por. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 TIPPERARY GARRYKENNEDY , PORTROE , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY to extend and convert existing Stables to a two bedroom short term holiday rental house and it will include constructing a waste water treatment system, percolation area and all other ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 11 TIPPERARY PLUNKETT STREET TULLAHEADY , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY retention of the following:- 1) Revised boundary types and location. 2) Extension to carpark area. 3) All associated site works and permission for temporary change of use of existing car parking area to storage area for empty skips . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Nov 11 TIPPERARY BOHERCROW ROAD , TIPPERARY TOWN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a single dwelling house, to enhance an existing roadside entrance and carryout associated site works including the removal of derelict outbuildings/sheds on site . More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 TIPPERARY 4 PATRICK STREET , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY (1) the construction of a single-story rear extension to existing 3 storey semi-detached building allowing for the construction of a ground floor commercial unit and ground floor one bedroom apartment; (2) the change of use of existing first floor of existing semi-detached 3 storey building for a on. More...
RETENTION Nov 08 TIPPERARY KILLOUGH , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY dwelling house as constructed and retain revised site boundary, also PERMISSION to install new entrance and to close up existing access way together with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 TIPPERARY ROSCREA ROAD , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY (1) the demolition of the existing commercial shed; (2) the construction of a new storey and a half dwelling house; (3) a connection to the public sewer and storm water and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 08 TIPPERARY CHURCH VIEW LOUGHMORE , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY (1) 2 no. rear extensions to existing dwelling house; (2) the domestic storage sheds to the rear of the dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 08 TIPPERARY BALLINGARRY UPPER , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY a storage shed and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 TIPPERARY NO. 3 MOCKLERS TERRACE SPITALFIELD , FETHARD , COUNTY TIPPERARY construction of a garage to the rear of the existing house . More...
RETENTION Nov 08 TIPPERARY CASTLEWALLER , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY extensions to the rear of house . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 TIPPERARY KILLORAN , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY proposed state-of-the-art waste treatment unit and recycling facility and waste transfer station - the proposed development will disinfect and recycle healthcare waste, in addition, the other hazardous waste will be consolidated onsite for export . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 TIPPERARY THE EXISTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT , BULFIN ROAD , NENAGH IN THE TOWNLAND OF NENAGH NORTH an upgrade to the existing Nenagh wastewater treatment plant from its current design Population Equivalent (PE) of 12,000 to a PE plant of 22,000. The wastewater will be treated and discharged via an upgraded outfall pipe into the Nenagh river to the immediate east of the site. The proposed developm. More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 TIPPERARY FLANAGANS BAR , BALLINA QUAY BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY the erection of a marquee for seasonal use (May to September) and all associated site works within the grounds . More...
RETENTION Nov 08 TIPPERARY KYLATLEA , MULLINAHONE , CO. TIPPERARY (1) a balcony to the front of the existing dwelling; (2) revised site maps and a layout plan . More...
PERMISSION Nov 07 TIPPERARY PARKVILLE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY demolition of existing derelict buildings together with all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 07 TIPPERARY ROSCREA CRSS LTD CENTRA/CIRCLE K , CARRIG ROAD SERVICE STATION , ROSCREA CO. TIPPERARY the construction of new extensions to existing service station building to include: (1) extensions to existing ground floor service station building and revision to forecourt area; (2) a new first floor area incorporating new access stair cores to provide additional seating, staff areas, offices, st. More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 TIPPERARY 1 ARDAN RUA RICHMOND , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY side and rear extension to existing dwelling, extension to existing porch, alterations to existing elevations and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 TIPPERARY GIANTSGRAVE , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY 1) to remove existing foundation to section of site boundary, 2) development of gabion baskets, 3) new boundary treatment, 4) and associated drainage management. This proposal is an amendment to that permitted under Planning permission ref 20/1609 . More...
RETENTION Nov 06 TIPPERARY BALLYSCANLON , COOLBAWN , NENAGH change of use of garage to living space and erection of shed on property . More...
