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Recent "Protected Structure" planning applications:

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Permission Jan 29 DUBLIN CITY 170 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE PERMISSION & RETENTION : Retention permission for the continuance of use of the vent to the kitchen extractor hood and planning permission to replace existing extractor fan on roof of existing kitchen to rear of 170 Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin 6, a protected structure. The devel.... More...
Retention Permission Jan 29 DUBLIN CITY 79, Queen Street, Dublin 7, D07 DW3R, Nos. 91-92 Benburb Street, Dublin 7, D07 WFH3 PROTECTED STRUCTURE / RETENTION: The development consists of the retention of a new single-storey 17sq.m WC extension to the rear side (east) of 91/92 Benburb Street with minor changes to the rear (south) of 79 Queen Street and 2 new internal doors, one from the south elevation of No.79 and one from.... More...
Permission Jan 29 CORK COUNTY 4 Merview, Vellevue Terrace, Kilgarvan, Cobh, Co.Cork Planning permission at 4 Merview, Bellevue Terrace, Cobh which is listed on the record of protected structure. for the construction of a new rear extension including alterations and replacement of existing windows to the rear elevation of the dwelling and also for a new single rooflight to the front.... More...
Permission Jan 28 CORK COUNTY No. 11 North Street, Skibbereen, Co. Cork, (1) Alterations and extensions to existing dwelling, including the conversion of the attic space to a bedroom and shower room. Proposals involve work to a protected structure RPS No. 2585. (2) Construction of a garden shed/home gym in the rear garden of the existing dwelling, along with all associa.... More...
Permission Jan 28 DUBLIN CITY 14 O'Connell Street Upper, North City, Dublin 1 , D01WP59 PROTECTED STRUCTURE The development will consist of upgrade works to replace existing exterior signage with new signage with updated colours and logo.. More...
Permission Jan 27 DUBLIN CITY 17, Carlisle Avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 , D04X3W9 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : The development will consist of amendments and modifications to the permission as granted under Planning Ref. 4939/23 that will include amendment to conditions 4a and 4c that will include the following new works to the existing two storey dwelling: - New ground floor rear exte.... More...
Permission Jan 27 DUBLIN CITY 31 Kenilworth Square West, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 XF29 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of (1) the installation of a bathroom to the second floor including the formation of new openings and partitions and the installation of new services; (2) the removal of non-original partitions to the second floor; and all associated site developmen.... More...
Permission Jan 27 CORK COUNTY Glenarousk, Fermoy, Co.Cork, Permission for the renovation and extension of existing ruinous dwelling (which is a protected structure), to include new corrugated metal roof to existing dwelling, two storey extension to side linked with a single storey glazed link, relocation of existing vehicular entrance to the north, new wast.... More...
Permission Jan 23 DUBLIN CITY 23, Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the construction of 1no. two-storey mews house located to the rear of the site, comprising of 1no. off-street car parking space, 3no. secure bicycle parking, bin store, open plan kitchen living space, 3no. bedrooms to first floor, new connection t.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 LOUTH Sarsfield's , 128 Cord Road , Drogheda The development will consist of the construction of kitchen on site to supply bar and associated site development works. This building is a protected structure. . More...
Permission Jan 23 DUBLIN CITY 31 Kenilworth Square West, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 XF29 PROTECTED STRUCTURE:The development will consist of (1) the installation of a bathroom to the second floor including the formation of new openings and partitions and the installation of new services; (2) the removal of non-original partitions to the second floor; and all associated site development .... More...
Permission Jan 22 DUBLIN CITY St Andrew's church Suffolk Street, St. Andrews Street,, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: We, Failte Ireland, intend to apply for Permission for development at the east side of St. Andrews Former Tourism Centre (Protected Structure), Suffolk Street/St. Andrews Street, Dublin 2. The development will consist of: 1. A single-storey, contemporary-style extension to th.... More...
Permission Jan 22 DUBLIN CITY St. Andrew's Former Tourism Centre, Suffolk Street/ St. Andrews Street, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development at St. Andrews Former Tourism Centre (Protected Structure), Suffolk Street/St. Andrews Street, Dublin 2. The development will consist of: 1. Change of use of former Tourist Information Office, restaurant, and annex exhibition hall (now vacant) to fo.... More...
Retention Permission Jan 23 DUBLIN CITY 8, Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE RETENTION of the use of the premises as Medical and Related Consultants and of alterations to the interior and exterior areas of the property comprising: 1) external metal stairs, glass balustrade and platform lift from street level to basement level to the front of the building;.... More...
RETENTION Jan 21 CORK CITY The Roundy House , No 1 Castle St , T12RX09 Permission for retention of existing canopy and fixed heaters to fa\u00E7ade of existing building, and for Permission for new canopy to fa\u00E7ade of existing building and removal of existing fixed umbrellas. The new development works relate to a Protected Structure (PS01). More...
Permission Jan 20 DUBLIN CITY 74, North Circular Road, Dublin 7 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: (i) Replacement of existing part plastic, part metal rear eaves gutter with a cast-iron gutter; (ii) Local plaster repairs to walls impacted by water damage; (iii) Local plaster repairs to ceilings impacted by water and fire damage; (iv) Rein.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 WATERFORD Ballynatray House , Ballynatray Estate , YonghalCo Waterford for Proposed works to a PROTECTED STRUCTURE, Works to include: Demolition of existing 1990s internal stair, construction of new internal lift & stair including minor internal alterations to layout.. More...
Permission Jan 16 DUBLIN CITY 54 Palmerston Road, Dublin 6 , D06F9P6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : The proposed development will consist of : Proposed off- street parking and formation of a vehicular access off Palmerston Road , to include partial removal of the existing front railings and plinth , provision of inward opening vehicular gates , dishing of footpath and associ.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 LOUTH Darver Castle , Readypenny , Co Louth Permission to create a Civil Ceremony Garden Space (266 Msq) at Darver Castle, Darver, Readypenny, Co Louth. A91RDX2. Darver Castle is a Protected Structure ID No: LHS 011-028. More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 KILKENNY site at Foxes Covert , Mount Juliet Estate , Thomastown Kilkenny for development on this site. The proposed development will consist of amendments to a previously permitted development (KCC Reg. Ref. 21/352). The amendments will consist of the relocation of 1 No. permitted dwelling house (northern dwelling). A number of Protected Structures exist at Mount Juliet .... More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 LIMERICK 35-39 Nicholas Street , Limerick. the development of a Design and Innovation Hub at No's. 35 - 39 Nicholas Street (a Proposed Protected Structure (Ref. No.: P.P.S. 2024/A)) to comprise artist studios, workspaces, retail area, exhibition space and caf\u00E9/restaurant with associated outdoor area adjoining St. Peter Street. The dev.... More...
Permission Jan 15 DUBLIN CITY St Andrew's Church Suffolk Street, St. Andrew's Street, Dublin 2, D02 KX03 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Failte Ireland, intended to apply for Permission for development at the east side of St. Andrews Former Tourism Centre (Protected Structure), Suffolk Street/St. Andrews Street, Dublin 2. The development will consist of: 1. A single-storey, contemporary-style extension to the.... More...
Permission Jan 09 DUBLIN CITY 86 Waterloo Lane, Dublin 4, D04 E8W2, and within the curtilage of 86-89 Leeson St Upper,, Dublin 4, PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for the demolition of the existing house and the construction of 2 new 3 storey Townhouses consisting of 4 bedrooms and living areas with a single vehicular parking space for each townhouse. The proposed development partially includes and is within the curtilage of 86.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 MONAGHAN Fáilte House , The Diamond Clones , Co. Monaghan permission for a new detached single storey building for full day care pre school services to the rear yard area of F\u00E1ilte House which is a protected structure under the Monaghan Development plan number 19. The facility is to be operated by Clones Community Childcare to provide increased capaci.... More...
Permission Jan 14 DUBLIN CITY Centenary House, Anne's Lane, and Nos. 35, 36 and 37 Dawson Street, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE Zozimus Bar Limited intends to apply for permission to continue the use of the artistic installation of umbrellas suspended on catenary cables affixed to the external walls of the adjacent buildings, Centenary House, Anne\u2019s Lane, Dublin 2 and nos. 35, 36 and 37 Dawson Street.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 06 SLIGO SwanPoint , Fish Quay , Sligo WE, TRAVAC DEVELOPMENTS LTD. intend to apply for PERMISSION / RETENTION PERMISSION for development at this site, SwanPoint, Fish Quay, Sligo, Co Sligo. Including works to the existing quay wall a protected structure in the Sligo County Development Plan 2017 \u2013 2023 Record of Protected Structures.... More...
Permission Dec 30 CORK COUNTY Cliff Cottage, French's Walk, Carrignafoy, Cobh, Co. Cork. Works to a Protected Structure. Demolition of existing shed to side, construction of new shed at ground floor with roof terrace above and first floor extension to south-west of cottage, new roof light to rear existing roof, reconfiguration of first floor bedroom and formation of new ope in existing.... More...
Permission Dec 23 DUBLIN CITY Lands known as ‘Blackberry Fair’ and part of No. 46 Lower Rathmines Road (the rear extension) located to the rear of Nos. 36, 38 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought by Dairbhre Developments Limited, for a residential development on lands known as \u2018Blackberry Fair\u2019 and part of No. 46 LowerRathmines Road (the rear extension) located to the rear of Nos. 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 (a Protected Structure) and No. .... More...
Permission Dec 23 DUBLIN CITY 16/17, College Green, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Development at Ground Floor & Basement of 16/17 College Green, Dublin 2. The development will consist of works to a protected structure to include new exterior illuminated signage located at fascia level facing College Green.. More...
Permission Jan 22 DUBLIN CITY 43, Charleville Close, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 H2Y2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE:Planning Permission for: (1) The demolition of an existing single-storey garage, (2) The construction of 2no. two storey Mews dwellings over basement with a balcony on the first floor to the front and balconies on the ground and first floor to the rear, (3) Each dwelling wi.... More...
