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We only send alerts for planning applications that matter to you.

We only send alerts for planning applications that matter to you.

We only send alerts for planning applications that matter to you.

Don't miss out on any planning developments that impact you. Find out in time with by getting alerts for your local area.

Don't miss out on any planning developments that impact you. Find out in time with by getting alerts for your local area.

Looks great on all your work devices

We fully understand that you access websites more and more on your smartphone or tablet. is designed especially for mobile devices so you will have a positive experience from signing up right through to reading your alerts.

Our "Live Map" mapping system ensures you can quickly search or navigate the map to your preferred area of interest (no Geography degree required!).

All Devices

It's easy to add places that interest you for alerts

The success of is based on the accuracy of the alerts you receive. We make it easy for you to store locations on a simple web map. Just click over your preferred location and that's it!

Individual subscriber accounts may include up to five stored locations. You can use these for Home, Work or any other places that matter to you.

Easy to add alert locations

Detailed Planning Information

Each time you receive an alert, the email includes the main planning information for each file. You will see the location, decision, permission type and the current application status. You will also read the full development description so you can quickly determine if an application is of interest to you.

Your alerts also include a link back to the Council planning file where you can access the applicant information or download various scanned documents.

Alert List Information
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€1.99 per month, billed annually

You can create an account using the Signup buttlow, below. Our modestly priced service is desgined with affordability in mind. is a low cost for any individual who is interested in getting "heads up" planning updates for their local area.

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