RETENTION Nov 06 TIPPERARY GALBOOLY LITTLE , LITTLETON , THURLES CO TIPPERARY an extension to the rear of existing dwelling along with retention permission for existing shed to the side of existing dwelling and retention for changes to the front elevation of the existing dwelling and all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 TIPPERARY ARRABAWN CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LIMITED , STAFFORD STREET NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a change of use of part of an existing single storey store building at its existing dairy processing facility; the development works will consist of the following; a) construction of a part two-storey structure within the existing store building to accommodate upgraded packaging facilities; b) build. More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 TIPPERARY MAXFORD , HORSE AND JOCKEY , THURLES demolition of a single storey front porch and demolition of a side extension and the construction of a two storey side and front extension, alterations to existing rear elevations, waste water treatment system, site entrance, site boundary and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 06 TIPPERARY KNOCKALTON UPPER , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the extensions to the side and rear of the existing dwelling and PERMISSION for a new extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 TIPPERARY MOTA , COOLBAWN , NENAGH the relocation of existing site entrance and all ancillary site works thereto . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 TIPPERARY YOUGHALARRA NATIONAL SCHOOL , NEWTOWN , NENAGH 1) increasing the car park area; 2) removal of an existing prefab and oil tank; 3) construction of a new ball court; 3) resurfacing of the existing tarmac; 4) construction of a new drainage layout . More...
RETENTION Nov 06 TIPPERARY BALLYNILARD , TIPPERARY , CO. TIPPERARY (1) change of use of part of an existing dwelling to use as general offices (2) PERMISSION for a change of use of the remaining dwelling part of the existing dwelling to use as general offices and staff facilities and (3) PERMISSION to extend this existing building to provide additional offices and . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 TIPPERARY ARCHERSTOWN AND TOWNAGHA , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY 1) to demolish a part of an existing single storey dwelling house, 2) to build an extension to the side of the remaining dwelling with part in single storey and part in two storey construction, 3) to build a single storey porch at the rear of the existing dwelling and 4) to carry out all associated . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 TIPPERARY 9 GORTLANDROE , ST CONLANS ROAD , NENAGH CO TIPPERARY relocation of the vehicular entrance to the public road together with ancillary site works, which includes new screen walls . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 TIPPERARY BALLYPATRICK , BOULADUFF , THURLES two storey dwelling, garage, driveway, entrance and septic tank . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 TIPPERARY CRUTTA NORTH , GRANGE CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY to fill the depression in the ground and reinstate ground to new levels including all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Nov 05 TIPPERARY DROMIN , CARRIGATOHER , CO. TIPPERARY (1) the construction of an extension to the existing dwelling; (2) the construction of a balcony at first floor level to the existing dwelling; (3) the construction of a detached garage and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 TIPPERARY SITE C THE CRESCENT , BOHERLAHAN CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY a dwelling, entrance treatment, services connections and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 TIPPERARY LAND C. 145M SOUTH OF SESKIN ROAD , SESKIN , CO. TIPPERARY development which will consist of a 10-year planning permission to construct and complete a synchronous condenser and battery storage development with a total site area of c. 1.3 hectares comprising of 40 no. battery energy storage units, 5 no. twin skid structures, 1 no. synchronous condenser, 1 no. More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 TIPPERARY YOUGHALARRA NATIONAL SCHOOL , NEWTOWN , NENAGH 1) Increasing the car park area, 2) The removal of an existing prefab and oil tank, 3) Resurfacing the existing tarmac area, 3) construction of a new ball court. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 TIPPERARY ST CONLONS ROAD , NENAGH , CO TIPPERARY the demolition of an existing single storey derelict dwellinghouse and the construction of 12 No 2 bedroom apartments in 3 separate Blocks. Block No 1 shall consist of 4 No 2 bedroom apartments in a two-storey block with car-parking, connection to services, bin storage and ancillary site works acce. More...
