2.7km |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
Bridlewood , Forenaughts , Naas |
for the existing two storey building comprising gymnasium and associated facilities on the ground floor, home office and family room at first floor level all ancillary to main dwelling along with all other ancillary site development works... login required. |
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2.5km |
16/12/2024 |
N/A |
Craddockstown Golf Club , Blessington Road , Naas |
to erect a 30 metre high monopole together with antennas, dishes and associated telecommunications equipment, all enclosed by security fencing using an existing access... login required. |
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2.7km |
06/12/2024 |
N/A |
Bridlewood , Forenaughts , Naas |
for the existing two storey building comprising gymnasium and associated facilities on the ground floor, home office and family room at first floor level all ancillary to main dwelling along with all other ancillary site development works ... login required. |
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1.3km |
13/08/2024 |
Punchestown Great , Punchestown , Naas |
for (A) the erection of a part single, part two-storey house containing five bedrooms, a combined kitchen/dining/living room, sensory room, play room and lounge, as well as ancillary utility/mudroom, bathroom and hallway accommodation... login required. |
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1.3km |
08/08/2024 |
N/A |
Punchestown Great Punchestown , Naas , Co. Kildare |
for (A) the erection of a part single, part two-storey house containing five bedrooms, a combined kitchen/dining/living room, sensory room, play room and lounge, as well as ancillary utility/mudroom, bathroom and hallway accommodatio... login required. |
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2.9km |
16/07/2024 |
Rathmore West , Naas , Co. Kildare |
for 1) a one and a half storey house with single storey elements to the rear and also the right hand side as viewed from the public road. 2) A septic tank and percolation are... login required. |
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2.9km |
05/07/2024 |
N/A |
Rathmore West , Naas , Co. Kildare |
for 1) A one and a half storey house with single storey elements to the rear and also the right hand side as viewed from the public road. 2) A septic tank and percolation are... login required. |
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980m |
02/06/2024 |
N/A |
Blackhall , Punchestown , Naas |
the construction of a single storey dwelling with detached domestic garage, new site entrance, sewerage treatment facilities and all ancillary works... login required. |
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970m |
30/05/2024 |
N/A |
Blackhall , Punchestown , Naas |
the construction of a single storey dwelling with detached domestic garage, new site entrance, sewerage treatment facilities and all ancillary works ... login required. |
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2.6km |
29/02/2024 |
Funbugs Childcare , Rathmore West , Eadestown Naas |
alterations to granted planning permission Ref. No. 23/60162 to change curved barn-style roof design to flat roof construction. The works will include renovation and extension of the existing detached ancillary building currently containing the store room and boiler house... login required. |
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2.8km |
26/01/2024 |
Wolfestown , Eadestown , Naas |
for the importation of soil and stone material to infill and re-contour the subject site. Once the importation is complete, the applicant will seed the land in line with Teagasc guidelines and return it to agricultural use. The Operational Phase will see the 4.28 hectare site being used as pastureland for horses. The applicant proposes, subject to planning, to import clean greenfield soil and stone to remediate approximately 3.82 ha of the total site. The 3.82 ha is divi... login required. |
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160m |
15/12/2023 |
Newtown , Baltracey , Eadestown |
1. Remove the existing low pitch roof and replace it with a dormer style roof which will accommodate 2 number bedrooms and a bathroom. 2. Carry out renovations and alterations to the existing structure which will change the appearance of the front elevation. 3. Construct a flat roofed porch to the front. 4.... login required. |
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1.3km |
12/12/2023 |
Eadestown GAA , Eadestown , Naas |
change of use from an adjacent agricultural field to a natural grass playing pitch with internal access from existing car park area, additional cark parking spaces, 6 no. 18m high lighting units, a temporary construction access, ball stop netting, p... login required. |
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2.8km |
08/12/2023 |
Broadfield , Naas , Co. Kildare |
for alterations to the design of two storey dwelling previously granted planning register no. 23442 and associated site works. Proposed upgrading of existing entrance... login required. |
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2.8km |
05/12/2023 |
N/A |
Broadfield , Naas , Co. Kildare |
for alterations to the design of two storey dwelling previously granted planning register no. 23442 and associated site works. Proposed upgrading of existing entrance... login required. |
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2.5km |
31/08/2023 |
Funbugs Childcare , Rathmore West Eadestown , Naas Co. Kildare |
for renovation and extension of the existing detached ancillary building currently containing the store room and boiler house (26.6m²), and provide a new detached after school classroom with associat... login required. |
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2.6km |
29/08/2023 |
N/A |
Funbugs Childcare , Rathmore West Eadestown , Naas Co. Kildare |
for renovation and extension of the existing detached ancillary building currently containing the store room and boiler house (26.6m²), and provide a new detached after school classroom with associa... login required. |
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1.1km |
14/08/2023 |
The View , Punchestown , Naas |
extensions and alterations to existing single storey house to include (A) Removal of existing pitched roof and replacement with new dormer style roof to include 2no. bedrooms & landing area. (B) New front porch & canopy feature ... login required. |
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2km |
28/07/2023 |
Punchestown Racecourse , Punchestown , Naas |
the construction of an emergency vehicle underpass tunnel beneath the permitted track extension (KCC Reg. Ref. 19523 and An Bord Pleanála Ref. ABP-306929-20) to enhance safety measures by relocating the existing ambulance road beneath the permitted tract extension to ensure a continuous direct connection for emergency vehicles. The proposed development is located in the townlands of Bawnoge and Punchestown Little, Naas, Co. Kildare. The overall application site area extends to 1.04 ha all within the established boundaries of the racecourse. The proposed development and works comprise the excavation of approximately 19,000m3 of topsoil & subsurface material, all of which will be reused in the construction of the permitted track extension; the creation of an underpass tunnel measuring 4 metres in width by 4 metres in height by 88.1etres in len... login required. |
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