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Recent Notices from Cork City Council

Commencement Notices are only available for paid plan subscribers.

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PERMISSION Jan 31 CORK CITY BALLYCANNON , KERRY PIKE , CORK Permission for two storey dwelling domestic garage sewerage system site entrance and along with all associated works. . More...
RETENTION Jan 30 CORK CITY 9 HUNTERS VALE , MARYBOROUGH WOODS , DOUGLAS Permission for a first floor extension to the rear of an existing dwelling at 9 Hunters Vale Maryborough Woods Douglas Cork T12N6WF. Permission is further south for the retention of elevational alterations to the side & rear of the dwelling including (a) revised sizes & positions of ground floor sid. More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 CORK CITY NO. 2 DUNKERRIN , MOUNT OVAL , ROCHESTOWN Permission to (I) convert attic to storage area and to install rooflights on the front and read elevations all to their dwelling. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 CORK CITY 60/61 SHANDON STREET/ , FARRENS QUAY , CORK Permission for the following development fronting on to Shandon Street and Farren's Quay, Cork comprising modifications to the existing protected structures (Ref no.s PS310 and PS311 located at 60/61 Shandon Street) to provide 9 no. residential units, consisting of 8 no. studio apartments and 1 no. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 CORK CITY 20 CLIFTON AVENUE , MONTENOTTE , CORK Permission for an amendment to planning permission 23/42570 to include for the following works (a) demolition of upper floor overhanging element (south elevation) to be replaced with 2 storey side extension to extend upper floor bathroom and to connect granted side and rear extensions with external . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 CORK CITY SITE ADJACENT TO HILLSIDE ELECTRICAL LTD , RATHCOONEY , GLANMIRE Permission for the construction of a new dwelling house new vehicular entrance install a new domestic wastewater treatment system and polishing filter and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 CORK CITY 15 FRIARS WALK , CORK CITY Permission to demolish existing derelict terraced three storey dwelling sub-divide existing site and construct two no. 3 storey terraced dwellings with part two storey at the rear with second floor balconies also at rear and all associated site development works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 CORK CITY 48 MARIAN PARK , BLACKROCK , CORK Permission is sought for a new vehicular site entrance and driveway including timber sheeted gates fixed to rendered concrete block piers. the proposed development will include all associated ancillary site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 CORK CITY 50 STOCKTON CLOSE , GRANGE , DOUGLAS Permission for the following 1. demolition of existing single storey side building. 2. proposed single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling. 3. proposed site development works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 CORK CITY MAHON INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , BESSBORO ROAD , BLACKROCK Permission for construction of one solar carport made from a galvanised steel structure with a solar photovoltaic array over compromising 81no. 445W solar panels in front of the south elevation of the existing building and connected to the ESB supply. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 CORK CITY RATHPEACON , KILLEENS , CORK A) Construction of 5 No. dwelling houses, B) Proposed entrance from Sunset Place, C) Proposed pedestrian crossing at The Lawn/Sunset Place, D) Proposed bus stop and set-down area at current bus stop, E) Associated site works, all on a site of 0.12Ha . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 CORK CITY 18 MONTFORT PARK , MARDYKE WALK , CORK Permission for the construction of single storey extensions to the side and to the rear of existing dwelling elevational alterations including new window to the side of existing dwelling and 3no. new rooflights and all associated site works. . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Jan 28 CORK CITY UNDERWOOD , ROCHESTOWN , CORK Outline Permission is sought for new dwelling vehicular entrance sewage treatment system demolition of existing concrete slab and associated development works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 CORK CITY GALWAYS LANE , DOUGLAS , CORK Permission for demolition of existing detached dwellinghouse, and the construction of a new detached dwellinghouse and all associated landscaping and site development works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 CORK CITY BLOCK B , CITY GATE PARK , CITY GATE Permission for development which will consist of the change of use of the existing second floor and third floor of Block B, City Gate Park, City Gate, Mahon, Cork from the office use permitted under application register reference 09/34109 to outpatient medical services use, and all associated site d. More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 CORK CITY 18 SENANDALE CLOGHROE , CORK , T23W860 Permission is sought for demolition of existing garage and construction of single storey extension to side and rear of existing dwelling house, 2 no. rooflights to side and 1 no. rooflight to rear of existing extension and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 CORK CITY NIRVANA MENLOE GARDENS , BLACKROCK ROAD , CORK Development consisting of the following: () Demolition of existing detached garage, entrance porch, carport, kitchen extension and canopies. (2) Proposed new 2 storey attached house to the side and rear of the existing dwelling. providing separate living accommodation as an ancillary Granny Flat to . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 CORK CITY NO 67 FATHER MATHEW ROAD , TURNERS CROSS , T12CRX9 Permission for a granny flat in the rear garden and all associated site works to dwelling . More...
RETENTION Jan 27 CORK CITY 5 ST JOSEPHS LAWN , BISHOPSTOWN , CORK Permission for the retention of first floor extension to the rear of the existing dwelling and permission for the demolition of existing ground floor kitchen extension to the rear of existing dwelling and for the construction of a new ground floor extension to the rear of existing dwelling, elevatio. More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 CORK CITY 11 KNOCKNAHORGAN COTTAGES , GLANMIRE , CO CORK Change of use from Hair Salon to Estate Agency, Formation of a new shop front fascia, alterations to shop front glazing and finishes including removal of the existing bay window, amended signage, renewal of hard landscaping to the front, change of side door to window and provision of a roof light to. More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 CORK CITY RIVERSTOWN , GLANMIRE , CORK Permission for construction of a part two, part three-storey primary care centre. The development will be accessed via the existing vehicular/ pedestrian access on Old Court Road and provides for public realm upgrades including the provision of pedestrian crossing and build out of existing kerbs and. More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 CORK CITY LANDS AT ARDAROSTIG AND , BALLINASPIG MORE , WATERFALL ROAD Permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development at lands located at Ardarostig and Ballinaspig More, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, Cork. The development will consist of: 164 no. residential units comprising of (i) 64 no. 3-bedroom semi-detached and terraced dwellings served by private open spac. More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 CORK CITY LOCATED ADJACENT TO TELUS INTERNATIONAL , LOUGHMAHON LINK ROAD , MAHON Permission for a proposed development which constitutes an amendment to existing planning permission ref no 21/40196 and ABP ref 314310-22. Permission was granted by Cork City Council for 196 Units over two blocks. on appeal An Bord Plean\u00E1la upheld the decision to grant permission with conditio. More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 CORK CITY 3 CARRIGFERN , COLLEGE ROAD , CORK Permission for works to existing semi-detached 3-storey dwelling consisting of demolish existing garage to side remove projecting window/door to rear construct new single storey extension to side and rear alterations to rear ground floor fenestration along with all associated site development works.. More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 CORK CITY 16 BROWNINGSTOWN PARK , DOUGLAS ROAD , CORK Permission for the demolition of existing kitchen extension to the rear (north-west) and for the construction of a new single storey extension to the side (south-west) and to the rear (north-west) of our dwelling with elevational changes and internal alterations to suit. permission is also sought fo. More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 CORK CITY LANDS AT WOODHILL PARK , TIVOLI , CORK Permission for the construction of 8no. five beds, two-storey dwelling houses at Lands at Woodhill Park, Tivoli, Cork. Proposed works include new internal road and footpaths, infiltration and drainage works, all landscape and amenity areas. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 CORK CITY NO 1 ARD NA LAOI , MIDDLE GLANMIRE ROAD , MONTENOTTE CORK Permission for the construction of a new three storey apartment development containing 8 no. units, comprising 1 no. Studio unit, 3 no. 1 bed units, and 4 no. 2 bed units which front onto Middle Glanmire Road. Pedestrian access will be via i) a new opening within the existing stone faced wall to Mid. More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 CORK CITY 16 NEWENHAM DRIVE , ROCHESTOWN ROAD , CORK T12HR5C Permission for (1) demolition of existing side garage, single storey rear sun room, entrance porch, front driveway entrance, existing 2 number chimneys and ESB pole in existing driveway (2) construction of a new, part two storey and single storey extension and glass covered Pergola and ground floor . More...
RETENTION Jan 23 CORK CITY 42 WOLFE TONE STREET , CORK a) Permission to construct a First Floor extension to the side of my dwelling house with all associated site works at 42, Wolfe Tone Street, Cork. and b) Permission for Retention of Vehicular access and gate to the side of my site at the rear at Vincent's Avenue and all . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 CORK CITY 19 NORTH MAIN STREET , CORK CITY Permission is sought for alterations to an existing building, namely a change of use from residential to three apartments, one at first storey, one at second storey and one at third storey with access to the units via part of the ground storey with the existing retail unit, which occupies the remain. More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 CORK CITY 32 UPPER BEAUMONT DRIVE , BALLINTEMPLE , CORK CITY Permission at 32 Upper Beaumont Drive, Ballintemple, Cork City for the following: a) demolition of the existing garage to side of dwelling b) demolition of existing extension to rear of dwelling c) construction of new single storey extension to rear and side of dwelling and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 CORK CITY 3 STEEPLEWOODS , CARRIGROHANE , CORK Permission, for a front porch extension & elevational changes to existing two storey detached dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 CORK CITY BARNAVARA HILL , GLANMIRE , CO. CORK Permission is sought for the construction of a new 2-storey dwelling and associated site works. . More...
RETENTION Jan 23 CORK CITY 18 CLEVE HILL , BLACKROCK ROAD , BALLINTEMPLE Permission for retention of an existing storage shed to the eastern gable of our dwelling and permission for the construction of a ground floor extension to the rear and first floor extension to the eastern gable of our property . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 CORK CITY SAINT ANNS HILL , KILNAMUCKY , TOWER Permission for the construction of 4 single-storey assisted living dwelling units ( 4 no. 2 bedroom), new vehicular entrance and exit, new pedestrian entrance, car parking spaces, bin store and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 CORK CITY NO. 16 , FATHER MATHEW ROAD , TURNERS CROSS Permission for a new vehicular entrance to front of existing dwelling for car parking and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 CORK CITY RINGWOOD , SHEAN UPPER , BLARNEY Permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development (LRD) at this site at Ringwood, Shean Upper, Blarney, Cork. The proposed development will consist of a largescale residential development (LRD), representing Phase 1 of the development in the Blarney East / Ringwood Expansion Area, and comprising . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 CORK CITY CASTLEVIEW AFC , J.F. CONNOLLY ROAD , CHURCHFIELD Permission for the redevelopment of 2 of their existing soccer playing fields, the works consists of the following, (1) Replace the existing grass pitches No.1 and No.2 with an all weather playing surface, (2) Replace the existing 4 no. floodlights to Pitch No. 1 with LED floodlighting (15m high), . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 CORK CITY FORMER NORTH PRESENTATION CONVENT SCHOOL , 34-39 GERALD GRIFFIN STREET , CORK T23EK22 Change of use from a temporary hostel to a permanent hostel. The new development works are within the curtilage of a protected structure at Former North Presentation Convent School . More...
RETENTION Jan 21 CORK CITY UCC ENTERPRISE CENTRE , DISTILLERY FIELDS , NORTH MALL Permission for retention for works completed at the Enterprise Centre building at Distillery Fields North Mall Cork T23N73K. the work comprises of 1) addition of render finish to brickwork 2) demolition of single storey boiler room 3) relocation of single storey plantroom 4) construction of single s. More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 CORK CITY UNIT 13 , MONAHAN ROAD BUSINESS PARK , MONAHAN ROAD Permission is sought for the demolition of existing attached 9m high warehouse and the construction of a new single-storey attached 17m high warehouse on the existing footprint. And all associated site development works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 CORK CITY CLOGHPHILIP , TOWER BLARNEY , CO CORK Permission for the following work: 1) Decommissioning of existing septic tank system and upgrade/replacement with a proprietary treatment system & percolation area, 2) Alterations to Site Entrance to include closing off existing entrance location with combination of block wall/post and panel fence. . More...
RETENTION Jan 21 CORK CITY WOODVILLE COTTAGE , WOODVILLE GLANMIRE , CORK T45CA49 Retention permission is sought by John and Maria Crowley for (a) omission of carport and domestic shed granted permission under Reg. No. T.P. 21/40025 ABP-310477-21, (b) construction of a 24sqm single storey detached domestic shed in the North-East corner of the site, (c) raising partial level of th. More...
