1.7km |
13/12/2024 |
N/A |
Curravarahane, Gaggin, Bandon, Co.Cork |
Permission for the construction of a new part two storey, part single storey dwelling house, construction of an associated detached domestic garage and landscaping, drainage and entrance works... login required. |
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2.1km |
04/12/2024 |
N/A |
Laragh, Bandon, Co. Cork, |
Permission for the: - a) Demolition of existing building to western elevation of existing dwelling. b) Construction of a two storey extension to the eastern elevation of existing dwelling. c) Elevation changes to all elevations of... login required. |
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1.9km |
22/11/2024 |
N/A |
Gaggin Community Hall, Gaggin, Gaggan, Bandon, Co.Cork |
Permission for the construction of a single storey extension to contain a meeting room, office and additional toilets for community use that can also be used for playschool activities ... login required. |
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30m |
01/11/2024 |
N/A |
Laragh Industruial Estate, Laragh, Bandon, Co Cork |
Permission for the Retention of: a) the change of use from “warehouse for storage of double-glazed units” (as granted under Planning Ref. No. 07/7690) to a “metal fabrication workshop building and associated office accommodation”, b) works completed to machinery storage building, c) ... login required. |
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2.9km |
18/10/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Killowen, Enniskeane, Bandon, Co. Cork |
Permission is sought for the retention of the following: 1) change of use of existing creamery building to sheet metal workshop (50m2), 2) existing sheet metal workshop building (750m2), 3) existing two storey office building (134m2), 4) existing parts store (39m2) and 5) ancillary external hardstanding areas (1,916m2) for open storage. Permission is also sought for the demolition of the following; 1) part of existing sheet metal workshop building (52m2), 2) existing parts store (39m2) and 3) existing western boundary fence. Permission is further sought for the following; 1) rediverting the existing Derrycool stream course to the eastern boundary , 2) excavation and reducing of existing ground levels, 3) construction of the new concrete retaining walls to the west... login required. |
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2.1km |
11/10/2024 |
N/A |
Laragh, Bandon, Co. Cork, |
Permission for the: -a) Demolition of existing building to western elevation of existing dwelling. b) Construction of a two storey extension to the eastern elevation of existing dwelling. c) Elevation changes to all elevations of ex... login required. |
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2.1km |
04/10/2024 |
N/A |
Curryclogh, Bandon, Co. Cork, |
Permission to construct a dwelling house, to install a domestic waste water treatment system and to carry out all associated site works.... login required. |
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2.7km |
23/09/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Kitty White Cottage, Cappaknockane, Enniskeane, Co.Cork |
Permission for the proposed demolition of an attached shed, alterations and extension to an existing dwelling, the provision of a new detached storage shed and all associated site works.... login required. |
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2.9km |
17/09/2024 |
N/A |
Stroker Fabrication Ltd, Killowen, Enniskeane, Bandon, Co.Cork |
Permission is sought for the retention of the following: 1) change of use of existing creamery building to sheet metal workshop (50m2), 2) existing sheet metal workshop building (750m2), 3) existing two storey office building (134m2) and 4) ancillary external hardstanding areas (1,916m2) for open storage. Permission is also sought for the demolition of the following; 1) part of the existing sheet metal workshop building (52m2), 2) existing parts store (39m2) and 3) existing western boundary fence. Permission is further sought; 1) rediverting the existing Derrycool Stream course to the eastern boundary, 2) excavation and reducing of existing ground levels, 3) construction of the new concrete retaining wal... login required. |
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2.7km |
02/09/2024 |
N/A |
Kitty White Cottage, Cappaknockane, Enniskeane, Co. Cork |
Permission for the proposed demolition of an attached shed, alterations and extensions to an existing dwelling, the provision of a new detached storage shed and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.5km |
19/08/2024 |
N/A |
Castleheights, Coolfadda, Bandon, co.Cork |
Permission for the construction of a development consisting of 22 no. residential units and all ancillary site development works. The proposed development includes the construction of 18 no. dwelling houses comprising 8 no. 4 bedroom semi-detached dwelling houses, 6 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached /townhouse units and 4 no. 2 bedroom townhouse units. The proposed development also consists of the construction of 2 no. 2 storey apartment buildings containing 4 no. ... login required. |
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2.4km |
06/08/2024 |
N/A |
Curryclogh, Bandon, Co Cork, |
Permission for (a) Demolition of a side wing to an existing dwelling house, (b) Construction of an extension to the existing dwelling house, (c) Elevational changes to the existing dwelling house to provide for additional windows, (d) Partial demolition of existing farmyard buildings and change of use of existing farm out buildings to 2 no. residential apart... login required. |
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30m |
06/08/2024 |
N/A |
Lauragh Industrial Estate, Lauragh, Bandon, Co Cork |
a) Permission for Retention of works completed to a machinery storage building, b) Permission for Retention of a materials storage building, c) Permission for Retention of associated hardstanding apr... login required. |
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2.4km |
24/06/2024 |
N/A |
Curryclogh, Bandon, Co. Cork, |
Permission for (a) demolition of a side wing to an existing dwelling house, (b) construction of an extension to the existing dwelling house, (c) elevational changes to the existing dwelling house to provide for additional windows, (d) change of use of existing farm out buildings to 2 no. residentia... login required. |
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2.6km |
31/05/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Roughgrove East, Bandon, Co.Cork, |
Permission for the construction of a domestic garage and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.4km |
28/05/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Shinagh, Bandon, co.Cork, |
Permission for the construction of a portal frame building to accommodate on-farm grass and grass liquid processing, external bunded tank area, new wastewater treatment system... login required. |
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2.6km |
26/04/2024 |
N/A |
Roughgrove, Bandon, Co. Cork, |
Permission for the construction of a domestic garage and all associated site works.... login required. |
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2.4km |
09/04/2024 |
N/A |
Gurteen Gate Lodge, Gurteen, Bandon, Co. Cork |
Permission for the refurbishment and extension to an existing derelict Gate Lodge, (NIAH Reg No 20909643), new wastewater treatment plant and all associated site works.... login required. |
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1.3km |
21/03/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Killountain, Bandon, Co.Cork, |
Permission for the construction of a new dwelling, detached garage, treatment system, private well, domestic entrance and all associated site works... login required. |
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