2.9km |
25/11/2024 |
N/A |
Kilbeg South, Bandon, Co.Cork, |
Permission to construct a dwelling house, to install a domestic waste water treatment system and to carry out all associated site works... login required. |
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0m |
07/10/2024 |
N/A |
Kilmore, Brinny, Co Cork, |
1) Permission for retention and continued use of the existing processing plant and related water management system, the existing concrete plant and ancillary buildings, site access and all related ancillary works/facilities (wheel wash, bunded fuel storage with hydrocarbon interceptor, weighbridge, etc.) permitted under Pl.Reg.No. S/02/1023), all for a duration of 10 years. 2) Permission for proposed development comprising recycling of c. 15,000 tonnes of ... login required. |
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2.9km |
24/07/2024 |
N/A |
Inverbrinney, Skevanish, Innishannon, Co Cork |
Permission for retention of the conversion of existing double garage to carer’s bedroom suite and new detached double garage, and Permission for the construction of new accessible entrance porch and ramp.... login required. |
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2.7km |
24/06/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Kilnagnady, Templemartin, Bandon, co.Cork |
Permission for new 2 storey dwelling, domestic garage, sewerage system, site entrance and all associated works... login required. |
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1.4km |
07/06/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Brinny, Innishannon, Co. Cork, |
Permission for the installation of 8 no. floodlight to existing pitch, a generator and all site works.... login required. |
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2.7km |
04/06/2024 |
N/A |
Kilnagnady, Templemartin, Bandon, Co.Cork |
Permission for new 2 storey dwelling, domestic garage, sewerage system, site entrance and all associated works... login required. |
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1.7km |
04/06/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Littlesilver, Bandon, Co.Cork, |
Permission for the proposed demolitions , extensions and alterations to an existing dwelling, and all associated site works... login required. |
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400m |
24/04/2024 |
N/A |
Kilmore, Brinny, Co Cork, |
The proposed development will comprise an extension (extraction area c. 10.8 hectares) of the existing sand & gravel pit (Pl.Ref.No. S/02/1023); completion of extraction within the existing sand & gravel pit; continuance of use of the existing processing plant and related water management system; continuance of use of the existing concrete plant and ancillary buildings; continuance of use of existing access; importation of c. 180,000 tonnes of inert soil ... login required. |
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1km |
12/12/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
A site of c. 8.75 ha located at lands Brinny, Innishannon, Co.Cork, |
Permission for the construction of a solar PV energy development comprising the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on ground mounted frames/support structures within existing field boundaries, inverters, transformer stations, all ancillary underground cabling and ducting, internal site access tracks, perimeter security fencing, secur... login required. |
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2.6km |
08/12/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Mishells, Bandon, Co Cork, |
Permission for works to existing dwelling to comprise construction of part single storey extension, part two-storey extension, modification to said dwelling, a... login required. |
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1.6km |
20/11/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Rockfort, Innishannon, Co. Cork, |
The development consists of the proposed construction of a new detached dwelling house, detached garage, provision of waste water treatment unit with percolation area and all associated site works.... login required. |
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1.9km |
17/11/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Acres, Aghalinane, Ballyhalwick,Balteenbrack, , Behagh, Caher, Carhoon West, Castlelands, Derrycoo, Gortnamucklagh, Gurteen, Gurteenroe, Kilnacranagh, Lissacroneen, Mallowgaton, Mishells, Murragh, Roug |