RETENTION Jan 21 CORK CITY THE ROUNDY HOUSE , NO 1 CASTLE ST , T12RX09 Permission for retention of existing canopy and fixed heaters to fa\u00E7ade of existing building, and for Permission for new canopy to fa\u00E7ade of existing building and removal of existing fixed umbrellas. The new development works relate to a Protected Structure (PS01) . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 CORK CITY NAVIGATION SQUARE BOUNDED BY ALBERT QUAY EAST TO , VICTORIA ROAD TO THE EAST ALBERT ROAD TO THE SOUTH , AND BUILDINGS FRONTING ALBERT STREET Permission for an extension to the existing constructed ESB substation (TP18/37765) to accommodate a 20 sqm electrical transformer room to serve the development known as Navigation Square (TP16/36773, 17/37514 and 19/38549), bounded by Albert Quay East to the North, buildings fronting Victoria Road . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 CORK CITY 7 FERNSIDE VILLAS , SUMMERHILL SOUTH , CORK T12X9YW Permission for 1. Demolition of a two-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling with preservation of the south-east external wall, 2. Construction of a part one-storey, part two-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, 3. Alterations to the existing elevations, to include 2. More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 CORK CITY MEDI CENTRE , WILTON ROAD , CORK Change of use of first floor medical consultation rooms (granted under TP 06/30608) to provide 1 no. 1-bedroom apartment, no external changes to existing building or site . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 CORK CITY LAHERDANE , HETTYFIELD DOUGLAS , CORK T12X4DK Permission for 1. Demoliion of the single-storey rear and side extension, chimney and conservatory to the rear of the existing dwelling, 2. Construcion of a two-storey extension and ground floor canopy to the rear and side of the existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 CORK CITY 4 SOUTHERN ROAD , CORK , T12E6F9 Permission for the replacement of an existing pedestrian entrance with a vehicular entrance, a driveway for off street parking & all other associated site works to the front of an existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 CORK CITY 49 UPPER BEAUMONT DRIVE , BEAUMONT , CORK Permission for the construction of 2 no., new 3-bed, two-storey dwellings, (1no. 100.3m2 and 1 no. 121.7m2) including an attached garage accessed off Beaumont Court, a new pedestrian side entrance off Beaumont Court, widening of existing singular vehicular entrance to incorporate two vehicular entra. More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 CORK CITY 41 PIC DU JER PARK , BALLINLOUGH ROAD , CORK Permission for alterations & extensions to two storey semi-detached dwelling consisting of demolition of existing single storey rear annex extension and replacement with a new ground floor rear extension a first floor level rear/side extension conversion of garage to living accommodation elevational. More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 CORK CITY RATHPEACON , KILLEENS , CORK Permission for the construction of a two storey dwelling, installation of a wastewater treatment system and carrying out of all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 CORK CITY ROSIN DUBH BAR , 15 CATTLE MARKET AVENUE , OFF SHANDON STREET Permission for (a) change of use of ground floor bar to residential 2 bedroom apartment and of existing first floor accommodation to residential 1no.2 Bedroom apartment to existing building, to demolish old rear extensions, outbuildings, existing garage and partial Southern and Western Boundary wall. More...
RETENTION Jan 17 CORK CITY 17 CLOVERLAWN , SKEHARD ROAD , BLACKROCK Permission for retention for minor alterations and modifications to dwelling including bay window and structural column tot he front elevation and a hipped roof with overhang forming a canopy to the front elevation. these minor alterations differ from the original grant of planning ref. no. 89/15175. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 CORK CITY LEHENAGH MORE , TOGHER , CORK Permission for the construction of a new two storey dwelling, new vehicular entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 CORK CITY BOSTON SCIENTIFIC RELAND LTD. , CORK BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY PARK , MODEL FARM ROAD The construction of a single storey extension (comprising a link corridor, two storerooms and a universal access W.C.) to the existing production area conservatory and the partial demolition of an existing fa\u00E7ade to provide a new double door to the same existing production area conservatory, in. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 CORK CITY WILTON SHOPPING CENTRE , SARSFIELD ROAD , WILTON CORK Refurbishment and extension to existing Public Toilets, Management Suite and Storage Areas including change of use of existing retail areas (107.12m2) . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 CORK CITY WOOD ROAD , COOLROE , BALLINCOLLIG Permission for alterations & extension to two storey detached dwelling consisting of: a first floor level side extension including elevational changes & any associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 CORK CITY 34 HALLDEEN ESTATE , CURRAHEEN ROAD , BISHOPSTOWN Permission is sought for the demolition of single-story rear annex to existing dwelling and chimney for existing oil boiler and for the construction of a new part single/part two-story rear/side extension to the existing dwelling elevation alterations roof alterations widening of existing vehicular . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 CORK CITY CORK COLLEGE OF FET- , MORRISONS ISLAND CAMPUS , CORK CITY Permission to replace the existing illuminated signage on the southern elevation of the building with new illuminated signage, and to replace the existing signage on the eastern elevation of the building with new signage all located at Morrison's Island Campus, Morrison's Quay, Cork. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 CORK CITY NO.9 (SONFLOUR RESTAURANT) , AND NO.9A (THE GOLD RESERVE) , CASTLE STREET Permission for the amalgamation of the ground floor of No.9 and No.9A Castle Street, the proposed development consists of the change of use from retail 'The Gold Reserve' to restaurant use to facilitate the expansion of 'Sonflour' restaurant, this involves the demolition of some internal elements, t. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 CORK CITY 48 MARKLAND WOODS , MARYBOROUGH HILL , DOUGLAS Permission for the following: (1) Permission for change of use of existing attached domestic garage to granny flat with associated changes to front (west facing) elevation of garage and inclusion of rooflights on north facing roof slope. (2) Construct a new single-storey extension to rear (east faci. More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 CORK CITY SITE BETWEEN CLUAIN ARD , AND TUDOR HEIGHTS , THE HILL BLARNEY Permission for two-storey dwelling and associated works (a change in design to that permitted under planning reference 19/04974). . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 CORK CITY NO. 185 , OLD YOUGHAL ROAD , CORK Permission for the proposed changed of use of existing ground floor launderette to a 1 bed apartment to include the re-opening of the existing blocked window to the west elevation . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 CORK CITY 11 CASTLE AVENUE , MUSKERRY ESTATE , BALLINCOLLIG Permission for single storey extension to side and rear of existing two storey dwelling and storage area to rear and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 CORK CITY SITE AT SOUTH DOUGLAS ROAD , BETWEEN RATHMORE LAWN AND , TRAMORE LAWN Permission for development on a site of c. 0.7 hectares on lands located at South Douglas Road, Cork. The development will consist of a residential development comprising: 20 No. residential units (2 No. semi-detached units, 3 No. detached units, 11 No. mews units (comprising 9 No. mews houses and 2. More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 CORK CITY 29 SAINT CHRISTOPHERS ROAD , MONTENOTTE , CORK Permission for alteration and extension to eastern and western elevations and associated works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 CORK CITY SITE AT SOUTH DOUGLAS ROAD , BETWEEN RATHMORE LAWN AND , TRAMORE LAWN Permission for development on this site of c. 1.98 hectares on lands located at South Douglas Road, Cork. The development will consist of a residential and creche development comprising: 93 no. residential units (2 no. semi-detached units, 48 no. townhouses, 11 no. mews units (comprising 9 no. mews . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 CORK CITY BALLYCANNON , KERRY PIKE , CARRIGROHANE CORK Permission for alterations & extensions to an existing dwelling as follows: 1) Single storey pitched & flat roof extensions to the front, side and rear, 2) elevational alterations to existing external walls to the front, side and rear including adjustments to sizes & positions of existing openings, . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 CORK CITY MONTEVILLE , SUNDAYS WELL ROAD , CORK Permission for the conversion of 4no. apartments to 2no. dwellings along with front and rear elevation changes, and any associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 CORK CITY 16/17 , WINTHROP STREET , CORK CITY Permission for change of use of ground and first floors from financial services use to caf\u00E9 use, along with new business signage, and any associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 CORK CITY 38/39 WASHINGTON STREET , CORK CITY Permission for developments at 38/39 Washington Street, Cork City, which is an existing terraced four-storey building Protected Structures 38 Washington Street (PS1105) and 39 Washington Street (PS1106). Planning permission is sought for: (A) Minor demolition works including partial demolition of ex. More...
RETENTION Jan 13 CORK CITY CHAPELGATE SHOPPING CENTRE , GLENHEIGHTS ROAD , BALLYVOLANE CORK Permission is sought for retention of 2 first floor apartments, (change from office use). Permission to convert the existing first floor apartments to 2 no. studio apartments and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 CORK CITY VILLA MARIA , BALLINLOUGH ROAD , CORK Alterations to existing house including 1) demolition of rear single-storey extension (2) construction of 2 storey extension to the rear, and sunken single storey extension to the rear/side with roof overhang (3) new gable windows, elevational & fenestration alterations to existing house (4) all ass. More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 CORK CITY RATHMULLIG WEST , BALLYGARVAN , CORK Permission for the following: 1. demolition of existing unroofed slurry tank and livestock feed passage 2. Construction of a soiled water/parlour washings tank and unroofed slatted slurry tank to include livestock feed passage along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 CORK CITY SUDBURY , 67 GLASHEEN ROAD , CORK Permission to (I) demolish rear extension (ii) construct a side single-storey and rear two-storey extension and (III) carry out all associated site works to their dwelling. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 CORK CITY 15 SHEARES PARK , GLASHEEN CORK , T12KN6V Permission for 1. part demolition of an existing two storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling and demolition of front porch, 2. construction of a two storey extension to the rear and new front porch, 3. Alterations to the existing elevations, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 CORK CITY ARDERROW , BALLYVOLANE (TOWNLAND) , BALLYHOOLY ROAD Permission for the following Large Scale Residential Development (LRD) comprising modifications to part of the residential development permitted under An Bord Pleanala Ref. No. 312076-21. the proposed modifications consist of the construction of an additional 6 no. parking spaces and the constructio. More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 CORK CITY 221 BLARNEY ROAD , SUNDAY'S WELL , CORK Permission for change of use of existing building previously known Kennedy's bar to an Off Licence . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 CORK CITY 82 WESTGATE ROAD , BISHOPSTOWN CORK Permission for the demolition of existing single storey attached garage/ utility to side of existing dwelling, for the construction of a new single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling, part two storey extension to front and side of existing dwelling, attic conversion to storage with ne. More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 CORK CITY CARRAIG AONAR , 30 ROSEBANK DOUGLAS ROAD , BALLINLOUGH Permission for alterations & extensions to an existing dwelling including 1) A flat roof 2-story side and rear extension with the upper storey extending to the north-eastern site boundary , 2) a flat roof single storey rear extension, 3) elevational alterations including a new rooflight at attic lev. More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 CORK CITY THE FORMER COPE FOUNDATION , RESIDENTIAL FACILITY , FORMERLY KNOWN AS HONAN HOME Permission for the construction of 42 no. residential units at The Former Cope Foundation Residential Facility (formerly known as Honan Home) (Protected Structure RPS reference number PS621), Lovers Walk, Montenotte, Cork consisting of (1) The demolition of rear and side annexes and the construction. More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 CORK CITY KILLEENS , BLARNEY , CO. CORK Permission to construct a two-storey dwelling with a domestic garage, a sites specific treatment unit and percolation area including associated site works and a new site entrance. . More...
RETENTION Jan 09 CORK CITY LOUGHDER HARTLAND'S AVENUE , GLASHEEN ROAD , CORK Planning permission for retention for the subdivision of an existing residential property and the construction of an attached single-storey 1 bedroom residential unit to the side of the existing 2-storey, semi-detached dwelling house, inclusive of the conversion of an existing single-storey side ann. More...
RETENTION Jan 08 CORK CITY THE COURTYARD (BUILDING A) AND THE PLAZA (BUILDING , APARTMENTS CITY SQUARE , WATERCOURSE ROAD BLACKPOOL Retention permission to reflect elevational changes on the ground floor residential units previously granted under planning application 19/38755 comprising of the alterations to ground floor windows on the front (East) elevation of the ground floor residential units at The Courtyard (Building A) and. More...
RETENTION Jan 08 CORK CITY HILLVIEW GREENFIELD , BALLINCOLLIG , CO CORK Retention permission is sought for (1) construction of dwelling, (as built) (2) extensions to the side and rear , (3) a car port, (4) wastewater treatment system (5) and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 CORK CITY GLENCREE , SUNVIEW PLACE EAST , BALLYHOOLY ROAD Permission for renovations and elevation alterations to existing residential dwelling including construction of a new roof with 2 no. additional dormers to the front and a new dormer to the rear providing 38.40m2 of additional first-floor accommodation, to construct a new vehicular entrance and all . More...
RETENTION Jan 08 CORK CITY 8 MILITARY ROAD , ST LUKES , CORK Permission for retention of development at 8 Military Road, St Lukes, Cork. The development consists of the retention of the existing 2 no. attached two-storey dwelling houses as constructed and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 CORK CITY THE LOUGH SHOPPING CENTRE , TOGHER ROAD , TOGHER Permission for development at The Lough Shopping Centre, Togher Road, Togher, Cork City. The proposed development will consist of the removal of a dish, antennas and Remote Radio Units (RRU's) and the installation of telecommunications equipment on the rooftop including 6 No. crucifix mounted antenn. More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 CORK CITY CARDINAL WAY , WILTON , CORK Permission is sought for Change of Use of former Hair & Beauty Salon to Caf\u00E9 . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 CORK CITY UNIT 1002 GROUND FLOOR , ONE ALBERT QUAY , ALBERT QUAY AND ALBERT STREET Permission for the change of use from Caf\u00E9 to Office with all associated works . More...
RETENTION Jan 07 CORK CITY 14 GLENCOO LAWN , BOREENMANNA ROAD , BALLINTEMPLE Permission for retention of the following items. 1) conversion of a side garage to habitable accommodation & a mono-pitched roof over same & 2) a single storey rear extension. . More...
RETENTION Jan 07 CORK CITY KERRY PIKE , COOLYMURRAGHUE , CORK CITY Permission to retain a site specific treatment unit and percolation area that replaces an old septic tank and percolation area . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 CORK CITY 23 THE CRESCENT , HEATHFIELD , BALLINCOLLIG Permission for the installation of rooflights to the front an rear elevations installation of a window to the gable of the existing dwelling at second floor level together with all associated ancillary and site works. . More...
