590m |
29/11/2024 |
N/A |
Blackstone Bridge , Upper Fairhill , Lower Killeens |
Outline Planning Permission for (I) the demolition of a habitable house (230sqm) ancillary garage storage shed and 2no. manufacturing sheds (ii) the construction of 88no. residential dwellings comprising of 32no. 2-storey houses (13no. 2-bed dwellings 10no. 3-bed dwellings and 9no. 4-bed dwellings) 16no. 1-bed apartment units arranged in 3no. 3-storey apartment blocks and 40no. duplex dwellings (20no. 2-bed dwellings and 20no. 3-bed dwellings) arranged in 10no. 3-storey blocks (iii) revisions to existing site entrance to create new vehicular and pedestrian access a ... login required. |
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530m |
15/11/2024 |
N/A |
Rathpeacon , Killeens , Cork |
Permission for the construction of a two storey dwelling, installation of a wastewater treatment system and carrying out of all associated site works... login required. |
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590m |
15/08/2024 |
Townland of Rathpeacon , Killeens , Cork City |
The development involves the conversion of the existing Killeens Wastewater Treatment Plant to a Pumping Station, with wastewater pumped away to the Cork City drainage network. The development will consist of: Decommissioning of existing infrastructure at the Wastewater Treatment Plant site, including the inlet works, stormwater holding tank, primary settlement tank, Rotating Biological Contactors (2 No.), sand filter, sludge holding tank, final clarifiers (2 No.), outlet meter chamber, balancing tank, New infrastructure on the current Wastewater Treatment Plant site associated with its intended use as a pumping station, including pump sump and valve chamber, flowmeter chamber, Motor Control Centre (MCC) kiosk, new stormwater holding tank, odour control chemical storage tank and dosing plant, New access road and entrance gate on the eastern boundary of the site, post... login required. |
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680m |
01/07/2024 |
N/A |
Rathpeacon , Killeens , Cork |
A) Construction of 5 No. dwelling houses, B) Proposed entrance from Sunset Place, C) Proposed pedestrian crossing at The Lawn/Sunset Place, D) Proposed bus stop and set-down area at current bus stop, E) Associated site works, all on a site of 0.12Ha ... login required. |
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2.6km |
16/02/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Coolowen, Blarney, Co. Cork, |
Permission to a) demolish the existing dwelling house and garage, b) construct a new dwelling house, c) install a new wastewater system and all associated site works with the Monard Strategic Development Zone.... login required. |
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820m |
19/12/2023 |
Kiln Road , Killeens , Cork |
Permission for the construction of a new storey and a half style dwelling, new wastewater treatment system and polishing filter, new private bored well, new vehicular entrance to Kiln Road and all associated site works.... login required. |
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960m |
01/11/2023 |
Fairfield Meadows , Upper Fairhill , Commons |
Permission for the change of use of a community centre/creche permitted under Cork City Council Ref. No. 21/40732 to a 1-bed residential unit and all associated site development works.... login required. |
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970m |
15/08/2023 |
Fairfield Meadows , Upper Fairhill , Commons |
Permission for the demolition and removal of an existing boundary wall, the construction of a new rear boundary treatment which includes a retaining wall and fencing and ... login required. |
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690m |
24/05/2023 |
81A , Parklands Drive , Commons Road |
Permission for the following works to existing mix-use building: (i) change of use of ground floor beauty salon and adjoining hairdressing salon to provide 2 new apartments, (ii) internal layout cha... login required. |
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910m |
19/05/2023 |
55 Larchfield , Commons Road , Cork |
Permission is sought to convert an existing rear single-storey extension to a proposed two-storey extension, and to construct a dormer window to the rear of the existing dwelling house and all associated site works. ... login required. |
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850m |
05/05/2023 |
Rathpeacon , Killeens , Co.Cork |
Permission to construct a new vehicular entrance and all associated site works.... login required. |
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840m |
05/05/2023 |
Rathpeacon , Killeens , Co. Cork |
Permission to construct a new dwelling house, new vehicular entrance, new domestic wastewater treatment system and all associated site works.... login required. |
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690m |
17/04/2023 |
N/A |
81A Parklands Drive , Commons Road , Cork |
Permission for the following works to existing mix-use building: (I) Change of use of ground floor beauty salon to an apartment, (II) Internal layout changes including re... login required. |
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700m |
04/04/2023 |
80 B and 80C , Parklands Drive , Commons Road |
Permission is sought for retention of a three-bedroom single-storey dwelling house and all associated site works, formally two separate commercial units.... login required. |
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160m |
03/02/2023 |
Kiln Road , Killeens , Cork |
Permission for the demolition of existing shed and the construction of 2 no. 2-storey dwelling houses including new vehicular entrances, boundary treatments, wastewater treatment units and all associated site development works.... login required. |
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2.6km |
13/01/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Railway View, Clogheenmilcon, Lower Coolowen, Blarney, Co.Cork |
(i) retention of 58m2 garage, (ii) retention of previous extensions to the bungalow including 66m2 to the rear currently used as an apartment and 8m2 utility room/boiler enclosure to the side (74m2 total), (iii) alterations... login required. |
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880m |
13/12/2022 |
N/A |
Rathpeacon , Killeens , Cork |
Permission for the construction of 10 no. dwelling houses (change of design from that permitted under reg. ref. 21/40567) and all associated site development works.... login required. |
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2.6km |
09/12/2022 |
N/A |
Railway View, Clogheenmilcon, Lower Coolowen, Blarney, Co. Cork |
(i) Retention of 58m2 garage, (ii) retention of previous extensions to the bungalow including 66m2 to the rear currently used as an apartment and 8m2 utility room/boiler enclosure to the side (74m2... login required. |
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2.2km |
15/11/2022 |
Conditional Permission |
Monard, Rathpeacon, Co Cork, |
To erect a single storey extension and to make alterations including the demolition of the existing front porch and store/utility to the rear of their dwelling house. This is within the Monard Strategic Development Zone.... login required. |
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820m |
14/11/2022 |
Rathpeacon , Killeens , Cork |
Permission for the construction of 8 no. dwelling houses and all associated site development works.... login required. |
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