Permission Jan 06 DUBLIN CITY 86 Waterloo Lane, Dublin 4 D04 E8W2 and within the curtilage of 86-89 Leeson Street Upper, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for the demolition of the existing house and the construction of 2 new 3 storey Townhouses consisting of 4 bedrooms and living areas with a single vehicular parking space for each townhouse. The proposed development partially includes and is within the curtil.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 WESTMEATH Millmount House , Ballinderry Road/Ardmore Road , Mullingar 1): The demolition of an existing shed and the rear 3 storey annex of an existing derelict dwelling, \u2018Millmount House\u2019, which is also a protected structure (NIAH Ref: 15310088) and for 2): the provision of 7 new residential units to include a): the construction of a two storey terrace o.... More...
RETENTION Dec 20 LOUTH Carlingford House , Dundalk Street , Carlingford Retention permission for the construction of a single storey detached dwelling house and associated site works within the grounds of a protected structure. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY Castlepook Castle, Castlepook South, Doneraile, Co. Cork Permission to construct a new two-storey glass structure extension on top of existing tower house dwelling. Recorded Monument SMR No. C0017-027 and Protected Structure RPS No. 0048. Restored Under: Ref. No. 13/05110 \u2013 (06/01/2014) Phase 1 \u2013 Permission and all associated site works. Ref.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 MAYO 19 Spencer Street , Castlebar , Co Mayo The development will include partial demolition, refurbishment and extension to the rear of the existing townhouse. The building subject to the proposed works is a Protected Structure (reference no. 1964: 19: 105). The development will also include all necessary and associated sitework and con.... More...
Permission Dec 20 DUBLIN CITY Site to the rear of St James's Roman Catholic Church, James's Street and Echlin Street, Dublin 8 The proposed development consists of the demolition of the derelict structure known as 15 Echlin St which is located on the corner of Echlin St and Grand Canal Place. The structure is not a Protected Structure and is in a derelict state. The demolition works will include for the removal of the struc.... More...
Permission Jan 07 DUBLIN CITY 19, Talbot St, North City, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Change of use from general retail to caf\u00E9 with take away .. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CORK CITY Unit 8 , The Cornmarket Centre , Cornmarket Street Permission for the change of use from retail to leisure use elevation alterations to main entrance and internal alterations to unit and replacement of existing signage including 1no. internally sign. a protected structure is located within the curtilage of the new development works.. More...
Permission Dec 19 DUBLIN CITY 6 Blessington Street, Dublin 7, D07RX4N PROTECTED STRUCTURE : The development consists of /will consist of the removal of the plywood signboard and the paint from the brickwork to the front facade at Ground Floor level , removal of paint from granite window cills and the string course to the front facade , repointing the Front facade bric.... More...
Permission Jan 02 DUBLIN CITY 100 - 101 Seville Place, North Dock C Ward, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE. PERMISSION & RETENTION. The development consists of: Retained as existing bedsits with full internal and external works as listed below Planning Permission is sought for: 1. External (a) Repair/restoration and installation of replacement railings across the front of the properti.... More...
Permission Dec 23 DUBLIN CITY 23, Highfield Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6, D06 R7R9 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Michelle O'Toole intends to apply for planning permission for development consisting of renovation and extension of existing house at 23 Highfield Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 D06 R7R9 (A Protected Structure). The proposed works will include extending the raised ground floor exte.... More...
RETENTION Dec 18 WICKLOW SEK International School , Belvedere Hall , Windgates Greystones metal poles supporting structure, permission for new signage boards fixed to metal poles supporting structure, all together with associated works such as landscaping and boundary treatments necessary to complete this development, Belvedere Hall is a protected structure. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY 18 Church Street, Liscahane, Millstreet, Co Cork Permission to renovate and extend dwelling house, all in accordance with plans and particulars submitted. Please note this property is a Protected Structure.. More...
Permission Dec 18 DUBLIN CITY 4, Berkeley Street, Dublin 7, D07 C2RX PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Proposed alterations and change-of-use of an existing disused office storage area to a one bedroom apartment at basement level.. More...
Permission Dec 18 DUBLIN CITY Bridge House, 24/25 Parliament Street, Dublin 2, D02 X971 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: (i) change of use at the basement, ground floor (no.25 and part no.24) and first floor (no.24 only) from restaurant to uses ancillary to the existing guesthouse comprising of additional 4 no. suites with bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a reception area, a lobby, stores, and.... More...
Permission Dec 17 DUBLIN CITY 135 Rathgar Road, Dublin 6, D06 HE33 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Construction of a 71sqm two bedroom 2 storey Mews House on the vacant site to the rear of 135 Rathgar Road, Dublin 6, a Protected Structure. Access to the site is via Belleville Avenue with the existing gated garden entrance to the site relocated north towards the boundary of 1.... More...
n/a Dec 17 WEXFORD Cromoge, St. Mary's Permission for the following proposed works to existing protected structure. More...
Permission Dec 17 DUBLIN CITY 1 Cambridge Road, Rathmines , Dublin 6, D06 HA89 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : The proposed works will consist of the demolition of a 64sq. m existing single storey flat roofed extension at the rear of the property and construction of a new 33sq. m single storey floor roofed extension to the rear of the property . The proposal also includes alterations .... More...
Permission Dec 19 DUBLIN CITY No. 7a Oakley Road, Dublin 6, D06 X5P0 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: The subdivision of the site with new boundary treatment to provide for: (1) New 3 storey infill dwelling, terrace to front at 2nd fl., front & rear open spaces, new boundary wall to side, new pedestrian access gate, 1 no. roof light to rear slo.... More...
RETENTION Dec 16 LONGFORD Devine Crescent , Edgeworthstown , Co. Longford minor ground investigation and reinstatement works adjacent to the base of the existing vent stack which is a protected structure reference 279 in the planning authority's record of protected structures. Permission for the removal of an existing vent stack which is a protected structure reference 2.... More...
RETENTION Dec 16 LONGFORD N55 Granard Road , Edgeworthstown , Co. Longford replacement underground pipework and reinstatement work adjacent the base of the existing vent stack which is a protected structure reference 280 in the planning authority's record of protected structures. Permission for the removal of an existing vent stack which is a protected structure reference .... More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE Dromoland Castle Dromoland , Newmarket-on-Fergus , Co. Clare The development will consist of a new guest carpark including petrol interceptor, surface water attenuation tank, connection to existing surface water drainage system, carpark lighting and ancillary site works (The development is proposed within the curtilage of a protected structure Dromoland Castl.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 OFFALY Hill St , Magherabane , Cloghan demolition of two existing single storey rear extensions, renovation of an existing 2-storey house and construction of new 2-storey rear extension, and conversion of an existing rear outbuilding into a residential unit. The house is a Protected Structure.. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 KILKENNY No.12 Talbots Inch , Kilkenny , Co. Kilkenny for the conservation and extension of No.12 Talbot\u2019s Inch Village, Kilkenny, a Protected Structure (Ref: C217), to include the conservative repair of the roof and windows and to construct a single storey, pitched roof extension to the rear of the house and to include all site and ancillary work.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 WESTMEATH 50 Pearse Street , Mullingar , Co Westmeath 50 Pearse Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, N91 FY58 this being a Protected Structure. The development will consist/consists of the change of use from retail/bistro/restaurant to offices / further education centre through internal fit-out works. Level 2 is extended marginally to the rear to take the.... More...
Permission Dec 12 DUBLIN CITY on lands at Keavan's Port, 1-5 Camden Street Upper and 49-51 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2. PROTECTED STRUCTURE: JD Wetherspoon plc intend to apply for permission for development on lands at Keavan's Port, 1-5 Camden Street Upper and 49-51 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2. No's 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Camden Street Upper and No's 50 and 51 Camden Street Lower are Protected Structures. The developm.... More...
RETENTION Dec 12 KILKENNY Centra Supermarket , Main Street Urlingford , Co. Kilkenny for (i) the As Built Retail Extension (originally granted under Planning Ref. No. 16/286) located at the rear of the existing Bank building (which is a Protected Structure), (ii) the As Built location of the Off Licence retail area, (iii) the relocation of the fire escape door on the Western Elevati.... More...
Permission Dec 11 DUBLIN CITY Lansdowne Road, north of the DART station, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE Replacement of one 6.15m x 3.36m internally illuminated scrolling advertising display with one new slimline digital advertising display, 6.08m wide x 2.88m high, on CIE-owned land to the north of the DART station at Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4, and the permanent decommissioning and .... More...
Permission Dec 10 DUBLIN CITY Rotunda Hospital Campus, Parnell Square, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE The proposed development comprises a 4-storey over basement maternity hospital building extension (Critical Care Wing, c. 9,946 sq m gross floor area) including: 80no. additional hospital bedrooms, new theatre and ancillary facilities, a new link corridor (Level 02) and connectio.... More...
Permission Dec 09 DUBLIN CITY 20D Beckett Way, Park West Business Park, Dublin 12, D12T6P6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: The erection of two No. illuminated signs on the west and south facade of the existing building known as block 20 and all assocated site works.. More...
Permission Dec 06 DUBLIN CITY No 12 East Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, D02 EH42 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: Refurbishment works including: Fire upgrade works to all floors of the building, including the construction of new fire rated lobbies on the ground, first and second floors, upgrading the fire rating of floors and selected walls & doors, the rep.... More...
Permission Dec 06 DUBLIN CITY 29 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : Planning permission is sought for the construction of an extension on two levels to the rear of a three storey over basement residential building , a Protected Strucure (RPS Ref No. 6391 ) which contains 13 no apartments approved under Reg. Ref. 0753/96 and the repointing of .... More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 OFFALY Hill St , Magherabane , Cloghan Co. Offaly demolition of two existing single storey rear extensions, renovation of an existing 2-storey house and construction of new 2-storey rear extension, and conversion of an existing rear outbuilding into a residential unit. The house is a Protected Structure.. More...