RETENTION Jan 06 CORK CITY THE SHELBOURNE BAR , 16-17 MACCURTAIN STREET , CORK CITY Permission for retention of the erection of an awning to front of existing building. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 06 CORK CITY BISHOPSTOWN GAA CLUB , BALLINASPIG LAWN , BISHOPSTOWN Permission for the demolition of the existing changing facilities at Bishopstown GAA Club and the construction of replacement improved changing facilities as well as the provision of 2 no. stores. Planning permission is sought for the above as well as all associated site development works. The propo. More...
PERMISSION Dec 30 CORK CITY 2 SOMERTON PARK , BALLINLOUGH , CORK Permission (i) for single storey extension to front side and rear existing two storey dwelling and (ii) all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 30 CORK CITY THE FIRST FLOOR AND PART OF THE GROUND FLOOR OF UN , HERITAGE WALK THE QUADRANTS , BALLINCOLLIG Change of use from commercial to residential use at the First Floor of Unit 1, Unit 3, and Unit 5, Heritage Walk, The Quadrants, Ballincollig, Cork. Additionally, we are seeking a partial change of use at the ground floor from commercial to ancillary residential use to provide a bike and bin storage. More...
RETENTION Dec 23 CORK CITY UNIT C3 , HERON HOUSE , BLACKPOOL RETAIL PARK Retention Permission is sought for the installation of new illuminated signage to the north south and west elevations . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CORK CITY VERNON LODGE , CARRIGALINE ROAD , DOUGLAS Permission to demolish existing garage hall and store room and construct an extension and all associated site works to the side of existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CORK CITY ROSSLYN , 28 WESTGATE PARK , BISHOPSTOWN Permission for demolition of (1) existing rear glasshouse to the existing dwelling house (2) demolition of existing front porch and existing first floor side extension and side chimney and side gable wall and partial roof over the existing dwelling house (3) Planning permission for construction of a. More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CORK CITY 18 BELLEVUE CRESCENT , FRANKFIELD , CORK Permission to construct a granny flat to the side of existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CORK CITY WYCHERLEY PLACE , COLLEGE ROAD CORK Permission for new two storey dwelling site entrance and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CORK CITY 31 ST JOSEPHS DRIVE , MONTENOTTE , CORK Permission for the construction of an extension to rear of existing dwelling house and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CORK CITY GLENBEG (SITE) 1 , KILN ROAD KILLEENS , CORK Permission a) Part demolition of partially constructed dwelling b) Change of house design and completion of dwelling (previous ref 23/41761) and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY HORGANS QUAY AND , RAILWAY STREET , CORK Planning Permission for a Large Scale Residential Development comprising amendments to a permitted Strategic Housing Development of 302 no. residential units, ground floor retail, cr\u00E8che and associated site works (An Bord Plean\u00E1la Ref: 305278-19) at a site located at Horgan's Quay and Rail. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY ST ANTHONYS , 19 ALEXANDRA VILLAS , MILITARY ROAD ST LUKES Permission for the demolition of existing extension and outhouse and the construction of extension to rear and side of existing dwelling and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY COACH HILL HOUSE COACH HILL , MONFIELDSTOWN , ROCHESTOWN Permission for a single storey extension to the south and west elevation and a two storey extension to the east elevation and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY THE GOLDRUSH CASINO , NO.4 FRENCH CHURCH STREET AND , NO.21 ACADEMY STREET Permission for elevational upgrades and the provision of new signage to the French Church Street elevation of the Goldrush Casino. the proposed development consists of the removal of an existing external extraction fan the reinstatement of a historical window the provision of new fascia and window s. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY MAHON POINT SHOPPING CENTRE , MAHON , CORK Permission for a new prefabricated substation building within the existing car park to cater 4no. electric car charging points for 8no. electric car parking spaces along with associated ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY 70 HALLDENE AVENUE , BISHOPSTOWN , CORK Permission for (A) first floor extension to the side of the existing dwelling running along the entirety of the footprint of the existing ground floor area (B) the conversion of the garage in the front section of the ground floor to habitable use with a new bay window to the front elevation (C) a ne. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY UNIT 6 MOREMILES BUSINESS CENTRE , REDFORGE ROAD , BLACKPOOL Permission for a change of use from hair salon to gaming/amusement arcade with ancillary site works. . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 CORK CITY PADUA , 13 ARDMANNING LAWN , TOGHER Permission for retention of a bay window to the front elevation and a single storey rear and side extension to their dwelling house and all associated development works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY 4 CAMDEN PLACE , CORK CITY , CO. CORK Permission for the construction of a two storey extension over an existing single storey rear garage building to include (a) part change of use from commercial to residential use at ground floor level (b) single bedroom apartment at first + second floor levels over existing single storey rear garage. More...
RETENTION Dec 20 CORK CITY 14 KNOCKNAHORGAN COTTAGES , SALLYBROOK , GLANMIRE Permission for retention of an existing single storey annex extension to the front of existing dwelling and permission for the construction of a new two storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling for removal of two existing front facing dormer windows nd replaced with a new front facing d. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY CORK CAMOGIE GROUNDS , CASTLE ROAD , BLACKROCK Permission for the construction of 8 no. 18m high floodlights to existing pitch with an average luminance of 400 lux at pitch level generator plant room to include bunded fuel tank and fence and associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY REHABILITATION HOSPITAL BLOCK A ON A CORNER SITE O , BOUNDED BY KENNEDY QUAY TO THE NORTH AND VICTORIA , TO THE WEST IN THE SOUTH DOCKLANDS Permission for the proposed amendments will increase the Gross floor area (GFA) of the building to c. 12272 sq.m from the permitted 11290sq.m (an addition of c.982 sq. m) and will consist of (a) infill of permitted internal atrium across all floors to provide for revision to internal layout and circ. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY 99 EARLWOOD ESTATE , THE LOUGH , CORK Permission for the construction of (1) new single storey rear and side extension with green roof and velux roof lights over with new patio area and outdoor furnace to the existing dwelling house (2) elevational alterations to include resizing of window to rear first floor elevation to the existing d. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY MAGLIN BALLLINCOLLIG , CORK , P31PX46 The development will consist of the modification and extension of the existing dwelling, namely; A) removal of all existing single-storey extensions to the front (south) and rear (north) of the existing dwelling (totaling 25.55sq.m./275.02sq.ft. floor space), B) construction of a single storey exten. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CORK CITY VALENTIA , 33 BALLINCURRIG PARK , DOUGLAS ROAD Permission is sought for modifications to existing two storey semi-detached dwelling which shall include a new single storey entrance lobby and single storey extension to existing living room at ground floor level to the front (south western) elevation of the existing dwelling. a first floor level a. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CORK CITY 39 ST PATRICKS STREET , CORK Permission for the construction of a rooftop photovoltaic solar array and all associated site development works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CORK CITY GARRANEDARRAGH (TOWNLAND) , BISHOPSTOWN , CORK Permission for the construction of 20no. residential units consisting of 10 apartments and 10 duplex apartments and all ancillary site development works including vehicular access parking footpaths bin storage drainage lighting landscaping and amenity areas. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CORK CITY UNIT 8 , THE CORNMARKET CENTRE , CORNMARKET STREET Permission for the change of use from retail to leisure use elevation alterations to main entrance and internal alterations to unit and replacement of existing signage including 1no. internally sign. a protected structure is located within the curtilage of the new development works. . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 CORK CITY BALLYORBAN , MONKSTOWN , CO. CORK Permission for (a) retention permission to retain the existing sunroom as constructed to the existing dwelling house (b) full Planning Permission to demolish existing porch construct extensions to the existing dwelling house including a new porch gym room utility room larger kitchen and larger famil. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CORK CITY 27 SUMMERSTOWN DRIVE , GLASHEEN , CORK T12NT3F 1) subdivision of existing residential plot to provide additional site to construct new 2-storey detached dwelling to be served by new private vehicular site entrance. 2) alterations to vehicular site entrance serving existing dwelling on site, 3) alterations to existing site boundary treatment adjo. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CORK CITY COLLEGE CORINTHIANS , ASSOCIATED FOOTBALL CLUB CLG , CORINTHIANS PARK CASTLETREASURE DONNYBROOK Permission to erect a 24 metre high telecommunications monopole together with antennas, dishes, associated telecommunications equipment and equipment cabinets at ground level all enclosed in security fencing using an existing access track . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 CORK CITY 33 MOUNT EDEN ROAD , GURRANABRAHER , CORK For (A) Retention permission for the construction of a site entrance, car parking space, single-storey front porch and ancillary site works, and (B) Permission for the construction of a balustrade at the front of the existing two-storey dwelling house and all located at 33 Mount Eden Road, Gurranabr. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CORK CITY RATHCOONEY ROAD , ARDERROW , BALLYVOLANE Permission to decommission existing septic tank and install new sewerage treatment system to service existing dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CORK CITY 4 ST ANTHONYS VILLAS , OLD YOUGHAL ROAD , CORK A new single storey extension to rear of existing house, and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 CORK CITY 54 SILVERSPRINGS COURT , TIVOLI , CORK Permission for retention for a single-storey extension to the rear of dwelling house and all associated works. . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 CORK CITY GLENCORRAN , DOUGLAS LAWN , DOUGLAS Retention for the following: a) change of use of garage to habitable use including window to the front elevation b) replacing flat roof with pitched roof and 3no. rooflights c) elevation changes including reducing bay window manifestation to double windows d) installation of 2no. windows to entrance. More...
RETENTION Dec 19 CORK CITY NO. 7 , ELDRED TERRACE , DOUGLAS ROAD Permission for retention if two-storey extension to the rear of existing two-storey dormer terrace house, new entrance gate and rebuilt wall to existing pedestrian footpath, and all other ancillary site works. . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 CORK CITY ARD NA GREINE , COOLGARTEN PARK , MAGAZINE ROAD Permission for a) two new 1st floor gable side windows. b) a new roof light over the existing sitting room. c) retention of a single storey sunroom to the gable side of the existing dwelling house. d) retention of a 1st floor attic conversion. e) retention of alterations to the existing dwelling hou. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CORK CITY CUSDUFF CASTLETREASURE , DOUGLAS , CO CORK Construction of a new dwelling house, new vehicular entrance, new domestic wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 18 CORK CITY UNIT 5 AND UNIT 6 , WESTPOINT BUSINESS PARK , LEO MURPHY ROAD Permission for retention for the removal of the two interconnecting doors and the permanent building up of these two door openings in the party wall at ground and first levels respectively between Unit 5 and Unit 6 Westpoint Business Park Leo Murphy Road Ballincollig Cork. they revert to being two s. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CORK CITY ARDROSTIG , BISHOPSTOWN , CORK Permission for development at Ardrostig, Bishopstown, Cork. The development will consist of: The construction of a three-storey primary care centre which includes reception/waiting areas and associated administration offices, consulting rooms, dental surgery, treatment rooms, and staff welfare areas. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CORK CITY CORK AIRPORT , LOCATED ON KINSALE ROAD , CORK Permission to erect 1.7 MWp or 13382.61 sqm Solar Photovoltaic (PV) in a Carport System in Cork Airport and associated site works comprising of the development will consist of photovoltaic panels with a capacity of 1.70 MWp incorporating a carport system along with all ancillary cabling and electric. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CORK CITY PORTNEYS LANE AND , 44-45 CORNMARKET STREET , CORK Permission for the demolition of an existing 3-storey building (the former Paintwell store) and the construction of a 4-storey building fronting onto Cornmarket Street and Portneys Lane comprising 7no. 1-bed apartments 2no. 2-bed apartments and 1no. caf\u00E9 with ancillary takeaway and all ancillar. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CORK CITY NO. 9 CONNOLLY PARK , BALLYPHEHANE , CORK Permission is sought for the removal of the existing garden wall construction of a new two storey dwelling next to existing dwelling construction of a new vehicular entrance to cater for proposed dwelling alterations to the side elevation of the existing dwelling and associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CORK CITY UNIT 9 DOUGHCLOYNE COURT INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , SARSFIELD ROAD , WILTON Permission for the (1) construction of a single storey extension to the side of existing unit for use as a food preparation and distribution area (2) a new first floor fire door and fire escape stairs to side of existing unit (3) removal of existing car parking spaces to create a new enclosed bin an. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CORK CITY RAHARA HOUSE , 3 KILCREA PARK , MAGAZINE ROAD Permission for the side extension to exiting dwelling house to consist of 2no. bedrooms en-suite bathroom utility room and new first floor bathroom and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CORK CITY 9 SAINT MARYS AVENUE , DILLIONS CROSS , CORK Permission for construction of a new dormer roof to both elevations at first floor with windows to front and rear and all associated site development works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CORK CITY ATKINS GARDENWORLD , CARRIGROHANE ROAD , CORK Permission to construct a new storage shed along with all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CORK CITY TAHILLA , 13 RHODAVILLE ESTATE , DOUGLAS Permission is sought for alterations and extension to existing two storey semi-detached dwelling, including, two storey side extension including alterations to existing single storey side extension, part single storey rear extension, removal of existing entrance porch, installation of new front door. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CORK CITY UNIT 9 MAHON POINT RETAIL PARK , MAHON CORK , T12D402 Permission for the following: to construct new retail Mezz floor 536m2, with staff areas, escape corridor & staircase, internal lift and circulation stairs, rear escape and roller shutter doors, provision of external aircon units to rear, and replacement signage. All associated and ancillary works n. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CORK CITY FORTWILLIAM , BALLINVUSKIG , DOUGLAS Permission to construct a 2-storey dwelling a new vehicular entrance a new wastewater treatment system and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CORK CITY 14(A) BALLINURE COTTAGES , BALLINURE AVENUE BALLINURE (TOWNLAND) , MAHON Permission for the construction of single-storey dwelling together with associated services site development works and vehicular access from existing entrance on Ballinure Avenue. . More...
