370m |
10/01/2025 |
N/A |
41, Cremona Road, Decies, Dublin 10 |
First floor extension to the rear. Attic conversion for storage with raised gable to the side, rear dormer and new gable window. Two
Velux windows to the front roof area.... login required. |
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370m |
20/12/2024 |
41, Cremona Road, Dublin 10 , D10FW21 |
First floor extension to the rear. Attic conversion for storage with raised gable to the side, rear dormer and new gable window. Two
Velux windows to the front roof area.... login required. |
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410m |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
5, Ballyneety Road, Dublin 10 |
RETENTION AND PERMISSION:Retention permission for vehicle access to front and planning permission for single storey extension to rear... login required. |
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360m |
25/09/2024 |
128, Landen Road, Dublin 10 |
1) Demolition of existing extension to side/rear 2) erection of a new 2 storey / 1 storey extension to side/rear, 3) ground floor extension to front (New Porch Area) 4) conversion of Attic area to storage room which ... login required. |
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290m |
08/07/2024 |
40, O'Hogan Road, Dublin 10 |
RETENTION. The development consists of retention of a.) two storey rear extension (24m2) with timber cladding and flat roof, b.) vehicular entrance and associated dished kerb to provide off street car parking.... login required. |
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300m |
06/06/2024 |
51, O'Hogan Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
RETENTION: Non-habitable attic conversion with dormer to rear and widening of vehicular entrance to front.... login required. |
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300m |
23/05/2024 |
51 O'Hogan Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
RETENTION:For a non-habitable attic conversion with dormer to rear and widened driveway access to front.... login required. |
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480m |
03/05/2024 |
Sarsfield House Family Hub, Sarsfield House, First Avenue, off Sarsfield Road, Dublin 10 |
RETENTION:For development which consists of the change of use of part of an existing 2 storey, courtyard building (total floor area 832 sqm) from probation hostel use to family hub (558.32 sqm) providing short term emergency accommodation to homeless families, new internal layout to provide accommodation units (12 family units/36 bed spaces), new stairs and lift, kitchen, dining, recreation and laundry facilities. The development also includes retention of minor alterations to elevations and fenestration, a new glazed front entrance porch (5.25sqm), a first floor extension and altered roof profile over enclosure for lift/additional internal sta... login required. |
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220m |
15/01/2024 |
40 O'Moore Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10, D10Y284 |
The development will consist of a single storey and a two storey extension to the side and front , including a porch, sitting room and kitchen extension on the ground floor and a bedroom extension on the first floor, and all associated site works.... login required. |
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0m |
02/12/2022 |
Ballyfermot Road, Chapelizod, Dublin 10, D10PF68 |
Permission for the construction of apartments. The development consists of: The construction of 29. no. Apartments of which there are 15 no. 2 Bedroom Apartments, 12 no. 1 Bed Apartments and 2 no. Studio Apartments in a single part 4 storey and part 5 storey block. The provision of a 163m 2 public plaza to Ballyferm... login required. |
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330m |
20/10/2022 |
3, Cremona Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10, D10 NN96 |
The development will consist of the proposed construction of a two-storey extension to rear of existing dwelling. The extension will have a flat roof and will be constructed above existing single st... login required. |
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370m |
26/08/2022 |
19, Thomond Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
Permission for a ground floor extension (30 sq.m) to rear and side of existing house, a new single storey gym room with shower facility (31.5 sq.m) in rear garden, a new 2 metre high wall to side boundary and a new vehicular access to front garden.... login required. |
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360m |
04/08/2022 |
OLV Youth Centre, Sarsfield Road, Dublin 10, D10X400 |
The development will consist of: The demolition of a derelict former OLV Youth Centre (1/2 storey c 560m2) and the construction of 6 no. residential units for older persons in 2 Blocks. The proposed two apartment Blocks which contain the apartments are two storey to the front with a single storey to the rear. The total development comprises of the construction of 6 no residential units in total for older persons in two Blocks. The development... login required. |
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370m |
15/07/2022 |
19, Thomond Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
Permission for a ground floor extension (30 sq. m.) to rear and side of existing house, a new single storey office gym room with shower facility (31.5 sq. m.) in rear garden, a new 2 metre high wall to side boundary and a dished kerb on foothpath to front.... login required. |
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360m |
13/07/2022 |
Former OLV Youth Centre, Sarsfield Road, Dublin 10 |
Permission for residential development for older persons . The development will consist of demolition of derelict former OLV Youth Centre (1/2 storey c. 560m2) and the construction of 6 no. residential units for older persons in 2 blocks, comprising 4 apartments to front, (2no. x 1 bed, 2 no. x 2bed... login required. |
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300m |
11/07/2022 |
32, Decies Road, Dublin 10 D10 PH66 |
Demolition of single storey rear extension and construction of 2 storey extension to rear, for alterations to front elevation including external insulation and window replacement and for widening of car space hard standing to front.... login required. |
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300m |
27/06/2022 |
32, Decies Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 10 D10 PH66 |
Demolition of single storey rear extension and construction of 2 storey extension to rear, for alterations to front elevation including external insulation and window replacement and for widening of car space hard standing to front.... login required. |
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330m |
07/06/2022 |
71, Lally Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 10, D10 YA34 |
The development will consist of: two-storey side extension for extended living, raised gable to the side.... login required. |
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360m |
24/05/2022 |
11 Thomond Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 |
Permission for alterations to an existing house including the construction of a part single storey and part two storey extension to the rear.... login required. |
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