370m |
19/12/2024 |
N/A |
1-3 Thomas Court, Dublin 8; at the rear of 10-13 Thomas Street West, Dublin 8 with vehicular access, to Rainsford Street to the south;a vacant site between 13 &17 Thomas Street West, Dublin 8; and a, surface car park to the rear of 17 to 25 Thomas Street |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE. The Land Development Agency intends to apply for permission for development comprising enabling works pending redevelopment at a site of c. 0.65 ha that comprises No. 1-3 Thomas Court, Dublin 8; a former cash & carry building at the rear of Nos. 10-13 Thomas Street West, Dublin 8 (D08 VH9W) with vehicular access to Rainsford Street to the south (The Digital Hub building at Nos. 10-13 Thomas Street West, Dublin 8, D08 PX8H, is a Protected Structure (RPS No. 8149) located outside the Application site); a vacant site between Nos. 13 and 17 Thomas Street West, Dublin 8; and a surface car park to the rear of Nos. 17 to 25 Thomas Street West, Dublin 8 with existing access from Thomas Court to the west. (Nos. 19 and 22 Thomas Street are Protected Structures RPS Nos. 8150 and 8151, respectively.) The application site adjoins structures abutting Vat House 7, Crane Street, Dublin 8 (Protected Structure, RPS no. 2071), and adjoins No. 28 Thomas Street West (“Arthur’s Pub”), Dublin
8, D08 VF83 (Protected Structure, RPS No. 8152). The development will consist of the demolition of: a part-single, part-two storey former cash & c... login required. |
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290m |
11/11/2024 |
N/A |
Guiness Brewery, bounded by James's Street, Victoria Quay, Watling Street and Steevens Lane, Dublin 8 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The proposed development comprises a 10 year permission for works to facilitate the decarbonisation of the brewery and water recovery on site.
Demolition and removal of the Old Keg Plant Building and Export Warehouse (part single storey, part two storey buildings – 6,482m2) and associated works including removal of a section of a steel pipe bridge structure.
Construction of an Energy Centre comprising a two storey building containing electrical boiler room LV, MCC and HV Rooms with a primary parapet height of 15.15m and including 3 no. flues to a height of 23.65m (28.1m O.D) and external plant compound (72m2) containing transformer equipment. The overall GFA of the Energy Centre (2) Building is c. 788m2. A blue roof (for rainwater attenuation) is proposed at roof level.
Construction of a two-storey Water Recovery Plant (WRP) Building with a primary parapet height of 17.35m containing WRP plant and ancillary staff facilities. The overall GFA of the WRP Building is 1,576m2. A blue roof is proposed at roof level. The Water Recovery Plant also includes the following external plant elements: External Equalisation Tank with height of 13.25m including external access stairway; 2 no. Biogas Scrubbers with a height of 6.3m above parapet level and 1 no. emergency flare at a height of 7.5m above parapet level. 2 no. anaerobic treatment tanks to a height of c. 21m above ground level and external odour control plant.
Aerobic treatment aeration tank to a height of 12.04m (+17.33 O.D.) with external access stairway, external renewable Biogas Balloon, other external items including ancillary plant / equipment, enclosing bund walls and circulation infrastructure.
Demolition and removal of the former Flaking Plant (c. 46m / 11 storey equivalent in height) located centrally within the site (3,001m2), 1 no. two-storey prefabricated b... login required. |
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480m |
26/09/2024 |
180, 182-184 James's Street, Dublin 8, F08 FF21 |
Planning permission is sought for amendments to planning permission Reg. Ref. 3444/20 at 180, 182, 183 & 184 James's Street, Dublin 8. Permission is sought for removal of level -3 plant room, removal of level 2 eastern roof top plant room, reduction in area along western boundary and increase in area within courtyard, together with other minor increases and reductions in floor area. P... login required. |
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210m |
23/09/2024 |
N/A |
23 James Street, Dublin 8, D08 V3P2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Proposed development to existing 3 storey mid terrace derelict dwelling house at 23 James Street, Dublin D08 V3P2 (PROTECTED STRUCTURE).
