850m |
21/02/2025 |
N/A |
8, Airlie View, Finnstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin. |
Construction of a two storey extension to the side and a first floor extension to the side and a first floor extension over the existing single storey rear return and a new first floor window facing the public road and all ancillary site works.... login required. |
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1km |
18/02/2025 |
N/A |
Weston Airport, Backweston Park, Leixlip, Co. Dublin, W23 XHF8 |
Permission to erect a new main entrance sign consisting of metal wing structure on a granite plinth, to a height of 4.15m, with individually mounted metal lettering (forming informational signage) with lighting and associated site works.... login required. |
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870m |
14/02/2025 |
N/A |
55, Saint Helen's Heath, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 C9T2 |
A ground floor flat roof extension to the rear. The site is entirely located within the boundaries of the Adamstown SDZ Planning Scheme
2014.... login required. |
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1.8km |
14/02/2025 |
N/A |
'Aghanagh' Coneyboro , Lucan Rd , Celbridge |
for new first storey extension to side/front of existing dwelling. A similar application was granted under Planning Register No 17/893... login required. |
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710m |
10/02/2025 |
N/A |
4, Shackleton Gate, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 A9X8 |
Conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, new access stairs, new gable window, 4no. roof windows to the front and 2no. roof windows to the rear.... login required. |
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870m |
07/02/2025 |
55, Saint Helen's Heath, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 C9T2 |
A ground floor flat roof extension to the rear.... login required. |
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740m |
07/02/2025 |
N/A |
33, Shackleton View, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 V9T3 |
Conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, new access stairs, 2no. roof windows to the front and 4no. roof windows to the rear within a Strategic Development Zone.... login required. |
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1.3km |
06/02/2025 |
N/A |
Weston Airport, Backwestonpark, Leixlip, Dublin, W23XHF8 |
Retention of minor alterations to the existing Grant of Permission SD22A/0345 comprising; Revised arrangement of fire escape door and window, at stair core no.2, replacement of freestanding metal lettering with self-illuminated lettering for the "Weston airport" sign on the front canopy, and the termination of the overhanging canopy at western side of new foyer, all on the Northwestern side of the terminal. The alteration and relocation of escape stairs 3, by 2.78 m to the southeast, on t... login required. |
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490m |
28/01/2025 |
N/A |
11, Shackleton Avenue, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 F6X8 |
Construction of single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling comprising of kitchen/dining room within a Strategic Development Zone.... login required. |
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410m |
28/01/2025 |
N/A |
Aderrig, Adamstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin |
Quintain Developments Ireland Limited. Intend to Apply for Outline Permission on this site (c. 1.25 Ha.): In the townland of Aderrig, Adamstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin. On lands bounded immediately to the east by Shackleton Street, to the south by Airlie Park Road West and to the west and north by lands permitted as public open space under Planning Reg. Ref. SDZ22A/0014 that are currently under construction. The site is otherwise in an area that is surrounded to the east by the expansive Airlie Park, to the south, by the existing housing at Aderrig Grove, Aderrig Lawn and Aderrig Park Avenue. To the west of the area of permitted public open space lies the Celbridge Link Road. The development consists of the construction of a Primary School (32 no. Classroom), ranging in height from 2 and to 3 storey's, including a corner feature element at the junction of Airlie Park Road West and Shackleton Street; a new vehicular access off Shackleton Street opposite Airlie Park is proposed to serve the school; together with ancillary site development and landscape works.
