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Recent Notices from Cork County Council

Commencement Notices are only available for paid plan subscribers.

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Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY INCHILEIGH, MILLSTREET, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house and domestic garage served by septic tank and percolation area . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY CURRAGHBEG, OVENS, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a storey and a half dwelling house, over basement garage, new vehicular entrance, on site bio-treatment unit and associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY CURRAGRINE, CASTLEMARTYR, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling, wastewater treatment unit, percolation area and associated works. . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY SUMMER LODGE, BALLYCLAMASY, SUMMERFIELD, YOUGHAL, CO. CORK Permission for (1) Demolition of the existing single storey garage on the side elevation of the house and the existing glazed conservatory on the rear elevation of the house. (2) Construction of a proposed single storey new extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling house, with proposed. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 13 CORK COUNTY 'SILVER BIRCH', DOMGARRIFF, GLENGARRIFF, CO. CORK (1) Permission for retention for changes to the design of the dwelling house granted under Cork County Council Ref. No. 90/3755 including the following: (i) the use of dwelling house to include short-term letting ; (ii) amendments to the permitted dwelling to provide for a 2 storey dwelling house wi. More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY BALLYCURREEN, GLOUNTHAUNE, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house, domestic garage, new vehicular entrance, install a waste water treatment system & all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY OCEAN LODGE, KILMICHAEL EAST, FOUNTAINSTOWN, CO.CORK Permission for demolition of existing dwelling and decommissioning of existing septic tank, construction of new two storey dwelling, retaining walls, effluent treatment system and tertiary filter, car port, garden shed/store, relocation of existing greenhouse and associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY COIS DALUA , KNOCKDUFF UPPER MEELIN, NEWMARKET, CO CORK Permission for alterations to previously approved development on site under Pl.Reg.No. 21/6341. These alterations consist of: 1) Alterations to the layout of previously permitted 12-bedroom care facility (Building A) (1,111m2) to now provide a 14-bedroom care facility (1,323m2), an increase in size . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY CAPPAGH, KINSALE, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction 120-no. bed space nursing home, 32 no. duplex apartment units comprising of 16 no. ground floor assisted living units and 16 no. first floor staff accommodation units, 1no. childcare facility, improvements to the public road (L-7249-0) and all associated landscaping, . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY COLLATRUM BEG, CHURCH CROSS, SKIBBEREEN, CO. CORK Construction of a stone faced steel shed with insulated roof and walls to house private boats and landscaping machinery on hard landscaped site currently used to store boats located adjacent to the existing car garage . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY CLONMEEN ROAD, BANTEER, CO CORK, Permission for the replacement of an old portacabin (to be removed) with a new modular childcare unit, the installation of an additional modular toddler sleeping room, re-location of the new storage shed and all associated site works at the existing childcare facility and associated site works. . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY LETTERGORMAN, DUNMANWAY, CO. CORK, Permission for ancillary dwelling house, wastewater treatment unit and all associated site development works . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY CAPPAGH, KINSALE, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling house and detached domestic garage, and for the alteration of an existing vehicular entrance to provide 1 no. new entrance gate to the existing dwelling house, and 1 no. new entrance gate to the new dwelling house, and all associated site works. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 13 CORK COUNTY BALLYCUMMISK, BALLYDEHOB, CO. CORK, Permission for: (i) retention of change of plan of dwelling house as previously approved under planning reference W-98-5285 and (ii) permission for removal of existing septic tank system and installation of replacement wastewater treatment system . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY AHALISKY, BALLINASCARTHY, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a new dwelling house with associated drainage and landscaping. Sharing of site entrance with existing dwelling house . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY CARRIGANE ROAD, CARRIGTOHILL, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO CORK Permission to demolish an existing single storey semi-detached dwelling and associated outbuildings and for the construction of an 8 house residential development consisting of the following:- 1 no. detached 4 bedroom 2 storey dwelling, 2 no. semi-detached 4 bed 2 storey dwellings, 2 no. semi-detach. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 13 CORK COUNTY LACKENROE, GLOUNTHAUNE, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of existing porch, rear extension, attic conversion, front and rear velux roof lights and permission to construct new side extension and to extend and convert existing garage to form granny flat and to construct new domestic effluent treatment system and all associated site . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY "FIVEMILE VIEW", BALLINPHELIC, BALLINHASSIG, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of a split level, two storey extension to the rear of their dwelling bungalow and all other ancillary works . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY COORADARRIGAN, SCHULL, CO. CORK, 1) Extensions to the southern and eastern elevation of the dwelling, (2) closing up the existing vehicular entrance and construction of a new vehicular entrance to the east of the existing entrance, along with all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 13 CORK COUNTY 'THE RAMBLE INN', HALFWAY, BALLYHOOLEEN, CO. CORK Permission for Retention of (i) Extended lounge, toilets and smoking area to lounge / bar, (ii) Detached utility building and (iii) Detached lounge building, all to serve the existing licenced premises. . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY CRONODY, DRIPSEY, CO. CORK, Permission for new one and a half storey dwelling, domestic garage, sewerage system, site entrance and all associated works. . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 13 CORK COUNTY KILCREDAN, LADYSBRIDGE, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of attic space to living area to include 2 no. velux windows, 2 no. dormer windows, 3 no. gable windows to north, south & east elevation, retention of garden sheds to rear of building and re-location of site entrance . More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY 6 FATHER MCSWEENEY'S VILLAS, HIGHER ROAD, ARDBRACK, KINSALE, CO.CORK Permission for alterations and extensions to the existing dwelling house comprising of 1) demolition of existing front porch and existing rear extension, 2) construction of new front porch extension, new two storey extension to the side, new lower ground floor extension, new ground floor rear exten. More...
Permission Jan 13 CORK COUNTY SKEHANAGH, BALLINHASSIG, CO.CORK, Permission for the demolition of sections of existing dwelling, alterations to existing dwelling, construction of extension to side and rear of existing dwelling. New landscape in connection with the works, new surface water drainage and relocation of existing treatment unit with installation of new. More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY KILMACAHILL, CLOYNE, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling house (change of plan from that permitted under 22/4986) . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY BALLYNAMADDREE, CARRIGNAVAR, CO.CORK, Permission for raising ground levels with imported inert soil and stone to improve agricultural potential of the field. It is proposed to import and recover inert soil and stone under permit, and as a product under article 27. it will include upgrade & widening of the existing field entrance from lo. More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY DERRYNASAGGART/DOIRE NA SAGART, BALLYVOURNEY/BAILE BHÚIRNE, CO CORK, Permission for the refurbishment & elevational changes of an existing derelict house, demolition of the lean-to structures to the southern and western elevations of the existing dwelling, construction of a single storey extension onto the western elevation of the existing dwelling, new wastewater tr. More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY CURRAGHNALAGHT, BLARNEY, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house and attached domestic garage . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 10 CORK COUNTY BELROSE, INNISHANNON, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of 1) two-storey extension to rear of existing two-storey farmhouse and 2) elevational alterations to existing two-storey farmhouse . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY CLEANDERRY HARBOUR, ARDGROOM INWARD, BEARA, CO. CORK Planning Permission for the Construction of a Storage Shed and all associated ancillary site works as per the documents and drawing submitted with this application . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY NOHOVAL, NOHAVAL TD, CO.CORK, Permission to replace existing septic tank with with proprietary domestic waste water treatment system to serve existing dwelling . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 10 CORK COUNTY DROMCUMMER MORE, KANTURK, CO CORK, Permission for retention for workshop extension to existing workshop and offices as constructed on site and all associated site works. . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 10 CORK COUNTY MOUNT SAINT MICHAEL SECONDARY SCHOOL, ARDAGH EAST, ROSSCARBERY, P85DY26 Retain works to previously existing car parking area (refurbishment and extension of same) to include public lighting, electric vehicle (EV) charging station, footpaths, bicycles parking stand, car parking surfacing / lining, site fencing and all other associated site works. The development is locat. More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY BALTIMORE SAILING HOUSE, BALTIMORE, CO. CORK, To construct an extension and make associated alterations to their dwelling . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY COOLBAY, COOLBEA, CLOYNE, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a single storey detached pool house, ancillary to the existing two storey detached dwelling, and including all associated site works. . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY CARRIGDARRERY HOUSE, CARRIGDARRERY, LISSARDA, CO.CORK Permission for single storey extension to side and rear of existing house and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY BAURNAHULLA, DRIMOLEAGUE, CO. CORK, Permission to change plans and location of dwelling from those granted in planning ref. no. 22/496 and all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 10 CORK COUNTY SHRONE, GLENGARRIFF, BEARA, CO. CORK Permission for Retention of the following: A) Detached domestic garage, B) Detached Domestic Boiler / Plant House, C) Domestic Garden Shed, D) Domestic Covered Seating Area and all associated siteworks . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY KILKNOCKANE, FREEMOUNT, CHARLEVILLE, CO. CORK Permission for (1) The construction of 2 new calf sheds with 2 accompanying underground slated slurry tanks. (2) The construction of a new farm entrance and (3) All associated site works. . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY REENOGRENA, GLANDORE, CO. CORK, Demolition of 2 no. agricultural sheds and a lean-to shed, and the construction of a boat building shed and a machinery storage shed and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY LOUGHCROT, DRIMOLEAGUE, CO. CORK, Permission for demolition of existing dwelling house together with attached ruinous out houses, for construction of a replacement dwelling in lieu-of same, for installation of a wastewater treatment system to serve proposed dwelling and for all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY COORADARRIGAN, SCHULL, CO. CORK, Construction of a dwellling house and all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 10 CORK COUNTY ELSINORE, 25 HAVEN HILL, ARDBRACK-BAWNAVOTA, SUMMER COVE, KINSALE, CO.CORK Permission for retention of 1) reduction in extension size area by moving wall on the eastern elevation, 2) elevational changes associated with this reduction, 3) addition of kitchen window on the northern elevation, 4) addition of roof light in a new bathroom . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 10 CORK COUNTY KILCOUNTY, KILLEAGH, CO.CORK, Permission for a) revised site boundaries and b) permission for retention of change of position of bored well, all to dwelling house previously granted under plg ref 22-4933 . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY ROCKSPRING, LISCARROLL, CO.CORK, Permission for 4 no. storey and a half style dwellings with separate entrances and all associated site development works . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY CAHERDAHA, KILNAMARTYRA, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 10 CORK COUNTY 11, WEST BEACH, COBH, CO. CORK, Permission for the following to a protected structure: (1) Permission for Retention for conversion of one no. duplex apartment, previously permitted over two floors (Apartment 5 on the second and third floor) into two separate apartments (Apartment 3 on the second floor and Apartment 6 on the third . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY BALLYBROWNEY UPPER, RATHCORMAC, CO CORK, Permission to construct a milking parlour with effluent tank, feeding passage with slatted tank, dairy with feed bin and ancillary works. . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY SPRAYFIELD HOUSE, BALLYNABOOLY, SANDYCOVE, CO.CORK The proposed development will consist of the construction of a detached building for domestic use ancillary to the main dwelling and the development of on-site renewable energy infrastructure. The proposed development will comprise of: 1) the removal of existing tennis court, 2) the construction of . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 10 CORK COUNTY 19 CAPTAIN KEANE'S GROVE, BRIGOWN, MITCHELSTOWN, CO.CORK Permission for alterations to existing dwelling to include installation of two windows to the rear of dwelling wall and permission for retention of change of use of two storey side extension to a separate dwelling unit . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY MONALAHY, GRENAGH, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a detached domestic garage and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY GORTDONAGHMORE, VICARSTOWN, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a dwelling house, to install a domestic waste water treatment system and to carry out all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 10 CORK COUNTY KILRONANE EAST, DUNMANWAY, CO. CORK, Permission for retention of change of use from personal use car repair shed to commercial use as body shop, panel beating and spray painting workshop from that granted in planning ref. no. 20/525 . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY MILLSTREET TRAIN STATION, DOONEENS, MILLSTREET, CO. CORK Permission for carpark alterations. These alterations will include the following: the partial demolition and relocation of stone walls at the entrance to the train station to widen the current vehicular access, revisions to car parking layout to include a c.3,018m2 extension of the existing car park. More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY GARRISON, KANTURK, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new slatted livestock unit incorporating cubicles and associated underground slurry storage tank with 2 external agitation points& ancillary external concrete adjacent to existing buildings on my lands. The above to be carried out with all associated ancillary site works . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY BEDA COMMUNITY PITCH, DERRIGRA, BALLINEEN, CO. CORK Construction of a new 1.8 metre wide footpath, and the installation of 13 no. 18 metre high floodlights, and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 10 CORK COUNTY CROANREA, BALLYDESMOND, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission to construct a new dwelling house and domestic garage served by mechanical aeration unit and soil polishing filter . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY LITTLESILVER, BANDON, CO.CORK, Permission for the proposed demolitions , extensions and alterations to an existing dwelling, and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY COOLIGBOY, TIMOLEAGUE, BANDON, CO. CORK Permission for the removal of condition No. 3 of Pl. Reg No. 09/896 (and extended under Pl. Reg. No. 14/493) which restricted the use of the 6 buildings to 2 dry sow houses, 2 weaner houses and 2 farrowing houses to now allow for the 6 number houses to be used to house pigs. The following developmen. More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY AGHACROSS, KILDORRERY, CO. CORK, Permission for a dwelling house, entrance, wastewater treatment system and domestic garage and all associated works. . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY MOGEELY ROAD, GRANGE, CASTLEMARTYR, CO.CORK Permission to demolish existing single storey dwelling house and construct new single storey house on original footprint with increased floor level (500mm) above the flood line. Permission to include all associated works, construction of new entrance as permitted by 21/4375 and regrading site . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY COSTA COFFEE UNIT, EASTGATE RETAIL PARK, CASTLEVIEW, LITTLE ISLAND, CO. CORK Permission for 1) provision of a drive-thru lane for the costa coffee unit, including a canopy and service hatch on the southern side of the unit, a height restrictor/ entrance barrier on the access lane, 3.5m wide drive-thru lane, and associated hard and soft landscaping. 2) provision of associated. More...
Permission for Retention Jan 09 CORK COUNTY 9 MILL ROAD, TOWNPARKS, MIDLETON, CO.CORK Permission for retention of a change of use from a two bedroom apartment at first floor level to studio and treatment rooms to support the existing salon at ground floor level including alterations to the internal layouts . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY COULAGH, EYERIES, BEARA, CO. CORK Construction of dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY 4 MAPLE DRIVE, CASTLEPARK, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission for a side extension and a rear extension to an existing dwelling home with all associated site works. . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY BOCARNAGH, GLENGARRIFF, CO. CORK, Demolish an existing single storey dwelling and construct a new two storey dwelling with the installation of a new waste water treatment system, all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY THE CURRENT "BRIAR HILL HOUSE", SCARTEEN LOWER, NEWMARKET, CO CORK Permission for the demolition of the existing \u201CBriar Hill House\u201D a 2 storey detached house and ancillary shed and the construction of 22 no. 2 storey housing units [8 no. 3 bed houses, 4 no. 2 bed houses and 10 no. 2 bed maisonette apartments] on a site at the current \u201CBriar Hill Hou. More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY ROUGHGROVE WEST, BANDON, CO.CORK, Permission to demolish outbuildings and permission to construct extension to existing dwelling and all associated site works. Permission is also sought to install septic tank & percolation area. . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY ANNABELLA, MALLOW, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a creche facility to serve the adjacent permitted residential development (Cork County Council Ref. 15/6119 (extended under Ref. No. 20/6130) and all associated ancillary site development works including vehicular access, parking, footpaths, landscaping and amenity. More...
Extension of Duration Jan 09 CORK COUNTY GLAN, SCHULL, CO. CORK, Alterations, extension and change of use of a former school to a dwellinghouse to include the construction of a mezzanine first floor and the installation of a sewage treatment system and all associated site development works . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 09 CORK COUNTY "CHANNEL VIEW", BALLYLINCH, BALTIMORE, SKIBBEREEN, CO. CORK Permission for retention of the following works: 1) for the construction of a two storey extension at the rear of existing dwelling for bed and breakfast use, 2) construction of an access porch at the front of the existing dwelling, 3) 2 no. dormer windows at front of existing dwelling, 4) 2 no. vel. More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY KNOCKANEAMEALGULLA, OVENS, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a dwelling house, on site sewerage treatment and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY MAIN STREET, BALLYDESMOND, KINGWILLIAMSTOWN, CO.CORK Permission to renovate an existing dwelling, comprising the construction of a two-storey rear extension, minor fa\u00E7ade changes to the front elevation, the demolition of a garden shed, and all ancillary site works . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY 2 HOMEVILLE , LOWER CORK ROAD YOUGHAL-LANDS, YOUGHAL, CO CORK Permission for change of use of a residential dwelling to 2 no. apartments and elevational changes to front fa\u00E7ade. Permission for proposed external store to rear yard including all associated site works and services. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 09 CORK COUNTY 'THE COACH HOUSE', MARINO STREET, TOWN LOTS, BANTRY, CO. CORK (i) Retention of a detached building and associated site works consisting of 2 no. commercial units to the ground floor (dance studio and hair & beauty salon). 4 no. apartments to the first floor and 4 no. apartments to the second floor, two of which include mezzanine attic spaces (all at variance . More...
Permission Jan 09 CORK COUNTY SUNNYACRE, KILLAMUCKY, CASTLEMARTYR, CO CORK Permission for construction of an extension to the rear of existing dwelling including elevational changes and associated works. . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 09 CORK COUNTY TITESKIN, AGHADA, MIDLETON, CO. CORK Permission for Retention and completion of her single storey dwelling, presently under construction for which Permission has been granted under Planning Register No. 22/05040. During construction, the permitted building design has been modified as follows: a) Garage area widened by 1.00 meters (7m2 . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY PINEWOOD, POINT LANE, CROSSHAVEN, CO.CORK Permission for the following work to the existing derelict cottage, 1) demolish existing rear extension & construct a new extension to rear, 2) Remove existing roof & raise eaves/roof height on cottage to create habitable accommodation at roof level with veluxes/sky lights to rear, 3) new window to . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY CATHOLIC WALK, RATHMORE, RATH MORE, KINSALE, CO.CORK Permission for the demolition of an existing dwelling house and ancillary structures and the construction of a residential development of 18 no. residential units comprising of 5 no. detached units (2 of which will have associated domestic garages), 8 no. semi-detached units, 5 no. apartments (in 2 . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY TULLAGREEN AND CARRIGTOHILL, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO.CORK, Permission for alterations and revisions to the previously approved planning reference number 22/4839. The proposed changes include a reduction in the size of the T7 building and an expansion of the pump house footprint (total 5.6m2 increase in total floor area). Modifications to the permanent bridg. More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY CARRIGYKNAVEEN, INNISCARRA, CO CORK, Permission for the construction of a domestic shed for the storage of vintage tractors. . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY SITE NO. 6, TAWNIES LOWER, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK Permission for construction of new private dwelling and domestic garage, together with wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY THE MALLOW SOUTH TOWN CENTRE DEVELOPMENT,, (UNDER CONSTRUCTION),, BOUNDED BY WEST END & PARK ROAD,, ANNABELLA, MALLOW, CO. CORK. Permission for the construction of a single storey retail warehouse (unit 3) to the immediate east of retail unit 2 permitted under application reference 20/4925; roller shutter door to the rear elevation; signage; rooftop plant; extension to the delivery yard area permitted under application regist. More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY KNOCKANE, CASTLEMARTYR, CO.CORK, Permission for demolition of existing stores & slurry storage tank and construction of a new stable complex & associated works. The development consists of works within the curtilage of a protected structure. . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY CHURCH ROAD, TOWNLANDS, ROSSCARBERY, CO. CORK P85 VH9B Construct a first floor extension to the rear of the existing dwelling and to insert a new window to ground floor shower room (rear wall of dwelling) . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY BARLEYFIELD, KILBRITTAIN, CO. CORK, Permission for the erection of a dwelling house and all associated site works. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 08 CORK COUNTY CASTLEMARTYR GAA GROUNDS, BRIDGETOWN, CASTLEMARTYR, CO CORK Permission for retention of existing unroofed ball alley. Permission for construction of a club house, wastewater treatment system and all associated works. . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY KILMONEY, CARRIGALINE, CO CORK, Permission for the demolition of an existing building and the construction of 39 no. residential units comprising 2 no. 2-bed bungalow units, 15 no, 2-bed and 22 no. 3-bed terraced units all served by car parking and private open space and 2 no. residential serviced sites. Vehicular and pedestrian a. More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY KILCANWAY, KILLAVULLEN, MALLOW, CO CORK Permission for: a) Demolition of existing outbuilding, b) Alterations to fenestration to front elevation to include replacing front door and window with large sliding patio door and blocking up of one window, c) Install two new windows to eastern elevation, d) Install a new window and replace existi. More...