RETENTION Nov 04 TIPPERARY KNOCKNAVAR , CAPPAWHITE , CO. TIPPERARY a new dwelling and domestic shed as constructed, sewage treatment tank, percolation area, stone faced wing walls and plastered piers and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 04 TIPPERARY THE GREEN BAR , FAIRGREEN BORRISOKANE , CO. TIPPERARY the additional works carried out to existing property from those granted permission under PL Ref. 20512 along with all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Nov 04 TIPPERARY MONAQUILL , BALLINACLOUGH , NENAGH CO TIPPERARY construction of a dwelling house, garage, wastewater treatment system and upgrade existing entrance along with all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 04 TIPPERARY PARKMORE , ROSCREA , CO TIPPERARY unauthorised works to existing house and sheds as constructed onsite . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 TIPPERARY NENAGH NORTH , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a new commercial vehicle test centre with inspection pit, ancillary office, waiting area, toilets & connection to existing mains sewer & surface water services and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 TIPPERARY BLANCO NINO LIMITED , CARRIGEEN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY construction of a new single storey electrical substation and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 TIPPERARY GARRYNTEMPLE , GRANGE CLONMEL , CO.TIPPERARY the construction of an above ground effluent storage tank together with all relevant ancillary site works and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 TIPPERARY GORTLANDROE BUSINESSS PARK , GORTLANDROE ROAD , GORTLANDROE modification to previously granted permission (reference 19/600902) for construction of a new warehouse building and all ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 TIPPERARY FOUR PENNY RD. , GOLDEN , CO. TIPPERARY a) the demolition of existing shed, b) the alteration, modifications and extension to the existing dwelling, c) the proposed new wastewater treatment system & percolation area, d) the proposed domestic garage and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 TIPPERARY CLOONFINGLASS , BANSHA , CO. TIPPERARY (i) for the demolition of an existing extension to the rear of dwelling, (ii) to construct a new extension to existing dwelling, (iii) to carry out elevational amendments to the existing dwelling (iv) to relocate the existing vehicular entrance (v) to construct a new waste water treatment system (vi. More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 TIPPERARY BALLYMACKEOGH , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY demolition of a farm building and the construction of a new farm building consisting of cattle pens, a calf house, a fodder and machinery shed and an underground slurry storage tank . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 TIPPERARY GARRANLEA , NEW INN , CASHEL CO. TIPPERARY 1) the construction of a two storey extension to the rear of the single storey cottage and the demolition of a single storey component to the rear elevation of the cottage, 2) various alterations and improvement works to the interior layout, exterior facades and roof structures to the cottage and th. More...
RETENTION Nov 01 TIPPERARY 18 MORTON / SHORT STREET , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the change of use of part of existing building from commercial use to residential use to accommodate 3 no. apartments, minor modifications to said structure and all associated site development works for an indefinite period . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 TIPPERARY BALLYCRAGGAN , BALLYCOMMON , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY the erection of a dwelling, garage, entrance and wastewater treatment system, including associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 TIPPERARY WATER TREATMENT WORKS NEWROSS , NEWPORT , CO. TIPPERARY the development of ground and roof mounted photovoltaic solar panels with a maximum actual square metreage of 175 m2 distributed over a grass area and a flat rooftop at Water Treatment Works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 TIPPERARY BOHERNAMONA ROAD , THURLES , CO TIPPERARY the construction of a residential development, comprised as follows: 94 no. dwellings, comprised of 7 no semi detached 4-bedroom House type A, 11 no. semi-detached 4 -bedroom 2-storey House Type A1, 21 no. 2-storey semi-detached 3-bedroom House Type B, 12 no. 2-storey semi-detached 3-bedroom House . More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 TIPPERARY LISBONEY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , LISBONEY , NENAGH CO TIPPERARY a commercial garage on existing serviced site, new entrance and front and rear boundary fence . More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 TIPPERARY BOHERBAUN CAPPAROE , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a two-storey pitched roof extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, including three dormer windows at attic level. The attic level will contain three new bedrooms (two en-suite). The ground floor will feature a new kitchen, utility room, pantry, and sitting room. A single-storey pitched roof e. More...
RETENTION Oct 31 TIPPERARY THE HEATH , THURLES , CO TIPPERARY domestic garage/ fuel store and a garden shed and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 TIPPERARY CLASHGANNY WEST , NEWCASTLE , CLONMEL the construction of a synthetic grass training pitch with flood lighting, concrete walls and perimeter fencing, gates, footpath, access ramp with steps and all associated ancillary works. Demolition of (i) boundary walls (ii) existing dressing rooms building, fencing, lighting and pitch surface is a. More...
RETENTION Oct 31 TIPPERARY ABBEY HOUSE OF PRAYER (FORMERLY “THE FRIARY”) , ABBEY ST , CLONMEL indefinitely retain the advertising sign located at Abbey House of Prayer (formerly "The Friary"), Abbey Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. This property is in the curtilage of a named Protected Structure R.P.S. ref. no. 1/NIAH ref. no. 22117076 . More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 TIPPERARY TOWNLAND OF CROAN LOWER COLEVILLE ROAD (R680) , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY amendments to the Strategic Housing Development (SHD) permitted on site under Ref. ABP-311290-21 for 115 no. residential units(47 no. apartments/duplexes within 5 no. 3 storey blocks and 68 no. 2-4 bed houses), creche and associated works. This amendment application seeks to omit all permitted du. More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 TIPPERARY GRAIGUENOE , HOLYCROSS , CO. TIPPERARY to install an underground water storage tank along with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 31 TIPPERARY TURAVOGGAUN , BALLINDERRY , NENAGH existing dwelling extension and attic storage area at rear of dwelling and open external verandah at front as constructed . More...
