480m |
17/01/2025 |
N/A |
Ballynagittagh , Kilconly Tuam , Co. Galway |
to retain the existing dwelling house, domestic garage/fuel store, septic tank and
percolation area all on revised site boundaries from that previous granted under pl ref numbers 00/1256 & 21/959. Permission al... login required. |
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780m |
17/12/2024 |
N/A |
Ballynagittagh , Kilconly , Tuam |
to construct a dwelling house, domestic garage, wastewater treatment system, polishing filter and all associated site services/works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 185.89 sqm(house), 67.20 sqm(garage)... login required. |
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1.5km |
03/09/2024 |
N/A |
Lissananny , Cloghans Hill , Tuam |
of existing private house and retention permission of existing private garage/garden shed all on revised site boundaries, also retention of dual entrances on to public road. original planning ref number 47516. Gross floor space of work to be retained: 137.00 sqm (house) & 45.00 sqm (garage) ... login required. |
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1.5km |
27/08/2024 |
Kilshanvy/Blindwell , Tuam , Co Galway |
of existing dwelling house on a site with revised boundaries. Permission for construction of an extension to the rear of the existing house & construction of a new site en... login required. |
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440m |
19/07/2024 |
Ballynagittagh , Kilconly Tuam , Co. Galway |
of; 1) the existing roof which has a change of design from that granted under previous planning permission reference number 01/3982, also retention of its associated second floor attic storage space (51 m2). 2) the change to the façade and fenestration of the side and rear elevations from those granted under previous planning permission reference number 01/3982. 3) the existing sub-divided hair salon shop unit (20 m2) which was previously granted as retail/ office floor space under planning reference number 01/3982. 4) the existing first floor 2 no. resi... login required. |
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2.2km |
01/07/2024 |
Beagh , Castlegrove West , Tuam |
for works on a Protected structure (reference number 3902), namely: lime render to the existing building, door opening changed to window opening and replacement of inappropriate existing uPVC windows & doors with timber windows in accordance with conservation report. Retention permission of a temporary mobile home (for the duration of the works only). Permission for the development which will consist of the demolition of an existing rear shed, the refurbishment works and co... login required. |
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2.2km |
16/05/2024 |
N/A |
Beagh , Castlegrove West , Tuam |
for works on a Protected structure (reference number 3902 as Castlegrove Gate Lodge with Galway County Council), namely: lime render to the existing building, door opening changed to window opening and replacement of inappropriate existing uPVC windows and doors with timber windows in accordance with conservation report. Retention permission of a temporary mobile home (for the duration of the works only). Per... login required. |
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2km |
10/05/2024 |
Castlegrove West , Castlegrove West , Co. Galway |
to construct a dwelling house and domestic garage with a waste water treatment plant, percolation area and all associated site works. Gross floor space of proposed works: (House) 217 sqm & (Garage) 56 sqm... login required. |
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2.2km |
20/02/2024 |
Ardour , Kilconly , Co. Galway |
of the existing dwelling house (238sqm), detached office area (33 sqm), existing treatment system and percolation area all on revised site boundaries from previously granted permission reference number 2260842. Gross floor space of work to be retained: 238 sqm (house) & 33 sqm (office)... login required. |
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940m |
10/01/2024 |
Beagh , Kilconly , Tuam |
for the change in house and garage design to that previously granted under planning reference number 21/1379 and all ancillary site works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 229 sqm (House) and 60 sqm (Garage)... login required. |
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740m |
15/12/2023 |
Beagh , Kilconly , Co. Galway |
for a change of design of extension and alterations to dwelling house from that previously permitted under planning permission ref. no. 22/60582 with all associated works and ancillary services. Gross floor space of proposed works: 89.50 sqm... login required. |
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440m |
06/12/2023 |
N/A |
Ballynagittagh , Kilconly Tuam , Co. Galway |
for: 1) the existing roof which has a change of design from that granted under previous planning permission reference number 01/3982, also full planning permission sought to retain its associated second floor attic storage space. 2) Retain the change to the façade and fenestration of the side and rear elevations from those granted under previous planning... login required. |
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2.2km |
23/11/2023 |
N/A |
Beagh , Gate Lodge Castlegrove West , Tuam Co. Galway |
for the demolition of an existing rear shed, the refurbishment works and construction of a single storey extension to an existing dwelling house/Gate Lodge. The works also include the decommissioning of an existing foul water system a... login required. |
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1.3km |
02/10/2023 |
Kilshanvy , Kilconly Tuam , Co. Galway |
for the existing dwelling house ,domestic garage/fuel store, septic tank & percolation area all on revised site boundaries from previous planning application reference number 47024 a& all ancillary site works... login required. |
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2km |
08/05/2023 |
Cloonteen Kilconly , Tuam , Co.Galway |
for change of house plans from those previously granted under Planning Register Reference Number 19/1911 and 21/616... login required. |
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1.5km |
08/05/2023 |
N/A |
Lissananny , Cloghans Hill , Tuam |
of existing private house and retention permission of existing private garage/garden shed all on revised site boundaries... login required. |
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1.4km |
07/04/2023 |
Ironpool , Kilconly , Co. Galway |
to construct a dwelling house, domestic garage/fuel store, septic tank with treatment system and percolation area and all ancillary site works. Gross floor area of proposed works: 259 sqm (dwelling house) and 60sqm (domestic garage)... login required. |
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2km |
16/03/2023 |
Ardour , Kilconly , Tuam |
to construct a single storey dwellinghouse, detached domestic garage, effluent treatment system, percolation area & all associated works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 93.50 sqm... login required. |
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670m |
20/02/2023 |
Beagh , Kilconly , Co. Galway |
for the change of house plans, from that previously granted under planning Ref. No.: 22/456. Gross floor space of proposed works: House: 233 sqm; Garage: 50.76 sqm; Total: 283.76 sqm... login required. |
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