1.8km |
23/12/2024 |
N/A |
4 Bridge Street , Dundalk , Louth |
Retention permission for single storey extension to rear garden... login required. |
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1.8km |
20/12/2024 |
N/A |
The Bike Station Limited The Bagging Shed , George's Quay , Dundalk Co. Louth |
Permission for the following: Phase 1: Temporary placement of coffee kiosk, toilet and signage into existing enclosed yard, and all associated site works. Phase 2: Demolition of existing concrete boundary wall to yard, to west and south. Change of use of exis... login required. |
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1.8km |
20/12/2024 |
N/A |
81 Bridge Street , Dundalk , County Louth |
Permission for the change of use of the existing ground floor retail unit to a studio type apartment and all associated site development works... login required. |
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1.8km |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
4 Bridge Street , Dundalk , Louth |
Retention permission for single storey extension to rear garden... login required. |
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1.8km |
13/12/2024 |
N/A |
The Bike Station Limited The Bagging Shed , George's Quay , Dundalk Co. Louth |
Permission for Phase 1: Temporary placement of coffee kiosk, toilet and signage into existing enclosed yard, and all associated site works. Phase 2: Demolition of existing concrete boundary wall to yard, to west and south. Change of use of existing der... login required. |
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1.5km |
12/12/2024 |
N/A |
Lower Faughart , Dundalk , Co. Louth |
Permission for proposed dwelling house, waste water treatment system, percolation areas and all associated site development works... login required. |
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1.8km |
04/12/2024 |
N/A |
3 Assumption Place , Castletown Road , Dundalk Co Louth |
Permission for proposed construction of a personal gymnasium/shed and all associated site development works to the rear of existing dwelling house... login required. |
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610m |
02/12/2024 |
N/A |
Permission for the construction of 32no. dwellings on a site of circa. 1.249 hectares. All dwellings are provided with private amenity space in the form of private gardens. The 32 no. dwellings consist of 9no. Terraced, 3 bed two storey dwellings (House Type DOY- 01); 3no. Terraced, 3 bed two storey dwellings (House Type DOY- 01A); 8no. Semi-Detached, 3 bed two storey dwellings (House Type DOY- 02); 1no. Detached, 4 bed two storey dwelling (House Type DOY- 03); 1no. Detached, 4 bed two storey dwelling (House Type DOY- 03A); 6no. Semi-Detached, 4 bed two storey dwellings (House Type DOY- 04); 4no. Semi-Detached, 4 bed two storey dwellings (House Type DOY- 04A). The development includes the widening of sections of the existing public road (Doylesfort Ro... login required. |
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2.3km |
23/10/2024 |
Annies , Kilcurry , Dundalk Co Louth |
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF 22/321 - permission for change of house type, previously granted permission under ref. no. 19/130. The development will consist of construction of a... login required. |
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1.7km |
15/10/2024 |
N/A |
Castletown Road Dundalk Extension) & 41 Castletown Road (Dwelling) A91 D5C9 , Dundalk , Co. Louth |
Permission for development at the existing scout hall building and retention permission for Change of Use on an adjacent end of terrace dwelling. The development will consist of two distinct proposals included on the one site and are all associated with Scout and Recreational Use. The proposed works to the existing scout hall (Eircode A91PR98) consists of the following: Permission for a two storey extension to the eastern side and rear of the existing scout hall which fronts Castletown Road, including internal alterations to the layout on both floors and elevational changes. Alterations and extension to the roof structure of the rear single storey annexed scout hall to connect to the two storey street fronting building. Permission to carry out works to the public footpath opposite the existing vehicular entrance consisting of dishing the footpath to accommodate vehi... login required. |
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1.8km |
10/10/2024 |
N/A |
61 Bridge Street , corner with Castletown Road , Dundalk Co. Louth |
Permission for alterations to shopfront facing Bridge St/Castletown Rd. & internal layout & all associated works... login required. |
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2.9km |
09/10/2024 |
Proleek , Mountpleasant , Co Louth |
Permission for alterations to a granted two storey dwelling (Planning Ref. No. 21/389) also the completion of granted effluent treatment system, percolation area, storm drainage system and all associated site development works (see previous Grant of Permission Planning Ref. No. 21389)... login required. |
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2km |
09/09/2024 |
N/A |
52a St. Bridgids Terrace , Dundalk , Co. Louth |
Permission for a change of use of an existing sitting room, garage and workshop to a one bedroom apartment, elevational changes, provision of bin stores, bicycle parking, surface water drainage, connection to the public foul water network and all associated site development works... login required. |
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1.5km |
02/09/2024 |
N/A |
3 Whitemills Rossmor Lower Faughart , Dundalk , Co. Louth |
Permission is sought for the construction of a new domestic car garage. The development will include site works including the construction of retaining walls and ancillary landscaping... login required. |
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360m |
11/07/2024 |
53 Newry Road , Dundalk , Co Louth |
Retention permission for the widening of the front entrance gate to a vehicular entrance on to an existing concrete yard area with footpath dishing and new entrance gates and all associated site works... login required. |
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360m |
11/07/2024 |
N/A |
1 Shomberg Close , Dundalk , Co Louth |
Retention of the conversion of an existing outbuilding to a two bedroom apartment with living area, kitchen, utility room, open yard area and separate entrance and all associated site works... login required. |
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840m |
12/06/2024 |
Lands at Lisdoo Townland , Dundalk , Co Louth |
A Large-scale Residential Development (LRD) Application for the provision of a total of 205 no. residential units along with provision of a crèche. See www.lisdoolrd.com. Particulars of the development comprise as follows: (a) Site excavation works to facilitate the proposed development to include excavation and general site preparation works which will include for infilling and raising of existing ground levels via importing inert material. (b) The provision of a total of 78 no. residential dwellings which will consisting of the following unit mix: - 38 no. 3bed semi-detached dwellings (house type A)
-20 no. 3 bed semi-detached dwellings (house type B) - 8 no. 3bed semi-detached dwellings (house type C) - 8 no. 4bed semi-detached dwellings (house type C) - 4no. 4bed detached dwellings (house type D) (c)The provision of a total of 127no. apartments/duplex units consisting of 10no.1 bed units, 113no. 2bed units and 4no. 3bedunits across 6no. buildings which will range in height from 2 storeys to 5 storeys; (d) Provision of a creche; (e) Provision of associated car parking at surface level via a combination of in-curtilage parking for dwellings and via on-street parking for the creche, duplexes and apartment units; (f)Provision o... login required. |
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1.9km |
06/06/2024 |
Lands at the junction of The Laurels Road and Patrick Street , Dundalk , Eircode A91 EK75 |
Permission for (a) the provision of a total of 18no. apartment units in a 3 storey building of which there are 10no. 1bed apartments, 6no. 2bed apartments and 1no. 3bed apartments along with associated residential communal spaces at ground level. (b) The prov... login required. |
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2.8km |
05/06/2024 |
Upper Faughart , Dundalk , Co Louth |
Permission for alterations to the design of a previously approved domestic garage under planning ref. no. 22898. The alterations include the increase in size of the proposed domestic garage and associated site development work... login required. |
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1.9km |
05/06/2024 |
16 Faughart Terrace , St. Marys Road , Dundalk |
Permission for the demolition of the existing rear extension and the construction of new single storey extension, alterations to the rear dormer window and all associated site works. The development is to Protected Structures (ID D4777)... login required. |
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