2km |
23/12/2024 |
N/A |
An Droim Thoir , Rahoon , H91KP79 |
for the construction of a new indoor training pitch facility, supplementary recreational activity amenities and all associated works and services. Gross floor space of proposed works: 4736.00 sqm... login required. |
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2km |
21/11/2024 |
N/A |
Buaile na Sruthán , Co. Galway , H91FCC9 |
of a domestic garage and alterations to elevations of the existing dwelling house and the conversion of the attic space to habitable space and to retain the installation of a... login required. |
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1.8km |
06/11/2024 |
N/A |
Buaile na Sruthán , Bushypark , Co Galway |
to construct a dwelling house, domestic garage, wastewater treatment plant and percolation area, including all associated works and services. The application includes a Natura Impact Statement Report. Gross floor space of proposed works: 470 sqm (H), 70 sqm (G)... login required. |
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670m |
30/10/2024 |
Tóin Na Brocaí , Co na Gaillimhe |
chun teach cónaithe agus córas séarachais a choinneáil agus chun an córas séarachais a uasghrádú chomh maith le gach obair a bhaineann leis an fhorbairt. Spás urláir comhlán na hoibre atá le coinneáil: 73 sqm... login required. |
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750m |
29/10/2024 |
Clybaun Road , Knocknacarra , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of; development of 33 apartments, 2 retail units and 1 medical unit... login required. |
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530m |
16/10/2024 |
Mincloon , Rahoon , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of; demolition of agricultural sheds and construction of a dwelling house, domestic garage all associated development works ... login required. |
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1.3km |
12/09/2024 |
Tóin na Brocaí , Rahoon , Co. Galway |
for the construction of a new single storey extension to existing dwelling with alterations to elevations, new wastewater treatment system and associated site works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 39.00 sqm... login required. |
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910m |
05/09/2024 |
N/A |
Ballymoneen Road , Ballyburke , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of; the construction of a 1.8 metre high post and panel fence along the site's eastern boundary and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.8km |
26/07/2024 |
N/A |
Glenlo Abbey Hotel , Kentfield , Co. Galway |
for the construction of hotel lodges consisting of the following: 6no. single storey detached houses and 1no. 2 storey detached house within the grounds of the Glenlo Abbey Hotel (protected structures no. 3441 and 3952). The proposed development ... login required. |
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920m |
19/07/2024 |
20 Riasc Na Ri , Bothar Stiofain Rahoon , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of; retention is sought for changes to elevations of existing dwelling including all associated services... login required. |
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670m |
04/07/2024 |
Tóin Na Brocaí , Co. Na Gaillimhe , H91 RKK1 |
chun Teach Cónaithe agus Córas Séarachais a choinneáil agus chun an Córas Séarachais a uasghrádú chomh maith le gach obair a bhaineann leis an fhorbairt, a chur i gcrích. Spás urláir comhlán na hoibre atá le coinneáil: 73 sqm... login required. |
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1.8km |
28/06/2024 |
An Droim Thoir , Rahoon , Galway |
for the construction of a new loose bedded shed and all ancillary concrete works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 379.44 sqm... login required. |
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1.2km |
24/06/2024 |
Tonabrocky , Rahoon , Galway |
for the construction of posts and ball stop netting and all associated works... login required. |
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840m |
06/06/2024 |
Ave Maria , Clybaun Road , Knocknacarra Galway |
Permission for development which consists of; construction of second storey over existing single storey dwelling, change of section of pitched roof to flat roof, front and ... login required. |
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840m |
29/05/2024 |
Units 19 & 20 , Wellpark Retail and Leisure Centre , Dublin Road |
Permission for development which consists of; (i)amalgamation of existing basement level units 19 & 20, (ii) change of use from existing retail and radio studio to Gym (1210sqm), (iii... login required. |
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780m |
15/03/2024 |
Keeraun , Rahoon , Galway |
Permission for a development which consists of the construct a new vehicle site entrance... login required. |
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500m |
11/03/2024 |
Mincloon , Rahoon , Galway |
Permission for a development which consists of the construction of a storage shed and all associated site works... login required. |
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840m |
02/02/2024 |
Keeraun Townland Ballymoneen Road , Knocknacarra , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of to covert an existing shed, which is a former cottage and ancestral home, into part of proposed new dwelling house by extending the former cottage, together with all associated site works... login required. |
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850m |
25/01/2024 |
Leitriff House , Letteragh , Rahoon Galway |
Permission for development which will consist of: Application to remove Condition No. 2 of the planning permission granted under Pl. Ref. 14/73; ABP Ref. 61.244946 regarding division of the property and a change of use to the dwelling unit located in the rear of t... login required. |
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