80m |
09/01/2025 |
N/A |
Balbradagh , Robinstown , Navan. Co. Meath C15 X45Y |
the development will consist of: The existing 155sqm derelict single storey out building to be converted to a full residential building with a 30 sqm single story extension to ... login required. |
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2.3km |
20/12/2024 |
N/A |
Bective House Bective House and Demesne , Balgill Navan , Co Meath |
modifications to the previous permitted development Meath Co Co Planning Reg Ref No. 21 /395 amended by Planning Reg Ref No. 23/ 448. The development now proposed provides for internal and external changes and 2 new bedrooms giving a total of 94 bedrooms includes:
Basement Level: amendments within the permitted hotel Extension Structure;
1. Extension of the service plant area (17sq.m) and repositioning of the external access stairs to the south east facade
2. Lowering of the external levels and enlarging vented grills to allow for plant access into the basement
3. Minor internal alteration including new steps into the plant room from the restaurant level ,repositioned door to stairwell and alterations to the design of the aquarium
Ground Floor amendments within the Existing Structure include
1. Change of use from offices to a bedroom (no. 93) in the existing stand-alone building to the north west of the existing hotel building
2. Relocation of steps and platform lift into the bar
3. Alterations to Porters Office including the removal of laundry machinery
4. Previous approved openings in existing approved structure remain intact
Proposed Extension Structure
1. Two new escape stairs from the upper floor bedroom... login required. |
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1.9km |
01/11/2024 |
N/A |
Gillstown , Bective , Navan Co. Meath |
the construction of a bungalow, proprietary waste water treatment system, domestic garage, new entrance and all ancillary site development works ... login required. |
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1.3km |
24/10/2024 |
N/A |
Connells Cross , Bective , Navan |
the development will consist of permission for a new 4 bedroom two storey type dwelling, domestic garage, new entrance arrangement, waste water treatment system and all associated site works on this site... login required. |
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2.5km |
07/10/2024 |
N/A |
Dunlough , Robinstown Navan , Co. Meath C15ED62 |
the development will consists of extension to rear of existing house which includes a connecting sunroom leading to a two bedroom single storey granny flat. Use existing entrance and existing septic tank and all associated development works... login required. |
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10m |
18/09/2024 |
N/A |
Balbradagh , Robinstown , Navan Co. Meath |
the development consists of 1. The construction of 2 semi-detached two storey 3 no. bedroom dwellings with relevant boundary treatments 2. To remove the ex... login required. |
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10m |
28/08/2024 |
N/A |
Balbradagh , Robinstown , Navan Co. Meath |
the development consists of 1. The construction of 2 semi-detached two storey 3 no. bedroom dwellings with relevant boundary treatments 2. To remove th... login required. |
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1.9km |
19/07/2024 |
Gillstown , Bective , Navan Co Meath |
the construction of a bungalow, proprietary waste water treatment system, domestic garage, new entrance and all ancillary site development works ... login required. |
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1.8km |
17/07/2024 |
The development will consist of Construction of Insulated metal cladding Indoor Gym area of 878m2 floor area, 9.45m ridge line from FFL, finished with coloured Metal paneling wi... login required. |
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1.9km |
10/07/2024 |
Shanbo , Navan , Co. Meath |
the development will consist of the following:
Permission consequent on the grant of outline permission relates to the demolition of existing derelict buildings, the construction of new detached dwelling, the upgrade of existing entrance onto main road including any n... login required. |
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2km |
27/06/2024 |
Balgil , Bective , Trim Road Navan |
change of use of part of the existing ground floor retail area to include for an ancillary off licence section and all associated development works... login required. |
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2km |
07/06/2024 |
N/A |
Balgil , Bective , Trim Road Navan Co. Meath C15KH8N |
alterations to site configuration including entrance / exit locations, internal traffic management safety measures including new safety bollards, road markings and safety signage, alterations to existing storm water drai... login required. |
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1.6km |
20/05/2024 |
Gillstown , Macetown , Navan Co. Meath |
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF PLANNING PERMISSION NA190113 - a change of house type from that permitted under Reg: Ref: NA/190113 to a 1.5 storey dwelling, a detached garage, a domestic effluent treatment system, new site boundaries, revisions to the shared entrance and all associated site works ... login required. |
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2.5km |
10/05/2024 |
Churchtown , Navan , Co. Meath |
the development will consist of the construction of a single-story detached dwelling & single-story domestic garage to the rear, with a proposed Secondary Treatment System and soil po... login required. |
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1.4km |
17/04/2024 |
Shambo , Navan , Co. Meath C15 X2T1 |
the development will consist of the of retention of partially constructed single storey domestic extension (63sq.m) to the rear of existing dwelling. Works will include internal alterations... login required. |
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2.5km |
28/03/2024 |
Ballina or Bective , Kilmessan , Navan Co Meath |
(1) to construct a single storied dwelling house and a detached domestic garage, (2) to install a proprietary waste water treatment unit and percolation area, (3) to construct a new entr... login required. |
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2.7km |
23/02/2024 |
North Gate Lodge (Bective Tea Rooms) , Bective House & Demesne Balgill , Navan Co Meath C15 DFC8 (A Protected Structure) |
a single storey, flat roofed extension of 49 sqm to the rear of the previously granted kitchen at the above site, to allow for additional kitchen preparation and storage areas and in... login required. |
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1.8km |
20/12/2023 |
Gillstown , Macetown , Navan Co Meath C15 W6R0 |
the construction of an extension to private dwelling including the demolition of existing conservatory room together with the remodel of the existing layout with ... login required. |
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2.4km |
28/11/2023 |
Trubley , Bective , Kilmessan Co. Meath |
a single storey farm accommodation building, a wastewater disposal system, a natura impact statement report and all associated site works ... login required. |
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