Permission Dec 09 DUBLIN CITY Site (c. 0.99ha) at the Rotunda Hospital Campus, Parnell Square, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The proposed development comprises a 4-storey over basement maternity hospital building extension (Critical Care Wing, c. 9,946 sq m gross floor area) including: 80no. additional hospital bedrooms, new theatre and ancillary facilities, a new link corridor (Level 02) and connecti.... More...
Permission Dec 03 DUBLIN CITY 42, Belgrave Square West, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE. The development will consist of the demolition of a single storey glasshouse (15.8m2) adjoining the rear return and the construction of a single storey (50m2) extension with a kitchen and dining area, internal works and alterations to include the demolition of an internal stairc.... More...
Permission Jan 30 DUBLIN CITY Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: We, Greenspace Homes Limited, intend to apply for permission for development at this site at Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7. The site bounds the wall of the Phoenix Park, which is a Protected Structure (Ref. 6781). The development will consist of modifications to planning permiss.... More...
Permission Jan 14 DUBLIN CITY 23 Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 NC80 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the construction of 1no. two-storey mews house located to the rear of the site, comprising of 1no. off-street car parking space, 3no. secure bicycle parking, bin store, open plan kitchen living space, 3no. bedrooms to first floor, new connection t.... More...
Permission Dec 03 DUBLIN CITY 29 Parnell Square West,, Dublin 1. PROTECTED STRUCTURE : Planning permission is sought for the construction of an extension on two levels to the rear of a three storey over basement residential building a Protected Structure (RPS Ref. no. 6391 which contains 13 no. apartments approved under Reg Ref No. 0753/96, and the repointing of .... More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 LIMERICK Stables Bar Student Centre , University of Limerick , Sreelane Townland Castletroy the removal of the existing valley gutters and polycarbonate rooflights, the construction of new valley gutters, rooflights and access hatch together with air handling units and associated ductwork. The site is located approx. 130m from Plassey House (a protected structure) and approx. 650m from Pla.... More...
Retention Permission Jan 23 DUBLIN CITY 46 Pearse Street, Dublin 2, D02H920 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : RETENTION : The development will cosist of the retention of (a) The revision of the elevation to the rear return to the rear of the property facing onto Magennis Place previously granted under File Register reference 3330/18 , to provide for a calp limestone traditional st.... More...
Permission Dec 19 SOUTH DUBLIN Units 33-34, Hills Industrial Estate, Lower Lucan Road, Lucan, Co. Dublin. The overall site includes a Protected Structure (Steward's Crafts - Record No. 020), Units 39-40, Hills Industrial Estates, Lower Lucan Road, Co. Dublin. The proposed development will consist of:- Change of use from gym to wholesale outlet and local shop;- Minor alterations to the elevations to f.... More...
Permission Dec 03 DUBLIN CITY 80, Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE for full planning permission for to change use of the premises at 80 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin4 (a protected structure - RPS Ref No. 5938), from resource centre to residential, all with associated site development works.. More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 MONAGHAN Lands at , Fermanagh Street , Clones Town permission is being sought for a mixed use development that will incorporate the partial reinstatement of a Protected Structure (The Paragon Bar, Protected Structure Reference No. 30 under the Monaghan County Development Plan 2019-2025, Record of Protected Structures \u2013 Clones Town) that will in.... More...
Permission Nov 29 CORK COUNTY Rushbrooke Railway Station, Rushbrooke, Ringacoltig, Cobh Co Cork Permission for the construction of a mobility impaired access structure (MIAS) that will be within the curtilage of Protected Structures (RPS Ref: 1689 and 1690/NIAH Survey Data Reg. Nos. 20828039 and 20828040). The structure is a hybrid assembly of different concrete and steel elements including a .... More...
RETENTION Dec 05 CARLOW The Quay , Tinnahinch , Graiguenamanagh change of use from Commercial Workshop to Sauna with plunge pool and floating platform Part of Protected Structure CW496 connected to Graiguenamanagh Bridge NIAH Ref: 12318004 and 10302404 and all existing services and all associated site works. More...
Permission Jan 27 CORK COUNTY Pier Road & Main Street, Town-Plots, Kinsale, Co Cork Permission for change of use from Restaurant (existing) to Retail Unit, changes to external elevations including signage, new paved forecourt with seating and planters, re-location of hoarding and all associated site works. In the curtilage of the Seaview Building which is a Protected Structure.. More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 GALWAY COUNTY Ballynahinch , BallynahinchCastle Hotel Recess , Connemara Co.Galway for the construction of a single storey extension located to the rear (south) of the hotel to accommodate an accessible wc and 2 guest wc\u2019s. Ballynahinch Castle Hotel is a Protected structure.. More...
n/a Nov 26 WEXFORD Cromoge, St. Mary's Permission for the following proposed works to existing Protected Structure. More...
Permission Jan 24 CORK COUNTY Dripsey Castle Estate, Carrignamuck, Dripsey, Co Cork Permission for alteration, renovation, extension and change of use of the existing agricultural buildings forming the stable yard adjoining Dripsey Castle, a Protected Structure, RPS no. 442. The proposed works comprise of: (A) The alteration, renovation, extension and change of use of stable buildi.... More...
SDZ Application Dec 11 SOUTH DUBLIN St Helens Avenue, Finnstown, Adamstown, Co Dublin, K78 A2H6 The proposed development comprises the provision of a new access road (approx. 28.5m in length) to facilitate the creation of a future vehicular entrance to the site of Airlie House (a Protected Structure) from St. Helens Avenue; and all associated and ancillary site development works including the .... More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 LEITRIM Dromod Railway Station , Clooncolry , Co. Leitrim The development will consist of the addition of a mobility impaired access structure (MIAS) that will be within the curtilage of 6 no. Protected Structures (RPS Reference Nos.: 212, 213, 214, 215, 216 and 217). The structure is a hybrid assembly of different concrete and steel elements including a p.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 CLARE Drewsborough , Scariff , Co. Clare to renovate and repair existing storage building and for change of use of same to dwellinghouse and connect to mains services and all associated site works. Note this is a protected structure . .. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH No. 1 Leyland Place , Drogheda , Co Louth Permission for the change of use of the building from residential to offices. The building is a Protected Structure - Ref. No. DB349. More...
Permission Jan 21 FINGAL 1 Holmpatrick Terrace, Skerries, Co. Dublin, K34Y821 Extension / renovation to a protected structure (RPS ID 0214) consisti. More...
Permission Jan 17 DUBLIN CITY Laurel House, 122, Ranelagh, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 W2T3 PROTECTED STRUCTURE. Planning permission is sought for development at 122 Ranelagh, also known as Laurel House, for a change of use from its current use of offices to a dwelling. Works will include Removal of non-original partitions at Lower Ground Level & Ground Level. Formation of opening in spine.... More...
Permission Jan 20 DUBLIN CITY 12 North Great Georges Street, Dublin 1, D01 AW65 PROTECTED STRUCTURE The construction of a new studio/sunroom extension of 36m2 to existing attic conversion to serve as additional floor space to 3rd floor apartment below, provision of new access stairs to same, repair and repointing of existing chimney stacks, some minor internal alterations and a.... More...
Permission Jan 16 DUBLIN CITY Butler's Townhouse, 44, Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4, D04 RY96 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : The development will consist of the demolition of the existing conservatory to the side at ground floor level, and the construction of a single flat roof extension to the rear and side of the property, to be used as an accessible en-suite guestroom, the conversion of the exist.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 WATERFORD 12 & 13 Broad Street , Waterford , Waterford for material alterations to our premises at 13 Broad Street, Waterford, (Protected Structure RPS WA730685) namely for the change of use of existing first, second and third floors from retail storage to residential, and for the construction of a rear extension at first, second and third floor levels.... More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 LAOIS 5 Parnell Street , Mountmellick , Co. Laois construct a proposed single storey apartment/townhouse development of 7 no. 1 bedroom units and associated works located to the rear of an existing two storey mixed use building being a protected structure RPS 035 NIAH 12900343. The proposed development is located behind the existing former house a.... More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Jan 10 LOUTH 23 Seatown Place , Dundalk , Co Louth EXTENSION OF DURATION OF 19802 - Permission for extensions and modifications to an existing dwelling house, a Protected Structure D463/NIAH No. 13705055, located within the Seatown Architectural Conservation Area. Works to include selective part demolition of existing single-storey buildings to re.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 KERRY The Thatched House , Lenamore , Ballylongford Co. Kerry. Planning permission for the following: Extend existing protected structure \u201CRPS-KY-0134\u201D including the removal of the North West corner wall of the existing rear extension, erect a new single story extension with attic storage to the north west of existing thatched house, decommission exis.... More...
Permission Jan 10 DUBLIN CITY 83, Marlborough Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE; demolition of roof, internal walls, & wall to courtyard to existing rear extension, new flat roof & rooflights to extension, modifications to walls facing rear garden and yard, removal of existing kitchen in ground floor return and new utility and WC in its place, widening of op.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 SLIGO Markree Castle , Collooney , Co. Sligo Construct a\u201Clean-to\u201D single storey extension (119 Msq) to sides and rear of existing shed at Markree Castle, Collooney, Co Sligo. Markree Castle is a protected structure, RPS No.294CDP.. More...
Permission Nov 15 DUBLIN CITY 16 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, D01 P2P2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: i) The change of use of the upper three floors above ground level (first floor, second floor, and loft) to residential apartments for long-term rental ii) Extension to the rear at first floor level, above existing ground floor, to create new residential unit iii) Reinstatemen.... More...