Outline Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY KINURE, OYSTERHAVEN, CO. CORK, Outline Permission to construct a dwelling, treatment system, private well, domestic shed, entrance and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY GURTEENROE, MACROOM, CO.CORK, Permission for 1) construction of five no. dwelling houses which includes 1 no. detached dwelling house and 4 no. semi-detached dwelling houses in two blocks and 2) widening of entrance road, 3) all ancillary siteworks including footpaths, site services, boundary treatments and landscaping . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY TIRNANEAN, LISLEVANE, BANDON, CO. CORK Permission for the demolition of existing extensions and for the construction of extensions and alterations to an existing dwelling house, construction of extensions and alterations to an existing granny flat, construction of an artist studio/gym (incorporating an existing outhouse), construction of. More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY MAULNAGROUGH, CARRIGANIMA, MACROOM, CO.CORK Permission to 1) construct a single storey extension to the west and north of existing cottage, 2) install velux windows to front and rear of existing cottage roof, 3) to install a wastewater treatment system and 4) to construct a new entrance to replace existing and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY ROSSNAGRENA, GLENGARRIFF, CO. CORK, Demolition of an existing single storey annex and construction of a single storey extension to an existing two storey dwelling along with widening of entrance and all associated siteworks . More...
Permission Jan 08 CORK COUNTY DEER PARK HEIGHTS, RATHGOGGAN NORTH, CHARLEVILLE, CO.CORK Permission to construct 3 no. dwelling house and all associated site works. The proposed development consists of 2 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached house and 1 no. 4 bedroom detached dwelling house . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 08 CORK COUNTY NO.17 KENT TERRACE, WEST END, CARRIGTOHILL, CO.CORK Permission for retention of 1) two-storey rear extension & single storey side extension as constructed, 2) domestic garage to rear as constructed, 3) 1 no. rooflight to existing front (north) roof section of their dwelling and new pitched roof over existing front porch as constructed, 4) new boundar. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 08 CORK COUNTY BILBERRY, MIDLETON, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of existing slatted cubicle house and permission for construction of extension to cubicle house and a calf house and associated works . More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY BALLINPHELLIC, INNISHANNON, CO. CORK, Permission for new single storey dwelling, domestic garage, sewerage system, site entrance and all associated works. . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 07 CORK COUNTY BRIDEWELL LANE, MALLOW, CO. CORK, Permission for retention of the existing Gold Rush gaming arcade previously permitted by Cork County Council planning references 06/55089 [ABP ref: PL 70.222449] and 13/55005 . More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY ATHNOWEN CHURCH, GRANGE ROAD CARRIGANE, GRANGE OVENS, CO CORK Permission for carrying out percolation test within curtilage of RPS 465 former St.Mary's Church and Recorded Archaeological Monument CO073-055 and all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 07 CORK COUNTY "WHISTLER", KILMICHAEL EAST, FOUNTAINSTOWN, CO. CORK P43K300 Permission for Retention of a detached domestic garage/store, vehicular entrance, walls and piers and an attached granny flat/bed sit extension at first floor level to the rear of existing dwelling. . More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY NO.3 WOODLAND VIEW, MALLOW, CO. CORK, P51PW2C Permission to convert existing attic of dwelling house to habitable accommodation, 2 no. dormer windows to front elevation, 3 no. rooflights to rear elevation and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY SMITHSFIELD, CLOGHEEN ROAD, YOUGHALS, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK Demolition of existing, derelict agricultural buildings and removal of roadside boundary, construction of 39 no. residential units, (comprising 31 dwelling houses and 8 own door apartments), new pedestrian and vehicular entrances from Clogheen Road, construction of an active travel route and all ass. More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY BALLYWILLIAM ESTATE, BALLYWILLIAM CARRIGNAFOY, COBH, CO CORK Permission to construct a storey and a half dwelling house and new vehicular entrance. . More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY RATHNAGARD, LISCARROLL, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission for (1) The construction of a new cattle shed, (2) The construction of a new slatted underground slurry tank and (3) All associated site works. . More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY KNOCKSHANAWEE, FARNANES, CO. CORK, Permission for new two storey dwelling, sewerage system, site entrance and all associated works on site previously permitted under planning reference 22/05306. . More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY TULLIG MORE, DRIPSEY, CO.CORK, Permission for the demolition of an existing ESB substation and the construction of a storage shed for the storage of asphalt sand to serve tarmacadam plants in the region, the construction of a 1,500mm high retaining wall, the construction of 1 no. ESB substation, and all associated ancillary devel. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 07 CORK COUNTY SPRINGHILL BUSINESS PARK, CARHOO, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO.CORK Permission for retention of a permanent hard-core surfaced yard and entrance ramp for the purpose of commercial storage of articulated truck trailers. Permission to erect a new 2.4m high palisade fence to the northern and eastern perimeter and part of the western perimeter of the site and new 10m wi. More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY CREGG, GLANDORE, CO. CORK, Construction of a dwelling house, waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY NA PROPÓGA CHICKLEY'S ROAD, PARKMOUNTAIN, YOUGHAL, CO CORK Permission for construction of a residential development consisting of 89 no. dwelling houses, a creche and all associated ancillary development works including access, footpaths, parking, drainage, landscaping and amenity areas. Access to the development will be via na Prop\u00F3ga residential esta. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 07 CORK COUNTY WELLFIELD HOUSE, DOONPETER, GLENVILLE, CO CORK Permission for the construction of new single storey extension to rear of dwelling, new roof windows to rear of dwelling, changes to existing dwelling elevations and all associated site works. Permission for retention for single storey extension to rear of dwelling, for changes to dwelling elevation. More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY CROAGH, SCHULL, CO. CORK, Permission for the renovation of a ruinous cottage to include the construction of an extension, installation of a waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY SKEAF EAST, TIMOLEAGUE, BANDON, CO.CORK Permission for construction of a new single storey dwelling house, construction of an associated detached domestic garage and landscaping, drainage and entrance works . More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY CHIMNEYFIELD, GLENVILLE, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a new part single storey part two storey detached dwelling including a single storey detached garage, a new wastewater treatment unit and percolation area, a new site entrance, and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Jan 07 CORK COUNTY TULLYLEASE, CHARLEVILLE, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house . More...
Permission Consequent Jan 07 CORK COUNTY AGHARINAGH, DRIPSEY, CO. CORK, Permission Consequent on the grant of Outline Permission (Ref. No. of outline permission 21/7165): 1) Demolition of disused agricultural buildings, currently located within the confines of site no.4; 2) Construction of 4 no. new detached 2-storey dwelling houses on individual sites 1,2,3 & 4, to b. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 06 CORK COUNTY DUNISKY, LISSARDA, CO.CORK, Retention permission to retain a mobile home for temporary accommodation for the duration of renovation and extension works, and to retain an existing shed and permission to demolish extensions to existing dwelling, renovate existing dwelling and erect a new single storey extension serviced by a new. More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY COORAGURTEEN, BALLYDEHOB, CO CORK, Permission for the following works to existing detached dwelling house and attached store buildings: i) part demolition of previous extensions and demolition of attached store building, ii) construction of 3 no. extensions, iii) demolition of existing chimney stack and construction of new chimney st. More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY 'OCEAN BREEZE', ARDBRACK, KINSALE, CO CORK Permission for the remodeling of an existing 3 storey dwelling to include modifications to the elevational configuration, fenestration, balconies, roof profile and finishes as well as the extension of a living room at rear lower garden level, modification to and the conversion of an existing garage . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY DOWNING NORTH, KILWORTH, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of dwelling house including attached garage, sewerage treatment system, splayed entrance and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY 21 MAPLE RISE, PEMBROKE WOODS, PEMBROKE, PASSAGE WEST, CO.CORK Permission to construct a dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY ÉIRE ÓG HURLING AND FOOTBALL CLUB, KNOCKANEMORE, OVENS, CO.CORK Permission for 1) the conversion of existing ball alley at the rear of club pavilion to construct a new extension comprising a club gym with a ground floor area of 296sqm, a mezzanine level area of 99 sqm and a ridge height of 7.557m, 2) alterations to western elevation of pavilion to provide for a . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY KILNATOORA, YOUGHAL, CO CORK, Permission to alter existing vehicular entrance from the public roadway, so as to provide separate dedicated entrance to existing dwelling and a separate dedicated entrance to farm-lands and 2 no. neighbouring dwellings, including wing-walls and all associated site development works. . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY NO. 1 UPPER GLENGARRIFF ROAD, BANTRY, CO. CORK, Permission to install a window at ground floor level on the south west elevation of existing dwellinghouse . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY ARD NA CILLE, 25 THE ROCK, ST. MARY'S ROAD,, MIDLETON, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of a single storey detached dwelling house to the rear of an existing 2-storey dwelling house, all associated landscaping and site works . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY BALLYWILLIAM, BELGOOLY, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling house and domestic garage and associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY CLASHAVANNA, KILBRITTAIN, BANDON, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of a dwelling house, the installation of a septic tank and percolation area and all associated siteworks. . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY FARRAN SOUTH, CASTLELYONS, FERMOY, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of a rear extension to dwelling to include an attached rear granny flat, to build in existing front porch and elevational changes to existing dwelling at their property. . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY DERRYMIHIN WEST, CATLETOWNBERE, CO. CORK, Construct a dwelling house and undertake all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY "DUNROBIN", FRENCH'S WALK, CARRIGNAFOY, COBH, CO.CORK Permission for works to existing house, including: a)single storey extension to front and side with roof terrace over, b) two storey extension to side and rear, c) internal alterations and , d) new outbuilding for use as home gym, ancillary site services and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY EYERIES, BEARA, CO. CORK, Permission for change of use of existing cafe/restaurant to community museum including the following: (i) Construction of extension to the rear - part single storey and part two storey (ii) installation of new door and new window to front eleation, (iii) installation of signage to front elevation an. More...
Permission for Retention Jan 06 CORK COUNTY WALSHESTOWN, OVENS, CO.CORK, Material alteration of permitted conservatory and extension to the rear of dwelling house and for retention of agricultural style garden shed for domestic use ancillary to the residential dwelling and all associated site works . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY KNOCKBROGAN, BANDON, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a new single storey childcare/creche facility including, bike store, bin store, associated parking and new entrance to Cork Road along with site and ancillary works. . More...
Permission Jan 06 CORK COUNTY SLIEVEREAGH, BALLYVOURNEY, CO. CORK, Permission for refurbishment of a derelict house, including the addition of windows, a door opening and a larger rooflight to the northern elevation, raising of the roof, demolition of the existing ruins attached to the western elevation of the house, construction of a single storey extension onto t. More...
Permission Jan 03 CORK COUNTY GARRYANNE, CONNA, GARRYANTAGGART, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of a new 151m2 two storey extension to the western elevation of the existing single storey dwelling house with minor alterations to the existing dwelling required to facilitate the proposed extension. Permission is also south for a new vehicular entrance at the north . More...
Permission Jan 03 CORK COUNTY COOLEREGAN, COOLYREGAN, MITCHELSTOWN, CO.CORK Permission to construct a two storey dwelling, entrance, detached single storey garage, waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 03 CORK COUNTY CLONARD EAST, REDBARN, YOUGHAL, CO. CORK Permission for retention of two-storey extension and balcony at rear of existing dwelling. . More...
Permission Jan 03 CORK COUNTY HILLSIDE, AGHADA, CO.CORK, Permission for new dwelling house at the lower end of the rear garden with a new shared entry access and access road and proprietary sewage treatment. This permission is similar to permission ref 19/6645 previously granted and still current on the site . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 03 CORK COUNTY KILALLY, GRAIGUE, KILWORTH, CO.CORK Permission for retention of 2 no. extensions to dwelling house, detached domestic garage and adjacent storage shed . More...
Permission Jan 03 CORK COUNTY BALLYNOE, MALLOW, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of detached dwelling house(change of plan from that granted under planning ref no. 24/5283), detached garage, new site entrance, packaged waste water treatment system, polishing filter and all associated site development works . More...
Permission Jan 03 CORK COUNTY LISMEELCUNNIN, KANTURK, CO. CORK, (A) Planning Permission to demolish existing external utility room, sitting room and open covered storage area. (B) Planning Permission to construct a new utility room and sitting room extension onto existing dwelling house and all site development works. . More...
Permission Jan 03 CORK COUNTY BALLINDANGAN CROSS, BALLINDANGAN, MITCHELSTOWN, CO. CORK Permission to alter and extend existing dwelling incorporating the following works: Demolish existing rear extension & outbuildings on the site. Construct a single-storey extension to the rear & single storey detached garage & new vehicular entrance. Decommission of existing septic tank and install . More...
Permission Jan 02 CORK COUNTY GRAIG UPPER, SHANBALLYMORE, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission for a domestic shed . More...
Permission for Retention Jan 02 CORK COUNTY 21A SPRINGFIELD, DUNTAHANE, FERMOY, CO.CORK Permission for retention of dwelling house as constructed (changes to dwelling design from that previously granted under planning ref 19/6265) . More...
Permission Jan 02 CORK COUNTY KNOCKNAGOUL, FARNANES, CO.CORK, Permission for the following works to existing two storey farmhouse; 1) demolish existing two storey rear extension, 2) construct new sinlge storey extension to rear and side, 3) internal alterations to existing dwelling, 4) site boundary works, 5) new sewerage to replace existing, 6) and all associ. More...
Permission Jan 02 CORK COUNTY TOOMS WEST, MACROOM, CO. CORK, Permission for the subdivision of a site and the extension and conversion of an existing domestic garage into a dwellinghouse including the removal of an existing wastewater treatment system, the installation of 2 No. new waste-water treatment systems (1 No. for existing dwelling and 1 No. for the p. More...
Permission Jan 02 CORK COUNTY LOWER COURTSTOWN, LITTLE ISLAND, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of the following: (1) two no. warehouse/light industrial buildings (no. 8 & no. 9) which will be sub divided into 4 separate units (no's 8-1, 8-2, 9-1, 9-2). All units contain ancillary office space, (2) construction of an access road, (3) signage, car parking, site f. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Jan 02 CORK COUNTY GLENMARIS, 1 ALLEN SQUARE, COOLFADDA, BANDON CO CORK Permission for Retention of the demolition of single storey domestic garage and demolition of 2 no. single storey rear extensions of existing dwelling consisting of 1 no. domestic storage shed and 1 no. outside toilet and Permission for the construction of new two storey extension to the northern an. More...
Permission Jan 02 CORK COUNTY EIRCOM EXCHANGE OLD MALLOW ROAD, BALLYNAMONA, MOURNEABBEY, CO CORK Permission for the erection of a 24m lattice telecommunications support structure on a 1.2 metre high raised foundation (providing an overall height of 25.2 metres) together with associated antennas and dishes and to remove the existing 15 metre lattice telecommunications structure with antennas (re. More...
Permission Dec 31 CORK COUNTY SUNSHINE COTTAQE, KNOCKNAGORE, CROSSHAVEN, CO. CORK, P43V220 Permission for extension to existing dwelling house and all associated works. . More...
Outline Permission Dec 31 CORK COUNTY BEENNAMWEEL WEST, BWEENG, CO. CORK, Permission for subdivision of site into plots for 4 dwelling houses, each with independent access and independent services. . More...
Permission Dec 31 CORK COUNTY SOUTH SCHULL, SCHULL, CO. CORK, Construction of a new single storey family dwelling, a garage, a waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 30 CORK COUNTY AOIS NA HOIGE, FORNAUGHT, DONOUGHMORE, CO. CORK Permission to demolish existing single storey detached storage building and construct new single storey detached building to provide classroom, sleep room, storage, offices, Wc & ancillary space to supplement existing family resource facilities on site along with all ancillary works. . More...
Permission Dec 30 CORK COUNTY CLASHANURE, MULLAGHROE, OVENS, CO. CORK Permission for new single storey dwelling, domestic garage with car port, sewerage system and all associated works - accessed via existing Lee Valley Golf Club site entrance and access road . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 30 CORK COUNTY AGHAVRIN, COACHFORD, CO. CORK, Permission for Retention for site entrance and Permission for single storey extension to side and rear of existing two storey cottage, internal & external alterations to cottage, new sewerage system and all associated works. . More...
Permission Dec 30 CORK COUNTY CLOGHMACSIMON INDUSTRIAL PARK, CLOGHMACSIMON, BANDON, CO. CORK a) construction of 3 no. commercial/light industrial units with ancillary office accommodation, b) and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 30 CORK COUNTY CLIFF COTTAGE, FRENCH'S WALK, CARRIGNAFOY, COBH, CO.CORK PROTECTED STRUCTURE. Permission is sought by David Russell for the following works, a protected structure. Demolition of existing shed to side, construction of new shed at ground floor with roof terrace above and first floor extension to south-west of cottage, new roof light to rear existing roof, r. More...
