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In this post we identify the planning applications that include the term DATA CENTRE

Data Centre Planning Applications

In this analysis, we focused on the location of any planning applications that include DATA CENTRE in the development description. We have set this post up so that the map and statistics will refresh every week. Results are limited to the past three years to ensure you are viewing relevant data centre planning applications that offer a better sales lead opportunity.

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Summary of 44 Data Centre planning applications:

  • Granted Applications: 10
  • Refused Applications: 2
  • Other Statuses / Pending: 32
Received: Address: Development: Further Details:
16/01/2025 Munster
(full address available after signup)
2 no. DATA CENTRE buildings on a site formerly occupied by Mitsui Denman. The proposed development provides for the construction of 2 no. DATA CENTRE buildings as stand alone units (to be built in phases) including ancillary offices with associated structures including a substation building, waste compound, telecoms cabinet (PoP Cabinet) new access off the R623 to provide for independent access, car park, external generator & transformer areas to the west of the proposed DATA ... Read more
19/12/2024 Leinster
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Permission for a change of use of part of the building (2413sqm) from existing Telephone Exchange use to complementary information, communications and telecoms DATA CENTRE use; Internal reconfiguration of the existing building to facilitate data storage floorspace and ancillary uses and associated alterations to the north, east, south and west elevations, including modifications to door and window positions and sizes, removal and relocation of openings, the incorporation of louvers on existing, enlarged and new openings and the repositioning of the loading bay ramp on eastern elevation; Provision of 2 no. flue stacks measuring c.17m in height above ... Read more
21/11/2024 Connaught
(full address available after signup)
The construction of a single DATA CENTRE building located to the north of the site, with an overall gross floor area of c. 29,076 sq.m across two levels and an overall maximum height of c. 22.764m at parapet level. The DATA CENTRE building includes data halls and associated electrical and mechanical plant rooms (c. 23,908 sq.m), an administrative and staff services block (c. 5,052 sq.m) and circulation and stairs (c. 116 sq.m). 2 no. external terraces are proposed to the east of the building (c. 309 sq.m) and an external generator yard to the south of the buil... Read more
30/10/2024 Leinster
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Implementation and use of 13 no. temporary replacement generators at the Dub15 DATA CENTRE building within the Microsoft Campus to operate the data hall until the recently permitted Gas Network Ireland (GNI) Skid (SDCC Reg Ref. SD24A/0019) is constructed and operational.... Read more
13/08/2024 Leinster
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for a DATA CENTRE and will comprise of: The demolition of 3 no. dwelling houses, associated garages and farm outbuildings / agricultural buildings (total floor area 1,591m2); The construction of 6 no. two storey DATA CENTRE buildings, each with loading bays, external plant area including electrical and mechanical plant rooms, fuel compound, sprinkler tanks and associated ancillary development; DATA CENTRE building Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 will consist of: a data hall (24,7... Read more
01/08/2024 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
for a DATA CENTRE and will comprise of: The demolition of 3 no. dwelling houses, associated garages and farm outbuildings / agricultural buildings (total floor area 1,591m2); The construction of 6 no. two storey DATA CENTRE buildings, each with loading bays, external plant area including electrical and mechanical plant rooms, fuel compound, sprinkler tanks and associated ancillary development; DATA CENTRE building Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 will consist of: a data hall (24,7... Read more
08/07/2024 Leinster
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Section 42(1) on PRR 10/2123 (access road from the south western roundabout of the Ballyronan interchange to the site entrance. The road continues northward for an additional c 0.3km terminating in a cul de sac formed by bollards at its junction with the laneway located at the northern site boundaries (total road length c 1.1km). The proposed road will include a two way cycle track and a footpath and will involve restoration / modification of the existing Demesne wall; closure of the existing left in / left out access to Mountkennedy House (protected structure) off the N.11. Access will be provided to the existing laneway directly from the proposed access road, 10 no identical two storey Read more
01/07/2024 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
The development will consist of the development of a Regional Network Gateway (RNG) facility (supporting infrastructure for the MS DATA CENTREs) comprising the following: Demolition of existing, temporary, single storey showroom. Construction of a single storey main building (RNG Building - c.1,297.7 sq.m) with air handling units (AHUs). External plant/equipment yards including 3 no. diesel generators; sprinkler tank and pump house; electrical plant rooms, PV panels. Replacement of existing estate road access with new main access and secondary/emergency access. MV substation (with separate estate road access). Stormwater attenuation pond. Bik... Read more