Permission Nov 14 DUBLIN CITY 12, North Great George's Street, Dublin 1, D01 AW65 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the construction of a new studio / sunroom extension of 36m2 to existing attic conversion to serve as additional floor space to 3rd floor apartment below, provision of new access stairs to same, repair and re-pointing of existing chimney stacks, s.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 LIMERICK Baunacloka , Raheen , Co. Limerick. a residential development comprising 58 no. apartments in 2no. five storey blocks, Change of use and renovation of Loughmore House, which is a protected structure (RPS registration no. 1672) to a community building, demolition of fire damaged workshop building including removal of concrete apron and.... More...
Permission Dec 05 DUBLIN CITY 54 Palmerston Road, Dublin, D06 F9P6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE:The development will consist of: proposed off-street parking and formation of a vehicular access off Palmerston Road, to include the partial removal of the existing front railings and plinth, provision of inward opening vehicular gates, dishing of footpath and associated ancillar.... More...
RETENTION Jan 10 WATERFORD Ardsallagh , Youghal , Co. Waterford permission for alterations to an existing dwelling which is a protected structure (RPS ID WA750659), including internal alterations, alterations to external ground levels, construction of a vehicle entrance and boundary wall, and PERMISSION for a new domestic waste water treatment system, and all o.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 LIMERICK Caherline , Caherconlish , Co. Limerick the construction of a new entrance by demolishing part of the existing roadside boundary stone wall and all ancillary site works. This development is within the curtilage of a Protected Structure. More...
Permission Dec 20 DUBLIN CITY 15, Saint Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of revisions to the previously approved development (REG REF. 3157/22) to include (a) Replacement of 1 No. internal basement window with a door to suit the existing opening width (b) Provision of reversible fire rated partition required to upgrade ex.... More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LONGFORD No.'s 65 & 66 , Main Street , Longford the proposed change of use of part of an existing licensed premises (which is recorded as a protected structure i.e. RPS no. 501 Longford County Development plan 2021-2027) on the ground, first and second floor levels into 7 no. studio type apartments, 3 no. one bedroom type apartment, 1 no. two bed.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 TIPPERARY Archerstown , Thurles , Co. Tipperary a) the construction of a new dwelling house and access road; b) the use of an existing entrance; c) the construction of a secondary treatment system and soil polishing filter with all associated siteworks. This proposed development is within the curtilage of a protected structure ref no: TRPS482. More...
Permission Nov 08 DUBLIN CITY 83 Marlborough Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE:Demolition of roof, internal walls, & wall to courtyard to existing rear extension, new flat roof & rooflights to extension, modifications to walls facing rear garden and yard, removal of existing kitchen in ground floor return and new utility and WC in its place, widening of ope.... More...
Permission Jan 27 DUBLIN CITY Site (c. 0.22ha) at Mespil Court, Mespil Road and Burlington Road, Dublin 4, D04 E516 The site is generally bounded by buildings in office use to the south, no. 39 Mespil Road (Protected Structure) to the west, and by Mespil Road and the Grand Canal to the north. The development will consist of a 3-storey mixed use building extension comprising: A 2-storey, raised bridge, office e.... More...
Permission Dec 20 DUBLIN CITY Ambassador Theatre, Parnell Street, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE Millennium Theatre Company intend to apply for planning permission for development at The Ambassador Theatre (Protected Structure - RPS No. 6437), Parnell Street, Dublin 1. The proposed development involves the repair and reinstatement of existing neon signage on the southeast an.... More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 WATERFORD Aisling , Newtown , Dunmore Road for Complete renovation of existing dwelling, comprising new roof, new windows, reconstruction of one brick chimney changes to internal layout, together with new single storey extension, connection to services and all associated site works within the attendant grounds of a protected structure.. More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY 15 Georges Quay , Cork Permission for alterations to existing mid terrace building a protected structure to include for a ground floor caf\u00E9 and 4 no. apartments to the upper floors including alterations to rear elevation including balconies amendments to existing rear dormer and construction of new dormer to rear rep.... More...
RETENTION Jan 02 KERRY Fortlands House , Clahane , Tralee Co. Kerry Retention Permission to retain a domestic greenhouse and also to retain two single storey extensions and elevational changes to his dwelling house, Fortlands House, Clahane, Tralee, Co. Kerry. This is a protected structure Ref. No. RPS-KY-0936 .. More...
Permission Dec 18 DUBLIN CITY 18, Merrion Street Upper, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION AND RETENTION, permission for retention of the existing retractable awning to the front fa\u00E7ade and permission to amend condition No14 of planning approval Reg. Ref.: 3532/11 to extend the opening hours to 11:30pm all at No18 Merrion Street Upper, Dublin 2. A Pro.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 LAOIS Old Mill , Timahoe Rd. , Stradbally construct a bridge over the Bauteogue River (Stradbally River) to link up the existing forestry roads (Bridle Paths) and access for the Electric Picnic and access to the rest of my farmland which is within the curtilage of a protected structure, Stradbally Hall, RPS No. 414 and NIAH no 12900432 a.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 WATERFORD Ballyduffmore , Dungarvan , Co. Waterford for a new single storey garden room in the garden to the rear of the existing buildings on site, incorporating general garden storage, home office/gym room and all associated site works . This development consists of development within the curtilage of a protected structure under RPS No. 719 and NIA.... More...
Permission Nov 05 DUBLIN CITY The Ambassador Theatre (Protected Structure – RPS No. 6437), Parnell Street, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE PERMISSION Millennium Theatre Company intend to apply for planning permission for development at The Ambassador Theatre (Protected Structure - RPS No. 6437), Parnell Street, Dublin 1. The proposed development involves the repair and reinstatement of existing neon signage on the s.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LIMERICK St. Alphonsus' Monastery , South Circular Road , Limerick installation of self clean solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels to the roof of the existing monastery adjacent to St. Alphonsus' church n order to facilitate the future long-term use of the complex by the Redemptorist community. St. Alphonsus' Monastery is a Protected Structure. More...
Permission Jan 29 DUBLIN CITY 36 Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : PERMISSION & RETENTION:The development shall consist of (i) permission for new vehicular access, to facilitate disabled driver, including alterations to existing wrought iron railings and (ii) permission/ retention permission for works to front garden area to facilitate vehicul.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 LAOIS 11 Patrick Street , Mountmellick , Co. Laois. carry out development at 11 Patrick Street, Mountmellick, Co. Laois. R32 XA58, which is adjacent to a protected structure (Record of Protected Structures Reference Number RSP023). The development will consist of permission for change of use from public house to restaurant with take-away and re-de.... More...
Permission Dec 18 DUBLIN CITY 146-156, Harolds Cross Road, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for modifications to the previously granted development (Reg. Ref. 3779/22) at the site of No.146-156 Harolds Cross Road, Dublin 6W, which includes a protected structure at No.152 (RPS. Ref. 8899). The proposed modifications consist of the following: (i) Re.... More...
Permission Dec 17 DUBLIN CITY 15, Windsor Road, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development consists of changing the position of the existing doorway in the rear garden wall onto the laneway to the rear of the existing house. More...
Permission Dec 16 DUBLIN CITY National Library of Ireland, 7-8 Kildare Street, Dublin 2, D02 P638 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: We, the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, intend to apply for permission, for works to the National Library of Ireland, Nos.7-8 Kildare Street, Dublin 2. PROTECTED STRUCTURE \u2013 The development will consist of works to the Main Reading Room (351 sqm) East lobby (13.... More...
Retention Permission Dec 16 DUBLIN CITY 58, 59, 60 & 61, Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE RETENTION PERMISSION Further to previously granted permission (application No.3622/14, application No:6031/06, and application No. 5091/07) at 58 - 61 (inclusive), Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2. (4 No. protected structures), full planning permission is now being sought by the Nati.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 MAYO Tacú Ballinrobe Family Resource Centre Clg. , Credit Union House Main Street , Ballinrobe for Change of Use from Office (Class 3) to Assembly (Class 10) of second floor of the existing office building (121m2). Proposal includes minor internal alterations. The proposal is within a Protected Structure (ref: 0071). More...
Declaration of Exemption Section 5 Nov 18 SOUTH DUBLIN The Forge Guesthouse, Mill Road, Saggart, Co. Dublin Whether the use of a Guesthouse at the Forge Guesthouse, Mill Road, Saggart, Co. Dublin D24PV2, (A Protected Structure RPS Ref. 320) to provide accommodation for persons seeking international protection, constitutes exempted development or does not constitute exempted development? 2 (a) Section of E.... More...
Permission Dec 10 DUBLIN CITY 57 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: 10 year permission . The development will consist of: (a) Fabric repair works: (i) Main Roof: Strip slates; salvage re-usable slates; dispose of fibre/asbestos slates. Salvage ridge and hip tiles and reinstate when roof is slated; Provide matching replacement for any missing or .... More...
Permission Dec 11 DUBLIN CITY The Ambassador Theatre, Parnell Street, Dublin 1, D01 R243 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Millenium Theatre Company intend to apply for planning permission for development at The Ambassador Theatre (Protected Structure - RPS No. 6437), Parnell Street, Dublin 1. The proposed development consists of the following, with a detailed description set out in the applicatio.... More...
Permission Dec 12 DUBLIN CITY 48, Dartmouth Square East, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Modification to permitted development (DCC ref 4005/24) for the extension of the first floor rear return by 960mm. A Protected Structure.. More...
Permission Dec 11 DUBLIN CITY 15-16, Palmerston Park, Rathmines, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning Permission for the amalgamation of dwelling house No. 15 & building No. 16, which is subdivided into 2 no. units comprising a separate garden level apartment, with in part an established commercial use, and independent main house above garden level, which will include a.... More...
Permission Dec 10 DUBLIN CITY 8 Temple Villas, Palmerston Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 KT35 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission is sought for the following works : 1. demolition of existing non-original rear extension, columns and rear canopy at lower round floor level, 2. construction of new single storey rear extension with 1no. rooflight and alterations to existing openings at lower grou.... More...
