1.3km |
21/10/2024 |
Baunoges , Castleblakeney , Ballinasloe |
to construct a new dwelling house with wastewater treatment plant polishing filter, domestic garage and all associated site works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 156.23 sqm (H), 22.72 sqm (G)... login required. |
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520m |
23/08/2024 |
Lehanagh , Castleblakeney , Ballinasloe |
to construct a new dwelling house, and wastewater treatment system and all associated site works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 88.50 sqm (house) & 25.00 sqm (garage) ... login required. |
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2.8km |
16/07/2024 |
Bovinion , Mountbellew , Co. Galway |
for; (A) construction of a covered dungstead, (B) construction of a feed shed, (C) construction of a new roof and extension to existing agricultural cubicle shed with underground slatted slurry storage tanks, (D) demolition of existing milking parlour, dairy, plant room, drafting & handling facilities & ancillary rooms to be replaced with a new milking parlour, drafting & handling facilities, dairy, plant room, to in... login required. |
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2.6km |
03/07/2024 |
Ballyara , Menlogh Ballinasloe , Co. Galway |
of fully serviced dwelling house & domestic garage on revised site boundaries and all associated site works. Gross floor space of work to be retained: 194.45 sqm (house) & 50 sqm (garage)... login required. |
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2.8km |
14/03/2024 |
Eskerroe , Menlough , Ballinasloe |
to construct a serviced dwelling house, with a connection to a new wastewater treatment system, and domestic garage. Gross floor space of proposed works: 199 sqm (house) & 36 sqm (garage) ... login required. |
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2.8km |
22/02/2024 |
N/A |
Bovinion , Mountbellew , Co. Galway |
for: (A) construction of a covered dung stead; (B) construction of a feed shed; (C) construction of a new roof and extension to existing agricultural cubicle shed with underground slatted slurry storage tanks; (D) demolition of existing milking parlour, dairy, plant room, drafting & handling facilities & ancillary rooms to be replaced with a new milking parlour, drafting & handli... login required. |
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150m |
22/12/2023 |
for change of house design from that granted under Planning Reference No: 21/1063 to include all associated site works. Gross floor space of proposed works: House: 198.79sqm ... login required. |
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1.7km |
22/12/2023 |
Baunoges , Castlebalkeney Ballinasloe , Co. Galway |
of commercial shed, the extension to it, all associated site works being used for the sales of construction equipment. Gross floor space of work to be retained: 323.78 sqm... login required. |
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2.9km |
19/12/2023 |
N/A |
Gallagh , Castleblakeney , Balinasloe Co. Galway |
for the construction of a dwelling house, treatment plant and polishing filter and associated services. Gross floor space of proposed works: 250 sqm... login required. |
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2.6km |
04/12/2023 |
for change of house design to those granted under planning reference number 21/193 and all associated site works ... login required. |
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420m |
01/11/2023 |
Rahins , Mountbellew , Ballinasloe |
to construct a new dwellinghouse with wastewater treatment plant, polishing filter, domestic garage & all associated site works... login required. |
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750m |
18/09/2023 |
Baunoges Castleblakeney , Ballinasloe , Co. Galway |
to construct a new domestic garage & all associated site works... login required. |
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3km |
06/07/2023 |
Eskerroe , Galway , Co. Galway |
for construction of a single storey dwellinghouse, garage, wastewater system & associated works... login required. |
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3km |
20/06/2023 |
Shankill Mountbellew , Ballinasloe , Co. Galway |
to construct a new dwellinghouse with wastewater treatment plant, percolation area, domestic garage & all associates site works... login required. |
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1.5km |
12/06/2023 |
Corgerry Oughter , Menlough , Ballinasloe |
for revisions to the previously granted dwellinghouse (Pl. Ref. 21/2171), to include: a) single storey porch to front elevation, b) addition & revision of windows on front, rear & side elevations, & c) reduction in floor area from 256m2 to 252m2... login required. |
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2.5km |
19/05/2023 |
Bovinion Mountbellew , Ballinasloe , Co Galway |
to construct a new domestic garage and all associated site works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 49.60 sqm
... login required. |
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3km |
10/05/2023 |
N/A |
Shankill Mountbellew , Ballinasloe , Co. Galway |
to construct a new dwelling house with wastewater treatment plant, percolation area, domestic garage & all associated site works... login required. |
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2.3km |
27/03/2023 |
Cloverfield , Mountbellew , Co. Galway |
for construction of a storage shed... login required. |
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2.9km |
24/05/2022 |
N/A |
Doonwood , |
to construct a fully serviced private dwelling house with waste water treatment system and private garage/store to include all associated site works. Gross floor space of proposed works: House: 217.77sqm, Garage/fuel shed: 53.94sqm.... login required. |
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