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Recent Notices from Clare County Council

Commencement Notices are only available for paid plan subscribers.

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PERMISSION Jan 13 CLARE ERRINA , CLONLARA , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, waste water treatment system, percolation area, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 CLARE UNITS 4 AND 5 CLARE ROAD MALL , CLARE ROAD ENNIS , CO. CLARE to (a) change the use of Unit 4 from existing bookmakers to retail shop and (b) sub-divide part of Unit 5 and change the use from existing restaurant to bookmakers to relocate the existing bookmakers within the Clare Road Mall including all internal alterations, new signage and all associated site w. More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 CLARE CRAGAWEELCROSS , BAREFIELD , ENNIS CO CLARE for a proposed private dwelling house, outbuilding to accommodate carer\u2019s accommodation, home office, stable and garden storage, widen existing site entrance, new site access road, new waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 CLARE BALLYKELLY , BROADFORD , CO CLARE to retain a constructed cubicle house, Permission for development which will consist of the construction of an unroofed slatted feed area for the constructed cubicle house, new walled silo & associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 CLARE REASKCAMOGE , WOODCOCK HILL , CO CLARE for (1) to RETAIN part of land reclamation works consisting of peat topsoil extraction, hardcore gravel, access track and fencing. (2) PERMISSION for removal of part of land reclamation works consisting of hardcore gravel, fencing and container and reinstatement of stockpiled peat topsoil and (3)PER. More...
RETENTION Jan 09 CLARE DRUMELLIHY , CREE , CO. CLARE of a) the site entrance as constructed b) the increase in the roof height of the dwelling house c) the sunroom as constructed d) the first floor area and additional rooflights along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 CLARE FUROOR LOWER , KILKEE , CO. CLARE for the construction of a first floor extension and a single storey extension to the front and side of existing dwelling, the conversion of existing agricultural buiding into two residential units, waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 09 CLARE CAPPAFEAN , CRUSHEEN , CO CLARE V95 KA66 of the extension to the southern gable, the bay window to the northern elevation and a front porch to the existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 CLARE CRONAGORT EAST , DOOLIN , CO CLARE the development will consist of an extension to and alteration to the fenestration of existing dwelling house together with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 09 CLARE BALLYCAR , ARDNACRUSHA , CO CLARE of an agricultural structure and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 CLARE TEERMACLANE , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to (a) demolish rear extension to cottage and part of shed (b) renovate and extend cottage (c) Install a wastewater treatment system & soil polishing filter together with all associated site development works and services . More...
RETENTION Jan 08 CLARE 9 FATHER BOHAN HOUSES , BALLINY , FANORE CO CLARE H91 VRT2 of the existing side extension to the original dwelling house as constructed and including all ancillary site services . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Jan 08 CLARE AGLISH , KILNABOY , ENNIS CO CLARE (Reference No. P23/130) to construct a dwelling house and detached garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 CLARE KNOCKAUNROE , KILNABOY , COROFIN CO CLARE for development of a livestock slatted unit with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 CLARE CROVRAGHAN , KILDYSART , CO. CLARE to demolish part of the existing dwellinghouse and the existing shed and to construct an extension to the rear of the existing dwellinghouse along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 CLARE KILLASPUGLONANE , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE to: remove the existing outbuilding walls in ruin, renovate and extend the existing derelict house, upgrade and alter the existing driveway, install a new wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 CLARE 5 SHANNON PARK , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of, a) demolition of a single-storey section of the dwelling and b) construction of a new two-storey extension to the side of the dwelling, along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 CLARE 12 COLLINS PARK , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for (a) alterations along with an extension to front of existing attached garage and change of use of this existing domestic garage to living accommodation and (b) the construction of a new garage and storage shed to the rear of existing dwelling along with ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 CLARE KNOCKANEENA , CAHER , CO. CLARE to erect a dwellinghouse and garage for private domestic use, install an effluent treatment and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 CLARE MOYARTA EAST , CARRIGAHOLT , CO. CLARE. for the following development: (a) permission to demolish the existing sub-standard sheds to the rear of the dwelling; (b) permission to construct a replacement machinery / storage shed; (c) permission to construct a new stand alone building to the rear and side of the dwelling which will be ancilla. More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 CLARE CLOONEYLISSAUN , KILIMER KILRUSH , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated site works and services . More...
RETENTION Jan 06 CLARE 9A STATION COURT , STATION ROAD , ENNIS CO. CLARE of amendments to garage on site as constructed and retention of change of use of garage to residential use and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 CLARE KILLEAGY (GOONAN) , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of: 1. The erection of a temporary 100m high lattice type meteorological mast for a period of 5 years which will be fixed to ground anchors by stay wires and will include instruments for measuring local climate conditions and services. 2. The proposed works also in. More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CLARE BALLYBROGHAUN , KILLALOE , CO CLARE to renovate and extend the existing derelict cotage within the curtilage of the dwelling house for use as a one bedroomed ancillary unit, for the enjoyment of the occupants of the main dwelling, install a waste water treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CLARE BALLYMALEY , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for the installation of a modular home to be used as ancillary living accommodation with connection to existing wastewater treatment system including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CLARE LACKENBAUN , KILLALOE , CO CLARE to (i) amend the design of the glamping pods and toilet block (ii) amend the site layout of planning permission as granted under Planning Reg. Ref. P21-900 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CLARE LISHEEN , BALLYNACALLY , ENNIS CO CLARE to construct (a) a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works and (b) an agricultural machinery shed . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CLARE COOLMUINGA , KNOCKERRA , KILRUSH CO CLARE to renovate and extend the existing dwelling house to include the provision of a new sewage treatment system together with all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CLARE BALLYNAGRANAGH , CRUSHEEN , CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house and garage, complete with a sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CLARE GARRYNAGRY , KILMALEY , CO CLARE to renovate and change the layout of the existing dwelling, construct a split level style extension to the dwelling, construct new entrance and driveway from the public road and to install a replacement effluent treatment system, all with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CLARE KILTANON , TULLA , CO CLARE V95 X0E1 the development will consist of the removal of the existing conservatory and replacement with a new orangery. In addition a new free standing glass house is proposed. All associated site works and services included with application . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CLARE BRIDGETOWN NATIONAL SCHOOL , BRIDGETOWN , CO. CLARE for the construction of a multi use games area (MUGA), associated side fencing and netting, artificial grass surface, floodlighting and all associated ancillary and incidental works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 CLARE BALLYCAR LISLEA KILLULLA , MOGULLAAN & CROSSAGH RATHLAHEEN SOUTH , CULLEEN DRUMLINE & BALLYCASEY BEG CO CLARE for the development at this site at the townlands of Ballycar, lislea, Kilulla, Mogullaan and Crossagh, Rathlaheen South, Culleen, Drumline and Ballycasey Beg, Co Clare The development will consist of an application for a 10-year development phase followed by a 40-year operational lifespan for a sol. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE BALLYMOLONEY , BROADFORD , COUNTY CLARE V94HK75 to refurbish and extend the existing dwelling house, refurbish 2 no. attached sheds to the left and right of the existing dwelling house and incorporate into the refurbished and extended dwelling house, demolish and rebuild an existing stone building and incorporate into the refurbished and extended. More...
RETENTION Dec 20 CLARE CHURCH STREET , KILMIHIL , CO. CLARE. to retain the rear extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house, along with all associated site works, . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Dec 20 CLARE MOY MORE , LAHINCH , CO CLARE permission consequent on the grant of outline permission (Ref No. P22-417) the development will consist of a dwelling house with proprietary wastewater treatment system and percolation area together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Dec 20 CLARE MOY MORE , LAHINCH , CO CLARE permission consequent on the grant of outline permission (Ref. No P22-417) the development will consist of a dwellong house with proprietary wastewater treatment system and percolation area together with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 CLARE NEWLINE ROAD , QUIN , CO. CLARE V95 PN82 for (a) retain the existing Covid structure as covered external shelter and play area and (b) retain the use of the ground floor of existing house as a creche/montessori and removal of condition 3 of granted Planning Permission P04/626 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE MEELICK , WHITEGATE , CO. CLARE the proposed development will consist of a four year temporary permission for the continued operation of a meteorological mast, which was previously granted temporary planning permission under Reg. Ref. 20866 and Reg. Ref. 17451. The mast consists of a lattice tower standing approximately 10m high a. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE EXISTING FILLING STATION , BUNRATTY WEST , BUNRATTY is sought for the proposed works: 1) removal from site and decommissioning of existing 3 No. overground fuel tanks and existing underground fuel tanks; 2) removal from site of existing washing machines facility and removal of unauthorised disused manual car wash; 3) removal of existing forecourt can. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE ST. JOHN BOSCO COMMUNITY COLLEGE , QUAY ROAD , KILDYSART CO CLARE V95 TXF1 the development will consist of planning permission for development of: (i) School Building Extension (1,203m\u00B2) over 2 levels, incorporating General and Specialist Classrooms, Social Spaces, two classroom Special Education Needs Unit, Reception, Offices and Ancillary accommodation. (ii) Interna. More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE BALLYMULQUEENY , BAREFIELD , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house with a shared entrance, garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE LISHEEN , BALLYNACALLY , CO CLARE to demolish existing dwelling house, to construct a new dwelling house, double garage, new access road, to remove existing septic tank and construct a new septic tank, percolation treatment system . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE MUCKINISH WEST , BALLYVAUGHAN , CO. CLARE for the following; a) to alter and extend their existing house; b) construct a new shed; c) install a new proprietary waste-water system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE ATTYSLANY SOUTH , TUBBER , CO CLARE to construct a new ball wall with safety netting and fencing, replacement of existing septic tank with a new wastewater treatment unit and percolation area, a new sand storage area/wall with adjacent open storage shed and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE NO 4 BALLYMACRAVAN , ENNISTYMON , ENNIS CO CLARE to carry out the following development within the confines of No. 4 Ballymacravan Ennistymon, Co Clare. The works involve the following: i) To demolish the remains of the existing damaged property No. 4 and build new replacement dwelling in same location. ii) To connect the new replacement dwellin. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE BOHERAROAN , LIMERICK ROAD , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS CO CLARE for the construction of a one bedroom apartment including alteration and extension of existing building, alterations to elevational treatment of existing apartment No. 2 & reduction of rear yard of apartment No. 3. Also for construction of new gate to rear common area, & private yard for proposed ap. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE KILLERK EAST , DARRAGH , ENNIS to construct a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE KNOCKDONAGH , ARDNACRUSHA , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a septic tank with percolation area and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE BALLYURRA , KILRUSH , CO CLARE for development the development will consist of 2 no. dwelling houses connected to mains sewer and water c/w ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE KILVOYDAN , COROFIN , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the removal of an existing 12 metres wooden telecommunications support structure and associated site development works and replacement with a new 18.05 metres monopole telecommunications support structure carrying antennas, dishes and remote radio units (RRUs) t. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE THE CLOISTER , 49 ABBEY STREET , ENNIS CO CLARE to carry out the following development: The proposed works include for the following: a) Change of use from bar and restaurant to multi-use community spaces, exhibition and heritage space, tourism space, the retention of existing ground floor cafe & existing kitchen (over two floors) and the retenti. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE BALLYMALEY & BALLYCOREY , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to construct 55 No. dwellinghouses consisting of 8.No 4 bedroom detached two storey houses, 8No. 4 bedroom semi-detached two storey houses, 5.No 3 bedroom detached 2 storey houses, 26 No. 3 bedroom semi-detached 2 storey houses, 8 No. 3 bedroom detached bungalows, car parking, vehicular & pedestrian. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE ENNIS ABATTOIR , TULLA ROAD , LIFFORD ENNIS CO. CLARE to (a) change the use of the abattoir to a gym and to carry out alterations to the buildings to include an exterior leisure area, (b) demolition of the cattle shed, and (c) construct 5 No. padel courts with carparking together with associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE CARROWCRAHEEN , TUBBER , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, garage/store, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE FINTRA MORE , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE BALLYMALONEY & BALLYQUIN MORE , KILBANE , CO. CLARE for the phased extraction of 2.9 hectares of sand and gravel over a period of 7 years, on land located in the townland of Ballymaloney. The proposed development includes for the provision of a new site entrance and vehicular access road; on site wheel wash facility; new drainage channel, silt fence . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE BUNRATTY WEST , BUNRATTY , CO. CLARE for a development comprising 20 no. residential units, (6 no. detached houses, 10 no. semi-detached houses, 4 no. Duplex units), ancillary surface car parking, vehicular & pedestrian access to the proposed development via the existing residential development to the north of the site which is under c. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 CLARE SRANGALLOON , CRUSHEEN , CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE NUAFFE , INCH , CO CLARE to construct an extension to existing dwelling, new wastewater treatment system and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE MOANMORE LOWER , KILRUSH , CO CLARE for the following: removal of existing derelict agricultural structure, construct 4 bay slatted unit, extend existing agricultural machinery shed, relocate existing entrance pier plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE 14 SAINT MUNCHIN'S DRIVE , SHANNON BANKS , CORBALLY for the following works; a) to RETAIN the roof on the shed granted planning permission under P99/942 b) Permission to add an extension onto the existing shed and to convert this shed into independent living accommodation c) to create new site boundaries for the new independent living accommodation d. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE KILMURRY , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the provision of a 2-storey dwelling house (237 sq.m), garage (45 sq.m), wastewater treatment plant, new access to the public road and all associated and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE 7 O’DEA’S ROAD , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE. for the construction of a front and rear extension along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE FOSSA BEG , SCARRIFF , CO. CLARE to construct a 3 bedroom single storey dwelling house, entrance onto public roadway, effluent treatment system and associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE QUERRIN NATIONAL SCHOOL , QUERRIN , KILKEE to alter the design of the development previously authorised under planning permission Ref. No. P23-518, including the provision of a new rear extension to the existing building, along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE DRUMQUIN , TIERMACLANE , ENNIS CO CLARE for the refurbishment of an existing derelict cottage, construction of an extension and construction of a new private garage along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE MOYNOE , SCARIFF , CO. CLARE to demolish part of existing stone dwelling and replace with new, construction of new rear extension including new roof throughout and installation of new wastewater treatment system along with all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE NO. 10 GEORGE'S HEAD , KILKEE , CO. CLARE. to (a) convert the attic to residential accommodation; (b) to make elevational alterations to the existing house, including the provision of additional windows & sliding doors; (c) to make alterations to the existing boundary walls and driveway; (d) all associated site works & services. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE 12 WOODFIELD DRIVE , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE. for the construction of an extension & a garage along with all associated works . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 CLARE CARROWREAGH EAST , CRANNY , KILRUSH to RETAIN the existing front porch, side extension and rear extension to the existing dwelling house plus alterations to the existing private garage along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE KNOCK , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated site works and services. The planning application will be accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement (NIS). . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 CLARE TOBARTEASCÁIN CLONROAD MORE , ENNIS , COUNTY CLARE. a development comprising 74no. residential units, (3no. detached houses, 36no. semi-detached houses, 23no. terrace houses, 12no. duplex units), ancillary surface car parking, vehicular & pedestrian access to the proposed development from the Tobarteasc\u00E1in road, pedestrian access into both Abbey. More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Dec 18 CLARE MOY MORE , LAHINCH , CO CLARE Consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission (Ref. No. P22-417) the development will consist of a dwelling house with proprietary wastewater treatment system and percolation area together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE GOLF HOTEL BUNGALOW SEAPARK , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE V95 A2X6 to change the roof profile and the roof finish of the existing house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE BALLYEA SOUTH , INAGH , CO CLARE for (1) to reconstruct gable and rear walls of existing farmhouse which were damaged during construction phase on site associated with P23-147. (2) permission to retain foundations and footings as constructed for rear extension as granted under P23-147 with minor revisions to its location and floor . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Dec 18 CLARE GOWLAUN , LISDOONVARNA , CO CLARE Consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission (Ref. No. P21/872) to construct a dwelling house and garage along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE WOODSIDE , ROSLEVAN ENNIS , CO CLARE to construct an extension and alterations to an existing dwelling house, including minor site works and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE MUTTON & ROSE COTTAGE SEAFIELD ROAD , QUILTY WEST , QUILTY CO. CLARE V95 Y7W6 to Refurbish, reroof, reconfigure and interconnect Rose & Mutton Cottage, part demolish an existing rear extension and construct a new rear extension and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE SPANISH COVE APARTMENTS , EAST END , KILKEE CO. CLARE to construct a standalone bin storage unit to service the existing apartment development along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Dec 18 CLARE GOWLAUN , LISDOONVARNA , CO. CLARE Consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission (Ref. No. P21/870) to construct a dwelling house and garage along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE BALLYCORICK , BALLYNACALLY , ENNIS CO CLARE for the construction of a granny flat along with ancillary works. . More...
