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  6, Ennafort Grove, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 AE09

Jan 29 2024

Application Received

Feb 02 2024


Mar 22 2024

Decision Due
  • Submitted to Dublin City Council, 29 / 01 / 2024
  • Application Type: Permission
  • Current Status: Decision Notice Issued
  • Decision Summary: Invalid
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Demolition of an existing garage and the construction in its place of a two-storey extension at the side o... Signup to read full development description
An Bord Pleanála Information:
Creative Commons LicensePlanning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Distance: Received: Decision: Development Address: Development Description:
    190m 06/01/2025 N/A 60, Cill Eanna, Raheny, Dublin 5 A first floor extension to the side of the house with a new fully hipped roof over in conjunction with a side dormer window to include two new bedrooms. An attic conversion with dormer window to the ... login required. Details...
    50m 24/10/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 3, Ennafort Grove, Raheny, Dublin 5 The construction of shaded pergola & seating area connected to rear of existing two storey house, and garden room containing an office & gym (Area= 35m2) with associated site works.... login required. Details...
    310m 24/10/2024 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Site to side of 1 Sybil Hill Avenue, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05DX52 Permission for 2 storey 3 bedroom terraced dwelling, new vehicular entrance and associated works.... login required. Details...
    310m 02/10/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 1 Sybil Hill Avenue, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 DX52 Permission for 2 storey 3 bedroom terraced dwelling in side garden, new vehicular entrance and associated works.... login required. Details...
    50m 28/08/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 9, Ennafort Road, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 FF83 Conversion of her attic to storage and a bathroom including changing her existing hipped end roof to a gable end roof, a dormer window to the rear, a window to new side gable wall and 2 velux rooflights to the front, all at roof level... login required. Details...
    200m 22/08/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 8, Lein Gardens, Raheny, Dublin 5 The widening of the vehicular entrance to 4650mm and revised front garden layout to accommodate off-street parking for 2 cars. The construction of a part 2-storey extension to... login required. Details...
    200m 21/08/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 8, Lein Gardens, Raheny, Dublin 5 Planning permission for the widening of the vehicular entrance to 4650mm and revised front garden layout to accommodate off-street parking for 2 cars. The construction of a part 2-storey ... login required. Details...
    330m 19/08/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 16, Bettystown Avenue, Raheny, Dublin 5 The development will consist of: Front single-storey extension side ground and first floor extension Rear single-storey extension and first-floor extension. Three roof windows to front single-storey extension. New roof window on first-floor side. Widening of front vehicular access.... login required. Details...
    330m 14/08/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 395A, Howth Road, Raheny , Dublin 5, D05PC63 junction Wade's Ave /Howth Road . OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION to construct a single story extension in the side garden to the front of current house. This to be joined to the house by a glass porch built onto the left side (head on) of current house. This extens... login required. Details...
    430m 13/08/2024 GRANT PERMISSION AND RETENTION PERMISSION 11, Ballyhoy Avenue, Dublin 5 Retention / Permission : Retention permission for 1) a single storey porch extension to the front, 2) a single storey kitchen extension to the rear, and planning permission for a new vehicular access to the front exiting onto Ballyhoy Avenue, Dublin 5, all at 11 Ballyhoy Avenue, Dublin 5... login required. Details...
    200m 09/08/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 8, Lein Gardens, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 HF70 The widening of the vehicular entrance to 4650mm and revised front garden layout to accommodate off-street parking for 2 cars. The construction of a part 2-storey extension to... login required. Details...
    220m 02/08/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 43, Cill Eanna, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 X282 Conversion of his attic to storage and a bathroom including changing the existing hipped end roof to a gable end roof, a velux rooflight to the front and a window to the new side gable wall, all at roof level.... login required. Details...
    410m 15/05/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 1a, Ballyhoy Avenue, Dublin 5 Construction of a single-storey granny flat to the front/side/rear of the existing dwelling, the proposal will include increasing the height of a section of the side boundary wall, with all associated internal alterations and enabling works.... login required. Details...
    410m 14/05/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 72 Ribh Road, Artane, Dublin 5, D05 TR68 Permission sought for a single storey extension and all associated site works to the rear of the existing dwelling .... login required. Details...
    450m 24/04/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 35, Mcauley Drive, Dublin 5 Planning Permission is sought by Lyndsey O Connell & John Devine for the following works: (i) construction of a single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling with flat roofs & rooflights (ii) Construction of a single storey extension with flat roof to the front of exis... login required. Details...
    430m 23/04/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 23 Brookwood Crescent, Donaghmede, Dublin 5, D05 DT20 For amendments to previously approved planning permission grant ref: 4024/24. Proposals include revised front, side & rear elevations to include a simplified roof form & new roof light to front elevation.... login required. Details...
    270m 23/04/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 375, Howth Road, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 XH79 The demolition of an existing single storey extension to the rear and construction of new single storey extension with internal alterations, conversion of existing garage with n... login required. Details...
    160m 19/04/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 55 Cill Eanna, Dublin 5 RETENTION: permission for single storey extension to rear of existing house. Detached single storey garden room/storage to rear garden with ancillary works.... login required. Details...
    450m 17/04/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 35, McAuley Drive, Dublin 5 Planning Permission is sought by Lyndsey O Connell & John Devine for the following works: (i) construction of a single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling with flat roofs & rooflights (ii) Construction of a single storey extension with flat roof to the front of exist... login required. Details...
    330m 15/04/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 159, Harmonstown Road, Raheny , Dublin 5 , D05 R285 Planning permission is being sought for 1. a two storey extension to the side comprising of an entrance hallway and wet room at ground floor level with an ensuite bedroom and home office at first floor level 2. a porch to the front, 3. a single storey kitche... login required. Details...
  • Geology & Groundwater
    Creative Commons LicenseContains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

    • Category: Pl
    • Description: Poor Aquifer - Bedrock which is Generally Unproductive except for Local Zones

    • Unit Name: Tober Colleen Formation
    • Description: Calcareous shale, limestone conglomerate
    • Labels: CDTOBE / TC

    • Low ( L)

    Planning & Development

    Creative Commons LicenseZoning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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    National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)
    Creative Commons LicenseNPWS Data is published by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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    Heritage & Conservation
    Creative Commons LicenseMonument & NIAH Building Data is published by National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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