RETENTION Oct 31 TIPPERARY FREAGHDUFF , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY (i) the elevational changes to the existing dwelling, (ii) a new domestic extension, (iii) the change of use of domestic storage shed, including elevational amendments which now forms part of the extended dwelling, (iv) a car port, (v) a domestic garage and lean-to farm machinery store, (vi) a separ. More...
RETENTION Oct 31 TIPPERARY CLOONCLEAGH , TWO-MILE-BORRIS , THURLES a) the existing extensions to the side and rear of the existing dwelling; b) the existing detached garage structure and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 31 TIPPERARY LONGSTONE , CULLEN , CO. TIPPERARY 1) the domestic extensions to the existing dwelling house, 2) a detached domestic storage shed, 3) a vehicular site entrance and including all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 TIPPERARY CUMMER BEG GARRACUMMER BIRCHGRAVE MOANVAUN CURRAGHMARKY & CUMMERAMORE , HOLLYFORD , TIPPERARY further continued use of two erected permanent 65m lattice meteorological masts previously granted under Planning Permission Ref 12/77 and extended under Planning Permission Ref 15600530 and Planning Permission Ref 18600988 and also Planning Permission Ref 211313 for the purposes of monitoring wind . More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 TIPPERARY THE CORNER OF THE KILN AND DUBLIN ROAD , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY 1) refurbishment of existing derelict residential building previously known as the \u201CCharter House School\u201D to dwelling house and including permission to construct of new residential extension to the side and front of the existing building, 2) refurbishment of the existing shed located to th. More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 TIPPERARY JAN'S INDIAN SPICE , BURKE STREET FETHARD , COUNTY TIPPERARY 1) change of use from current restaurant and B&B to 1 no. 2 bedroom apartment at lower ground floor level and 1 no. 1 bedroom apartment at each of ground, first and second floor levels 2) demolition of existing rear lower ground floor single storey structure and the proposed construction of a sing. More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 TIPPERARY BURGESS WEST , BALLYLOOBY CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY to erect a single storey dwelling with driveway, new septic tank and all associated site works. . More...
RETENTION Oct 30 TIPPERARY MACKEYS PLACE , NENAGH , CO TIPPERARY canopy type shelter over side doorway to property . More...
PERMISSION Oct 29 TIPPERARY 12 BENGURRAH SQUARE , CAHIR , CO TIPPERARY demolition of existing single storey rear extension and the construction of a two storey rear extension and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 29 TIPPERARY BALLYCRAGGAN , PUCKANE , NENAGH CO TIPPERARY expansion of existing facilities to include additional tennis courts with floodlights and associated site works along with renovation and extension existing clubhouse . More...
RETENTION Oct 29 TIPPERARY BALLYMORE , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY a domestic shed and a concrete base (west/rear) and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 29 TIPPERARY CHURCHQUARTER , CLONOULTY , CO. TIPPERARY upgrade treatment system and percolation area together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 29 TIPPERARY THE SHEBEEN , NEW STREET CASTLE STREET , CARRICK ON SUIR a) the demolition of existing lounge bar and toilets and the construction of a new lounge bar/toilets adjoining the Shebeen premises at New Street streetscape; b) the construction of 6no. apartments consisting of 2no. 1 bedroom apartments to ground floor, 2no. 1 bedroom apartments to first floor and. More...
RETENTION Oct 29 TIPPERARY GLEN HOUSE , GORTAVOHER AHERLOW , CO. TIPPERARY the following: Change of use of store to form two storey extension at rear of house; Two storey infill of gap between house and converted store; Single storey extension to rear of house; Canopy above entrance door at north-east of house; and all associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Oct 29 TIPPERARY DOON , ARAGLIN , CO. TIPPERARY second stage house extension and all associated site works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Oct 25 TIPPERARY LISSENHALL , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a detached dwelling house, detached domestic garage, wastewater treatment system, site entrance and all ancillary site works thereto . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 TIPPERARY BOYTONRATH , NEW INN , CO TIPPERARY a storage shed and all associated siteworks as may be required. This application is on the site on which Planning permission was granted on 20/07/2022 for his dwelling house, planning Ref: 22/60200 . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 TIPPERARY EIR EXCHANGE , GRAIGUE NEW INN , CO. TIPPERARY erection of a 15-metre-high telecommunications shrouded pole together with antennas, dishes, associated telecommunications equipment all enclosed by security fencing and remove an existing 12-metre-high wooden pole . More...