The existing Bandon to Dunmanway 110 kV Overhead Line (OHL), which is approximately 26km long between the existing Bandon 110kV Substation in the townland of Mishells, Co. Cork (approximately 1km north of Bandon, Co. Cork) and the existing Dunmanway 110kV Substation in the townland of Ballyhalwick, Co. Cork (approximately 0.4km east of Dunmanway Co. Cork). The existing OHL is located in the townlands of Acres, Aghalinane, Ballyhalwick, Balteenbrack, Behagh, Caher, Carhoon West, Castlelands, Derrycool, Dromidiclogh, Dromidiclogh West, Gortnamucklagh, Gurteen, Gurteenroe, Kilnacranagh East, Kilnacranagh West, Laragh, Lissacroneen, Mallowgaton, Mishells, Murragh, Roughgrove East, Roughgrove West, Sranaviddoge, Teadies Upper, Toom and Tullyglass, Co. Cork. An uprate (refurbishment) of the existing Bandon to Dunmanway 110kv OHL, which consists of the : (i) replacement ("restringing") of the existing OHL conductor wires with a new higher capacity conductor including installation of a new fibre optic communication connection; (ii) replacement of 12 no. of the 13 no. existing steel towers including 11 no. angle masts (AM) and 1 no. end mast (EM) and their foundations with similar structures and member replacement and new bolts at 1 no. EM. Any replacement AMs will be constructed at, or immediately adjacent to the existing structures that they will replace, with a height difference of between 0.5-1.5m; (iii) Replacement of 16 no. of the 127 no. existing intermediate Polesets (IMPs); with similar structures. Any replacement IMPs will be constructed in sit... login required. |
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1.9km |
09/11/2023 |
N/A |
Acres, Aghalinane, Ballyhalwick,Balteenbrack, Beha, Behagh, Caher, Carhoon West, Castlelands, Derrycoo, Gortnamucklagh, Gurteen, Gurteenroe, Kilnacranagh, Lissacroneen, Mallowgaton, Mishells, Murragh, Roug |
The existing Bandon to Dunmanway 110 kV Overhead Line (OHL), which is approximately 26km long between the existing Bandon 110kV Substation in the townland of Mishells, Co. Cork (approximately 1km north of Bandon, Co. Cork) and the existing Dunmanway 110kV Substation in the townland of Ballyhalwick, Co. Cork (approximately 0.4km east of Dunmanway Co. Cork). The existing OHL is located in the townlands of Acres, Aghalinane, Ballyhalwick, Balteenbrack, Behagh, Caher, Carhoon West, Castlelands, Derrycool, Dromidiclogh, Dromidiclogh West, Gortnamucklagh, Gurteen, Gurteenroe, Kilnacranagh East, Kilnacranagh West, Laragh, Lissacroneen, Mallowgaton, Mishells, Murragh, Roughgrove East, Roughgrove West, Sranaviddoge, Teadies Upper, Toom and Tullyglass, Co. Cork. Works associated with an uprate (refurbishment) of the existing Bandon to Dunmanway 110kv OHL, which consists of the : (i) replacement ("restringing") of the existing OHL conductor wires with a new higher capacity conductor including installation of a new fibre optic communication connection; (ii) replacement of 12 no. of the 13 no. existing steel towers including 11 no. angle masts (AM) and 1 no. end mast (EM) and their foundations with similar structures and member replacement at 1 no. EM. Any replacement AMs will be constructed at, or immediately adjacent to the existing structures that they will replace, with a height difference of between 0.5-1.5m; (iii) Replacement of 16 no. of the 127 no. existing intermediate Polesets (IMPs); with similar structures. Any replacement IMPs will be constructed in situ, with the exception of IMP128 which will be replaced at an offset of 10m. The height differences of the replacements will be... login required. |
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2.5km |
19/10/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Brianville Lodge, Garryhankard, Upton, Co. Cork |
The development will consist of a new entrance consisting of a gate, support pillars, sidewalls, and end pillars.... login required. |
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460m |
24/08/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Kilmore, Brinny, Co Cork, |
Permission for retention of a) external storage area storing modular sections of prefabricated buildings and b) a single storey building for the storage/repair of prefabricated modular buildings, c) continuance of use of the existing vehicular access from public road and associated site works.... login required. |
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2.5km |
14/08/2023 |
N/A |
Brianville Lodge, Garryhankard, Upton, Co Cork |
Permission for construction of a new entrance. The development will consist of a new entrance consisting of a gate, support pillars, sidewalls and end pillars.... login required. |
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430m |
04/08/2023 |
N/A |
Kilmore Townland, Brinny, Co.Cork, |
Permission for retention of; a) external storage area storing modular sections of prefabricated buildings and b) a single storey building for the storage/repair of prefabricated modular buildings, c) continuance of use of the existing vehicular access from public road and associated site works... login required. |
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2.2km |
15/03/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Callatrim, Bandon, Co.Cork, |
Permission for the retention of the following works : a) a front porch and side sunroom extension to an existing dwelling, b) a detached domestic garage, c) all ancillary site works... login required. |
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2.9km |
08/02/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Curranure, Innishannon, Co.Cork, |
Permission to construct (i) cubicle shed over existing open tank, (ii) loose shed, (iii) roofed soil water tank and drafting area and all associated site works. Demolition of open tank is also required... login required. |
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