970m |
02/12/2024 |
N/A |
The Johnstown Estate Hotel , Johnstown (ED Innfield , Enfield Co. Meath A83 V070 |
(i) Construction of a three-storey extension to the rear of the existing hotel comprising 90 no. guest bedrooms with an area of plant at roof level of the extension; (ii) Creation of opening in rear façade of the existing hotel at ground floor level with the omission of one existing guest bedroom to allow for a new single-storey connection to the proposed extension; (iii) Modifications to the existing floor plan of the tenor suite at the ground floor level of the existing hotel to provide for a new restaurant, extend the existing kitchen, provide bathrooms and to separate the restaurant from the spa and gym; (iv) provision of single-storey extension to the proposed restaurant at ground floor and a new entrance to the existing leisure centre; (v) provision of extension to the basement level to the north-west corner of the existing hotel and provision of storeroom; (vi) removal ... login required. |
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380m |
26/11/2024 |
The Gregory Inn , Main Street , Enfield Co. Meath A83CF60 |
the development being retained consists of the following: (a) Conversion of extended smoking shelter to enclosed sun room / dining area. (b) Function room to rear incorporating toilets... login required. |
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230m |
15/11/2024 |
N/A |
29 Moyfenrath , Enfield , Co. Meath |
the development consists of the retention of a plant room to the side elevation, a second floor converted attic storage room and minor elevational alterations from what was granted under Reg. Ref. TA/171205. Permission is sought to extend the second floo... login required. |
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930m |
05/11/2024 |
Blossoms Preschool , Enfield Business Park , Trim Road Co. Meath A83 AV26 |
retention of existing two storey preschool and associated staff facilities (395 m2) and external play areas... login required. |
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480m |
04/11/2024 |
10 Gleniden Court , Enfield , Co. Meath |
the development comprises retention permission for existing detached single storey games room to rear (North-West) of existing two storey dwelling... login required. |
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470m |
01/11/2024 |
04 Glenidan Court , Johnstown Road Enfield , Co. Meath A83 YC97 |
the development will consist of the retention of: 1) Single storey pitched roof extension to the rear (West) of the house with side window to the north side off the utility lobby. 2) Conversion of study into a fifth bedroom at ground floor level at front (East) to include projecting bay window extension a... login required. |
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930m |
25/10/2024 |
N/A |
Blossoms Preschool , Enfield Business Park , Trim Road Co. Meath A83 AV26 |
retention of existing two storey preschool and associated staff facilities (395 m2) and external play areas... login required. |
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970m |
25/10/2024 |
N/A |
The Johnstown Estate Hotel , Johnstown (ED Innfield , Enfield Co. Meath A83 V070 |
(i) Modifications to the existing floor plan of the tenor suite at ground floor level to provide for a new restaurant; (ii) provision of a proposed new single-storey extension of 210 SqM to the proposed restaurant at ground floor and basement level to the north-west corner of the existing hotel; (iii) modifications to internal partition walls to extend the existing kitchen, provide bathrooms and to separate the restaurant from spa and gym; (iv) removal of existing external escape staircase from basement and ... login required. |
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1km |
25/10/2024 |
N/A |
Enfield Business Park , Enfield , County Meath |
10M high Industrial Unit, site fencing, 2 Nr. gates, connection to services and all associated siteworks... login required. |
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130m |
10/10/2024 |
1 Glen Abhainn Park , Enfield , Co. Meath A83ED23 |
the development will consist of retention permission for an existing domestic garage and retention permission for the front porch of the existing dwelling... login required. |
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1.9km |
04/10/2024 |
Church View , Johnstownbridge , Co Kildare |
For 10 no dwelling consisting of A) eight number three bedroom semi-detached dwellings, B) one number three bedroom detached dwelling, C) on e number four bedroom detached dwelling with domestic garage, D) site infrastructure works including access road with associated footp... login required. |
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410m |
28/09/2024 |
Dublin Road , Enfield , Co. Meath |
The proposed development will consist of of the construction of a single storey extension behind the existing bungalow along with the removal of the chimneys to the existing bungalow.... login required. |
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2.3km |
12/09/2024 |
N/A |
Ballyvoneen , Enfield , Co. Kildare |
for (a) detached single storey three-bedroom dwelling (ridge height 6.2m), (b) provision for upgrade works to existing farm access road to provide new vehicular entrance, (c) installation of a well to front garden and effluent treatment system to rear garden and all associated site works... login required. |
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850m |
22/08/2024 |
Johnstown Road , Enfield , Co. Meath A83 WK25 |
(A) Subdivision of existing site (B) Erection of a new detached single storey type house in the side garden of the existing house (C) Upgrade of existing entrance to a double vehicular entrance from Johnstown Road (D) New connection to public foul sewer and all associated siteworks... login required. |
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3km |
07/08/2024 |
Kilbrook , Enfield , Co. Kildare |
for (A) erection of a storey and a half type house, (B) garage for domestic use, (C) installation of proprietary wastewater treatment system with percolation area, (D) bored well and all associated site development works... login required. |
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540m |
25/07/2024 |
Unit 3 Teach Bui , Enfield , Co Meath A83 R673 |
change of use from structural engineer office to a medical centre. New internal walls/works to be added. New signage to front of building and all ancillary works... login required. |
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670m |
10/06/2024 |
Johnstown Road , Enfield , Co. Meath A83 PR53 |
construction of a single storey extension with pitched roof to the north west side of existing single storey detached house and minor modifications both i... login required. |
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430m |
20/05/2024 |
The Sleigh Mor , Main Street Dublin Road , Johnstown Enfield Co. Meath |
the development will consist of alterations to an existing dance hall to the rear of the property in order to create additional accommodation for the existing Guest House ... login required. |
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1.7km |
20/03/2024 |
Possekstown , Enfield , Co. Meath |
the development will consist of two storey dwelling, detached domestic garage, installation of new proprietary waste water treatment system and polishing filter. The development also include... login required. |
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