RETENTION Dec 18 CLARE RHYNAGONNAUGHT , DOONBEG , CO CLARE to RETAIN the alterations and extension made to dwelling house along with associated site works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE LEANA , KILNABAOY , CO CLARE to build a new dwelling and insall a waste water treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE LACK WEST , KILMIHIL , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of constructing a new entrance/exit onto R485 from existing batching plant and associated site works as granted on P01/156 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE UNIT C CÚIRT NA DTONNTA , E-TOWN , MILTOWN MALBAY for the following a) to change the use of the premises from commercial to residential use b) to add a single storey extension to rear c) to add windows to the existing side elevation along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE KNOCKNAMANA , CLARECASTLE , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, wastewater treatment system and new entrance including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE 32 CORROVORRIN GROVE , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for (1) the removal of an existing single storey side annexe. (2) alterations and an extension to the existing dwelling house. (3) all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE CASTLECRINE , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE to extend and renovate an existing cottage, to demolish existing sheds, to install a new sewerage treatment system, for a new entrance in place of an existing agricultural entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE PARKROE , ARDNACRUSHA , CO CLARE for the construction of one new single family residence and domestic water treatment system with polishing filter, with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE CAHERMACLANCHY , DOOLIN , CO. CLARE to extend existing dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE 9 MCSWEENEY TERRACE , KILKEE , CO CLARE V15 C674 to construct Home Office to rear garden of existing dwelling plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE CLOONEENAGH , CREE , CO CLARE for development of a livestock strawbedded loose shed and a hay barn store withassociated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE BUILDING 156 SHANNON FREE ZONE , SHANNON , CO. CLARE V14 VH70 for the installation of a 62 kW ground mounted Solar PV System and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE BREAFFY SOUTH , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to erect dwelling house, foul sewer system and percolation area . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE DRUMLISH , INAGH , CO CLARE for development of a livestock slatted unit with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE QUILTY EAST , QUILTY , CO CLARE to build a new dwelling house with a garage and storage area at basement level, install a waste water treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE BALLYALLIA , ENNIS , CO CLARE to demolish extension to rear and porch to front of existing dweling, renovate and change the layout of dwelling, and to construct extension to the dwelling, and to construct extension to the dwelling, all with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 CLARE FAHEYMORE NORTH , O’BRIENSBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the restoration of part of an extant sand and gravel quarry to agricultural grassland. The development is necessary to address condition no. 8 & 9 of ABP Ref. 03.QD.0011 and will include importation of inert material and all associated site development works. A . More...
RETENTION Dec 17 CLARE NO 36 COLLEGE GROVE , ENNIS , CO CLARE V95 X9WK of the rear conservatory, fuel shed attached to the side of the house and rear steeltech shed . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CLARE CLOONTYSMARRA , INAGH , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling with an on-site wastewater treatment system and ancillary works using an existing entrance . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CLARE GLEANN NA COILLE , CLAUREEN , ENNIS CO. CLARE to construct two detached dwelling houses, wastewater pumping station, new boundary walls and entrances and all associated services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CLARE KNOCKALISHEEN , MEELICK , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of a 60M x 30M Astro Turf playing surface, 2 no. changing rooms and toillets, 2 no. storage facilities, kerbing with open graded permeable stone surface for 30 existing car park spaces and all associated site works. A Natura Impact Statement accompanies this appli. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CLARE SPANISH POINT , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to build a house, garage, install a wastewater treatment system & all other site & ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CLARE HORSESHOE CREEK , RUANARD , CLONLARA CO. CLARE to construct a General Purpose shed to store feed, fodder and farm implements and a Roofed Manure pit solely for agricultural use and ancillary works, i.e. yards, drainage etc. utilising the farm\u2019s existing public road entrance and access road . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CLARE ROXTON , COROFIN , CO. CLARE consisting of construction of a new entrance, roofed manure pit, slatted shed and underground slurry storage tank along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CLARE BUILDING 2 EAST PARK SHANNON INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , SHANNON , CO. CLARE for works to the existing facility at Building 2, East Park, Shannon Industrial Estate, Shannon, Co. Clare. The proposed development consist of: -A two-storey manufacturing expansion 13m high with a footprint of 2168.125 m2 and an overall floor area of 4340 m2 over two floors located to the North . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 CLARE TYREDAGH LOWER , TULLA , CO CLARE to convert and construct an extension to the existing private garage building for use as a granny flat, installation of new wastewater treatment system together with all associated ancillary and incidental site works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Dec 17 CLARE CAHERCALLA ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for a dwelling house, vehicular entrance, connection to services and ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 17 CLARE HEATHMOUNT , CRATLOE , CO. CLARE. of stonework finish to front elevation, rear ground floor extension area, first floor habitable area and raised roof ridge height including all ancillary works at existing site . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE AHARINAGHBEG , KILMORE , CO CLARE to construct a private dwelling house, install a wastewater treatment system, private bored well along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE BEECHPARK , BALLYMACULLA , ENNIS to change layout and design of dwelling house approved under planning permission Ref: P23-612 together with all changes to approved associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE CLONTRA WEST , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE V95 Y92T to extend and renovate an existing cottage, to install a new sewerage treatment system and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE SIXMILEBRIDGE TD , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for the development which will consist of alterations to part of approved housing development (P22/459 refers) to include alteration of site area, relocation of houses 15-29 inclusive, 30-32 inclusive and 52-54 inclusive. The altered layout shall contain a total of 40 no. two storey semi-detached un. More...
RETENTION Dec 16 CLARE TOORNAHOUN , LISDOONVARNA , CO CLARE to RETAIN the revised location of the dwelling, wwts / percolation area & entrance; the extension and altered fenestration to the dwelling; the revised site boundaries, all of which vary from that granted under permission P11/616, permission to RETAIN the bored well and shed on site and for PERMISSI. More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE 48 PARNELL STREET , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to change the use from offices at ground floor of 48 Parnell Street to 1 no. one bedroom apartment together with associated alterations . More...
RETENTION Dec 16 CLARE CASTLEBANK , ARDNACRUSHA , CO. CLARE to RETAIN domestic store at the side of the dwelling and retention permission for extension to the dwelling at the rear and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE CROVRAGHAN , KILDYSART , CO. CLARE to demolish part of the existing dwelling house and the existing shed and to construct an extension to the rear of the dwelling house along with all associated site works and services, to include a new wastewater treatment system . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE THE GLEN , GRIFFIN ROAD , KILRUSH CO CLARE to renovate and extend exiting structurally impaired dwelling house, with works to include part demolition and all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE 6 CHURCH HILL , ENNISTYMON , CO. CLARE for the refurbishment of existing dwelling including new external window and rooflight additions . More...
RETENTION Dec 16 CLARE CONNAUGHT HOUSE , GORT ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , GORT ROAD to RETAIN the following: (a) to retain the existing layout of the building as a single unit with no subdivision. The existing layout as a single unit is inconsistent with the planning permission Reg. Ref: 06/21048 (Ennis Town Council reference), which permitted subdivision of the building into 6 No. More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE DROMOLAND CASTLE DROMOLAND , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS , CO. CLARE The development will consist of a new guest carpark including petrol interceptor, surface water attenuation tank, connection to existing surface water drainage system, carpark lighting and ancillary site works (The development is proposed within the curtilage of a protected structure Dromoland Castl. More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE SUMMERHILL , CLONLARA , CO. CLARE for (A) The refurbishment and conversion of existing structure/agricultural building into a 2 bedroom dwelling (B) Construction of new roof over same (C) internal and elevational alterations to building (D) Installation of proprietary waste treatment plant and bored well and (E) construction of . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE DOONASS , CLONLARA , CO. CLARE for the construction of a vehicular entrance, single storey dwelling house, domestic garage, proprietary wastewater treatment system with polishing filter together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 CLARE BLAKEMOUNT , CO CLARE for the erection of a 24m lattice tower structure on concrete base to support 9 no telecommunications antennae together with the installation of dishes, new access track and associated fencing, cabling, compound area, ground-based equipment cabinets, mini pillar and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 13 CLARE 63 GLENINA , GORT ROAD , ENNIS to retain (a) enlargement of site boundary (b) side extension to dwelling house together with all associated site development works and connections to public services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE BALLYVULLAGAN , DARRAGH , CO CLARE to change permission granted on P23/60312 to adjacent site to western side of original site. The development will consist of change of type of dwelling house, a private garage, a secondary treatment system and soil polishing filter and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 13 CLARE 'DERRA' , DERRYMORE , MEELICK CO CLARE V94 Y2CK to RETAIN revisions to the approved design granted under planning reference 2360086 and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE CLUAIN FUINSEOG , MAIN STREET KILKISHEN , CO. CLARE for the construction of a residential development consisting of 4 no. 2 bedroom apartment units, connection to services and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE DRUMMIN , GORT ROAD , ENNIS to renovate, extend and change use of existing dwelling house to a dedicated community facility to provide essential support and services together with all associated site development works and connections to public services . More...
RETENTION Dec 13 CLARE MAIN STREET , BROADFORD , CO CLARE to RETAIN existing works and permission for internal alterations at existing property. The application comprises Retention of the existing 2 storey extension to the rear (previously demolished). Alterations include; minor demolition and rearrangement of the existing internal walls in order that same. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE BALLYMACLINAUN TLD. , LISCANNOR , CO. CLARE for refurbishment, alterations and extensions to an existing house, landscaping and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE BALLYKILDEA , KILLALOE , CO. CLARE to erect a dwelling house and garage, install an effluent system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE RYAN INN , O' BRIEN'S BRIDGE , CO. CLARE for the change of use of an existing derelict public house for use as a dwelling house. Permission is also being sought for the following to facilitate the change to a dwelling house:- 1) renovation of the existing building to include elevational changes; 2) demolition of existing single storey ext. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE MIDDLELINE SOUTH , MOUNTSHANNON , CO CLARE for a Tertiary Treatment System and Infiltration/treatment area with polishing filter at the existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE TOOREEN , ENNIS , CO CLARE for development, the development will consist of a new dwelling house, new garage, new site entrance and wastewater site works and below ground . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE BALLYVRISLAUN TLD , LISCANNOR , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling and garage and all associated site works (change of plans and minor alterations to to elevations as permitted under planning Ref. No. P23/60233) . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE BALLYNAHINCH , O'CALLAGHANS MILLS , CO. CLARE to erect a dwellinghouse and garage, entrance and driveway and install an effluent treatment system and percolation area filter and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE TOORNAHOOAN , LISDOONVARNA , CO. CLARE for a single dwelling house, garage, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE KNOCKLOSKERAUN (TOWNLAND) , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling incorporating an existing derelict structure, upgrade of an existing entrance, waste water treatment plant and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 CLARE TREACY'S OAKWOOD HOTEL , AIRPORT ROAD SMITHSTOWN , SHANNON CO CLARE for development at an existing hotel consisting of: extension to Second Floor to accommodate additional 29 no. Bedrooms; extension to First Floor to accommodate additional 6 no. bedrooms; alterations to existing layout of part ground floor and part first floor; new lift and all associated site works. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CLARE RATHLAHEEN SOUTH , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CLARE DRUMMIN , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, access road, site entrance, on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CLARE BEARNAFUNSHIN , BAREFIELD , CO. CLARE to construct a dwellinghouse, detached domestic garage, wastewater treatment system and soil polishing filter together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CLARE LISCULLANE , COROFIN , CO. CLARE for (a) modifications to an existing dwelling (b) a single storey extension to the existing dwelling (c) a new wastewater treatment system and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CLARE COAST LODGE GUESTHOUSE & RESTAURANT , DOUGH TLD. , SPANISH POINT for extension comprising 2 No. Apartments (1 No. 2 bed apartment and 1 No. 1 bed apartment) in a separate building to the existing Coast Lodge Guesthouse & Restaurant, with modifications to the existing site entrance and boundary wall setback to provide a public footpath, removal of existing on site. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CLARE BALLYASHEA , KILNAMONA , CO. CLARE for the demolition of an existing dwelling and the construction of a new single storey dwelling house, detached domestic garage, wastewater treatment system and percolation area, site entrance and all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 12 CLARE TYREDAGH UPPER , TULLA , CO. CLARE of an extension to the existing dwelling house. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CLARE LAHINCH GOLF CLUB , LISCANNOR ROAD LAHINCH , CO CLARE for modifications to previously approved planning permission (Ref No. P23/60553) for works to the existing golf club house and external carpark at Lahinch Golf Club, Liscannor Road, Lahinch, Co Clare V95 VEP8 to include: a) Proposed re-positioning of previously approved vehicular and pedestrian entr. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CLARE CARROWCORE , OGONNELLOE , CO. CLARE V94 CHW3 for the construction of a new front extension of 8.1m2, refurbishment of existing 14.0m2 Sunroom, new front porch and entrance steps, together with connections to existing services and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 12 CLARE TULLABRACK , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE of existing domestic garage/shed plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 CLARE CLOHANINCHY , QUILTY , CO CLARE V95 A9N2 to renovate and extend the existing dwelling & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE BURLINGTON BUSINESS PARK , GILLOGUE , CO. CLARE to erect a warehouse for storage purposes, including all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE URLANMORE , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, wastewater treatment system and new entrance including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE DUNKERRIN HOUSE , CAHERMACREA RUAN , ENNIS for (a) a side and rear extension (b) a porch to the front of the house, (c) to enlarge the first floor dormer window to the front of the house and (d) a single storey garage to the rear of property, . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE KILMORE , CO CLARE for the construction of a vehicular entrance off private roadway, dwelling house, proprietary wastewater treatment system with polishing filter together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE KILMORE , CO. CLARE for the construction of a vehicular entrance off private roadway, dwelling house, proprietary wastewater treatment system with polishing filter together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE KILMORE , CO CLARE for the construction of a vehicular entrance off private roadway, dwelling house, proprietary wastewater treatment system with polishing filter together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE KILMORE , CO. CLARE for the construction of a vehicular entrance off private roadway, dwelling house, proprietary wastewater treatment system with polishing filter together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE KILLARD , DOONBEG , CO. CLARE V15 KR90 is sought for an extension to an existing bungalow dwelling at Killard, Doonbeg, Co. Clare, V15KR90, on behalf of Jimmy and Rebecca Kirby of Red Phalarope Investment Holdings Ltd. The proposed works include the demolition of the existing stand-alone garage and removal of the porch, bay window and ch. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE REAR OF NO. 15 INIS GROVE , ENNIS , COUNTY CLARE V95N8Y7 to construct a single dwelling house, garage, connection to utilities, along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE BAREFIELD , ENNIS , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage with loft, treatment system and ancillary site works with access via right of way to public road . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE GARRAUN , LISDEEN , KILRUSH CO. CLARE for Change of use of existing domestic garage to living accommodation . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE RATHLAHEEN SOUTH TLD. (CRUSSA) , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO. CLARE for the construction of a storey & half extension to existing dwelling to include 3 no. bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, utility, study, store & link corridor. Permission is also sought for the demolition of rear extension & side extensions & for permission for alterations and renovation of existing dwelling. More...
