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  40, The Cox, The Orchard, Old Leixlip Road, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78NX65

Dec 02 2024

Application Received

Jan 30 2025


Feb 05 2025

Decision Due
  • Submitted to South Dublin County Council, 02 / 12 / 2024
  • Application Type: Permission
  • Current Status: Registered Application
  • Decision Text: GRANT PERMISSION
  • Decision Summary: Granted
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An Bord Pleanála Information:
Creative Commons LicensePlanning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Distance: Received: Decision: Development Address: Development Description:
    350m 29/01/2025 N/A 31, Ardeevin Aveue, Lucan, Dublin, K78 F9F3 Creation of new vehicular entrance to accommodate 1 car park space, Contract new 2 bed single storey dwelling. Construct new 1.8M high retaining wall to replace existing retaining wall (Dangerous Condition) and form pedestrian gate entrance on Adreian court ... login required. Details...
    960m 24/12/2024 GRANT PERMISSION Chapel Hill, Lucan, Co. Dublin. Removal of existing prefabricated structure on site with replacement permanent detached two storey/dormer structure located to the south-west of the site for mixed flexible community uses (such as childcare/creche/playschool/c... login required. Details...
    1km 22/12/2024 GRANT PERMISSION Chapel Hill, Lucan, Co. Dublin. Permission for the removal of existing prefabricated structure on site with replacement permanent detached two storey/domer structure located to the north-east of the site for mixed flexible community uses (such as childcare/creche/playsch... login required. Details...
    2km 20/12/2024 N/A Cooldrinagh Lane, Leixlip, Co.Dublin Permission for the development of 6 Nr dwelling houses at Cooldrinagh Lane, Leixlip, Co. Dublin, in the townland of Cooldrinagh. The Site is located to the south of Cooldrinagh Lane (house), and to the west of Cooldrinagh Lane. The proposed development will consist of the construction of 6 No. 2 storey detached 4-bedroom houses. The proposed development will be served by... login required. Details...
    330m 20/12/2024 N/A 2.17 ha site to the north of the N4 Lucan by-pass and to, the east of Ardeevin Manor and Ardeevin Co, (Lucan and Pettycanon townlands), Lucan, County Dublin, K78 XT10 Killross Properties Limited, intend to apply for permission for a residential development of 97 dwellings (consisting of 45 no. houses, 48 no. apartments and 4 no. duplexes), the demolition of 7 no. structures including 3 no. habitable dwellings, a 293.1 sq.m creche facility and all ancillary development, on a 2.17 ha site to the north of the N4 Lucan by-pass and to the east of Ardeevin Manor and Ardeevin Court, (Lucan and Pettycanon townlands), Lucan, County Dublin. Vehicular access is proposed from Ardeevin Avenue, Ardeevin Manor to the west, and cyclist and pedestrian access is proposed from Primrose Lane to the northThe proposed development comprises: 1. The Demolition of 7 no. existing structures on site including storage units, a community building and 3 no. habitable dwellings (999.92 sq.m)2. The Constr... login required. Details...
    1.3km 19/12/2024 N/A Doddsborough, Adamstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin This application is being made in accordance with the Adamstown Planning Scheme 2014 (as amended) and relates to Phase 3 of development within the Tandy's Lane Village Development Area of the Adamstown Strategic Development Zone. The development also includes amendments to the permitted Phase 1 and Phase 2 Developments within the Tandy's Lane Village Development Area. The proposed development (10,828 sq. m) will principally consist of the construction of: a part 5 No. to part 7 No. storey building (9,864 sq. m in total) comprising 108 No. residential apartment units (4 No. studios, 50 No. 1-bed units, and 54 No. 2-bed units), 3 No. retail units (total of 486 sq. m), a café (172 sq. m) and a creche (457 sq. m); and a 2 No. storey building comprising retail services use (964 sq. m). The development will also include: amendments to the parking layout, landscaping and the removal of 2 No. vehicle entrances all permitted to the west of th... login required. Details...
    2.9km 17/12/2024 N/A Confey GAA Club Creighton Park , Leixlip , Co Kildare for the construction of a 1913 Sqm enclosed astro turf playing pitch. Lighting to be provided by 4 No 15m high spotlights poles with up to 7 clustered light fittings on each (1 No pole locat... login required. Details...
    1.7km 11/12/2024 SEEK CLARIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL INFO. 8, Airlie View, Finnstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin. Construction of a two storey extension to the side and a first floor extension to the side and a first floor extension over the existing single storey rear return and a new first floor window facing the public road and all ancillary site works.... login required. Details...
