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  Castle House The Diamond , Crossmoyle , Clones

Nov 30 2023

Application Received

Jan 25 2024

Further Info. Requested

Mar 06 2024

Further Info. Received

Mar 28 2024


Apr 02 2024

Decision Due
  • Submitted to Monaghan County Council, 30 / 11 / 2023
  • Application Type: RETENTION
  • Decision Text: REFUSED
  • Decision Summary: Refused
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permission for a development consisting of the retention and completion of the existing two storey rear residential extension (which was replaced), together with all ancillary & associated siteworks. This rear extension building forms part of the support s... Signup to read full development description
An Bord Pleanála Information:
Creative Commons LicensePlanning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Distance: Received: Decision: Development Address: Development Description:
    1.6km 18/07/2024 N/A Altartate Glebe , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission for Mr. Tom and Edward Treanor who intend to apply for planning permission to construct 1 No. Slatted shed with underground manure storage tank together with all ancillary structures and site works associated with the above development at Altartate Glebe, Clones, Co. Monaghan... login required. Details...
    410m 08/07/2024 N/A Lands at the former Clones Enterprise Centre , Largy , Clones Town permission for: (a)An extension and alterations to the existing meat processing and packaging facility granted permission under permission reference 21/38 along with provision of a loading bay and associated parking area; (b)associated alterations to the existing building; (c)alterations to the existing site layout ... login required. Details...
    20m 20/05/2024 N/A Lands at Castle House , The Diamond , Clones permission for retention of existing building works which have been carried out at the rear of the existing buildings together with all associated site works. The development seeking permission consists of permission to ... login required. Details...
    1.5km 17/05/2024 N/A Cloncurrin TD , Clones , Co Monaghan permission to demolish and remove existing mushroom tunnel complex and construct a new two storey style dwelling and detached domestic garage, install n... login required. Details...
    410m 07/05/2024 N/A Creighton Hall , Lower Fermanagh Street , Clones permission for a development consisting of planning permission for a material change of use from three-storey residential apartment building 5 no. 2 bed apartments to self-catering / holiday accommodation... login required. Details...
    670m 08/04/2024 CONDITIONAL Newtonbutler Road , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission for retention of minor amendments to development approved under Planning Ref:23/148 including:(a) minor elevational alterations to all four elevations including omission of some windows plus alteration t... login required. Details...
    530m 26/03/2024 N/A Largy/Altartate Glebe , Clones , Co Monaghan permission to construct 3 no. single storey extensions to the sides and front of their existing factory building and all ancillary site works... login required. Details...
    1.2km 06/03/2024 CONDITIONAL Clonkeen (Cole) , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission for development consisting of (1) demolish existing derelict sheds, (2) erect single storey extension to the side and rear of existing single storey dwelling, (3) raise roof level of exist... login required. Details...
    140m 04/03/2024 CONDITIONAL Adamson's Bar , Analore Street , Clones permission for a development consisting of change of use from dwelling house to short term rental accommodation to include 4 bedrooms and communal area... login required. Details...
    140m 14/02/2024 N/A 2 Analore St Crossmoyle , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission for development that will consist of change of use from dwelling house to short term rental accommodation to include 4 bedrooms and communal area... login required. Details...
    140m 15/01/2024 N/A 2 Analore St Crossmoyle , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission for development consisting of change of use from dwelling house to short term rental accommodation to include 4 bedrooms and communal area.... login required. Details...
    1.7km 21/12/2023 N/A Clonkeen (Lucas) , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission for a development consisting of the renovation of an existing cottage, including elevational changes, a part single storey/part two storey extension to the re... login required. Details...
    2.1km 01/11/2023 CONDITIONAL Coolnalong , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission to erect a new single storey dwelling house, insert a filter unit and percolation area and exit on to public road by way of a newly positioned entrance and close off existing laneway to dwelling house as granted permission in planning ref 07/459... login required. Details...
    1km 01/11/2023 N/A Legarhill , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission to; a) retain temporary living accommodation on a permanent basis; b) alter elevations, height & finish of said accommodation; c) construct new si... login required. Details...
    110m 27/10/2023 N/A 4 Analore Street , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission for change of use from commercial to residential use... login required. Details...
    680m 05/10/2023 CONDITIONAL St. Tiarnach's Park , Largy , Clones Co. Monaghan permission for demolition of existing matchday shop building and part boundary wall and construction of a new two storey Clones GFC Club Members gym and associated site development works... login required. Details...
    1km 26/09/2023 N/A Legarhill , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission to; a) retain temporary living accommodation on a permanent basis; b) alter elevations, height & finish of said accommodation; c) construct new site entrance & access lane, together with proprietary wastewater treatment system & other associated ancillary site works... login required. Details...
    1.5km 17/07/2023 REFUSED Cloncurrin Td. , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission to demolish & remove existing mushroom tunnel complex and construct a new two-storey style dwelling and detached garage, install new mechanical effluent treatment system, moulded / raised percolation area, use existing entrance onto public road together with all ancillary site works ... login required. Details...
    1.2km 28/06/2023 REFUSED Clonkeen (Cole) , Clones , Co. Monaghan permission to demolish existing sheds and erect single storey dwelling, site entrance, wastewater treatment system, percolation area and all ancillary site works... login required. Details...
  • Geology & Groundwater
    Creative Commons LicenseContains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