RETENTION Dec 17 CORK CITY BALMORAL , DOUGLAS ROAD , CORK Permission for retention and completion if ground floor extension at the rear of existing bungalow alterations to existing elevations and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 17 CORK CITY BLARNEY BUSINESS PARK , SHEAN UPPER , BLARNEY Permission to a) remove an existing separating wall to the rear storage area between units 4 and 5. b) amalgamate the existing units 4 5 and 6 of block 11000 c) all associated site works and retention permission to retain d) minor internal layout revisions e) internal link corridor to the ground and. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CORK CITY 2 ARDFALLEN ROAD , BALLINLOUGH , CORK Permission for demolition of existing single storey attached garage to side of existing dwelling and for single storey extensions to rear of existing dwelling for the construction of a new part two storey part single storey extension to the front side and rear of existing dwelling for elevational al. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CORK CITY THE YARD , FINNAMORE , MOUNTHOVEL Permission is sought for amendments to the approved planning application ref no. 2140107. the amendments consist of 1) reduction in the size of the overall footprint from 297.76 SQ.M. (original) to 214 SQ.M. 2) reduction in the ridge height from two storey to single storey on the east/west elevation. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CORK CITY OLD BANK , CEMETERY CROSS , KINSALE ROAD Permission for alterations to existing two-storey financial services building and its site, consisting of the following: Change of use of ground floor to separate cafe and take-away restaurant units. Ground floor front and side elevational changes including signage and canopies. Ground floor extensi. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CORK CITY 10 RIVERSEDGE FIONN LAOI , CARRIGROHANE BALLINCOLLIG , CO CORK Permission for the conversion of attic to habitable space and for elevational changes to existing dwellinghouse consisting of the installation of 1 no. 3-in-1 rooflight and 1 no. standard rooflight to the front elevation, together with all other ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 17 CORK CITY ASHTON LINEN SERVICE LTD. , BALLYCURREEN INDUSTRIAL , ESTATE BALLYCURREEN Permission is sought for the retention of elevational and internal changes, including the addition of two mezzanine storage areas, from that granted in planning 96731, retention of change of use from a warehouse to a light industrial use (laundry facility), retention of two external prefabricated bu. More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CORK CITY BLACKROCK BUSINESS PARK , BESSBORO ROAD , MAHON Permission for the change of use of part of the existing office building to provide a health centre/clinic use to include medical/health services (Class 8) with consulting rooms/clinics storage reception staff canteen ancillary office/administrative areas signage and associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CORK CITY 6 ROCKLAWN TERRACE , DOUGLAS ROAD , CORK Permission sought for construction of single storey extension to side and rear of existing dwelling house. . More...
RETENTION Dec 16 CORK CITY VILLA NORDA , 23 RATHMORE LAWN , SOUTH DOUGLAS ROAD Permission is sought for the following to an existing two-storey dwelling house: the retention of an existing single-storey rear garden artist's studio, the demolition of a single-storey rear extension and detached domestic garage, the construction of a two-storey side/rear extension and single-stor. More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CORK CITY 82-83 OLIVER PLUNKETT STREET , CO CORK , T12K662 The proposed development will consist of a change of use of the existing ground floor retail unit to a caf\u00E9 for the sale of cold foods for the consumption on and off premises, with ancillary retail element, together with the alteration to shopfront signage . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CORK CITY 54 THE DRIVE , BROADALE , MARYBOROUGH HILL Permission for alterations to existing two storey dwelling, namely, front & rear ground floor extensions, alterations to south elevation with the addition of 1no. door & 2no. windows and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CORK CITY NO. 83/84 TOWER STREET , CORK CITY Permission for change of use of existing ground floor of former Public House at Whitnell's Bar to 2 no. apartments and for elevational alterations to front and sides of existing building and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CORK CITY NO. 42 AYLSBURY , COOLROE , BALLINCOLLIG Permission for an extension to the southern elevation and alterations to the existing dwelling on the eastern and southern elevations. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CORK CITY 13 OAKLEE , CARRIGANARRA ROAD , CARRIGROHANE Permission is sought to 1) demolish existing conservatory and garden wall 2) construction of single storey rear extension with roofed canopy over patio area 3) conversion of existing garage to bedroom 4) new garden shed 5) fenestration/elevational alterations 6) new porch roof 7) all associated site. More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CORK CITY NO. 8 COOLGARTEN PARK , MAGAZINE ROAD , CORK Permission for the following (I) To construct a single-storey rear extension to dwelling, (II) To convert the existing attached domestic garage to living space and extend same to front, (III) Elevational changes, (IV) To widen existing vehicular entrance and driveway, (V) To relocate side gate and a. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CORK CITY 15 WOODVIEW , PINECROFT GRANGE , DOUGLAS Permission for construction of a one-storey addition with skylights to the south and west of the existing dwelling house one-storey addition with new porch to the front of the existing dwelling house replacing the existing pitch roof over the existing extension to the west rear of the house with new. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CORK CITY WOODLEIGH , 40 RICHMOND WOOD , GLANMIRE Permission for (1) the construction of a new single storey extension to the rear elevation (2) the addition of a new window to the existing northern elevation all to the existing two storey detached dwelling including all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CORK CITY THE FORMER GOLDCROP PROPERTY , CENTRE PARK ROAD , CORK T12A21E Temporary change of use, for a 5-year period, from the existing class 5 (Wholesale warehouse use) to class 4 (light industrial use) and associated alterations for the existing warehouse unit. Alterations include internal remodelling works, alterations to the existing sheltered entrance area includin. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CORK CITY CASTLETREASURE MONEYGURNEY , AND MARYBOROUGH (TOWNLANDS) , DOUGLAS CORK Permission for an to alteration to the Large-Scale Residential Development (LRD) permitted by Cork City Council Planning Reference 24/42632 at Castletreasure, Moneygurney and Maryborough (townlands), Douglas, Cork. The proposed alteration will consist of the relocation and realignment of the permitt. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CORK CITY 7 FERNSIDE VILLAS , SUMMERHILL SOUTH , CORK Permission for 1. Partial demolition of a two-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, 2. Construction of a part one-storey, part two-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, 3.alterations to the existing elevations, to include 2 no. roof lights, and all associated site w. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CORK CITY LEHENAGH MORE , TOGHER , CORK Permission for the construction of a new two storey dwelling, new vehicular entrance and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 12 CORK CITY GALLAGHERS GASTROPUB , NO. 32 MACCURTAIN STREET , CORNER OF MACCURTAIN STREET AND BRIDGE STREET Retention permission for development at a site of approximately 0.007ha located at Gallaghers Gastropub No. 32 MacCurtain Street corner of MacCurtain Street and Bridge Street Cork City. the development consists of the retention of short term letting use (totalling 139.8 sq m gross floor space) at th. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CORK CITY 26 DUNDANION COURT , BLACKROCK ROAD , CORK Permission for the removal of a mono-pitched existing garden shed and replacement with a flat roof garden room clad in dark stained horizontal timber to match the main house screened to Blackrock Road boundary behind existing planted trellis on existing brick boundary wall and all associated site wo. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CORK CITY UNIT 32 DOUGLAS COURT SHOPPING CENTRE , DOUGLAS (TOWNLAND) , CORK Permission for the minor demolition of internal walls and the subdivision and change of use of existing Unit 32 from retail to 2 no. separate units for class 2 uses/services (including fitness studio) in Unit 32A and for the provision of a retail use in Unit 32B and all ancillary development works i. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CORK CITY SITE OF CURRENT COPE FOUNDATION QDS FACILITY , AND NOS 1 2 3 & 4 DEAN BASTIBLE COURT , VICARS ROAD TOGHER Permission for the demolition (3900.9sq.m) of buildings laid out in 4 industrial style buildings (3 vacant) including a day service hub along with former workshops stores activation areas offices and a canteen on the site as well as the demolition of 2 no. blocks of 2no. storey semi-detached interco. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CORK CITY 2 CASTLE CLOSE DRIVE , BLARNEY , CO. CORK Permission to demolish single storey garage on side of existing dwelling and to construct (a) 2 storey and single storey extensions to sides of existing dwelling (b) modifications to front & rear of existing dwelling (c) install roof light to rear of existing dwelling (d) install roof light into roo. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CORK CITY SITE FRONTING ONTO DUNBAR STREET , AND LOCATED TO THE REAR OF , 13 AND 14 GEORGES QUAY Permission for a residential development on a site fronting onto Dunbar Street and located to the rear of 13 and 14 Georges Quay (Protected Structure ref. no. PS104) Cork comprising of the demolition/removal of existing structures and the construction of building up to five storeys in height and com. More...
RETENTION Dec 12 CORK CITY AIRPORT DENTAL & MEDICAL , RATHMACULLIG WEST , FARMERS CROSS BALLYGARVAN Permission for retention is sought for (I) Change of use from dwelling house to existing dental and medical practice, (II) Change of use from garage to existing store-room and office, and (III) Existing corporate site signage (3 no.). . More...
RETENTION Dec 11 CORK CITY 14 BELLAIR ESTATE , DOUGLAS ROAD , CORK Permission for retention is being sought by Mary Collins and Thomas Barker for a single storey extension to rear of dwelling for converted garage to side/rear of dwelling to utility and storage area for additional floor area in attic space for roof window to front elevation of dwelling for associate. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CORK CITY BUXTON HILL , ADJACENT TO UPPER JANEMOUNT TERRACE , SUNDAYS WELL ROAD Permission for the construction of 4 no. residential units and all associated ancillary site development works including landscaping boundary treatments drainage and vehicular access. . More...
RETENTION Dec 11 CORK CITY 37 SOUTH MALL , CORK , CO. CORK 1. Permission for Retention of works to the shop front fa\u00E7ade including scholarly restoration and conservation of the frieze and pilasters together with redesign of the late 20th century shop front to comprise two arched openings with panelled doors and an arched window. 2. Permission for Rete. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CORK CITY 31 BENVOIRLICH ESTATE , BISHOPSTOWN , CORK Permission for proposed alterations and extension to existing single-storey detached dwelling at 31 Benvoirlich Estate Bishopstown Cork T12DKX6. proposed works to include (1) demolition of existing single-storey rear annex and conservatory-style extension to rear of dwelling (2) construction of new . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CORK CITY 28 GREENMOUNT AVENUE , CORK Permission for proposed alteration and extension to existing end-of-terrace 2-storey dwelling at 28 Greenmount Avenue Cork T12FE8A. proposed works include (1) construction of new part single and part 2-storey extension to front and side of existing dwelling and new single-storey extension to rear (2. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CORK CITY BLARNEY CASTLE ESTATE , BLARNEY , CO. CORK Permission for the construction of a new single-storey staff ancillary building housing offices tearoom and sanitary facilities including the installation of a wastewater treatment plant and associated site ancillary works. within the curtilage of Blarney Castle Estate there are several Protected St. More...
RETENTION Dec 10 CORK CITY SARSFIELD HOUSE , SARSFIELD ROAD , WILTON Permission is sought for Retention of existing northern boundary fence, pedestrian gate and existing shed. . More...