    470m 11/12/2024 N/A 6, The Mall, Main Street, Lucan, Dublin Construction of a detached dormer bungalow to the rear garden and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    340m 11/12/2024 N/A 18, Sarsfield Park, Lucan And Pettycanon, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 N2A3 Installation of a new folding metal gate at the driveway entrance to facilitate vehicular access, along with the erection of a new metal boundary fence and a pedestrian gate to the front of the property.... login required. Details...
    2.9km 02/12/2024 N/A Confey GAA Club , Creighton Park , Leixlip for the construction of a 1913 Sq Metre enclosed astro turf playing pitch. Lighting to be provided by 4 No 15m high spotlights poles with up to 7 clustered light fittings on each (1 No pole locat... login required. Details...
    340m 28/11/2024 WITHDRAW THE APPLICATION 18, Sarsfield Park, Lucan & Pettycannon, Co. Dublin, K78 N2A3 Installation of a new folding metal gate at the driveway entrance to facilitate vehicular access, along with the erection of a new metal boundary fence and a pedestrian gate to the front of the property.... login required. Details...
    1.9km 22/11/2024 GRANT PERMISSION St Helens Avenue, Finnstown, Adamstown, Co Dublin, K78 A2H6 The proposed development comprises the provision of a new access road (approx. 28.5m in length) to facilitate the creation of a future vehicular entrance to the site of Airlie House (a Protected Structure) from St. Helens Avenue; and all associated and ancillary site development works including the relocation of 6no. existing unallocated car parking spaces on St. Helen's Avenue to th... login required. Details...
    3km 21/11/2024 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Thomas Omer Way,, (east of Kishoge Community College), Balgaddy, Lucan, CO DUBLIN The development consists of the retention and completion of revisions to a section of the northern site boundary comprising the omission of the pedestrian/cycle access (consisting of ramp and stairs) off Thomas Omer Way and the repositioning of the pedestrian access c. 6 m in an easterly direction to co-join with the permitted vehicular access. The amendments do not involve any changes to the position of the permitted vehicular access itself and the access road remains in accordance with ... login required. Details...
    2.6km 20/11/2024 GRANT PERMISSION & GRANT RETENTION Maxol Service Station Site, Newcastle Road, Adamstown, Co. Dublin, K78 X4E1 Permission and Retention permission for development at this site (total c. 0.42 ha) at Maxol Service Station, Newcastle Road, Adamstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 X4E1 (c. 0.29 ha) and the adjoining unused lands (c. 0.13 ha) to the south located at the junction of Newcastle Road and the Adamstown Industrial Estate access road. The development for which permission is sought will consist of: Change of use and incorporation of the unused lands (c. 0.13 ha) into the service station site and removal of the intervening boundary; Construction of an EV Charging Hub (consisting of 6 No. EV charging car parking spaces, canopy, substation and ancillary plant, and associated signage (6 No. x 2.5 sq m above the charging spaces, and 2 No. x 9.5 sq m single-sided internally illuminated totem signs)); Revisions to the overall site layout (resulting in the provisions of 33 No. car parking spaces (an increase of 15 No. car parking spaces) excluding the EV Hub spaces), motorbike and bicycle parking, alterations to vehicular circulation, relocation of air and water services, offset fills, vents and associated chambers; Provision of replacement foul water treatment plant wi... login required. Details...
    1.4km 19/11/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 5, Shackleton Lodge, Lucan, Co Dublin The construction of a single storey rear extension incorporating an extended kitchen/dining /Living space, Plus all associated site works within a Strategic Development Zone... login required. Details...
    1.6km 08/11/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 11, Shackleton Square, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 Y0C0 Conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, new access stairs, new gable window, 4no. roof windows to the front and 2no. roof windows to the rear.... login required. Details...
    1.5km 01/11/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 9, Shackleton Wood, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 Y2C0 Attic conversion to non-habitable storage space with roof windows to front and rear of existing roof all with associated ancillary works.... login required. Details...
    2.2km 29/10/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 7, Aderrig Place, Adamstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 C9C4 Proposed development within Area 8 of the Adamstown Strategic Development Zone comprising part change of use of existing dwelling to allow a crèche (46.5 sqm) to operate from the premises for a temporary period of five years, involving minimal internal alterations at first-floor level.... login required. Details...
  • Geology & Groundwater
    Creative Commons LicenseContains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

