2.9km |
21/12/2024 |
N/A |
Aughclogeen , Corrandulla , Co. Galway |
for the retention of existing structures built under previously granted planning reference number 17/940 and permission to construct a dwelling house, garage, treatment system, and all associated site works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 272.90 sqm(house) & 82 sqm(garage)... login required. |
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2.9km |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
Kilgill , Claregalway , Co. Galway |
to construct a dwelling house (125 sqm), domestic garage/fuel
store (60 m2), septic tank, treatment system and percolation area and all ancillary site works... login required. |
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1.3km |
16/12/2024 |
N/A |
Knockdoemore , Claregalway , Co. Galway |
to revise the house design previously granted under pl ref # 23/60408. Gross floor space of proposed works: 144 sqm... login required. |
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2.3km |
27/11/2024 |
N/A |
Liscananaun , Claregalway , Claregalway |
for the renovation of the existing dwelling house, to demolish the existing single-storey rear extension and to construct a new Two-Storey Extension to the rear of the existing dwelling & to replace the existing sub-standard septic... login required. |
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2.4km |
27/11/2024 |
N/A |
Corbally , Cummer Tuam , Galway |
to construct a new dwelling house, and wastewater treatment system, domestic garage, and all associated site works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 286.00 sqm(house), 40.50 sqm(garage)... login required. |
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1.9km |
03/10/2024 |
AN LEITHCHEATHRÚ MHÓR , Clareglaway , co galway |
for the construction of a rear two-storey extension to existing dwellinghouse with treatment system, percolation area and associated services. Gross floor space of proposed works: 156 sqm... login required. |
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2.7km |
02/10/2024 |
Knockdoebeg East , Claregalway , Co. Galway |
for revisions to dwelling house design, domestic garage and associated site services on revised site boundaries. Gross floor space of work to be retained: 139 sqm (house) & 46 sqm (garage)... login required. |
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2.8km |
27/09/2024 |
Cinn Uisce , Claregalway , Co. Galway |
for the construction of a single dwelling house, domestic garage, a Ter 3 Tertiary effluent treatment system & percolation area and all associated site services. Gross floor area of proposed works: 200.00 sqm (dwelling house) and 105.00 sqm (garage)... login required. |
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830m |
16/09/2024 |
N/A |
Cnoc Tua Mór , Iosta DPD , Baile Chláir |
for: (i) alterations to Reg. Ref. 06/5805 as extended under Reg. Ref. 12/72 comprising revised building location, minor elevation changes and revised internal layouts as constructed; (ii) the completed development on revised site boundaries; and, (iii) the change of use from storage use to commercial use. Planning permission to: (i) remove the restrictions attached to Condi... login required. |
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2.3km |
13/09/2024 |
Cregg , Claregalway , Co. Galway |
of: (i) the existing wall-ball facility and associated flood lighting, (ii) relocation of the car parking facility, granted under Pl. Ref. No. 01/4152, within extended site boundari... login required. |
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2.5km |
21/08/2024 |
Cinn Uisce , Abbeyview , Baile Chlair |
for the construction of an extension and modifications to an existing dwelling and for the replacement of an existing septic tank with a proprietary effluent treatment system. Gross floor space of proposed works 126 sqm... login required. |
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2.3km |
01/08/2024 |
N/A |
Liscananaun , Claregalway , Claregalway |
for the (1) renovation of the existing dwelling house (2) to demolish the existing single-storey rear extension and to construct a new two-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling & (3) to replace the existing sub-standard sep... login required. |
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1.3km |
30/07/2024 |
Knockdoemore , Claregalway , Co. Galway |
to revise the house design previously granted under planning reference number 23/60408. Gross floor space of proposed works: 187.50 sqm ... login required. |
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810m |
22/07/2024 |
Bawnmore National School , Cloghaun , Claregalway |
for the construction of an artificial pitch to replace a sod pitch, 8m high guard netting, 1m high perimeter fence and 10 no. 8m high floodlighting poles along with associated ancillary site development works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 1590 (pitch)... login required. |
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2.3km |
03/07/2024 |
Knockdoemore , Turloughmore , Co. Galway |
for the construction of a serviced dwelling with an effluent treatment system, a garage/shed together with associated services. Gross floor space of proposed works: 280.80 sqm (house) & 60 sqm (garage) ... login required. |
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2.6km |
22/05/2024 |
Corbally , Claregalway , Co. Galway |
for: (1) alterations to a previously approved domestic garage, (2) To change the use of the said garage to a 'Granny Flat' including all associated site works and se... login required. |
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220m |
07/05/2024 |
An Cárán , Caraun , Claregalway |
for change of house type to planning ref. 20/2024, construction of a serviced dwelling house and domestic garage. Gross floor space of proposed works: 181.28 sqm (house) & 30 sqm (garage) ... login required. |
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1.9km |
07/05/2024 |
Lackagh , Turloughmore , Athenry Co.Galway |
for: A) Construction of a community amenity walkway to the perimeter of GAA club grounds to cater for the club and community along with planted sensory garden with associated siteworks. B) Permission for the retention and completion of changes to site layout of training pitches granted under planning reference no. 19/1560. The proposed plan will involve revisions and re-orientation of pitches under construction on revise... login required. |
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1.8km |
26/04/2024 |
Knockdoemore , Claregalway , galway |
to construct single storey extensions to the existing dwelling. Gross floor space of proposed works: 38.30 sqm... login required. |
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