24/06/2024 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
We, Vantage DATA CENTERs DUB11 Ltd. are applying for permission for development at this site on lands to the south of the New Nangor Road (R134), Dublin 22; and on land within the townland of Ballybane within Profile Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. The development will consist of an amendment and modification of the permitted Gas Networks Ireland (GNI compound that was granted as part of, and under SDCC Planning Ref. SD21A/0241 that will include: - Replacement of the permitted vehicular access to the GNI compound from within the DATA CENTRE campus to being dire... Read more
22/01/2024 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Runways Information Services Limited, intend to apply for Planning Permission for demolition works at three separate disused residential properties and associated former agricultural outbuildings located in the townlands of Portan and Gunnocks, Clonee, Co. Meath, and Retention of the 3-no. existing disused outbuildings at the rear of 4 Portan and change of use to ancillary storage facilities for grounds maintenance materials and apparatus associated with the applicants adjacent DATA CENTRE Campus. The proposed works will consist of the demolition of disused residential properties and associated former agricultural outbuildings under the ownership of ... Read more
07/11/2023 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
DATA CENTRE - The development will consist of the change of use of the... Read more
15/09/2023 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Demolition of the existing single storey house of `Erganagh` and the construction of a two storey DATA CENTRE and delivery bays with associated three storey office block and services that will have a gross floor area of 35,426sq.m on an overall site of 9.2 hectares. The two storey DATA CENTRE facility and delivery bay (32,419sq.m) will be separated into two adjoined blocks over two floors with a single data hall on each floor of each DATA CENTRE with service and technic... Read more
18/07/2023 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
will consist of Demolition of existing Buildings No’s 7, 8 and 9 (total gfa c. 84,838sqm). - Existing Buildings No’s 1 – 6 will be retained for deep tech and innovation related uses (total gfa c.42,862sqm) - Construction of 2 no. new deep tech buildings and 4 no. new DATA CENTRE buildings, all including ancillary office spaces. The deep tech buildings will have an overall maximum height of c.16m and vary in size from30,945sqm – 41,190sqm with a combined total gfa of c. 72,135 sqm. The DATA CENTREs will be c.15 m in height to parapet and c.16.5m in height to to... Read more
14/07/2023 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Demolition of the existing single storey house of `Erganagh` and the construction of a two storey DATA CENTRE and delivery bays with associated three storey office block and services that will have a gross floor area of 35,426sq.m on an overall site of 9.2 hectares. The two storey DATA CENTRE facility and delivery bay (32,419sq.m) will be separated into two adjoined blocks over two floors with a single data hall on each floor of each DATA CENTRE with service and technic... Read more
05/07/2023 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Permission for development at this site within the townland of Ballymakaily to the west of the Newcastle Road, Lucan, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of amendments to the permitted development as granted under SDCC Planning Ref. SD19A/0042 that will include: - Reduction in the number of back-up generators, flues and other related plant from 32 to 24 within the permitted generator compound located to the west of the DATA CENTRE granted under SDCC Planning Ref. SD19A/0042; and - Repositioning of the 24 no. back-up generators, flues and other plant within the permitted generator compound.... Read more
14/06/2023 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
10 year permission on a site is bounded to the east and south by Grange Castle Golf Club, to the north by Nangor Road (R134) and to the west by an estate road known as Falcon Avenue) for modifications to the permitted DATA CENTRE granted under SDCC Reg. Ref. SD21A/0186 comprising the following, reconfiguration and alterations to the DATA CENTRE building to include removal of front of house offices at third floor level, alterations to floor levels at second floor to provide consistency between front of house and data halls, parapet height increase of front of h... Read more
02/06/2023 Munster
(full address available after signup)
1 no. DATA CENTRE building with ancillary offices, car parking, waste compound, generators, landscaping, lighting, provision of an access off the R623, the provision of back-up accesses connecting the proposal to the DATA CENTRE development permitted under 17/5895 and associated boundary alterations and all ancillary site works. The proposal will modify part of an existing consent, 16/5011 for DATA CENTRE development, modifying that part and also superseding an existing... Read more
