230m |
31/10/2024 |
N/A |
Dooreagh Mountain Lodge , Cootehill , Co Cavan |
to construct a new dormer style dwelling house with detached domestic garage, form new vehicular site entrance onto public roadway, installation of approved proprietary wastewater treatment system & percolation area, together with all associated site development works... login required. |
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230m |
25/10/2024 |
N/A |
Dooreagh Mountain Lodge , Cootehill , Co Cavan |
to construct a new dormer style dwelling house with detached domestic garage, form new vehicular site entrance onto public roadway, installation of approved proprietary wastewater treatment system & percolation area, together with all associated site development works... login required. |
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2.1km |
01/05/2024 |
Carrickallen Mountain Lodge , Cootehill , Co. Cavan. |
to carry out the following works to an existing single storey community hall building (1) To demolish and re-construct existing building / structure, to include new ... login required. |
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1.9km |
23/04/2024 |
Greaghagarran , Mountain Lodge Cootehill , Co. Cavan |
the development will consist of the renovation and extension of an existing dwelling (former school house) including internal and external alterations, upg... login required. |
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1.9km |
17/04/2024 |
N/A |
Greaghagarran , Mountain Lodge Cootehill , Co. Cavan |
for the development of the renovation and extension of an existing dwelling (former school house) including internal and external alterations, upgrade existing waste water treatment system with a new advanced waste water treatment system and percolation area, and all ancillary site development works... login required. |
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2km |
27/02/2024 |
Bindoo , Cootehill , Co. Cavan |
to construct a bungalow type replacement dwelling house, with proprietary wastewater treatment system & other associated ancillary site works. The proposal involves the demolition of existing storey & a half / dormer type dwelling house... login required. |
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300m |
21/12/2023 |
Dooreagh Mountain Lodge , Cootehill , CO. CAVAN |
to construct a new two-storey dwelling house with detached domestic garage, form new vehicular site entrance onto public roadway, installation of approved proprietary wastewater treatment system & percolation area, together with all associated site development works... login required. |
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2.9km |
11/12/2023 |
Edrans , Tullyco , Cootehill Co.Cavan |
for renovation works and a proposed extension to the existing detached farmhouse. Site works will include the installation of a new aerobic-based domestic wastewater treatment system including vertical flow reed bed and constructed wetland... login required. |
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2.5km |
07/12/2023 |
To construct a slatted shed with underground storage tanks, 2 no. uncovered slatted underground storage tanks, demolish existing shed and replace with new calf shed, alterations to existing milking parlour and all ancillary site works... login required. |
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2.6km |
13/10/2023 |
Ardmone , Canningstown , Cootehill Co. Cavan |
to construct a walled silage base with concrete apron and all ancillary site... login required. |
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1.1km |
27/09/2023 |
Cornasaus , Mountainlodge , Cootehill |
to construct a 4 bay extension onto the rear of existing slatted shed with underground slurry storage tanks and all ancillary site works... login required. |
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2.4km |
14/09/2023 |
Ardmone Mountainlodge , Cootehill , Co. Cavan |
for RETENTION of a 1 bay extension to an underground slurry storage tank, and Full Planning PERMISSION for 1) Completion of extension to slatted shed, 2) Demolition of 3 no. existing agricultural sheds (1 ... login required. |
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3km |
16/06/2023 |
Dooreagh , Canningstown , Cootehill |
to construct a slatted shed with underground slurry storage tank and all ancillary site works... login required. |
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3km |
05/05/2023 |
Tullyunshin Mountainlodge , Cootehill , Co. Cavan |
EXTENSION OF DURATION of Planning Reg. No. 17/537; for development which consists of (1) Construction of an agricultural slatted shed to incorporate slatted area, fee... login required. |
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2.3km |
15/02/2023 |
Ardmone , Mountainlodge , Cootehill |
for the RETENTION of partially constructed dwelling currently at roof level and full planning PERMISSION (10 year permission) to complete the dwelling, install an advanced waste water treatment system and percolation area, site boundaries, site entrance and all ancillary site development works... login required. |
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3km |
03/08/2022 |
Tullyunshin (E.D. Larah North) , Mountainlodge , Cootehill |
construct a new bell-mouth site entrance onto the existing public road to facilitate access to an existing forestry plantation together with all ancillary and associated site works... login required. |
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1.9km |
30/03/2022 |
Carrickallen , Mountain Lodge Cootehill , Co. Cavan |
for proposed development consisting of i) Works to facilitate infill and re-contouring of the subject lands to facilitate use for agricultural purposes, ii) All associated works and services. The appl... login required. |
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2.2km |
04/02/2022 |
Drumnatread , Kill Cootehill , Co. Cavan |
for a development consisting of construction of a slatted sheep shed with underground slurry storage tank along with all associated site works ... login required. |
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1.4km |
02/02/2022 |
Carrickacroman , Mountainlodge Cootehill , Co. Cavan |
for development consisting of (1) retention of alterations and amendments made during construction to floor plan layouts and elevations of storey and a half type dwelling and detached domestic garage, (2) retention of revised site layout all from ... login required. |
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