    • Category: Lm
    • Description: Locally Important Aquifer - Bedrock which is Generally Moderately Productive

    • Unit Name: Ballysteen Formation
    • Description: Dark muddy limestone, shale
    • Labels: CDBALL / BA

    • High ( H)

    Planning & Development

    Creative Commons LicenseZoning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)
    Creative Commons LicenseNPWS Data is published by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    Special Area of Conservation:
    • No Results...

    Special Protection Areas:
    • No Results...

    Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Proposed Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Heritage & Conservation
    Creative Commons LicenseMonument & NIAH Building Data is published by National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Monuments:

    National Monuments within 100m of the mapped planning point

    • Building (BUIL) - #MO01388
    • House - 17th century (HOSE) - #MO01619
    • Bawn (BAWN) - #MO01704

    National Monument Zones of Notification:

    Is this Planning Point is within a National Monument Zones of Notification? (Section 12 National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004)

    • No Results...
    National Inventory of Architectural Heritage:

    NIAH Locations within 100m of the mapped planning point

    Name NIAH Ref # Rating / Period Original Use Current Use Protected Structure
    Umbria House 41304040 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1850 - 1870 house Same as Original Yes
    Clones Presbyterian Church 41304041 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1855 - 1860 church/chapel Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 41304042 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1880 - 1910 house Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 41304043 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1880 - 1910 house Same as Original Yes
    Fáilte House 41304044 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1760 - 1800 house Same as Original Yes
    Mansion House 41304045 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1765 - 1770 house Yes
    No Building Name 41304046 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1850 - 1860 house Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 41304047 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1850 - 1860 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 41304048 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1850 - 1860 house Same as Original Yes
    Castle House 41304049 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1850 - 1860 house Same as Original Yes
    Bank of Ireland 41304052 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1890 - 1895 bank/financial institution Same as Original Yes
    Clones Market House 41304053 (Survey ID: SURV032) National, 1840 - 1845 market house Yes
    No Building Name 41304054 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1840 - 1880 house office Yes
    No Building Name 41304055 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1850 - 1870 house office Yes
    No Building Name 41304056 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1850 - 1870 hotel Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 41304040 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1850 - 1870 house Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 41304044 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1760 - 1800 house Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 41304045 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1765 - 1770 house Yes
    No Building Name 41304053 (Survey ID: SURV032) National, 1840 - 1845 market house Yes
    Rooney & Co. 41304054 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1840 - 1880 house office Yes
    Obair/Monaghan Integrated Development 41304055 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1850 - 1870 house office Yes
    Lennard Arms Bistro 41304056 (Survey ID: SURV032) Regional, 1850 - 1870 hotel Same as Original Yes

    Roads & Infrastructure

    National Roads & Motorways within 500m of mapped planning point

    National Roads (N) and Motorways (M):
    • M/N54

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