700m |
27/01/2025 |
N/A |
Unit 27, 52 Eastgate Drive, Kilcoolishal, Little Island, Co.Cork |
Permission for two number backlit signs, one to exterior façade of the north east elevation and one to the south east elevation of the unit 27, along with all associated site works... login required. |
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700m |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
Unit 27, 52 Eastgate Drive, Kilcoolishal, Little Island, co.Cork |
Permission for Two number backlit signs, one to the exterior façade of the north east elevation and one to the south east elevation of the unit 27, along with all associated site works... login required. |
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580m |
05/12/2024 |
N/A |
'E-Park' the former Mitsui Denman Site, Wallingstown, Little Island, Co.Cork |
Permission for a new access road and all ancillary development at ‘E-park’ the former Mitsui Denman site, (1) a new access road with a 7.5m wide 2-lane carriageway, and a 1.5m wide verge, 2m wide footpath, 2m wide cycle track and 2m landscaped strip to either side of the carriageway, to connect to the existing southern arm of the existing roundabout on the R623, with kerb realignment at the existing roundabout to facilitate HGV swept paths, (2) new entrance walls, signage, and piers, with associated landscaping, to either side of the new access road, (3) proposed shared pedestrian and cycle area to either side of the new access road to tie into the existing pedestr... login required. |
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710m |
24/10/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Unit 27, 52 Eastgate Drive, Kilcoolishal, Little Island, Co. Cork, T45KX50 |
Permission for the construction of a new roller shutter door to south east elevation of Unit 27, along with all associated ancillary site works.... login required. |
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580m |
06/09/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Little Island Industrial Estate, Wallingstown, Little Island, Co. Cork |
Permission for extension to North/rear of existing industrial building and all associated site works.... login required. |
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390m |
25/07/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Evergreen Business Park , (former Corden Pharmachem site), Wallingstown, Little Island, Co.Cork |
Permission for the construction of 1 no. light industry/warehousing unit (change of plan of the development permitted under 21/6427 (ABP-313508-22)). The change of plan proposes the construction of 1 no. single-storey light industry/warehousing unit (Unit B2) to replace 2 no. light single-storey industry/war... login required. |
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710m |
09/07/2024 |
N/A |
Inchera Industrial Estate, Inchera, Little island, Co.Cork |
Permission for erection of a 6m high free standing support structure to display a 3m high x 10m wide signage to be made visible to road users along the Wallingstown N25 link road and erection of 4m high x 10m wide fix... login required. |
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400m |
01/07/2024 |
N/A |
Evergreen Business Park (under Construction), At The Former Corden Pharmachem Site, Wallingstown, Little Island, Co. cork |
Planning Permission is sought for at Evergreen Business Park (under construction), Permitted under application register reference 21/6427 (ABP-313508-22), at the former Pharmachem site, Wallingstown, Little Island, Co. Cork.
The construction of a single-storey extension to the permitted single-storey light industry/warehousing unit B2, the omission of the permitted 2-storey internal ancillary office area to unit B2, and the amalgamation of the extended unit B2 and permitted single-storey light industry/warehousing unit B3 to form a new single-st... login required. |
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960m |
16/05/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Costa Coffee Unit, Eastgate Retail Park, Castleview, Little Island, Co. Cork |
Permission for 1) provision of a drive-thru lane for the costa coffee unit, including a canopy and service hatch on the southern side of the unit, a height restrictor/ entrance barrier on the access lane, 3.5m wide drive-thru lane, and associated hard and soft landscaping. 2) provision of associated signage consisting of 3 no. directional signs, 1 no order station and 3no. menu boards/advertisement signs, 3)alterations to all elevations of the cos... login required. |
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960m |
29/04/2024 |
N/A |
Costa Coffee Unit, Eastgate Retail Park, Little Island, Co. Cork |
Permission for the following:
• Provision of a drive-thru lane for the Costa Coffee unit, including a canopy and service hatch on the southern side of the unit, a height restrictor/entrance barrier on the access lane, 3.5m wide drive thru lane, and associated hard and soft landscaping;
• Provision of associated signage consisting of 3 no. directional signs, 1 no. order station, and 3 no. menu boards/advertisement signs;
• Alterations to all elevations of the... login required. |
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810m |
17/04/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Little Island Industrial Estate, Wallingstown, Little Island, Co.Cork |
Permission for the construction of an extension to the existing fire water retention pond and all associated site works. A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared and is included in the application. The Establishment hold... login required. |
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870m |
15/04/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Eastgate Retail Park, Eastgate Road, Kilcoolishal, Little Island, Co.Cork |
Permission for internal and elevational changes to the permitted health and wellbeing clinic (Cork County Council Reg. Ref: 23/4485) including the relo... login required. |
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810m |
28/03/2024 |
N/A |
Little Island Industrial Estate, Wallingstown, Little Island, co.Cork |
Permission for the construction of an extension to the existing fire water retention pond and all associated works. A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared and is included in the application. The establishment holds a... login required. |
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560m |
02/02/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Little Island Industrial Estate, Wallingstown, Little Island, Co.Cork |
Permission for alterations to existing industrial building namely, 1) new architectural cladding to south (front) & west (side) elevations, 2) 2 no. roller shutter doors to south (front) elevation, 3) internal alterations, 4) construction of canopy to east (side) elevation, 5) erect 2 no. signs to south (front) & west (side) elevations, 6) construct... login required. |
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270m |
08/12/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
The Little Island Sports Complex, Wallingstown, Little Island, Co.Cork |
Permission for retention of development which consists of the construction of a single-storey coffee kiosk with drive-thru; internal covered seating area, part covered external patio area, and external seating area, signage, boundary fencing, soakaway, and all associated site works ... login required. |
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660m |
13/10/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Wallingstown, Little Island, Co. Cork, T45 VP40 |
Construction of a new single-storey building extension for the storage of aluminium sections including associated underground services and site works at... login required. |
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410m |
10/08/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Wallingstown Business Park, Wallingstown, Little Island, co.Cork |
Permission for retention of the installation of two liquid oxygen storage tanks 15.81m in height and associated site works within the T82 & S2 bund at BOC Gases Ireland Ltd. The application relates to an establishment to which the Major Accident Regulations apply... login required. |
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920m |
03/08/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Inchera, Little Island, Co.Cork, |
Permission for an amendment to the permission granted under ref.15/4926 as extended by ref 20/5549 for renewable bioenergy plant. The amendment consists of: 1) omission of one permitted combined heat and power (CHP) enclosure to reduce the CHP capacity from 4MW to 1MW, 2) replacement of the CHP capacity by installation of a biogas upgrade unit to generate renewable gas from biogas, 3) installation of a gas grid entry unit to facilitate the export of renewable gas to the national gas grid, 4) installation of a carbon capture and storage unit to take the carbon dioxide stream from the biogas with associated tank and filling area to facilitate off-site export for use in industry, 5) amendments to the permitted tank farm to; a) reduce the number of tanks from the permitted 16 process tan... login required. |
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170m |
02/06/2023 |
Unconditional Permission |
Wallingstown, Little Island, Co.Cork, |
1 no. data centre building with ancillary offices, car parking, waste compound, generators, landscaping, lighting, provision of an access off the R623, the provision of back-up accesses connecting the proposal to the data centre development permitted under 17/5895 and associated boundary alterations... login required. |
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