RETENTION Dec 10 CORK CITY SITE ADJACENT TO , GLEN ELDEN , INIS COL ROAD/IONA PARK For (1) Permission for the construction of a new dormer style dwelling house and all other associated site works, (2) Permission for demolition of an existing shed on the site, (3) Permission for retention and subsequent removal of an existing container type structure/ commercial business on the sit. More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CORK CITY DOUGLAS COURT SHOPPING CENTRE , DOUGLAS (TOWNLAND) , CORK Permission for minor demolition works of internal walls on the first floor for the change of use of storage areas at first floor level to facilitate the provision of a health and wellness centre comprising up to 8 no. units to provide for a range of uses which may include Class 8 health/wellness us. More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CORK CITY SUPERVALU PÁIRC UÍ CHAOIMH , THE MARINA AND MONAHAN ROAD , BALLINTEMPLE Permission for development at Supervalu P\u00E1irc U\u00ED Chaoimh, The Marina and Moonahan Road Ballintemple Cork T12PF30. The proposed development will consist of the erection of 6 sugns at the stadium including all associated and ancillary site development works. the proposal represents modificat. More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CORK CITY SITE ADJACENT TO KNOCKNAHORGAN WOODS , SALLYBROOK , GLANMIRE Permission to construct a new dwelling house wastewater treatment system and percolation area vehicular entrance bored well and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CORK CITY CLONALLON HOUSE , MODEL FARM ROAD , CORK Permission is sought for development consisting of modifications and extensions to the existing dwelling house and garage, including: (A) Internal alterations, conversion of existing garage space to habitable space, (B) Construction of single-storey extensions to the rear and sides of existing dwell. More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CORK CITY SMALL ACRE , 13 BISHOPSTOWN AVENUE , MODEL FARM ROAD The demolition of the following to an existing two-storey dwelling house: single-storey side and rear extensions, the first-floor rear extension, and a detached domestic garage. Permission is also sought for the construction of the following: single-storey side/rear extensions (including a carport a. More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CORK CITY VICARSTOWN BAR , 52 NORTH MAIN STREET , CENTRE Permission for installation of a controlled amplified acoustic system at the existing outdoor beer garden to the rear of the Vicarstown Bar and associated works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CORK CITY 25 WOODBROOK AVENUE , BISHOPSTOWN , CORK permission sought by Mike and Therese Ward for construction of a single storey extension tot he side of an existing dwelling at 25 Woodbrook Avenue Bishopstown Cork . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CORK CITY GARRANEBOY , WHITESCROSS , CORK Permission for the importation of soil and stone and concrete for the raising of an agricultural field in order to improve the agricultural output of the field, upgrade to entrance and the construction of a temporary haul road. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY 21 BELLEVUE HEIGHTS , FRANKFIELD , CORK Permission to construct a first floor extension to the rear of an existing 2 storey dwelling house with new windows to the existing south elevation ground floor and new rooflight to the existing ground floor flat roof element to the rear of the building and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY WILLOW LODGE , CHURCH ROAD , BLACKROCK Permission is sought for (A) Separation of existing dwelling and granny flat, (B) Conversion of granny flat to 1-bedroom dwelling, (C) New vehicular entrance for new dwelling, (D) Widening of existing vehicular entrance, (E) New separating boundary walls to front and rear of site and all associated . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY 104 SHAMROCK DRIVE , MUSKERRY ESTATE , BALLINCOLLIG Permission for the demolition of the existing garage to the south side of my dwelling, and for the construction of a new single-storey extension to the side (south) of my dwelling to comprise of a 'family flat' with elevational changes and all associated internal alterations to suit, and all ancilla. More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY 32 AND 33/34 , WASHINGTON STREET WEST , CORK Permission for a change of use of former electronic shop and stores; No. 32 Washington Street West and former solicitors offices and stores; No. 33/34 Washington Street West to licensed premises, incorporating (A) Ground and first-floor bar (interconnecting with existing licenced premises, Nos. 1 & . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY NO. 7 SHEARES PARK , GLASHEEN ROAD , CORK Permission for alterations to my property at No.7 Sheares Park, Glasheen Road, Cork, T12XHF9. Such alterations will consist of the introduction of a vehicular entrance from the public road, paving to the front of the house, a storm water soakaway and ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY NO. 11 , AMBERLEY GREEN , GRANGE Permission for the following (I) Demolition of existing single-storey rear extension, (II) To construct a single and two-storey rear and side extension, (III) High level window to northern elevation, (IV) Elevational changes, (V) The existing front porch to be built in, (VI) Construction of a low le. More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY LISNAHORNA , WHITES CROSS , CORK permission for a) demolition of partial existing agricultural building b) the construction of a new part two storey part single storey dwelling c) the installation of a septic tank and percolation area d) a new vehicular entrance and e) all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY 8 MILLBROOK LAWN , FRIARS WALK , CORK permission for the construction of an extension to the rear of an existing dwelling alterations to existing elevations to include 1 no roof light and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY NO 12 HILLCOURT , DONNYBROOK , DOUGLAS Permission for the following development to their dwelling house namely to demolish existing single storey extension at rear and south east facing side of dwelling house and construct new two storey extension at south east facing side. construct new single storey and two storey extension at rear of . More...
RETENTION Dec 09 CORK CITY SUMMERLEE HOUSE , WOODSIDE , TIVOLI Permission for retention of this site at Summerlee House Woodside Tivoli Cork T23YY43. the development consists of an alteration from a previously existing administration space previously granted under the planning conditions contained within planning reference 9318274 to a two storey one bedroom ap. More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY BALLINCOLLY LAHARDANE , BALLYHOOLY ROAD , BALLYVOLANE Permission for the construction of a four-storey primary care centre. the development will be accessed via a new vehicular/pedestrian access off Ballyhooly Road and provides for internal roads and footpaths and future pedestrian connection to the north. the proposed development also includes the . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY 317 CONNOLLY ROAD , BALLYPHEHANE , CORK Permission for demolition of existing domestic shed for the construction of new part single storey part two storey extension to side and rear of existing dwelling for a new front porch for elevational alterations including new rooflight to rear elevation for a new vehicular entrance and parking area. More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY MONEYGURNEY , DOUGLAS , CORK Permission is sought for three detached dwellings on separate site ranging from 0.119ac to 0.220ac in size. Together these houses constitute Phase 2 of the Leafy Lane residential development, Phase 1 having been granted in 2019 under planning reference Nos. 19/4329, 19/4330 and 19/4331. The works wi. More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CORK CITY CORK ISLAMIC CULTURAL CENTRE , TRAMORE ROAD , CORK Permission for the conversion and alterations of existing office spaces into a funeral service room at the ground floor of the existing building at Cork Islamic Cultural Centre Tramore Road Cork T12XV27. Proposed works include the provision of new access door to front elevation and minor elevational. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CORK CITY SOUTH DOUGLAS ROAD BETWEEN , ROSEBANK AND RATHMORE , LAWN CORK Permission for the following proposed works: (a) the demolition of the existing front stone boundary wall; (b) the construction of 4 no. x 4 bed semi-detached dwelling units; (c) the construction of 2m wide public footpath with new front stone boundary wall; (d) new vehicular site entrance and pedes. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CORK CITY ONE ALBERT QUAY , ALBERT QUAY AND ALBERT STREET , CORK Full planning permission for the erection of one no. sign on the north facing elevation . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CORK CITY THE FORMER FORD DISTRIBUTION SITE , FRONTING ONTO CENTRE PARK ROAD , BALLINTEMPLE Permission for the following Large Scale Residential Development (LRD) comprising the construction of 176 no. apartment units (comprising a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bed units in 2 no. blocks ranging in height from 7 to 10 storeys over podium level), 1 no. creche, 1 no. gym, 1 no. retail/caf\u00E9 unit and . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CORK CITY ST MICHAELS , 13 MAYFIELD PARK , MAYFIELD Permission for (a) to demolish old rear existing kitchen extension and existing detached garage (b) new attic conversion including Velux windows added to existing roof elevation alterations including new side door and window added and existing side window removed and replaced with a new side door wi. More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CORK CITY THE SOUTHERN SIDE OF RHODESIA , BOREENMANNA ROAD , (BEHIND ROCKBORO COURT) Permission is sought for the conversion of disused single storey light industrial premises to 3no ground level dwelling units comprising 1no. 2 bedroom unit 1no. 1 bedroom unit and 1no. studio unit including a minor extension on the western elevation general exterior refurbishment and all associated. More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CORK CITY 56 LINDVILLE , BLACKROCK ROAD , CORK permission to construct a single storey extension to the side elevation and carry out elevational changes to the side elevations of an existing dwelling and to construct a detached single storey garden room ancillary to the main dwelling along with any associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CORK CITY OLDCOURT PLACE , OLDCOURT , ROCHESTOWN CORK permission for the demolition works of existing two storey and single extensions to dwelling existing pitched roof chimneys and front porch to existing dwelling and for the demolition of single storey outbuildings located to the North of existing dwelling for the construction of a new part two store. More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CORK CITY COOLFADDA HOUSE , DOUGLAS ROAD , CORK T12TP90 Permission for 1) demolition of existing shed, 2) construction of detached dwelling with car port and partially covered terrace area, 3) construction of 2.25m high boundary walls, 4) alterations to existing vehicular entrance and 5) all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CORK CITY GLENMONT , SILVERSPRINGS , TIVOLI Permission for the construction of a residential development consisting of 13 no. dwelling houses (change of design and layout from that permitted under Pl. Reg. 19/38735) and all ancillary site works at Glenmont, Silversprings, Tivoli, Cork on behalf of Rockspring Properties (Newport) Limited. The . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CORK CITY BALLYNEETY , SHOURNAGH ROAD , BOOLYPATRICK Permission for the following works at existing sessional childcare facility at Ballyneety, Shournagh Road, Boolypatrick, Blarney, Cork, T23TY75: (1) Removal of existing utility shed attached to existing store-and-half stand-alone building (used as sessional pre-school service at ground floor level),. More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 CORK CITY ACHILL , SOUTH DOUGLAS ROAD , CORK Permission is sought for (1) demolition of existing dwelling and domestic garage and 3no. sheds (2) construct new dwelling (3) block up existing garage vehicular entrance and increase boundary wall height to Eastern elevation (4) increase rear garden level (5) all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 CORK CITY FORMER ST JOSEPHS CONVENT , MODEL FARM ROAD , CORK Planning permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development at a site located at the Former St. Josephs Convent, Model Farm Road, Cork. The development will consist of: The demolition of the former St. Josephs convent to provide for the construction of a 408 bed Purpose-built Student Accommodatio. More...
RETENTION Dec 03 CORK CITY GRIFFITH COLLEGE , WELLINGTON ROAD , CORK Retention permission for development at Griffith College, Wellington Road, Cork. The development consists of the retention of an artificial surfaced sports area to the rear of Griffith College and all ancillary site development works. The proposed development is located within the curtilage of lands. More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 CORK CITY CHRISTIAN BROTHERS COLLEGE , SIDNEY HILL , WELLINGTON ROAD Permission for development which will consist of (I) The demolition of the existing astroturf pitch, wall, and ancillary hardstanding and landscaping; (II) The construction of a part 2-storey and part 3-storey post-primary school building comprising internal classrooms (9 no.), specialist teaching r. More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 CORK CITY 6 CLIFTON GRANGE , GRANGE , DOUGLAS Permission for extensions & elevational alterations to an existing dwelling as follows. (1) the addition of a first floor extension to the existing single storey dwelling including the removal of the existing roof entirely raising the ridge level by 0.5m forming gable walls on the east & west sides . More...
RETENTION Dec 02 CORK CITY MUNSTER TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY , ROSSA AVENUE , BISHOPSTOWN Permission is sought for the construction and completion of underground firefighting water tanks (approximate capacity of 45 cubic measures) and all ancillary development. The retention works will modify the parent permission planning reference 19/38558 which is for the construction of a three store. More...
RETENTION Dec 02 CORK CITY NO. 13 GEORGES QUAY , AND NO.14 GEORGES QUAY (PROTECTED STRUCTURE REF NO , CORK Permission for the retention of alterations to buildings no. 14 Georges Quay a Protected Structure (ref no. PS104) and no. 13 Georges Quay comprising the amalgamation of both of the ground floor units into a single commercial (caf\u00E9/restaurant) unit. in addition permission is sought for the repl. More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 CORK CITY GRANDON CAR SALES KNOCKNAHORGAN , RIVERSTOWN ROAD , SALLYBROOK GLANMIRE Permission for development consisting of the following works to the existing motor sales and service facility (a) a 246 sq.m single storey extension to the south of the existing car dealership workshop to accommodate 5 service bays parts storage and a trade counter (b) a 17 sq.m. single storey glaze. More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Nov 29 CORK CITY BLACKSTONE BRIDGE , UPPER FAIRHILL , LOWER KILLEENS Outline Planning Permission for (I) the demolition of a habitable house (230sqm) ancillary garage storage shed and 2no. manufacturing sheds (ii) the construction of 88no. residential dwellings comprising of 32no. 2-storey houses (13no. 2-bed dwellings 10no. 3-bed dwellings and 9no. 4-bed dwellings) . More...
RETENTION Nov 29 CORK CITY NO 2 CATHEDRAL AVENUE , OFF ROMAN STREET , CORK Permission for retention of (1) Existing Box Dormer Window (North Elevation) to roof of existing dwelling house, (2) Two-storey side extension to the existing dwelling house as constructed, (3) Conversion of Attic to habitable bedroom space as constructed (4) Elevational Changes to existing dwelling. More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 CORK CITY 8 EAST DOUGLAS STREET , DOUGLAS , CORK Permission is sought for (a) modification to ground floor and south east elevation to that permitted under permission TP 194924 (b) demolition of existing Legion of Mary building at the corner of East Douglas Street and East Village (99 sq.m) (c) construction of 3 storey building comprising the foll. More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 CORK CITY BALLINCOLLY LAHARDANE , BALLYHOOLY ROAD , BALLYVOLANE Permission for a site at Ballincolly, Lahardane, Ballyhooly Road, Ballyvolane, Cork. The proposed development will consist of: the construction of a four storey primary care centre. The development will be accessed via a new vehicular/pedestrian access off Ballyhooly Road and provides for internal r. More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 CORK CITY CLAREMONT , BENDEMEER PARK , MAGAZINE ROAD Permission for (a) construction of part two-storey and part single-storey extension to side and rear (b) conversion of garage to habitable space (c) alterations to elevations (d) all associated site development works all at semi-detached dwelling house. . More...
