1.4km |
29/11/2024 |
N/A |
Corracunna, Coolnanave, Garrane, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork |
The application site comprises an area of c. 5.61hectares. The site is primarily located in the townland of Corracunna and is surrounded by agricultural lands to the North and East, with the N73 national route to the south, and the L90813 local road to the west. The site takes in lands at Coolnanave and Garrane, on the western side of the L90813, to the west and north west of the main site area, to provide woodland planting and an underground drainage pipe and outfall. The proposed development comprises the construction of an anaerobic digestion facility to produce renewable biomethane, CO2 (which will be captured) and a bio-based fertiliser from organic material. The total proposed gross floor area of the development (including internal plant areas and ancillary structures) will be c. 3,419.5 sq.m. Permission for the; (1) Demolition of existing single storey disused agricultural buildings, silos, and tank within the western portion of the site (total demolition gross floor area (GFA) of c. 1,781 sq.m). One single storey agricultural building (with GFA of c. 87.8 sq.m and height of c. 5.1m) will be stabilised and retained as a biodiversity building. (2) Construction of 3 no. digesters (c.15.6m in height), 2 no. digestates storage structures (c. 15.5m and 11m in height), 2 no. liquid storage tanks (c.12.2m in height) and a liquid feed tank (c. 8m in height), located in the southeast portion of the site. (3) 3 no. pasteurisation tanks (each c. 6m in height), a post-pasteurisation cooling tank (c.12.2m in height) and pre fertiliser manufacturing tank (c.12.2m in height), located in the centre of the site. (4) part single-storey and part two-storey reception hall (with a GFA of c. 2,112.6 sq.m and an overall height of c. 15.5m) to accommodate a laboratory, panel room, tool store, workshop, and storage areas, with a liquid feed intake adjacent to the reception hall, located in the central portion of the site, to the north of the digesters. (5) a single-storey solid diges... login required. |
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30m |
13/11/2024 |
N/A |
Gurrane Cottage, Gurrane, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork |
Permission to a) Refurbish existing derelict dwelling, b) Construct an extension to rear of existing dwelling, c) Install a new effluent treatment system, d) Change use of agricultural shed to rear of existing dwelling to ... login required. |
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2.4km |
25/06/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
The Demesne, Mitchelstown, Co.Cork, |
Permission to alter and extend existing dwelling incorporating the following works: demolish existing rear kitchen, construct a split-level extension to the rear & single storey detac... login required. |
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1.2km |
20/06/2024 |
N/A |
Cooleregan, Coolyregan, Mitchelstown, Co.Cork |
Permission to construct a two storey dwelling, entrance, detached single storey garage, waste water treatment system and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.8km |
20/05/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Kildrum, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork, |
Permission to demolish existing boiler house to the rear of their house, erect an extension to the side of their house, interior alterations, alter the location of the windows and doors to their house, c... login required. |
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1.2km |
02/08/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Garrane, Mitchelstown, Co Cork, |
Permission to alter and to extend existing dwelling incorporating the following works: A) To demolish ground floor front porch, rear single storey extension and first floor of existing dwelling (Total floor area circa 73 sq.m). B) Conversion of portion of existing ground floor of dwelling to domestic garage/storeroom and construction o... login required. |
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1.9km |
29/05/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Garrane, Mitchelstown, Co.Cork, |
The development will consist of the construction of 3 no. warehouse units (Unit A, Unit B & Unit C) with ancillary office and staff facilities and associated development as follows: 1) Warehouse ‘Unit A’ will have a maximum height of 15.7 metres with a gross floor area of 8,550 sq.m comprising warehouse area (7,702 sq.m) and ancillary offices (433 sq.m) with staff facilities (415 sq.m), (ii) Warehouse ‘Unit B’ will have a maximum height of 17.15 metres with a gross floor area of 11,973 sq.m comprising warehouse area (10,958 sq.m) and ancillary offices (566 sq.m) with staff facilities (449 sq.m), (iii) Warehouse ‘Unit C’ will have a maximum height of 16.5 metres with a gross floor area of 6,691 sq.m comprising warehouse area (6,141 sq.m) and ancillary offices (288 sq.m) with staff facilities (262 sq.m). The development will also include: the demolition of 2 no. existing agricultural sheds; the ... login required. |