RETENTION Dec 11 CLARE DERRYCON LOWER , MOUNTSHANNON , CO. CLARE to retain existing house, garage and car port and connect to approved effluent treatment system and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 11 CLARE BALLYKELLY , BROADFORD , CO. CLARE to RETAIN a garage granted under P05/319, that was rotated 90 degrees, a rear extension to the same garage, an open storage shed and including all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE BLOCK S , SHANNON FREE ZONE WEST , SHANNON The development consists of the alterations to the previously granted permission (Planning Ref: P21 \u2013 503) comprising of revisions including: a reduced office area with new production floor welfare facilities (77sqm), relocating external palladian fence to the yard space, new single storey se. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE BALLINLACKAN , MOHER , LISCANNOR CO CLARE for development, the development consists of the construction of an extension to existing slatted unit & associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 11 CLARE SHANNACOOL , KILDYSART , CO CLARE V95 DW20 to RETAIN the extensions to the side and rear of the existing cottage and for permission to upgade the existing septic tank & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE BALLYBRAN , OGONNELLOE , CO. CLARE to demolish existing house and erect a replacement house, and garage with overhead storage, connect to effluent treatment system already aproved by planning ref P23600 and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE SHANNON TOWN CENTRE , TULLYVARRAGA , SHANNON CO CLARE for a motor vehicle valet centre to include tunnel and jet car wash, valet bays, customer waiting facilities, alteration to existing entrance, signage and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE BALLYFAUDEEN , LISCANNOR , CO CLARE V95 Y9D7 to alter and extend his existing dwelling house and to install a new proprietary wastewater system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE DRUMMAN EAST , WILLIAMSTOWN HARBOUR , WHITEGATE CO. CLARE for the regeneration and redevelopment of existing buildings and land, for tourism and recreational purposes in the townland of Drumman East at Williamstown Harbour, Whitegate, Co. Clare. The development consists of: (i) Demolition of existing toilet block, office and ancillary buildings; (ii) devel. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE LISHEEN , BALLYNACALLY , CO CLARE for change of house design from that previously permitted under planning reference 20900 (erect proposed dwelling house, foul sewer treatment plant, percolation area and new site entrance) together with all associated ancillary and incidental works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE MOANMORE , KILRUSH , COUNTY CLARE V15YC58 to construct an extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house and to install roof light windows to the rear of the existing house along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 CLARE O'CURRY STREET , KILKEE , CO CLARE to demolish existing derelict building, reduce site levels and build one new dwelling house and two apartments with all necessary ancillary services . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Dec 10 CLARE CARROWROE , TULLA , CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CLARE UNIT 20 , GORT ROAD BUSINESS PARK , ENNIS CO. CLARE for alterations to the vehicular entrance layout and the car-parking layout previously granted planning permission under planning reference P21/930 and all associated site development works at the rear and side of Unit 20 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CLARE 68 AN TSEAN DUN , ROSLEVAN , ENNIS CO CLARE V95 HW3R for the construction of an Independent Living unit extension to side and rear of existing dwelling to comprise of KItchen/dining/living, 1 bedroom with walk-in-wardrobe, bathroom and utility including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CLARE TEERLEHAN , ENNISTYMON , CO CLARE the development will consist of: 1. Site access 2. Construction of a dwelling house. 3. Effluent treatment system. 4. All associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CLARE VANDELEUR STREET , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to construct 4 no. terraced house to the rear of the existing building and all ancillary and incidental works. The houses will consist of 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living area, bathroom and storage including bin storage . More...
RETENTION Dec 10 CLARE THE CORNER BAR THE SQUARE , ENNIS ROAD , KILDYSART CO. CLARE of three no. cooling units to the rear of the premises along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CLARE NO. 2 ST. PATRICK'S TERRACE , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE to RETAIN and Complete changes to the design previously authorised under planning permission P23/574 with all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CLARE SHESHIA , BELLHARBOUR , CO. CLARE for a new dwelling house, install a waste water treatment system and all asociated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CLARE 14 GEORGES HEAD , KILKEE , CLARE to convert the attic space to residential accommodation to include the provision of roof windows and to change the material of the balcony railing to the front elevation of the dwelling house. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 CLARE LINK ROAD , SMITHSTOWN , SHANNON CO. CLARE V14 PH34 for the construction of phase 2 extension to existing Aircraft Display building and Permission for the construction/installation of a rotary wing (helicopter) shelter including ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 09 CLARE FLOOD'S COTTAGE , FINAVARRA , BALLYVAUGHAN CO. CLARE of the extension and alterations to the dwelling, known as Flood's Cottage, which is a protected structure, RPS No. 420 and all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CLARE REHY EAST , CROSS , CO CLARE to extend existing derelict house, to include living-kitchen-dining area, 2No bedrooms, bathroom and to install septic tank and percolation area . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CLARE 3 BISHOPS COURT , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to change an existing window on the front elevation of the house to an external door together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CLARE MOVEEN WEST , KILKEE , CO. CLARE. to (i) demolish Old Dry Store (ii) demolish old straw store (iii) construct a new calf house (iv) construct a new roof over existing cubicles (v) construct a new roof over existing slatted tank (vi) construct a new slatted livestock house. Proposed slatted house to incorporate easy feed, cubicles, f. More...
RETENTION Dec 09 CLARE COLLISTEIGUE , CLONLARA , CO. CLARE V94 C2RR of as-constructed waste water treatment system and raised bed polishing filter together with all associated ancillary and incidental works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CLARE CLAREFIELD , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to build a cubicle shed with slatted tanks and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 09 CLARE CLAREFIELD , KILKEE , CO. CLARE of uncovered slatted tanks and a shed with milking parlour, collecting yard and slatted tanks and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CLARE BALLYNAGUN WEST , CREE , CO CLARE to erect dwelling house, garage, foul sewer system, percolation area and new site entrance . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CLARE CREEGH NORTH , CREEGH , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of a dwelling house with proprietary wastewater treatment system and polishing filter together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CLARE KNOCKNASKEAGH , KILSHANNY , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house, entrance, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CLARE CHURCH ROAD (R462) , TULLA TLD. TULLA , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of (a) 32 no. two storey semi-detached dwelling houses (b) 2 no. two storey detached dwelling houses (c) 4 no. single storey semi-detached dwelling houses (d) 1 no detached single storey dwelling house (Total no. of 39 dwelling houses) (e) All a. More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CLARE CARROWNAGRY NORTH , MULLAGH , CO. CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, treatment system with access to the site via existing avenue and carry out ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CLARE POULNADARREE , KILLIMER , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 CLARE WESTERN BUSINESS PARK , CAHERTEIGE AND DRUMGEELY , SHANNON CO CLARE to make amendments to a previous granted planning Ref No. P21-738 which included (1) Demolition of an existing bungalow (2) Construct a new ESB Substation and (3) Construct mixed use industrial units with office accomodation for industrial, light industrial, storage, warehouse and logistic usage inc. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE CHARLIE'S VIEW , CIRCULAR ROAD , KILKEE CO. CLARE V15 W275 to construct front single storey extension and new dormer structure with corner window to side main roof to upper floor. Changes to front facade with demolition of main chimney and extensive internal modifications along with all associated site works to existing dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE MAIN STREET , DOONBEG , CO. CLARE for the installation of an ATM machine to the front elevation of the existing shop premises . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE ST. JOHN BOSCO COMMUNITY COLLEGE , QUAY ROAD , KILDYSART CO. CLARE for development which will consist of planning Permission for development of: (i) School Building Extension (1,203m\u00B2) over 2 levels, incorporating General and Specialist Classrooms, Social Spaces, two classroom Special Education Needs Unit, Reception, Offices and Ancillary accommodation. (ii) I. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE BALLYSHANNY , KILFENORA , CO CLARE to demolish existing two storey rear extension and to construct a new two storey rear extension, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE CHURCH ROAD , TULLA , CO. CLARE V95 C1Y6 for the construction of an extension to the rear & side of existing detached dwelling house, together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE CARROWKEEL WEST , INAGH , CO. CLARE to alter house types approved under P23-60560 to 20 No. Semi-detached two storey dwellinghouses and 1 No. detached bungalow together with all associated site development works and connections to public services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE VANDELEUR WALLED GARDEN & GARDENERS YARD , VANDELEUR WALLED GARDEN & VISITOR CENTRE , FEAGARROGE KILRUSH CO CLARE V15 E735 to carry out the following development: Restoration and additions to existing Walled Garden and Gardener's Yard. The proposed development will include: a) The construction of a new wall and entrance gates to the existing Gardener's Yard. b) The installation of a prefabricated storage container in th. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE AN CREAG , CRAG LAHINCH , CO. CLARE for the subdivision of existing site at 12 An Creag Lahinch, new vehicular access off existing estate road, construction of a dwelling house for permanent occupation, connection to mains services within the existing estate together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE FORMER SHANNON SHAMROCK HOTEL , BUNRATTY , CO CLARE for development comprising the regeneration of an existing brownfield site at the site of the former Shannon Shamrock Hotel at Bunratty, Co. Clare. A seven year planning permission is sought to demolish the existing hotel and ancillary outbuildings and to provide for the phased delivery of a mixed . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE OATFIELD , CO CLARE for the demolition of existing cottage ruins and for the construction of a storey and a half dwelling. the development will also consist of a new wastewater treatment system, site entrance and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 06 CLARE BALLYKILDEA , KILLALOE , CO. CLARE retain existing garden shed and all associated site works to the rear of their house . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE KILNACALLY , ENNIS , CO CLARE to change the location, size and level of a flood lit all weather training area, and boundary fencing with ball stop netting as granted under existing permission No. 23-459, all with associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 06 CLARE KNOCKROE , KILFENORA , CO CLARE V95 C1X0 to RETAIN the dwelling house, shed, septic tank and percolation area . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE AHARINAGHMORE , KILMORE , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, bored well, garage, waste water treatment system, percolation area, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE KNOCKNAMANA , CLARECASTLE , ENNIS CO CLARE V95 VW2P for the construction of an extension to the side of existing dwelling to comprise of kitchen/dining, lobby and bedroom with en-suite including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE KILFEILIM , SPANCILHILL , CO CLARE for development, the development consists of the construction of a slatted unit and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE LACKNASHANNAGH , KILDYSART , COUNTY CLARE V95 CHX9 for planning permission and retention permission for the following development at Lacknashannagh, Kildysart, Co. Clare. Planning permission to a). construct a single-storey extension to the side and rear of existing dwelling house, including an astro turf play area to rear of extension, and new priv. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE ELMHILL , O'CALLAGHAN'S MILLS , CO. CLARE for development consists of the construction of a slatted unit replacing existing slurry pit and asociated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE BALLYHOMULTA , KILFENORA , CO CLARE the development will consist of front, rear and side extensions to existing dwelling house together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 CLARE ACHA BHILE LOUGHVILLE , LAHINCH ROAD , ENNIS CO CLARE to construct 6 additional semi-detached dwelling houses as part of the Acha Bhile housing estate, to connect to existing services, access to existing estate road and to carry out all associated and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CLARE 4 COLLEGE GROVE , ENNIS , CO CLARE V95 RW5D to (a) Construct a first floor extension to the eastern side of the house (b) to RETAIN a rear conservatory extension and (c) to RETAIN a garage as constructed to the rear of the property . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CLARE HURLER'S CROSS , CLONMONEY WEST , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS for the construction of a dwelling house, garage and proprietary waste treatment plant and road entrance including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CLARE BALLYMALEY & BALLYCOREY , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to construct 55 No. dwellinghouses consisting of 8. no 4 bedroom detached two storey houses, 8 no. 4 bedroom semi-detached two storey houses, 5 no. 3 bedroom detached 2 storey houses, 26 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached 2 storey houses, 8 no. 3 bedroom detached bungalows, car parking, vehicular & pedestr. More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CLARE DRUMELLIHY WEST , CREE , CO CLARE V15 YY79 for the demolition of a porch to the rear of the dwelling house, carry out elevational changes and internal alterations to existing dwelling house along with all associated works . More...
