1.5km |
19/11/2024 |
N/A |
Knockneppy , Lahinch , Co Clare |
to demolish the existing derelict structure on site and to construct a new dwelling, garage, install a waste water treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works... login required. |
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2.4km |
24/10/2024 |
Gortbofarna , Maurices Mills , Co. Clare. V95 ER24 |
to construct a dwelling with on-site wastewater treatment, a new entrance and ancillary works... login required. |
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1.4km |
07/10/2024 |
Ballyea North , Ennistymon , Co Clare |
to demolish existing extension to rear and shed to side of existing dwelling, renovate and change the layout of dwelling, construct extension to the dwelling and, to install a r... login required. |
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2.8km |
20/08/2024 |
N/A |
Cullenagh , Ennistymon , Co. Clare |
to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.5km |
10/07/2024 |
Knockneppy , Lahinch , Co. Clare |
to renovate and extend the existing derelict dwelling, build a garage, install a wastewater treatment system and all other associated site and ancillary works... login required. |
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90m |
21/05/2024 |
Ballyea South , Inagh , Co Clare |
for development of a machinery shed and a livesstock slatted unit with cattle crush and a roofed manure pit with associated ancillary siteworks... login required. |
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1.2km |
20/03/2024 |
Monreel South , Ennistymon , Co Clare |
of (A) extension to the side of the dwelling, (B) the dormer elements to the front and rear of the dwelling which differs from those granted under permission No. P8/12976, (C) detached garage which diff... login required. |
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1.8km |
02/02/2024 |
Ballyea South , Inagh , Co Clare |
to renovate and change layout of the existing dwelling, remove shed to the sides and porch to front, construct extensions to the side, and rear of the dwelling, and to ... login required. |
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2.5km |
08/11/2023 |
Drumlesh , Inagh , Co. Clare |
to construct a Livestock Holding Yard with cattle crush and effluent tank with associated ancillary site works... login required. |
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810m |
01/08/2023 |
Ballyea South , Inagh , Co Clare |
for the following works, (A) Demolish an existing flat roofed extension to the rear of the dwelling, (B) Raise the roof height and make changes to the layout and elevations of the existing dwel... login required. |
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0m |
09/03/2023 |
Ballyea South , Inagh , Co. Clare |
for development to renovate and extend existing derelict farmhouse, upgrade septic tank system to proprietary wastewater treatment plant with percolation area, a private garage and associated ancillary siteworks... login required. |
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1.6km |
21/02/2023 |
Keelkyle , Lahinch , Co Clare |
of the following alterations to the existing dwelling house a) the front porch b) the rear extension c) rear balcony area along with associated site works... login required. |
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2.2km |
05/09/2022 |
Moanreel , Ennistymon , Co Clare |
to build a new dwelling house, garage and install wastewater treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works... login required. |
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1.6km |
17/06/2022 |
Keelkyle , Lahinch , Co. Clare |
to construct a dwelling house, detached domestic garage, wastewater treatment system and soil polishing filter together with all associated site development works and services... login required. |
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1.4km |
17/02/2022 |
Ballyea North , Ennistymon , Co Clare |
to retain(i) extensions to dwelling house and ancillary outbuildings as constructed and (ii) PERMISSION to construct and complete extensions to dwellin... login required. |
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