480m |
09/01/2025 |
N/A |
Fleming Court, Fleming's Place, Dublin 4, D04 N4X9 |
Development consisting of the change of use from a vacant office (174.19 m2) to medical (occupational Health practice) consisting of a reception area and eight... login required. |
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420m |
09/01/2025 |
N/A |
86 Waterloo Lane, Dublin 4, D04 E8W2, and within the curtilage of 86-89 Leeson St Upper,, Dublin 4, |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for the demolition of the existing house and the construction of 2 new 3 storey Townhouses consisting of 4 bedrooms and living areas with a sing... login required. |
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420m |
20/12/2024 |
86 Waterloo Lane, Dublin 4 D04 E8W2 and within the curtilage of 86-89 Leeson Street Upper, Dublin 4 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for the demolition of the existing house and the construction of 2 new 3 storey Townhouses consisting of 4 bedrooms and living areas with a ... login required. |
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180m |
12/12/2024 |
N/A |
Clarendon, Raglan Road, Dublin 4 |
The development will consist of the installation of an external lift to the rear of the property to run from the ground floor level to the second floor, conversion of 3 No. ground floor windows to the front to single doors to provide for garde... login required. |
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80m |
19/11/2024 |
N/A |
37 Wellington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : Permission sought for a combined vehicular/ pedestrian entrance in the front boundary wall comprising new and rebuilt piers including a new pair of... login required. |
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80m |
30/10/2024 |
37 Wellington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission sought for a combined vehicular/ pedestrian entrance in the front boundary wall comprising new and rebuilt piers including a new pair of gates, and provision of car parking including an EV charging point to part of the front curtilage.... login required. |
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400m |
25/10/2024 |
20, Pembroke Park, Dublin 4 |
PERMISSION (i) construction of 1 no. two-storey three-bedroom flat-roofed, with 1 no. rooflight, detached residential dwelling with front/rear garden areas and served by 2 no. pedestrian entrances, via Pembroke Park and Orchard Lan... login required. |
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250m |
22/10/2024 |
57 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: 10 year permission . The development will consist of: (a) Fabric repair works: (i) Main Roof: Strip slates; salvage re-usable slates; dispose of fibre/asbestos slates. Salvage ridge and hip tiles and reinstate when roof is slated; Provide matching replacement for any missing or damaged beyond repair. Re- slate the roof using salvaged original natural stone slates on the outer slopes as far as possible and new matching natural stone slates on the inner slopes, on breathable membrane using treated battens. Strip all parapet and valley gutters; adjust, repair, and/or replace if necessary valley boarding to suit new copperwork. Lay new copper gutters. Repair, or if necessary replace, existing flashings and cover flashings. Re-form rainwater outlets. Repair roof structural timbers and wall-plates, including cutting and splicing any rotten timbers. Remove existing Velux type roof-lights and replace as indicated on drawings. Remove existing 'dormer type' access to roof, and replace with Velux type roof-light in the plane of the roof. Provide roof insulation; (ii) External walls: Brickwork to front elevation: Repair, or replace if necessary, damaged bricks. Rake out and repoint brickwork with lime mortar - wigged pointing to match original. Brickwork to rear elevation: Carry out minor repairs to brickwork and pointing. Rendered wall finishes: Carry out structural repairs to cracks as detailed on structural engineer's drawings: Hack off loose, damaged or hollow areas of render and re-render to match original; clean and re-decorate. Masonry walls: gently clean to remove surface dirt; complete minor repairs to Granite Ashl... login required. |
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340m |
12/10/2024 |
9D, Clyde Lane, Dublin 4 |
Alterations to approved Planning Permission (Reg. Ref. 4990/22) to include for alterations to the front boundary wall involving removal of redundant Gas meter, insert... login required. |
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250m |
11/10/2024 |
57, Pembroke Road, Dublin 4 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : 10 YEAR PERMISSION for development at 57 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4.a Protected Structure. The Development will consist of: (a) Fabric repair works: (i) Main Roof: Strip slates; salvage re-usable slates; dispose of fibre/asbestos slates. Salvage ridge and hip tiles and reinstate when roof is slated; Provide matching replacement for any missing or damaged beyond repair. Re-slate the roof using salvaged original natural stone slates on the outer slopes as far as possible and new matching natural stone slates on the inner slopes, on breathable membrane using treated battens. Strip all parapet and valley gutters; adjust, repair, and/or replace if necessary valley boarding to suit new copperwork. Lay new copper gutters. Repair, or if necessary replace, existing flashings and cover flashings. Re-form rainwater outlets. Repair roof structural timbers and wall-plates, including cutting and splicing any rotten timbers. Remove existing Velux type roof-lights and replace as indicated on drawings. Remove existing dormer type access to roof, and replace with Velux type roof-light in the plane of the roof. Provide roof insulation; (ii) External walls: Brickwork to front elevation: Repair, or replace if necessary, damaged bricks. Rake out and repoint brickwork with lime mortar - wigged pointing to match original. Brickwork to rear elevation: Carry out minor repairs to brickwork and pointing. Rendered wall finishes: Carry out structural repairs to cracks as detailed on structural engineer's drawings: Hack off loose, damaged or hollow areas of render and re-render to match original; clean and re-decorate. Masonry walls: gently clean to remove surface dirt; complete ... login required. |