Permission Dec 06 DUBLIN CITY 78, Leeson Street Lower, Dublin 2, D02 RX94 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Tottoria Trading Limited intend to apply for permission for development at 78 Leeson Street Lower, Dublin 2 (D02 RX94), a protected structure (RPS 4440). The proposed development will consist of the change of use of 78 Leeson Street Lower from solely residential use to resid.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH Round House , Ardee Street Collon , Co. Louth (Protected Structure) Permission for the Change of Use from Commercial to Residential (2 bed house), landscaping, renovations & associated works to a Protected Structure. More...
RETENTION Dec 04 GALWAY CITY Fuscia Cottage , Cappagh Road , Galway Permission for development which consists of; retention permission is sought for the demolition of a domestic shed (67 M\u00B2 approximately) within the curtilage of Fuscia Cottage, Cappagh Road, Galway, a Protected Structure (GCC RPS No. 1602), on behalf of William Sandys Solicitor as legal represe.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 KILKENNY Exit 4 Urlingford , Main Street Urlingford , Co. Kilkenny for the proposed installation of low profile solar panels on the pitched roof of Exit 4 Urlingford, remote working hub located on main street, Urlingford which is a protected structure RPS Number C542 and NIAH Ref Number 12304012 and all associated works. More...
Permission Dec 05 DUBLIN CITY 8 Annesley Park, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 PY50 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The construction of a single-storey garden room and associated site works to the rear garden (note: PROTECTED STRUCTURE). More...
Permission Dec 04 DUBLIN CITY Lands at 23-28 Prussia Street, Dublin 7 (D07X9X6, D07FW30 & D07PAF1) Located at junction Prussia, Street & St. Joseph's Road, bounded by No. 29 Prussia Street (Protected Structure) to the north, No, 22 Prussia Street to the south & TU, Dublin Grangegorman PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for Large-scale Residential Development on lands at 23-28 Prussia Street, Dublin 7 (D07 X9X6, D07 FW30 & D07 PAF1), (located at the junction of Prussia Street, and St. Joseph's Road, and bounded by No. 29 Prussia Street (Protected Structure) to the north, No., 22 Pru.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 KILDARE Norton House , Dublin Road , Naas for change of use from previous office use, to sub-divide the building into 4 Nr. 1 bed apartments on the ground and 1st floor only, with a plant room and storage room to the upper floor of the rear annex of the Protected Structure (Reg Nr:11814098, NIAH - Norton House) along with all associated sit.... More...
Permission Dec 02 DUBLIN CITY Clerys Building,18-27 O'Connell Street Lower and Sackville Place, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : PERMISSION for development at the Clerys Building, 18-27 O'Connell Street Lower Sackville Place Dublin. The development will consist of; Planning permission for a proposed single external sign to the existing elevation on the Ground Floor unit to the southern side of the build.... More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 KILDARE Kilkea Castle , Kilkea Demesne Castledermot , Athy for A) The provision of an external lift, B) Internal modifications, C) Changes to fenestration, and D) The provision of a glass canopy including all associated site works and services at a development in the curtilage of a protected structure. More...
Permission Jan 17 DUBLIN CITY 52 Richmond Street South, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the change of use at ground floor and basement floor levels of No. 52 Richmond St. South (a Protected Structure) from restaurant to office. Existing residential use at upper floors unaffected.. More...
Permission Nov 27 DUBLIN CITY Saint Assam's Community Hall, Saint Assam's Church, Howth Road, Dublin 5 PROTECTED STRUCTURE The development will consist of: The renovation, refurbishment and extension of the existing Protected Structure to provide for an upgraded Sports Club facility. Proposed works to the existing Protected Structure are inclusive of: (1) demolition of the existing non-original 20th.... More...
Permission Jan 17 DUBLIN CITY 62, Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development consists of: Change of use of existing offices to social care residential accommodation with internal alterations (kitchen, bathrooms & fire lobbies) and upgrade works at 62 Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin 6. The subject property is a Protected Structure.. More...
RETENTION Nov 22 TIPPERARY 5 Glenview Square , Tipperary Town , Co. Tipperary a) an extension to the rear of the house (a protected structure), and b) domestic sheds. More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 TIPPERARY Green Street , Roscrea , Co. Tipperary 1) the renovation of an existing derelict houses, 2) the upgrade of an existing site entrance, 3) the connection to existing services and all associated site works (the proposed works are within the curtilage of a protected structure RC002). More...
Permission Nov 25 CORK COUNTY 'Blindwell' 3 Midleton Park, High Road, Ringmeen, Cobh, Co.Cork Permission to construct a domestic garage, car parking platform, re-locate existing cast iron gate and stone pillars to the west, install a new electric gate within the curtilage of a protected structure (ref no. 10007018). More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 CORK CITY Former North Presentation Convent School , 34-39 Gerald Griffin Street , Cork T23EK22 Change of use from a temporary hostel to a permanent hostel. The new development works are within the curtilage of a protected structure at Former North Presentation Convent School. More...
Permission Nov 22 DUBLIN CITY 43 Fitzwilliam Square West, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: (i) internal reconfiguration (inclusive of the blocking up of existing opes and enlarging non-original window opes for doorways, removal of non-original doors and frames, provision of new partition walls, new kitchen and new washroom facilities a.... More...
RETENTION Jan 27 LOUTH 5 Albany Terrace , William St , Drogheda Retention & Permission to Protected Structure - DB299/NIAH 13619119: Retention permission is sought for works completed to date including site and building clearance, essential roof repairs and essential structural repairs. Planning permission is sought for the completion of all works on site incl.... More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 MONAGHAN 14 Main Street , Ballybay , Co. Monaghan permission to construct a rear extension to existing pub to include outdoor seating area, new external steps with gated access & new terrace area to serve existing residential access and all associated works. (A Protected Structure Ref: 41401913). More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 KERRY Tonbwee , Castleisland , Kerry Full Planning Permission to construct a new extension to existing out loading machine building which is a protected structure (RPS-KY-0231) and all associated site services.. More...
Permission Nov 21 DUBLIN CITY 29, Saint Mary's Road, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE removal of render to existing gable wall (to main house volume), repairs to wall, and new render application in NHL2 lime with cementitious plinth. Works will include replacement of PVC hopper head with cast iron, repairs to existing cast iron rainwater pipe and installation of a.... More...
Permission Nov 11 DUBLIN CITY 16, Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: RETENTION PERMISSION is sought for 4no. projecting signs on the front elevation of\u00A0 the building and an internally mounted 'Hello' sign. PERMISSION is sought for the replacement of existing signage with new, white, internally illuminated \u2018KFC\u2019 lettering, the ins.... More...
Permission Nov 20 DUBLIN CITY 41, Heytesbury Lane, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE. The development will consist of internal and external modifications to the existing dwelling and a new two storey extension to the rear with additional attic level and west facing dormer window, on an enlarged site incorporating a plot of land to the rear currently in use by no..... More...
Permission Nov 14 DUBLIN CITY The Mercantile Hotel and Dame House, 24-28 Dame Street, Dublin 2, D02 C861 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The site of 0.0768 ha is bound by Dame Street to the north, Dame Lane to the south and South Great Georges Street to the west. The subject site includes protected structures, RPS Ref. 2103 (24 Dame Street), RPS Ref. 2104 ( 25 Dame Street) and RPS Ref. 2105 (26-27-28 Dame Str.... More...
Permission Nov 12 DUBLIN CITY 22-23 Suffolk Street, Dublin 2 , D02FR96 PROTECTED STRUCTURE. Permission for proposed internal alterations to allow the removal of partitions, joinery, secondary ceilings, floor finishes and building services all installed in c. 2009 as part of a previous change of use, at the first, second & third floors.. More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 LIMERICK Adare Village Hall , Main Street , Adare the development that will consist of works to the Protected Structure, Adare Village Hall, which consists of the removal of 2 No. modern extensions, the construction of a new flat roof extension, repair works to the existing historic fabric, minor internal alteration works to the existing building a.... More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 TIPPERARY St. Patrick’s College , Cathedral Street , Thurles a new floodlighting to the training pitch (the works are in the curtilage of a Protected Structure). More...
Permission Nov 15 DUBLIN CITY 49 Morehampton Road, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE (RPS NO. 5328) The development will consist of alterations to a previously granted planning permission for an extension to the rear (Planning Ref: 3703/23). The proposed design alterations include the following (i) The demolition of single storey utility extension and conservator.... More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Nov 12 KILDARE Ballykelly Mills , Monasterevin , Co. Kildare Extension of Duration: development of a distillery and visitor centre (with ancillary caf\u00E9, maturation facilities and other associated ancillary development) (5,106 sqm total gross floor area) at Ballykelly Mills, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare, W34 HY03 [a Protected Structure (Ref. B21-04)] on a si.... More...
Permission Nov 11 DUBLIN CITY 35 Harcourt Street (Protected Structure) and 35 Camden Place, The Dean Hotel 34 Harcourt Street and, The Dean Townhouse 36 Harcourt Street (Protected Structure), Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For development comprising: Design modifications to planning permission 3086/23 for the conservation, repair, refurbishment, alteration and extension of the townhouse at No.35 Harcourt Street (protected structure) for use as an hotel (21no. keys and 1no. restaurant), to include:.... More...
Permission Nov 07 DUBLIN CITY 32, Frederick Street North, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development seeking permission will consist of the change-of- use of the existing entrance-level from commercial use to studio apartment with balconies, and change-of-use of the existing first-floor level from commercial use to one bed apartment with balconies along with all.... More...
Permission Nov 04 DUN LAOGHAIRE RATHDOWN Killiney House, Killiney Hill Road, Killiney, Dublin, A96K750 The development will consist of works to a Protected Structure as follows: The. More...
Retention Permission Nov 11 DUBLIN CITY 6, Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE a) Replacement of 2 no. windows to rear of Upper Ground and First Floor with timber glazed doors; b) Provision of 2 no. balconies (3.97m by 1.4m each) at Upper Ground and First Floor; c) Erection of a steel roof structure in rear courtyard with glass panels and 4 no. steel struct.... More...
