1km |
03/01/2025 |
N/A |
Lisboney Business Park , Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
the construction of 5 detached commercial buildings as follows: 1 no. aircraft engine maintenance building with associated office space, 1 no. aircraft engine storage facility with associated office space, 3 no. detached warehouse buildings, detached ESB substation, detached security hut, asso... login required. |
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2km |
19/12/2024 |
N/A |
Fawnlough , Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
the construction of a vehicular entrance, dwelling house, domestic garage, septic tank and percolation area together with all associated site works... login required. |
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1.4km |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
The Eagles , Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
for construction of two rear single storey extensions of a living area and a gym, alterations to existing dwelling, demolition of existing garage and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.6km |
12/12/2024 |
N/A |
The existing Wastewater Treatment Plant , Bulfin Road , Nenagh in the townland of Nenagh North |
Please refer to public notices for full description. Development description is summarised here due to size:
Upgrade of the existing Nenagh Wastewater Treatment Plant from its current design Population Equivalent (PE) of 12,000 to a PE plant of 22,000.
The wastwater will be treated and discharged via an upgraded outfall pipe into the Nenagh River to the immediate east of the sit... login required. |
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1.2km |
07/12/2024 |
N/A |
Tyone , Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
the construction of a front porch to existing house and demolition of an existing shed and Retention Planning Permission for shed to rear of property along with all ancillary site works... login required. |
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810m |
22/11/2024 |
N/A |
New Ormond Park , Tyone , Nenagh Co Tipperary |
1. Change of use of portion of existing storage shed to club gym; 2. External signage to side of gym & storage shed; 3. 2 no additional floodlights servicing 4G pitch to rear and Planning Permission to ext... login required. |
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1.1km |
20/11/2024 |
N/A |
Castleway , Dublin Road , Nenagh |
the construction of 16 semi-detached, three-bedroom, 2-storey houses and 8 three-bedroom, two-storey terraced houses, 8 two-bedroom apartments over four storeys, new entrance gates and access road to existing holiday homes and associated site works... login required. |
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1.6km |
18/11/2024 |
N/A |
Glebe Lane , Kenyon Street Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
the demolition of the existing warehouse and the construction of 10 no. apartments (5 no. 2-Bed units and 5 no. 1-Bed units) in a four-storey block with balconies, bin storage, bike storage and all associated site development works on the site of the existing warehouse... login required. |
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2.4km |
17/11/2024 |
N/A |
Ballygraigue , Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
a new two storey dwelling with a single storey living area to the south, single storey garage and associated carport, opening of a new vehicular entrance to the site, new wastewater treatment system and polishing filter, new private water well together with all associated site development works... login required. |
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1.6km |
15/11/2024 |
N/A |
Glebe Lane , Kenyon Street Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
the demolition of the existing warehouse and the construction of 10 no. apartments (5 no. 2-Bed units and 5 no. 1-Bed units) in a four-storey block with balconies, bin storage, bike storage and all associated site development works on the site of the existing warehouse... login required. |
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1.8km |
09/11/2024 |
Fawnlough Ballygraigue Road , Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
design changes to existing planning permission ref:2360853 for a) alterations to existing single storey detached dwelling, b) new 1.5 storey/single storey extensions to side South & rear West elevation of existing d... login required. |
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1.6km |
08/11/2024 |
N/A |
The existing Wastewater Treatment Plant , Bulfin Road , Nenagh in the townland of Nenagh North |
an upgrade to the existing Nenagh wastewater treatment plant from its current design Population Equivalent (PE) of 12,000 to a PE plant of 22,000. The wastewater will be treated and discharged via an upgraded outfall pipe into the Nenagh river to the immediate east of the site. The proposed development will comprise of proposed construction of: dual inlet pumping station; storm overflow chamber complete with overflow screens; 2 no. storm tanks including storm return pumps and tank cleaning systems; preliminary treatment stream comprising: fine screens complete with screenings handling systems; grit removal system complete with fat, oil and grease removal; grit handling system and fat, oil and grease storage tank; sludge process stream comprising: sludge import station complete with ancillary equipment; waste activated sludge buffer tank complete with ancillary equipment; picket fence thickeners complete with ancillary equipment; thickened sludge tanks complete with transfer pumps; sludge dewatering system complete with outdoor sludge skips; polymer make-up and dosing plant; return liquors pumping station; sequencing batch reactor tanks and blowers with distribution chamber; ferric sulphate dosing plant; tertiary treatment disk ... login required. |
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1.8km |
30/10/2024 |
N/A |
Mackeys Place , Nenagh , Co Tipperary |
canopy type shelter over side doorway to property... login required. |
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1.5km |
25/10/2024 |
N/A |
14a & 15A McDonagh Street , Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
a single storey extension to the rear of each existing house together with all associated site works... login required. |
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1.6km |
15/10/2024 |
N/A |
Glebe Lane , Kenyon Street Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
the construction of 10 no. apartments (5 no. 2-Bed units and 5 no. 1-Bed units) in a four-storey block with balconies, bin storage, bike storage and all associated site development works on the site of the existing warehouse... login required. |
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1.8km |
10/10/2024 |
N/A |
Sarsfield Street , Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
the construction of a block wall to the north of existing open yard to subdivide the yard from existing properties & provision of a pedestrian door way to the rear yard of property numbers 26A, 27C, 28, 29A & 33 Sarsfield Street; Retain the clearing of overgrown vegetation from existing large open yard and installation of 50mm layer of blinding over existing hardcore; Retain a single storey extension to the rear of existing house number 28; Retain a single storey extension to th... login required. |
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1.8km |
09/10/2024 |
N/A |
Mackeys Place , Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
canopy type shelter over side doorway to property... login required. |
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1.8km |
03/10/2024 |
St Flannans Street , Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
development consisting of alterations to existing surgery building, 2 x stand alone prefabricated file storage buildings, 1 x stand alone prefabricated bin storage building and 1x st... login required. |
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1.3km |
01/10/2024 |
N/A |
Lissatunny , Nenagh , Co Tipperary |
a). Extension to existing dwelling b). conversion of part of outbuildings to residential use c). Septic tank and percolation area along with all associated ancillary site works... login required. |
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1.1km |
01/10/2024 |
Nenagh General Hospital , Tyone Road Nenagh , Co. Tipperary |
a . Development of a single storey extension, to the front (west) of the existing hospital, accommodating 6 no. ophthalmology clinic rooms, 4 no. ophthalmology treatment rooms and associated support accommodation, b. a new main entrance lobby, to the front (west) of the existing hospital, c. a new carpark, to the west of the hospital campus, providing 52 new car park spaces, d. a new car park, to the east of the hospital campus, providing 47 new car park spaces, e. alterations to set down area, f. ... login required. |
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