350m |
24/01/2025 |
N/A |
Athlone Road , Moate , Co.Westmeath |
construction of 2no semi-detached dwelling houses with connection to public services and all associated site works ... login required. |
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620m |
17/12/2024 |
N/A |
Moategranoge , Moate , Co Westmeath |
development will consist of erection of dwelling house, installation of effluent waste water treatment system and percolation system, and also for the renovation of existing derlict building on site to form shed and all ancillary works... login required. |
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2.4km |
28/11/2024 |
N/A |
Bawnoges , Dublin Road Moate , Co Westmeath |
construction of 1) 2no. grass sport pitches; 2) 1no. astro sports pitch with associated sports fencing; 3) associated flood lighting, 4) changing rooms facilities, 5) car parking facilities, 6) new road entrance, 7) a perimeter walking track w... login required. |
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1.2km |
27/09/2024 |
13 Clara Road , Moate , Co. Westmeath |
RETENTION permission for as constructed alterations to existing dwelling and permission to deep retrofit and extend existing dwelling. Permission is also sought to demolish existing shed and all associated site works... login required. |
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350m |
27/09/2024 |
N/A |
Lake Road , Moate , Co. Westmeath |
renovate and refurbish an existing dwelling house including alterations to existing window opes and construct a new two-story extension onto both the North side and the South West sides of the dwelling house including all associated site works... login required. |
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570m |
12/09/2024 |
N/A |
Baltrasna , Moate , Co. Westmeath |
construction of a three bedroom single story dwelling. The application will also include an effluent treatment unit, percolation area, new entrance and all associated site works and drainage... login required. |
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1.1km |
29/08/2024 |
No. 7 Clara Rd , Moate , Co. Westmeath |
Retention Permission is being sought for amendments to the extension. This extension was previously granted in the application with reference 20/7067. The amendments include internal changes, an additional basement garage and the omittance of a pitched roof with a flat roof design... login required. |
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2.2km |
20/08/2024 |
Killachonna , Clibborn , Moate Co. Westmeath |
construction of a four bedroom dwelling and domestic garage. The application will also include an effluent treatment unit with percolation area, new entrance and all associated site works, landscaping and drainage... login required. |
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1.5km |
15/08/2024 |
N/A |
Legan , Ardnapondra , Killeenboylegan |
EXTENTION OF DURATION for 19/7022 for construction of 4 houses (4 no. 4 bedroom detached units). An entrance to the proposed development is to be provided on the Dublin Road. Permission is also being sought to demol... login required. |
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610m |
14/08/2024 |
N/A |
Jones Lake Road , Moate , Co. Westmeath |
development which will consist of the construction of forty-two dwelling houses which includes, 10 number 4-bedroom, detached, two-storey houses; 16 number 4-bedroom, semi-detached, two-storey houses; 2 number 1-bedr... login required. |
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1.2km |
05/07/2024 |
N/A |
13 Clara Road , Moate , Co. Westmeath |
deep retrofit and extend existing dwelling. Permission is also sought to demolish existing shed and all associated site works ... login required. |
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570m |
01/07/2024 |
Main St , Moategranoge Moate , Co. Westmeath |
development which will consist of (A) extension to existing Service Station retail building incorporating larger retail & store area (B) elevational changes to incorporate new front d... login required. |
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1.1km |
27/06/2024 |
N/A |
Weavers Row , Moate , Co. Westmeath |
construction of two number four bedroom dwellings. The application will also include new connections to existing public services, new entrance and all associated site-works, boundary treatments, and drainage... login required. |
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1.8km |
22/05/2024 |
Cooleen , Moate , Co.Westmeath |
construction of a 4 bedroom dwelling and garage. The application will also include an effluent treatment unit, percolation area, new domestic entrance, internal road to access farm buildings, a well and all associated site works and drainage ... login required. |
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360m |
21/05/2024 |
Main Street , Moate , Co. Westmeath |
development which consists of:
1. The merging of two attached properties along main street to incorporate one ground floor retail unit, the merging of two shop fronts into one single shopfront and associated signage and associated internal amendments.
2. The demolition of existing two storey extension and construction of a new two storey extension to the rear of the property.
3. The change of u... login required. |
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680m |
15/05/2024 |
Tullaghnageeragh/Aghanargit , Moate , Co Westmeath |
provision for two number, one bedroom, “short term let” residential units. The application will also include all and minor landscaping, site-works and drainage... login required. |
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360m |
07/05/2024 |
N/A |
Main Street , Moate , Co. Westmeath |
development which consists of demolition works to the rear ground floor and first floor extensions, demolition of a derelict outbuilding at the rear of the property (forge building) and partial demolition of existing boundary wall. Change of use on the first and second floors, from commercial to residential. Works also include merging two attached properties along the main street to incorporate one ground floor retail un... login required. |
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330m |
17/04/2024 |
Main Street , Moate , Co.Westmeath |
change of used of part of existing ground floor commercial premises to 1 no. 2-bed apartment and to construct an extension to same to accommodate a 1no. 1-bed apartment. To convert the existing first floor residential accommodation into 1no. 2-bedroom apartment and to construct an extension on to the rear of the first floor to accommodate another 1-bedroom apartment.
To convert the existing second floor residential accommodation into 1no. 3-bedroom apartment
The development will also consist of the following works;
- demolition of ground floor se... login required. |
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2.1km |
03/04/2024 |
Sites 8 to 11 and Adjacent Northern Lands , Moate Business Park Ardnapondra Clara Road , Moate Co. Westmeath |
development which consists of:
1. Retention permission for Change of use of existing industrial sites 10 + 11 (approx. 0.43ha) from industrial use to open storage yard use for the storage of plant and machinery on these sites. These two sites were previously granted permission (Planning Ref 00/654) for individual industrial units.
2. Retention permissi... login required. |
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370m |
02/04/2024 |
Gort an Locha , Jones' Lake Road , Moate |
development will consist of modification to previously approved planning permission Reg Ref 20/7115 to omit the ground floor single storey kitchen porches to the rear of Units No's 16 to 24; minor eastward reloc... login required. |
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