Permission Jan 23 DUBLIN CITY 7 Mountpleasant Ave Upper, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 H308 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION: The development will consist of: the alteration and partial demolition of the existing rear return and construction of a new single-storey extension with rooflights; replacement windows to front and rear at basement level, alteration of internal opening between stair.... More...
Permission Jan 17 DUBLIN CITY 4 Leeson Park Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 Y959 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For the following works: 1. single storey extension to the courtyard at lower ground floor level containing family bathroom, 2. single storey extension to rear, 3. internal alterations to non-original structure, 4. new opening to rear return at lower round floor and associated s.... More...
Permission Nov 04 DUN LAOGHAIRE RATHDOWN Carrig Baun, Rockfort Avenue, Dalkey, Dublin, A96YW35 The development at Carrig Baun, Rockfort Avenue, Dalkey (Protected Structure) wi. More...
Permission Dec 04 DUBLIN CITY 34, Morehampton Road, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought for development comprising: (i) removal of existing window ope to the rear/northeast elevation at lower first floor level; (ii) removal of existing roof over rear return; (iii) extension of lower first floor level to provide 1 no. additional bedroom.... More...
Permission Nov 05 CORK COUNTY Knocknagore (Townland), Crosshaven, Co. Cork, Permission for the construction of a new vehicular access to the existing Presentation convent, to include, the partial removal of an existing wall and the construction of low level stone entrance wall on the access road serving St. Brigids Church (Protected Structure Reference No. 00643), the const.... More...
Permission Nov 04 DUBLIN CITY Rear of 8 Old Mountpleasant, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06Y017 , fronting onto Oxford Lane PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The rear garden site is in, the curtilage of a protected structure. Construction of one two-storey, three-bedroom semi-detached mews dwelling with access from Oxford Lane.. More...
Permission Nov 04 DUBLIN CITY 1, Essex Street East, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development at a site (c. 52.4sqm) at No. 1 Essex Street East, Dublin 2 Within the curtilage, adjoining and connected with Dollard House (Protected Structure) Nos. 2-5 Essex Street East and Nos. 2-5 Wellington Quay to the east and adjoining Nos.16-18 Parliament St.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 MEATH Ard Eevin Castletown , Athboy , Co. Meath The development will consist of a proposed single storey extension to the rear and side of the existing protected dwelling at Ard Eevin, Castletown, Athboy, Co. Meath, C15 D578 (RPS MH029-201), the replacement of a flat roof to the rear of the dwelling with a hipped roof to match the existing main h.... More...
Permission Jan 17 DUBLIN CITY 4 Herbert Place, Dublin 2, D02 WY46 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For the change of use from office to residential use all within the curtilage of a Protected Structure (Ref. No. 3705) at 4 Herbert Place, Dublin 2, D02 WY46 by way of the following: Two options are proposed for planning-Option 1 being a Lower Ground Floor I No 1 bed Apartment w.... More...
RETENTION Dec 06 LOUTH Lenamore , Ravensdale , Co.Louth Retention permission for development to a protected structure Ref: No. LH S004-033. The development will consist of the retention of unfinished works and alterations to the rear annex of Lenamore House for a conversion to a two-bedroom dwelling (no 3) and all associated siteworks. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 OFFALY 09 Church Street Tullamore Co. Offaly , Tullamore , Co. Offaly of alterations and additions to \u2018The Old Coach House\u2019 Which is a protected structure listed on NIAH Reg. no. 14807073 and RPS 23-269 of the Offaly County development plan 2021-2027, to include eight contemporary short term tourist accommodation units to the rear of existing house with bike.... More...
Permission Jan 22 DUBLIN CITY 24, Fitzwilliam Lane, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : Permission development at 24 Fitzwilliam Lane Dublin 2, a site which is within the curtilage of No. 24 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2, a Protected Structure (RPS Ref, No. 348- in separate ownership). The proposed development comprises demolition of an existing two-storey (74.... More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 KILKENNY The Old Presbyterian Church , Ormonde Road , Kilkenny for two free standing flag pole type signs, two building mounted banner type signs plus a railing mounted interactive advertising screen at The Old Presbyterian Church, Ormonde Road, Kilkenny which is a protected structure, RPS No. B130 and is located within the Patrick Street Architectural Conserva.... More...
Permission Jan 21 SOUTH DUBLIN Units 2 - 10, Ballyowen Castle Shopping Centre, Castle Road, Ballyowen, Lucan, Dublin Single storey extension to front/side of units 2 to 10 and change of use from Retail/Pharmacy to Doctors/Medical use to proposed extended Unit 10. The proposal involves works within the curtilage of a protected structure. (Ballyowen Castle RPS Ref. No. 105). Previous Granted Planning Ref. No. SD17A/.... More...
Permission Jan 20 DUBLIN CITY 42A Pearse Street, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE. Permission for change of use from offices into 1 residential unit, including proposed metallic stairs from basement to front, proposed partition at first floor, change of internal layout in existing modern extension to rear and all related works.. More...
Permission Jan 28 CORK COUNTY Knockane, Castlemartyr, Co.Cork, Permission for demolition of existing stores & slurry storage tank and construction of a new stable complex & associated works. The development consists of works within the curtilage of a protected structure.. More...
Retention Permission Jan 06 DUBLIN CITY The Auld Dubliner, 17 Anglesea Street/24-25 Temple Bar, Dublin 2, D02 DX09 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Perfect Pubs 3 Limited T/A The Auld Dubliner seek Permission for the Retention of six ensuite bedroom short term lets to the second floor at the Auld Dubliner, 17 Anglesea Street, 24-25 Temple Bar, Dublin 2, DO2 DX09.. More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Dec 05 WICKLOW Monastery , Enniskerry , Co. Wicklow proposed 2-storey detached dwelling together with ancillary site development works with connections to public sewer and watermain. The proposed development is located within the vicinity of Monastery House which is listed as a Protected Structure in the current Wicklow County Development Plan. More...
Permission Jan 20 DUBLIN CITY 15, Usher's Island, Dublin 8 , D08XN67 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : Permission Brimwood Unlimited for development at 15 Usher's Island Dublin 8, DO8 XN67- A Protected Structure, Ref. RPS 8198. The development consists of: (i) Change of use from visitor centre to residential development comprising 10 no. apartments (3 no. x studios and 7 no. x o.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LAOIS Maryville House , Church Street Portlaoise , Co. Laois (i) Demolish 85.4sqm, including non-original additions to the existing house and a detached shed; (ii) Renovate the existing protected Maryville House (RPS No. 463); (iii) Constructi two 4-storey residential blocks located to the northeast and southwest of Maryville House connected to the House by.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 KILDARE Market Square , Chapel Street , Rathangan for amendments to approved retail and coffee shop/restaurant (Planning Reference No. 20/488) to the existing building known as D & T Dillon's Public House, at Market Square, Chapel Street, Rathangan, Co. Kildare (a Protected Structure). The proposed amendments are as follows: 1/ Amendments to finish.... More...
Permission Jan 10 DUBLIN CITY Rear of nos. 42-43, Blessington Street, (Mews along Blessington Lane) Phibsborough, Dublin 7, D07 KP08 PROTECTED STRUCTURE:Permission is sought by Corduff JG Enterprises Ltd. for development at the Rear of Nos. 42-43 Blessington Street (Mews along Blessington Lane), Phibsborough, Dublin 7, DO7 KP08 (Protected Structures RPS No. 806 and 807). The development consists of alterations to development prev.... More...
Permission Jan 28 DUBLIN CITY 18 Lansdowne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, D04 E5C3 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: the development will consist of provision of off-street carparking with 1 no. EV charging point, accessed by a new vehicular gated entrance from Lansdowne Road in the place of existing pedestrian entrance. The development will further consist of the removal of the brick pier to.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 WICKLOW Season Park House , Newtownmountkennedy , Co. Wicklow the construction of a detached, two storey family dwelling of 200 sq. m. approx. at Seasaon Park House, Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow, a Protected Structure, incorporating new internal boundary walls with Season Park House, new vehicular access from Season Park Close together with all relevant si.... More...
Permission Jan 14 DUBLIN CITY 39 Fortescue Lane, Dublin D06 E5F6 to rear of 39 Mountpleasant Avenue Lower, Dublin D06 E972 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : Permission for change of use of existing (single storey) light industrial building to a one bedroomed dwelling, and retention permission for previous minor layout and elevational changes including provision of open landscaped courtyard within original footprint.. More...
Retention Permission Jan 23 DUBLIN CITY 65, Morehampton Road, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE / RETENTION : Retention permission for a single storey, pitched roof, modular, two-bedroom, residential unit, to the rear of and within the curtilage of an existing three storey terraced house, a protected structure in a conservation area.. More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 TIPPERARY Ardmayle , Cashel , Co. Tipperary the renovation & extension of the existing dwelling house, installation of an effluent treatment system and an entrance together with all associated site works. The development is within the curtilage of a protected structure. More...
Permission Jan 07 DUBLIN CITY To the rear of 24, 25 & 26 Richmond Street South, Saint Kevin's, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: A. The demolition of the existing garage/warehouse buildings to the rear of the 3 properties and; B. The construction of an apartment building, which will be 4 storey height in total (3 levels over ground floor) facing on to Richmond Place Sout.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 07 TIPPERARY Ground Floor Irish House , 63 & 64 Main Street , Tipperary Town Co. Tipperary (a) a change of use from shop/retail use to office use; (b) alterations including an office fit out; (c) new signage (d) and associated site works (the building is a protected structure with the RPS Ref No. 56 in the Tipperary Town & Environs Development Plan 2013). More...