Permission Dec 24 CORK COUNTY BOOLAKELLY, MITCHELSTOWN, CO. CORK, Permission for (i) Demolition of the existing dwelling and adjoining shed, (ii) Construction of a new replacement dwelling, (iii) Construction of a domestic garage, (iv) New waste water treatment system, (v) New entrance structure and all associated site development works. . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 23 CORK COUNTY GARRANEREAGH, LISSARDA, CO. CORK, P14V253 Permission for Retention for the following: 1) Internal and external alterations to existing as-built dwelling house, 2) Single storey extension to rear of dwelling house, 3) Increased footprint and height to previously permitted domestic garage to include first floor loft storage space, 4) Increase. More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY FARTHINGVILLE EAST, DROMINA, CHARLEVILLE, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of a cubicle house, feed passage, slatted shed, milking parlour, dairy, plant room, collecting yard, drafting area, calving pens, meal bin, rainwater harvesting tank, manure pit and concrete aprons . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY LITTLE ISLAND INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, WALLINGSTOWN, LITTLE ISLAND, CO. CORK Permission for extension to North/rear of existing industrial building and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY BROAD STREET/BAKERS LANE, RATHGOGGAN MIDDLE, CHARLEVILLE, CO.CORK Permission for development that will consist of the demolition of a derelict dwelling, car repair garage, lean-to warehouse extension and ancillary buildings, proposed change of use to existing warehouse from industrial use to retail with ancillary storage use including extension to the North East e. More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY BALLYDONAGH BEG, DUNGOURNEY, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a machinery shed/store and associated works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY BALLYLEIGH, WATERFALL, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a single storey dwelling house, construct a new domestic vehicular entrance, install a new wastewater treatment system and to carry out all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY CARRIGCASTLE, NEWMARKET, CO.CORK, Permission to construct 1) cubicle shed extension incorporating slatted tank and all associated site works . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 23 CORK COUNTY THE FOUR WINDS, MAIN STREET, CHARLEVILLE, CO. CORK, P56WR04 Retention Permission of two outdoor covered seating areas and Permission for the proposed development as follows: (a) Demolition of two outdoor covered seating areas, part demolition of internal walls and the demolition of existing shed. (b) Reconfiguration of the internal layout to existing rest. More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY BALLYBEG , TWOPOTHOUSE, CO. CORK, Permission for alterations to existing dwelling consisting of the following works: (1) For alterations to elevations of existing dwelling and to construct a new single storey rear extension to same dwelling (2) To construct a new domestic garage ancillary to existing dwelling and (3) The installatio. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 23 CORK COUNTY 11 MCCURTAIN STREET & 38 CONNOLLY STREET, FERMOY, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of change of use of first and second floors from former restaurant to use as 2 no. 1 bed apartments and permission to change the use of the ground floor former restaurant to 1 no. bed apartment. This involve the carrying out of works to a protected structure. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY NAGLE RICE SECONDARY SCHOOL, DONERAILE, CO. CORK, P51NH96 Permission for the removal of 2 no. existing basketball courts and the construction of an all weather pitch with perimeter fencing, 5m high ball netting, 4 no. LED floodlights to all weather pitch , a hurling wall and all ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY CASTLEFARM ROAD, MITCHELSTOWN, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a new Biomass Plant for the generation of steam as part of the decarbonisation road map for the business. The development will consist of the construction of a single storey woodchip boiler building (1120m2) with a parapet height of 16.237mabove ground level and a . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY BARNAGORE, OVENS, CO.CORK, Permission for erection of palisade security fence with double gate around perimeter of existing water tank and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY "PINK COTTAGE", NOHOVAL, NOHAVAL, CO.CORK Permission for installation of proprietary domestic wastewater treatment system to serve existing dwelling . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY GRANGE WEST, BUTTEVANT, CO. CORK, Permission to (a) Construct a new dwelling house (b) Construct a new vehicular entrance, (c) Install a new bored well and (d) Install a new wastewater treatment system and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY ARDMANAGH, SCHULL, CO. CORK, To construct a dwelling house and domestic garage along with all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY LISKILLEA, WATERFALL, CO. CORK, T12YP5K Permission for the construction of extension to existing dwelling to be used as a granny flat and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY SITE ADJACENT TO STORKS NEST, COMPASS HILL, DROMDERRIG, KINSALE, CO.CORK Permission for construction of a 3 storey dwelling, new road boundary wall with vehicular entrance, connection to public services and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY POWERSTOWN, MALLOW, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a straw bedded cattle shed extension with slatted tank, concrete apron and ancillary works . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY BALLYNAMONA, GLANWORTH, CO. CORK, Permission to construct stables, dungstead with effluent tank, upgrade existing entrance and ancillary works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY CURRAHEEN, FREEMOUNT, CHARLEVILLE, CO. CORK Permission to construct a new dwelling house with domestic garage, revise the existing agricultural entrance, new wastewater treatment unit with percolation area, and all associated site and ancillary works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY CURRAGHTEEMORE, RATHCORMAC, CO.CORK, Permission to construct polyhouse building (1909 square metres) for the growing and housing of landscaping plants, shrubs and trees, a 242.23 cubic metre roof rain water harvesting storage tank, construct access roadway and turning area, alter and extend existing vehicular entrance and raise ground . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY LOWER CODRUM, MACROOM, CO.CORK, Permission for demolition of an existing dwelling and outbuilding, the construction of 2 no. buildings to provide 20 no. apartment style units for the temporary accommodation of persons seeking international protection and all associated car parking, landscaping, site clearance and site development . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY CURRAHEEN, ROSSCARBERY, CO. CORK, New single storey dwelling, detached domestic garage & form new entrance with associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY RINGROE, NOHOVAL, CO. CORK, Permission for dwelling house, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY AGHADA ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION (AGI), BALLINCARROONIG, AGHADA, CO. CORK Permission for the replacement of approximately 324m of existing 2.4m high chainlink fencing and associated gates with 324m of new 2.4m high green palisade security fencing/gates and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY KILCLOUGH, VICARSTOWN, CO. CORK, Permission for new single storey dwelling, sewerage system, site entrance and all associated works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY WHITEGATE ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION (AGI), BALLINCARROONIG, HILL ROAD, CAREYSTOWN, WHITEGATE. CO. CORK Permission for the replacement of approximately 362m of existing 2.4m high chainlink fencing and associated gates with 362m of new 2.4m high green palisade security fencing/gates and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY QUARTERTOWN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, QUARTERTOWN LOWER, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of 1 No. new light engineering high bay manufacturing & assembly workshop and 1 No. light engineering storage building adjacent to existing light engineering manufacturing buildings and all associated works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY BOOLABWEE, GARRYNOE, FERMOY, Permission to construct single storey dwelling, carport, septic tank and percolation area, refurbishment to derelict building to be used as domestic store/domestic garage ancillary to main dwelling, alter existing entrance . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 23 CORK COUNTY NO. 5 VIKING WHARF, DROMDERRIG, KINSALE, CO CORK Retention of dual use of the property as follows: a) second home (holiday home) for family members, according to need throughout the year. b) short-term holiday letting of the property at other times of the year (in lieu of the property being left vacant, when family are not staying there). . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY KILMONEY, CARRIGALINE, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of new detached two storey dwelling house, detached single storey domestic garage, and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY KNOCKANEOWEN, COACHFORD, CO.CORK, Permission for two storey dwelling and all associated works . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY NO.11 HELMS POINT, CHURCH BAY ROAD, CROSSHAVEN, CO.CORK Permission to erect a single storey flat roof extension to the east side of existing dwelling including miscellaneous alterations and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY BALLYMADOG, YOUGHAL, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a calf house, slatted cubicle house and associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY TRABOLGAN, MIDLETON, CO. CORK, Permission for the importation of clean inert soil & stone for the restoration of a former quarry in order to improve the agricultural output and the construction of a new temporary haul road. There will be a temporary wheelwash on site for the duration of the project and the entrance gate will be w. More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY BALLINSCURLOGE, BALLYNOE, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission for demolition of existing machinery shed and construction of a new machinery shed, store and associated works . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY MAWBEG WEST, ENNISKEANE, CO.CORK, Permission to demolish an existing outhouse and to construct a two-storey extension to an existing single storey dwelling house and for the decommissioning of an existing septic tank and percolation area and the installation of a new wastewater treatment unit and percolation area and the carrying ou. More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY CLASH WEST, LEAMLARA, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of a dwelling, car port, garage, waste water treatment unit, percolation area and associated works . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY GORMLEE, CARRIGNAVAR, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of a dwelling house and detached domestic garage along with all associated site development works including the installation of waste water treatment system . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY EVERGREEN BUSINESS PARK , (FORMER CORDEN PHARMACHEM SITE), WALLINGSTOWN, LITTLE ISLAND, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of 1 no. light industry/warehousing unit (change of plan of the development permitted under 21/6427 (ABP-313508-22)). The change of plan proposes the construction of 1 no. single-storey light industry/warehousing unit (Unit B2) to replace 2 no. light single-storey ind. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 23 CORK COUNTY CURRAGHAKERRY, HAZELWOOD, MALLOW, CO. CORK, P51Y2TP 1) Permission for demolition of an existing detached domestic garage. 2) Permission for the construction of a single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, to be used as a separate dwelling unit, including construction of an attached domestic garage to the rear of the proposed extens. More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY PROPOGE, ARAGLIN, KILWORTH, CO. CORK Permission to construct a 2 storey extension to side of existing dwelling and ancillary works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY BALLYANLY, INNISCARRA, CO.CORK, Permission for the following works to existing two storey farm house, 1) demolish existing two storey rear & side extension, 2) construct new two storey extension to rear, 3) new front porch canopy, 4) internal & external alterations to existing dwelling, 5) and all associated works . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 23 CORK COUNTY 24 MEADOW FARM, CLOYNE, CO. CORK, P25XY95 Permission for Retention of 2 No. domestic sheds at the rear of our dwelling together with all associated and ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY DERREENKEALIG, BANTRY, CO. CORK, Permission for renovations/extensions to existing 2 storey derelict farmhouse & adjoining single storey outbuildings to include the following works; a) Removal of first floor walls & roof of farmhouse & part removal of single storey adjoining outbuildings, b) Construct new first floor to farmhouse, . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY TEERBEG, MACROOM, CO. CORK, P12HP86 Permission for single storey extension to front of existing single storey dwelling, internal and external alterations, new sewerage system to replace existing septic tank and all associated works. . More...
Permission Dec 23 CORK COUNTY BALLYMACODA/LADYSBRIDGE, COMMUNITY SPORTS FIELD, AGHAVINE, BALLYMACODA, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of an overflow carpark to be accessed by a new entrance within the site and from the existing carpark area, and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY FARNANES TD., FARNANES, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of new dwellinghouse and domestic garage, new entrance, wastewater treatment system together with all other ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY MASTERLINK LOGISTICS LIMITED, NEWTWOPOTHOUSE, MALLOW, CO. CORK, P51X952 Permission to construct a new 520m\u00B2 single-storey loading dock extension onto an existing light industrial/warehouse distribution building to serve the existing supply chain business. The development will include (a) The addition of 9no. lorry dock levellers onto the rear of the proposed extens. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY LISBALLYHAY, CHARLEVILLE, CO. CORK, Permission for (1) The construction of 2 new calf sheds with 2 accompanying underground slated slurry tanks and (2) All associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY NO. 19 COURSESIDE LODGES, FOTA ISLAND RESORT, FOATY ISLAND, CO. CORK Permission for conversion of attic of dwelling, used for short-term letting/holiday home, to habitable accommodation including Velux roof windows ad a new window in each gable \u2013 and all associated site development works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY CASTLEPOOK CASTLE, CASTLEPOOK SOUTH, DONERAILE, CO. CORK Permission to construct a new two-storey glass structure on top of existing tower house dwelling. Recorded Monument SMR No. C0017-027 and Protected Structure RPS No. 0048. Restored Under: Ref. No. 13/05110 \u2013 (06/01/2014) Phase 1 \u2013 Permission and all associated site works. Ref. No. 16/0. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY ARD CUAN, BALLYMORE, COBH, CO. CORK Permission for partial demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a single storey and two storey extensions with external balcony and alterations to elevations of existing dwelling and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY GREENMOUNT HOUSE, PASSAGE WEST, CO. CORK, T12VNY9 Permission to demolish existing sunroom to the rear of the property and to cinstruct a new single storey kitchen/dinning extension. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY DERRIGRA, ENNISKEANE, CO CORK, Planning permission for the construction of 32 no. 4 metre high column lights to illuminate a walkway and the upgrade of an existing 1.8 metre wide walkway with a tar finish and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY HARBOUR HEIGHTS, ROCHESTOWN ROAD, ARDMORE, PASSAGE WEST, CO. CORK Permission for a) the construction of 1 no. detached dwelling on service site no. 178, b) all associated site works, (as permitted under the grant of planning by Cork County Council Planning Ref: 16/7217 and extended under Planning Ref: 22/4692). . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY GARRANEWATERIG, GARRANES, INNISHANNON, CO. CORK Permission for the demolition of an existing single-storey storage building, the demolition of an existing single-storey dwelling, the removal of an existing septic tank and percolation area, the construction of a new two-storey dwelling, the installation of a private well, the installation of a was. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY "THE BUNGALOW", GORTATRAY, BERRINGS, CO.CORK Permission for the refurbishment and extension of our existing dwelling house. This proposed development will include the demolition of 2 no. existing lean-to single storey extensions, the existing front entrance porch structure, and the construction of a new single storey extension to the rear of, . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY THE CAHA CENTRE, DRUMLAVE, ADRIGOLE, BEARA, CO. CORK P75 EK72 Permission for removal of existing unauthorized container, storage shed and portacabin structures and for construction of a new detached building in lieu of same for use as a childcare facility. Permission also sought for connection of proposed facility to all existing services to include existing s. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY FRIAR STREET & SOUTH MAIN STREET, YOUGHAL-LANDS, YOUGHAL, CO.CORK Permission to demolish existing disused public house formerly known as "the spinning Wheel" with upper level living accommodation and unauthorized partially constructed extension and permission for the construction of a residential development comprising of 16 no. dwelling units with all ancillary s. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY COMPASS HILL, DROMDERRIG, KINSALE, CO. CORK Permission for a proposed residential development of 9 no. dwellings and all ancillary site development works. The proposed split-level, three storey development will consist of 4 no. four-bedroom and 5 no. five-bedroom detached houses all with car ports. Access to the site will be via a new vehicul. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY CURRA, CROSSBARRY, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY DERREENNATRA, SCHULL, CO CORK, Permission for the following works to 3no. existing dwelling houses (previous planning ref W/98/2500): i) retention of extension to House 1, ii) retention of House 2, constructed at variance to the approved plans, iii) retention and completion of House 3, constructed at variance to the approved plan. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY MONEE EAST, MALLOW, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a dwelling house, garage, on-site waste water treatment unit and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY BALLYMACKEAN, OLD HEAD, KINSALE, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of two new extensions to a dwelling house, the modifications to all elevations and layout and all associated site works including the relocation of the existing secondary wastewater treatment unit. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY QUAINS LANE, CARMICHAEL LANE, CAR PARK, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission to construct 4 No. dwelling houses, and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY SANDVILLE STUD, SANDVILLE, GLANWORTH, FERMOY, CO. CORK Permission for the demolition of their existing stables and derelict farm buildings, and for planning permission for the construction of 2 new stable barns, 2 all-weather paddocks & associated fencing, loading ramp, hardstanding area, site fencing, re-alignment of internal road and all associated si. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY KEILNASCARTA, BANTRY, CO. CORK, Permission for the following: (i) retention of detached domestic garage with study to first floor, (ii) retention of conversion of attic to habitable space including installation of dormer window and 4 no. rooflights, (iii) retention of porch, (iv) retention of installation of window to eastern gabl. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY DROMLEIGH SOUTH, BANTRY, CO CORK, Permission for 1. extension of existing balcony (change of plan to that permitted under planning permission Reg No. 19/324) 2. Completion of existing site entrance (change of finish to that permitted under planning permission Reg No. 19/324) 3. Retention of existing South facade and rooflights (chan. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY MAIN STREET, LISCARROLL, CO. CORK, P51X7X9 Permission for retention for the following: (a) Change of use of part of the ground floor plan from use for the direction of funerals, as a funeral home to habitable accommodation ancillary to the existing house (b) Rear single storey flat roof extension to existing dwelling house (c) Detached outbu. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY LOUGHANE WEST, BLARNEY, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a two-storey extension to a dwelling house alterations to the windows, the demolition of an extension and the demolition of an extension and the installation of a new waste treatment system and filtration area. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY HILLSIDE, BALLYNAFARSID, MIDLETON, CO. CORK Permission for Single storey extensions to the front and side of the existing dwelling with internal modifications and including all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY MONAGOUL, BALLYMACODA, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling, wastewater treatment unit, percolation area and associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY BALLYGLASS, GRENAGH, CO. CORK, Permission for construction of a new dwelling house, entrance, wastewater treatment unit raised soil polishing filter and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY BALLINVOHER, KILWORTH, CO. CORK, Permission for the restoration, partial demolition, alterations and the construction of extensions to the east, west and north of the existing house, along with the construction of a new wastewater treatment system, new entrance and access driveway, and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY BALLINVARD, KINSALE, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a silage slab and a dungstead and all associated siteworks. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY IDA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, KILMALLOCK ROAD, RATHGOGGAN MIDDLE, CHARLEVILLE, CO. CORK Retention Planning Permission is sought to retain the following (a) Site floodlighting, (b) 2 No. ancillary single storey maintenance buildings, (c) 1 no. mobile tent structure for storage of battery powered lift machines, (d) Increase in concrete hardstanding area inside gated entrance and along no. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY BLOSSOM HILL, BROOMFIELD VILLAGE, BROOMFIELD EAST, MIDLETON, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of 2 no. dwellings (Change of house type & location) as granted under planning reg. no. 16/6818 ABP PL04.249008, Construction of a path through a green area and Retention Planning of retaining wall. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY CIRCLE K, JUNCTION 14,, M8, GORTORE, FERMOY, CO. CORK, P61HP52 Permission for a high power electric vehicle charging hub and associated infrastructure consisting of the following: (i) Conversion of 10no. existing parking spaces to electric vehicle charging bays, with 5no. associated charging units, (ii) Installation of a new canopy above EV charging spaces with. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY GARRANE, TIMOLEAGUE, BANDON, CO. CORK Permission for (1) Retention of single storey extensions to the northern elevation of the dwelling (2) Retention of a two storey porch extension to the southern elevation of the dwelling (3) Retention of domestic garage. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY NOHOVAL, NOHAVAL TD., CO.CORK, P17P978 Permission for proprietary domestic wastewater treatment system to serve existing dwelling . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY REAR OF THE SESSION MILL ROAD, ACCESS FROM MCSWEENEYS TERRACE, MIDLETON, CO. CORK Permission for demolition of existing stone sheds and construct two apartments in a two storey block along with 6 number self contained stores to facilitate the two proposed apartments and 4 existing apartments plus bin storage area and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY ST. COLMAN'S CATHEDRAL, (PROTECTED STRUCTURE RPS 01973), CATHEDRAL PLACE, COBH, CO. CORK Permission for a conservation led and informed heating solution for the Cathedral comprising of the installation of minimally framed and visually non-disruptive glazed draught lobbies to the narthex, baptistry, Lourdes chapel, northern transept & southern transept, the installation of radiant heater. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY BALLYKNOCK, KILLEAGH, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling, wastewater treatment unit, percolation area and associated works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY HARBOUR HEIGHTS, ROCHESTOWN ROAD, ARDMORE, PASSAGE WEST, CO.CORK Permission for a) The construction of 1 No. detached dwelling on service site no. 177, b) All associated site works, (as permitted under the grant of planning by Cork County Council Planning Ref. 16/7217 and extended under Planning Ref: 22/4692). . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY FAIRVIEW, KNOCKNAGORE, CROSSHAVEN, CO. CORK Retention Permission for: 1) Demolition of single storey w.c extension to side and rear of existing dwelling, 2) Construction single storey shower room extension to side and rear of existing dwelling house, 3) Alteration to front elevation treatment of existing dwelling house; namely change of . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY BALLYROBIN SOUTH, CO. CORK, ., Permission to construct a detached dwelling house and domestic garage, new splayed entrance off local road, installation of a wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated aiet works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY KNOCKSHANAWEE, FARNANES, CO. CORK, Permission for the demolition of old outhouse incorporating WC (partially demolished), and full planning permission for the construction of a single storey extension to existing dwellinghouse incorporating WC and bedroom, new proprietary treatment unit and polishing filter with all other ancillary s. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY HARBOUR HEIGHTS, ROCHESTOWN ROAD, ARDMORE, PASSAGE WEST, CO.CORK Permission for construction of 10 no. dwelling house, No's 84-93 inclusive and all associated site works (change of plan/house type from that permitted under Pl.Ref.No. 16/7217 and extended under 22/4692) . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY GNEEVES WIND FARM, GNEEVES, NEAR MILLSTREET, CO. CORK A fifteen (15) year planning permission for continuation of the operational life of the existing Gneeves wind farm from the date of expiration (November 2025) of the current planning permission (N/99/616, 03/6585, 04/188). The site measures 10.101 hectares. The existing wind farm consists of the fol. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY MOUNTGABRIEL, SCHULL, CO CORK, Permission to construct a new single storey extension to the side of existing dwelling and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY 7A DEVALERA STREET, YOUGHAL-LANDS, YOUGHAL, CO. CORK Permission for change of use, renovation and extension of existing garage, to form new two storey dwelling with increase in height of front, rear and side elevations, new pitched roof and minor alterations to existing openings and two new windows on the first floor on the front elevation and all ass. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY BALLYNACRUSHA, COBH, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house (change of plan from that granted under ref 24-4485). . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY LISAVAIRD ENTERPRISE PARK, TULLYNEASKY WEST, LISAVAIRD, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK Permission is being sought for the following works at an existing industrial /commercial park: (i) retention of change of site boundaries at variance to those approved under planning reference 05/5957, (ii) retention of new entrance to the park, formerly used as an entrance to the adjoining property. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY 25 RADHARC NA MARA, BALLYVERGAN EAST, YOUGHAL, CO. CORK Permission for the demolition of existing foundations and floor slab and construction of a two-storey dormer dwelling house and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY TRA COTTAGE, MOUNTAIN COMMON, ARDFIELD, CO. CORK P85 NA44 Permission is sought for demolition, extension and alteration works to the existing dwelling house comprising of demolishing the single storey flat roof accommodation to the east of the 2 storey dwelling in provision of a new single storey flat and pitched gable roof extension with roof lights, to t. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY BALLYMALOE HOUSE , (A PROTECTED STRUCTURE RPS ID00602), SHANAGARRY, MIDLETON, CO. CORK Permission for the demolition of an existing single storey office building, construction of replacement single storey office building, alterations to existing elevations of existing single storey lean to, construction of new covered bicycle storage area, and all associated site works. Protected Str. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY KILMACOOM, DONERAILE, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY BALLYMARTIN TD., GRENAGH, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a dwelling, domestic garage and all associated site works and services. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY GARRANEFEEN , KILBRITTAIN, CO CORK, Permission for the demolition of an existing extension to an existing dwelling house, the construction of extensions and alterations to an existing dwelling house, the installation of a new on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY GALLEY VIEW, KILKERAN, CASTLEFREKE, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK Construction of a garage for the storage of a camper van, along with all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY KNOCKACULLATA, BURNFORT, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a dwelling, domestic garage and all associated site works and services . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY CARRIGTOHILL, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO CORK, Permission for the removal of a portion of an existing boundary ditch/wall and its replacement with a new natural stone boundary wall. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY THE SQUARE, KILWORTH, CO. CORK, Permission for retention of; (a) demolition of ruined outbuildings attached to rear of dwelling, (b) extension to dwelling house at ground, first and second floor level, (c) alterations to elevations to existing dwelling house and permission for retention and completion of conversion of dwelling hou. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY KILLEEN, VICARSTOWN, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY ST PIO'S, KILKERAN, CASTLEFREKE, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK Construction of a domestic garage along with all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY FAIRVIEW, KNOCKNAGORE, CROSSHAVEN, CO. CORK Retention Permission for: 1) Glazed porch extension to existing dwelling house. 2) Alterations to front elevation treatment of existing dwelling house; namely change of an opening from window to door. 3) Widening of existing road entrance consisting of new recessed pillars and gates and new bound. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY SPANISH COVE, GOLEEN, CO. CORK, P81 Y190 The demolition of an existing dwelling and the construction of a replacement dwelling, a new garage, a replacement wellhouse, new wastewater treatment system and all associated site development works. The Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application and w. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY BALLINVUSKIG EAST, MOURNEABBEY, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of a bungalow dwelling, effluent treatment system and together with site access and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY UNIT 18, EURO BUSINESS PARK, COURTSTOWN, LITTLE ISLAND, CO.CORK Permission for change of use from light industrial to gym use, to include; internal alterations at ground floor and mezzanine levels to provide gym and ancillary facilities including entrance lobby, circulation spaces and changing facilities, the provision of signage on the front (east) elevation of. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY RODEEN, CASTLETOWNBERE, CO. CORK, Permission for:: (i) retention of partial infill of former lobster pond, (ii) completion of in-fill of pond, (iii) construciton of rock armour sea-defence buttress wall, at sea side of existing long-standing concrete structure, (iv) protection of same, (v) completion of infill to remainder of "lobst. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY SALLY'S CROSS, KANTURK, CO. CORK, P51FD26 Permission for the decommissioning of existing septic tank system, the installation of a new replacement wastewater system with percolation area and all ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY CULLEN, RIVERSTICK, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house. . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 20 CORK COUNTY MILLEENANANNIG, DUNMANWAY, CO. CORK, Permission for retention of flood lights and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY FRENCHFURZE, CARRIGALINE, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY SCOIL IOSAF CASTLEMARTYR NATIONAL SCHOOL, GORTNAHOMNA MORE, CASTLEMARTYR, CO. CORK,P25FK64 Permission for the demolition of an existing derelict building, previously used as a community hall and the associated tidy up works. The development involves the demolition of a structure over 100 square metres on a non-domestic site. . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY KNOCKMONALEA WEST, YOUGHAL, CO.CORK, Permission for the demolition of existing fire damaged dwelling and outbuilding, partial demolition of out building, construction of new dwelling house, conversion of existing out building to form utility room and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY EYERIES VILLAGE, EYERIES, BEARA, CO. CORK Permission for (i) demolition of existing rear extension of dwelling and side garage, (ii) construction of new extension to rear of house, (iii) proposed fenestration changes, (iv) construction of new A-roof, (v) installation of access gates to side of house, and (vi) all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY GLANDUFF, KILBRITTAIN, CO CORK, Permission for the construction of 19 no. houses, improvements to the junction of the R603 and the L-6105, 6 no. visitor car parking spaces along Meadow View Road, new pedestrian access points to the public amenity walk and community field, erection of ball stops nets and all ancillary bin stores, b. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY SHANAKNOCK, MILLSTREET, CO. CORK, Permission for the demolition of disused hay shed and permission for construction of new agricultural building in lieu thereof. New agricultural building to include storage of farm equipment, storage of harvested produce and was facilities for farm staff together with all other ancillary site works.. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY GLENCOLLINS LOWER, BALLYDESMOND, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission to construct a new dwelling house and detached domestic garage (change of plan from that granted under Ref. 22/6374). . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY KILLOWEN, BLARNEY, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of a two storey dwelling house, construction of a single storey domestic garage, relocation of existing vehicular access to site, installation of wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY HORSEMOUNT NORTH, KILCORNEY, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission to construct a new dwelling house and domestic garage served by septic tank and percolation area . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY MOREAGH, DUNMANWAY, CO. CORK, Construction of a dwelling house, a domestic garage and associated siteworks . More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY SITE ADJACENT TO CHARLESTON CLOSE, BAILICK ROAD, CASTLEREDMOND, MIDLETON, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of a residential development consisting of 12 no. residential housing units, the proposed development consists of 6 no. 1 bed units and 6 no. 2 bed units in two no. 2 storey blocks. Planning permission is sought for the development outlined above as well as 12 no. par. More...
