1.1km |
21/10/2024 |
N/A |
Dromena Road , Castlebellingham , County Louth |
Permission for a residential development consisting of 99 no. dwellings in a mix of 93 no. houses (8 no. 2-bed, 49no. 3-bed, 36 no. 4-bed) one and two storey in height and 6 no. apartments (4 no. 1-bed, 2 no. 2-bed) and a childcare facility. The apartments are located over two floors within a three storey building with a childcare facility at ground floor level. 7 no. of the proposed houses will front directly onto Dromena Road with each of these 7 no houses having an individual vehicular access directly onto Dromena Road. The main vehicular entrance to the development will be from the R132 Dundalk Road with a secondary vehicular entrance from Dromena Road. The secondary vehicular a... login required. |
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900m |
16/10/2024 |
Sea Road , Castlebellingham , Co. Louth |
Permission for extension and alterations to existing dwelling house including single story extension to the rear and first floor extension with a balcony/terrace and associated site works... login required. |
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1.9km |
15/10/2024 |
N/A |
Permission for the construction of a single storey stable/agricultural storage building. The development will include provision of new public amenities including a football pitch and playground area all adjo... login required. |
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2km |
10/10/2024 |
Permission for the construction of 31 no. dwellings on a site of circa. 1.3248 hectares. All dwellings are provided with private amenity space in the form of private gardens. The 31 no. dwellings consist of 9 no. Semi-Detached, 4 bed two storey dwellings (House Types DROM 1); 9 no. Semi-Detached, 3 bed two storey dwellings (House Types DROM 2); 3 no. Detached, 4 bed two storey dwellings (House Types DROM 3); 10 no. Semi-Detached, 3 bed two storey dwellings (House Types DROM 4). The development includes the widening ... login required. |
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1.9km |
07/10/2024 |
N/A |
Permission for the construction of a single storey stable/agricultural storage building. The development will include provision of new public amenities including a football pitch and playground area all adj... login required. |
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950m |
20/09/2024 |
Castlebellingham Road , Dromiskin , Dundalk Co Louth |
Permission Consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission, 211455 to comprise a new dwelling house, septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works. Permission also sought for a new detached domestic garage... login required. |
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1.6km |
13/09/2024 |
The Widows Houses , Castlebellingham , Co Louth |
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF 18753 - Planning permission for extensions and modifications to existing 4 dwelling houses to provide 2 dwelling houses. Protected structure LHS-015... login required. |
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2km |
30/08/2024 |
N/A |
Permission for the construction of 31 no. dwellings on a site of circa. 1.3248 hectares. All dwellings are provided with private amenity space in the form of private gardens. The 31 no. dwellings consist of 9no. Semi-Detached, 4 bed two storey dwellings (House Types DROM 1); 9no. Semi-Detached, 3 bed two storey dwellings (House Types DROM 2); 3no. Detached, 4 bed two storey dwellings (House Types DROM 3); 10no. Semi-Detached, 3 bed two storey dwellings (House Types DROM 4). The development includes the widening of... login required. |
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1.4km |
23/08/2024 |
Main Street , Castlebellingham , Dundalk County Louth |
Retention permission for existing ground floor and first floor extensions to the rear of existing dwelling house and associated works... login required. |
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1.1km |
09/07/2024 |
Whitehouse cross , Dromiskin Dundalk , Co. Louth |
A dwelling house, domestic garage, waste water treatment system and associated site development works.... login required. |
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2.5km |
09/07/2024 |
Little Road , Dromiskin , Dundalk Co Louth |
Permission for change of house type (previous planning permission reference number 20993) and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.3km |
04/06/2024 |
Bogtown , Dromiskin , Co Louth |
Retention permission for a 2.0m high wall/piers and gate within the curtilage of the site, a 2.0m high timber vertical slatted fence along the eastern boundary and associated site development works. Permission sought for a domestic garage and associated site development works... login required. |
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50m |
04/06/2024 |
Sea Bank House Dublin Road , Dromiskin Dundalk , Co. Louth |
Permission for single storey extensions to the south and east of the existing dwelling, the creation of an annex/granny flat as part of the existing dwelling, internal and ... login required. |
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1.5km |
29/05/2024 |
Main Street , Castlebellingham , Co Louth |
Permission for 3 no. 3 bedroom two-storey dwelling houses and the demolition of existing derelict dwelling house and all associated site works. *Significant Further Information received on 11/10/2024*... login required. |
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1.6km |
03/05/2024 |
Unit 3 The Coach House , Main Street , Castlebellingham Co. Louth |
Permission for the change of use from existing ground floor commercial unit to 1 no. 2-bed residential apartment (Previous Planning Ref: 07/837) and elevational changes to front and rear of the existing building, together with all ancillary site development works... login required. |
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1.8km |
13/02/2024 |
Formerly Ginnety's Pub , Dromiskin , Co. Louth |
Permission for changes to development as granted under planning reference 17/709, 22/945,23/240. The changes will include alterations to the proposed parking layout and associated site works... login required. |
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1.5km |
09/02/2024 |
Station Road , Castlebellingham , Co. Louth |
Permission for proposed construction of a new 510m² storage warehouse and all associated site development works... login required. |
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2.8km |
19/12/2023 |
Mooretown , Dromiskin , Co Louth |
Retention permission of a dwelling house, domestic outbuildings, vehicular entrance and all associated site development works... login required. |
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1.8km |
06/12/2023 |
Formerly Ginnety's Pub , Dromiskin , Co Louth |
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF 23240 - Permission for changes to development as granted under Planning Reference 17709 to include the provision of a two storey commercial un... login required. |
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