RETENTION Oct 25 TIPPERARY BALLYMACKANE , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY (i) the access roadways; (ii) concrete yard and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 TIPPERARY COILLTE UPPERCHURCH FORESTY , CURRAGHDUFF UPPERCHURCH , CO. TIPPERARY a 39-meter lattice mobile and broadband tower with headframe carrying telecommunications equipment, together with associated equipment and cabinets enclosed within a 2.4m palisade fence compound . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 TIPPERARY DROMINEER HARBOUR , DROMINEER , CO. TIPPERARY installation of new floating jetty which will consist of 5 new finger pontoons along with an adjoining new end jetty in inner harbour . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 TIPPERARY AMBER SERVICE STATION , LAGANORE WATERFORD ROAD , CLONMEL CO. TIPPERARY new development as described below & previously permitted under Tipperary County Council Planning Ref. 19/600023 (ABP 304535): to demolish existing petrol filling station, car showrooms, vehicle servicing building, car wash and associated areas and construct new filling station comprising a new sing. More...
RETENTION Oct 24 TIPPERARY NO. 19 LAKEVIEW , CULLENAGH , BALLINA CO. TIPPERARY development at c. 0.07 Ha site as follows: the construction of a basement (65 sq m) in use as a home gym/storage; the construction of an incomplete garage (39 sq m) that is partially at basement level and partially at street level (to the north-west), which includes 2 No. retaining walls (a maximum . More...
RETENTION Oct 24 TIPPERARY PLUNKETT STREET TULLAHEADY , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY Retention permission to retain the following:- 1) Revised boundary types and location 2) Extension to carpark area 3) All associated site works and permission for temporary change of use for storage of skips . More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 TIPPERARY RATHCLOHEEN , GOLDEN , CO. TIPPERARY the decommission of an existing septic tank and installation of an upgraded onsite waste water treatment and disposal system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 TIPPERARY KYLEFREAGHANE , CALLAN , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey private residence, detached garage, splayed site entrance, driveway, borewell, wastewater treatment system and polishing filter and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 24 TIPPERARY CARNEY CASTLE , NENAGH , CO TIPPERARY (i) collecting yard extension with slatted tank (ii) Manure slab (iii) Meal Bin and all associated site works. Planning Permission for (i) Loose calving shed (ii) Cubicle shed with slatted tanks (ii) Meal bin (iv) Silage slabs (v) Waste water treatment system with percolation area (vi) Upstairs Offi. More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 TIPPERARY OLDGRANGE TD. , CLONMEL , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a single storey dwelling, domestic garage, a septic tank and percolation area, a new site entrance and all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 TIPPERARY TOUREEN , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY the alterations and amendments to the following items granted under planning reference number 22369: to amend house type and location of dwelling on original site and the addition of a garage structure, complete with all associated site works and necessary services to serve proposed dwelling . More...