Retention Permission Dec 20 DUBLIN CITY Dollard House, 2-5 Wellington Quay and 1-5 Essex Street East, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE:RETENTION: For a change of use of the ground floor from retail (artisan delicatessen) with ancilllary coffee dock, as originally permitted under DCC Reg. Ref. 2343/14, to licensed premises with food service (consumption on premises).. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH 63 Clanbrassil Street , Dundalk , Co Louth Permission for the erection of a single storey extension to the existing retail premises to provide a store and associated site works. The works are to the rear of protected structure (Ref 13704010). More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 KILDARE The Old Gas Works , Canal Bank , Naas For minor alterations and renovations to the dwelling, a protected structure ref. No. NS19-107; NIAHeg. No. 11814131; the replacement of the existing heating and electrical systems; the insulation of roof spaces, floors and the inner face of external walls using breathable materials compatible with .... More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 28 CORK COUNTY 11 McCurtain Street & 38 Connolly Street, Fermoy, Co.Cork, Permission for retention of change of use of first and second floors from former restaurant to use as 2 no. 1 bed apartments and permission to change the use of the ground floor former restaurant to 1 no. bed apartment. This involve the carrying out of works to a protected structure.. More...
Permission Jan 15 DUBLIN CITY No. 147-148 Lansdowne Park, Ballsbridge Dublin 4, which is located to the rear of, No. 60 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4, D04 YT91 (A Protected Structure ref: 5923) PROTECTED STRUCTURE Planning Permission is sought for the following works within the curtilage of a Protected Structure (ref. 5923). The development consists of: a) Construction of two 152sq.m, flat-roof, three-storey, semi-detached, three-bedroom dwellings with private landscaped gardens to the fr.... More...
Retention Permission Dec 19 DUBLIN CITY An Cosan Grangegorman, (formerly the Dublin 7 Educate Together National School), Fitzwilliam Place North, Lower Grangegorman, Dublin 7, D07 PY50 PROTECTED STRUCTURE & RETENTION: We, the Grangegorman Development Agency and The Dept. of Education, intend to apply for Retention Permission for the following development to a site formerly occupied by the Dublin 7 Educate Together National School, Fitzwilliam Place North, Lower Grangegorman, Dubli.... More...
Permission Nov 19 DUBLIN CITY Nos. 3-4 Usher's Quay, Dublin 8 (D08 VOF9 and D08 N9YV) PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For development on this site at Nos. 3-4 Usher's Quay, Dublin 8 (D08 VOF9 and D08 N9YV) (Protected Structures RPS Ref. Nos. 8199 and 8200). The development will consist of the replacement of a 6.6m x 7.7m conventional advertising poster (including a 150mm wide frame and 1.25m ap.... More...
Permission Dec 03 DUBLIN CITY 1 Central Plaza, Dame Street, Dublin 2, D02 P656 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: To erect signage on the front (southern) and rear (northern) elevation of the Dame Street Plaza building, 1 Central Plaza, Dame Street, Dublin 2, D02 P656. The proposed development consists of four signs as follows (a) 2 no. small plaques (0.4m x 0.8m) on either side of the fron.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 SLIGO 6 Teeling Street , Sligo , Co. Sligo 1. Refurbishment works to protected structure no. 163 SE in the Sligo County Development Plan 2017-2023. The work will include internal modifications to facilitate ground floor entrance lobby and commercial space circa 213m2. Change of use at first and second floor level from commercial to residenti.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 31 TIPPERARY Garryduff East , Dundrum , Co. Tipperary (1) the change of use of Dundrum school and court house into a domestic dwelling house (The building is a Protected Structures reference 1430), (2) repair of the existing roof, chimney, windows, doors and external structures, (3) the change of internal layout (4) the upgrade of driveways, entrances .... More...
Permission Dec 05 CORK COUNTY French's Walk, Carrignafoy, Cobh, Co.Cork Permission to construct a single storey domestic garage including associated site works all within the curtilage of a protected structure. More...
Permission Nov 06 DUBLIN CITY 12, Leinster Street South, Dublin 2 , D02H367 Planning permission for development on a site of 0.0116 ha at No. 12 Leinster Street South, Dublin 2, D02 H367 (a Protected Structure Ref. 4787). The proposed development seeks permission for: the change of use from vacant office/ travel agents at part-Ground, First, Second and Third Floor Levels to.... More...
Permission Jan 31 DUBLIN CITY 14 Estate Avenue, Merrion, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, D04 V1W0 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: permission for the removal of a single storey extension (gross floor area of a 21.3 sq.m) to the rear of a protected structure (RPS Reference Number 2663) (gross floor area of 37.3 sq. m); the construction of a new partly one storey and partly two storey extension (gross floor a.... More...
Permission Jan 23 DUBLIN CITY Trinity Hall, Dartry, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission is sought by Trinity College Dublin for the installation of 2 no. free-standing bicycle shelters at Trinity Hall, Dartry, Dublin 6. The subject property is a Protected Structure.. More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 GALWAY COUNTY Attimonmore South , Attymon Attymon Railway Station , Co. Galway. for the re-roofing of existing detached single-storey railway station building house, which is a protected structure (NIAH Reg. No. 30408504), (RPS 145), the reinstating of the Northern chimney, the re-rendering of all other existing chimneys, the landscaping and safeguarding of derelict extension t.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 CORK CITY The Former Cope Foundation , Residential Facility , Formerly known as Honan Home Permission for the construction of 42 no. residential units at The Former Cope Foundation Residential Facility (formerly known as Honan Home) (Protected Structure RPS reference number PS621), Lovers Walk, Montenotte, Cork consisting of (1) The demolition of rear and side annexes and the construction.... More...
Permission Nov 26 DUBLIN CITY Temple Bar Inn and Tesco Metro, Nos 40-47 Fleet Street and Parliament Row, Dublin 2, D02 NX25 PROTECTED STRUCTURE for development including amendments to previously permitted alterations (Dublin City Council Reg. Ref. 3270/22 at this c. 0.16 ha site at Temple Bar Inn and Tesco Metro, Nos. 40-47 Fleet Street and Parliament row, Dublin 2, D02 NX25, and the party wall to No. 39 Fleet Street, D0.... More...
Retention Permission Jan 21 DUBLIN CITY 37 Northumberland Road, D04C1X3 PROTECTED STRUCTURE:RETENTION: Alterations to the shape of the windows at the first floor of the rear extension; the conversion of a window at the first floor in the rear extension into a French door; the conversion of the single window at the ground floor of the rear extension into double French do.... More...
Permission Dec 09 DUBLIN CITY No. 38 Fenian Street, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For development at No.38 Fenian Street, Dublin 2, a Protected Structure, (RPS Ref. 8743). The development will consist of the provision of a new room/ extension (19 sq.M) at roof level, which is set back 4.6 metres from the front fa\u00E7ade, to be used as a Music Room/Living sp.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 31 GALWAY CITY Finnegans , No.1 & No.2 Market Street , Galway City Permission for a development which consists of permission for development at a protected Structure (RPS: 5401). The development will consist of (1) Replace Existing sub standard flat roof to rear of existing building with a new first floor rear extension with a new flat roof. (2) Additional floor .... More...
Permission Nov 05 DUBLIN CITY At a site within the Royal Dublin Society (RDS) Grounds, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: the proposed development will consist of the relocation of players' changing rooms and facilities from the existing Anglesea stand to the south stand, also known as the Grandstand. The proposal will comprise partial removal and replacement of the stand scaffold to allow for the.... More...
Permission Dec 12 DUBLIN CITY 29-30 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE The development will consist of: (i) demolition of existing single storey garage structure; (ii) construction of residential development comprising (a) 1 no. two-storey two-bedroom mews dwelling with rear garden area; and, (b) 1 no. three-storey four-bedroom mews dwelling with r.... More...
PERMISSION Nov 30 WESTMEATH Kilkenny West , Glasson , Co. Westmeath Proposed Demolition Of Existing Horse Stables & Outhouse building. The Proposed Construction Of A Bungalow Type Extension To The Rear Of Existing Bungalow Type Dwelling House Which Is Listed As A Protected Structure/Structures On The Protected Structures List Of The Westmeath County Development Plan.... More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 WESTMEATH Farnagh , Moate , Co.Westmeath installation of effluent waste water treatment system, provision of new shower room and renovation to existing derelict gate lodge cottage which is linked to two protected structures listings Farnagh House (NIAH ref 15403616) and out buildings (NIAH ref 15403617) and all associated works at existing.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 06 WESTMEATH Annebrook House Hotel , Pearse Street , Mullingar Co. Westmeath development which will consist of demolition of existing premises at No.7 Pearse Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath and provision of new 4 storey extension to existing Annebrook House Hotel (a protected structure - RPS Reference No.019/118) to consist of new restaurant/bistro, new breakfast room, re.... More...
Permission Nov 18 DUBLIN CITY 217 Rathmines Road Upper, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 E8N1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION & RETENTION: Retention permission for a detached single storey playhouse / shed to the rear garden, addition of a 6.5 L/M timber privacy screen to a section of the Northern boundary to the rear garden and a detached bin store to the front garden and planning permissio.... More...
Permission Nov 25 DUBLIN CITY Rear of No. 51 Brighton Road, Terenure, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE:The development will consist of (i) demolition of existing single-storey garage fronting Tower Avenue; (ii) construction of a two-storey, two-bedroom mews building with an internal courtyard at ground floor level and garden at roof level; (iii) pedestrian access to be provided vi.... More...
Permission Dec 17 DUBLIN CITY 36 Ellesmere Avenue, Dublin 7, D07H6C3 PROTECTED STRUCTURE (RPS. 8837): the development will consist of the demolition and removal of a single storey concrete block garage to the side of house and the construction of single-storey extension in its place. The proposed work will require localised and partial demolition of a wall, window a.... More...
Permission Dec 16 DUBLIN CITY The rear of No. 258 North Circular Road, Dublin 7 PROTECTED STRUCTURE:the rear of No. 258 North Circular Road, Dublin 7 (A) Protected Structure, (RPS No. 1705). The proposed development comprises the following: (i) demolition of existing single storey shed; (ii) construction of 3 storey mews apartment building comprising 2 no. apartments. Unit 1 is.... More...