Permission Dec 20 CORK COUNTY KEIM QUARRY, CARRIGACOOLEEN, MILLSTREET, CO. CORK Permission for the installation and operation of a readymix concrete batching plant, associated closed circuit water lagoon system and all ancillary works within an application area of 0.3 hectares. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY FARRANNAGARK, KILBRITTAIN, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of a detached garden room ancillary to existing dwelling . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY KILGOBBIN, BALLINADEE, BANDON, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of agricultural building to include slatted livestock housing and the installation of 1 no. meal bin along with associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY CREGGANE, TIMOLEAGUE, CO CORK, Permission for the construction of new storey and a half dwelling and ancillary detached garage, new landscaping, drainage and entrance works in connection with the dwelling. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY GARRAUNIGERINAGH, GRANGE, FERMOY, CO.CORK Permission to demolish an existing single storey extension to the rear of an existing single storey dwelling house and permission to erect single storey extensions to the rear and side of an existing single storey dwelling house, make elevational changes to front and side of the existing single stor. More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY "THE ORCHARD", BISHOPS ISLAND, WATERGRASSHILL, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of 2 no. dwellinghouses at \u201CThe Orchard\u201D, Bishop\u2019s Island, Watergrasshill, County Cork. The proposed development consists of 2 no., 4 bedroom, detached houses (with the capacity of becoming 5 bed houses with an attic extension). The development also inc. More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY MAIN STREET, TOWNPARKS, MIDLETON, CO. CORK Permission for proposed alterations to an existing retail building, namely; change of use of ground floor to part restaurant and take-away, part caf\u00E9, part refuse store and part residential for access to upper floors. Change of use of an existing mezzanine floor to a first floor one bedroom apa. More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY GARRYCLOYNE, BLARNEY, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY LEHENAGH, LISLEVANE, BANDON, CO.CORK Permission to construct a dwelling house, domestic garage and carry out all associated site works . More...
Extension of Duration Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BALLYNACRUSHA, COBH, CO. CORK, Permission for A 5 MW solar farm comprising approximately 22,200 photovoltaic panels on ground mounted frames within a site area of 12 hectares, 2 no. single storey inverter/transformer stations, 1 no. single storey delivery station, security fencing, CCTV and all associated development works, Exten. More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BOULALING, RIVERSTICK, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a residential development of 7 No. Dwelling Houses in total consisting of 1 No. detached house and 6 No. terraced houses and all necessary site services and ancillary site development works. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY SCARTEEN LOWER, NEWMARKET, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house. . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 19 CORK COUNTY LACKAROUR, BUTLERSTOWN, COURTMACSHERRY, CO CORK Permission for retention of single storey slatted cow shed, detached agricultural store, open yards, entrance and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY GURRANE COTTAGE, GURRANE, GARRANE, MITCHELSTOWN, CO.CORK Permission to a) refurbish existing derelict dwelling, b) construct an extension to rear of existing dwelling, c) install a new effluent treatment system, d) change use of agricultural shed to rear of existing dwelling to domestic shed for use as garage/bicycle shed/tool shed/ plant room, e) change . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BOULALING, RIVERSTICK, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a 2-storey dwelling house, domestic garage, secondary wastewater treatment unit, vehicular access via an existing access road to the east of the proposed site, connection to public water mains, with all the necessary & ancillary site works to complete the developme. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BALLINREENLANIG, NOHOVAL, BELGOOLY, CO.CORK Permission for retention of change of use from existing agricultural building (granted under planning ref 07/12005) to 4 no. Bonded Warehouses including the fenestration changes to elevations, permission for retention of as constructed security fencing and planning permission for the following : i) . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY KNOCKNAGORE, CROSSHAVEN, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling house, domestic garage and all associated works. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY GREENMOUNT, BALLYDEHOB, CO. CORK, Removal of 2 no. existing slurry tanks and construction of new slatted slurry and soiled water tank and associated site development works . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 19 CORK COUNTY THE SLATE HOUSE, 1 NEWMANS MALL, TOWN-PLOTS, KINSALE, CO.CORK Permission for the retention of roof light to the front elevation of the dwelling house. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY KILMOON, SHERKIN ISLAND, BALTIMORE, CO. CORK Construction of a dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BEACON ROAD, BALTIMORE, CO. CORK, The construction of a single storey dwelling house and associated entrance and site works. A natura impact statement will be submitted to the planning authority with the application. The natura impact statement will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost. More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BELVELLY PORT FACILITY, MARINO POINT, MARINO, COBH, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of a grain storage and distribution facility and all ancillary site works. The proposed development consists of a grain storage building and grain handling storage building with associated headhouse structure. The proposed development also includes the provision of 2 . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY CLUAIN RÉIDH, FLATS, BALLYMAKEERY, CO. CORK Is \u00E9ard at\u00E1 i gceist san fhorbairt n\u00E1; 1.24 Aonaid Ch\u00F3naithe a th\u00F3g\u00E1il ina n-\u00E1ir\u00EDtear: a.8 dteach leathscoite le 3 sheomra codlata b.16 theach leathscoite le 4 sheomra codlata 2. Sl\u00ED isteach d\u2019fheithicl\u00ED agus coisithe a shol\u00E1thar, chomh. More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY WEST END, COOMLOGANE, MILLSTREET, CO CORK Permission for the change of use of the existing community gym into a community hub which will include a full day-care childcare service (over 2 floors), a public WC, CE workers office, works will also include a first floor extension and alterations to the elevations of the building that is the subj. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 19 CORK COUNTY INCHES, EYERIES, BEARA, CO. CORK Permission for retention of single storey detached building for use as a potting shed and tool store ancillary to family home and permission for polytunnel, landscaping/rewilding, bee hives, alterations to existing building, pedestrian entrance to L-8920-0 along with all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 19 CORK COUNTY NEWMARKET ROAD, KANTURK, CO. CORK, Permission for retention of the change of use and conversion of the original lower ground floor storage area to domestic residential use as an extension to the upper ground floor bungalow and including all associated site works, all to the existing two storey detached dwelling. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BALLYDIVLIN, GOLEEN, CO. CORK, Permission for: (i) retention of dwelling house and associated site works (at variance to the approved drawings of planning references 01/6490 and 04/4250), (ii) permission for two extensions to dwelling house, and (iii) permission for re-location of entrance to dwelling . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY GARRYVOE UPPER, LADYSBRIDGE, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a two storey detached dwelling including an integrated covered carport, a new wastewater treatment unit and percolation area, a new domestic site entrance in the location of an existing agricultural field entrance, and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BALLYBRANAGAN, CLOYNE, CO. CORK, Permission for a single storey type dwelling along with effluent treatment unit and percolation area, well, access to main roadway, and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BALLYKNOCK SOUTH, BALLYNOE, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission to demolish the existing domestic garage and construct a single storey side extension to his bungalow. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY FARNALOUGH, NEWCESTOWN, BANDON, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of new dwellinghouse and domestic garage (with change of location on site of dwellinghouse and garage, and minor changes in design of dwellinghouse to that previously granted under planning reference number 23/6305), new entrance, wastewater treatment system together . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY GLANYCUMMANE LOWER TD., FREEMOUNT, CO. CORK, Permission to construct storey and a half dwellinghouse, effluent treatment system with tertiary filter, demolition of detached double domestic garage and proposed access via existing entrance. . More...
Outline Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY CHURCH BAY, CROSSHAVEN, CROSSHAVENHILL, CO.CORK Outline Planning permission for the construction of a detached dwelling and associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 19 CORK COUNTY "ENDSLEIGH", FRENCH'S AVENUE, BALLYVOLOON, COBH, CO. CORK. Permission for Retention of the single storey extension located to the side (east) elevation and single storey extension located to the rear (north) elevation of my existing dwelling. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY LEGION HOUSE, CHURCH BAY ROAD, KNOCKNAGORE, CROSSHAVEN, CO.CORK Permission for: a) construction of single storey extension at front of dwelling, b) demolition of existing single storey extension at rear of dwelling, c) construction of two storey extension at rear of dwelling and all ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BALLYMICHAEL, LISSARDA, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a new domestic dwelling house, domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BARNAHELY, RINGASKIDDY, CO.CORK, Permission for (i) Construction of a 2 no. storey extension to the west elevation of production building P01 comprising gross floor area of approximately 294sq.m with maximum height of 19.2m (to parapet) to facilitate installation of new equipment (parts washers and autoclaves) to replace end-of-lif. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 19 CORK COUNTY FANAHY, CASTLETOWNBERE, BEARA, CO. CORK Permission for retention of partially constructed agricultural entrance onto the R-572 Regional Road and all associated site works completed to date. Permission for completion of the agricultural entrance to include construction of splayed entrance walls, erecting an agricultural gate and roadside . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BENGOUR WEST, NEWCESTOWN, CO. CORK, To constuct a new dwelling house . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 19 CORK COUNTY LACKABANE, DONOUGHMORE, CO.CORK, Permission and Permission for Retention and completion of residential development. Permission for Retention and completion is sought for the completion of 2 no. dwelling houses (site no. 1 & site no. 2) and alterations to the internal access road and all associated site development works, currently . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY KNOCKROE, BANDON, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling house, waste water treatment system and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY RIGSDALE, BALLINHASSIG, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a 2 storey dwelling house, single storey home office and bedroom wing, and single storey garage, along with the installation of a domestic sewerage treatment system and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY CARRIGAGULLA, BALLINAGREE, MACROOM, CO.CORK Permission to demolish existing stock barn attached to eastern elevation. Renovation of existing dwelling house, alterations to roof and elevations, including 3 no roof lights on western elevation, 4 no. roof lights on eastern elevations, alteration to store to form part of dwelling house, construct. More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY REAVOULER, DRINAGH, CO. CORK, To construct dwelling and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BARRYSCOURT, ROSSMORE, BALLINTUBBRID WEST, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO.CORK Permission for a 20kV underground grid connection cable in the townlands of Barryscourt, Rossmore and Ballintubbrid West, near Carrigtwohill. The proposed development is intended to connect the permitted Barrsycourt solar park (pl.ref.17/4596) to the existing Carrigtwohill 38kV substation. The propo. More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY HERLIHY'S CENTRA, MAIN STREET, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission for the following works: 1) alteration to shop front elevation, and all other associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY ARDARAGH EAST, BERE ISLAND, BEARA, CO. CORK Planning Permission for refurbishment and extension of an existing ruinous former dwellinghouse, construction of entrance, removal of mobile home, decommissioning old septic tank system, Installation of new wastewater treatment system and all associated siteworks . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY BALLINTUBBRID WEST, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a single storey detached dwelling house and single storey detached garage, with effluent treatment system, new bored well, new entrance from public road and all associated site and ancillary works . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY KNOCKNAPOGAREE, SALLYPORT, KINSALE, CO. CORK Permission for the demolition of existing 2 storey house and construction of a new 2 storey single family dwelling, new home office/ store/ playroom to replace existing derelict shed, wastewater treatment system and associated site landscaping works. . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY CASHELFEAN, DURRUS, BANTRY, CO. CORK Construction of dwellinghouse, installation of proprietary wastewater treatment plant, upgrading of existing access road including new entrance on to county road L-95913-4 and all associated siteworks . More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY GAELSCOIL CHIONN TSÁILE, CAPPAGH, KINSALE, CO.CORK Permission for the removal of existing pre-fabricated buildings on site and general site clearance; the construction of 1 and 2 storey school building including general and specialist classrooms, special education needs (SEN) units, general purpose rooms, servery, library, offices, staff room, store. More...