26/05/2023 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Construction of 2 adjoined single storey DATA CENTREs with associated office and service areas with an overall gross floor area of 15,274sq.m comprising of the construction of 2 adjoined single storey DATA CENTREs with a gross floor area of 12,859sq.m that will include a single storey goods receiving area / store and single storey office area (2,415sq.m) with PV panels above, located to the east of the DATA CENTREs as well as associated water tower, sprinkler tank, pump... Read more
18/05/2023 Munster
(full address available after signup)
The installation of 8 No. external diesel back-up generators, including 1 No. vent stack per generator; the construction of a single-storey 10/20kV ESB substation; and all ancillary works, including an additional yard area, relocation of a permitted internal road, construction of a new internal road, and an extended 6m panel fence, to the west of each of the 2 No. DATA CENTRE buildings (under construction) (4 No. diesel back-up generators per building), permitted under application register reference 17/5895, as extended under application register reference 22/06358.... Read more
04/04/2023 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Development on a Site that includes a two storey residential property on lands to the south of the New Nangor Road (R134), Dublin 22; and on land within the townlands of Ballybane and Kilbride within Profile Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 on an overall site of 3.79hectares; The development will consist of the demolition of the two storey dwelling (207.35sqm) and associated outbuildings and farm structures (348.36sq.m); and the construction of 1 two storey DATA CENTER with plant at roof level and associated ancillary development that will have a gross floor area of 12,893sqm that will consist of the following, 1 two storey Read more
27/01/2023 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
the proposed development occupies part of the site of (and will supersede) a previously permitted DATA CENTRE development under Reg. Ref. 20/1285. The proposed development, for which a ten-year permission is sought, consists of the following: Demolition of the existing structures on site (industrial structures and outbuildings) and site clearance works; construction of 3 no. three storey information and communication technology (ICT) facility buildings, each with a gross floor area (GFA) of c. 16,206 sq.m (c. 48,618sq.m GFA in total), and with a parapet height of c. 19.5 metres; each of the 3 no. ICT buildings will accommodate ICT equipment rooms, me... Read more
25/11/2022 Munster
(full address available after signup)
to extend the appropriate period of Planning Permission P17/583 for the further completion of construction of Westpark Business Campus with the construction of Block 6000, (immediately south of existing Block 7000), a mixed use, multi-storey block, similar to that granted under parent planning permission under Clare County Council PA Ref: P01-1066 and APB Ref: PL03.130244. Block 6000 will have a total gross internal area of 12,045 sqms with offices at upper floors 300-500 and DATA CENTRE/light industrial / storage/ Research and Development uses at lower levels 100-200. The construction of an ancillary, multi-deck carpark (MDCP) located to the South o... Read more
19/10/2022 Munster
(full address available after signup)
2 no. DATA CENTRE buildings on a site formerly occupied by Mitsui Denman. The proposed development provides for the construction of 2 no. DATA CENTRE buildings as stand alone units (to be built in phases) including ancillary offices with associated structures including a substation building, waste compound, telecoms cabinet (PoP Cabinet) new access off the R623 to provide for independent access, car park, external generator & transformer areas to the west of the proposed DATA ... Read more
26/07/2022 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Amendments to the development permitted under Reg. Ref. SD18A/0301 comprising of alterations to the permitted two storey DATA CENTRE building including internal reconfiguration, alterations to finished floor levels, alterations to the building footprint to provide for the relocation of an internal staircore to the south of the building, and the replacement of the enclosed first floor level with an open screened roof mounted plant space (resulting in a reduction of 4,091sq.m in the gross floor area (GFA) of the DATA CENTRE building); Associated alterations to t... Read more
05/07/2022 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
10 year permission for development consisting of removal of an existing unused waste water treatment facility on site and the erection of two DATA CENTRE buildings, gas powered energy generation compound, and all other associated ancillary buildings and works; the two DATA CENTRE buildings, DUB 15 and DUB 16, will comprise a total floor area of c. 33,577sq.m over two storeys; the first 2 storey DATA CENTRE building (DUB15), located to the southwest of the site, will com... Read more
01/07/2022 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Permission for the continuation of temporary use, as previously granted under planning permission reference number 3295/10 and 3614/17 of the existing development at this site at the junction of St. John`s Road West and Military Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 with access from Military Road. Kilmainham. The existing development consists of the installation of service plant items to facilitate the operations of the existing DATA CENTRE. The service plant is currently housed in a number of cabins on a temporary basis. Planning permission is sought for a period of ten years. The existing service plant items and cabins are as follows: 2 no. 12m x 3m plant... Read more