Permission Jan 20 CORK COUNTY Former Mount Saint Josephs, Back Road, Pembroke Passage West, Co. Cork Permission for the construction of: 1) 18 no. new detached homes and the restoration and change of use of Mount Saint Joseph's (a Protected Structure - RPD Ref. 01471) from former institutional use to use as a private dwelling, which will include the demolition of former farm out buildings and the a.... More...
Permission Nov 19 DUBLIN CITY 22 North Frederick Street, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For change of use from offices to private residence, rooms to be reinstated for family use, also permission sought for first floor extension over single storey building to rear of site adjoining Frederick Lane, alterations proposed to reduce access doors and provide new window f.... More...
Permission Nov 14 DUBLIN CITY 59 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1, DO1C2C8 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION & RETENTION:The development will consist/consists of works to a Protected Structure as follows: Retention Permission is sought for the insertion of a new floor structure and floorboards which replaced the existing fire damaged floor structures and associated floorboar.... More...
Permission Dec 04 DUBLIN CITY 2, Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 2 Permission for the alteration and renovation of the protected structure at No. 2 Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 02HN20. The development will consist of : 1) Alterations/Refurbishments to Internal Areas of Existing Four-Storey over Basement Dwelling House (Protected Structure). 2) Demolition of Exi.... More...
Permission Dec 16 DUBLIN CITY Ambassador Theatre, Parnell Street, Dublin 1 (Former Ambassador Cinema / Former Rotunda Rooms) . Permission for development at a site of approximately 0.16 ha, a Protected Structure (RPS No. 6437). The proposed development will consist of the: (a) Removal of (twentieth century) bollards on the Parnell Street frontage; (b) Removal of (twentieth century) bollards and railings on the Cavendish Row.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 ROSCOMMON Saint Annes , Abbey Street , Roscommon Planning Permission to demolish rear annex and shed and construct new extension to rear of existing house which is a protected structure RPS No. 03900499 at. More...
Permission Dec 12 DUBLIN CITY Willowview 122 Howth Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : The development will consist of provision of a new 3.5m wide vehicular entrance gate and piers 1.5m high, from Willowview, 122 Howth Road, Clontarf Dublin 3 to adjoining development address 195-238 Ashbrook, Howth Road, Dublin 3, (planning ref. 3234/19) and all associated anci.... More...
Permission Nov 12 CORK COUNTY Annes Grove House & Gardens, Castletownroche, Co. Cork, We the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland intend to apply for 10 year permission for development. The development consists of: Works to and within the curtilage of Protected Structures RPS Nos. 01395, 01396, 01397, 01398 & 01399and partly within the archaeological site RMP CO026 \u2013 058. T.... More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 KILKENNY No. 1 , Talbot's Inch Village , Kilkenny for the renovation and extension of No.1 Talbot\u2019s Inch Village, Kilkenny, a Protected Structure (Ref: C217), to include the demolition of an existing outbuilding to construct a single storey, pitched roof extension to the rear of the house incorporating an existing coal shed, a glazed entrance .... More...
Permission Nov 07 DUBLIN CITY 29 Victoria Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of : amendment to previously approved planning application Reg. Ref. 5247/22, to include a new basement floor (77 sqm) below the approved extension to the rear of the existing dwelling. The basement will include a lightwell with stepped access to .... More...
Permission Nov 12 DUBLIN CITY The rear at 57 South William Street, Dublin 2, D02HP23 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION: Alterations to Previously Approved Development for a healthcare related consultancy (Application No. 4464/22) to include; a) New internal fitout with minor internal alterations to existing building, b) New shopfront, c) New external mechanical plant equipment on fla.... More...
Permission Jan 27 DUBLIN CITY 15, Garville Avenue, Rathgar, Dublin 6, D06 YF57 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Protected Structure - RPS 3143. The development will consist of: (i) demolition of existing two storey sloped roof rear extension, (ii) removal of existing garden canopy structure, balconies and stairs to the rear, construction of: (iii) single storey flat roof rear extension wi.... More...
Permission Nov 20 DUBLIN CITY 1 Waterloo Road, Dublin 4 & 1A Flemings Place, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of : (i) demolition of two-storey extension and external staircase to the rear/north of No. 1 Waterloo Road, removal of the single storey lean-to shed to the side/north of No. 1 Waterloo Road and demolition of single storey extension to the side/ea.... More...
Permission Nov 21 DUBLIN CITY 24-25 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, D04 E409 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: the development will consist of upgrade works to include the following : (1) the removal and replacement of the existing external ramp, stairs and guarding to the main entrance approach at ground floor level to 25 Clyde Road; (2) internal works to the main entrance area locate.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LAOIS East End Hotel , Main Street , Portarlington Co Laois develop lands at The East End Hotel, Main Street, Portarlington, Co Laois, within the curtilage of Protected Structure Reg. No. 12900232 (RPS no. 137). The development will consist of 10 no. hotel room units within three no. single storey buildings comprising: a. Building 1 \u2013 4 no. units (177 .... More...
Permission Jan 06 DUBLIN CITY 35 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2 (Protected Structure) extending to 35 Camden Place Dublin 2, (with connections to the yards (front & rear) of the Dean Hotel at 34 Harcourt Street/Camden Place, & to the rear block of the new hotel at No 36 Harcourt Street. PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for the following at no 35 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2 (Protected Structure) extending to 35 Camden Place Dublin 2, (with connections to the yards (front and rear) of the Dean Hotel at 34 Harcourt Street/ Camden Place, and to the rear block of the new hotel at No 36 Ha.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 31 WATERFORD 21 Grattan Square , Dungarvan , Co. Waterford for change of use from retail to restaurant and takeaway and all ancillary works on ground and first floor areas. This building is Protected Structure and is located in an area of architectural conservation. More...
Permission Jan 23 DUBLIN CITY Catholic University School (CUS), 89, 90, 91 & 92, Leeson Street Lower, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The works include the removal of the two storey prefabricated buildings on the northern side of the campus to facilitate the construction of a new two storey over basement building parallel to and with a high level glazed link to the existing Chapel/Gym. This new building is to .... More...
Permission Dec 02 DUBLIN CITY 113, North Circular Road, Dublin 7, D07 Y9C1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: RETENTION & PERMISSION: Retention of existing gravel to front garden in lieu of soft landscaping, and Permission for the following; Rewiring throughout including new external lights, Renewal of existing heating system including new combi boiler; New electricity and gas meters to.... More...
Permission Dec 19 DUBLIN CITY Grace Park Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, D09 WK0H, within the curtilage of a protected structure and "St. Joseph's" PROTECTED STRUCTURE (RPS. No. 3236) : planning permission is sought for the construction of a prefabricated structure comprising (a) equine assisted therapy arena of approx. 1000 sq m to include 7 stable boxes, (b) single-storey administration area to include a reception, offices, disabled toilets.... More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 KILDARE Hill House , Tipper Road Naas , Co. Kildare. for development at Hill House, Tipper Road Naas, Co. Kildare, W91 XA97 (a protected structure, RPS ref no NS19-119). The development will consists of: - Removal of non-original conservatory, single and two storey extensions to rear and side (130sqm). - Removal of non-original fixtures and fittings. .... More...
PERMISSION Dec 27 KILKENNY Barrack Street , (Barrowmount townsland) , Goresbridge to replace 2 no. semidetached 4 bedroom units with 2 no. terraced blocks containing 3 no. 2 bedroom dwellings and all associated affected site works, on sites 1,2,7 and 8 as previously granted permission under planning file reg 20/499 (on part curtilage of protected structure NIAH Ref. No. 12311007).... More...
PERMISSION Feb 06 WATERFORD The Tower Hotel The Mall , No. 36 The Mall , the rear of No.'s 16-20 Lombard Street and Rose Lane (a) the change of use at ground floor level from office to hotel use at no. 36 The Mall (PROTECTED STRUCTURE RPS: 260) and the forming of 2 no. internal openings to link to existing hotel, (b) the demolition of existing single storey modern extensions (not original fabric) to the rear of no. 16, 17 .... More...
Permission Nov 13 DUBLIN CITY 60-63 Eccles Street, Dublin 7 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought for construction of a detached single-storey structure and associated works. The proposed building to the rear gardens of no's. 60-63 Eccles Street will extend the capacity of the existing childcare facility which serves the staff of the Mater Hos.... More...
Permission Dec 27 DUBLIN CITY 1(b), Grantham Place, to the rear of 45 Harrington Street, Dublin 8. The site includes part of the rear return of 45 Harrington Street, a Protected Structure. PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: Construction of a 2-3 storey 2-bedroom dwelling with balcony at 1st floor and roof garden at 2nd floor, blocking up of windows in rear return of 45 Harrington Street and all associated site works and services.. More...
Permission Nov 27 DUBLIN CITY "St Josephs" Grace Park Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 D09 WK0H PROTECTED STRUCTURE: A ten year planning permission is sought by Childvision for: Works at \u201CSt Joseph\u2019s\u201D (Protected Structure RPS. No. 3236) to include: 1/ the demolition of: a) non-original additions to Drumcondra Castle (Building A), a recorded monument DU018-015, at ground an.... More...
Permission Jan 15 DUBLIN CITY The Church Bar and Restaurant, Mary Street, Dublin 1. PROTECTED STRUCTURE: the development will consist of: (a) to the north of the existing building facing Mary Street; removal of existing fencing, removal of existing pavement roof lights, provision of a new single storey, zinc flat-roofed, glazed extension abutting the former church building. (b) to .... More...
PERMISSION Jan 01 LOUTH former Branigan Weavers , Mayoralty Street , Drogheda Permission for development at partially Protected Structure Ref. No. DB-008 (NIAH Ref. No. 13622023) and is located within an ACA (Ref. No. 10-North Quay). Development consists of the change of use for entire building as per previous granted permission (Ref. No. 17823) to hostel which includes accom.... More...