1.8km |
20/11/2024 |
N/A |
Carrickduff , Bunclody , Carlow |
erection of a fully serviced dwelling house and associated site works... login required. |
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1.7km |
18/11/2024 |
n/a |
Johnstown, Moyacomb |
Permission to construct an extension to the rear and side of existing... login required. |
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3km |
29/10/2024 |
n/a |
Corragh, Moyacomb |
Permission to construct a dwelling house with services, domestic garage... login required. |
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1.8km |
23/10/2024 |
N/A |
Carrickduff , Bunclody , Carlow |
erection of a fully serviced dwelling house and associated site works... login required. |
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1.8km |
03/10/2024 |
N/A |
Carrickduff , Bunclody , Co. Carlow |
the erection of a fully serviced dwelling house, and associated site works... login required. |
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1.9km |
03/09/2024 |
n/a |
Newtownbarry, Newtownbarry |
Permission for the change of use of a yard to a temporary carpark for a 4 year... login required. |
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2.7km |
21/08/2024 |
Lackabeg , Kildavin , Co. Carlow |
to construct an agricultural entrance with all associated site works... login required. |
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2.1km |
13/08/2024 |
N/A |
Kildavin , Co. Carlow , R21NT40 |
to construct a single storey dwelling, installation of a sewage treatment
system and polishing filter, (all to EPA Code of Practice 2021) and associated site works... login required. |
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1.6km |
15/07/2024 |
n/a |
Newtownbarry, Newtownbarry |
Permission for development which will consist of:- internal reconfiguration... login required. |
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2.1km |
12/07/2024 |
N/A |
Kildavin , Co. Carlow |
to construct a single storey dwelling, installation of a sewage treatment system and polishing filter, (all to EPA Code of Practice 2021) and associated site works... login required. |
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1.6km |
01/07/2024 |
n/a |
Newtownbarry, Newtownbarry |
Permission for development which will consist of internal reconfiguration... login required. |
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1.8km |
27/06/2024 |
n/a |
Newtownbarry, Newtownbarry |
Permission for retention for 1) the subdivision of dwelling house to 2 no. fully... login required. |
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1.5km |
21/06/2024 |
n/a |
Ballynastraw, Moyacomb |
Permission to erect a dwelling with services and domestic garage... login required. |
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1.9km |
13/03/2024 |
n/a |
Newtownbarry, Newtownbarry |
Permission for the erection of extension and alterations to existing dwelling ho... login required. |
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2.3km |
01/03/2024 |
n/a |
Newtownbarry, Newtownbarry |
Permission for the erection of 8 no. semi-detached retirement homes... login required. |
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2.9km |
27/02/2024 |
N/A |
Clonmullen , Bunclody , Co. Carlow |
(A) Extensions to the front and rear of dwelling house and all associated dwelling house alterations and conversions (B) Domestic Garage / Store (C) Alterations to site layout from that previously granted under Planning Reg. No. 4611... login required. |
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2.9km |
16/02/2024 |
Clonegall , Co. Carlow |
1) demolition of flat roof annex to the rear of our existing dwelling, 2) permission to construct new extension to the side of our existing dwelling, 3) permission to construct a domestic garage on our site and all associated site works ... login required. |
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2.9km |
05/02/2024 |
N/A |
Clonegall , Co. Carlow , Y21 Y942 |
1) permission for demolition of flat roof annex to the rear of our existing dwelling, 2) permission to construct new extension to the side of our existing dwelling, 3) permission to construct a domestic garage on our site and all associated site works ... login required. |
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1.5km |
25/01/2024 |
Carrickduff , Bunclody , Co. Carlow |
first floor extension to existing dwelling house with all associated site works... login required. |
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