22/06/2022 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Permission for the continuation of temporary use, as previously granted under planning permission reference number 3295/10 of the existing development at this site junction of St. John`s Road West and Military Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8, with access from Military Road. The development consists of the installation of service plant items to facilitate the operations of the existing DATA CENTRE. The service plant is currently housed in a number of cabins on a temporary basis. Planning permission is sought for a period of ten years. The existing service plant items and cabins are as follows : 2 no. 12m x 3m plant enclosures, 4 no. 3.5m x 2.2m plant e... Read more
23/05/2022 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
1 screened bin compound to be relocated to the south-east corner of the site; 2 transformers within individual compounds and adjoining switch room (35.2sq.m) to be located to the east of the permitted DATA CENTRE to replace screened transformer compound permitted to the south-east of the site; 1 new plantroom (19.8sq.m) and 1 water storage tank to be located to the west of the permitted DATA CENTRE to replace previously approved fire suppression enclosure and new double gates to replace sliding gates at entrance into the permitted Read more
05/05/2022 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
New external Freezer Plant Platform Structure; single storey MRO Stores building within the existing construction compound; external DATA CENTRE unit to the south of the existing Manufacturing Suites Building; airlock extension & relocated external double emergency exit doors to the south of the existing Manufacturing Suites Building; Pallet Storage building adjacent to the existing Drum Store West building within the Utility Yard and boiler Water Chemical Dosing Unit within the CUB yard and all associated site works.... Read more
24/03/2022 Leinster
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The installation of an energy storage unit at an existing DATA CENTRE facility. The development involves the placement of three ISO 40ft. shipping containers containing back up storage units at Keppel DATA CENTRE, Citywest Avenue, Citywest Business Park, Dublin 24... Read more
21/03/2022 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Demolition of the abandoned single storey dwelling and associated outbuilding (206sqm); construction of 2 two storey DATA CENTERs with plant at roof level of each facility and associated ancillary development which will have a gross floor area of 40,589sq.m consisting of 1 two storey DATA CENTER (Building 11) which will be located to the south of the site and will have a gross floor area of 24,667sq.m. including 22 emergency generators located at ground floor level within a compound to the western side of the Read more
25/02/2022 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Construction of a 3 storey (part 4 storey) DATA CENTRE known as `DB8` to include data halls, electrical/plant rooms including internal generators, offices, lobbies, ancillary staff areas including break rooms and toilets, stores, stair/lift cores throughout and photovoltaic panels at roof level; the total gross floor area excluding hot air plenums and external staircase is c.9,601sq.m and the overall height of the DATA CENTRE ranges from c.16m to c.20m to roof parapet level and up to c.24.48m including roof top plant, flues and lift overrun; provision of 5 ext... Read more
14/12/2021 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Construction of two single storey DATA CENTREs with associated office and service areas; and three gas powered generation plant buildings with an overall gross floor area of 24,624sq.m that will comprise of the following: Demolition of abandoned single storey dwelling, remaining agricultural shed and derelict former farm building; Construction of 2 single storey DATA CENTREs (12,797sq.m), both with associated plant at roof level, with 24 standby diesel generators with associated flues (each 25m high) that will be attached to a single storey goods receiving are... Read more
21/10/2021 Leinster
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Erect 329sq.m or 67.34 KWp of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the building DUB12 in DATA CENTRE; all associated site works.... Read more
13/10/2021 Leinster
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Modifications and minor additions to previously approved scheme (Planning Register Reference SD20A/0283) at this site of c.16.23ha (in total) comprising of the following changes to previously approved scheme SD20A/0283; Approved Central Administration Building (CAB), relocation of building to the east by approx. 7m; reconfiguration and setting out of building plans at all levels (including roof level) resulting in increase in building footprint of approximately 170sq.m (from 1,424sq.m to 1,594sq.m) associated changes to building elevations (design and finishes); approved single storey Cafeteria Element, additional basement level below cafeteria to accommodate plant; 9 rooflights (2.8 m diameter) and 9 rooflight (1.8m diameter), inclusion of... Read more
06/10/2021 Leinster
