1.3km |
01/11/2024 |
12 Boice Manor , Tinure , County Louth |
Permission for a detached domestic garage and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.4km |
27/08/2024 |
N/A |
Kimber Lodge , Ferney Park , Monasterboice |
Retention permission for a detached single storey domestic storage shed and car port to side of existing garage all located to side and rear of existing house *Significant Further Information Received on 08/01/2025*... login required. |
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1.6km |
09/08/2024 |
N/A |
Rathdaniel , Tinure , County Louth |
Retention permission for the change of use of an existing domestic garage to an independent apartment ancillary to the main house and all associated works at Rathdaniel, Tinure, County Louth.... login required. |
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2km |
01/07/2024 |
Bonny Doon , Tenure , Dunleer |
Permission for extension on existing house to incorporate the conversion of existing garage to a living area and all associated site works. ... login required. |
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1.5km |
27/06/2024 |
White River Manor , Tinure , Co.Louth |
Extension of Duration for parent planning permission 18876, Permission for construction of two separate new two-storey four-bedroom detached dwellings (No.2 & No.4), with associated detached garages and wastewater treat... login required. |
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1.2km |
05/06/2024 |
Tinure , Dunleer , Co Louth |
Permission for a proposed two storey/single storey design dwelling house, detached domestic garage/storage area, new vehicular access from cul-de-sac, installation of proprietary waste water treatment system/percolation area together with associated site works ... login required. |
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3km |
30/05/2024 |
Old Road Brownstown , Monasterboice , County Louth |
Permission for proposed new dormer roof to existing dwelling house incorporating a first floor, new front porch, upgrading existing septic tank to a new t... login required. |
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1.6km |
10/05/2024 |
Tenure , Dunleer , Co Louth |
Permission for proposed alterations and extension to existing dwelling house together with associated site works. *Significant Further Information received on 27/08/2024 and Significan... login required. |
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2.7km |
17/04/2024 |
Carricknashanagh , Monasterboice , Co Louth |
Permission for the following: 1. Retention permission for existing dwellinghouse and ancillary outbuildings and 2. Permission to upgrade existing septic tank system with new waste water treatment system and all associated site development works... login required. |
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1.5km |
16/04/2024 |
White River Manor , Tinure , Co Louth |
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF 18876 - Permission for construction of two separate new two-storey four-bedroom detached dwellings (No.2 & No.4), with associated detached garages and wastewater treatment systems... login required. |
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2.5km |
28/02/2024 |
Bawntaaffe Monasterboice , Monasterboice , Co. Louth |
1) Retention of existing side extension to dwelling house 2) Change of use of existing domestic garage to family flat, incorporating a connecting annex from the existing garage to the existing dwelling house, and all associated site development works... login required. |
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2.5km |
20/02/2024 |
Ferney Park , Monasterboice , Co Louth |
Permission for a two storey extension to the front of the existing house... login required. |
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2.7km |
25/01/2024 |
N/A |
Carricknashanagh , Monasterboice , Co Louth |
1. Retention permission for current location of dwellinghouse and site boundaries from that granted planning permission under Ref. No. 91/20, 2. Retention permission for domestic garage & ... login required. |
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1.3km |
04/01/2024 |
Paddock , Dunleer , Co. louth |
Permission for a new single storey dwelling, new entrance , waste water treatment system and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.4km |
19/12/2023 |
Keeverstown , Grangebellew , Co Louth |
Outline permission for proposed one and a half storey/single storey dwelling house, installation of a proprietary waste water treatment system/percolation area, on-site well and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.9km |
11/12/2023 |
R132 Dunleer Road (former Monasterboice Credit Union) , Priest Town Monasterboice , Drogheda Co. Louth |
The development will consist of the following: 1. Retention of existing single storey extension to rear of existing building. 2. Change of use from credit union to commercial offices with warehouse extension (as ancillary to the proposed commercial use). 3. Proposed new single storey extension to front of existing building. 4. Proposed new single storey extensions to the rear of existing building. 5. Proposed new warehouse extension with mezzanine level to the rear of existing building... login required. |
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1.7km |
06/12/2023 |
Dropping Sloe Cottage , Castlelumney , Tinure Co Louth |
Permission for extension and alterations to an existing dwelling house and associated site development works... login required. |
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1.9km |
09/11/2023 |
N/A |
R132 Dunleer Road (former Monasterboice Credit Union) , Priest Town Monasterboice , Drogheda Co. Louth |
Permission for the following: 1. Proposed new single storey extension to front of existing building. 2. Proposed new single storey extensions to the rear of existing building. 3. Proposed new warehouse extension with mezzanine level to the rear of existing building. 4. Proposed internal alterations along with insertion of new first floor into exi... login required. |
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2.9km |
16/10/2023 |
Gallstown , Grangebellew , Co Louth |
Permission for (a) 2 no. 3 bay covered aggregate storage sheds (each gross floor space 1,177sqm, maximum height 10m); (b) a Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) milling plant with two covered storage bays and all ancillary works... login required. |
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