RETENTION Oct 24 TIPPERARY CLONEDARBY , CLONOULTY , CASHEL CO. TIPPERARY 4 no. mushroom tunnels, areas of concrete and gravel hardstanding, wood pellet silo for the tunnels heating system, open-sided extension to pack house, fenced dog runs, roofed and partly-enclosed pens between sheds, side extension to dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 TIPPERARY UNIT 1 QUINTIN'S WAY , PEARSE STREET , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY (a) Proposed change of use from existing retail use (Ground Floor 63.5 m2 and First Floor 86.2m2) to Class 2 \u2013 Banking Use, (b) Proposed fa\u00E7ade alterations including installation of louvres, (c) Proposed new internally illuminated fascia signage, and (d) proposed double sided internally i. More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 TIPPERARY BOILINGBROOK , DOLLA , CO. TIPPERARY installation of a new effluent treatment system and percolation area together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 TIPPERARY TEMPLETUOHY FOODS LTD , BALLYTARSNA CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY a new single storey loading bay extension to the side of the existing single storey van loading bay building. The new extension will consist of six new van loading bays, new wall and roof panels to match existing, and all associated site works at their existing facility . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 TIPPERARY CABRAGH BUSINESS PARK , CABRA , THURLES an extension to the side of existing warehouse premises for storage use with all associated sitework and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Oct 23 TIPPERARY MILL ROAD THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY , E41 YR79 1) the empty wheelie bin storage area and permission for construction of new canopy to enclose same, 2) the current layout and uses of the storage area for open recyclables bins, empty skips, and empty trailers, 3) the flood lighting and CCTV cameras to the east, west, and north facades of the exist. More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 TIPPERARY 5 BROOKVILLE AVENUE , TIPPERARY TOWN , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a two storey extension to the side and rear of existing two storey house, installation of a new upgraded domestic waste water treatment system with polishing filter together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 TIPPERARY CARRIGEEN BUSINESS PARK BURGAGERY-LANDS EAST , CLONMEL , TIPPERARY a single storey warehouse; building mounted signage together with all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 TIPPERARY 12 CAISEAL NA RÍ , CASHEL , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of the existing rear sunroom to be replaced with a single-storey flat-roof extension at the rear and a single-storey flat-roof extension to the side. The new side extension will feature a roof light. The extensions will create a new living area and a utility room . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 TIPPERARY NEWTOWN UPPERCHURCH , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY 1) the demolition of an existing domestic garage; 2) the elevational changes to existing dwelling house; 3) the construction of an extension to rear of existing dwelling house; 4) the construction of a domestic garage to side of existing dwelling house; 5) the installation of a new septic tank and p. More...
RETENTION Oct 23 TIPPERARY BALLYHIMIKIN , BALLYCOMMON , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY existing dwelling extensions, detached domestic garage/store and change of use from garage to residential, all as constructed . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 TIPPERARY BRITTAS ROAD , THURLES , CO. TIPPERARY construction of 60no. residential dwelling units comprising of 5no. house-type G (4bed 7person two-storey semi-detached house), 11no. house-type H (3bed 5person two-storey semi-detached house), 16no. house-type K (3bed 5person two-storey semi-detached house), 12no. house-type N (2bed 4person two-sto. More...
RETENTION Oct 22 TIPPERARY SALLYPARK , LATTERAGH , NENAGH CO. TIPPERARY agricultural livestock shed and farm access road and PERMISSION to extend existing shed including underground slatted storage tanks and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 TIPPERARY DERRY DEMESNE , BALLINA , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of a dwelling house, waste water treatment system and entrance with access off existing private laneway for which upgrade works are also sought to existing entrance along with all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 TIPPERARY ASHWELL’S HILL , DEERPARK ROAD , CASHEL construction of a dwelling, access, boundary walls, and connection to services and all associated works . More...
RETENTION Oct 22 TIPPERARY LOUGHLOHERY , CAHIR , CO. TIPPERARY a single storey dwelling and detached domestic garage as constructed . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 TIPPERARY BALLYNEILL , DONOHILL , CO. TIPPERARY the construction of an entrance, dwelling house, domestic garage, waste water treatment system, percolation area and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 22 TIPPERARY ROSSADREHID , CO. TIPPERARY , E34P273 1) attic conversion to existing dwelling, 2) elevational changes to existing dwelling, 3) garden shed including lean-to storage structure to side of shed, 4) revised site boundaries, 5) as constructed entrance and driveway and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 22 TIPPERARY KILLALANE BALLINAHINCH , BIRDHILL NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a) extensions to both sides, front and rear of existing dwelling house, consisting of games room and covered barbeque area, both for use ancillary to dwelling house, b) domestic garage with covered carport, constructed forward of existing the building line of the existing dwelling house, for use anc. More...
RETENTION Oct 22 TIPPERARY SCALAHEEN , TIPPERARY TOWN , CO. TIPPERARY a front porch, a rear extension and a brick front and side facade . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 TIPPERARY 58 LAKELANDS , CULLINAGH , BALLINA CO. TIPPERARY the erection of a garage/garden shed with loft and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 TIPPERARY BARNANE , TEMPLEMORE , CO. TIPPERARY the demolition of existing 29sqm single storey extension to rear; the demolition of existing agricultural sheds to side and rear; permission for 208sqm storey and a half extension to side of existing storey and a half bungalow; renovation and modifications to existing dwelling; new secondary treatm. More...
RETENTION Oct 21 TIPPERARY THE THATCH BALLYCOMMON , NENAGH , CO. TIPPERARY a) the newly constructed boundary walls to car park area; b) the additional filling to site (south of carpark) and all associated site works . More...