1. Works to front façade to include cleaning and repointing of brickwork, cleaning granite cills, coping and door surrounds, repairs to painted timber sash window at ground floor, replacement timber sash windows at first and second floor, replacement timber moulded panelled front door, painting to repaired sash window and replacement windows and front door, frame and fanlig... login required. |
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210m |
11/09/2024 |
23 James Street, Dublin 8, D08 V3P2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Proposed development to existing 3 storey mid terrace derelict dwelling house. 1. Works to front façade to include cleaning and repointing of brickwork, cleaning granite cills, coping and door surrounds, repairs to painted timber sash window at ground floor, replacement timber sash windows at first and second floor, replacement timber moulded panelled front door, painting to repaired sash window and replacement windows and front door, frame and fanlight moulding, provision of 5... login required. |
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430m |
09/08/2024 |
Dr Steeven's Hospital, Steeven's Lane, Dublin 8, D08 W2A8 |
The proposed development will consist of works to a protected structure on the DCC. RPS No. 7840 and is recorded on the record of monuments and places, rmp record id du018-020341, and will be comprised of the replacement of existing modern of windows comprised of steel aluminium and upvc casement and vertical pivot windows, with new tim... login required. |
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420m |
18/07/2024 |
Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, St. James's Hospital, Dublin 8 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE. Permission is sought by Trinity College Dublin for permission for the installation of 1 no. free-standing bicycle shelter at Trinity Cen... login required. |
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380m |
17/07/2024 |
Site at Thomas Street, including No. 144 Thomas Street (the site is bounded by No. 143 Thomas Street, and Marshalsea Lane to the east and No's 151-156 Thomas Street to the west), Dublin 8 |
The proposed development comprises site clearance works, including the demolition of all existing buildings /structures on site, including the existing boundary wall and gates along the Thomas Street frontage, and the construction of a new Part 3-; Part 4-; Part 6- and Part 7- storey Aparthotel building over basement level with a total Gross Floor Area (GIA) of 6,790 sq.m together with the formation of a new vehicular access ramp (with integrated bicycle lane) off Thomas Street leading to basement level. The basement level will accommodate 16 no. cycle parking spaces; staff changing-rooms/showers; a service yard and ancillary plant and storage rooms; waste/refuse storage; ancillary gy... login required. |
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420m |
11/07/2024 |
Trinity Centre for Health Sciences at St. James Hospital, James's Street, Dublin 8 |
Permission for the installation of 1 no. free-standing bicycle shelter at Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, St James's Hospital, Dublin 8.... login required. |
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140m |
30/05/2024 |
Block 1, ground floor retail unit, Grand Canal Harbour , Grand Canal Place, Dublin 8 |
The development will consist of the provision of an ancillary off-licence sales area of c. 35 sq.m in the ground floor retail unit (as permitted under Reg. Ref. No. 3209/19 and amendment application Reg. Ref. No. 2765/20).... login required. |
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80m |
27/05/2024 |
Mace, 45-47, James's Street, The Liberties, Dublin 8, D08 K59A |
Installation of an ATM machine to the existing North street facing shop front.... login required. |
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410m |
03/05/2024 |
Block B, 133, The Maltings, Bonham Street, Dublin 8 |
Planning Permission for an attic conversion into a non habitable storage space with roof windows associated ancillary works... login required. |
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340m |
16/04/2024 |
The Culvert Apartments, 7 Pim Street, The Liberties, Dublin 8 |
Permission for the change of use of a vacant office unit at ground and mezzanine floor to 2 no. two bedroom apartments including balcony, with minor elevational changes and all ancillary site development works... login required. |
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340m |
11/04/2024 |
The Culvert Apartments, 7 Pim Street, The Liberties, Dublin 8 |
Ovatic Limited are applying for Permission for the change of use of a vacant office unit at ground and mezzanine floor to 2 no. two bedroom apartments including balcony, with minor elevational changes and all ancillary site development works at The Culvert Apartments, 7 Pim Street, Dublin 8.... login required. |
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410m |
03/04/2024 |
Flat 133, Block B, The Maltings, Bonham Street, Dublin 1, D08 TP65 |
Planning Permission for an attic conversion into a non habitable storage space with roof windows associated ancillary works.... login required. |
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410m |
15/03/2024 |
Flat 133, Block B, The Maltings, Bonham Street, Dublin 8, D08 TP65 |
Planning Permission for an attic conversion into a non habitable storage space with roof windows associated ancillary works.... login required. |
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300m |
30/01/2024 |
13-16 Long's Place, Dublin 8 |
The proposed development includes additional two floors on top of existing three storey building including removal of existing roof and a new lift shaft, to the rear of the premises, to serve all five storeys. The proposed new third and fourth floors are comprising of 2 types of apartments: 2 No. 2Bed/3p, each with gross floor area of 64.7m2. 2 No. 1 Bed/2p,... login required. |
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370m |
24/01/2024 |
Diageo Brewery, bounded by James's Street, Watling Street, Victoria Quay and Steven's Lane, Dublin 8 |
The development will consist of: Removal of part of existing boundary wall along Watling Street and construction of a 4-storey warehouse unit including; ancillary workshop/ workspace at ground floor level; office floorspace, canteen and staff facilities at third floor level; and a plant area enclosure and PV panels on the roof. The building will have an overall height of c. 28.95 metres and a total GFA of c. 3,231sqm. The ex... login required. |
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370m |
21/12/2023 |
Diageo Ireland, bounded by James's Street, Watling Street, Victoria Quayand Steven's Lane, Dublin 8 |
Site within the Diageo Brewery that extends to c. 0.0952 ha, bounded by James's Street, Watling Street, Victoria Quay and Steven's Lane, Dublin 8. The development will consist of: Removal of part of existing boundary wall along Watling Street and construction of a 4-storey warehouse unit including; ancillary workshop/ workspace at ground floor level; office floorspace, canteen and staff facilities at third floor level; and a plant area enclosure and PV panels on the roof. The building will have a... login required. |
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