RETENTION Dec 05 CLARE TULLYCRINE , COORACLARE , CO. CLARE. to RETAIN minor elevational alterations and planning permission to erect additional walling to the front of the dwelling and erect entrance gates to the front of the property along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CLARE CLARISFORD PARK , THE MOYS , KILLALOE CO CLARE V94 DWP7 to develop a swimming platform, and associated site works. A Natura Impact Statement accompanies this application. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CLARE HARVEY'S QUAY , AT REAR OF 15 PARNELL ST , ENNIS CO CLARE for change of use from shop as granted under previous permission P97/53 to Laundrette at premises . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CLARE CHILDERS ROAD , CLOUGHLEIGH , ENNIS CO. CLARE to (a) change partial use of ground floor of existing building to take away (b) erect signage together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 CLARE KILLANENA , CAHER , COUNTY CLARE V94 X6YK for change of the design of the house which was granted planning permission under Planning Reference No. 2460046 along with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 05 CLARE RINEANNA NORTH , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO. CLARE V95 Y497 of the conversion of the attic to comprise of stairs, landing, 1 bedroom, bathroom and storage room with 4 existing roof windows to rear. Retention permission for garage as constructed and conversion of same to independent living unit to comprise of kitchen/dining/ living, bathroom and 1 bedroom inc. More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CLARE SHEEAUN , KILMIHIL , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, wastewater treatment system, utilising and upgrading existing entrance including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CLARE CRATLOE CROSS , CRATLOE , COUNTY CLARE for (a) modifications to the existing two storey dwelling (b) single storey extension to the existing dwelling (c) conversion of existing sheds to habitable rooms and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CLARE BALLYCANNON NORTH , MEELICK , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CLARE LISDUFF , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of a slatted unit and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CLARE LUOGH NORTH , DOOLIN , CO CLARE V95 YP99 to extend the existing dwelling house, upgrade the existing sewerage treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Dec 04 CLARE DEERPARK , ARDNACULLIA SOUTH , ENNISTYMON CO. CLARE of the following: a) Retention of works to the existing farmhouse, a dry building (56.06 sq.m.) including replacement of existing slate roof with grey, powder coated corrugated aluminium roof; the installation of roof mounted solar panels and associated infrastructure as well as 2 no. rooflights, 2. More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CLARE BALLYVULLAGAN , DARRAGH , CO CLARE to change permission granted on P23/60312 to adjacent site to western side of original site. The development will consist of a dwelling house, a private garage, a secondary treatment ssytem and soil polishing filter and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 04 CLARE UNIT 5 WESTBURY SHOPPING CENTRE , WESTBURY , CORBALLY CO CLARE of a change of use from a retail unit to a fast food takeaway restaurant . More...
RETENTION Dec 04 CLARE CLONMONEY WEST , HURLERS CROSS , CO. CLARE V14 RC79 of existing footgolf leisure centre facility including portacabin, store, office & W.C. (originally granted under planning reference P15-609 & P.L. 03.245801). PERMISSION to extend the existing carpark and to develop a mini golf course including ancillary site works. I intend to apply for a 10 yea. More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CLARE CLONKETT , CRANNY , KILRUSH CO. CLARE to alter and extend the existing cottage and for a two- storey extension to the side of the existing cottage along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CLARE GORTBOFARNA , MAURICES MILLS , CO. CLARE. V95 ER24 to construct a dwelling with on-site wastewater treatment, a new entrance and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CLARE THE SQUARE , KILDYSART , CO. CLARE. for material change of use and alterations of existing public house and dwelling into two townhouses including all ancillary works at existing site . More...
RETENTION Dec 04 CLARE "SHALOM" BALLYBEG , CLARECASTLE , ENNIS CO CLARE V95 T2P6 of the extension to the dwelling and garage . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 CLARE BALLYCANNAN EAST , ARDNACRUSHA , CO. CLARE V95 DXP2 to construct an Agricultural shed and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 CLARE POPPINTREE LODGE BALLYCASEYMORE , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO CLARE V14 KX75 to replace the pyrite damaged dwelling on site with a new dwelling & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 CLARE 2 SANDYMOUNT , FINTRA BEG , MILTOWN MALBAY CO CLARE V95 EK66 to extend the existing garage and change its use to a recording studio with welfare facilities & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 CLARE BOHERAROAN , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS , CO. CLARE for development at Newmarket-on-Fergus Wastewater Treatment Plant in the townland of Boheraroan, Newmarket-on-Fergus, Co. Clare and an associated rising main traversing the townlands of Ballyconneely, Ballynacragga, Boheraroan, Dromoland, Latoon North, Latoon South, Manusmore, Newmarket and Rathfola. More...
RETENTION Dec 03 CLARE DRUMCREEHY HOUSE , BISHOPSQUARTER BALLYVAUGHAN , CO. CLARE of polytunnel structure (approximate floor area 27 sq.m, height 2.5 m) . More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 CLARE ASHFIELD HOUSE WOODCOCK HILL ROAD , MEELICK , CO. CLARE for the construction of a first-floor extension, enlargement of existing dormer window, new replacement roof and associated elevational changes to their existing detached dwelling including associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 CLARE ENAGH EAST , KILKISHEN , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 CLARE 1A 1B 1C , ST FLANNAN'S TERRACE CLARE ROAD , ENNIS CO. CLARE to (A) Demolish existing derelict dwelling house 1c and construct replacement dwelling (B) Demolish existing rear extension, renovate and reconstruct rear extension to dwelling 1b. (C) Demolish existing rear extension, renovate and construct rear & side extensions to dwelling 1a. (D) Retain and co. More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 CLARE ROCKVALE , TUBBER , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house with a wastewater treatment plant, percolation area, removal of the partially demolished foundations and remaining debris of demolished house, which was previously granted under Planning Reference No 98/1044, reuse of previous site entrance location of Planning Referenc. More...
RETENTION Dec 02 CLARE FEIGHQUIN , QUIN , CO CLARE V95 C5K7 of the extension to the side of the existing dwelling and the shed to the rear of the dwelling & all other associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 CLARE BALLYHINCH , WHITEGATE , CO. CLARE to revise the site boundary outline for previously granted planning permission application reference 06/495 and retention planning reference 22/598 to their existing dwelling house, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 CLARE KNOCKNAGROAGH , BALLYVAUGHAN , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of construction of a single storey dwelling and detached garage, with site works and connections to public services . More...
RETENTION Dec 02 CLARE KILRUSH ROAD , LABASHEEDA , KILRUSH CO CLARE V15 X063 of (a) a single storey extension with attached garage to the rear (b) roof light and window to the southern front elevation (c) a door to the side eastern elevation and (d) attached shed to the eastern side of the property . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 CLARE CLOGGA , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE for the following works: 1) construct a new dwelling house which will replace the existing cottage on the site 2) To change the use of the existing cottage from use of a cottage to a shed/store 3) install proprietary wastewater treatment system, percolation area and associated ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 CLARE DRUMMEEN EAST , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to construct a single dwelling house, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 CLARE 586 GLENAIFREANN , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO CLARE for the construction of a porch to the front of the dwelling, a single storey extension to the rear of the dwelling, alterations to front boundary wall, the provision of a parking area to the rear of the site and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 CLARE HEATHMOUNT , CRATLOE , CO. CLARE for (i) to RETAIN embankment as constructed and (ii) Permission to construct a dwelling house, detached garage, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 CLARE CLENAGH , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO CLARE for development, the development consists of the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a waste water treatment system with a percolation area, new entrance onto public road and associated site works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Dec 02 CLARE LAHARDAUN , TULLA , CO CLARE to Extend the Appropriate Period of Planning for P19/670 to construct a dwelling house, garage and waste water treatment system including all ancillary site services and works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 01 CLARE COOLOGOREY , FEAKLE , CO. CLARE to erect an extension to the side and rear of the house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 01 CLARE KNOCKANEENA , CAHER , CO. CLARE to erect a dwelling house and garage for private domestic use, install an effluent treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 30 CLARE CARROWCORE , OGONNELLOE , CO. CLARE to erect a dwellinghouse, garage , install an effluent treatment system and soil polishing filter and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 CLARE BAUNKYLE HOUSE , BAUNKYLE COROFIN , CO.CLARE for the construction of (a) 10 no. Glamping pods, (b) 1no. Short term rental chalet, (c) 19 no parking bays for short term stay camper vans, (d) new car park, (e) Renovation of existing hay barn to accommodate reception, communal shower and toilet facilities and recreation room, (f) new connection t. More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 CLARE KILMURRY WEST / KILMURRY EAST , KILMURRY MCMAHON , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house, entrance, driveway, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 CLARE CARROWNACLOGHY , CRUSHEEN , CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, nw entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 CLARE DUNLICKEY ROAD , KNOCKROE , KILKEE CO CLARE to construct Dwelling House incorporating Domestic garage, waste water treatment system and Percolation area plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 CLARE DREWSBOROUGH , SCARIFF , CO CLARE to alter, renovate and extend dwelling house and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 29 CLARE TURLOUGHMORE , BOSTON , CO CLARE to RETAIN the rear extension to existing dwelling consisting of a Kitchen/Dining area and a living room together with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 29 CLARE SAN MICHELE , 18 CLON ROAD , ENNIS CO CLARE V95 AK4C for a single storey extension, conservatory and shed, all to the rear of the property . More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 CLARE CAHERLOUGHLIN , MUCKINISH WEST , BALLYVAUGHAN to construct a new addition to the rear of the existing dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 29 CLARE CLON ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to RETAIN a new entrance gate to rear of existing dwelling house from Friar's Close . More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 CLARE BALLYQUIN MORE AND WOODPARK , BALLYQUIN , CO. CLARE for development at the existing Ballyquin Quarry. The development will consist of: (i) The extraction of sand from an area of approximately 16.3 hectares within an overall site area of 97.5 hectares; (ii) The infill and restoration of existing and future quarry voids (38 hectares) using inert soi. More...
RETENTION Nov 28 CLARE LISHEEN , BALLYNACALLY , CO. CLARE to RETAIN alterations to a dwelling house constructed under P98-1636 along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 CLARE RIVERSIDE COURT , CLONROAD MORE , ENNIS to construct three no. new dwelling houses, consisting of one pair of semi-detached houses and one no. detached house, along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 CLARE GOWER SOUTH , COORACLARE , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, new entrance, private garage and install a new wastewater treatment system along with all associated works . More...
RETENTION Nov 28 CLARE UNIT 7 GORT ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , GORT ROAD , ENNIS permission to RETAIN elevational and layout alterations, amendments to the designated uses of areas granted under planning P23-60321 and P22-287 along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Nov 28 CLARE CHURCH STREET , MOY MORE , LAHINCH of outline planning permission (Ref. P22-417) for development which will consist of the construction of a single storey dwelling, garage and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 CLARE BALLARD ROAD , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, new land entrance to adjoining lands, install a new wastewater treatment system along with all associated works . More...
RETENTION Nov 28 CLARE BREAFFY SOUTH , SPANISH POINT , CO CLARE to RETAIN the following a) the alterations to the rear extension granted under P07/513 b) the front boundary wall and site entrance as constructed along with associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 28 CLARE LISMULBREDDA , DARRAGH , ENNIS for a temporary three year period, to retain plant and machinery storage yard which includes hardcore base, storage silos, concrete base, storage containers, fencing and signage and to replace part of existing fencing and for the provision of all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 28 CLARE LISMULBREDDA , DARRAGH , ENNIS CO CLARE for a temporary three year period, to retain plant and machinery storage yard which includes hardcore base, concrete base, storage containers and covered area, skips, storage of materials, fencing and signage and for the provision of all ancillary site development works . More...
RETENTION Nov 28 CLARE FEAKLE HOUSE , FEAKLE , CO CLARE V94 K540 to RETAIN the construction of a sun-room to the side of the dwelling and for the enclosing of the existing open porch area to the front of the house with glazing, all with associated site works and accessed by a shared entrance and driveway from the public road . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 CLARE MOORE STREET , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE to renovate the existing dwelling house to include addition of second floor accommodation, addition of four No. Velux windows to the roof, along with all necessary ancillary services . More...
RETENTION Nov 28 CLARE ANNAGH , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE V95 P263 to RETAIN existing garage as constructed and for permission to construct a new extension to the garage consisting of a home office and store/drying room along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Nov 28 CLARE KILCOLUMB , KILMALEY , CO CLARE permission consequent on the grant of outline permission (reference No. P21/913) to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 CLARE KNOCK , KILLIMER KILRUSH , CO. CLARE to construct a machinery shed, manure pit/ dungstead, extend the existing easy feed slatted house to include slatted tank and straw bedded loose house at eastern side and straw bedded loose house at western side, ancillary concrete and all ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 CLARE KNOCKADEREEN , BRIDGETOWN KILLALOE , CO. CLARE for the construction of a detached 2 storey dwelling, new entrance, bored well, onsite wastewater treatment system, connection to necessary services and all associated ancillary and site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 CLARE SHRAGH , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to construct poultry house with store/packing plus all ancillary site works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Nov 28 CLARE KNOCKATUNNA , KILMALEY , CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 CLARE MOVEEN WEST , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to alter and extend the existing dwelling house along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 CLARE DOONAGORE , DOOLIN , CO CLARE V95 A2T2 to extend and renovate the existing dwelling, upgrade the existing septic tank with a wastewater treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CLARE LUOGH NORTH , DOOLIN , CO CLARE to build a new dwelling, garage, install a waste water treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Nov 27 CLARE FANOREMORE , BALLYVAUGHAN , CO CLARE H91 T8FW TO RETAIN the altered fenestration to the dwelling house, the revised site boundaries and septic tank location & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Nov 27 CLARE TOORMORE , RUAN , CO. CLARE consequent on the grant of outline permission [Ref. No. ABP-316031-23 & Clare County Council ref P22/519 of outline permission] for the construction of a dwelling house with proprietary wastewater treatment system and percolation area together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CLARE CHURCH STREET , MOY MORE , LAHINCH CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of a single storey dwelling, garage and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CLARE CLOONSELHERNY , TUBBER , CO CLARE for development, the development consists of the construction of an agricultural loose house and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CLARE 8 BOGBERE AVENUE , ENNISTYMON , CO. CLARE. to construct a first floor extension on top of the existing single storey extension to the side of the house and RETENTION permission for elevational changes to the dwelling house and the construction of a garden shed along with all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CLARE COOLDERRY DROMINTOBIN NORTH DROMINTOBIN SOUTH KNOCKBRACK LOWER , KNOCKBRACK UPPER MONASKEHA OAKFIELD AND RUANARD (TOWNLANDS) , ARDNACRUSHA CO. CLARE a 10-year planning permission for a solar array. The development will consist of c. 330,000 m2 of solar panels on ground mounted frames, 13 no. single storey control cabins with associated electrical transformer units and hardstand areas, 2 no. ring main units, underground cabling within the solar a. More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 CLARE 14 ST. SENAN'S ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for the construction of a new two-storey extension to the side of the existing house, single-storey extensions to the front and rear of the existing house, replacement windows throughout, widening of existing vehicular entrance, external insulation and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CLARE ERINAGH , CLONLARA , CO. CLARE to construct an extension, garage, treatment plant and percolation area and all ancillary site works to existing dwelling and for permission to demolish existing shed to the front of the dwelling. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CLARE DERREEN WEST , FANORE , CO.CLARE for (a) modifications to an existing dwelling (b) a single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CLARE BALLYOGAN , BAREFIELD , CO CLARE for development, the development consists of the construction of a slatted unit replacing existing slatted unit and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CLARE PINK LODGE , STATION ROAD , LAHINCH CO. CLARE V95 F504 for the development which will consist of modifications to exterior and internal alterations to part of an existing storey and half dwelling house to provide new secondary entrance to front with bay window; 2 no. new windows to side (West) gable wall; new winter garden and associated structure to re. More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CLARE 12 HAGGART VIEW , CREGGAUNAHILLA , CLARECASTLE CO. CLARE V95 FFP2 for an extension to the existing dwelling. The extension will include a single storey extension to the existing kitchen and utility room to the rear of the property and the conversion of the roof space to provide a new master bedroom suite and home office. Alterations to the roof to include dormer w. More...