Permission Dec 19 CORK COUNTY CARRIGCLEENA MORE, BWEENG, CO. CORK, Permission for the development will consist of continued use of the existing permitted quarry, ancillary processing plant and facilities, and access beyond 2034 (the existing permitted duration); lateral extension of the existing permitted quarry area to a depth of c.110mOD ( the permitted quarry fl. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY ROCKVILLE, CORK ROAD, CARRIGALINE, CO. CORK Permission to retain & relocate a domestic steel tech shed on their property. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY ELMBURY, CARRIGTOHILL, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO CORK Permission for the construction of 38 no. residential units and all ancillary site development works including bicycle and bin storage facilities. The proposed development provides for the construction of 28 no. dwelling houses comprising of 12 no. 4 bedroom semi-detached units (which have an option. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY COACHFORD BUSINESS PARK, CLONMOYLE EAST, COACHFORD, CO. CORK 1) Permission for Retention of existing container storage yard and ancillary facilities, including an ancillary storage building; and 2) Permission for i) The construction of an extension to an existing industrial/manufacturing building (Block B) on the northwestern part of the Business Park; ii) . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY FERGUS, DRIPSEY, CO CORK, Permission for a dwelling house, an effluent treatment system, a domestic garage and associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY SALLY PARK, LISCARROLL, CO CORK, Permission for construction of a single storey extension to side & rear of dwelling, for construction of first floor extension to side of dwelling, for alterations to elevations of existing dwelling, for conversion of existing detached domestic garage to be incorporated into existing dwelling, for a. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY BALLYNAPARSON, GLANMIRE, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a 2 storey dwelling, garage, septic tank with percolation area and ancillary works. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY CLANCY TERRACE, RATHGOGGAN MIDDLE, CHARLEVILLE, CO.CORK Permission for conversion of the two-storey old monastery building from single residential unit to eight apartments, consisting of two 1-bed apartments and six studio apartments, the construction of two single-storey retirement houses and fourteen two-storey 2-bed terraced houses, along with all ass. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY BARLEYFIELD, KILBRITTAIN, CO.CORK, Permission to construct dwelling and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY ANNABELLA, MALLOW, CO CORK, Permission for Mallow Water infrastructure upgrades, to include:- upgrades to the Kennel Hill Service Reservoir, including the erection of 2 no. above ground kiosks, 1 no. below ground chamber, new hardstanding, relocation of the existing kiosk, decommissioning and demolition of the existing reservo. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY HIGHLANDS, RAHEENERING, MONKSTOWN, CO CORK Permission for: 1) Demolition of an existing house, 2) Construction of a new house, 3) Closing of an existing vehicular entrance, 4) Installation of a new wastewater treatment system and percolation area and 5) All associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY WEST END, NEWMARKET, CO CORK, Permission to construct an extension to the front and side of the existing school building with all associated site works. . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY KILCLOGH, KILWORTH, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of stables building for the housing of horses . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY BLUEPOOL LOWER, KANTURK, CO CORK, Permission for: 1) Demolition of three existing buildings previously used as a dwelling house, large storage shed & small storage shed. 2) Provision of new veterinary clinic in addition to the existing veterinary clinic on site. 3) Provision of a new store. 4) Elevation changes to existing building. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY LETTER, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK, Construct a dwelling, domestic garage, install a sewage treatment system and for all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY ARDAGH, UNION HALL, CO. CORK, The construction of 3 no. detached dwellings comprising 2 no. two-storey, 4-bed dwellings (198 sqm) and 1 no. part single-storey part two-storey split level 4-bed dwelling (203 sqm). The development will also incorporate a new vehicular access roadway, onsite foul treatment systems, retaining walls. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY KNOCKEENADALLANE, KNOCKNAGREE, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission for (A) Construction of ground floor extension and alterations to existing elevations of dwelling, (B) Construction of gable walls and a new pitch roof construction to existing dwelling to replace the existing flat roof, (C) Renovate the existing dwelling house to include living accommoda. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY BARRYSCOURT, CARRIGTOHILL, CO CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house, new vehicular entrance, domestic garage, install a wastewater treatment & percolation area and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY DUNWORLY, BUTLERSTOWN, BANDON, CO CORK Permission for the extension and alterations of existing single storey dwelling house (as per notification dated 11th March 2024 under Article 10(6) - Change of Use Exemption from Commercial to Residential) modifications to existing vehicular entrance and roadside boundary, construction of detached . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY COOLEEN, CHARLEVILLE, CO CORK, Permission for decommissioning of the existing septic tank and the installation of a new waste water treatment system and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY PAU HANA, COURTAPARTEEN, KINSALE, CO CORK Permission for alterations and extensions to the existing dwelling consisting of: the construction of a new single storey boiler house/extension to the side of existing dwelling, elevational alterations to existing dwelling including amendments to existing doors and windows, the removal of three num. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY BILLERAGH EAST, ARAGLEN, CO CORK, Permission to construct a five column shed to house two horse stables, straw & fodder and associated farm implements. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY GLENREAGH, BALLYNOE, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission for construction of a hay & straw store/machinery shed and associated works . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY NUMBER 7 BALLYDAHEENEAST, (BALLYDAHIN TD), MALLOW, CO. CORK, P51XW65 Permission for change of use / conversion of existing two storey dwelling to 2 no. apartments, consisting of a 2 bedroom apartment on the ground floor and a 2 bedroom apartment on the first floor, as well as carrying out associated changes to the building elevations. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY KILLOVEENOGE, BANTRY, CO. CORK, To construct a single storey extension and to undertake minor alterations to existing dwellinghouse, construct a domestic garage, install a wastewater treatment system and undertake all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY PARK SOUTH, MIDLETON, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of 4 No. detached dwellings, consisting of 3 No. house type A1 dwellings (part two storey/ part single storey) and 1 No. house type A2 dwelling (part 2 storey/part single storey) with 1 No. proposed detached single storey domestic garage for each dwelling; A communal . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY FATHER MATTHEW TOWER, KILCOOLISHAL, GLANMIRE, CO. CORK, T45V663 Permission for: 1) Partial demolition of the existing roof and stone wall to the rear of the existing dwelling attached to Father Matthew Tower, a Protected Structure, No. 00492, and demolition of the existing entrances to the dwelling and balcony. 2) Construction of single storey extensions to th. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY "THE ORCHARD", BISHOP'S ISLAND, WATERGRASSHILL, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of 4 no. 4 bedroom, semi-detached houses (with the capacity to become 5 bed houses with an attic extension). The development also includes 8 no. car parking spaces, drainage works, landscaping, boundary treatments, surface treatments and all ancillary development work. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY CARRIG DEMESNE, MALLOW, CO CORK, Permission is sought for renovation of existing 3-storey Tower, Protected Structure (RPS 275), to provide a 1-bedroom detached dwelling. Renovation works to include re-roofing, re-rendering, replacement of existing and missing external windows and doors, re-opening of blocked opes as required and in. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY 18 CHURCH STREET, LISCAHANE, MILLSTREET, CO CORK Permission to renovate and extend dwelling house, all in accordance with plans and particulars submitted. Please note this property is a Protected Structure Reg. No. 20817013. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY BALLINWILLIN, BARTLEMY, CO CORK, Permission for retention and completion of single storey extension to side and rear of existing dwelling. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY UNIT 27, 52 EASTGATE DRIVE, KILCOOLISHAL, LITTLE ISLAND, CO.CORK Permission for Two number backlit signs, one to the exterior fa\u00E7ade of the north east elevation and one to the south east elevation of the unit 27, along with all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY BANTRY GENERAL HOSPITAL, CARRIGNAGAT, BANTRY, CO. CORK The construction of a two-storey building extension to the existing hospital to provide a 16-bed Rehabilitation Unit and Undercroft Plant Area at ground floor level, a 24 bed in-patient ward at first floor level and a Louvred Plant room Enclosure at roof level. Permission is also sought for refurbis. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY POLLARDSTOWN, MITCHELSTOWN, CO. CORK, Permission for the development of a dwelling house, detached garage, onsite treatment system and associated site works. Permission to include upgrade of existing agricultural entrance to residential entrance. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY GARRANECORE TD & FOURCUIL TD, SHANNONVALE, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK Extend existing sand and gravel quarry at Fourcuil TD into Garranecore TD, involving extension of existing internal haulage road in Fourcuil TD to the proposed sand and gravel quarry area, including provision of a bridge over Garraneard stream, importation of clean stone and soil for reinstatement w. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY AUGHINIDA, COACHFORD, CO. CORK, A 10 year planning permission for a Grid Stability Development. The proposed development will comprise 2 no. control buildings, 120 no. containerised energy storage modules and associated plant and equipment, 20 no. power conversion system units, associated underground electrical ducting and electri. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY CREGGANE, TIMOLEAGUE, CO CORK, Permission for the construction of a new dwelling, new landscaping, drainage and entrance works in connection with the dwelling . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY UNIT 27, 52 EASTGATE DRIVE, KILCOOLISHAL, LITTLE ISLAND, CO. CORK, T45KX50 Permission for the construction of a new roller shutter door to south east elevation of Unit 27, along with all associated ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY BALLYDAW, CASTLELYONS, FERMOY, CO CORK Permission for the construction of the following: a) 1 no. agricultural building to include straw storage, straw bedded livestock housing along with livestock easi feed. b) installation of solar panels along with associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY ELMBURY, CARRIGTOHILL, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO CORK Permission for the construction of 16 no. dwelling houses comprising 8 no. 3 bedroom townhouses and 8 no. 2 bedroom townhouses. The proposed development is a change of house type application from that previously permitted by Cork County Council Planning Reference 23/4514 and will result in the repla. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY CAHERGARRIFF, CASTLETOWNBERE, CO. CORK, (a) Permission for Retention to retain existing dwelling as renovated and extended for use for short-term / holiday letting including retention of associated site layout, works and services as-built, and (b) Permission to decommission existing septic tank system and replace with a new wastewater tre. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY KILLEADY HILL, COOLATOODER, BALLINHASSIG, CO.CORK Permission for retention of the construction of an extension to the rear of dwelling & retention of the conversion of the existing domestic garage to a bedroom, en-suite & living room which includes replacing the garage door to a window on the front elevation. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY "LOIS ARD" PHASE 3, BALLYHOOLY SOUTH, FERMOY, CO CORK Permission for a proposed single storey creche (site for creche permitted under Pl.Reg.No. 23/6488) with parking, outdoor play area and associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY STARFISH COTTAGE, CLIFF ESTATE, BALTIMORE, CO. CORK Permission for the following works to existing dwelling house:-(A) Permission for single storey extension to said dwelling to both south west and south east elevations. (B) Permission for construction of roadside boundary wall with both pedestrian and vehicular entrances within same and for all asso. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY BALLYMACOWEN, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK, Permission for retention for 1) existing single storey extension to side/rear, south/east elevation of existing single storey dwelling house and 2) existing single storey garage used for domestic purpose . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY 24 MONKSTOWN, CASTLE DEMESNE, MONKSTOWN, CO. CORK Permission for the Retention and completion of dwelling and garage and all associated site works (change of plan and boundaries to that permitted by pl. reg. no. 22/6422) . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY INCHES, EYERIES, BEARA, CO. CORK Permission for the following: (i) retention of extension to holiday park including 15 no. static mobile home bays used exclusively for holiday use and detached plant room building (all at variance to approved Holiday Park approved under planning reference 21/00846), (ii) retention of onsite waste wa. More...
LRD Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY CASTLEPARK, CASTLELANDS (TOWNLAND), ST. JOSEPH'S ROAD, MALLOW, CO. CORK A ten year Permission for the following Large Scale Residential Development (LRD) comprising of the construction of 469 no. residential units to include 305 no. dwelling houses (comprising a mix of 1,2,3 and 4 bed detached, semi-detached, townhouse/terraced and bungalow units) and 164 no. apartment/. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY SNAVE, BALLYLICKEY, BANTRY, P75 XA38 Retention sought to retain fenestration amendments to dwelling i.e. window/door/rooflights alterations, omission of natural stone to part of front (southeast) elevation, retention of attic floor living accommodation space to rear section of dwelling including gable and rooflight windows, retention o. More...
Permission Dec 18 CORK COUNTY GULLY TD, BANDON, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a single storey extension to existing domestic garage, together with change of use of said garage to habitable accommodation \u2013 all to be utilised as a granny flat ancillary to the existing dwelling \u2013 together with associated site works. . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 18 CORK COUNTY DRURY'S AVENUE, TOWNPARKS, MIDLETON, CO. CORK Permission for Retention for the construction of a revised two-storey dwelling house and domestic garage (change of plans to that permitted under 18/4541) to include the raising of the floor level and as a consequence the raising of the ridge level, the modification of glazing arrangements to all el. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 17 CORK COUNTY GRANGE HILL, KNOCKBURDEN (TOWNLAND), OVENS, CO. CORK Permission for Retention for the following: 1) Prefabricated building as constructed for use as an office/staff facilities ; 2) Regrading of agricultural lands to form a level hard standing area for the expansion of the gas bottling facility for the storage of gas bottle/tanks ; 3) Use of hard stand. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY DUBLIN ROAD, BRIGOWN, MITCHELSTOWN, CO.CORK Permission for alterations, refurbishment and change of use existing disused mill building to cultural recreation and visitor centre, interpretive meeting space with function rooms, commercial space on ground floor with operational use of ground floor as retail/caf\u00E9 space and apartment on level. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY TEADIES LOWER, ENNISKEANE, CO. CORK, To construct agricultural shed for the storage of hay and straw and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY 13 BAYVIEW ESTATE, CARRIGNAFOY, COBH, CO CORK Permission to construct a single storey side extension to his dwelling house. . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY ARDAGH, CHURCH CROSS, SKIBBEREEN, CO. CORK Proposed alterations and extensions to an existing dwelling, the decommissioning of an existing septic tank and provision of a replacement wastewater treatment unit with percolation area, and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY ELI LILLY PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURING COMPLEX,, BALLYTHOMAS WEST, BALLYTHOMAS EAST,, HORSEHILL MORE (NORTH), BALLYVRIN LOWER, DUNDERROW, KINSALE, CO. CORK. A 10-year permission to construct a phased extension of the existing on-site Landscaped Earthen Berm previously permitted under Pl.Reg.No. 16/6558, 18/6137 and 21/6812 at the east of the overall campus. The proposed Landscaped Earthen Berm extension will cover an area of approximately 14,400m2, with. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY KNOCKATRASNANE, KILWORTH, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new longitudinal loading bay and associated site works to facilitate harvesting and haulage works . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY GLANNAGAUL, KILDINAN, CO CORK, Permission to construct a cattle shed with slatted tank, cattle handling facilities and ancillary works. . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY GRANVILLE, COLLA ROAD, SKULL, SCHULL, CO. CORK Demolish the existing 1.5 storey dwelling and to construct new 1.5 storey dwelling, new vehicular site entrance and new single-storey garden shed - (change of design to dwelling and site entrance as previously permitted under planning reference 22/598) . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY SCARTLEA LOWER, CLOYNE, MIDLETON, CO.CORK Permission for 1) the demolition of an existing detached part single storey, part two storey building, formerly used as a public house on ground floor and residential accommodation on first floor, 2) the construction of 6 no. two sotrey, 3 bedroom terraced dwellings, with rear access lane accessing . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY CLANCOOL BEG, BANDON, CO CORK, Permission to construct extension to the front/east of dwelling, comprising two storey and single storey elements, construction of replacement bay window to rear/west and to undertake modifications to fenestration to front and rear of existing dwelling house including ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY BALLYENAHAN, BALLYENAHAN NORTH, MITCHELSTOWN, CO.CORK Permission to alter and extend existing dwelling incorporating the following works. Demolish outbuildings adjoined to dwelling. Alter existing dwelling roof, construct a single storey extension to the rear & new vehicular entrance. Decommission of existing septic tank and install a wastewater treatm. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 17 CORK COUNTY NO. 16 PAIRC AN TOBAR, KANTURK, CO. CORK, P51 T6H6 Permission for retention of two number roof windows to the attic storage area. . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY COOLKIRKY, RIVERSTICK, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling house, domestic garage, on site waste water treatment unit and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY ANNABELLA, MALLOW, CO CORK, Permission for the construction of a new Biomass Plant for the generation of steam as part of the decarbonisation road map for the business. The development will consist of the construction of a single storey woodchip boiler building (840m2) with a height of 16.292m above ground level and a maximum . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY 16 THE COAST GUARD, MEENVANE, SCHULL, CO. CORK i.) The construction of a single storey extension to side and two storey extension to front (south east) of existing two storey dwelling. ii) Attic conversion to create a 'room in roof' with new dormer window and roof terrace to front (south east) of existing two storey dwelling. iii) Integration of. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY THE HERMITAGE, BALLYNOE, RUSHBROOKE, COBH, CO.CORK Permission for the following works; a) alterations to previously approved planning permission register reference 20/4748, as also amended under planning permission register reference 22/4529, b) demolition of the existing 2-storey "Hermitage Building" structure and it's replacement with, c) the cons. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY IRONMINES, SPAGLEN, MALLOW, CO CORK Permission to construct an extension to an existing dwelling and alterations to existing elevations as well as associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY DROMLEIGH, MITCHELSTOWN, CO CORK, Permission to alter and to construct two number extensions to his existing dwelling. One extension to the front incorporating and enlarging the existing front porch extension and a further extension on the southern side and all ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY CREAGH BEG, LISSAVARD, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK Permission to construct a dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY MOANROE, LADYSBRIDGE GARRYVOE LOWER, CASTLEMARTYR, CO CORK Permission for:- 1) The construction of a new single storey extension. 2) The opening of a new site entrance and the closure of the existing site entrance. 3) Changes to the existing elevations of the existing cottage including new windows and doors. 4) The installation of a new waste water treatmen. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY GNEEVES, BOHERBUE, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission to a) remove the detached single storey log cabin classroom, b) extend & renovate the existing on site building, c) construct additional classroom areas & a covered link, d) construct all associated site work . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY NO.2 YOUGHAL ROAD, TOWNPARKS, MIDLETON, CO CORK Permission for: a) Demolition of the existing single storey rear extension to dwelling house, b) Construction of a new two storey rear extension to dwelling house to facilitate the conversion of existing dwelling house into two no. 2 bed apartments, c) Construction of a new single storey 1 bed apart. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY TRABOLGAN, WHITEGATE, MIDLETON, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of a new single storey detached dwelling with converted attic and with an attached single storey open sided carport, a single storey detached garage, and including a new waste water treatment unit and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY ARDAGH, BERE ISLAND, BEARA, CO. CORK The development to consist of (1) Construction of four, two bedroom houses, which will be available for short term letting, (2) Vehicular entrance and internal roads and footpaths, complete with eight car parking spaces, (3) Effluent treatment unit and percolation system, (4) All associated site wor. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY LISBEALAD EAST, DUNMANWAY, CO. CORK, Construct (a) a cattle house with slatted slurry tank, (b) cattle house over existing slurry storage tank, (c) dungstead, and carry out all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY BALLYCURREEN, GLOUNTHAUNE, CO CORK, Permission for construction of a new single-storey extension to side of existing dwelling house (in addition to extension and alterations permitted under Pl.Reg.No. 23/5559) and all other associated ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY 'NOBORU', COORADARRIGAN, SCHULL, CO. CORK i) Construction of single storey extensions to the sides (east and west), front (north) and rear (south) of existing single storey dwelling. ii) Construction of a single storey garage to front (north) of existing single storey dwelling iii) new waste water treatment unit together with alterations to. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY NEW STREET, & WILLIAM STREET, TOWNLOTS, BANTRY, CO. CORK Permission for the following works to the existing Bantry Credit Union Premises: (i) extension of premises by amalgamation with adjoining former Bank of Ireland premises, (ii) construction of single storey link extension to the rear, (iii) fenestration changes to the New Street elevation including i. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY DUNMANWAY NORTH, DUNMANWAY SOUTH,, BROOKPARK AND UNDERHILL (TOWNLANDS), DUNMANWAY, CO. CORK Upgrade works to the existing wastewater network and all associated site development works: 1. Decommissioning of 485 linear meters of sewers along the north bank of the Sally (Dirty) River, in addition to the upstream river crossing, and 648 linear meters of sewer from the Quarry Road Pumping Sta. More...
Extension of Duration Dec 17 CORK COUNTY BEECHPARK, RATHCORMACK (TOWNLAND), RATHCORMAC, CO.CORK The Construction of 23 no. dwelling houses and all associated ancillary site development works to include the provision of a pedestrian footpath along the L1520 public road and through lands to the north west at Beechpark. The proposed development lies within the curtilage of Beech Park (the Old Rec. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 17 CORK COUNTY REDBARN, YOUGHAL, CO.CORK, Permission for retain an existing domestic garage and storage shed . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 17 CORK COUNTY BALLYROE, LEAP, CO. CORK, P81 TX62 Permission for retention for 3 no. shepherd huts used for short-term letting. Also planning permission is sought for the installation of a new wastewater treatment unit to service the aforementioned shepherd huts, along with all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY COOLCAUM, CHURCHTOWN, MALLOW, CO CORK Permission for:- a) Construction of a single storey extension to the side of existing dwelling house, b) Demolition of existing entrance porch, c) Demolition of existing chimney, d) Removal of existing septic tank, e) Installation of new septic tank and associated percolation area, f) Construction o. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY BALLYMAQUIRK, KANTURK, CO CORK, P51 XW94 Permission for the construction of a single-storey substation to serve an existing industrial building and all associated site development works. . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY JAMESBROOK, GARRANEKINNEFEAKE, MIDLETON, CO.CORK Permission for 1) the change of use of the existing single storey detached dwelling on site to ancillary residential accommodation associated with the new replacement dwelling for use as a home office, 2) the construction of a new part single storey, part two storey, detached dwelling to replace the. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY THE SQUARE, CASTLEWIDENHAM, CASTLETOWNROCHE, CO CORK Permission to construct a single storey extension to the rear of existing community hall and all associated site works and services. . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY CORK ROAD, KNOCKBROGAN, BANDON, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of a residential development consisting of 77 no. dwelling houses and a single storey creche facility with ancillary surface car park, bicycle parking racks, bin stores and all ancillary development works. The proposed development consists of the construction of 7 no.. More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY CAHERLARHIG, ARDFIELD, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK Construction of an extension and alterations to an existing dwelling house. The decommissioning of an existing septic tank, the installation of a new treatment unit, percolation area, and all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 17 CORK COUNTY BROWNSTOWN & MOUNTAIN COMMON, ARDFIELD, CO. CORK, Retention of elevational changes as constructed to dwelling previously granted under planning no. 296/94 and for retention of site layout and all associated site development works . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY CASTLETOWNSEND, CO. CORK -, -, - To extend and alter the rear single storey section of an existing three storey dwelling house and to construct two additional floors above said rear single storey section and all associated works . More...