This application is being ... login required. |
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2.2km |
27/01/2025 |
N/A |
Celbridge Golf Range O`Hanlon Park , Dublin Road , Celbridge |
for the detached single storey sports related prefabricated padel court enclosure structure containing 3 padel tennis courts. The area of the unit is c.844 sqm with an overall height of c. 10.3 meters... login required. |
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2.2km |
24/01/2025 |
N/A |
Site within The Townland of Gollierstown, West of Grange Castle Business Park and Adamstown Road R120, Newcastle, Co. Dublin |
The proposed development will consist of: Reconfiguration of the layout of Unit 5 resulting a slight decrease in the total GFA from 13,348 sqm to 12,650 sqm. The warehouse floor area of the unit will increase from 11,137 sq.m to 11,509 sq.m GFA and the associated office space will decrease from 1,689 sq.m to 994 sq.m; Reconfiguration of the service yard area including: Decreasing the service yard area to the north and west of the Unit 5 building; Relocation/reconfiguration of ... login required. |
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2.8km |
24/01/2025 |
Grangecastle Business Park, New Nangor Road (R134), Clondalkin, Dublin 22 |
The development will consist of a fuel tank set down area and canopy (approx. c.279sqm and c.4.8m in height) at Microsoft Grange Castle Campus. All other site development and ancillary works.... login required. |
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2.2km |
21/01/2025 |
N/A |
Celbridge Golf Range O`Hanlon Park , Dublin Road , Celbridge |
for the detached single storey sports related prefabricated padel court enclosure structure containing 3 padel tennis courts. The area of the unit is c.844 sqm with an overall height of c. 10.3 meters... login required. |
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3km |
24/12/2024 |
Chapel Hill, Lucan, Co. Dublin. |
Removal of existing prefabricated structure on site with replacement permanent detached two storey/dormer structure located to the south-west of the site for mixed flexible community uses (such as childcare/creche/playschool/c... login required. |
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2.2km |
20/12/2024 |
Site within the townland of Gollierstown, (West of Grange Castle Business Park), Newcastle, Co. Dublin. |
The proposals will comprise of amendments to Units 2, 3 and 4, permitted under Reg. Ref.: SD23A/0301. The proposed development will consist of: Unit 2 Reconfiguration of permitted substation; Reconfiguration of car parking layout; Unit 3 Reconfiguration of the layout of the unit resulting in a reduction of floor area from 6,325 sq.m GFA (including 579 sq.m of associated office space) to 4,386 sq.m GFA(including 831 sq.m of associated office space); Reconfiguration of the car park area to provide an increase in the total number of car parking spaces from 50 no. spaces to 68 no. spaces including 14 EV charging spaces. Reconfiguration of the service yard area including: Increasing the service yard area to the east of the Unit 3 building. Relocation of the service yard entrance from east side of plot to south side of plot; Provision of 132 no. delivery van spaces with EV charging for all van spaces. Relocation of external facilities including bin store, water tank, condensers a... login required. |
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1.2km |
20/12/2024 |
Cooldrinagh Lane, Leixlip, Co.Dublin |
Permission for the development of 6 Nr dwelling houses at Cooldrinagh Lane, Leixlip, Co. Dublin, in the townland of Cooldrinagh. The Site is located to the south of Cooldrinagh Lane (house), and to the west of Cooldrinagh Lane. The proposed development will consist of the construction of 6 No. 2 storey detached 4-bedroom houses. The proposed development will be served by... login required. |
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1.1km |
19/12/2024 |
Doddsborough, Adamstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin |
This application is being made in accordance with the Adamstown Planning Scheme 2014 (as amended) and relates to Phase 3 of development within the Tandy's Lane Village Development Area of the Adamstown Strategic Development Zone. The development also includes amendments to the permitted Phase 1 and Phase 2 Developments within the Tandy's Lane Village Development Area. The proposed development (10,828 sq. m) will principally consist of the construction of: a part 5 No. to part 7 No. storey building (9,864 sq. m in total) comprising 108 No. residential apartment units (4 No. studios, 50 No. 1-bed units, and 54 No. 2-bed units), 3 No. retail units (total of 486 sq. m), a café (172 sq. m) and a creche (457 sq. m); and a 2 No. storey building comprising retail services use (964 sq. m). The development will also include: amendments to the parking layout, landscaping and the removal of 2 No. vehicle entrances all permitted to the west of th... login required. |
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1.7km |
25/11/2024 |
N/A |
'Aghanagh' Coneyboro , Lucan Rd , Celbridge |
for new first storey extension to side/front of existing dwelling. A similar application was granted under Planning Register No 17/893... login required. |
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850m |
22/11/2024 |
St Helens Avenue, Finnstown, Adamstown, Co Dublin, K78 A2H6 |
The proposed development comprises the provision of a new access road (approx. 28.5m in length) to facilitate the creation of a future vehicular entrance to the site of Airlie House (a Protected Structure) from St. Helens Avenue; and all associated and ancillary site development works including the relocation of 6no. existing unallocated car parking spaces on St. Helen's Avenue to th... login required. |
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