550m |
16/05/2022 |
N/A |
Unit 2B , Park Road Business Park , Park Road |
of the existing front elevation of unit, and PERMISSION for the change of use of ground floor from light industrial unit to proposal pizzeria bar with takeaway facilities, together with all other associated site works... login required. |
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310m |
06/05/2022 |
N/A |
1 Grange Park Crescent , Waterford City , X91 ED1K |
construct single storey family room side extension and rear shower/WC room extension with new foul drainage connected to existing Public Foul Drainage with all associated site works to dwelling house... login required. |
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530m |
21/04/2022 |
N/A |
Unit 2B , Park Road Business Park , Park Road |
RETENTION PERMISSION of the existing front elevation of unit and PLANNING PERMISSION for the change of use of ground floor from light industrial unit to proposed pizzeria bar with takeaway facilities, together with all other associated site works... login required. |
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110m |
19/04/2022 |
N/A |
Newtown School Grounds , Corner of Wilkin Street , and Passage Road |
for demolition of a portion of the existing 20th Century rubble stone boundary wall of approximately 30 metres long and c. 2.5m high. Reconstruction of the boundary wall in rubble stone to new alignment to enclose a portion of the existing footpath to the south west of the current school boundary. This area of footpath totals 62sqm and is currently in the control of Waterford City and ... login required. |
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820m |
12/04/2022 |
N/A |
"Wander Inn" , 1-2 Johnstown , Waterford |
development which will consist of the change of use on the ground floor from a licenced premises, the front to be used for treatment rooms and retail including a nail bar, and the rear to be used by a registered charity Treo Port Lairge CLG (CHY 14715,... login required. |
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650m |
12/04/2022 |
N/A |
Tearmann House , Annaville , Dunmore Road |
INDEFINITE RETENTION (within the curtilage of a PROTECTED STRUCTURE) of roadside boundary fence as constructed and PERMISSION for deletion of Condition 3 (a) of 18/777... login required. |
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870m |
05/04/2022 |
N/A |
Roncalli , Hillside Park , Dunmore Road |
a single storey extension to the side and rear of the existing bungalow dwelling and alteration to the entrance at the front of the property... login required. |
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370m |
14/03/2022 |
N/A |
Saint Grellans , 33 Johns Hill , Waterford |
the subdivision of the existing house and site, with the three story return adjoining Johns Hill divided from the rest of the house, to create two separate dwellings... login required. |
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970m |
24/02/2022 |
Junction of Lombard Street and , The Mall , Waterford |
SECTION 254 LICENCE for Fingerpost Sign ... login required. |
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290m |
22/02/2022 |
4 Suir View , Newtown Road , Waterford |
to convert the attic of property to accessible storage space. Works will include installing a new stairs from the second floor to the attic, installation of a steel frame to support the modified roof, install 3 no. roof lights to the rear facing roof, with associated works to the roof and gable wall to facilitate the works. Permission is also sought to remove the existing PVC wind... login required. |
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320m |
15/02/2022 |
Fairview (House) , 19 Newtown Road , Waterford |
development at this site (a protected structure) which consists of the removal of part of a railing and low wall on the Newtown Road Boundary, and the relocation of part of the railing and low wall within the site, to accommodate off-street parking for 2 no. cars and all associated site works... login required. |
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650m |
10/02/2022 |
N/A |
Tearmann House , Annaville , Dunmore Road |
RETENTION PERMISSION for indefinite retention (within the curtilage of a PROTECTED STRUCTURE) of roadside boundary fence as constructed and PERMISSION sought for deletion of condition 3(a) of 18/777... login required. |
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570m |
09/02/2022 |
No. 39 St. Ursula's Terrace , Ballytruckle , Waterford |
INDEFINITE RETENTION of 2 storey extension to rear of dwelling... login required. |
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120m |
08/02/2022 |
N/A |
Newtown School grounds at the corner of , Wilkin Street and Passage Road , Waterford |
demolition of a portion of the existing 20th Century rubble stone boundary wall of approximately 30 metres long and c.2.5m high at the junction of Wilkin Street and Passage Road. Reconstruction of the boundary wall in rubble stone to a new alignment to enclose a portion of the existing footpath to the south west of the current school boundary. This area of footpath totals 62sq.m and is currently in the control o... login required. |
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890m |
23/12/2021 |
Units B1 &B2 , Railway Square , Waterford |
INDEFINITE RETENTION of as constructed alterations namely for INDEFINITE RETENTION of change of use at Unit B2 (210sqm), from retail to hot food restaurant and amalgamation of same with existing restaurant Unit B1 (223sqm) forming a restaurant premises with a total area of 433sqm; for INDEFINITE RETENTION of as constructed outdoor seating areas to front and side of unit B1 (being 261sqm & 23sqm respectively) with associated retract... login required. |
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870m |
22/12/2021 |
Durand's Court , Parnell Street , Waterford |
remove portion of existing pitched roof, extend 3rd floor level to accommodate additional training/educational use and to reinstate pitched roof to match adjoining roof... login required. |
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930m |
14/12/2021 |
CJ Deevy Motor Factors , 48 Parnell Street , Waterford City |
the construction of a first-floor apartment with external access stairs over existing shop unit... login required. |
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920m |
30/11/2021 |
29 & 30 Manor Street , Waterford |
PERMISSION sought for material change of use from existing office to 4 no. residential units and for modifications to rear elevations... login required. |
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920m |
03/11/2021 |
N/A |
Parnell House , Parnell Street , Waterford |
the INDEFINITE RETENTION of change of use of part of the rear yard to a beer garden and for the 2 no., as constructed clear corrugated roofs, all with associated site development works... login required. |
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900m |
27/10/2021 |
N/A |
33 John Street , Waterford |
permission for a Café to ground floor with provision of kitchen and provision of staff and client toilets to ground floor demolition of bathroom on Mezzanine floor level to overhead accommodation (overhead residence) and construction of bathroom & kitchen to first floor level... login required. |
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