RETENTION Nov 26 CLARE CHURCH STREET , KILMIHIL , CO. CLARE of (a) change of use from shop to residential on part of ground floor together with alterations and fenestration changes as constructed (b) rear extension as constructed (c) rear shed together with all associated site development works, boundaries and services as constructed . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CLARE CRAGGAUNBOY , WILLBROOK , COROFIN CO CLARE to renovate and change of use of the property known as Willbrook School to a dwelling, construct extension to the rear, install a new effluent treatment system, and upgrade the existing vehicle entrance, all with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CLARE WOODVIEW , BALLYLANNIDY , SHANAWAY ROAD ENNIS CO. CLARE to (a) demolish rear sun room and garden shed (b) construct extension to existing dwelling house (c) construct domestic garage, home office and carport together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 CLARE CARNAUN , DOOLIN , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE 29 CUAIRT NA HEAGLAIS , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO. CLARE V95 HW44 for the redesign of the fa\u00E7ade of the existing dwelling to comprise of removal of balcony and sliding door and replace with window. Also permission is sought to convert existing garage to study/bedroom and replace existing garage door with a window including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE SALLYBANK , TRUAGH , KILMORE CO CLARE to contruct a slatted slurry storage tank, farm roadway and changes to existing ground levels with associated infilling . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE 4 AN GARRAN , MOUNSHANNON , CO CLARE V94 X00N to add an extension. The development will consist of an extension to a bedroom on the first floor, to the rear of the property, above the existing utility room . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE LISDOONVARNA SPORT & AMENITY PARK , COIS CEIM CRECHE RATHBAUN TD. , LISDOONVARNA for the following development: to demolish part of existing extension and construct new extension to the side of the existing creche, add new solar panels to existing roof and proposed roof areas, minor internal alterations to main building, including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE CLARE WASTE & RECYCLING COMPANY , RAHEEN TUAMGRANEY , CO. CLARE V94 WY67 for an amendment to a permitted planning permission (Pl. Ref. 22147), in the townland of Raheen, Tuamgraney, Co. Clare. The proposed amendment includes: 1. An increase in the size of the previously permitted Waste Recovery building from a ridge height of 8.67m to 12.5 m and a footprint increase from. More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE BALLAGHALINE , DOOLIN , CO. CLARE for proposed construction of one dwelling house with garage, proprietary waste water treatment system, and new entrance, with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE KNOCKANIRA , DARRAGH , ENNIS CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE FERMOYLE BEG , BROADFORD , CO. CLARE to erect a dwellinghouse and install an effluent treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE CRAG , KILMIHIL , CO CLARE to erect dwelling house, foul sewer treatment plant and percolation area . More...
RETENTION Nov 25 CLARE RALAHINE SOUTH , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO. CLARE V95 EC53 of garage as constructed and conversion of same to independent living unit to comprise of kitchen/dining/ living, bathroom and 1 bedroom, utility and storage room with connection to existing wastewater treatment system including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE KILCLEHAUN , QUILTY , CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE BALLAGHALINE , DOOLIN , CO. CLARE for a proposed private dwelling house, new site entrance, waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE KILCLEHAUN , QUILTY , CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 CLARE THE GATE LODGE CAHIRACON , KILLADYSERT , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of; 1.) the demolition of the wall and flat roof to the rear extension of the existing dwelling, 2.) the construction of a new single storey extension with a hipped roof to the rear, 3.) the replacement of all external windows and doors 4.) the alteration and resto. More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 CLARE TULLA , CO. CLARE to alter house types approved under P20-969 to 15 No. two storey detached dwellinghouses and 20 No. Semi-detached two storey dwellinghouses together with all associated site development works and connections to public services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 CLARE HIGH MEADOWS , GALLOWS HILL , CRATLOE CO CLARE for the construction of a new single storey standalone structure to the rear of the existing dwelling to contain a lap swimming pool & sauna and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 CLARE FREAGHAVALEEN , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of a dwelling house and garage with a proprietary wastewater treatment system and polishing filter together with ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 CLARE KILKITTAUN , WHITEGATE , CO CLARE to demolish rear extension to dwelling house, alter and renovate dwelling house, including construction of new rear extension, provision of new site entrance and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CLARE THALASSA GLENINAGH QUAY , BALLYVAUGHAN , CO CLARE for demolition of existing single storey extension to the rear of the existing storey & a half dwelling & construction of a new storey & a half extension to rear & side, including new contemporary corner window, lowering existing front windows & new blue bangor slates to existing dwelling & all site. More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CLARE DREWSBOROUGH , SCARIFF , CO. CLARE to renovate and repair existing storage building and for change of use of same to dwellinghouse and connect to mains services and all associated site works. Note this is a protected structure . . . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CLARE KYLEA , INAGH , CO. CLARE to construct a dwellinghouse, domestic garage, wastewater treatment system and soil polishing filter, together with all associated site development works and connections to public services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CLARE BALLAGHALINE , DOOLIN , CO. CLARE for proposed private dwelling house, new site entrance, waste water treatment system all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CLARE KILROUGHIL , BRIDGETOWN , CO. CLARE for a new dwelling, wastewater treatment system, polishing filter, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CLARE BANSHA , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance and domestic wastewater treatment system along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CLARE DRUMELLIHY WEST , CREE , CO. CLARE. for revised elevations, removal of chimneys and internal alterations to existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CLARE DOONMORE HOUSE , DOONBEG KILRUSH , CO CLARE to renovate existing un-occupied dwelling house, change of use of existing out buildings to supplementary additional domestic accommodation to dwelling house, installation of wastewater treatment unit, polishing filter and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CLARE BALLYEA NORTH , ENNISTYMON , CO CLARE to demolish existing extension to rear and shed to side of existing dwelling, renovate and change the layout of dwelling, construct extension to the dwelling and, to install a replacement effluent treatment system and percolation area, all with associated site works and accessed by means of an exist. More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CLARE 7 CARMODY STREET , ENNIS , CO.CLARE for the conversion of existing shop and accommodation to 2 No. two-bedroom apartments, and for permission to construct a two-storey extension to rear of building to comprise of two bedrooms with internal modifications and changes to the fa\u00E7ade of the building including connection to public serv. More...
RETENTION Nov 21 CLARE ABBEYWEST , BELLHARBOUR , CO. CLARE of relocated entranceway and front boundary wall to their land . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 CLARE BALLYMACLOON EAST , QUIN , CO. CLARE V95C7Y7 for alterations and extensions to the existing dwelling house including all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 20 CLARE 9 GLOR NA SRUTHA , CLONLARA , CO CLARE of security fence and entrance gate on the front boundary of their dwelling and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 20 CLARE CAPPAGHCASTLE , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE of a single storey kitchen extension and sheds to the rear of property . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 CLARE BALLYVONNAVAUN , CLARECASTLE , CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, domestic garage, entrance, wastewater treatment system and all other associated siteworks and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 CLARE CAHERYCAHILL , LISCANNOR , CO. CLARE consisting of construction of a storage shed, manure pit, slatted shed and underground slurry storage tank along with all associated site works. Proposed storage shed will have a roof height 6.352m & proposed slatted shed will have a roof height of 6.650m. Proposed manure pit will be unroofed and . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 CLARE CARROWKEEL EAST , INAGH , CO CLARE for the following works, (A) Demolish an existing flat roofed extension to the rear of the dwelling (B) Construct extension to the side of the dwelling part of which includes an attached garage and car-port, (C) Use part of the dwelling as a granny flat, (D) decommission the existing treatment syste. More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 CLARE RANNAGH , LISCANNOR , CO CLARE V95 X8N5 for development consisting of demolition of the existing rear kitchen extension to the house and construction of a new single-storey development to the rear, forming a U-shaped courtyard plan and connecting to the existing outbuilding on the site. The new build will comprise of 89m2, containing a ne. More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 CLARE BALLYVONNAVAUN , CLARECASTLE , ENNIS CO CLARE for the construction of a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, wastewater treatment system and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Nov 20 CLARE SANDYBANK , O'BRIENS BRIDGE , CO CLARE V94FY9H to RETAIN as-constructed 2 storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling together with all associated ancillary and site works. . More...
RETENTION Nov 20 CLARE MELROSE HOUSE O'CONNELL STREET , KILKEE , CO. CLARE of the detached ancillary living accommodation unit to the rear of the existing dwelling house along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 CLARE FINAVARRA , BURREN , CO CLARE to construct a single storey front, side and rear extension along with a new roof, waste water treatment system, revised site boundaries, site entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 CLARE KILCLEHAUN , QUILTY , CO CLARE to demolish shed and bathroom areas, and extend existing dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 CLARE ARDKYLE , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO CLARE for development which will consist of alterations, rear extension and change of use of existing domestic garage to a granny flat accommodation, along with ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE KNOCKNEPPY , LAHINCH , CO CLARE to demolish the existing derelict structure on site and to construct a new dwelling, garage, install a waste water treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE GAURUS , ENNIS , CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house, garage and waste water treatment system . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE REHY WEST , CROSS , KILRUSH to upgrade the existing wastewater treatment system servicing the dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE KNOCKACARN , INAGH , CO. CLARE for the extension and refurbishment of the existing dwelling. The development will include single-storey extensions to the either side of the existing dwelling incorporating an entrance porch, a kitchen and utility room, four bedrooms, bathrooms and a sunroom. Works to also include refurbishment o. More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE KILMACDUANE WEST , COORACLARE , CO. CLARE to retain alterations to the site boundaries granted under planning P8/22812 and planning PERMISSION to close up the existing unauthorised vehicular entrances and construct a new entrance and access road to the dwelling along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE IN THE TOWNLANDS OF KILBANE KILLEAGY (RYAN) SHANNAKNOCK , KILLEAGY (STRITCH) KILLEAGY (GOONAN) BALLYMOLONEY , MAGHERAREAGH AND LACKAREAGH BEG CO. CLARE. The development will consist of: (i) The construction of 7 no. wind turbines with the following parameters: a. Total tip height range of 179.5m \u2013 180m, b. Rotor diameter range of 149m \u2013 155m, c. Hub height range of 102.5m to 105m, (ii) Construction of associated foundations, hardstand and . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE COROFIN GAA , BAUNKYLE , COROFIN CO. CLARE to erect a 30 metre high monopole telecommunications support structure together with antennas, dishes and associated telecommunications equipment, all enclosed in security fencing . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE 11 MARINE PARADE , KILKEE , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of demolishing part of the existing structure, construction of a new extension and refurbishment of the retained single storey building along with all ancillary works. The completed development will accommodate a dwelling house and granny flat . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE GRANAGHAN CASTLE , GRANAGHAN MORE TLD. , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS CO.CLARE V95 Y2W0 for a. to refurbish and reroof and for a change of use of an existing outbuilding from storage use to accommodation use ancillary to the existing house, and to construct a new extension and b. To refurbish and reroof an existing barn to include a roof mounted PV solar array, and to construct a new. More...
RETENTION Nov 19 CLARE RHYNAGONNAUGHT , DOONBEG , CO CLARE V15 XH11 to RETAIN the dwelling and boundary wall as built on site, which differ to that granted under ref 20/219 & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE RANNAGH , LISCANNOR , CO CLARE V95 RC60 to RETAIN the boiler house to the rear of the existing dwelling and the revised first floor windows on the right elevation and for Permission to extend the existing dwelling house & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE NEWPARK , ENNIS , CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house and detached garage including all ancillary services and works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE POULAWILLIN , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE for the construction of a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE CAPPANTYMORE , MEELICK , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, site entrance, access road and domestic wastewater treatment system along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 19 CLARE FANORE MORE , FANORE , CO CLARE for the following works (A) Renovate and change the layout and elevations of the existing dwelling and attached shed (B) Change use of the attached shed as living accommodation (C) Construct extensions to the rear of dwelling incorporating garage (D) Reconstruct porch to front and (E) Upgrade the ex. More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE MOUNTSHANNON COMMUNITY HALL , MOUNTSHANNON , CO. CLARE for alterations and demolition works to the existing Community Hall, the construction of a sports hall and arts centre and ancillary buildings along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE CAHERLOOSKAUN , KILSHANNY , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house with wastewater treatment system, garage and all associated site works and services. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE LINK ROAD , SMITHSTOWN , SHANNON for construction of extension to existing aircraft display building with a link to main central building to facilitate 3 more display aircraft including ancillary site works. RETENTION permission for minor changes to the original building as built (originally granted under planning reference P21-30. More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE MOYARTA WEST , KILKEE , KILRUSH to renovate and extend the existing dwelling house and to upgrade the existing sewer system with all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE CARROWBLOUGHMORE , KILKEE , CO CLARE to provide a single storey dwelling by refubishment and extension of derelict structure with new wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE CRAGGYKERRIVAN , BALLYNACALLY , CO CLARE to extend existing derelict house and store to include living-kitchen-dining area, 4 no. bedrooms, bathroom and to install foul sewer treatment plant and percolation area . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE AUGHINISH , KINVARA , CO. CLARE the development will consist of the demolition of elements of the existing dwelling and the provision of a new single storey extension to the rear of the dwelling, internal and external alterations and refurbishment works to the existing dwelling, modifications to the roadside boundary wall includin. More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE BALLYQUIN MORE TD , O'BRIENSBRIDGE , CO CLARE to fill the existing poor quality agricultural land with stone and soil in order to raise the level of the ground, utilising existing site entrance, including all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE BALLYVELAGHAN , NEW QUAY , BURREN CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house, garage, and proprietary waste water treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE THE ISLAND , CLOGHER , KILFENORA CO CLARE V95 W7C6 to revise the plans to extend the dwelling, previously granted under ref 23/573 & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE BREAFFA SOUTH , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE for single storey extension to the rear, replacement porch to the front, and garage conversion to the side of existing semi-detached cottage. Works to include extension of driveway to rear to relocate car parking . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 CLARE OLD LIMERICK ROAD KNOCKSAGGART , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 18 CLARE 7 WOODVIEW , CLAUREEN , ENNIS of the change of use of a portion of the existing structure from a garage to part of the dwelling house, retention permission for extensions and alterations to the existing structure along with all associated works . More...
