2.3km |
20/12/2024 |
N/A |
With the townlands of Ferganstown and Ballymacon and Athlumney , Navan , Co Meath |
We, Orion Wave Limited, intend to apply for amendments to previously granted permission by An Bord Pleanala ABP-312746-22 (Meath County Council reference 211046) for development within the townlands of Ferganstown, Ballymacon & Athlumney, Navan, Co. Meath.
The alterations will consist of the following:
o Internal bicycle and bin store at ground floor of apartment block relocated externally within separate enclosures.
o Existing space at ground floor for bicycle and bin store replaced with 1no. 1 bed apartment and plant room.
o Alterations to façade to accommodate amendment from bin and bicycle store... login required. |
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1.8km |
19/12/2024 |
N/A |
Old Road , Bailis , Athlumney Navan Co Meath |
the demolition of an existing dwelling house and construction of 27 no. 2 storey, 2 and 3 bed terraced houses, associated car parking and landscaping including a new road entrance on a site of 0.79Ha... login required. |
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1.4km |
19/12/2024 |
N/A |
Oldtown Road , Kilcarn , Navan Co. Meath |
the development will consist of a new two-storey style dwelling and a detached domestic garage with attached stables, a dungstead, a domestic wastewater disposal system, upgrading of existing entrance and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.3km |
13/12/2024 |
N/A |
With the townlands of Fergantown and Ballymacon and Athlumney , Navan , Co Meath |
We, Orion Wave Limited, intend to apply for amendments to previously granted permission by An Bord Pleanala ABP-312746-22 (Meath County Council reference 211046) for development within the townlands of Ferganstown, Ballymacon & Athlumney, Navan, Co. Meath.
The alterations will consist of the following:
o Internal bicycle and bin store at ground floor of apartment block relocated externally within separate enclosures.
o Existing space at ground floor for bicycle and bin store replaced with 1no. 1 bed apartment and plant room.
o Alterations to façade to accommodate amendment from bin and bicycle store... login required. |
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2.8km |
14/11/2024 |
N/A |
Cannistown , Navan , Co. Meath |
the development will consist of a change of house type and revised site layout from that previously granted under reference number 24/60069 and the re-use of the existing dwelling as a farm outbuilding ... login required. |
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1.4km |
11/11/2024 |
N/A |
Knockboyne House , Dublin Road Navan , County Meath C15 A3E0 |
the proposed development will consist of: (a) renovation of existing “Knock Boyne House” including minor internal alterations and demolition of (non-original) lean-to rear annex; (b) renovation of existing derelict stable / coach-house including demolition of lean-to side annex and concrete blockwork extension to rear; (c) create new site entrance where a temporary access currently exists onto “Springfield Glen”; (d) change existing Dublin Road (R147) electric gate entrance to “exit only” and “left turn only”; (e) arboricultural works in... login required. |
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2.8km |
29/10/2024 |
N/A |
Cannistown , Navan , Co. Meath |
the development will consist of a change of type and revised site layout from that previously granted under reference number 24/60069 and the re-use of the existing dwelling as a farm outbuilding... login required. |
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1.4km |
28/10/2024 |
N/A |
Knockboyne House , Dublin Road Navan , County Meath C15 A3E0 |
the proposed development will consist of: (a) renovation of existing “Knock Boyne House” including minor internal alterations and demolition of (non-original) lean-to rear annex; (b) renovation of existing derelict stable / coach-house including demolition of lean-to side annex and concrete blockwork extension to rear; (c) create new site entrance where a temporary access currently exists onto “Springfield Glen”; (d) change existing Dublin Road (R147) electric gate entrance to “exit only” and “left turn only”; (e) arboricultural... login required. |
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1.8km |
08/10/2024 |
N/A |
Lands at Balreask Old and , Limekilnhill , Navan Co Meath |
The proposed development consists of:
(a) A 695m section of a distributor road identified as the LDR1(a) in the Meath County Development Plan 2021-2027, connecting to the existing distributor road at Springfield Glen, that connects to the Dublin Road (R147).
(b) A 64m section of road to connect to the permitted and under-construction North-South Link Street through the Swanbrook Estate, and as applied for under Meath County Council Reg. Ref. 24/201 (LRD application) to connect the Trim Road (R161) to the proposed LDR1(a), and thereby connecting the Trim Road (R161) to the Dublin Road (R147).
(c) A three armed cycle protected roundabout forming a junction of the LDR1(a) and the North-South Link Street.