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380m |
11/10/2024 |
Nos, 46, 48 and 52 -54 Baggot Street Upper, Dublin 4 Nos. 46, 48, 50 and 52-54 Eastmoreland Lane, Dublin 4, D04 F2C8, D04 Y9W8, D04 YPW8, D04 F671, D04 W7R8 & D04 XC67 and fronting onto Eastmoreland Place, Dublin 4 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION The proposed development will consist of the following works to accommodate a 100-bedroom hotel with café and bar at ground floor level: Removal of asbestos sheeting from the roof of the single-storey kitchen at the rear of No.46 Baggot Street Upper (Langkawi Restaurant on the ground floor, and the dental practice on the upper floors of No.46 both remain in place), demolition of an 89 sq.m, two-storey extension (built in 1984) from the rear of No.48 Baggot Street Upper (the retail unit on the ground floor of No.48 remains), change the use of the upper floors of No.48 from offices to hotel with proposed separate entrance via new, ground-floor, side-door onto Baggot Street Upper, at No.48, demolition of 194 sq.m. existing two-storey gym at No. 50 Eastmoreland Lane, removal all twentie... login required. |
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310m |
06/10/2024 |
73A, Pembroke Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
new dormer roof extension with window above existing ridge height to existing converted attic at rear of existing house... login required. |
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450m |
27/09/2024 |
29, Saint Mary's Road, Dublin 4 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE removal of render to existing gable wall (to main house volume), repairs to wall, and new render application in NHL2 lime with cementitious plinth. Wo... login required. |
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130m |
26/09/2024 |
41, Heytesbury Lane, Dublin 4 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE. The development will consist of internal and external modifications to the existing dwelling and a new two storey extension to the rear with additiona... login required. |
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310m |
12/09/2024 |
73A, Pembroke Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 |
Permission is sought for new dormer roof extension with window to existing converted attic at rear of existing house.... login required. |
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400m |
11/09/2024 |
34, Morehampton Road, Dublin 4 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought for development comprising: (i) removal of existing window ope to the rear/northeast elevation at lower first floor level; (ii) removal of existing roof over rear return; (iii) extension of lower first floor level to provide 1 no. additional bedroom, atop existing rear return; (iv) new velux... login required. |
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410m |
12/08/2024 |
The site of the former Carrisbrook house, No. 122 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4. |
Permission for amendments to the development permitted under Reg. Ref.: 4120/21 & ABP Ref.: 313812-22 at the site of the former Carrisbrook House No. 122 Northumberland Road Dublin 4. The site is located at the junction of Pembroke Road and Northumberland Road. The site is bound to the west by No. 120 Pembroke Road, a protected structure (RPS Ref.: 6637), and No. 122 Baggot Lane. To the east the site is bound by Northumberland Road and an existing petrol filling station (D4 Fuels). The buildings on the site have been demolished under Reg Ref.: 4120/21 & ABP Ref.: 313812-22. The proposed amendments to the permitted office development consist of the following: • Alterations to the lift and stair core layout from basement to ninth floor level. • Alteration to the basement ramp to provide a stepped access with adjacent cycle ramp and the omission of the lift access to the basement cycle parking • Internal alterations to the basement level to provide ... login required. |
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230m |
07/08/2024 |
The Embassy of The United Arab Emirates, 45/47 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4, D04 V5N0 |
Permission Embassy of the United Arab Emirates Dublin, hereby give notice that we intend to apply to Dublin City Council for planning permission to extend and alter the embassy building.at, No's 45/47 Pembroke Road Dublin 4 D04 V5N0, a four storey over basement detached building. The proposed development will incorporate the following: (a New smooth render finish to the exterior faces of the rear block. (b) Extensions and reductions in gross floor areas as follows: (1) Basement floor - No change in floor area. (2) Lower ground, floor - reduction in floor area = 17sqm (3) Upper ground floor.- increase in floor area = 17sqm (4) First floor - No change in floor area. (5) Second floor- No change in floor area. (6) Roof level plant room - increase in floor area = 8sqm. The total nett increase in gross floor area over the entire building = 8sqm (c) New single storey canopy structures to the east and west sides of the rear block, not visible from the front elevation. (d). Removal of the existing front entrance steps and porches and construction of a new central entrance with granite... login required. |
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400m |
01/08/2024 |
20, Pembroke Park, Dublin 4 |
Permission for development consisting of: (i) construction of 1 no. two-storey three-bedroom flat-roofed, with 1 no. rooflight, detached
residential dwelling with front/rear garden areas and served by 2 no. pedestrian entrances, via Pembroke Park... login required. |
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340m |
30/07/2024 |
9D Clyde Lane, Dublin 4, D04 H9V0 |
Alteration to approved Planning Permission (Reg. Ref. 4990/22) to include for alterations to the front boundary wall involving reduction of width of vehicular opening so t... login required. |
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