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2km |
15/05/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Mitchelstown Business Park, Coolnanave, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork, |
1 No. business unit of 819sq.m. with external hard standing for storage of materials with palisade fencing, 4 No. business units of 294/5sq.m., 56 No. surface car parking spaces, and all associated site works.... login required. |
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2.9km |
27/09/2022 |
Conditional Permission |
Kilshanny, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork, |
Retention permission for an as constructed extension to the rear of our dwelling and permission to construct a new extension to the rear of our existing dwelling, with alterations to existing dwelling with a new percolation area and all associated siteworks.... login required. |
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2.9km |
16/08/2022 |
N/A |
Kilshanny, Mitchelstown, Co.Cork, |
Retention permission for an as constructed extension to the rear of our dwelling and permission to construct a new extension to the rear of our existing dwelling with a new percolation area and all associated site works... login required. |
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2km |
18/07/2022 |
N/A |
Garrane, Gurrane, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork |
The development will consist of the construction of 3 no. warehouse units (Unit A, Unit B and Unit C) with ancillary office and staff facilities and associated development as follows : (i) Warehouse ‘Unit A’ will have a maximum height of 15.7 metres with a gross floor area of 8,550 sq.m comprising warehouse area (7,702 sq.m) and ancillary offices (433 sq.m) with staff facilities (415 sq.m), (ii) Warehouse ‘Unit B’ will have a maximum height of 17.15 metres with a gross floor area of 11,973 sq.m comprising warehouse area (10,958 sq.m) and ancillary offices (566 sq.m) with staff facilities (449 sq.m), (iii) Warehouse ‘Unit C’ will have a maximum height of 16.5 metres with a gross floor area of 6,691 sq.m comprising warehouse area (6,141 sq.m) and ancillary offices (288 sq.m) with staff facilities (262 sq.m). The development will also include: the demolition of 2 no. existing agricultural sheds; the provision of a ... login required. |
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1.9km |
24/06/2022 |
N/A |
Gurrane, Garrane ( townland ), Mitchelstown, Co. Cork |
The development will consist of the construction of 3 no. warehouse units (Unit A, Unit B and Unit C) with ancillary office and staff facilities and associated development as follows : (i) Warehouse ‘Unit A’ will have a maximum height of 15.7 metres with a gross floor area of 8,550 sq.m comprising warehouse area (7,702 sq.m) and ancillary offices (433 sq.m) with staff facilities (415 sq.m), (ii) Warehouse ‘Unit B’ will have a maximum height of 17.15 metres with a gross floor area of 11,973 sq.m comprising warehouse area (10,958 sq.m) and ancillary offices (566 sq.m) with staff facilities (449 sq.m), (iii) Warehouse ‘Unit C’ will have a maximum height of 16.5 metres with a gross floor area of 6,691 sq.m comprising warehouse area (6,141 sq.m) and ancillary offices (288 sq.m) with staff facilities (262 sq.m). The development will also include: the demolition of 2 no. existing agricultural sheds; the pro... login required. |
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880m |
03/05/2022 |
Conditional Permission |
Coolyregan, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork, |
To demolish a derelict dwelling and to construct single storey extensions to the front, rear and side of existing dwelling, install a sewage treatment unit with percolation area and ancillary works.... login required. |
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2.7km |
01/04/2022 |
Conditional Permission |
Ballyarthur, Mitchelstown, Co.Cork, |
Permission to construct dwelling, modify existing entrance, waste water treatment system and all associated site works... login required. |
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20m |
16/03/2022 |
N/A |
Garrane, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork, |
To demolish existing derelict dwellinghouse and outbuilding ruin and to erect a dwelling house, improvements to existing vehicular entrance and all associated site works including new wastewater treatment systems.... login required. |
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