RETENTION Nov 28 CORK CITY RICHMOND , HETTYFIELD PARK , DOUGLAS Permission for retention and completion of change of proposed design granted under TP 23/42530 which includes construction of a two-storey extension at the rear and side of existing dwelling and a ground floor extension at the rear of the existing dwelling, alterations to existing elevations and all. More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CORK CITY SITE NO. 4 , BALLINVRISKIG , UPPER GLANMIRE Permission for to construct a two-storey detached dwelling and all associated ancillary site development works as previously granted under Planning Ref. no. 18-04842. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CORK CITY SITE ADJACENT TO NO 1 LOWER GRATTAN HILL , LOWER GLANMIRE ROAD , CORK To construct a new two storey, two-bedroom dwelling, alterations to street boundary wall and ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 27 CORK CITY 1 CLIFTON GRANGE , GRANGE , DOUGLAS Permission for the construction of a first-floor extension with extended front entrance door 2 storey element and dormer windows to the front elevation. Including rear ground floor infill extension. Elevational alterations including fenestration alterations throughout. Retention of works to front bo. More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CORK CITY THE REAR OF THE PALMS , LEHENAGH MORE , TOGHER Permission to construct a new dwelling house vehicular entrance and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CORK CITY SAN ANTONIO , 46 MARYVILLE , BALLINTEMPLE Permission to demolish existing ground floor extension at the rear and side of existing dwelling and construct a new two-storey extension at the rear and side of existing dwelling, construct a porch extension to the front of the existing dwelling, alterations to existing dwelling and all associated . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CORK CITY VERMONT , MODEL VILLAGE , TOWER BLARNEY Permission to construct a new 2-storey dwelling house with a new site entrance and all other associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CORK CITY FLYNNS CROSS , FLYNNS ROAD , BALLINCOLLIG Permission for the construction of a dwelling-change of design and revised rear site boundary line from that granted previously under planning ref. 20/39412 and ABP-308385-20- and all other associated site works including a new vehicular entrance to the site and new boundary treatment. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CORK CITY VILLAGE HOUSE , EAST VILLAGE , DOUGLAS Permission for change of use of part of existing first-floor from office use to residential use, namely; 1 no. three-bedroom apartment, along with any associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CORK CITY BALLINVUSKIG , GRANGE , DOUGLAS Permission for the construction of an open lean-to covered canopy annex to the north-western elevation of the existing commercial building for the storage of green waste, for the processing of 5,000 tonnes of waste annually and all associated site works. . More...
RETENTION Nov 26 CORK CITY MAGLIN ROAD , BALLINCOLLIG , CORK P31NH01 The retention of a single storey granny flat and associated siteworks to the rear of a two storey farmhouse . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CORK CITY GLENVIEW , DOCTORS ROAD , SARSFIELDS COURT GLANMIRE Permission for the following (1) demolition of single storey front entrance porch (2) the construction of a new 2 storey entrance extension to the front fa\u00E7ade with 1st floor extension behind over existing single storey element (3) 2 storey rear extension (4) elevational alterations including f. More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CORK CITY CORK RECYCLING COMPANY LTD , LEHENAGH MORE TD , TOGHER ROAD Permission for the installation of roof mounted PV Solar panels to be mounted on the pitched roof of the existing main building at the northern end of the site and all associated ancillary works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CORK CITY LEHANE MOTORS , LEHANE MOTORS TOUCHDOWN BUSINESS PARK , KINSALE ROAD Permission for development at Lehane Motors, Touchdown Business Park, Kinsale Road, Ballycurreen, Cork, consisting of the following works to the existing motor sales and service facility: a) the removal of all existing Toyota signage (11 no.) and replacement with 11 new internally illuminated signs . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CORK CITY 34 BALLYHOOLY ROAD , DILLONS CROSS , CORK Alterations and extensions to dwelling house including construction of pitch roof to main house (to match adjoining dwelling No. 35) and construction of first floor extension with flat roof and access from first floor level to high level garden at rear . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CORK CITY 29 WILTON COURT , WILTON , CORK Permission for a change of use of the existing domestic garage to residential use and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CORK CITY LAURISTON HOUSE , DOUGLAS ROAD CORK , T12X5T1 (FORMERLY KNOWN AS KILTEGAN HOUSE) Permission is sought for: a) demolition of existing single-storey annex extension to front and side of dwelling and demolition of existing part single storey and part 2-storey annex extension to rear; b) construction of new single-storey extension to rear; c) internal wall alterations and elevationa. More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CORK CITY 177 CAISLEAN VIEW , BALLINCOLLIG , CORK Permission for the construction of new single-storey extension to rear and side of existing 2-storey semi-detached dwelling house, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CORK CITY 13 WILTON LAWN , GLASHEEN , CORK Permission for (1) Construction of a two-storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, and a new front porch and window bay extension to the front, (2) A change of material finish to the rear elevation of the previously granted extension PL. No. 2140454, (3) Alterations to the existing elev. More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CORK CITY NO 85 CAISLEAN GROVE , BALLINCOLLIG , CO CORK Permission to convert attic to storage area and to install roof lights on the front and side elevations, all to dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CORK CITY 5 SAINT ANNE'S DRIVE , MONTENOTTE , CORK Permission for alterations & extension to two storey semi-detached dwelling consisting of: demolition of attached garage & construction of a ground floor side/rear extension, elevational changes & all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 CORK CITY NO 17 VICARS COURT , VICARS ROAD , TOGHER Permission to construct a single storey rear extension to existing dwelling & associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 CORK CITY 23 BARRETTS TERRACE , GURRANABRAHER , CORK Permission for the construction of 4 no. one-bedroom own door apartments; modifications to existing end of terrace roof to tie in with roof of proposed development along with all associated site development works including new pedestrian access to rear. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CORK CITY 9A 10 11 12 AND 13 , CASTLE STREET AND 1-7 , PARADISE PLACE THE Permission for development 9A, 10, 11, 12 and 13 Castle Street. And 1-7 Paradise Place. The Catholic Young Men's Society. South Main Street. The refurbishment of 2 no. 2/3 storey buildings at Castle Street and South Main Street, Cork City. Permission will consist of (1) Change of use of ground floor. More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CORK CITY BALLINCOLLY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , DUBLIN HILL , CORK Permission for 2 no. units for warehousing/ logistics use with ancillary spaces with provision made for future first floors, parking spaces and loading bays to serve new units, ne site entrance, site boundary works, signage, public sewerage connection, all accessed from existing industrial estate ro. More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CORK CITY CARRIGEEN , 7 REDEMPTION RD , CORK CITY Permission for a new vehicular entrance and driveway, new boundary wall and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CORK CITY TO THE NORTH OF DUNKETTLE HOUSE , (PROTECTED STRUCTURE - PS1190) AND ASSOCIATED , STRUCTURES (PROTECTED STRUCTURES - PS1238 PS1239 Permission for the following Large Scale Residential Development (LRD) comprising the demolition/removal of existing ruins/structures including a former dwelling on the northern part of the site) and the construction of 550 no. residential units to include 394 no. dwelling houses (comprising a mix . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CORK CITY 52 ROSSBROOK , MODEL FARM ROAD , CORK Permission to construct a two-storey extension to the side of their dwelling house to the new boundary location with alterations consisting of a gymnasium/ store room to the ground floor with bedroom accommodation over, new boundary wall to the east and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CORK CITY SITE NO. 14 , THE AVENUE , WOODVILLE DUNKETTLE Permission for the construction of 2 no. detached dwelling houses, vehicular entrances, connections to the existing public water main, foul and surface water sewers and all necessary landscaping and ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CORK CITY OLD MALLOW ROAD , RATHPEACON TD , CO. CORK Permission for the following: (1) The construction of a granny flat unit ancillary to existing dwelling. (2) To block up existing site entrance serving existing dwelling and to construct a new site entrance to serve same dwelling and (3) To replace existing septic tank serving existing dwelling and . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CORK CITY JOYCES SHOP , SUNVIEW , UPPER FAIRHILL Permission is sought for alterations and extension to a dwelling house, change of use and alterations to dis-used retail unit and garage store, all to be converted to 3 apartments with 2 onsite parking spaces, balcony, and all associated site works. . More...
RETENTION Nov 15 CORK CITY 6 IONA ROAD , MAYFIELD , CORK T23T4C9 Retention of extensions to the rear and side of the dwelling, addition of a front porch, and all associated works . More...
RETENTION Nov 15 CORK CITY 1 WOODBROOK ROAD , BISHOPSTOWN , CORK Permission for the following development to dwelling house namely Permission is sought to demolish existing single storey extension / garage at side of dwelling house. construct new single storey front side and rear extension. make elevational changes and all associated site works. permission is als. More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 CORK CITY SITE OF FORMER ROSE COTTAGE ADJACENT TO WEST COTT , ROSSA AVENUE , BISHOPSTOWN Permission for the construction of a 4 no. 2-bed 2storey terraced dwelling houses and all associated and ancillary development works including bicycle storage units bin storage landscaping drainage and foul sewer works footpath and boundary treatments . More...
RETENTION Nov 15 CORK CITY 5 SAINT JOSEPHS LAWN , BISHOPSTOWN , CORK Permission for retention of a two-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling and all associated works. . More...
RETENTION Nov 14 CORK CITY NO 2 RAILWAY COTTAGES , ANGLESEA STREET , CORK Permission for retention of existing ground floor area consisting of a toilet to the rear of the existing dwelling, elevational alterations including rooflights to the front of the existing dwelling and of first floor extension to the rear of the existing dwelling and of attic conversion to store, s. More...
RETENTION Nov 14 CORK CITY CARRIGROUR , BANDON ROAD , BISHOPSTOWN Retention and completion of single storey rear and side extension and permission to construct a new two storey extension to side of existing dwelling house and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 CORK CITY ROANCARRIG ROSEBANK , DOUGLAS ROAD , CORK T12A2F5 (I) Demolish existing conservatory (ii) create granny flat to the side elevation (iii) construction of ground floor extensions to the rear and the front elevations (iv) New rear dormer windows to the rear (v) Widen existing vehicular entrance. (vi) Fenestration/elevational alterations (vii) All asso. More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 CORK CITY SOCIETY OF AFRICAN MISSIONS , SMA HOUSE , WILTON CORK Permission is sought for 1) converting a window opening into a new entrance door to the eastern elevation of the existing building, 2) opening up 3 No. new internal doors, 3) removal of 3 no. existing ensuites and partitions of recently constructed walls, 4) minor elevation alterations, 5) all assoc. More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 CORK CITY UNIT 2A , SAINT PATRICKS MILLS , DOUGLAS Permission is sought for (A) caf\u00E9/restaurant - change of design granted under 23/42199 comprising: increase extension & alter internal layout, (B) construct single storey extension, alter elevations, new signage, bin store, gates, fence & planter, (c) all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 CORK CITY LIDL IRELAND GMBH , BALLYHOOLY ROAD , BALLYVOLANE Permission for development of this site at Ballyhooly Road, Ballyvolane, Co. Cork for a single-storey freestanding cafe kiosk within the Lidl site, the cafe kiosk will serve take-away foods and non-alcoholic beverages. The development will consist of: (A) Single-storey freestanding kiosk. (B) The de. More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CORK CITY 11 JAMES CONNOLLY PLACE , DONNYBROOK , DOUGLAS Permission for the refurbishment and extension of our existing dwelling house. The proposed development includes a single-storey extension to the rear (northeast), and all associated site ancillary works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CORK CITY 22 SAINT PATRICKS STREET , CO CORK The installation of the new painted timber entrance door, painting of the existing traditional timber shopfront to colour "Black", painting of the two sets of railings above the entrance on the corner fa\u00E7ade to colour "Black" and the installation of an externally illuminated sign . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CORK CITY KINGSMEADOW , CLASHROAD , CARRIGROHANE Permission to construct a new dwelling house, new vehicular entrance, install a new wastewater treatment unit & percolation area all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CORK CITY MONEYGOURNEY , DOUGLAS , CORK Permission is sought for: new two-storey dwelling, single-storey detached gym/garden store, relocation and modification of entrance, new boundary walls, gate and driveway, new foul mains connection and all other ancillary site development works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CORK CITY GROVE VALE , IONA ROAD , MAYFIELD A) demolition of existing garage and B) construction of a granny flat extension to side and rear of existing dwelling together with all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CORK CITY 12 CLOSES GREEN , FARRANREE , CORK The construction of a new end terrace dwelling, a new pedestrian access to the front of the new dwelling, and all associated site ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Nov 12 CORK CITY 94 DELFORD DRIVE , ROCHESTOWN , CORK Permission for retention of ground floor single storey extension to rear elevation, 1no. rooflight to the front elevation and 1no. rooflight to the rear elevation . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CORK CITY 23 MOUNT OVEL , ROCHETOWN , CORK Permission to demolish an existing sunroom extension and construct a new ground floor extension to the rear elevation of an existing dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 CORK CITY THE CORNER OF , 70 WATERCOURSE ROAD , AND BERWICK LANE Permission for the demolition of existing derelict building and the construction of a residential development of 21 apartments comprising 5 no. 2 bedroom units and 16 no. 1 bedroom units in a block varying from five to six storeys with rooftop garden, bin storage and all associated development works. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 CORK CITY 46 WOODVALE ROAD , BEAUMONT BLACKROCK , CO CORK Permission to demolish existing single storey domestic extension/garage and construct new single and two storey, extension to side and rear of existing two storey dwelling, internal and external alterations to existing dwelling, domestic shed, increased width to site entrance and all associated work. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 CORK CITY 1 UPPER JANEMOUNT , SUNDAYS WELL , CORK For permission to: Demolish the existing single-storey extension to the north of the property and to construct a single-storied rear extension of 31.8m2 in its place, to reinstate period sliding sash windows to south and north elevations, to construct a new dormer to the north elevation, to make goo. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 CORK CITY AUSTINLEIGH WOODVIEW , DOUGLAS ROAD , CORK Permission is sought for the demolition of an existing front porch and single-storey rear extensions to an existing single-storey dwelling house, and for the construction of a new single-storey rear extension and a new front porch, alterations to existing front, side, and rear elevations, modificati. More...