RETENTION Nov 15 CLARE MAIN STREET , KILKISHEN , CO CLARE of changes made to the front elevation of the existing dwelling at first floor level and increasing roof height and also retain change of use from commercial to residential with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 CLARE OATFIELD , CO CLARE for the demolition of existing cottage ruins and for the construction of a storey and a half dwelling. The development will also consist of a new wastewater treatment system, site entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 CLARE 47 PARNELL STREET , ENNIS , CO. CLARE V95HP63 to change use of ground floor from commercial to residential (b) carry out renovations and alterations to existing building (c) construct rear extension together with all ancillary site development works and connections to public services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 CLARE CARROWREAGH WEST , CRANNY KILRUSH , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated site works and services. The planning application will be accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement (NIS). . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 CLARE CARROWREAGH WEST , CRANNY KILRUSH , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated site works and services. The planning application will be accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement (NIS). . More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 CLARE BOLAND'S LANE , SALLYBANK KILMORE , CO. CLARE for refurbishment of and extension to an existing derelict cottage, construction of a three bay detached garage a waste water treatment system, a bored well and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 CLARE LIFFORD ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE. to change the use of the existing premises from retail shop to doctors surgery; (b) to make elevational changes to the exterior of the building; (c) all associated site works and services. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 CLARE JUNCTION OF MARKET PLACE AND GARRAUNAKILLA LANE , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for the development which will consist of: (a) to demolish fire damaged former furniture store and ancillary buildings along with the demolition of an existing 2 storey commercial/retail building adjoining same. (b) The construction of a new 2 and part 3 storey building compromising the following ac. More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 CLARE CHURCH ROAD , CLONLARA , CO. CLARE to construct 2 No. semi-detatched dwelling houses, connection to existing public service infrastructure, access entrances to the road network of permitted development, Ref. No. P20-740 and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 CLARE DOONMORE , DOONBEG , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, private wastewater treatment system and all associated site works and services. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 CLARE DOONASS , CLONLARA , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, bored well, waste water treatment sytem, percolation area, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 CLARE BRIDGETOWN NS , BRIDGETOWN , CO CLARE V94CD83 for the construction of a multi use games area (MUGA), associated side fencing and netting, artificial grass surface, floodlighting and all associated ancillary and incidental works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 CLARE KILDEEMA SOUTH , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE to construct an underground dairy washing/soiled water storage tank for agricultural purposes along with all associated ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 CLARE CARROWKEEL EAST , INAGH , CO. CLARE to construct a carwash, erect signage and install storage container together with all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Nov 13 CLARE GORTEEN , DANGAN , TULLA CO CLARE V95 DF80 to retain rear extension to dwelling house (previously granted permission under planning Reference P04/1799) including all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 CLARE SHANAVOGH WEST , KILMURRY IBRICKANE , CO CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of a hay shed, a slatted unit and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 CLARE BALLYMACOODA , KILMALEY , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of a sheep shed and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CLARE SITES IN THE TOWNLANDS OF KILKEE LOWER AND FOOHAGH , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to apply for a 10-year permission for development at these sites (c.4.56ha combined total) in the townlands of Kilkee Lower and Foohagh, Kilkee, Co. Clare (no Eircode available); comprising two areas of land principally bound: Subject Site (A) to the north by residential dwellings at Victoria Park a. More...
RETENTION Nov 12 CLARE SELLERNAUN WEST , MOUNTSHANNON , CO CLARE of living accommodation in converted attic area and associated site works to dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CLARE CAPPANAVARNOGE , KILDYSART ENNIS , CO. CLARE. to renovate and extend an existing derelict cottage, decommission an existing septic tank and install a new wastewater treatment system along with all necessary ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CLARE SHEEAUN , KILMALEY , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 12 CLARE CAPPAHARD , TULLA ROAD , ENNIS CO. CLARE of (a) extension and fenestration changes to existing dwelling house (b) garage and first floor store (c) office / consultation room together with all associated site development works as constructed . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CLARE DRUMQUIN , BALLYNACALLY , ENNIS CO CLARE for the construction of a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CLARE DOONBEG VILLAGE , DOONBEG , CO CLARE V15 Y952 to develop a glamping facility with the provision of onsite parking, decommissioning of existing septic tank, connection to public sewer and the change of use of the existing cafeteria to administration greeting and meeting facility confined to patrons of the proposed glamping site to include all ne. More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 CLARE SHOREPARK , KILDYSART , CO. CLARE to make the following alterations to the existing dwelling house: a) demolish existing front conservatory and rear extension; b) construct new replacement extension to rear of house; c) construct new front porch; d) make elevational changes to the house; e) upgrade existing wastewater treatment syst. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 CLARE THE ENNISTYMON HUB , MONASTERY LANE , ENNISTYMON CO CLARE V95 NX86 to carry out the following development: For the redevelopment of a former retail storage building to provide a 2-storey office building. The proposed development will include: 1) The change of use of the building to office accommodation. 2) Demolition of the steel framed and clad building located at. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 CLARE BALLYMORRIS , CRATLOE , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, access road, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 CLARE TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL AND GOLF RESORT , DOONBEG , KILRUSH CO. CLARE V15 KH39 for development which will consist of the construction of a new internal access road with drain crossing, formalisation of staff car parking areas and minor alterations to Doughmore House, O\u2019Dea Barn and Healy House and the external areas of each property including fencing and alterations to en. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 CLARE ROO WEST , ARDNACRUSHA , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, bored well, waste water treatment system, percolation area, entrance and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 08 CLARE WILSON ROAD , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE of the following development: (a) alterations to the existing dwelling house; (b) conversion of shed to use as part of house, including connection to the house; (c) construction of new shed to rear; (d) all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 CLARE FOSSABEG , SCARIFF , CO. CLARE to install a padel ball court and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 CLARE RICE COLLEGE , NEW ROAD , ENNIS CO. CLARE for 1. Demolition of existing buildings 2. Construction of a two storey/part three-storey extension to existing buildings comprising classroom accommodation & new PE hall 3. Proposed hurling wall & 4. Proposed new vehicular entrance, cycle & car parking, landscaping, boundary treatment, drainage, pl. More...
PERMISSION Nov 07 CLARE HOTEL DOOLIN , DOOLIN , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the conversion of 8 No. existing holiday homes into 16 No. holiday suites, the demolition of rear garden walls, construction of external terraces to the rear and associated ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 07 CLARE THE SQUARE , CARRIGAHOLT , KILRUSH CO CLARE V15 CY83 of the change of use from garden/ancillary use to residential use/short-term letting and all associated site development works. . More...
RETENTION Nov 07 CLARE MOYS CLARISFORD , KILLALOE , CO CLARE for minor modifications to the elevations of the building previously granted planning permission under ref. no: P21/212. Modifications include: removal of two number windows on the west elevation: removal of external door on the north elevation: removal of skylight on the lower north facing roof; re. More...
PERMISSION Nov 07 CLARE MUCKINISH , SPANCIL HILL , ENNIS CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 07 CLARE MOYARTA EAST , CARRIGAHOLT , CO. CLARE to demolish existing sunroom, construct a replacement sunroom and alter the size and height of existing bay window and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 07 CLARE 7 CORROVORRIN GREEN , ENNIS , CO. CLARE of the granny flat as constructed to side and rear of existing dwelling house together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 07 CLARE TULLA ROAD SERVICE STATION , TULLA ROAD , ENNIS CO. CLARE for the following development: (a) to demolish the existing shed buildings to the rear of the existing convenience store / supermarket building and to demolish sections of the existing convenience / supermarket store building; (b) to construct new extensions to the rear of the rear/side of the exist. More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 CLARE CIRCLE K SHANNON , TULLYVARRAGA , SHANNON CO CLARE V14 K201 for development of the site at Circle K Shannon, Tullyvarraga, Shannon, Co Clare V14 K201. The proposed development will consist of (i) modifications to internal layout incorporating a change of use from ATM Room and staff toilets to retail use to include the sale of alcohol for consumption off the . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 CLARE CLOGGA , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE to construct a five bay linear roof shed, seepage tank and associated ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 CLARE SEAFIELD , QUILTY , CO CLARE the development will consist of a dwelling house with connection to public sewerage scheme together with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 06 CLARE NEWTOWN , BALLYVAUGHAN , CO CLARE of the following a) enlarged family room with en-suite extension overhead, b) alterations to the fenestration of the dwelling, c) positioning of the wastewater treatment system and polishing filters and d) Permission to alter the site boundaries and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 CLARE CLONMONEY WEST , SHANNON , CO. CLARE to import inert fill to agricultural lands to improve the agricultural output of the land, provide for internal access road and all ancillary site works required to facilitate the proposed development . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 CLARE KILCONNELL , LISCANNOR , CO. CLARE to construct a spectator stand and machinery / equipment store together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 CLARE CRAGAWEELCROSS , BAREFIELD , ENNIS CO. CLARE for a proposed private dwelling house, outbuilding to accommodate carer\u2019s accommodation, home office, stable and garden storage, widen existing site entrance, new waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 CLARE CLOGGA , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE to construct a 3 column round roof shed and associated ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Nov 05 CLARE TEERGONEAN , DOOLIN , CO CLARE of the outdoor canopy area, food/beverage container and toilet cubicle along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 CLARE DERGVIEW ESTATE , SCARIFF , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of a two storey building incorporating 3 ground floor apartments, 3 first floor apartments, common areas and access ways, parking, hard and soft landscaping, connection to existing public services along with all other necessary ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 CLARE KNOCKADOON , TULLA , CO. CLARE to (a) to construct an indoor hurling wall and indoor astro turf playing area 35m x 25m together with demolition and replacement of existing public toilets. (b) to construct a new all-weather pitch served by 6 no. 6 metre high floodlights and perimeter fencing and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 CLARE MINSTER PLACE / GRATTAN STREET , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house along with all associated site works and services. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 CLARE ARDNAGLA , BALLYNACALLY , ENNIS CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CLARE MAIN STREET , TULLA , CO CLARE for demolition of existing buildings, construction of a two storey dwelling house, a commercial unit with first floor office and storage space and one number two storey house at the laneway, including all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 CLARE RAHEEN ROAD , TUAMGRANEY , CO CLARE to demolish existing garage with office, and warehouse storage units and erect two new light industrial units, install an advanced effluent treatment system and soil polishing filter, new access road and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 CLARE CARRAHAN , TULLA , ENNIS CO. CLARE for the following proposed development: a. to demolish existing single storey rear annex and utility sheds b. alteration and refurbishment of existing dwelling house c. construct both 2 storey and part single storey rear extensions d. construct detached remote home office and gym including utility s. More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 CLARE 33 CASTLEWOOD PARK , ENNIS , CO. CLARE. to renovate and extend an existing vacant dwelling house along with all associated works . More...
RETENTION Nov 01 CLARE HOLYWELL , KILFENORA , CO CLARE of the garage and dwelling house on site, which are larger than those granted under Reference P08/474, the revised site boundaries, the detached office & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 CLARE DEL GASH BALLYVALLY , KILLALOE , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of extensions and alterations to existing dwelling, the provision of a granny flat and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 CLARE CAHERMURPHY , KILMIHIL , CO CLARE for the development which will consist of a new slatted house . More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 CLARE MOANMORE UPPER , KILRUSH , CO CLARE for development of a livestock slatted unit with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Oct 31 CLARE BEALICKANIA , COROFIN , CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associted site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 CLARE CLONLARA COMMUNITY SPORTS & LEISURE CENTRE , CLONLARA , CO CLARE V94VXD4 for alterations to the existing ground and first floor layouts to incorporate a caf\u00E9 on the ground floor, gym and cardio studio on the ground and first floors, new meeting room on the first floor, minor internal alterations, modifications to the existing elevations to incorporate new windows, t. More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 CLARE EIR EXCHANGE , CONNACHT ROAD , BALLYMINOGE SCARRIFF CO CLARE to replace a 12m wooden pole with a 21m high telecommunications monopole together with antennas, dishes and associated telecommunications equipment, enclosed by security fencing . More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 CLARE BEALKELLY , OGONNELLOE , CO. CLARE to erect a dwellinghouse, effluent treatment system and soil polishing filter, new vehicular entrance and connect to existing mains services and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 CLARE MARINE RESEARCH FACILITY RINE , BURRIN , CO. CLARE for the proposed works will include minor modifications to the building elevations, modifications to the entrance for universal access, provision of PV panels, replacement of the existing septic tank and percolation area with a packaged Wastewater Treatment System, provision of EV accessible and par. More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 CLARE MOYS , KILLALOE , CO. CLARE to develop swimming platform, yoga deck, outdoor recreation area and changing stalls associated site works. A Natura Impact Statement accompanies this application . More...
