980m |
02/12/2024 |
N/A |
Munster Technological University , Rossa Avenue , Bishopstown |
Permission is sought for the construction and completion of underground firefighting water tanks (approximate capacity of 45 cubic measures) and all ancillary development. The retention works will modify the... login required. |
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870m |
15/11/2024 |
N/A |
Site of former Rose Cottage adjacent to West Cott , Rossa Avenue , Bishopstown |
Permission for the construction of a 4 no. 2-bed 2storey terraced dwelling houses and all associated and ancillary development works including bicycle storage units bin storage landscaping drainage and foul sewer works footpath and boundary treatments... login required. |
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560m |
10/09/2024 |
Eastlea , 34 The Rise , Bishopstown |
Permission for partial demolition works to existing single-storey annex to the side and rear of dwelling, for the construction of a new single-storey extens... login required. |
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390m |
26/08/2024 |
N/A |
Lands at Ardarostig and , Ballinaspig More , Waterfall Road |
Permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development at lands located at Ardarostig and Ballinaspig More, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, Cork.
The development will consist of: 164 no. residential units comprising of (i) 64 no. 3-bedroom semi-detached and terraced dwellings served by private open space in the form of private gardens, (ii) 54 no. apartments contained within 2 no. part 4, part 5 storey apartment blocks comprising 24 no. 2-bedroom apartments and 30 no. 1-bedroom apartments all served by balconies and/or ground floor terraces and (iii) 46 no. duplex units contained within 3 no. 3-storey terraced buildings and 1 no. part 3, part 4 storey terraced building comprised of 23 no. 2-bedroom and 23 no. 3-bedroom units, all served by balconies and/or ground floor terraces. The proposed development will provide for a new vehicular access and ... login required. |
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790m |
01/08/2024 |
Harleen , Hawkes Road , Bishopstown |
Permission to construct a domestic storage shed/home gym for private use.... login required. |
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730m |
17/07/2024 |
Carrigrour , Bandon Road , Bishopstown |
Retention and completion of single storey rear and side extension and permission to construct a new two storey extension to side of existing dwelling house and all ancillary site works... login required. |
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470m |
11/07/2024 |
Massabielle , Waterfall Road , Bishopstown |
Permission for (I) The demolition of the existing east facing single-storey side extension to the existing dwelling, (II) The removal of the existing lean to roof of the existing single-storey extension to the rear and (III) The construction of a ne... login required. |
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680m |
25/06/2024 |
Ardrostig , Bishopstown , Cork |
Permission for development at Ardrostig, Bishopstown, Cork. The development will consist of: The construction of a three-storey primary care centre which includes reception/waiting areas and associated administration offices, consulting rooms, dental surgery, treatment rooms, and staff welfare areas. The proposed development also includes 1 no. retail unit and 2 no. ... login required. |
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900m |
24/06/2024 |
84 Tiffany Downs , Bishopstown , Cork City |
Permission for alterations and extensions to existing terraced two-storey dwelling consisting of: Construction of a single-storey extension to side and part two-storey... login required. |
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940m |
07/06/2024 |
N/A |
Munster Technological University , Rossa Avenue , Bishopstown |
Permission is sought to construct a part single/part three storey high performance indoor athletics centre with associated sports laboratories, classrooms, studios and plant level (approx. area 5330sqm), and proposed li... login required. |
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70m |
06/06/2024 |
25 Benvoirlich Estate , Bishopstown , Cork |
Permission for proposed alterations and extension to existing single-storey dwelling at 25 Benvoirlich Estate, Bishopstown, Cork, T12KV2H. Proposed works to include: (1) Demolition of existing single-storey extension to rear of dwelling; (2) Construction of new single-storey extension to rear, conversion of attic space and construction of new flat-roof style dormer extension ay first floor... login required. |
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80m |
27/05/2024 |
No. 9 Halldene Grove , Bishopstown , Cork |
Permission for the construction of a 2-storey and single-storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling house, and the installation of roof light windows to existing attic storage space, th... login required. |
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660m |
10/04/2024 |
Two Pot , Waterfall , Cork City |
Permission to (1) Remove 2 no. office portacabins, 1 no. horse stables, 3 no. steel storage containers and 1 no. storage shed, (2) Construct a 2 storey building containing a warehouse (435sqm) and ancillary offices (334sqm), (3) Install a wastewater treatment unit and soil polishing filt... login required. |
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950m |
02/04/2024 |
Desmur , Rossa Avenue , Bishopstown |
Permission for the following works: Demolition of existing single-storey extensions at sides of existing dwelling. Construction of new extensions at sides, front and rear of dwelling, roof lights to the West elevation. Elevational, fenestration alterations and all associated works.... login required. |
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640m |
28/02/2024 |
No. 11 Dunville Crescent , Waterfall Road , Bishopstown |
Permission for alterations to existing detached two-storey dwelling to include (1) Single-storey rear extension, (2) Cantilevered first-floor extension to the front of side annex, (3) Velux roof window in rear pitch, (4) Provision of new door to rear, (5) Alterations to fenestration.... login required. |
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860m |
21/12/2023 |
N/A |
5 Saint Josephs Lawn , Bishopstown , Cork |
Permission for retention of a two-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling and all associated works.... login required. |
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920m |
20/12/2023 |
Munster Technological University , Rossa Avenue , Bishopstown |
For a 10 year grant of planning permission for proposed development to consist of the upgrading of 1974 building façade including fenestration and new ... login required. |
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620m |
01/12/2023 |
University Technology Centre , Curraheen Road , Bishopstown |
For retention permission for a three year period of an existing car park and ride facility at University Technology Centre, Curraheen Road, Bishopstown, Cork. The development consists of: The us of 100 n... login required. |
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620m |
01/12/2023 |
No. 4 , University Technology Centre , Curraheen Road |
For planning permission at no. 4 University Technology Centre, Curraheen Road, Bishopstown, Cork, T12DE92 for: The change of use of the existing building from office to medical/health service. The development also includes a two-storey extension to the front of the buildin... login required. |
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