RETENTION Nov 11 CORK CITY ARDERROW , BALLYVOLANE , CORK Permission for retention of alterations & extensions to an existing dwelling including 1) single storey extensions to the northern, eastern & southern sides of the dwelling & 2) a rooflight in an existing single storey roof. Permission is further sought for Retention of the temporary siting of a mob. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 CORK CITY LISTOWEL AVENUE , EVERGREEN ROAD , CORK Permission for the 'change of use' from retail unit to a 2 bed dwelling house. Works to include removal of pitched roof, remodeling first floor, raising blockwork and constructing new pitched roof, alterations to elevations and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 CORK CITY EASTVILLE GLANMIRE VILLAGE GLANMIRE T45KH51 , AND ADJOINING TEXACO PETROL STATION , T45RD78 Permission to; (1) demolish existing dwellinghouse, closure of existing entrances, take down existing car-wash including concrete base and associated storage-plant room, (2) relocate and construct drive through car-wash and associated works, storage and plant room and surface car-park, (3) additiona. More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 CORK CITY PARK LYN , 2 EARLWOOD ESTATE , THE LOUGH Permission for two-storey extension to side of existing two storey dwelling and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 07 CORK CITY WEST LINK BUSINESS PARK , OLD MALLOW ROAD , CORK Permission to remove and replace an existing 21m telecommunications support structure, associated equipment compound and fencing with a new 24m lattice type telecommunications structure carrying antenna and dishes enclosed within a 2.4 metre high palisade fenced compound together with associated gro. More...
PERMISSION Nov 07 CORK CITY 182 CURRAGH WOODS , FRANKFIELD , CORK Permission is sought for construction of a two-storey extension with single-storey extensions to the side and rear, to the side of the existing dwelling house, relocation of the existing stairs to the new extension with skylight overhead, alterations to existing dwelling including new windows and do. More...
PERMISSION Nov 07 CORK CITY THE WILLOWS , MODEL FARM ROAD , CARRIGROHANE Permission for the increase in capacity of the existing Montessori School from 20 to 22 children further to Condition 2 of planning permission previously granted under reference: 20/39185. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 CORK CITY ARD AN LOCHA , CHURCHYARD LANE , BALLINLOUGH Permission for the construction of a two-storey dwelling house, new carport and single-storey detached store including the construction of a new vehicular access to Ard an Locha from Ardmahon Estate, the widening of the existing vehicular entrance to the proposed dwelling house and all associated si. More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 CORK CITY 37 KILTEGAN PARK , ROCHESTOWN ROAD , DOUGLAS CORK Permission for alterations & extensions to an existing dwelling including 1) A first floor side extension over the existing single storey side element and extending to the site boundary, 2) a single storey rear extension, 3) elevational alterations to the existing side wall at ground floor level (ne. More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 CORK CITY 5 THE CRESCENT , BEAUMONT , CORK Permission for (1) Construction of a new 2-storey house, (2) Construction of a new vehicular entrance, (3) and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 CORK CITY WOODSIDE (TOWNLAND) , KERRY PIKE , CORK Permission for phase 4 of a residential development consisting of 1) the removal of I) all existing glasshouses (3 in total) ii) an existing polytunnel iii) an existing shed and iv) an existing dwelling house and 2) the construction of 26 no. dwelling houses and all associated ancillary site develop. More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 CORK CITY 21 BELLEVUE HEIGHTS , FRANKFIELD , CORK Permission to construct a first floor extension to the rear of an existing 2 story dwelling house with new windows to the existing south elevation ground floor and new rooflight to the existing ground floor flat roof element to the rear of the building and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 CORK CITY AN EALA , CASTLEJANE , GLANMIRE Permission for the demolition of existing single storey domestic garage and chimney to existing dwelling and for the construction of a new single storey extension to side and rear of existing dwelling elevational alterations to front and rear of existing dwelling and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 CORK CITY NO. 1 THE GROVES , SHEAN LOWER , BLARNEY Permission to erect a new vehicular entrance. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY 51 KENT ROAD , BALLYPHEHANE , CORK Permission sought for the following proposed development including, a single-storey extension to the rear of an existing dwelling, demolition of single-storey shed to side of property and ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY BEAU PRE , MOUNT OVEL , ROCHESTOWN Permission for the demolition of an existing two-storey dwelling and attached domestic garage and for the construction of 3 no. two-storey dwellings. Permission is also sought for a new vehicular entrance and to maintain 2 no. existing vehicular entrances and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY SAINT MARGARETS/ , COOLADERRA , 75 COLLEGE ROAD Permission for the demolition of an existing single-storey dwelling and the construction of three 3-storey terraced houses along with new vehicular entrances and ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY 6 GLENDALE ROAD , GLASHEEN , CORK Permission for alterations and extension to two-storey semi-detached dwelling consisting of: conversion of garage to living accommodation, elevational changes, a single-storey rear extension and all associated site works. . More...
RETENTION Nov 04 CORK CITY CARRIGLEN , BALLINCOLLIE , DUBLIN PIKE Permission to construct a two-storey dwelling house with a detached double garage on site incorporating the installation of renewable energy measures, a proposed wastewater treatment system and percolation area, extend existing hammerhead to accommodate a new vehicular entrance, proposed pillars to . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY BLARNEY BUSINESS PARK , SHEAN UPPER , BLARNEY Permission for development which will consist of the construction of 1 no. single-storey light industry/warehouse building (Block 8006), with an ancillary part two-storey internal office; a new access from the internal Blarney Business Park Road; 1 no. dock leveler ramp with retaining walls and rail. More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY EASTLEA , 34 THE RISE , BISHOPSTOWN Permission for partial demolition works to existing single-storey annex to the side and rear of dwelling, for the construction of a new single-storey extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling, elevational alterations to existing vehicular entrance to front of dwelling and all ancillary. More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY 37 CHESTNUT MEADOWS , GLYNTOWN , GLANMIRE Permission for elevational alterations to an existing dwelling including (1) Increasing the size of existing rear openings and (2) Formation of a new side opening, all at ground floor level. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY NO. 2 TOGHER ROAD , TOGHER , CORK Permission for the demolition of existing single-storey bungalow and existing store for the construction of two semi-detached dwelling houses new external bicycle storage areas new pedestrian access alterations to existing vehicular access including a new boundary wall and all associated site develo. More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY NO 6 HAZEL HILL , MARYBOROUGH RIDGE , DOUGLAS Permission for retention of an as constructed single storey extension to rear and side of existing dwelling and a new ground floor window on the southern elevation incorporating associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY 15 GEORGES QUAY , CORK Permission for alterations to existing mid terrace building a protected structure to include for a ground floor caf\u00E9 and 4 no. apartments to the upper floors including alterations to rear elevation including balconies amendments to existing rear dormer and construction of new dormer to rear rep. More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CORK CITY NO 1 HAMPSTEAD , BALLYCURREEN , FRANKFIELD Permission to construct a single storey, flat roofed granny flat extension to the north side (front) of our existing dwelling house complete with all ancillary site works associated with the development . More...
RETENTION Nov 04 CORK CITY 102 SILVERSPRINGS COURT , TIVOLI , CORK Permission for 1) conversion of an existing ground floor area of the dwelling to a granny flat 2) a front porch extension & 3) elevational alterations to the front of an existing dwelling. Permission is further sought for retention of I) a pitched roof over the side single storey element of the dwel. More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 CORK CITY REBRONA COURT HOUSE , ST THERESAS ROAD AND BALLYMACTHOMAS ST , GURRANABRAHER Permission for the demolition of the existing Rebrona Court House and 2 no. sheds and the construction of 17 no. apartment units in 2 no. blocks comprising of a mix of 1 bed and 2 bed units and all associated ancillary works including pedestrian access, improvements and landscaping to the existing f. More...
RETENTION Nov 01 CORK CITY UNIT C3 HERON HOUSE , BLACKPOOL RETAIL PARK , BLACKPOOL CORK Permission is sought for the installation of new illuminated signage to the north, south and west elevations . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 CORK CITY NO 7 ST HELENS COURT , GLASHEEN ROAD , CORK Permission for development at No 7 St Helens Court, Glasheen Road, Cork, T12T6Y0, which will consist of (1) the demolition of an existing dwelling house and ancillary structures and the construction of 9 no. dwelling houses comprising 4no. Type A 3-bed 2-storey semi-detached dwellings, 1no. Type B 3. More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 CORK CITY 78 CAPWELL ROAD , CORK , T12K2P4 Permission for (1) widening of existing front driveway entrance to facilitate one number car parking space, demolition of existing one number chimney, existing single storey rear extension and rear shed (2) construction of a new single storey front and side extension, new part single storey, part tw. More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 CORK CITY 17B DOUGLAS WEST , DOUGLAS , CORK Permission for change of use from commercial (doctor's surgery) to residential. . More...
RETENTION Oct 31 CORK CITY BALLYPHILIP HOUSE BALLYPHILIP , WHITES CROSS , CO CORK Permission for (1) construction of a single storey rear and side extension, comprising: granny flat extension and rear extension to dwelling (2) change of use of existing office/storage room and other facilities to granny flat (3) dormer windows to rear elevation (4) elevational alterations (5) inst. More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 CORK CITY BALLYCANNON PARK , KERRY PIKE , CARRIGROHANE Permission to (A) Develop a public children's playground/facilities, (B) Construct site perimeter security fencing, (C) Install outdoor security cameras, (D) Erect general public site signage and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 CORK CITY 76 WESTGATE ROAD , BISHOPSTOWN , CORK Permission for: (1) Demolition of chimney to the side of an existing house, (2) Construction of new extensions to the front, side and rear of an existing house, (3) Alterations to existing elevations, (4) And all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 CORK CITY WOODFIELD , 7 BALLINCURRIG PARK , DOUGLAS ROAD Permission is sought for extensions to existing dwelling to include demolition of existing sunroom and part of existing garage/utility area and reinstatement of garage gable; construction of part one-storey and part two-storey extension to side and rear of existing dwelling, first-floor extension to. More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 CORK CITY BRACKNELL , 17 DUNDANION ROAD , BEAUMONT Permission for (1) Demolition of the existing rear extension, attached garage and chimney of the existing dwelling, (2) Construction of a part one-storey, part two-storey extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling, (3) Alterations to the existing elevations, to include two no. rooflight. More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 CORK CITY THE VILLAGE VETERINARY CLINIC , 33/33A ST PATRICKS WOOLEN MILLS , DOUGLAS CORK Permission for the change of use of an adjoining building from retail to a veterinary clinic, elevational changes and associated site works at unit 33 and 33A, Saint Patricks Woolen Mills, DOuglas, Cork. The development consists of works to a protected structure. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 CORK CITY 21 ARDMANNING AVENUE , TOGHER , CORK Permission for the construction of a single-storey extension to existing dwelling, alterations to existing elevations and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 CORK CITY 1 ROSEWELL , BALLINLOUGH ROAD , CORK Permission for development at Address: 1 Rosewell, Ballinlough, Cork, T12K72T. The development will consist/consists of construction of 2 no. dormer windows to the front elevation and alterations to the layout of the 2nd floor of the dwelling. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 CORK CITY 40-41 POPES QUAY , 2 FERRY LANE AND THE STORE AREA , UNDER 1 FERRY LANE POPES QUAY Permission for the following development at 40-41 Pope's Quay, 2 Ferry Lane, and the store area under 1 Ferry Lane, Pope's Quay, Shandon, Cork comprising the demolition and removal of the existing buildings and the construction of two apartment blocks, ranging in height from 3 to 6 storeys, consisti. More...
PERMISSION Oct 29 CORK CITY TIVOLI INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , TIVOLI , CORK Permission for: A freestanding medium voltage ESB substation building with adjoining customer switch room to serve the permitted temporary bus depot at Tivoli Industrial Estate, Cork, incorporating a footpath and landing area, access steps and guard-railing around the substation building and install. More...
RETENTION Oct 29 CORK CITY KRISPY KREME , 42 SAINT PATRICKS STREET , CORK For planning permission and retention planning permission for the following: (1) Retention of change of use from previous retail to cafe with internal seating for sale of food and drinks for consumption within and off the premises. (2) Retention of shopfront and signage. The proposed development als. More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 CORK CITY CORK COLLEGE OF FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING , TRAMORE ROAD CAMPUS , TRAMORE ROAD Permission for the construction of a physical activity sports hub development comprising (1) construction of a new running track with track viewing path and new grassed areas and (2) construction of a 2-storey extension to the existing sports hall to accommodate new lift and stairs changing faciliti. More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 CORK CITY THE ORCHARD , ROCHESTOWN ROAD , DOUGLAS (TOWNLAND) Permission for the demolition of 1 no. existing dwelling house and associated boundary wall and the construction of 19 no. residential units and all ancillary site development works including vehicular and pedestrian access car and bicycle parking footpaths lighting drainage landscaping and amenity . More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 CORK CITY 22-24 BALLYHOOLY NEW ROAD , DILLIONS CROSS , CORK CITY Permission to i) demolish existing derelict structure formerly used as a taxi rank at 22-23 Ballyhooly New Road and construct 2no. dwelling houses and all associated site works ii) change of use of existing vacant commercial unit at No. 24 Ballyhooly New Road/ Dillions Cross from commercial use to r. More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 CORK CITY 18 BELMONT AVENUE , BALLINLOUGH , CORK Permission is sought for the demolition of the existing single-storey rear extension and side garage and construction of a two-storey extension to the side and rear of the existing two-storey semi-detached house, including new rooflight to existing rear roof, associated landscaping works to front an. More...