RETENTION Oct 30 CLARE GARRÁN CATHAIGH PELLA ROAD , LEADMORE WEST KILRUSH , CO. CLARE. of minor modifications to the design of the dwelling houses granted under P19-432, retention permission for alterations to finished floor levels, boundaries between houses and planning permission to alter the main entrance granted under planning permission P19-432 along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 29 CLARE DREWSBOROUGH , SCARIFF , CO CLARE for change of use of an existing shop to a Youth Service Centre and renovation of building to meet current fire regulations . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 CLARE GOLF LINKS ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to demolish derelict house and to construct 3 no. dwelling houses consisting of 1 no. 4 bedroom detached house and 2 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached houses along with associated site works and services . More...
RETENTION Oct 25 CLARE 4 FERGUS PARK , ENNIS , CO CLARE of the two storey extension to the rear of the dwelling, the new window to the gable of the original dwelling & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Oct 25 CLARE 21 MOUNTAIN VIEW , ENNIS , CO CLARE of the development which consists of the conversion of the attached garage for domestic use, the new pitched roof over the garage & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 CLARE LISMORRIS , LISSYCASEY , CO CLARE V95 H6X3 to (a) convert an existing attic to living accommodation with first floor gable windows, install roof windows on the existing roof and carry out alterations to the existing dwelling, (b) construct a domestic garage (c) construct stone walls and piers with gates at existing entrance and construct a p. More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 CLARE WUTHERING HEIGHTS , KILMORE , CO CLARE V94 N8W5 for the change of use of an existing derelict public house for use as a dwelling house. Permission is also being sought for the following to facilitate the change to a dwelling house:- 1) renovation of the existing building to include elevational changes; 2) demolition of existing single storey exte. More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 CLARE SHANNON TOWN CENTRE , SHANNON , CO. CLARE V14 FW90 for development which will consist of the installation of a compact modular substation and ancillary site development works; to facilitate 2 no. shared electric vehicle charging units and 4 no. charging bays and ancillary site works within a partially reconfigured parking area . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 CLARE DOUGH , KILKEE , CO. CLARE for development at a 1.35 hectare site at Dough Kilkee Co Clare located North of Moonin Estate. The site is accessed from an unnamed local road to the south of the site. The development will consist of: a) Construction of 38 no. 2 storey dwellings consisting of 28 no. 3-bed and 10 no. 2-bed houses. . More...
RETENTION Oct 24 CLARE BALLYBROUGHAN , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE of existing attic development not approved under planning reference number 07/3011 and planning PERMISSION is sought to carry out modifications to include dormer windows to the front and side and replace existing ground floor windows . More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 CLARE KILLERK EAST , DARRAGH , CO CLARE to carry out alterations and extension to dwelling house, construct private garage, install treatment sysstem, form new entrance to publc road and carry out ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 CLARE 34 CORROVORRIN GROVE , ENNIS , CO CLARE V95 F5TE to a) demolish the existing attached garage, b) construct a new front porch and attached garage for use as a garage/workshop/store, ground floor bedroom and en-suite including all ancillary services and works . More...
RETENTION Oct 24 CLARE DALY'S HOUSE B&B , DOONMACFELIM , DOOLIN CO CLARE V95 RW62 of the following: 1. dining room conservatory and extension to the ground floor B&B bedroom both to the rear of the dwelling, 2. the first floor B&B bedroom suite, 3. the changes to the external appearance of the dwelling, which differ to those granted under Planning Permission P99/1763 & all other . More...
RETENTION Oct 24 CLARE KILRUSH HOUSE / COALHOUSE , FRANCES ST KILRUSH , CO. CLARE. of as-built partially constructed extension and Planning Permission for the subdivision of the existing site to form a separate independent dwelling, to complete the refurbishment & extension, construction of boundary walls including forming a new street level entrance along with all associated work. More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 CLARE "LISHEEN" ESB HOUSE , CASTLEBANK , ARDNACRUSHA CO CLARE to convert the existing attached garage at side of house into extended family room (existing house) including raising height of existing flat roof of garage to match floor to ceiling height of existing family room (house). Permission for retention for the following (1) detached flat roofed double ga. More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CLARE KILCOLUMB , KILMALEY , ENNIS CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house, sewage treatment system, new entrance onto the public road and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CLARE SCART , TULLA ROAD , KILKISHEN CO. CLARE to construct a 2 storey dwelling house, detached domestic garage, vehicular entrance, connection to the village wastewater treatment system and public watermain, including all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CLARE WITHIN THE TOWNLANDS OF CASTLEBANK PARTEEN BALLYKEELAUN AND DRUMMIN , ARDNACRUSHA , CO. CLARE the development will consist of planning permission for a period of 10 years to construct and complete a Solar Energy development with a total site area of 36.70 hectares, to include the construction of PV panels mounted on metal frames, a substation, inverter substations, internal access tracks (ne. More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CLARE BALLYMURTAGH , SHANNON FREE ZONE WEST , SHANNON CO . CLARE for development which consists of the construction of two light industrial facilities with ancillary office space, yard spaces, refuse stores with carparking, bicycle parking, ESB substations, switch room and associated site works. Permission is sought for Building 01 the industrial and office faci. More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 CLARE SALLYBANK , TRUAGH , KILMORE CO. CLARE to construct a slatted slurry storage tank with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 CLARE HAZELDENE CHIPFIELD , BAREFIELD ENNIS , CO. CLARE for change of use of an existing dwelling and former B&B for use as a children's respite house, to include a new waste water treatment system and percolation area and ancillary site works and RETENTION permission for the demolition of an existing conservatory. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 CLARE BACK ROAD , KILMIHIL , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, new entrance, garage, connection to public sewerage and water services and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 CLARE BALLYGEERY WEST , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of: 1 No. enclosed battery energy storage system compound on a total of c. 6.2 hectare site, to include: 1 no. 220kv GIS electrical substation building and 1 no. single storey customer substation building, control and switch room, 220kv transformer and four no. aux. More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 CLARE LEADMORE WEST , KILRUSH , CO CLARE for development of a livestock slatted unit with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
RETENTION Oct 21 CLARE DOONMORE , DOONBEG , CO. CLARE of the dwelling house as constructed which includes additions/variations/deviations from approved plans granted under Planning Permission Ref: P01/435 and all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 21 CLARE COOLDERRY , ARDNACRUSHA , CO CLARE V94 RR6P of the following as part variation of previously granted permission P08/1258: to retain A) revised entrance location, B) revised percolation area location, C) change of use of domestic garage to home office, D) domestic garage, E) first floor accommodation area to existing dwelling, F)increased ridg. More...
RETENTION Oct 21 CLARE DARRAGH NORTH , ENNIS , CO CLARE of the development which consists of retaining existing outhouses and private car park . More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 CLARE DERRY , BAREFIELD , ENNIS for the construction of a garage for a campervan with store to side and also permission to install Solar P.V. Panels to the south roof of the building including ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 21 CLARE RIVERVIEW , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE V95 TE29 of a) the front elevation of the original dwelling house as constructed and b) the rear extension to the original dwelling house including all ancillary site services . More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 CLARE QUIN GARDENS , QUIN , CO. CLARE for a residential development comprising 56 no. residential units, (7 no. detached houses, 46 no. semi-detached houses and 3 no. terrace houses), construction of public footpath to the existing road, ancillary surface car parking, vehicular & pedestrian access to the proposed development, connection. More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 CLARE CAPPA , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, provide a new access on to an existing access road and connect to the public sewer and storm water services along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 CLARE FLAG ROAD , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to alter & extend existing house along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 CLARE GRATTEN STREET , KILKEE , CO CLARE to amend condition 3(a)(i) of planning P23/407 to allow for inclusion of a first floor bay window to the South West elevation with all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 CLARE CAHERLOUGHLIN MUCHINISH WEST , BALLYVAUGHAN , CO CLARE H91 T8FW to construct a new addition to rear of existing dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 CLARE GORTMAGY , HILL ROAD , KILLALOE CO. CLARE to erect a dwellinghouse including car port and home office, install an effluent system and and percolation area entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 CLARE LISSYCASEY GAA CLUB , LISSYCASEY , ENNIS CO. CLARE for the upgrade of floodlighting, mounted on 8 No. columns, to LED lighting, and associated works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 CLARE OATFIELD , CO CLARE for the construction of a storey and a half extension to existing cottage. Works to the existing cottage will include the construction of a new roof and external walls. The development will also consist of a new wastewater treatment system, site entrance and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 18 CLARE RALAHINE SOUTH , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO. CLARE of the construction of a two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling to comprise of kitchen/dining/livingroom, playroom, utility, master bedroom with ensuite and walk-in-wardrobe and bathroom including the refurbishment of the existing dwelling and PERMISSION to construct new entrance includi. More...
RETENTION Oct 18 CLARE NEWTOWN , KILKEE , CO CLARE V15 F590 of as-built rear extension, raised roof ridge, three number velux windows to the front of the house and demolition of the derelict front porch to the existing dwelling house . More...
RETENTION Oct 18 CLARE TARMON , KILKEE , CO. CLARE of an extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house plus elevational changes to the dwelling along with all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 CLARE OATFIELD , CO CLARE for the construction of a storey and a half extension to existing cottage. Works to the existing cottage will include the construction of a new roof and external walls. The development will also consist of a new wastewater treatmnt system, site entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 CLARE GORTNAGLOGH , BROADFORD , CO CLARE for the extension and refurbishment of the existing derelict dwelling at Gortnaglogh, Broadford, Co. Clare. Works to include a single-storey extension to the front of the dwelling incorporating an entrance porch, a kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. Works to also include refurbishment of the exis. More...
PERMISSION Oct 17 CLARE LISCANNOR CHILDCARE SERVICE , HOLLAND STREET LISCANNOR TLD. , LISCANNOR CO.CLARE V95 R896 for the construction of an extension to the existing Liscannor Playschool and all associates site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 17 CLARE BALLYBEG , ENNIS , CO CLARE to construct an extension to the rear of an existing dwelling house and carry out alterations to the existing dwelling along with ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 17 CLARE BALLYGASTELL , KILFENORA , CO CLARE to extend and renovate the existing derelict dwelling, which is a protected structure RPS No. 627, install a wastewater treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 17 CLARE NO.6 CÓIS TRÁ , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE to (a) carry out alterations & extensions to existing dwelling house (b) construct domestic shed (c) construct tiered walls & landscaping to front of site together with all ancillary site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Oct 16 CLARE ANNAGH , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE V95 P26 to RETAIN existing garage as constructed and for permission to construct a new extension to the garage consisting of a home office and store / drying room along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 16 CLARE BALLYVRISLAUN TLD , LISCANNOR , CO CLARE V95 XK33 for the construct of a dwelling and garage an all associated site works (change of plans and minor alterations to elevations as permitted under Planning Ref. No. P23/60233) . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Oct 16 CLARE LAHINCH ROAD , ENNISTYMON , CO CLARE to build a New dwelling, create a new entrance onto public road, connect to mains sewerage & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Oct 16 CLARE CLON ROAD , ENNIS , CO CLARE V95 RDD0 to RETAIN a new entrance gate . More...
PERMISSION Oct 16 CLARE GROVEMOUNT HOUSE , CLOONAVEIGE , ENNISTYMON CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the change of use of the existing guest and dwelling house to Medical Centre, with alterations to elevations requiring infilling of some external opes, and new fire escape, with accesible entrance and extended car parking . More...
PERMISSION Oct 15 CLARE KNOCKATEMPLE , KILNAMONA , CO CLARE to change location of treatment system from the approved location granted under planning references 23/44 and 23/320 to serve dwelling house under construction . More...
PERMISSION Oct 15 CLARE CASTLE FIELD , KILKEE , CO. CLARE. to demolish an existing substandard dwelling house and to construct a new re-designed dwelling house along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 15 CLARE FARRIHY , KILKEE , CO. CLARE for the demolition of existing fire damaged bungalow and stand alone utility block, the construction of a new bungalow on the existing footprint and a new extension to the side, along with all associated site and landscaping works . More...
RETENTION Oct 15 CLARE KILLENAUGH , CROSS , CARRIGAHOLT CO CLARE V15ND39 of the front porch and rear extension to the existing dwelling house with all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Oct 14 CLARE SITE 5 HOLLAND STREET , LISCANNOR TOWNLAND , LISCANNOR CO. CLARE on the grant of outline permission Ref No. 21/846 for the construction of a dwelling house, connection to public services, public road entrance and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 14 CLARE BALLYNAHINCH , O'CALLAGHANS MILLS , CO. CLARE to erect a dwellinghouse and garage, entrance and driveway and install an effluent treatment system and percolation area filter and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 14 CLARE NEWLINE ROAD , QUIN , CO. CLARE V95 PN82 for (a) retain the use of existing Covid structure as covered external shelter and play area and (b) retain the use of the ground floor of existing house as a creche/montessori and removal of condition 3 of granted Planning Permission P04/626 . More...
PERMISSION Oct 14 CLARE HILL ROAD KNOCKYCLOVAUN , KILLALOE , CO CLARE for construction of two storey dwelling, detached domestic garage, new entrance, onsite waste water treatment system, connection to necessary services together with all associated ancillary and incidental works . More...
RETENTION Oct 14 CLARE BOHERAROAN , LIMERICK ROAD , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS of the change of use of first floor storeroom of former laundrette permitted under P96/509 to a one bedroom apartment including internal alterations to same, provision of private open space to rear and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 CLARE KNOCKALEHID , BALLYNACALLY , CO. CLARE to renovate an existing dwelling which is a protected structure (RPS No. 037) demolish an existing two storey extension constructed to the rear of the dwelling, construct a replacement three storey extension, and to install a replacement effluent treatment system, all with associated site works, and. More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 CLARE COIRE MEALA CASTLEBANK , ARDNACRUSHA , CO. CLARE V94 W6KV to RETAIN a ground floor extension with alterations to existing house and for planning PERMISSION to construct a detached garage building with new entrance, for insertion of dormer windows and alterations to existing attic space, and a yoga studio extension to first floor flat roof to existing house. More...
PERMISSION Oct 10 CLARE DOUGH , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE for modifications to the existing dwelling which include the removal of the existing rear extension, the construction of a new single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, the construction of a new two storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, a single storey car port t. More...
PERMISSION Oct 10 CLARE DRUMMIN , BROADFORD , CO. CLARE to erect a dwellinghouse, entrance, driveway, install an effluent treatment system and all associated site works and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 10 CLARE LAHARDAUN , TULLA , CO CLARE to (a) RETAIN the garage and dwellinghouse foundation as altered (granted under Planning Permission P19/670) & (b) complete the construction of the garage and dwellinghouse . More...