    • Category: Ll
    • Description: Locally Important Aquifer - Bedrock which is Moderately Productive only in Local Zones

    • Unit Name: Lucan Formation
    • Description: Dark limestone & shale (`calp)
    • Labels: CDLUCN / LU

    • High ( H)

    Planning & Development

    Creative Commons LicenseZoning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
    • No Results...

    National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)
    Creative Commons LicenseNPWS Data is published by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    Special Area of Conservation:
    • No Results...

    Special Protection Areas:
    • No Results...

    Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Proposed Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Heritage & Conservation
    Creative Commons LicenseMonument & NIAH Building Data is published by National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Monuments:

    National Monuments within 100m of the mapped planning point

    • Cross (CROS) - #DU00874

    National Monument Zones of Notification:

    Is this Planning Point is within a National Monument Zones of Notification? (Section 12 National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004)

    • No Results...
    National Inventory of Architectural Heritage:

    NIAH Locations within 100m of the mapped planning point

    Name NIAH Ref # Rating / Period Original Use Current Use Protected Structure
    Lucan House 11201146 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1772 - 1805 monument Same as Original Yes
    Lucan House 11201137 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1775 - 1800 stables Yes
    Lucan House 11201139 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1775 - 1800 worker's house Yes
    Lucan House 11201138 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1775 - 1800 demesne walls/gates/railings Same as Original Yes
    Lucan House 11201147 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1770 - 1800 demesne walls/gates/railings Same as Original Yes
    Rose Cottage 11201027 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1830 - 1850 house Yes
    Annadale 11201026 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1820 - 1840 house Same as Original Yes
    Rusheen House 11201025 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1820 - 1840 house office Yes
    No Building Name 11201023 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1840 - 1860 walled garden Yes
    Gardenville 11201024 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1735 - 1740 steward's house house Yes
    The Forge 11201028 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1820 - 1840 forge/smithy Yes
    No Building Name 11204016 (Survey ID: SURV001) Regional, 1770 - 1800 house Yes
    Sarsfield Monument 11201146 (Survey ID: SURV001) , 1772 - 1805 monument Same as Original N/A
    No Building Name 11201137 (Survey ID: SURV001) , 1775 - 1800 stables house N/A
    No Building Name 11201139 (Survey ID: SURV001) , 1775 - 1800 worker's house Same as Original N/A
    No Building Name 11201138 (Survey ID: SURV001) , 1775 - 1800 gate lodge Same as Original N/A
    Rose Cottage 11201027 (Survey ID: SURV001) , 1830 - 1850 house office N/A
    Annadale 11201026 (Survey ID: SURV001) , 1820 - 1840 house Same as Original N/A
    Gerry Cosgrove Travel 11201025 (Survey ID: SURV001) , 1820 - 1840 house office N/A
    No Building Name 11201023 (Survey ID: SURV001) , 1840 - 1860 walled garden gates/railings/walls N/A
    Gardenville 11201024 (Survey ID: SURV001) , 1840 - 1860 house Same as Original N/A
    Pettycanon Cottage/The Forge 11201028 (Survey ID: SURV001) , 1820 - 1840 forge/smithy house N/A
    No Building Name 11204016 (Survey ID: SURV001) , 1770 - 1800 house office N/A

    Roads & Infrastructure

    National Roads & Motorways within 500m of mapped planning point

    National Roads (N) and Motorways (M):
    • M/N04

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