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  Carrowkeeny , Kiltoom , Co. Roscommon

Jun 28 2024

Application Received

Aug 22 2024

Decision Due
  • Submitted to Roscommon County Council, 28 / 06 / 2024
  • Application Type: RETENTION
  • Current Status: PRE_VALIDATION
  • Decision Text: N/A
  • Decision Summary: No Decision
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Retention permission and permission to apply for (A) Retention Permission to retain an existing access track and hard standing area (B) Planning permission to erect a 24-metre-high lattice telecommunications support structure... Signup to read full development description
An Bord Pleanála Information:
Creative Commons LicensePlanning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Distance: Received: Decision: Development Address: Development Description:
    0m 24/06/2024 N/A Carrowkeeny , Kiltoom , Co. Roscommon Retention permission & permission to apply for: (A) Retention permission to retain an existing access track and hard standing area (B) Planning permission to erect a 24-metre-high lattice telecommunications support structure ... login required. Details...
    2.7km 17/06/2024 N/A Gortacoosan , Kiltoom , Co. Roscommon Planning permission for construction of a new dwelling house and domestic garage, installation of proposed treatment system plus all ancillary works at... login required. Details...
    2.2km 25/04/2024 CONDITIONAL Feamore , Kiltoom , Athlone Co. Roscommon Permission to demolish an existing conservatory and build an extension to existing dwelling. The application will also include a roofed outdoor living area and minor revisions to all elevations at ... login required. Details...
    1.2km 20/02/2024 REFUSED Derryglad , Curraghboy , Co. Roscommon Permission for development which will consist of (a) Retention permission for an existing septic tank & percolation area, (b) Retention permission for a 2 bedroom timber framed house located at an existing dwellinghouse & associated siteworks at ... login required. Details...
    40m 12/02/2024 N/A Carrowkeeny , Kiltoom , Co. Roscommon Permission to erect a 24-metre-high lattice telecommunications support structure together with antennae, dishes and associated telecommunications equipment, all enclosed in security fencing, and to upgrade and extend the existing access track including the relocation of the existing entrance at... login required. Details...
    40m 09/02/2024 N/A Carrowkeeny , Kiltoom , Co. Roscommon Permission to erect a 24-metre-high lattice telecommunications support structure together with antennae, dishes and associated telecommunications equipment, all enclosed in security fencing, and to upgrade and extend the existing access track including the relocation of the existing entrance at... login required. Details...
    1.2km 01/02/2024 N/A Derryglad , Curraghboy , Co. Roscommon Retention permission for (a) Retention permission for an existing septic tank & percolation area, (b) retention permission for a 2 bedroom timber framed house located at an existing dwellinghouse & associated siteworks at... login required. Details...
    2.8km 11/12/2023 CONDITIONAL Cuan , Cornaseer , Kiltoom Retention Permission for the development consists of the following: Retention of a single storey conservatory to the east elevation of the existing dwelling and all associated site works at... login required. Details...
    2.9km 06/10/2023 CONDITIONAL Brideswell TD. , Brideswell Athlone , Co. Roscommon Permission for the following: (i) The conversion of the existing 3 No. Classroom school building into a 2 No. Classroom SEN base and all associated alterations, including an extension to its North-western gable. (ii) The demolition of an existing play shed, boiler house and removal of 2 existing small prefabricated units. (iii) The construction of a connecting single-storey 3 No. Mainstream Classroom extension to the rear of the existing school building (East), together with all a... login required. Details...
    2.4km 08/09/2023 CONDITIONAL Ballycreggan , KIltoom Athlone , Co. Roscommon Permission for the construction of a dwelling house, domestic garage/fuel store, proprietary treatment system, percolation area and associated works at... login required. Details...
    2.7km 22/08/2023 CONDITIONAL Carrick , Curraghboy , Co Roscommon Permission for erection of dwelling house and domestic garage, with sewerage treatment plant and percolation area and ancillary site development works at... login required. Details...
    2.7km 26/07/2023 N/A Curraghboy , Roscommon , Co Roscommon Permission for erection of dwelling house and domestic garage with sewerage treatment plant and percolation area, and ancillary site development works at... login required. Details...
    2.9km 17/07/2023 CONDITIONAL Brideswell Townland , Brideswell , Athlone Permission to construct a domestic garage / store. The proposed garage will also include a WC and office. The application will also include all associated site-works and drainage at ... login required. Details...
    2.9km 27/06/2023 N/A Brideswell Townland , Brideswell , Athlone Permission to construct a domestic garage/store. The proposed garage will also include a WC and office. The application will also include all associated site-works and drainage at ... login required. Details...
    10m 06/06/2023 N/A Carrowkeeny , Kiltoom , Co Roscommon Permission to erect a 24 metre high lattice telecommunications support structure together with antennae, dishes and associated telecommunications equipment, all enclosed in security fencing, a proposed access track and a turning area at ... login required. Details...
    2.7km 11/04/2023 CONDITIONAL Moyvannan , Kiltoom , Co. Roscommon Permission to construct a dwelling house, domestic garage and septic tank with percolation area and associated site works at... login required. Details...
    2.7km 11/04/2023 CONDITIONAL Carrownderry , Kiltoom , Co Roscommon Permission to construct a three bay double slatted cattle shed at ... login required. Details...
    2.7km 31/03/2023 N/A Carrownderry , Kiltoom , Co. Roscommon Permission for the construction of a three bay double slatted cattle shed at ... login required. Details...
    3km 19/08/2022 CONDITIONAL Ballycreggan , Kiltoom , Co. Roscommon Permission to construct 1 No. dwelling, garage, entrance onto road, new wastewater treatment system and percolating area and all associated site works at... login required. Details...
  • Geology & Groundwater
    Creative Commons LicenseContains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

    • Category: Rkc
    • Description: Regionally Important Aquifer - Karstified (conduit)

    • Unit Name: Visean Limestones (undifferentiated)
    • Description: Undifferentiated limestone
    • Labels: CDVIS / VIS

    • Rock at or near Surface or Karst ( X)

    Planning & Development

    Creative Commons LicenseZoning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
    • No Results...

    National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)
    Creative Commons LicenseNPWS Data is published by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    Special Area of Conservation:
    • No Results...

    Special Protection Areas:
    • No Results...

    Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Proposed Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Heritage & Conservation
    Creative Commons LicenseMonument & NIAH Building Data is published by National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Monuments:

    National Monuments within 100m of the mapped planning point

    • No Results...

    National Monument Zones of Notification:

    Is this Planning Point is within a National Monument Zones of Notification? (Section 12 National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004)

    • No Results...
    National Inventory of Architectural Heritage:

    NIAH Locations within 100m of the mapped planning point

    Name NIAH Ref # Rating / Period Original Use Current Use Protected Structure
    No Results...

    Roads & Infrastructure

    National Roads & Motorways within 500m of mapped planning point

    National Roads (N) and Motorways (M):
    • No Results...

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