RETENTION Oct 24 CORK CITY NO. 1 LABURNUM GROVE , ONSLOW GARDENS , COMMONS ROAD Permission for the retention of a garage to a bedroom and bathroom, retention is also being applied for the construction of a conservatory to the rear of the dwelling. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 CORK CITY CEANN MARA , BLACKROCK ROAD , CORK CITY Permission for (1) Demolition of the existing part one-storey, part two-storey rear extension and garage to the side of the existing dwelling, (2) Construction of a new extension to the rear, a new garage to the side and modifications to the existing vehicular entrance, (3) Alterations to the existi. More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 CORK CITY 19 SAINT JOSEPHS DRIVE , MONTENOTTE , CORK Permission for alterations and extension to two storey semi-detached dwelling consisting of: demolition of existing single-storey rear annex extension and construction of new ground floor rear extension, elevational changes and conversion of garage to living accommodation, along with associated site. More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CORK CITY 11 LANDSCAPE PARK , POULADUFF ROAD , CORK Permission is sought for (1) Demolition of existing dwelling, with the partial preservation of front fa\u00E7ade wall, (2) Construction of new 2-storey dwelling, (3) Widening of existing vehicular entrance and extending the driveway, (4) Associated site development works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CORK CITY ON SITE ADJACENT TO AND , ORIGINALLY PART OF , NO. 1 GLENDALE AVENUE Permission to construct a detached two-storey dwellinghouse with new vehicular and pedestrian entrances and for all associated works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CORK CITY 84 TIFFANY DOWNS , BISHOPSTOWN , CORK CITY Permission for alterations and extensions to existing terraced two-storey dwelling consisting of: Construction of a single-storey extension to side and part two-storey/part single-storey extension to rear, new window to gable, internal alterations, alterations to existing vehicular entrance and all . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CORK CITY ROSENALEE CARE CENTRE , POULAVONE , BALLINCOLLIG Permission for part demolition of the front section of the existing care centre and permission for construction of replacement front section to include a two storey over basement structure all at Rosenalee Care Centre Poulavone Ballincollig Co. Cork P31HE98. a) construction to include two storey str. More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CORK CITY CLONLARA , COOLYMURRAGHUE (TOWNLAND) , KERRY PIKE Permission for the construction of 3 no. dwelling units to replace 1 no. creche permitted under Cork County Council Reference No. 92/291. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CORK CITY NIDO STUDENT ACCOMMODATION , CURRAHEEN POINT , FARRANLEA ROAD Permission to erect telecommunication equipment on the rooftop including antennas, dishes, cabinets and all other associated equipment and site development works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CORK CITY NUMBER 4A AND 5 , ADELAIDE STREET , CORK CITY Permission is sought for the proposed demolition of existing part 1 storey part 2 storey former restaurant and the construction of a 4 storey apartment block with 12 no 1 bedroom apartments and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 CORK CITY ROCKCLIFFE VILLAGE , BLACKROCK ROAD , CORK CITY Permission for the construction of a detached two-storey dwelling, including the provision of a site entrance from the Rockcliffe Village Road to the east of the development site, and all associated site development works. . More...
RETENTION Oct 22 CORK CITY EDELWEISS HOUSE , TEMPLEHILL , CARRIGROHANE Permission for retention for single storey extensions to south and east sides first floor balcony over south elevation fenestration alterations attic rooflights and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 CORK CITY KILNAP , OLD MALLOW ROAD , CORK Permission for the following works to existing dormer style dwelling 1) dormer style extension to side front and rear 2) single storey granny flat to side and front 3) internal and external alterations to existing dwelling 4) single storey detached building to accommodate garage home office and gym . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 CORK CITY 57 DERRYNANE ROAD , TURNERS CROSS , CORK Permission for the refurbishment of dwelling house 2 storey extension and external canopy to rear upgrade of windows and door and new vehicle access to front and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 21 CORK CITY HEALYS BAR , CARRIGROHANE ROAD , BALLINCOLLIG Permission is sought for (I) Retention of porch extension (1.5m2), (II) Retention of store extension (10m2), (III) Conversion of stores to toilets, (IV) Reconfiguration of existing first-floor living accommodation to provide 1 no. apartment with independent access including, (V) New first-floor exte. More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 CORK CITY MARYBOROUGH/CASTLETREASURE , (TOWNLANDS) , CARRS HILL/CARRIGALINE ROAD Permission for the following Large Scale Residential development (LRD) comprising modifications to 3 no. apartment blocks permitted under the Strategic Housing Development ABP Ref No. 304367-19 to include (1) Modifications to materials on the southern, northern, western and eastern elevations of all. More...
RETENTION Oct 21 CORK CITY GAELSCOIL AN CHAISLEAIN , BALLINCOLLIG RUGBY CLUB , TANNER PARK COOLROE Permission for retention for temporary construction of a single and two-storey prefab educational building (containing 9 no. classrooms with administration and ancillary spaces), 2 no. bicycle shelters and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 CORK CITY FORMER REAR GARDENS OF NUMBERS , 19 & 20 DUNLOCHA COTTAGES & , FORMER SIDE GARDEN OF NO. 20 Permission is sought for (1) Proposed construction of 9 no. new dwellings comprising 4 no. 1 bed apartments, 2 no. 2 bed apartments, and 3 no. 2 bed houses with maximum building height of 2 storeys, all with private open space provided by balconies or ground floor terraces/ gardens, (2) Reinstatemen. More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 CORK CITY LEISUREPLEX SITE , 1 MACCURTAIN STREET AND , BRIAN BORU STREET Permission for development ona site of c. 0.24 hectares at the Leisureplex site located at 1 MacCurtain Street and Brian Boru Street Cork T23TE84. The site includes a protected structure RPS Ref. PS007 former postal sorting offices. the proposed development will comprise a hotel development consisti. More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 CORK CITY SITE ADJACENTTO HORLYN , HETTYFIELD , DOUGLAS Permission for subdivision of a site and for construction of a detached 2 storey dwelling change of plans from that granted previously under 1938555 and all other associated site works including the formation of a vehicular access to the new site from the public road. permission is further sought fo. More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 CORK CITY 117 KILBRODY , MOUNT OVAL VILLAGE , CORK Permission for alterations and extensions to an existing dwelling including an attic conversion, a front facing dormer window at attic level, 3 no. rear facing rooflights at attic level and all other associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 16 CORK CITY NO.8 CHALWOOD ESTATE , BLARNEY , CORK Permission for conversion of an existing two-storey dwelling to 2 no. two-storey dwellings, including a side extension to western gable, with elevation alterations and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 16 CORK CITY BALLYDUHIG NORTH , BALLYGARVAN , CORK Permission for single storey extension to side and rear of existing single storey dwelling along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 15 CORK CITY TWO POT , WATERFALL , CORK CITY Permission to (1) Remove 2 no. office portacabins, 1 no. horse stables, 3 no. steel storage containers and 1 no. storage shed, (2) Construct a 2 storey building containing a warehouse (435sqm) and ancillary offices (334sqm), (3) Install a wastewater treatment unit and soil polishing filter bed, (4) . More...
PERMISSION Oct 15 CORK CITY CAIRNS , BALLINVRISKIG , WHITES CROSS Permission for the construction of a new single-storey granny flat extension to rear of existing dwelling, decommissioning of existing septic tank, installation of a new wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works. . More...
RETENTION Oct 15 CORK CITY UNIT 8 , HOLLYHILL INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , HOLLYHILL permission for 1) the erection of two roof mounted insulated chimneys 2)two diesel storage tanks each with a capacity of 10000 litres 3)two water storage tanks each with the capacity of 10000 litres 4) one bund area consisting of a total capacity of 11000 litres. additionally permission is sought fo. More...
PERMISSION Oct 14 CORK CITY 30 SANDOWN CREST , TOGHER , CORK Permission to widen the existing driveway by demolition of existing boundary front wall and to remove the existing pvc vehicular gate and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 CORK CITY 19 DYKE PARADE , CORK CITY permission for development which will consist of alterations to extension to and a change of use of the vacant lot which is 2 to 3 storeys over basement plus attic in height from a former residential use to a guest house use to accommodate 22 number ensuite guest bedrooms and all ancillary uses the . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 CORK CITY BRANDON , DUNMORE LAWN , BOREENMANNA ROAD Permission is sought for the demolition of a single-storey side extension to an existing two-storey dwelling house, and for the construction of single-storey side extensions, ground floor level raised decking, alterations to existing front, side and rear elevations, the widening of the existing vehi. More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 CORK CITY THE BUNGALOW , THE CLOSE , ROCHESTOWN ROAD Permission for alterations to existing dwelling, namely; 1) single storey extension to side (west) elevation, 2) addition of window to front elevation, 3) demolition of existing 2no. dormer windows & construction of single dormer window to front elevation and all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 CORK CITY NO 1 THE GARDENS ROPE WALK , FRONTING ONTO ORCHARD MEWS , CONVENT AVENUE BLACKROCK Permission for 1) demolition of existing shed 2) construction of 2 no two storey semi detached dwellings 3) alteration of existing boundary to create parking 2 no new car parking spaces and new pedestrian entrance 4) new boundary treatments and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 CORK CITY BALLINTEMPLE HOUSE , BLACKROCK ROAD , CORK Permission is sought for alterations to the existing vehicular entrance and front boundary wall to an existing dwelling house, including raising the height of the sweep walls and piers, widening the vehicular entrance and installing new timber gates (change of plan to that permitted under planning r. More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 CORK CITY 2 BISHOPSCOURT PARK , BISHOPSTOWN , CORK Permission for alterations & extensions to an existing dwelling including the following works 1) a single storey flat roof extension to the rear of the dwelling, 2) removal of the existing mono-pitch roof over the single storey side & rear element, to be replaced with a new flat roof, 3) an attic co. More...
RETENTION Oct 09 CORK CITY ARD MHUIRE , FAIRHILL , CORK Permission for retention of A) conversion of existing detached domestic garage to 1 number 1 bedroom studio apartment B) conversion of attic space of 1 2 3 Ard Mhuire Fairhill to habitable space as part of existing dwellings C) installation of 2 roof lights to the front roof plane and 1 roof light t. More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 CORK CITY NO.33 KINVARA DRIVE , BALLYVOLANE , CORK Permission for the construction of a single-storey detached ancillary garage and study/garden room to the rear of my dwelling. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 CORK CITY NO.9 CASTLE AVENUE , CASTLE ROAD , BLACKROCK Permission for the construction of a two-storey dwelling (previously permitted under 16/37049 (ABP Ref. No: PL28.248318) to the rear of existing dwelling at No.9 Castle Avenue, Blackrock, Cork and access from Gate Lodge Estate, Castle Road, Blackrock, Cork and all associated site works at No.9, Cast. More...
RETENTION Oct 09 CORK CITY BALLYPHILIP HOUSE , BALLYPHILIP , WHITE'S CROSS PERMISSION for construction of a single-storey rear and side extension, comprising: Granny Flat extension and rear extension to dwelling (2) change of use of existing office/storage room and other facilities to Granny Flat (3) dormer windows to rear elevation (4) elevational alterations (5) install. More...
RETENTION Oct 09 CORK CITY MALLOW ROAD , MILLFIELD , CORK This application seeks retention permission for a canopy located on the northern elevation of the existing commercial laundry . More...
RETENTION Oct 09 CORK CITY 59 GLENDOWER COURT , BALLINCOLLIG , CO. CORK Permission is sought for (1) Retention of conversion of attached car port to storage shed. (2) Permission for conversion of storage shed to habitable accommodation. Including pitched roof to front and side elevations. Alterations to fenestration, elevations and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 CORK CITY 18 BELLEVUE HEIGHTS , FRANKFIELD , CORK Permission for an attic conversion for storage and a home office in my existing dwelling house. The proposed development includes elevational changes to the front and the side subsequent to the installation of 2 no. roof lights on the front (west) elevation, and 1 no. window to the side (north) elev. More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 CORK CITY TOWNLAND OF RATHPEACON , KILLEENS , CORK CITY The development involves the conversion of the existing Killeens Wastewater Treatment Plant to a Pumping Station, with wastewater pumped away to the Cork City drainage network. The development will consist of: Decommissioning of existing infrastructure at the Wastewater Treatment Plant site, includi. More...
PERMISSION Oct 08 CORK CITY 39 THE AVENUE , CRAWFORD WOODS , CHURCHILL Permission is sought for the conversion of an attic to habitable accommodation including new roof-lights to the front and rear of the roof. . More...
RETENTION Oct 08 CORK CITY FORMER SCHOOL BUILDING , HILLGROVE LANE , BLACKPOOL Retention permission is sought by Sayvale 20 Ltd. for all works as completed to the vacant building formerly occupied as an infant school/support building for the adjacent North Presentation Convent. Retention works include the replacement/refurbishment of existing windows and doors and all internal. More...
PERMISSION Oct 08 CORK CITY THE FORMER GRANGE STORES SITE , GRANGE ROAD , GRANGE Permission for the demolition of existing single-storey detached building formerly part off-licence unit and part dwelling and construction of a four storey residential building including 16 no. apartments (8 x 1-bed units & 8 x 2-bed units) over ground, first and second floors, with rooftop access . More...