2.7km |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
Ballycahane , Kilcornan , Co Limerick |
a new dwelling house, new wastewater treatment system, percolation area, entrance and all ancillary site works. Outline Planning Ref. No. 21/490... login required. |
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1.9km |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
Boherboy , Kilcornan , Co. Limerick |
construction of a new dwelling and detached garage, the installation of a waste-water treatment system, a new vehicle entrance and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.7km |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
Ballycahane , Kilcornan , Co Limerick |
a New dwelling house, new wastewater treatment system, percolation area, garage, entrance and all ancillary site works. Outline Permission reference no. 21/491... login required. |
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3km |
06/11/2024 |
Cloonagalleen , Kildimo , Co. Limerick. |
detached garage store and associated site works... login required. |
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1.9km |
05/09/2024 |
Ballyvogue , Askeaton , Co. Limerick |
the revision of the site boundaries and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.9km |
02/09/2024 |
Ballyvogue , Askeaton , Co. Limerick |
revised site boundaries from those previously granted under planning application reference 99/1374 & 08/1397 and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.7km |
15/08/2024 |
Morenane , Askeaton , Co. Limerick |
the construction of a dwelling house, garage, new vehicle entrance, the installation of a wastewater treatment and associated site works... login required. |
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1.3km |
02/08/2024 |
Dromlohan , Kilcornan , Co. Limerick. |
the existing awnings and timber shed in the front lawn used as an outdoor classroom/ playarea for the preschool, the existing covered pargola outside the classroom area to the front of the property and the existing domestic garage at the rear of the property together will all associated site works... login required. |
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2.6km |
01/05/2024 |
Lough House , Ballyengland Upper , Askeaton |
the construction of a replacement two storey dwelling house, new two storey garage/store, new treatment system and all ancillary site works on the site of Lough House(destroyed by fire in 1998)... login required. |
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2.4km |
24/04/2024 |
Ballyengland Lower , Askeaton , Co. Limerick |
the construction of a calf shed and a dungstead and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.5km |
08/03/2024 |
N/A |
Kilbreedy , Kildimo , Co. Limerick |
the relocation of agricultural entrance with all associated site works... login required. |
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2.8km |
01/02/2024 |
Farm Lodge , Kyleavarraga Middle , Adare |
(a Protected Structure) the construction of a new first floor rear extension and a new two storey side extension along with alterations to the rear elevations and all associated site works... login required. |
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670m |
25/01/2024 |
Currahchase North , Kilcornan , Limerick |
the installation of two glamping pods, re-use of existing outbuilding for toilet & shower facilities, bicycle storage and bin storage, the installation of a wastewater treatment system, new entrance and all ancillary site works... login required. |
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2.4km |
22/01/2024 |
Cloonagulleen , Kildimo , Co. Limerick |
a new dwelling house, site entrance, waste water treatment system, percolation area and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.8km |
05/01/2024 |
N/A |
Boherboy , Kilcornan , Co. Limerick. |
the demolition of existing single storey function room / night club / restaurant / petrol station & canopy, toilet blocks / 1st. floor living accommodation and construction of new 2 stor... login required. |
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1.3km |
19/10/2023 |
Dromlohan , Kilcornan , Co. Limerick |
permission to vary condition No. 2 of planning permission no. 19/1122 in relation to the number of children to be accommodated at existing Pre-School Sessional Service and the retention of hardstand area for parking... login required. |
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3km |
22/09/2023 |
Lisnamuck , Croagh , Co.Limerick |
the construction of a new storey and a half dwelling house, new site entrance, treatment system and soil polishing filter, and all associated ancillary site works all... login required. |
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2.3km |
14/09/2023 |
Ballyshonickbane , Pallaskenry , Co. Limerick |
the relocation of existing Agricultural Entrance, construction of a Livestock underpass, effluent holding tank and all associated site works... login required. |
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3km |
10/07/2023 |
Cloonagaleen , Kildimo , Co. Limerick |
a machinery/plant store and all associated site works... login required. |
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