2km |
25/07/2024 |
Drumaleague TD , Kilclare , Co. Leitrim |
Demolition Of Existing Derelict Storage Shed Together With The Proposed Construction Of Storage Shed In Its Place And All Ancillary Works... login required. |
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1.3km |
09/07/2024 |
N/A |
Prughlish , Keshcarrigan , Co Leitrim |
refurbish and extend existing dwelling house, upgrade existing septic tank with a new sewerage system and a treatment plant. To provide secondary and tertiary treatment, and all associated works ... login required. |
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940m |
02/07/2024 |
Keshcarrigan , Keshcarrigan , Co. Leitrim |
Restoration, Refurbishment and Change of Use of former Keshcarrigan Garda Barracks and Site to Community Resource Use, incorporating Museum and Working Hub. The Building is a Protected Structure RPS No. 177.
The Works involved in the restoration of the existing Barracks are as follows:-
• Changes to internal layout to suit new use, installation of lift to first floor and alterations to elevations.
• Provision of new accessible entrance, new kitchen, toilets... login required. |
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860m |
08/05/2024 |
Tailor McKeons Bar & Leanna's Lodge , Main Street Keshcarrigan Td , Keshcarrigan |
(a) retention of extension to Public House, (b) retention of extensions to living accommodation at ground & first floor, (c) retention of change of use of storage area to pub... login required. |
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2.5km |
24/04/2024 |
Drumbullog , Drumcong . , Co Leitrim |
(1). To demolish the existing conservatory attached to the existing domestic dwelling. (2). To construct 2 number single storey extensions to the front and side of the existing dom... login required. |
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2km |
29/01/2024 |
Driny , Drumcong , Carrick-on-Shannon |
The development will consist of the following works to
existing cottage (1) the erection of a new extension to the
rear (north) elevation, (2) the existing hipped roof shall be
removed and replaced with a gabled roof, the wall plate
level of which shall be raised in order to provide livi... login required. |
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870m |
18/10/2023 |
Tailor McKeons Bar Main Street Keshcarrigan Td , Keshcarrigan , Co Leitrim |
Retention of Outdoor Beer Garden and Covered Seating Area, New Storage Shed, New Extension to original Shed with associated site works and use of said areas for commercial purposes... login required. |
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430m |
22/09/2023 |
Carrick , Keshcarrigan , Co. Leitrim. |
erect a 21m high monopole telecommunications support structure together with antennae, dishes, and associated telecommunications equipment, all enclosed by security fencing and extend the existing access track.... login required. |
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1.3km |
07/06/2022 |
Toomans Td , Keshcarrigan , Co Leitrim |
a.) Permission to retain refurbishment, alterations and extension of existing split level house to include alterations to windows and doors sizes, locations, alterations to balcony, facades and finishes, b. Widening and setting back of original access to provide improved access, c. Replacement on-site of the w... login required. |
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1.3km |
02/06/2022 |
Toomans Td , Keshcarrigan , Co Leitrim |
(a) retain single storey portal frame shed; (b) retain widening and improvement of existing agricultural access to public road; (c) retain use of shed at (a) above for the storage of agri... login required. |
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2.6km |
16/03/2022 |
Aughakilconnell , Kilnagross , Carrick on Shannon |
as constructed dwelling house and retention of change of site boundary with associated site works which are at variance to that granted planning permission under planning reference P.04/856... login required. |
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880m |
23/02/2022 |
Main Street , Keshcarrigan Td , Keashcarrigan |
change of use of existing property from retail to residential and carry out works to the property to include construction of first floor rear extension, removal of existin... login required. |
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440m |
20/09/2021 |
Carrick , Keshcarrigan , Co Leitrim |
erect a 30m high lattice telecommunications support structure together with antennae, dishes and associated telecommunications equipment, all enclosed in security fencing and extend existing access track ... login required. |
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2.3km |
08/09/2021 |
Drumcong Td , Drumcong , Co Leitrim |
(a) retention of as constructed extended dwelling house which is at variance to works permitted under grant of planning P.10766, (b) Retention of change of use from dwelling h... login required. |
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2.5km |
31/03/2021 |
No. 2 Naomh Brid , Drumcong , Co Leitrim |
consisting of two storey rear extension for kitchen /dinning area on ground floor, one new bedroom and relocated bathroom on first floor, internal modificatio... login required. |
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2.6km |
18/03/2021 |
Kilnagross , Carrick On Shannon , Co Leitrim |
construct a slatted/dry bedded agricultural building and all associated ancillary works... login required. |
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