1.3km |
21/10/2024 |
N/A |
Coragh Glebe , Killeshandra , Co. Cavan |
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1.4km |
09/10/2024 |
N/A |
Drumroosk , Killashandra , Co. Cavan |
to erect new dwelling house, domestic garage, entrance, boundary walls, piers with sewerage treatment system & percolation area... login required. |
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490m |
20/08/2024 |
ESB Telecoms Ltd. Telecommunications Compound at ESBs' Substation Killeshandra 38kV Substation , Church Street , Killeshandra Co Cavan. |
to replace existing 20m high telecoms wooden structure with a 24 metre high lattice communication structure, carrying communication dishes and antennae; along with all ancillary equipment including ground development works within an existing 2.4 metre high fenced compound... login required. |
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240m |
14/08/2024 |
Lakeland Dairies , Church Street Kileshandra , Co. Cavan |
for 1. Installation of additional milk intake bay & associated site entrance alterations, 2 no milk silos and 1 no silo for water re-use 2. Extension and alterations to staff car park to rear of existing staff canteen 3. Site layout alterations to include internal access road to rear of the site to facilitate for movement of packaging between existing packaging stores on the Mil... login required. |
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200m |
31/07/2024 |
N/A |
Main Street , Killashandra , Co. Cavan |
for 1) Proposed demolition of: a) Existing building consisting of Public House at Ground floor level with private residential accommodation overhead at first floor level. b) Existing Shed to the South Western rear of the site. 2) Provision of “Block A” consisting of the provision of 2 No. two storey (2 bedroom) semi- detached townhouses including the change of use from Public House to Residential use. 3) Provision of “Block B” consisting of the provision of 4 No. two storey (2 bedroom) apartments, includin... login required. |
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1.9km |
29/05/2024 |
Kinkeel , Killeshandra , Co. Cavan |
for the as built design (mirrored plans & elevations) and location of existing single storey dwelling & location of existing site entrance, which differs from the previously approved plans (Planning Ref. 8716967)... login required. |
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720m |
29/04/2024 |
N/A |
Portaliffe , Killeshandra , Co. Cavan |
erection of fully serviced production and storage unit with associated two storey admin block containing staff facilities, external storage silos, carparkin... login required. |
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1.1km |
08/03/2024 |
The Bawn , Killeshandra , Cavan |
of a fully serviced, single storey duel level bungalow style dwelling, new sewage treatment & percolation area, asphalt driveway, entrance gate and all associated ancillary site works... login required. |
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210m |
21/02/2024 |
N/A |
Main Street , Killashandra , Cavan |
for the development of the following: 1) Proposed demolition of: a) Existing building consisting of Public House at Ground floor level with private residential accommodation overhead at first floor level. b) Existing Shed to the northern elevation of the site. c) Existing Shed to the South Western rear of the site. 2) Provision of “Block A” consisting of the provision of 2 No. two storey (2 bedroom) semi- detached townhouses including the change of use from Public House to Residential use. 3) Provision of “Block B” consisting of the provision of 4 N... login required. |
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210m |
01/02/2024 |
N/A |
Main Street , Killashandra , Cavan |
for the development of the following 1) Proposed demolition of a) Existing building consisting of Public House at Ground floor level with private residential accommodation overhead at first floor level. b) Existing Shed to the northern elevation of the site. c) Existing Shed to the South Western rear of the site. 2)Provision of “Block A” consisting of the provision of 2 No. two storey (2 bedroom) semi- detached townhouses including the change of use from Public House to R... login required. |
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440m |
23/01/2024 |
Church Street , Killeshandra , Co. Cavan |
for change of glamping pod design from that previously approved under planning application 22/238. Access pathways, car parking, connection to existing public sewerage facilities and ancillary works all as per previous approval... login required. |
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390m |
09/01/2024 |
Portaliffe or Townparks , Killeshandra , Co Cavan |
to demolish existing single storey clubhouse/dressing room and construct a new two storey clubhouse/dressing room complete with new waste water treatment facilities, connection to existing services, and all ancillary works ... login required. |
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230m |
03/01/2024 |
Lakeland Dairies , Kileshandra , Co. Cavan |
for (1) single storey extension containing storage, packaging, and despatch area with link corridor to existing production/warehouse building, (2) single storey unloading dock extension to existing production / warehouse, (3) air handling unit (AHU) and relocation of transformer, (4) erection of 1 no. 15m high s... login required. |
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190m |
11/10/2023 |
Main Street , Killeshandra , Co. Cavan |
for single storey extension to rear of existing commercial unit together with change of use of first floor residential accommodation to offices with alterations to plans, elevations and associated site work... login required. |
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2.6km |
28/06/2023 |
Eonish , Killeshandra , Co. Cavan |
erect single storey extension to side and construct front porch to existing dwelling, demolish front and rear entrance porches, increase wallplate height of existing dwelling with alterations to floor plans... login required. |
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80m |
20/01/2023 |
for (A) single storey side and rear extension to existing dwelling (B) to include rear access gate... login required. |
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120m |
13/01/2023 |
Main Street , Killeshandra , Co. Cavan |
to develop infill site comprising 2 no. 2-bed independent residential apartments in two-storey block, incorporating existing dwelling, with rear access, alterations to boundaries and site development works... login required. |
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650m |
09/12/2022 |
Portaliffe , Killeshandra , Co. Cavan H12 NY53 |
to erect fully serviced extension to rear of existing unit with all associated alterations to elevations & site layout and all ancillary works... login required. |
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2.8km |
30/11/2022 |
Drumbo , Killeshandra , Co. Cavan |
to construct a four bay shed which will consist of slatted area with slurry holding tank underneath, cubicles and all associated site works... login required. |
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