(d) A roundabout with an orbital cycle track prioritises pedestrians and cyclists on all arms and maintains segregation for all modes.
(e) The proposed LDR1(a) and North-South Link Street will be 6m wide, incorporating a 1.5m grass verge at each side segregating a dedicated 1.75m cycle track and 2.5m wide footpath from vehicular movements.
(f) A bridge over the Navan Railway Line over a distance of 55m from wingwall to wingwall, with associated embankmen... login required. |
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660m |
03/10/2024 |
95 Carne Hill , Johnstown , Navan Co Meath C15 F6DR |
(1) demolition of existing sun room & provision of single storey rear extension, (2) removal of dormer window/roof from front elevation and provision of first floor ... login required. |
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940m |
03/10/2024 |
16 Maple Grove , Johnstown Wood , Navan Co. Meath |
permission for retention of a Studio Office ... login required. |
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1.8km |
30/09/2024 |
N/A |
Lands at Balreask Old and , Limekilnhill , Navan Co Meath |
The proposed development consists of:
(a) A 695m section of a distributor road identified as the LDR1(a) in the Meath County Development Plan 2021-2027, connecting to the existing distributor road at Springfield Glen, that connects to the Dublin Road (R147).
(b) A 64m section of road to connect to the permitted and under-construction North-South Link Street through the Swanbrook Estate, and as applied for under Meath County Council Reg. Ref. 24/201 (LRD application) to connect the Trim Road (R161) to the proposed LDR1(a), and thereby connecting the Trim Road (R161) to the Dublin Road (R147).
(c) A three armed cycle protected roundabout forming a junction of the LDR1(a) and the North-South Link Street.
(d) A roundabout with an orbital cycle track prioritises pedestrians and cyclists on all arms and maintains segregation for all modes.
(e) The proposed LDR1(a) and North-South Link Street will be 6m wide, incorporating a 1.5m grass verge at each side segregating a dedicated 1.75m cycle track and 2.5m wide footpath from vehicular movements.
(f) A bridge over the Navan Railway Line over a distance of 55m from wingwall to wingwall, with associated embankmen... login required. |
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2.3km |
27/09/2024 |
With the townlands of Ferganstown and Ballymacon and Athlumney , Navan , Co Meath |
Amendments to previously granted permission by An Bord Pleanala ABP-312746-22 (Meath County Council reference 211046) for development within the townlands of Ferganstown, Ballymacon & Athlumney, Navan, Co. Meath.
The alterations will consist of the following:
• Adjustments to the ground floor levels and corresponding building heights as follows to generally reduce the massing of the building heights relative to the main road levels outside the side:
o Apartment building levels reduced by -700mm
o Duplex Block 1 levels reduced by -400mm
o Duplex Block 2, terrace ridges aligned and levels reduced by between -300mm to -1100mm
o Duplex Block 3, terrace ridges aligned and levels reduced by up to -800mm
o Housing Block 4 increased levels by +300mm
o Housing Block 5 levels reduced by -50mm
o Housing blocks 6 and 7 levels increased by... login required. |
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750m |
26/09/2024 |
Balreask Old , Dublin Road , Navan Co Meath |
to retain the dwelling house, including extensions and conversions previously constructed, the site location, the entrance and all works ancillary to the overall development (retention planning permission). The house is connected to the public sewer and water services... login required. |
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1.2km |
13/09/2024 |
103 Oak Way , Bailis Downs Johnstown , Navan Co. Meath |
the construction of a two storey extension to residence ... login required. |
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1.8km |
06/09/2024 |
No. 86 Athlumney Castle , Navan , Co. Meath |
The development consists of the retention of the conversion of an attached domestic garage to a habitable space, conversion of existing attic space to a home office/store and all associated site works.... login required. |
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750m |
26/08/2024 |
N/A |
Balreask Old , Dublin Road , Navan Co Meath |
to retain the dwelling house, including extensions and conversions previously constructed, the site location, the entrance and all works ancillary to the overall development (retention planning permission). The house is connected to the public sewer and water services... login required. |
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1.7km |
22/08/2024 |
Kilcarn , Navan , Co Meath |
a proposed single storey bungalow, separate domestic garage, proposed waste water treatment system and percolation area, proposed surface water drainage soakaway, connection to exist... login required. |
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3km |
15/08/2024 |
N/A |
Follistown , Navan , Co. Meath |
the development consists of permission to construct a (1) Farm Shop with Café (2) close off existing entrance 2 and relocate to a new entrance onto public road, (3) Farm shop signage (4) utilisation of existing car p... login required. |
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