RETENTION Oct 10 CLARE CAHIR , BALLINRUAN , CO. CLARE to RETAIN the following alterations to the dwelling: an extension to the rear and side, first floor area with roof windows, changes to position and size of doors and windows. Also, for retention permission of a detached garage to the rear of the dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Oct 10 CLARE FANORE MORE TLD. , FANORE , CO. CLARE to demolish an existing dwelling house (H91 P9YH) and to construct a replacement dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 CLARE MURROOGHKILLY , FANORE , CO. CLARE for a new dwelling house, a proprietary wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 CLARE BLOCK G2-4 , SMITHSTOWN BUSINESS PARK , SHANNON for development which will consist of proposed roof-mounted photovoltaic, PV, panels on the existing profiled metal roof and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 09 CLARE BRIDGE STREET , KILLALOE , CO. CLARE and completion of extension to the rear of house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 CLARE HOLLAND STREET / HOLLAND DRIVE , LISCANNOR , LISCANNOR TLD for the development of 43 no dwelling units comprising a mix of dormer storey and two storey houses, and dormer two and a half storey apartment / duplexes associated ancillary site works and services and connection to public services . More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 CLARE CLUAIN FUINSEOG , MAIN STREET KILKISHEN , CO. CLARE for the construction of a residential development consisting of 4 no. 2 bedroom apartment units, connection to services and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 CLARE CREEGH SOUTH (WEST) , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to RETAIN and complete extension. The development consists of retaining and completing extension to the rear of the existing dwelling and renovating the existing building . More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 CLARE CARROWKEEL WEST , INAGH , CO. CLARE for development which will provide for the upgrade of the Inagh wastewater treatment plant and will generally comprise the following: construction of a new by-pass channel at the inlet works, construction of a new stormwater holding tank, construction of new sludge drying reed beds, construction of . More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 CLARE BALLYEA SOUTH , INAGH , CO CLARE for development of a machinery shed and a livesstock slatted unit with cattle crush and a roofed manure pit with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Oct 08 CLARE NO. 1 CLON ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to create a vehicular entrance along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 08 CLARE DOCK ROAD , BALLYQUIN TD. , TUAMGRANEY to demolish a pump house and construct 52 No. Dwelling Houses comprising 6 No. 4 bedroom detached houses, 22 No. 3 bedroom semi-detached houses, 14 No. 2 bedroom semi-detached houses, 10 No. 2 bedroom semi-detached bungalows and all associated site works and services. A Natura impact Statement (NIS. More...
PERMISSION Oct 08 CLARE QUILTY WEST , QUILTY , CO CLARE for development, the development will consist of removing part of existing stone building and building a dwelling house c/w ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 07 CLARE CLOUGHAUNINCHY , QUILTY , CO. CLARE for a dwellinghouse, garage, wastewater treatment system, soil polishing filter, vehicular entrance and ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 07 CLARE CLOONCULLIN , COORACLARE , CO. CLARE to construct a granny flat with its own sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 07 CLARE FOSSABEG , SCARIFF , CO. CLARE to install an all weather pitch and floodlighting and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Oct 07 CLARE BALLYGRIFFEY SOUTH , ENNIS , CO CLARE Planning ref: P22/72 for the construction of a new two-storey 4 bedroom detached dwelling house with new garage, water treatment system, vehicular access, and the carrying out of all other ancillary works on site. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 07 CLARE ROSLEVAN , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house together with all associated site development works and connections to public services . More...
RETENTION Oct 04 CLARE BACK ROAD , KILMIHIL , CO. CLARE of the domestic garage together with all associated site development works, boundaries and services . More...
PERMISSION Oct 04 CLARE CLOONFADDA TLD. , KILLALOE , CO.CLARE to refurbish an existing house and to construct a ground floor and a dormer roof extension, which includes the provision of a supported living accommodation unit, and all associated site works. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with this application. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 04 CLARE "SAINT MARTINS" , KILRUSH ROAD , ENNIS CO CLARE V95 HWR1 is sought for development consisting of the part demolition, alterations and extensions to the existing single-storey dwelling house including first floor attic conversion and extensions, new roof lights to front, demolition of existing side garage and construction of a single-storey attached dwelli. More...
PERMISSION Oct 04 CLARE DERRYFADDA , CLONLARA , CLARE for construction of detached agricultural equipment storage building, together with all associated ancillary and incidental works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 04 CLARE DRUMCURREEN , MAURICES MILLS , INAGH CO CLARE for development which will consist of a dwelling house and garage with proprietary wastewater treatment system and polishing filter together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 04 CLARE MAIN STREET , LISCANNOR , CO CLARE V95 VPP9 to renovate, extend and reuse the stone outbuildings to the rear of the main building as a 2 bed roomed unit for short stay letting and to alter the front facade of the main building to create a new access corridor to the rear yard and proposed unit & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Oct 04 CLARE COIS NA HABHNA BAR AND RESTAURANT , MAIN STREET , MOUNTSHANNON CO CLARE V94 A894 of a covered seated smoking area to the rear of the bar/restaurant . More...
PERMISSION Oct 03 CLARE 29 ST. PATRICKS TERRACE , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to construct an extension to the side of the existing dwelling house and to make a new vehicular site entrance on the front boundary of the property along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Oct 03 CLARE NO. 59 ELM PARK , ENNIS , CO CLARE to change layout of the existing dwelling, remove the existing single storey element to side, and to construct a single storey extension to the front, side, and rear of the dwelling, with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 03 CLARE SHANNON AIRPORT , RINEANNA SOUTH , SHANNON CO. CLARE for an extension of an existing car park at Shannon Airport, Rineanna South, Shannon, Co Clare. The proposed development will consist of the extension of an existing car park providing an additional 1051 parking spaces including a dedicated surface water drainage network, the re-alignment of airsid. More...
PERMISSION Oct 03 CLARE SHANTRAUD , KILLALOE , CO CLARE for development at the site at Shantraud, Killaloe, Co. Clare. The development will consist of the construction of a single storey dwelling house, entrance from public road, driveway, connection to group water scheme, sewerage treatment system and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 02 CLARE BALLINY NORTH , FANORE , CO CLARE to build a new dwelling, install a wastewater treatment system, and all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 02 CLARE MEENROSS , SCARIFF , CO CLARE to construct a slatted cattle shed with cattle handling facilities and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 02 CLARE CAPPAGH , KILRUSH , CO CLARE of two sheds as constructed within the curtilage of the subject property . More...
PERMISSION Oct 02 CLARE CARROWNTEDAUN , LAHINCH , CO CLARE to build a new dwelling and garage, install a wastewater treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 02 CLARE LISCULLAUN , O'CALLAGHAN'S MILLS , CO. CLARE for a single dwelling house, garage, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 01 CLARE SANDY LODGE , SEAFIELD , QUILTY CO CLARE V95 C8C4 of the extension to the rear and resultant alterations to fenestration of existing dwelling and all associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Oct 01 CLARE FAHY BEG , BRIDGETOWN , CO. CLARE of partially constructed detached dormer dwelling house and PERMISSION for completion of same, onsite wastewater treatment system and percolation area, connection to necessary services, construction of new entrance detail together with all associated ancillary and incidental site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 01 CLARE COOLDARRA , CLOONFADDA , KILLALOE CO. CLARE to erect a porch to the front of house and a first floor extension comprising a bedroom and ensuite to the existing house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 01 CLARE BURRANE , KILLIMER , CO. CLARE to renovate and extend a former pub into a private residence along with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 01 CLARE CREGGANE , QUILTY , CO CLARE of front porch and rear extension as constructed to existing farmhouse with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Oct 01 CLARE BALLYGRIFFY NORTH , RUAN , ENNIS CO CLARE for the construction of a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 30 CLARE COOLAGH , BROADFORD , CO. CLARE for the change of use of former garda station to a residential dwelling, the building up of the existing porch area and installing a window, relocation of the front entrance door, the construction of a new front porch, new windows on the west elevation and changes to door and window locations on the. More...
PERMISSION Sep 30 CLARE TOLER STREET , KILRUSH , CO CLARE for the following: to replace existing flat roof over rear extension with new raised flat roof, relocate existing rear wall of extension, revise rear and side elevations of extension, including permission to re-locate existing side access gate, including all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Sep 30 CLARE 11 ELMWOOD DRIVE , BALLYCANNAN WEST , MEELICK CO. CLARE of a garage and storage shed, and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Sep 30 CLARE BISHOPSQUARTER , BALLYVAUGHAN , CO CLARE of the building and associated works on site and for PERMISSION to complete building works for the provision of one bedroomed Tigin for family use, install a waste water treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Sep 30 CLARE GORTCURKA , DYSERT , CO CLARE of the storage shed on site & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Sep 30 CLARE SCART , KILKISHEN , CO. CLARE. of the conversion of an existing private garage attached to the dwelling house into a playroom along with elevational changes and the construction of a standalone private garage with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 27 CLARE ROSS , O'BRIENSBRIDGE , COUNTY CLARE for a single dwelling house, attached carport and garage, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Sep 27 CLARE TEERGONAEN , DOOLIN , CO. CLARE V95EY16 of (i) a glasshouse, (ii) a pump-house, (iii) a car-port, (iv) an extension to an existing garage and the change of use to a one-bedroom apartment. Permission to alter fenestration and internal details of an existing boat-house for a change of use to a seasonal commercial art studio and permission t. More...
PERMISSION Sep 27 CLARE DOCTOR'S HILL , KILFENORA , CO CLARE for the development which will consist of three single storey extensions of 36.0sqM, 6.4sqM and 3.4sqm to front, side and rear of the existing dwelling, with site works. . More...
PERMISSION Sep 26 CLARE LISROE , ENNISTYMON , CO. CLARE to contruct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 25 CLARE MOINEAR NA DARACH , MAIGH DARA AND BALLYHANNON NORTH , QUIN CO. CLARE to make alterations to the development previously authorised under planning permission ref no. P22/1039, to include: (a) minor amendments to the house positions on site; (b) amendments to the house floor plans and layouts; (c) amendments to fenestration and elevational treatments of dwellings; and (. More...
PERMISSION Sep 25 CLARE TULLIG , CROSS , CO. CLARE to RETAIN existing ground levels, PERMISSION to reduce ground levels and to erect proposed machinery storage area . More...
RETENTION Sep 24 CLARE SANDY LODGE , SEAFIELD , QUILTY CO CLARE V95 V8C4 of the internal access road, steel storage shed, gravelled area, all located to the rear of the dwelling house on site & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Sep 24 CLARE DOONAGHBOY , KILKEE , CO. CLARE. to RETAIN an extension and elevational changes to the existing dwelling house previously authorised under planning Ref No. P99/424 along with all associated ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION Sep 24 CLARE CLOGGA , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, install proprietary wastewater treatment system, percolation area and associated ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 24 CLARE 138 CAHERCALLA ESTATE , KILRUSH ROAD , ENNIS COUNTY CLARE for the following development (a) construction of a first floor extension over the existing private garage; (b) conversion of the private garage to residential use; (c) construction of a single storey section to the rear of the house; (d) construction of a standalone storage shed / office building t. More...
PERMISSION Sep 24 CLARE DOONSALLAGH EAST , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to erect agricultural storage shed . More...
RETENTION Sep 24 CLARE CARROWMORE SOUTH , DOONBEG KILRUSH , CO. CLARE of an existing dwelling house along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 24 CLARE KILLESTRY , KILLALOE , CO CLARE for a replacement single storey detached house, a waste water treatment system and all associated works . More...
RETENTION Sep 24 CLARE CLONREDDAN , CREE , KILRUSH CO. CLARE V15 P683 of the domestic garage on site, changes to the fenestration and the external finishes to the porch on the existing dwelling & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Sep 23 CLARE MOYS , CLARISFORD , KILLALOE CO CLARE to RETAIN minor modifications to the elevations of the building previously granted planning permission under Ref no. P20/212. Modifications include removal of two number windows on the west elevation, removal of external double door on th north elevation, removal of skylight on the lower north facin. More...
PERMISSION Sep 20 CLARE FITZS CROSS , DOOLIN , CO CLARE to revise planning Ref No P22/283 to include 2 No ground floor apartments . More...
PERMISSION Sep 20 CLARE NEWPARK , ROSSMANAGHER , SIXMILEBRIDGE CO CLARE for the refurbishment of existing derelict dwelling and for the construction of an extension to same to comprise of kitchen/dining, bathroom and en-suite including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 20 CLARE FIRE TRAINING GROUND ON THE LANDS ADJACENT , TO THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SHANNON RADAR SITE , ON THE NORTH SIDE OF RUNWAY 06-24. SHANNON AIRPORT CO CLARE for the installation of a Fire and Rescue Training unit for the purpose of training fire fighting personnel. Also included in the development shall be a water network, controlled/initiated gas, drainage network, concrete hardstanding areas and all other associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Sep 19 CLARE CILL STUIFIN , SCHOOL ROAD ATTYCRISTORA , LAHINCH to construct 1 No. detached dwellinghouse together with all associated site development works and connections to public services . More...
RETENTION Sep 19 CLARE O'CURRY ST , KILKEE , CO CLARE to RETAIN change of use of former first floor store to existing accommodation/apartment plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 19 CLARE CLONLOGHAN , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, waste water treatment system, percolation area, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 19 CLARE SHANNON AIRPORT , SHANNON , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the demolition of existing single storey administration offices, consolidation/protection works to the western end of the shared services building, the removal and upgrade of the facade to the eastern end of the main terminal building over 2 no. stories, the rec. More...
RETENTION Sep 18 CLARE FREAGH CASTLE , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE V95 HE02 to RETAIN the existing cottage for use as Ancillary Living Accommodation including all ancillary services and works . More...
RETENTION Sep 18 CLARE ROO WEST , ARDNACRUSHA , CO CLARE to RETAIN changes to original house plans submitted for grant of planning permission P8/10268, and for detached shed and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Sep 18 CLARE RUSHAUN , KILNAMONA , CO CLARE (P21/492), to construct a dwelling house, and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road and all associted site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 18 CLARE KNOCKBEHA , FLAGMOUNT , CO. CLARE for the following development: to (a) construct a first-floor extension over part of the existing dwelling house; (b) elevational changes to the existing house; (c) upgrade existing wastewater treatment system; (d) all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Sep 18 CLARE RUSHAUN , KILNAMONA , CO CLARE (P21/493), to construct a dwelling house, and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 18 CLARE SITE NO. 7 DÚN NA CHOILLE , MOUNTIVERS SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE of the relocation of approved house type on site no. 7 and increase in floor area of approved house type (P18-519 and P23-60105 Refer). PERMISSION for revised position of detached garage and revised site boundary together with all associated ancillary and incidental site works . More...