Permission Dec 17 CORK COUNTY BALLYMURPHY UPPER, CONNA, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of a dwelling, garage, wastewater treatment unit, polishing filter and associated works (change of plan from that previously permitted under planning Ref. P.I. 23/4766). . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 16 CORK COUNTY O'SHEA'S HARDWARE STORE, BAKERS ROAD, RATHGOGGAN SOUTH, CHARLEVILLE CO CORK Permission for the extension and redevelopment of the existing retail warehousing outlet and all ancillary site development works. The proposed development provides for the construction of an extension to the existing retail warehouse building to accommodate additional retail warehousing floor space. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY CONVENT VIEW, CONVENT HILL COOLFADDA, BANDON, CO CORK Permission to: 1) Demolish existing single storey extension and out buildings at the rear (north elevation) of existing dwelling house. 2) Construct a two storey extension at the rear (north elevation) of existing dwelling house, and sub divide existing dwelling house to create 2 no. dwelling houses. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY BISHOP'S-ISLAND, WATERGRASSHILL, CO CORK, Permission for the construction of a new residential development. The proposed development consists of the demolition of the existing single storey structure on the site and the construction of 15 no. dwelling units, which will comprise of 2 storey, 3-bedroom terraced dwelling units. A new vehicular. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY CULLENAGH, KILDORRERY, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of a bungalow dwelling, effluent treatment system and together with site access & all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY LOWER AGHADA, AGHADA, MIDLETON, CO CORK Permission for the completion of part of development permitted under Pl.Reg.No. 19/4501, the remaining works to be completed which are subject to this application; the construction of 2 no. dwelling houses and detached garage and garden store to house No. 3c, and all remaining site development works. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY DROMROE COMMONS, MALLOW, CO CORK, Permission to construct a single storey dwelling house and detached garage for domestic usage and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY BARLEYFIELD, KILBRITTAIN, CO.CORK, Permission to 1) construct a single storey extension, 2) carry out alterations to elevations and 3) to install a treatment unit, all to their existing dwelling . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY NOHOVAL, NOHAVAL TD, CO.CORK, Permission for proprietary wastewater treatment system to serve existing dwelling . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY GURTEENROE, BANTRY, CO. CORK, Demolition of existing ruinous dwelling, for construction of replacement dwelling with attached ancillary dwelling in lieu-of same, for installation of a wastewater treatment system to serve both proposed dwelling and attached ancillary dwelling, for alterations and completion to existing entrance a. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY GLANLOUGH, BANTRY, CO. CORK, Permission for temporary mobile home and all associated site works (to be removed from site upon completion of the dwelling permitted under Planning Reg No. 21/495) . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY CURRAGHOO MORE, GLANWORTH, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a dwelling, domestic garage and all associated site works and services . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY CARRIGTWOHILL QUARRY, BALLYVODOCK WEST & BALLYNABOINTRA, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO CORK Permission for the construction and operation of a concrete batching plant which will produce up to 70,000m3 of ready-mix concrete annually. This will replace the existing concrete batching plant that was permitted under application reference S/98/4005, which will be dismantled and removed as part o. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY VICKERY'S INN COMPLEX, NEW STREET, BANTRY, CO. CORK Permission for the following: (i) demolition and reconstruction of existing unstable laneway boundary wall, (ii) construction of building to be used as a mixed market/food emporium and (iii) all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY LYRE, CARRIGNAVAR, CO CORK, Permission for:- 1) Poultry house, 2) Soiled water tank. The above is to be carried out in conjunction with all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY NO.1 PEARSE STREET, TOWN-PLOTS, KINSALE, CO.CORK Permission to construct a second floor single-storey extension to bedroom in guest house. This involves work to a protected structure . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY 9 COASTGUARD COTTAGES, ROCK ISLAND, GOLEEN, CO CORK a) upgrading of existing domestic wastewater treatment system b) construction of single storey domestic shed 37sqm floor area c) vehicular entrance gates from the public road with stone gate piers d) all ancillary site development works, all at existing two storey detached house . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 16 CORK COUNTY CLONPRIEST EAST, YOUGHAL, CO. CORK, Permission for Retention of 2 no. domestic garages as constructed, elevational changes including 1 no. new rooflight to the rear roof of his dwelling, and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY DERRIGRA, ENNISKEANE, CO. CORK, Construction of a new 1.8 metre wide footpath, and the installation of 26 no. 18 metre high floodlights, and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY LISLEAGH, BALLYCLOUGH, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission to a) construct a new dwelling house, b) construct a new vehicular entrance and c) install a new septic tank, percolation area and all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 16 CORK COUNTY BALLYCLAMASY, SUMMERFIELD, YOUGHAL, CO. CORK, P36 AC85 Permission to retain as constructed existing single storey side and rear residential extensions along with external window and chimney alterations to existing dwelling. . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY CAHERKIRKY, ROSSMORE, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK Construct a dwelling house, domestic garage and carry out all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY DERRYGALUN, KANTURK, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house and detached domestic garage. . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY CASTLEVIEW, DEERPARK, BALLYARRA, CASTLELYONS, CO.CORK Permission for extension and alterations of existing two storey house. The works will include; 1) Demolition of existing rear extension, sheds, and attached stables to the side of the house, 2) Construction of new single storey extensions to the side (West) and rear (North) of the house, 3)Internal . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY BAWNAVOTA, KINSALE, CO. CORK, Permission for 1) Change of use of an existing storage shed to a wine production facility, 2) A septic tank waste water treatment system & 3) All other associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY MEELSHANE, MIDLETON, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling, wastewater treatment unit, polishing filter, new site entrance, well and associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY 15 MA NA GREINE, CLASHDERMOT EAST, KILLEAGH, CO.CORK Permission to construct a single storey extension to side of dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY BALLYNAMUDDAGH, ARAGLEN, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a single storey dwelling, garage, septic tank with percolation area, upgrade existing entrance and ancillary works. . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY BALLYARRA, BRIDEBRIDGE, CASTLELYONS, CO. CORK Permission to construct a new dwelling house. . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY BALLYCATTEEN, TIMOLEAGUE, BANDON, CO. CORK Permission to construct a dwelling house and carry out all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY 11 CLANCY TERRACE, BOHERBUE, CO. CORK, Permission to demolish shed and associated wall to rear of dwelling and construct a single storey extension to North and West side of existing two storey dwelling, car port at side of dwelling along with construction of open porch area at front of dwelling with construction of block boundary walls a. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY GURTEENNAKILLA, BALLYDEHOB, CO CORK, Construct a dwelling house and carry out all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY KILLAKANE, MITCHELSTOWN, CO.CORK, Permission for 1) revised site boundaries permitted under pl. reg no 74/1696, 2) removal of the existing septic tank; and 3) installation of a new tertiary treatment system receiving secondary treated effluent drip dispersal to serve an existing dwelling house and all ancillary works . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY KNOCKROE, KILNAMARTYRA, CO CORK, Permission to construct a two storey dwelling with entrance, septic tank, percolation area & all services. . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY CREGGANE, BUTTEVANT, CO CORK, Permission to: a) Modify and extend existing storage building to accommodate a new ladies dressing room. b) Erect 6m high ball stop nets to the eastern and southern boundaries of the site. 3) Erect 6m high ball stop nets behind the goal area on soccer pitches 1 and 2. d) Erect 8m high ball stop nets. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY BAWNAGOYNIG, BELGOOLY, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a dwelling house, to install a domestic waste water treatment system and carry out all associated site works. . More...
Outline Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY CLOONTIES, BALLYHILLOE, LEAP, CO. CORK Outline planning permission for three dwellinghouses and all associated siteworks including works to realign the public road L-8323-0 and to improve its junction with the N71 . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY FLEMINGSTOWN, MITCHELSTOWN, CO.CORK, Permission to alter and to extend existing dwelling, incorporating the following works, a) to demolish rear existing domestic extension and domestic sheds (total floor area circa 51.5sq.m, which includes c.10.0sq.m rear domestic extension, b) to construct new extension to rear and side of existing d. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY INCHIQUIN, KILLEAGH, CO.CORK, Permission for the importation of clean inert soil & stone for the raising of an agricultural field in order to improve the agricultural outout of the field and the construction of a new temporary entrance and temporary haul road. A Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the planning authority. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY IRISHTOWN, BOUND BY GLASSLYN ROAD TO THE NORTH, THE N71/BANDON RELIEF ROAD TO THE EAST, AND CONNOLLY STREET TO THE SOUTH IN BANDON, CO.CORK P72 Y499 Permission for (1) redevelopment of existing car showroom building to include partial demolition works (463.5 sqm) and stripping back and removal of cladding and glazing and construction of a new single storey rear extension (340.9 sqm) resulting in a net decrease in floor area of 122.6sqm, and new . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY SLIEVEREAGH TD, SLIEVEREAGH, CO. CORK., Permission for upgrade works to approximately 0.4km of existing road to facilitate access to the permitted Knocknamork Renewable Energy Development (Pl. Ref. No. 19/4972, as amended under Pl. Ref. No. 22/5791 and 23/4455), a temporary construction compound including 2 no. site offices and staff faci. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY LONGSTONE, WHITECHURCH, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of a dwelling and detached domestic garage, installation of a septic tank and percolation area and carrying out of all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY THE IDA BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY PARK, TULLAGREEN, TERRY'S-LAND AND ANNGROVE (TOWNLANDS), CARRIGTWOHILL, CO.CORK Permission for the extension and expansion of their existing facility and all ancillary site development works. The proposed development provides for the construction of a new extension to the existing GE Healthcare building (approximate maximum height of 27 metres) comprising a new filling line, so. More...
Permission Dec 16 CORK COUNTY LACKTIFY, CLONDROHID, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a new dwelling house, wastewater treatment plant and all associated site works . More...
Extension of Duration Dec 16 CORK COUNTY GLEBE MANOR ESTATE, ARDNABOURKEY, WHITEGATE, CO.CORK Construction of 30 no. dwelling houses and all associated site works, including vehicular access, parking, footpaths, drainage, landscaping and amenity areas. Extension of Duration to Permission granted under Planning Ref. No. 17/7117 and extended under 23/6237 . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY BRANDON FACTORY HILL, KILCOOLISHAL, GLANMIRE, CO CORK Permission for the partial demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of a revised single storey extension (change of design from granted planning 23/4942) to the south and west elevations, changes to the existing dwelling elevations, modifications of the existing roof structure and all ass. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY SITE 1A, HARBOURS EDGE (FORMERLY BELVERY), LOWER AGHADA, CO CORK Permission for the construction of the following: 1) A second site entrance to allow for full site wheelchair accessibility to the lower ground floor, 2) A new two storey detached dwelling with rooftop plantroom, 3) An open sided covered carport at lower ground floor level, 4) All associated site wo. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 13 CORK COUNTY BALLYKNOCK, BALLYNOE, MALLOW, CO CORK Permission for Retention of alterations to dwelling house (permitted under Pl.Ref.No. 12/6220 & extension of permission under Pl.Ref.No. 17/5915) as constructed namely: 1) alterations to fenestration, 2) altered roof profile to side and rear including revision to balcony, 3) revision to site boundar. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 13 CORK COUNTY KNOCKMACOOL, ENNISKEANE, CO CORK, Permission for retention of a sun-room to the side of an existing dwelling house and the retention of an extension to the rear of existing garage/storage building which includes a garage and office, all ancillary to the use of the existing dwelling house and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY DROM WEST, CASTLETOWNBERE, CO. CORK, P75 V820 Retention of A) single storey storage shed, b) Separate two storey storage shed, c) Separate shipping container storage, D) concrete courtyard and surround, E) soakaway and F) all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY LACKENDARRAGH NORTH, GLENVILLE, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY CURRAVARAHANE, GAGGIN, BANDON, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of a new part two storey, part single storey dwelling house, construction of an associated detached domestic garage and landscaping, drainage and entrance works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY CAPTAIN'S BOREEN, KILMONEY, CARRIGALINE, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of a part single storey, part two storey, detached dwelling, including a single storey detached garage, and including a new waste water treatment unit and percolation area, all of which is a change of plan from that permitted under planning application reference 24/44. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY BALLINLUSKA, MYRTLEVILLE, CO CORK, Permission to demolish existing ruin and to construct a two storey dwelling together with the installation of a wastewater treatment unit and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY LISROBIN EAST, BOHERBUE, CO CORK, Permission to construct a livestock underpass under the public road, effluent holding tank and carry out all associated ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY CORONEA, SKIBBEREEN, CO. CORK, Erection of ancillary dwelling unit for use as granny flat and for associated site devleopment works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY GLENGOURA LOWER, CURRAGLASS, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission for construction of two storey detached dwelling house, detached domestic garage, septic tank system and percolation area, vehicular entrance and all ancillary site works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY LYRADANE, GRENAGH, CO CORK, Permission for construction of a detached home office, along with all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY SHANAGARRY SOUTH, SHANAGARRY, CO CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 13 CORK COUNTY COOLOWEN, BLARNEY, CO.CORK, Permission for 1) the construction of a single storey dwelling house for the applicant's own use, 2) the construction of a garage, 3) the construction of a stables to house the applicants own domestic ponies and the retention of the existing gates, pillars and entrance at their current location and . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY BALLYANLY, INNISCARRA, CO CORK, Permission to construct a cattle shed with slatted tank, cattle handling facilities and ancillary works. . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY HOLLYHILL, BANTRY, CO. CORK, Planning Permission for the following: (i) To construct 3 no. bonded warehouses (ii) to construct a Fire Pump Building (iii) Installation of a Fire Fighting Tank and Construction of a Firewater Retention / Attenuation Pond (iv) Construction of a new internal roadway (v) New site boundaries with secu. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY TEMPLEBRYAN NORTH, CLONAKILTY, CO CORK, Planning permission for the construction of a proposed dwelling house, detached garage and all associated site works, drainage and new entrance . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY MILITARY ROAD, CREGGANE, BUTTEVANT, CO CORK Permission to construct a new site entrance, 3 no. single storey dwellings and all associated site development work and service. . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY THE UPPER DECK, POINT ROAD, CROSSHAVEN, CO CORK Permission for amendments to roadside boundary walls, lift building and access as constructed, part change of use of lift building from store to home gym/office, fabric upgrades, modifications and extension to the existing dwelling house, privacy screen at roadside, upgraded landscaping, carport at . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 13 CORK COUNTY 1 BARRACK GREEN, BARRACK STREET, KINSALE, CO CORK Permission for retention of a two storey extension and covered yard to the rear of existing dwelling. . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 13 CORK COUNTY NO. 20 SAINT JOSEPH'S SQUARE, CARRIGNAGROGHERA, FERMOY, CO CORK Permission for retention of part single storey/part two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling and detached garage/store as constructed. . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY KILMALODA, BALLINASCARTHY, CO CORK, Permission for construction of a new part two storey, part single dwelling house, construction of an associated detached domestic garage and landscaping, drainage and entrance works. . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 13 CORK COUNTY LETTERCOLLUM, TIMOLEAGUE, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of extension to dwelling, retention of garage and associated site works . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 13 CORK COUNTY THE FORMER PRESENTATION CONVENT, CONVENT HILL BRIGOWN, MITCHELSTOWN, CO CORK Permission for the addition of 6 dwelling units and modification of 16 dwelling units, retention of retaining wall structure, completion of retaining wall and associated works in the grounds of Protected Structure 00109 The former Presentation Convent & Gate Lodge and Protected Structure 01334 Entra. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY DINISH ISLAND, CASTLETOWNBERE, CO. CORK, Planning permission for marine sourced feed & nutritional material processing and storage facility . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY CASTLEHAVEN, CASTLETOWNSHEND, CO. CORK, To demolish an existing dwellinghouse and construct a new dwellinghouse and garage / boathouse, to replace an existing septic tank and percolation area with a packaged wastewater treatment system and new percolation area and carry out all associated works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY SHINANAGH, BALLYHEA, CO CORK, Permission for the erection of a 24 metre lattice telecommunications support structure on a 1.2 metre high raised foundation (providing an overall height of 25.2 metres) together with associated antennas and dishes and to remove the existing 15 metre lattice telecommunications structure. The propose. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY SLIEVEMORE, SHERKIN ISLAND, CO. CORK, The development will consist of the installation of electronic communications comprising a 12-metre high stout wooden pole supporting 3 no. radio-link dishes together with equipment cabinet, fibre ducting & chambers, foundation and all associated ancillary development works. The development is requ. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 13 CORK COUNTY COOLBANE, CAHERAGH, DRIMOLEAGUE, CO. CORK Permission for retention of 1 - Revised location of dwelling, 2 - ensuite extension to north gable, 3 - Conversion of attic storage area to habitable accommodation, said dwelling originally constructed on foot of Planning Ref. W/573/86. Permission also sought for installation of proprietary wastewa. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY COMILLANE, CAPE CLEAR ISLAND, CO. CORK, The development will consist of the installation of electronic communications comprising a 12-metre high stout wooden pole supporting 2 no. radio-link dishes, together with equipment cabinet, fibre ducting & chambers, foundation and all associated ancillary development works. The development is req. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 13 CORK COUNTY MALLOW G.A.A SPORTS COMPLEX, CARRIGOON, MALLOW, CO. CORK (1) Planning permission for the construction of a new hurling wall, extension of an existing car parking area, new perimeter fencing to outdoor storage/generator area, extension of playing pitch no.4 and minor relocation of pitch no.3 and flood lighting to pitch no.4 as previously granted under plan. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY CONDONSTOWN NORTH, WATERGRASSHILL, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a silage slab, concrete apron, effluent tank, machinery shed and associated works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY LACKENDARRAGH, GLANTANE, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission to construct a new dwelling house . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY RYLING COTTAGE, FORNAGHT, DONOUGHMORE, CO.CORK Permission for extension and alterations to existing dwelling and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY KNOCKNAGEEHA NORTH, BOHERBUE, MALLOW, CO CORK Permission to : a) Demolish 3 no. out buildings attached to the existing dwelling house, b) Demolish single storey projections to the western, northern and eastern elevations of the existing dwelling house, c) Raise the eaves level of the existing dwelling house roof, d) Construct a new part single . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 13 CORK COUNTY SHANACRANE EAST, DUNMANWAY, CO. CORK, Permission to retain relocated dwelling & alterations to fenestrations and floor plans, retain relocated septic tank & percolation area, retain relocated bored well, retain altered boundaries from those granted in Planning Ref. No. 19/617 . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY THE ALDI STORE, DUBLIN ROAD, CARRIGNAGROGHERA, FERMOY, CO.CORK Permission for the extension to the existing Aldi store which will consists of: 1) the incorporation of the existing vacant retail unit no. 3 (116sqm)into the existing discount retail store, 2) the construction of a 196.5sqm extension, 3) minor alterations to the existing northwest elevation to prov. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY FARNANES, CO. CORK., , Permission for new 2 storey dwelling, domestic garage, sewerage system, site entrance and all associated works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY GURTEENROE, BANTRY, CO. CORK, Construction of a building consisting of a domestic garage to the ground floor, and home office/studio/gym to the first floor - such building being ancillary in use to the main dwelling house, and for all associated site works . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 13 CORK COUNTY INCHES, EYERIES, BEARA, CO. CORK Permission to retain 2 no. single storey extensions and permission to construct a single storey extension to existing guesthouse and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY FORMER MOUNT SAINT JOSEPHS, BACK ROAD, PEMBROKE PASSAGE WEST, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of: 1) 18 no. new detached homes and the restoration and change of use of Mount Saint Joseph's (a Protected Structure - RPD Ref. 01471) from former institutional use to use as a private dwelling, which will include the demolition of former farm out buildings and the a. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY NO.23 ROSARY PLACE, TOWNPARKS, MIDLETON, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of an extension to an existing residential dwelling. The Proposed development consists of the demolition of the existing shed, kitchen and some external and internal walls and partitions comprising 31.42m2 and the construction of a 2 storey extension to the rear, repl. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY CONVENT GARDEN, WINTER'S HILL, TOWN-PLOTS, KINSALE, CO. CORK Permission for modifications to the site layout permitted under Ref. No. 14/6792 and 23/4232 and all ancillary signage, car parking, landscaping and associated site development works at Convent Garden, Winter\u2019s Hill, in the townland of Town-Plots, Kinsale, Co. Cork. The proposed modifications t. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY CARRIGFADEEN, CASTLEFREKE, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK Construction of machinery and equipment storage shed and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY GORTNASKEHY, ARAGLIN, MALLOW, CO. CORK Permission for demolition of existing derelict dwelling house and outbuildings, construction of a new single storey dwelling house, septic tank system and percolation area, vehicular entrance and all ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY BEARFOREST UPPER, MALLOW, CO.CORK, Permission for a) alterations to fenestration on front elevation, b) construct a new porch to front elevation, c) construct a new single storey extension to rear elevation, all to existing dwelling house, d) decommission existing wastewater treatment system and install a new septic tank and percolat. More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY 25 DROMORE DRIVE, BALLYDAHIN, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission for alterations to front and side of existing dwelling and for the construction of a single storey extension to the rear of same dwelling and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY SHANAGRAIGUE, CARRIGALINE, CO.CORK, Permission for the change of use of existing store and the construction of a single storey extension to the side of the store to provide additional classroom and ancillary space to the existing Montessori school for sessional hours adjacent to the existing dwelling and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 13 CORK COUNTY BALLYVONGANE, BEALNAMORIVE, COACHFORD, CO.CORK Permission for 1) to construct ground floor extension to north/western side of dwelling , 2) to remove existing flat roof and pitched roof, 3) to construct first floor extension and new pitched roof, 4) elevational alterations to existing structure (front, rear and side elevations) 5) new vehicular . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 12 CORK COUNTY OAK LODGE, FARRAN HILL, FARRAN, OVENS, CO.CORK Permission for retention of the following completed works (change of plans previously permitted under planning reference no. 08/4490); 1)2-storey dwelling house as constructed, 2) vehicular site entrance as constructed and 3) all associated completed site works. . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY SOUTH RING, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK, Permission to construct dwelling and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY PHESANT WOOD, CURRAGH, MIDLETON, CO.CORK Permission for alterations & extensions to dwelling house consisting of; demolition of existing ground floor side glazed area/canopy & replace with flat roof extension including first floor terrace above, front porch extension, rear single storey extension, elevational changes & all associated site . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY GLENVIEW, BALLYDANIEL MORE, BALLYMORE, COBH, CO.CORK Permission to refurbish, alter and extend existing dwelling consisting of; alter and extend the existing ground floor to the front, sides, and rear, alterations to all elevations, new replacement dormer roof with attic accommodation within, construct detached garage/store building, removal of exist. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 12 CORK COUNTY BLAKE LODGE, BALLINBRITTIG, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO.CORK Permission for retention for the change of use of ground floor stables into living accommodation and incorporation of same into existing dwelling at first floor level. Permission for retention is also sought for renovation works to the existing building, elevational changes and an extension to the e. More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY MULLAGHROE NORTH, CULLEN, MALLOW, CO CORK Permission for the construction of a residential development of 5 no. dwelling houses to include 1 no. detached housing unit and 2 no. semi-detached housing units and all associated site works to include site landscaping, public open spaces, works to existing public footpath and drainage proposals w. More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY CAPPAGHGLASS, ROSSBRIN COVE, BALLYDEHOB, CO. CORK Permission for refurbishment and extension of an existing ruinous former dwellinghouse. Permission also sought for installation of proprietary wastewater treatment plant with tertiary filter and all associated siteworks. . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY MOGEELY UPPER, CURRAGLASS, MALLOW, CO CORK P51 YNT9 Permission for proposed renovations to existing derelict cottage consisting of alteration to the front and side elevations of cottage, rear extension, detached domestic double garage, new on-site wastewater treatment system, bored well and widening of existing site entrance, all associated site work. More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY COLLA ROAD, SCHULL, CO. CORK, Planning Permission for alteration of site boundary and of site layout permitted unde rplanning ref. no: 22/796 . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY OLDABBEY, WATERFALL, CO.CORK, Permission for alterations & extensions to existing single storey dwelling consisting of; demolition of rear conservatory, construction of a new first floor level extension, a ground floor rear extension, elevational changes & all associated site works including upgrading existing wastewater treatme. More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY THE BEECHES, MULBERRY ROAD, BRIGOWN, MITCHELSTOWN, CO.CORK Permission for alterations to our existing bungalow. The alterations will consist of modifications to the existing windows throughout, replacement of concrete tile roof finish with modern black slate finish, replacement of uPVC fascia/soffit & guttering with aluminum fixings, the addition of a new f. More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY SKEHANAGH, SKAHANAGH NORTH, WATERGRASSHILL, CO CORK Permission for alterations & extension to dwelling house, consisting of: Demolition of existing rear extension & attached garage and replacement with a single storey side extension, elevational changes and all associated site works and services. . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY MILES, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK, Construct a dwelling house, domestic garage and for all associated site works including the sub division of the existing dwelling site . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY CAPPAGH WEST, BALLYVOURNEY, MACROOM, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of a two-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house and all ancillary site works. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 12 CORK COUNTY LISSAPHOOCA, BANDON, CO CORK, Permission for: 1) Retention of extension to calf house, 2) To construct a single storey slatted cow shed extension to cow shed with slurry tanks with associated site works, all to his farm. . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY NO.64 THE SPIRES, CARRIGNAFOY, COBH, CO.CORK Permission for modifications to our existing dwelling house namely the conversion of existing attic space to habitable rooms with the installation of 1 no. dormer window on both the front & rear roofs of our existing dwelling house and 2 no. velux rooflights on the rear roof . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 12 CORK COUNTY NO.11 GLEN PARK, GURTEENROE, MACROOM, CO. CORK Retention Permission for the conversion of an existing garage into living space at the side of the dwelling house which is part of this estate. . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY MEENVANE, SCHULL, CO. CORK, Permission for the following: (a) demolition of a ground floor dental clinic extension, (b) demolition of a first floor apartment extension, (c) alterations and an extension to ground floor dental clinic, (d) alterations and an extension to first floor apartment, (e) installation of raised dormer wi. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 12 CORK COUNTY KILLOWEN, ENNISKEANE, BANDON, CO. CORK Permission is sought for the retention of the following: 1) change of use of existing creamery building to sheet metal workshop (50m2), 2) existing sheet metal workshop building (750m2), 3) existing two storey office building (134m2), 4) existing parts store (39m2) and 5) ancillary external hardstan. More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY 88 ELTINS WOOD, COMMOGE, KINSALE, CO.CORK Permission of the development will consist of renovation and extension of existing two-storey dwelling, including a zero energy retrofit (A1 BER Target), and the construction of an independent family flat. The works include external insulation, replacement of sills, gutters, downpipes, a new larger . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY SUNNYCOVE HOUSE, KEALTIES, DURRUS, CO. CORK. P75 KW21 Proposed extension, alterations and renovations to an existing dwelling, the decommissioning of an existing septic tank and provision of a replacement wastewater treatment unit with percolation area and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY CURRAGLASS, KEALKILL, CO. CORK, Construction of dwelling house, and dometic garage and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY KILPATRICK TD., BALLYCLOUGH, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a new domestic garage/store ancillary to existing dwelling and all associated site works and services. . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY MAULAVANIG, KEALKILL, BANTRY, CO. CORK Permission for the following work to existing dwelling house: - (A) Demolition of an existing outhouse so as to construct a new vehicular entrance and access road. (B) For demolition of existing single storey extensions to both rear west and north side elevations of existing dwelling. (C) For altera. More...
Extension of Duration Dec 12 CORK COUNTY EIR TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, TOWN LOTS, MARKET ST., BANTRY, CO. CORK Retention for the erection of a mounted support pole including an antenna, dish and beacon extending three metres above the exchange roof apex, with associated structures and cables on the gable end of the Eir Telephone Exchange . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY COOLDUFF, KILMURRY, LISSARDA, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of new dwelling house, domestic garage, upgrading of existing entrance, waste-water treatment system together with all other ancillary site works (with changes to house position on site to that previously granted under planning reference number 24/4189) . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY LOWER CODRUM, MACROOM, CO.CORK, Permission for demolition of an existing dwelling and outbuilding, the construction of 2 no. buildings to provide 20 no. apartment style units for the temporary accommodation of persons seeking international protection and all associated car parking, landscaping, site clearance and site development . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY BALLINDILLANIG, CHURCHTOWN, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission to (a) construct a new dwelling house, (b) modify an existing entrance and (c) install a new septic tank, percolation area and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY ARDURA BEG, BALLYDEHOB, SKIBBEREEN, CO. CORK Permission for agricultural development consisting of slatted house and all associated site development works . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY SCARTAGH, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK, Construction of a new two storey dwelling with detached ancillary domestic garage and associated landscaping and drainage works . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY ARDRAH, BANTRY, CO. CORK, Construction of dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY CORRIN, KILL SAINT ANNE NORTH, CLYKEEL NORTH, BALLINVARRIG EAST, BALLINVARRIG WEST, DEERPARK, KNOCKADUFF,KILL SAINT ANNE SOUTH, BALLYARRA,MOHERA, SPUREE, CASTLELYONS,FERMOY, CO. CORK Permission for 10-year permission for a solar farm consisting of solar photovoltaic panels on ground mounted frames, 4 single storey transformer stations, 4 single storey spare parts storage containers, 1 single storey MV electrical kiosk, a 38kV substation compound with 1 single storey substation b. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 12 CORK COUNTY NANTASKET, COAST ROAD, KILMICHAEL EAST, FOUNTAINSTOWN, CO.CORK A) permission for retention for erection of lean-to fuel store to rear of existing single storey dwelling house, excavation of part of the rock embankment to the rear of the dwelling house, erection of detached garden room and garden shed in the upper garden and of concrete post and timber panel scr. More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY KILBARRY, LISSARDA, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of dwelling (change of plan from that permitted under pl.reg. no. 22/5010 and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY DERRIGRA WEST, CO. CORK, , Construction of new dwelling house, new entrance, domestic garage, wastewater treatment system together with all other ancillary site works . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY 17 LOWER MIDLETON STREET, KILGARVAN, COBH, CO.CORK Permission to erect a two storey extension to the rear of an existing dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY BELLMOUNT LOWER, CROOKSTOWN, CO.CORK, Permission for proposed single storey dwelling house with attached domestic garage, effluent treatment system and all associated site works . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 12 CORK COUNTY WALSHESTOWN, OVENS, CO. CORK, Permission for Retention of a) Agricultural shed containing a milking parlour with slatted tank and cubicles, (b) Farm Office and Permission to c) Decommission existing septic tank, d) Install a septic tank with percolation area, Permission to construct e) Straw storage shed, f) Roof over existing . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY LAG, DONERAILE, CO CORK, Permission to construct a dwelling, domestic garage and all associated site works and services. . More...
Permission Dec 12 CORK COUNTY NEWTOWN, RINGMEEN, COBH, CO.CORK Permission for modifications to our existing dwelling house namely; a) construct a single storey extension to the front elevation, b) construct a single storey extension along the rear elevation and c) insert 1 no. ground floor window opening on both existing side elevations . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 12 CORK COUNTY COPPER BEECHES, WHITEPOINT, RINGMEEN, COBH, CO.CORK Permission for the following works to the existing bungalow, 1) demolition of the existing single storey extensions to west/north and removal of front glazed porch, 2) retention of single storey utility/boiler extension to the east to be used as new plant room, 3) construction of new single storey e. More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY LIBEEN, DUNBEACON, DURRUS, CO. CORK Construct a dwellinghouse and domestic garage, to install a waste water treatment system and undertake all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY RATHGOGGAN NORTH, CHARLEVILLE, CO CORK, Permission for the erection of a 24m lattice telecommunications support structure on a 1.2 metre high raised foundation (providing an overall height of 25.2 metres) together with associated antennas and dishes and to remove the existing 15 metre lattice telecommunications structure. The proposed dev. More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY SITE TO THE REAR OF RAMPART HOUSE, THE RAMPARTS, TOWN-PLOTS KINSALE, CO CORK Permission to construct: 1) 2 no. new detached dwelling houses, 2) New roof lights, 3) Part demolition of existing boundary wall to construct 2 no. site entrances, 4) Ancillary works and associated site works to include new water, foul and storm sewer connections to public mains to the development. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY REENOGRENA, GLANDORE, CO. CORK, Planning Permission for the addition of stone cladding to an extension to dwelling permittted as part of the development under Pl Reg No; 24/353 and all associated site works . More...
Outline Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY ROSTELLAN, AGHADA, MIDLETON, CO.CORK Outline permission for part single storey, part dormer dwelling house with site entrance, driveway and domestic effluent treatment plant, together with all associated site development works . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY GARRANENAGAPPUL, CLONDROHID, MACROOM, CO CORK Permission for the construction of new 11 unit housing development consisting of the following, 11 no. 4 bed dwelling houses with individual proprietary treatment units and polishing filters, new vehicular entrance, storm and surface water sewers including attenuation system, public lighting, bounda. More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY COOLEEN, INCHIGEELAGH, MACROOM, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of a new domestic dwelling house, domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY BALLINBRITTIG, KNOCKRAHA, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house . More...
Outline Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY BALLYNOOKERY, WHITEGATE, MIDLETON, CO. CORK Outline Permission for part single-storey, part storey and a half dwellinghouse with site entrance, drive way and domestic effluent treatment plant and all associated site development works. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY NEVERENDING, ARDKILLY, SANDYCOVE, KINSALE, CO.CORK Permission to 1) demolish an existing dwelling house, 2) construct a new dwelling house to replace the existing dwelling house demolished, 3) the upgrade of the current foul drainage infrastructure by decommissioning the existing septic tank and cess pit waste water treatment system and the installa. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 11 CORK COUNTY BALLYSPILLANE EAST, MIDLETON, CO CORK, Permission for Retention of single storey extensions to the rear and gable (north east) side of the existing dwelling house, retention of conversion of attached garage/store to living accommodation, retention of elevational changes to gable (south west) side (window infilled) and rear elevations, re. More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY CLASSES, CARRIGADROHID, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of dwelling house (change of design to that permitted under planning ref no. 21/7405) and to carry out all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY THE MEADOWS, FARRANASTIG, WHITECHURCH, CO.CORK Permission for the demolition and removal of the existing water storage tank and pump house and the construction of 5 no. dwelling units and all associated ancillary development works including vehicular access, parking drainage, landscaping and amenity areas. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY RATHCOOL, MALLOW, CO. CORK, Permission to: i) Construct a new dwelling house, ii) Construct a domestic garage. The above development to incorporate a connection to the mains sewerage. The above development to be carried out with all associated ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY QUARRY ROAD, YOUGHAL-LANDS, YOUGHAL, CO. CORK Permission to construct a new single storey front & rear extension to their existing dwelling, elevational changes to their existing dwelling, install a new wastewater treatment system & percolation area and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY BARRYSCOURT, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO CORK, Permission for modifications to permitted solar farm (Pl.Reg.No. 17/4596). The modifications are within the boundary of the permitted development and will comprise of : 1) The amendment of the design and layout of the permitted on-site 20kV substation to adhere to modern ESB standards, 2) Amendments. More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY BALLINRICHARD, BELGOOLY, CO. CORK, Permission to (i) To construct a dwelling and detached domestic garage, (ii) Install a treatment unit and percolation area and (iii) Associated site works. . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 11 CORK COUNTY KEALE SOUTH, DERNAGREE, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission for retention of the existing dwelling house, domestic garage, septic tank with percolation area and entrance, all as constructed . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY DUNBEACON , DURRUS, BANTRY, CO. CORK Erection of dwelling house, waste water treatment system and associated site development works . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY KNOCKNABINNY, KINSALE, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of dwelling house, splayed entrance, sewerage treatment unit and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY KILCORAN ROAD KNOCKAVERRY, YOUGHAL, CO. CORK, P36V096 1. Demolish existing front conservatory and rear extension and construct new extension to front of bungalow to include alterations to side of existing dwelling. 2. To carry out works to front roadside boundary and garden area to provide off street parking with all other associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY BALLYOUGHTERA, SKIBBEREEN, CO. CORK, Construction of dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY GLINNY, RIVERSTICK, CO CORK, Permission for alteration and extension of existing domestic shed, with a slight external enlargement incorporating insulation and steel beside the existing walls. Also the construction of a new first floor/loft, with loft landing and steps for access for the purpose of additional storage and possib. More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY COMMONS, FREEMOUNT, CHARLEVILLE, CO. CORK Permission to construct a new dwelling house & detached domestic garage. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY CULLENAGH (TOWNLND), COURTMACSHERRY, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwellinghouse, new vehicle access onto the L-8111-0 local access road, drainage and all ancillary landscaping and site works. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY BALLYNONA SOUTH, MIDLETON, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house, new vehicular entrance install a new wastewater treatment system & percolation area and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY THREEBAYS, LISLEVANE NORTH, LISLEVANE, BANDON, CO.CORK Permission for construction of single storey extension to the south west side of the existing dwelling house (for use as a granny flat), construction of ground floor window to rear (north west) elevation of the existing dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY NO. 98, NO. 99 AND NO. 100, SOUTH MAIN STREET,, BRIDGE LANE & MARKET QUAY,, GULLY, BANDON,, CO. CORK. Permission for: A) Extension and alterations to an existing fast-food takeaway restaurant at No. 98 South Main Street and No. 99 South Main Street. The extension will incorporate part of the ground floor of No. 99 South Main Street. The works include a change of use from an existing derelict public . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 11 CORK COUNTY "STORMY HEATHERS'', BALLYNANELAGH, KNOCKRAHA, CO. CORK Retention Permission for the construction of a ground floor extension at the side of the existing dwelling and the installation of 1no. roof light in the south east elevation and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY STATION HOUSE, STATION ROAD, CARRIGTOHILL, CO. CORK Permission to construct a new single storey extension to the south elevation of the existing dwelling house & elevational changes to their existing dwelling house and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY BURGATIA NORTH, ROSSCARBERY, CO. CORK, 1) Attached single storey granny flat and 2) Single storey side extension to existing dwellinghouse . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY DROMOURNEEN, BANTRY, CO CORK, Construct a hay and straw storage shed and carry out all associated site works . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 11 CORK COUNTY KIPPAGH, DUNMANWAY, CO CORK, Permission for retention of existing roofed cattle feeding passage, permission to construct a cattle house with slatted slurry tank and carry out all associated site works . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 11 CORK COUNTY CASTLE-LAND, BUTTEVANT, CO.CORK, Permission for the following works: 1) permission to construct a first floor extension to existing dwelling, 2) permission for retention of existing domestic garage/store ancillary to existing dwelling . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY COMMONS EAST, CLOYNE, CO.CORK, Permission to 1) demolish the existing single storey extension to the north elevation, 2) demolish 2 no. existing domestic storage sheds, 3) elevational changes to their existing dwelling house, 4) construct new single storey extensions to the south, west and east of their existing dwelling house, 5. More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY WHITEGATE FARM, CORK ROAD, KNOCKGRIFFIN, MIDLETON, CO.CORK Permission to extend an existing two-storey dwelling by the conversion of an existing attached single-storey outhouse to a two-storey habitable space with a single storey extension to the front , elevational changes to the existing to include 1 no. new roof light as well as all associated site works. More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY PORT OF CORK, LOUGHBEG, RINGASKIDDY, CO CORK Permission for the installation of approximately 207 m2 of photovoltaic panels on the existing roof structure of the Customs Examinations Building and approximately 440 m2 of photovoltaic panels on existing roof structure of the Maintenance Building, together with all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY CURRAGHBINNY, CO. CORK, ., Permission for the removal of an existing 15 metres monopole together with antennas, dishes, supporting fixtures and ground based equipment and replacement with a new 18 metres monopole telecommunications support structure together with antennas, GPS, remote radio units (RRU's), dishes, cable ladder. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 11 CORK COUNTY BALLINDEENISK, BELLGOOLY, CO. CORK, P17EV88 Permission for Retention of (i) extension to rear of existing dormer style dwelling (ii) elevational alterations to existing dormer style dwelling (iii) detached domestic garage and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY BALLYSHONEEN, WATERFALL, CO. CORK, Permission for the following: 1. Upgrading of existing agricultural entrance 2. Agricultural building to include cubicle livestock housing along with slatted slurry storage tanks 3. Construction of agricultural building for the storage of ancillary dry goods and agricultural machinery Along with. More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY TEMPLEBODAN, LEAMLARA, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY DERRYCREEVEEN, BERE ISLAND, BEARA, CO. CORK Install a wastewater treatment system to serve dwelling and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 11 CORK COUNTY KILLARUSH, KANTURK, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a new slatted underground slurry tank and all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 10 CORK COUNTY ROCKGROVE, COACHFORD, CO. CORK, Permission for Retention of an extension to the side of the dwelling house and a domestic garage/outhouse which is part of this estate. . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY CLASHROE, MEELIN, NEWMARKET, CO.CORK Permission to construct a new dwelling house & detached domestic garage . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY DOWNING NORTH, KILWORTH, CO.CORK, Permission to decommission existing septic tank and install a new sewerage treatment system to service existing dwelling house . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY FORMER O'SULLIVANS BAR, BALLYHOOLY SOUTH, BALLYHOOLY, CO CORK Change of use from public house to 5 no. apartments and 1 no. retail unit, consisting of 4 no. 1 bed apartments and 1 no. 2 bed apartment with material alterations to the existing building and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY KILMACAHILL, CLOYNE, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling house (change of plan from that permitted under 22/4986) . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 10 CORK COUNTY GLASHABOY EAST, BWEENG, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission for retention for changes to site boundaries, vehicular entrance, position of dwelling house and all associated site works as constructed on site from that granted under planning no. 95/0894 . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY BALLYMACAW, KINSALE, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a 4-bedroom bungalow dwelling, a single storey garage and all associated site works associated with the development. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 10 CORK COUNTY KNOCKDUFF LOWER, NEWMARKET, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of dwelling house, pump house, wood store, garden shed, solid fuel store, domestic garage and entrance & permission for decommissioning of septic tank and installation of wastewater treatment plant and percolation area and ancillary works. . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY COOLAGH BEG, BALLYDEHOB, CO CORK, i) new ancillary accommodation unit comprising single storey detached dwelling house of 66 sq metres ii) new site entrance and realignment of boundary walls to roadside iii) new EN 12566-3 compliant wastewater treatment unit and polishing filter (and removal of previous system) . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY THE HERMITAGE, BALLYNOE, RUSHBROOKE, COBH, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of 3 number dwellings (change of plan and increase in density from 2 number dwellings permitted under 20/4748). This is an alteration to part of the development to previously approved planning permission reg no. 20/4748 and will also include associated alterations to . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY CHAPEL HILL, SLEVEEN EAST, MACROOM, CO.CORK Permission for construction of two no. detached dwelling houses including fences, new entrance including road and site services . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY REEN, UNION HALL, CO. CORK, Permission for substitution of plans for hobby room as permitted under Pl. Ref. 23/00678 and for permission to construct a new plant room/store and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY KNOCKANEROE, CASTLETOWNBRE, CO. CORK, P75 FF83 Permission for part demolition to rear of existing pharmacy and for single storey extension in lieu of same for use for additional storage space asociated with said buisiness and for all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY BREAGHNA, ENNISKEANE, CO. CORK, Permission for (1) Demolition of 3 outhouses (2) Change of use of existing attached garage to habitable dwelling (3) First storey extension to existing garage (4) Extension to rear of existing garage (5) Construction of conservatory to front of house (6) Associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY SWALLOW'S REST, FRENCHFURZE, CARRIGALINE, CO. CORK Permission for alterations and extension to dwelling house consisting of; front porch extension, two-storey rear extension, addition of 2 no. dormer windows at the front and 1 at the back, elevational changes & all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY KNOCKACARRACOOSH, MALLOW, CO. CORK, Permission to (A) Construct an extension to rear of existing dwellinghouse and (B) Install a mechanical treatment unit and polishing filter and (C) All associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY COOLOWEN, BLARNEY, CO CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling and detached domestic garage, installation of a treatment unit and percolation area and carrying out of all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY KILMORE WOODS, KILMORE, BALLINSPITTLE, CO. CORK Permission for the construction of 2 number detached dwelling houses and all associated site works. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 10 CORK COUNTY CARRIGILLIHY, UNION HALL, CO CORK, Retention of coastal protection works (rock armour above the high water mark); permission for alterations to a domestic garage and a domestic workshop to include 1. Permission for retention of cladding changed from stone to timber cladding on both buildings. 2. Permission for reconfiguration of the . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 10 CORK COUNTY ST. THERESE, BROOMFIELD EAST, MIDLETON, CO. CORK, P25H984 Permission for Retention (1) The front porch (2) The first floor side extension over an existing garage (3) Elevational alterations to the gable (south) elevation and associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY WATERLOO HOUSE & LODGE (WATERLOO ESTATE), GEARNASKAGH, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission for development of a proposed conversion of an existing traditional stable block to domestic dwelling, to include for partial demolition of stables, alterations to elevations, extension to front elevations and conversion of part of the stable block to 4 no. domestic outbuildings and 1 no.. More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY SHREELANE, LEAP, CO. CORK, Proposed demolition of an existing derelict dwelling and derelict farm sheds: the construction of a new detached dwelling house, detached garage, and the provision of a new septic tank with percolation area and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY BALLYVISTEEN, KILDORRERY, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a new single storey extension to the rear and side of the existing dwelling house together with associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY CLONLEIGH, KINSALE, CO.CORK, Permission to construct (a) four no. glamping pods to be used for short term letting, (b) gravel access driveway and car parking areas, (c) perimeter fencing, (d) installation of a septic tank and percolation area and carry out all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY RAHOONAGH WEST, BALLYMAKEERA, CO. CORK, Permission for construction of new dwelling house, new entrance, wastewater treatment system, together with all other ancillary site works. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 10 CORK COUNTY KILLAHORA, GLOUNTHAUNE, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of the following; change of use of former garden centre to container storage facility with containers varying in sizes from 6 feet, 8 feet, 10 feet, 20 feet and 40 feet in length, container with toilet/office facilites connected to an existing effluent holding tank with 4000. More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 10 CORK COUNTY GLANTANE WEST, CARRIGANIMMY, MACROOM, CO. CORK Permission for (1) The extension of an existing cattle shed, (2) The construction of a new slatted underground slurry tank, (3) The retention of an existing feed silo and (4) All associated site works. . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 10 CORK COUNTY GLENGARRIFF MORE, LEAMLARA, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of a mobile home for ancillary family accommodation separate to main existing dwelling and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 10 CORK COUNTY GOOSEBERRYHILL , NEWMARKET, CO CORK, 3 Year Planning Permission for the continued use of an existing, temporary lattice type meteorological mast, 80m in height, including associated works. The structure is fixed to ground mounted anchors by guy wires and includes associated instruments to measure meteorological conditions, bat monitors. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 09 CORK COUNTY NO.21 THE PINES, WESTWOOD, CARRIGALINE WEST, CARRIGALINE, CO.CORK Permission for retention of a timber lean to pergola structure to rear wall and gable wall of existing dwelling and a storage shed and garden room structure to the rear garden of existing dwelling and ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY MOANLAHAN, KILDINAN, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a dwelling house and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY BALLYNAMONGAREE TD., GLANWORTH, CO. CORK, Permission for alterations to existing dwelling consisting of the following works: (1) For alterations to elevations of existing dwelling and to construct a new two storey rear extension to same dwelling (2) To block up existing site entrance and construct a new site entrance to serve existing dwe. More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY BANTRY ENTERPRISE CENTRE, SEAFIELD, BANTRY, CO. CORK Construction of a creche and ancillary store and all ancillary site works including signage, bin store, bicycle parking, and car parking and vehicle set-down . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY SALLY PARK, LISCARROLL, CO CORK, Permission for the decommissioning of the existing 18m high telecommunications support structure and planning permission to replace it with a 36m high lattice telecommunication support structure carrying antennas and dishes together with associated ground-based equipment all enclosed in security fen. More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY PORT OF CORK, LOUGHBEG, RINGASKIDDY, CO CORK Permission for the installation of approximately 378 m2 of photovoltaic panels on the existing roof structure of Ringaskiddy Ferry Terminal Building and approximately 143 m2 as a ground mounted installation together with all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY KNOCKANEMORE, OVENS, CO.CORK, Permission for the construction of a new detached, two-storey, four-bedroom dwelling house with detached garage, a new on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated site works including the subdivision of the existing site, new vehicle entrance and boundary treatments. . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 09 CORK COUNTY BALLYANDREW, DONERAILE, CO. CORK, Permission for retention of the existing dwelling house, septic tank with percolation area, change of site boundaries and entrance with all associated site and ancillary works as constructed. . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY GURRANENAGAPPUL, CLONDROHID, MACROOM, CO. CORK Permission for new single storey dwelling, domestic garage, sewerage system, site entrance and all associated works. . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY INCHES, EYERIES, BEARA, CO. CORK Construction of dwellinghouse, detached domestic garage, installation of waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY ARDKILLEEN, ENNISKEANE, CO. CORK, Construction of a new detached dwelling house, ancillary home office and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY 10 MILL ROAD, TOWNPARKS, MIDLETON, CO CORK Permission for the change of use of an existing 126.60 sq.m/1362.71 sq.ft., single storey building from commercial use to veterinary use as a small animals veterinary clinic and all ancillary works. . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY NEWCASTLE, BLARNEY, CO. CORK, Permission for construction of a new dwelling, plant room/outbuilding, treatment system, private well, domestic entrance and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY COIS MÁIGH, MOGEELY, CO.CORK, Permission for residential development consisting of the construction of 20 no. dwelling units and all associated ancillary development works including parking, drainage, landscaping and amenity areas. Access to the Mogeely road will be via the existing estate roads . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY TURKEYLAND, LEHENAGH, LISLEVANE, CO. CORK Permission for the proposed demolition of 1 No. barn and 1 No. shed, the proposed construction of a new detached dwelling house and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY RAILWAY VIEW, SLEVEEN EAST, MACROOM, CO.CORK Permission for the following: 1) change of use of existing two-storey derelict dwelling to 2 no. apartments and permission to construct 2 storey extension to rear, 2) demolish existing shed to rear, 3) new detached two storey block to rear to provide 2 no. duplex apartments, 4) rear pedestrian from . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY COOMLAGANE STREET, COOMLOGANE, MILLSTREET, CO CORK Permission for construction of a new extension to existing school incorporating a general-purpose room, a servery, storage, and toilets together with all other ancillary site works. . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY TEMPLEBRYAN NORTH, SHANNON VALE, CLONAKILTY, CO. CORK To construct a dwelling house, domestic garage and all associated drainage works including a sewage treatment tank and percolation area . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY GRANGE BEG, TIMOLEAGUE, CO. CORK, Permission to (a) decommission existing septic tank system and associated percolation area and (b) install a new proprietary waste water treatment system and raised sand polishing filter to serve an existing dwelling and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY OLDCOURT, SKIBBEREEN, CO. CORK, Permission to replace an existing wastewater system and install a new wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY BALLYBEG AND TURBEAGH, MITCHELSTOWN, CO. CORK, Permission for a photovoltaic (Solar PV) energy generation scheme with a total area of 3.76ha within the townlands of Ballybeg and Turbeagh in Mitchelstown Co. Cork. The development will consist of the installation of 4,182 no. ground mounted Solar PV arrays, a 20kV substation, the installation of 1. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 09 CORK COUNTY NO. 2 , CHURCH STREET, TOWNLANDS, ROSSCARBERY, P85 R638 Retain a two storey and part single storey extension to rear of the existing dwelling . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 09 CORK COUNTY BALLYNAMUDDAGH, BALLYHOOLY, CO.CORK, Permission for 1) a single storey rear extension, external elevational alterations & refurbishment of an existing derelict dwelling, 2) a new waste-water treatment system on the site, 3) all other associated site works. Permission is further sought 4) the retention, completion & change of use of an . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 09 CORK COUNTY CAPALL BÁN, BALLINVOLOGE, MINANE BRIDGE, CO.CORK Permission for alterations & extension to dwelling house consisting of; a two-storey front extension, elevational changes, and associated site works along with retention of existing infill front porch extension . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY ST. RAPHAEL'S CENTRE, YOUGHAL-LANDS, YOUGHAL, CO.CORK Permission for the construction of a new 60 bed residential care centre (gross floor area 5.270m2) on a site of 2.58Ha comprising of the following; 1) A 1 storey courtyard building with 2 no. 25 ensuite bedroom residential households and a 10 ensuite bedroom dementia unit, together with all ancillar. More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY CARRIGCANNON, KILBRITTAIN, CO. CORK, Permission to (i) Construct a dwelling, (ii) Install a treatment unit and percolation area and (iii) Associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY CARRIGALINE TOWN CENTRE, CARRIGALINE WEST, CARRIGALINE, CO CORK Permission for the construction of a mixed use development at Carrigaline Town Centre on a 1.84 ha site consisting of 88 no. residential housing units (23 no. 1 beds, 47 no. 2 beds and 18 no. 3 beds). 5 no. ground floor retail units are proposed in the form of a caf\u00E9, gym, hair salon, day care . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY FARRANBRIEN EAST, MINANE BRIDGE, CO. CORK, Permission for the following: a) Demolition of 2 no. silage pits b) Agricultural building to include milking parlour, waiting yard, livestock handling facilities, slatted soiled water tanks & ancillary rooms. c) Agricultural building to include cubicle & straw bedded livestock housing along with . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY GARRYANNE, CONNA, CO. CORK, P51R7WT Permission for the construction of a new 151m2, 2 storey extension to the south western elevation of the single storey dwelling house, with minor alterations to the existing dwelling required to facilitate the proposed extension. Permission is also sought for a new vehicular entrance at the north we. More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY NOHOVAL, NOHAVAL, CO.CORK, Permission for proprietary domestic wastewater treatment system to serve existing dwelling . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 09 CORK COUNTY 'THE BAKERY', WARNER CENTRE, BARRACK STREET, TOWN LOTS, BANTRY, CO. CORK Permission for retention of a 2-storey building consisting of 2 no. office units to the ground floor and 2 no. apartments to the first floor (at variance to building approved under planning reference 97/2025) . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY ROSSNAKILLA, TEERELTON, MACROOM, CO. CORK Permission for the following works to existing dormer style dwelling: 1) single storey extension to side, 2) replacement dormer windows to roof, 3) internal and external alterations and 4) all associated works . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY GRENAGH SOUTH, GRENAGH, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY CARRIGANE, OVENS, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a part single storey/Part two & half storey detached dwelling with roof lights; A detached single storey car port/ Shed building; A detached two storey garage/shed/games/ home office building; A proposed waste-water treatment unit/ septic tank & associated percola. More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY NO.1 BAN NA GREINE, CARRIGTOHILL, CO.CORK, Permission to widen the existing vehicular entrance, extend existing concrete driveway & all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY TOP CROSS, LISGOOLD WEST, LEAMLARA, CO.CORK Permission to demolish existing dilapidated cottage and construct a replacement single storey dwelling. Permission is also sought for a new site entrance onto public road with walls and piers, to upgrade existing septic tank with a new domestic waste water treatment system and all associated site wo. More...
Permission for Retention Dec 09 CORK COUNTY CARRIGLEAGH, SHANBALLYMORE, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of the existing domestic garage as constructed & all ancillary site works . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY KNOCKSHANAWEE, FARNANES, CO.CORK, Permission for new single storey dwelling, sewerage system, site entrance and all associated works on site previously permitted under planning reference 22/5306 . More...
Permission Dec 09 CORK COUNTY CARKER, DONERAILE, CO.CORK, Permission to construct a new dwelling house . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY BAILICK NO.1 WASTEWATER PUMPING SITE, BAILICK ROAD, KENNEDY PARK & RIVERSIDE WAY, ADJACENT TO MIDLETON, OWENCURRA RIVER, MARKET GREEN PLAZA TO MARKET GREE, TOWNPARKS & KNOCKGRIFFIN, MIDLETON, CO. CORK Permission for the Midleton Wastewater Loading Diversion Project which will consist of the provision of a new foul pumping station and rising main connection to Water-Rock wwps. The works include: 1. New foul pumping station (Midleton South) located within the existing Bailick No.1 wastewater pumpi. More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY BALLYNOE, LOMBARDSTOWN, MALLOW, CO.CORK Permission for 1) decommissioning of the existing septic tank and replacement with a new waste water treatment system, 2) relocation of the existing bored well to facilitate the waste water treatment system and decommissioning of the existing well, 3) alterations to the existing site entrance and ro. More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY WOOD COTTAGE, MARLOGUE, COBH, CO. CORK, P24TX92 Permission for: 1. Single storey extension to the rear/side of our existing dwelling. 2. Elevation changes to the existing dwelling. 3. Proposed site development works. . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY KILLEENLEIGH, AGHABULLOGUE, CO CORK, Permission to construct a dwelling house and garage with related site works. . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY GALLANES, BALLINEEN, CO. CORK, Permission to demolish existing derelict dwelling. Permission is also sought to construct dwelling and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY BURREN, KILBRITTAIN, CO CORK, Permission to construct extension to existing dwelling and to make alterations to fenestrations also to existing dwelling. Permission to install septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY KILLOUGH WEST, ALLIHIES, BEARA, CO. CORK. P75 X462 Permission for the following work to existing dwelling house: - (A) For alterations to existing windows, doors throughout, works to include additional roof lights, dormer window, door and windows. (B) Permission for detached plant room/utility building. (C) Upgrade of existing sewage waste water sys. More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY BALLINREA, CARRIGALINE, CO.CORK, Permission for construction of two storey dwelling house, detached domestic garage, splayed entrance, sewerage treatment system and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY RATHARD, AHERLA, CO. CORK, Permission for the construction of a part single storey, part two storey, detached dwelling with roof mounted PV solar panels, and including a single storey detached garage, a new wastewater treatment unit and percolation area, a new entrance, and all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY PROPOGUE, ARAGLIN, KILWORTH, CO. CORK Permission to construct a new dwelling house. . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY KNOCKNASUFF, WATERLOO, BLARNEY, CO.CORK Permission to construct a new dwelling house and detached domestic garage . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY SHANACRANE WEST, DUNMANWAY, CO. CORK, To construct dwelling and all associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY THE OAK, WATER ROCK MANOR, WATER-ROCK, MIDLETON CO CORK Permission for amendments to 8 no. dwelling units, House numbers 01, 02, 08, 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22, The Oak, Water Rock Manor, previously permitted under Cork County Council, Large-Scale Residential Development, Planning Reference 22/5839 & all associated site development works. The proposed amendment. More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY REAROUR & BARRETT'S HILL, BALLINHASSIG, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a dwelling house, to install a domestic waste water treatment system and carry out all associated site works. . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY TULLAGH, DUNMANWAY, CO. CORK, The development consists of a two storey extension to the east side of an existing cottage dwelling and raising the roof of an existing single storey room on the northside of the dwelling together with new entrance porches and associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 06 CORK COUNTY BALLYCLOGH, MALLOW, CO CORK, 1) First floor extension, ground floor porch and alterations to the existing bungalow granted under file no. 71/1521, 2) Single storey extension built to the rear of the property, and 3) Detached domestic shed and all associated site works. . More...
Permission, Permission for Retention Dec 06 CORK COUNTY GLANACLOGHA, DRIMOLEAGUE, CO CORK, Permission of the following A) single storey extension to existing dwelling with alterations to same B) upgrade exising septic tank system C) retain existing self contained unit as ancillary accommodation D) retain the construction of a domestic garage E) retain the raising of existing roof over kit. More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY GOGGINS HILL, GOGGANSHILL, BALLINHASSIG, CO.CORK Permission for stables for domestic use with ancillary storage . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY FREAHANES, ROSSCARBERY, CO CORK, Construction of a dwelling house, domestic garage and all associated site works . More...
Permission for Retention Dec 06 CORK COUNTY WATER-ROCK, MIDLETON, CO.CORK, Permission for retention of septic tank & percolation area serving existing dwelling house and associated site works . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY EGMONT, CHURCHTOWN, CO. CORK, Permission to construct a hay/straw stoarage shed. . More...
Permission Dec 06 CORK COUNTY OAKWOOD, DUNTAHEEN ROAD, DUNTAHANE, FERMOY, CO. CORK Permission for the following developments to dwelling house, namely; permission is sought to demolish existing rear extension at ground and first floor, construct new single storey extension at rear and new first floor extension at rear, construct new pitched tiled roof to replace existing flat roof. More...