870m |
28/01/2025 |
N/A |
06 Cherry Court , Delgany Wood , Delgany |
new 8 sq.m. single storey extension to link existing dwelling with existing self-contained independent living unit. Other minor elevational alterations to facilitate the above. All necessary ancillary works
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1.2km |
23/01/2025 |
N/A |
Woodside , Bellevue Hill , Delgany |
single storey extension to rear and two storey extension to east end of house with ancillary site works... login required. |
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1km |
23/01/2025 |
N/A |
17 Cherry Glade , Delgany Wood , Delgany |
a single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling... login required. |
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280m |
22/01/2025 |
N/A |
Former Carmelite Monastery Lands , Convent Road , Delgany |
the proposed amendment to the development consists of the retention of the existing bungalow on the site (106sqm) previously permitted for demolition, for an amendment to the route of the previously permitted surface water drainage network on the site, for pr... login required. |
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1.4km |
17/01/2025 |
N/A |
38 Burnaby Heights , Greystones , Co. Wicklow |
new first floor extension over footprint of existing dwelling. Demolition of existing chimney and internal partitions. New windows and door to rear facade at ground floor facing rear gard... login required. |
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1.4km |
16/01/2025 |
N/A |
38 Burnaby Heights , Greystones , Co. Wicklow |
New first floor extension over footprint of existing dwelling. Demolition of existing chimney and internal partitions. New windows and door to rear facade at ground floor facing rear gard... login required. |
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1.7km |
08/01/2025 |
N/A |
No. 113 Applewood Heights , Kindlestown Lower , Greystones |
construction of a new single-storey rear extension with a pitched roof and roof light at ground floor level; Creation of a storage and plant room at the lower ground floor level beneath the proposed rear extension; Construction of a first-floor extension with a pi... login required. |
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810m |
03/01/2025 |
N/A |
“Glenbeg” , Kindlestown Heights , Delgany Co. Wicklow |
partial demolition of existing rear extension, new rear extension, new bay window to front elevation, internal reconfiguration, and associated site works... login required. |
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1.2km |
23/12/2024 |
N/A |
Farrankelly & Killincarrig , Greystones , Co. Wicklow |
of development permitted under ABP-305476-19 and amended by ABP-311676-21, PRR SH/201903 (application to An Bord Pleanala for Strategic Housing Development - 426 no dwellings, crè... login required. |
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1.3km |
20/12/2024 |
N/A |
23 Carrig Villas , Killincarrig , Greystones |
retention permission for alterations to dwelling as a change to that permitted under 87/3161 and permission to make amendments to site entrance layout and all associated site and ancillary works... login required. |
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1.3km |
20/12/2024 |
N/A |
Killincarrig , Greystones , Co. Wicklow |
to demolish 2 no. existing buildings on site and permission to erect 2 no. dwellings with connection to existing public services and all associated site and ancillary works... login required. |
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1.4km |
19/12/2024 |
N/A |
17 Crowe Abbey , Greystones , Co. Wicklow |
a single storey extension to the side, reinstatement of the entrance door to its original location at the front of the house, roof light to the front and all ancillary site works... login required. |
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1.4km |
16/12/2024 |
N/A |
17 Crowe Abbey , Greystones , Co. Wicklow |
a single storey extension to the side, reinstatement of the entrance door to its original location at the front of the house, roof light to the front and all ancillary site works... login required. |
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1km |
12/12/2024 |
N/A |
'Cherry Orchard' , Killincarrig , Delgany |
alterations and additions to an existing detached 2-storey dwelling. The proposed works comprise a new first-floor bedroom extension above an existing single-storey kitchen extension to the gable-end, a new single-storey bay window extension to rear of each of the existing living room and lounge areas at ground floor level, a new single-storey bay window extens... login required. |
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1km |
09/12/2024 |
N/A |
17 Cherry Glade , Delgany Wood , Delgany |
a single storey extension to the side of existing dwelling... login required. |
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1.1km |
06/12/2024 |
N/A |
Bounded by the Kilcoole Road (R761) to the east and Priory Road to the west Eden Gate and Glenbrook Park to the south , within the townlands of Farrankelly & Killencarrig , Delgany Greystones Co. Wicklow |
development relating to a Large-scale Residential Development consisting of modifications to the Strategic Housing Development permitted under ABP Ref.: ABP-305476-19, as amended by ABP Ref.: ABP-311676-19.The proposed modifications to the previously approved development will consist of: The provision of a single-storey Active Open Space Building (c.206 sqm) located to the north-west of the overall permitted SHD lands adjacent to the playing pitches comprising a multi-purpose room (c.101.5 sqm) with 2 no. changing room a... login required. |
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540m |
05/12/2024 |
8 Drummin Rise , Delgany Wood , Delgany |
rear and side extension of the ground floor, including some internal alterations and the introduction of skylights to the attic space with associated landscaping and site works... login required. |
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1.1km |
29/11/2024 |
43 Delgany Glen , Delgany , Greystones |
conversion of the attic space with a dormer type flat roof to the rear and all associated works... login required. |
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530m |
28/11/2024 |
N/A |
8 Drummin Rise , Delgany Wood , Delgany Co. Wicklow |
a rear and side extension of the ground floor, including some internal alterations and the introduction of skylights to the attic space with associated landscaping and site works... login required. |
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870m |
27/11/2024 |
N/A |
06 Cherry Court , Delgany Wood , Delgany |
new 8 sq.m. single storey extension to link existing dwelling with existing self-contained independent living unit. Other minor elevational alterations to facilitate the above. All necessary ancillary works... login required. |
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