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Permission for development on a site at Clonshaugh Business and Technology Park, Dublin 17. The subject site (with an area of c. 3.75 ha) comprises the site of former Units 15 and 16 (previously demolished) and the former Ricoh Building. The site is located to the north of the Santry River and the R104 Oscar Traynor Road, to the west of Clonshaugh Road, and to the south and east of existing estate roads. The proposed development, for which a seven-year permission is sought, comprises the following: -Demolition of the existing former Ricoh building, and all other associated site clearance works including removal of existing site services and ESB pillar boxes (other buildings previously occupying the site were demolished under Reg. Ref: 222... Read more
16/07/2021 Munster
(full address available after signup)
- a permission of 10 years in duration is sought. The application site has a total of c. 60 hectares with a nett area for development of c. 45 hectares, and is bound to the south by R352 (Tulla Road), to the east and the north by agriculture land, to the west by the M18. The development will consist of: the demolition of an existing single storey with pitched roof farm dwelling house together with 8 No. farm outbuildings on the overall site. The construction of 6 No. two storey DATA CENTRE buildings with three storey plant/office levels and associated ancillary development that will have a combined gross floor area of 118,740 sqm. These data halls ar... Read more
14/06/2021 Connaught
(full address available after signup)
to construct the following: a 24,505sqm single storey DATA CENTRE building, a 5232sqm single storey Logistics and Administration Building, a 289sqm single storey Maintenance Building, a 16sqm Security Hut and associated barriers, 2 number 48sqm Fibre Huts (max building eaves height = 10m), 18 external standby generators, all associated external plant, a 20kV Electricity Substation, contractor facilities, a main entrance including a new right turning lane, internal access roads and associated infrastructure, proprietary waste water treatment plants including percolation areas, mains water connection, fire water storage tanks; rainwater harvesting, pro... Read more
04/06/2021 Munster
(full address available after signup)
Proposed change of use/alterations of an existing pharmaceutical facility building to a DATA CENTRE including ground and first floor extension to the existing building. The proposed development will include demolition of an existing storage shed, connection to existing mains services and provision of ancillary plant/services including 3 no. chillers, 1 no. fuel storage tank, 3 no. generators, 1 no. medium voltage electrical substation, and 3 no. switch rooms, together with all associated site works.... Read more
21/05/2021 Leinster
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Retention of 1 standby diesel generator with an associated flue (15m high) within the permitted generator compound located to the east of the DATA CENTRE granted under SDCC Reg. SD16A/0345 increasing the number of standby diesel generators from 5 to 6 within the permitted compound.... Read more
07/05/2021 Munster
(full address available after signup)
DATA CENTRE development on a site formerly occupied by Mitsui Denman. The proposed development provides for the construction of 3 no. DATA CENTRE buildings as one development or in phases. The proposal will modify an existing consent for 3 no. office buildings and access infrastructure at the site consented under 07/12475, as extended under 15/5450, so that one permitted office building is omitted and the permitted access off the R623 is also omitted in favour of a priority junction at the R623 with the permitted remaining offices accessed off the proposed int... Read more
29/03/2021 Munster
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Proposed change of use and alterations/extension of an existing pharmaceutical facility building to a DATA CENTRE. The proposed development will include demolition of an existing storage shed, provision of ancillary plant/services and boundary treatments with connection to existing mains services and all associated site works.... Read more
17/02/2021 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Amendments and modifications to the permitted DATA CENTRE development granted under Reg. Ref. SD18A/0134 - ABP Ref. ABP-302813-18 and the temporary substation permission granted under SD19A/0300 to include: Demolition of the two storey dwelling of Weston House; single storey dwelling and outbuildings/ stables of Weston Lodge; and the single storey dwelling and converted garage of Kent Cottage. Retention of sprinkler tank and pump house to the south-west of Building A DATA CENTRE to replace 4 sprinkler tanks; Retention of 40kW(p) PV panels on the roof of Buildi... Read more
01/02/2021 Leinster
(full address available after signup)
Demolition of existing single storey vacant house, garage and outhouse (total gross floor area (GFA) c.291.2sq.m) and removal of existing temporary construction car park; Construction of a single 1-4 storey Central Administration Building and 2 2-storey (with mezzanine) DATA CENTREs (DUB14 & DUB15) all to be located west of DATA CENTREs DUB9, DUB10, DUB12 & DUB13 within the MS campus; The Central Administration Building (c.6.03m to c.19.85m high) will comprise central office administration, with staff cafeteria, staff gym and reception (GFA c.3,520sq.m), with ... Read more

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